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A 1/12° global version of the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) using 3-hourly atmospheric forcing is analyzed and directly compared against observations from the International Nusantara STratification ANd Transport (INSTANT) program that provides the first long-term (2004–2006) comprehensive view of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) inflow/outflow and establishes an important benchmark for inter-basin exchange, including the net throughflow transport. The simulated total ITF transport (−13.4 Sv) is similar to the observational estimate (−15.0 Sv) and correctly distributed among the three outflow passages (Lombok Strait, Ombai Strait and Timor Passage). Makassar Strait carries ∼75% of the observed total ITF inflow and while the temporal variability of the simulated transport has high correlation with the observations, the simulated mean volume transport is ∼37% too low. This points to an incorrect partitioning between the western and eastern inflow routes in the model and is the largest shortcoming of this simulation. HYCOM simulates the very deep (>1250 m) overflow at Lifamatola Passage (−2.0 Sv simulated vs. −2.5 Sv observed) and indicates overflow contributions originating from the North (South) Equatorial Current in boreal winter–spring (summer–autumn). A new finding of INSTANT is the mean eastward flow from the Indian Ocean toward the interior Indonesian Seas on the north side of Ombai Strait. This flow is not robustly simulated at 1/12° resolution, but is found in a 1/25° version of global HYCOM using climatological forcing, indicating the importance of horizontal resolution. However, the 1/25° model also indicates that the mean eastward flow retroflects, turning back into the main southwestward Ombai Strait outflow, and in the mean does not enter the interior seas to become part of the water mass transformation process. The 1/12° global HYCOM is also used to fill in the gaps not measured as part of the INSTANT observational network. It indicates the wide and shallow Java and Arafura Seas carry −0.8 Sv of inflow and that the three major outflow passages capture nearly all the total Pacific to Indian Ocean throughflow.  相似文献   

The role of the Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) in the influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) on ENSO is investigated using version 2 of the Parallel Ocean Program(POP2) ocean general circulation model. We demonstrate the results through sensitivity experiments on both positive and negative IOD events from observations and coupled general circulation model simulations. By shutting down the atmospheric bridge while maintaining the tropical oceanic channel, the IOD forcing is shown to influence the ENSO event in the following year, and the role of the ITF is emphasized. During positive IOD events,negative sea surface height anomalies(SSHAs) occur in the eastern Indian Ocean, indicating the existence of upwelling.These upwelling anomalies pass through the Indonesian seas and enter the western tropical Pacific, resulting in cold anomalies there. These cold temperature anomalies further propagate to the eastern equatorial Pacific, and ultimately induce a La Nia-like mode in the following year. In contrast, during negative IOD events, positive SSHAs are established in the eastern Indian Ocean, leading to downwelling anomalies that can also propagate into the subsurface of the western Pacific Ocean and travel further eastward. These downwelling anomalies induce negative ITF transport anomalies, and an El Nio-like mode in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean that persists into the following year. The effects of negative and positive IOD events on ENSO via the ITF are symmetric. Finally, we also estimate the contribution of IOD forcing in explaining the Pacific variability associated with ENSO via ITF.  相似文献   

利用海气耦合模式模拟印度尼西亚贯穿流   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)发展的全球耦合气候系统模式(FGCM-1.0)100年数值模拟结果, 分析了模式模拟的印度尼西亚贯穿流(ITF)的平均态、季节变化和年际变化, 并且利用这些资料对ITF季节变化和年际变化的成因做了初步分析.模式模拟的ITF平均态、季节变化和年际变化同已有的观测结果相比是合理的, 经作者分析认为ITF的季节变化主要是因为印度尼西亚海域地处亚澳季风区, 海流对于季风的响应使得ITF发生季节变化; ITF的年际变化主要是因为热带环流的年际变化及其所导致的洋流调整造成的, 太平洋和印度洋都有影响.  相似文献   

A quasi-global eddy permitting oceanic GCM, LICOM1.0, is run with the forcing of ERA40 daily wind stress from 1958 to 2001. The modelled Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) is reasonable in the aspects of both its water source and major pathways. Compared with the observation, the simulated annual mean and seasonal cycle of the ITF transport are fairly realistic. The interannual variation of the tropical Pacific Ocean plays a more important role in the interannual variability of the ITF transport. The relationshipbetween the ITF and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) also reflects the influence of ENSO. However, the relationship between the ITF transport and the interannual anomalies in the Pacific and Indian Oceans vary with time. During some years, (e.g., 1994), the effect of a strong IOD on the ITF transport is more than that from ENSO.  相似文献   

Tides affect transport and mixing in the Indonesian Seas, impacting the throughflow and the return flow of the global thermohaline circulation. In a previous study, barotropic and baroclinic tides were simulated for the Indonesian Seas at 5 km resolution in order to characterize the tides of the region and to identify and quantify locations of tidal mixing. Baroclinic tidal velocities exceeded barotropic velocities except in shallow regions and their variability was on smaller scales. Model results agreed reasonably with observations and are consistent with the resolution. However, only four mooring locations were available for comparison. The new International Nusantara Stratification (INSTANT) data set enables a more comprehensive comparison. With the exception of Lombok Strait, the model replicated the observed INSTANT velocity spectra, falling within the 90% confidence limits of the observed spectra, both in regions of high and low baroclinic tidal activity for the band of frequencies from 0.02 cph to 0.33 cph (periods of 50–3 h, respectively), which includes the major semidiurnal and diurnal tides and several of their first harmonics. The model overestimated the semidiurnal baroclinic tides in the narrow Lombok Strait, which is not well resolved in the model. Comparisons of vertical profiles of the major axes of the tidal ellipses at the mooring sites generally reproduced the vertical pattern, although there were exceptions, such as Lombok and Ombai Straits. Rms differences between the model estimates and hourly observations for the major axes of the tidal ellipses were typically 1–8 cm s−1 in regions of high tidal activity, 1–5 cm s−1 in regions of low tidal activity, and 1–20 cm s−1 for the semidiurnal tides in Lombok and Ombai Straits. Rms errors of 1–6 cm s−1 are typical in regions of moderate baroclinic tidal activity at this model resolution (5 km). Many of the larger rms differences result from vertical discrepancies in the depths of the internal tidal beams. The local nature of the internal tides generation and beam propagation results in large differences from small vertical shifts in the beams or generation due to topographic differences between the model topography and the actual topography. In addition, the moorings experienced severe blowdown. The blowdown adds uncertainty to the depths of the instruments and introduces errors in the observational tidal analysis in magnitude of the tidal constituents, both of which contribute to rms differences. Tidal mixing was found to occur in intense local regions with strong internal tidal shear. The local regions of mixing were typically along the bottom in steep slopes and over sills. In conclusion, the tidal model was found to reproduce the kinetic energy distribution and transfer of energy from tides to other frequencies in the Indonesian Seas and to roughly replicate the observed structure and magnitude of the tidal currents. Improvements in the tidal simulations in reproducing observations are expected with increased resolution.  相似文献   

Impacts of the South China Sea Throughflow (SCST) on seasonal and interannual variations of the Indonesian Throughflow are studied by comparing outputs from ocean general circulation model (OGCM) experiments with and without the SCST. The observed subsurface maximum in the southward flow through the Makassar Strait is simulated only when the SCST, which is driven by the large-scale wind, is allowed in the model. The mean volume and heat transport by the Makassar Strait Throughflow are reduced by 1.7 Sv and 0.19 PW, respectively, by the existence of the SCST in the model. The difference is particularly remarkable during boreal winter when the SCST reaches its seasonal maximum. Furthermore, the SCST is strengthened during El Niño, leading to the weakening in the southward volume and heat transport through the Makassar Strait by 0.37 Sv and 0.05 PW, respectively. These findings from the OGCM experiments suggest that the SCST may play an important role in climate variability of the Indo-Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

利用卫星高度计资料,研究了季节内Kelvin波在印度尼西亚贯穿流海域的传播。起源于赤道印度洋的Kelvin波抵达印度洋东边界后,以沿岸Kelvin波的形式沿苏门答腊-爪哇岛西南沿岸向东传播,15天后抵达龙目海峡,并分为三支:一支向北传播,5天后抵达望加锡海峡,相速度约为1.69 m s~(-1);一支向东传播,5天后抵达翁拜海峡,相速度约为1.91–2.86 m s~(-1);一支沿松巴岛西南沿岸传播,相速度约为1.96 m s~(-1)。季节内Kelvin波在该海域的传播速度与第一和第二斜压模Kelvin波一致。  相似文献   

Lag correlations of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs), sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs), subsurface temperature anomalies, and surface zonal wind anomalies (SZWAs) produced by the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model: Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2) are analyzed and compared with observations. The insignificant, albeit positive, lag correlations between the SSTAs in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean (STIO) in fall and the SSTAs in the central-eastern Pacific cold tongue in the following summer through fall are found to be not in agreement with the observational analysis. The model, however, does reproduce the significant lag correlations between the SSHAs in the STIO in fall and those in the cold tongue at the one-year time lag in the observations. These, along with the significant lag correlations between the SSTAs in the STIO in fall and the subsurface temperature anomalies in the equatorial Pacific vertical section in the following year, suggest that the Indonesian Throughflow plays an important role in propagating the Indian Ocean anomalies into the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Analyses of the interannual anomalies of the Indonesian Throughflow transport suggest that the FGOALS-g2 climate system simulates, but underestimates, the oceanic channel dynamics between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. FGOALS-g2 is shown to produce lag correlations between the SZWAs over the western equatorial Pacific in fall and the cold tongue SSTAs at the one-year time lag that are too strong to be realistic in comparison with observations. The analyses suggest that the atmospheric bridge over the Indo-Pacific Ocean is overestimated in the FGOALS-g2 coupled climate model.  相似文献   

The International Nusantara Stratification and Transport (INSTANT) program measured currents through multiple Indonesian Seas passages simultaneously over a three-year period (from January 2004 to December 2006). The Indonesian Seas region has presented numerous challenges for numerical modelers — the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) must pass over shallow sills, into deep basins, and through narrow constrictions on its way from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. As an important region in the global climate puzzle, a number of models have been used to try and best simulate this throughflow. In an attempt to validate our model, we present a comparison between the transports calculated from our model and those calculated from the INSTANT in situ measurements at five passages within the Indonesian Seas (Labani Channel, Lifamatola Passage, Lombok Strait, Ombai Strait, and Timor Passage). Our Princeton Ocean Model (POM) based regional Indonesian Seas model was originally developed to analyze the influence of bottom topography on the temperature and salinity distributions in the Indonesian seas region, to disclose the path of the South Pacific Water from the continuation of the New Guinea Coastal Current entering the region of interest up to the Lifamatola Passage, and to assess the role of the pressure head in driving the ITF and in determining its total transport. Previous studies found that this model reasonably represents the general long-term flow (seasons) through this region. The INSTANT transports were compared to the results of this regional model over multiple timescales. Overall trends are somewhat represented but changes on timescales shorter than seasonal (three months) and longer than annual were not considered in our model. Normal velocities through each passage during every season are plotted. Daily volume transports and transport-weighted temperature and salinity are plotted and seasonal averages are tabulated.  相似文献   

Changes in the Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) and the South China Sea throughflow—measured by the Luzon Strait Transport(LST)—associated with the 1976/77 regime shift are analyzed using the Island Rule theory and the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation dataset.Results show that LST increased but ITF transport decreased after 1975.Such changes were induced by variations in wind stress associated with the regime shift.The strengthening of the easterly wind anomaly east of the Luzon Strait played an important role in ...  相似文献   

The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of subsurface temperature shows a dominant north-south mode of interannual variability in the Tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) at around 100 m depth (thermocline). This subsurface mode (SSM) of variability evolves in September-November (SON) as a response to Indian Ocean Dipole and intensifies during December-February (DJF) reinforced by El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) forcing. The asymmetry in the evolution of positive and negative phases of SSM and its impacts on the modulation of surface features are studied. The asymmetry in the representation of anomalous surface winds along the equator and off-equatorial wind stress curl anomalies are primarily responsible for maintaining the asymmetry in the subsurface temperature through positive and negative phases of the SSM. During the positive phase of SSM, downwelling Rossby waves generated by anticyclonic wind stress curl propagate towards the southwestern TIO (SWTIO), the thermocline ridge region of mean upwelling. The warmer subsurface water associated with the downwelling Rossby waves upwells in the region of mean upwelling and warms the surface resulting in strong subsurface-surface coupling. Such interaction processes are however weak during the negative phase of SSM. The asymmetry in the subsurface-surface interaction during the two phases of SSM and its impact on the modulation of surface features of TIO are also reported. In addition to the ENSO forcing, self-maintenance of SSM during DJF season is evident in the positive SSM (PSSM) years through modulation of subsurface surface coupling and air-sea coupling. This positive feedback during PSSM years is maintained by the deepening thermocline, warm SSTs and convection. The asymmetry in the thermocline evolution is more evident in the SWTIO and southern TIO.  相似文献   

Direct velocity measurements from 2004 through 2006 confirm the eastward flowing surface South Java Current (SJC) and its deeper Undercurrent (SJUC) crosses the Savu Sea to reach Ombai Strait, a main outflow portal of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). The extension of the South Java Current system into Ombai Strait was hinted at by earlier measurement and modeling studies, but the 3-year velocity time series from two moorings in Ombai Strait clearly show separate distinct cores of flow in the SJC and SJUC. The deeper SJUC is driven by Kelvin waves forced by intraseasonal and semi-annual winds in the equatorial Indian Ocean and, when present, is observed across the entire strait. Eastward flow in the surface SJC is near year-round, although it appears that the mechanisms responsible for this flow differ throughout the year. Both the wind-driven Ekman flow during the northwest monsoon and the strongest semi-annual Kelvin waves that have surface signatures can result in eastward surface layer flow across the entire strait. In contrast, during the southeast monsoon the SJC has a subsurface maximum eastward flow at 50–100 m depth in the northern part of Ombai Strait, while the westward ITF is at an annual maximum at the surface in the southern part of the strait. Surface temperature maps suggest the presence of a front during the southeast monsoon that seems to trap the SJC to within ∼10–15 km of the northern boundary of Ombai Strait. The SJC and the frontal location are related to a complex interplay between local wind-driven Ekman dynamics, the strong ITF flow and topography. Significant energy is found at short intraseasonal time scales (20–60 days) in the along-strait flow that is probably related to the short duration westerly wind bursts that drive the Kelvin waves into Ombai Strait. There is a distinct lack of energy at longer intraseasonal time scales (60–90 days) that is likely attributable to interannual climate variability.  相似文献   

An interpretation is made of interannual changes in acoustic travel time between Oahu and seven receivers at distances of 3000–4000 km. Measurements were made in late 1983, and over two 5-month intervals between 1987 and 1989. Previous publications demonstrated that these changes stem from variations in temperature. Two hydrodynamic ocean models are used to identify plausible oceanic features that could cause these variations. They are from the Naval Research Laboratory and the Florida State University at (1/8)° and (1/6)° resolution, respectively, and are forced with different interannual wind sets for more than a decade. Modelled El Niño's and La Niña's generate poleward travelling Kelvin waves on the eastern boundary of the Pacific. These excite Rossby waves that propagate westward at mid-latitudes. Rossby waves are the dominant model features which affect the modelled acoustic travel times, and hence section-averaged temperatures in the eastern North Pacific. These waves yield travel times whose standard deviations and rates of changes are similar to the measurements. In the observations, some sections separated by less than 500 km exhibit trends in heat content with opposite signs. Similar variability can be explained with modelled Rossby waves. Model wavelengths less than 500 km, eddies, and seasonal cycles induced by seasonal winds yield travel times that are two orders of magnitude too small to account for the data.  相似文献   

Decadal and interannual variability of the Indian Ocean Dipole   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This study investigates the decadal and interannual variability of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). It is found that the long-term IOD index displays a decadal phase variation. Prior to 1920 negative phase dominates but after 1960 positive phase prevails. Under the warming background of the tropical ocean, a larger warming trend in the western Indian Ocean is responsible for the decadal phase variation of the IOD mode. Due to reduced latent heat loss from the local ocean, the western Indian Ocean warming may be caused by the weakened Indian Ocean westerly summer monsoon. The interannual air-sea coupled IOD mode varies on the background of its decadal variability. During the earlier period (1948-1969), IOD events are characterized by opposing SST anomaly (SSTA) in the western and eastern Indian Ocean, with a single vertical circulation above the equatorial Indian Ocean. But in the later period (1980-2003), with positive IOD dominating, most IOD events have a zonal gradient perturbation on a uniform positive SSTA. However, there are three exceptionally strong positive IOD events (1982, 1994, and 1997), with opposite SSTA in the western and eastern Indian Ocean, accompanied by an El Nifio event. Consequently, two anomalous reversed Walker cells are located separately over the Indian Ocean and western-eastern Pacific; the one over the Indian Ocean is much stronger than that during other positive IOD events.  相似文献   

The SODA product is used to investigate three Indonesian throughflow (ITF) branches: the flow through the Makassar Strait; through the South China Sea; and through the eastern Indonesian basins. The results reveal strong interannual variation in the Makassar Strait and the eastern Indonesian basins throughflow. Inspection of vertically integrated dynamic height (0–1000 db), a proxy of transport function, suggests that this interannual variation can be traced to the New Guinea Coastal Current, indicative of a strong influence of the South Pacific. The vertically integrated dynamic height along the south Java coast is related to variation in the North Pacific and in particular near the east coast of Mindanao Island, whereas the vertically integrated dynamic height along the coast of West Australia is related to variation in the South Pacific, and in particular near the coast of New Guinea. The integrated dynamic height difference between the Java and New Guinea coast appears to be a good proxy of ITF transport on the interannual time scale. Regression analysis shows a phase dependence of the three ITF pathways on the Nino3.4 index. Decoupling of current anomalies between the surface and subsurface layers is identified in the developing and mature phase of El Nino, reflecting different effects of local and remote forcing through oceanic pathways at the Makassar Strait and eastern Indonesian basins.  相似文献   

非洲中东部地区的经济主要依靠自给农业支撑,该地区农业经济对降水的变化尤为敏感.本文以卢旺达为例,观测分析指出卢旺达的次季节降雨主要集中在10-25天;根据次季节尺度降水变率的单点相关方法,发现卢旺达的次季节降水变率和周围区域变化一致;进一步合成结果显示该地区次季节降水变率与异常西风有关,这可追溯到赤道地区西传的赤道Rossby波.最后,本文评估了当前动力模式ECMWF对 卢旺达地区(即非洲中东部)次季节降水变率的预报能力,发现EC模式在对该区域降水和相关风场指数的预报技巧都在18天左右,且预报技巧表现出一定的年际差异,这可能与热带太平洋的背景海温信号有关.该工作增进了当 前对非洲中东部地区的次季节降水变率和预测水平的认知,并且对该地区国家粮食安全和防灾减灾具有启示性意义.  相似文献   

The response of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) to global warming according to the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model (FOAM) and global warming comparison experiments of 11 IPCC AR4 models is investigated. The results show that North Pacific ocean decadal variability, its dominant mode (i.e., PDO), and atmospheric decadal variability, have become weaker under global warming, but with PDO shifting to a higher frequency. The SST decadal variability reduction maximum is shown to be in the subpolar North Pacific Ocean and western North Pacific (PDO center). The atmospheric decadal variability reduction maximum is over the PDO center. It was also found that oceanic baroclinic Rossby waves play a key role in PDO dynamics, especially those in the subpolar ocean. As the frequency of ocean buoyancy increases under a warmer climate, oceanic baroclinic Rossby waves become faster, and the increase in their speed ratio in the high latitudes is much larger than in the low latitudes. The faster baroclinic Rossby waves can cause the PDO to shift to a higher frequency, and North Pacific decadal variability and PDO to become weaker.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclones (TCs) over Southeast Indian Ocean (SEIO) have the notable interannual variability caused by ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). In the September–November of El Niño and October–November of positive IOD (PIOD), SEIO TCs is far less than its climatology. However, it is hard to separately understand El Niño and PIOD's impact on SEIO TCs due to their similar occurrence time and time scale. Unlike El Niño and PIOD, SEIO TCs is remarkably more than its climatology only in September–November of negative IOD (NIOD) instead of La Niña. Consequently, it is concluded NIOD mainly affects SEIO TCs’ increase. Diagnose results suggest the relative humidity (RH) contributes mostly to the TCs’ increase, vertical wind shear provides the secondary positive contribution, vorticity term also makes a weak positive contribution and PI term's contribution even may be negligible. The study still uncovers the process of RH change: NIOD reaches its peak period and changes atmosphere circulation to make a positive low-level vorticity anomaly over SEIO. Vorticity anomaly strengthens upward motion. The vertical velocity anomaly and climatogical specific humidity (SH) work together to make vertical advection play a dominant role in SH variation. SH's change mainly reflects in RH variation. Eventually, all of these associates with NIOD lead to more SEIO TCs in September–November and the significance of difference is above 99%.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the role of Kelvin wave propagations along the equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006–2008 Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). The 2006 IOD lasted for seven months, developing in May and reaching its peak in December, while the 2007 and 2008 IODs were short-lived events, beginning in early May and ending abruptly in September, with much weaker amplitudes. Associated with the above IODs, the impulses of the sea surface height (SSH) anomalies reflect the forcing from an intraseasonal time scale, which was important to the evolution of IODs in 2007 and 2008. At the thermocline depth, dominated by the propagation of Kelvin waves, the warming/cooling temperature signals could reach the surface at a particular time. When the force is strong and the local thermocline condition is favorable, the incoming Kelvin waves dramatically impact the sea surface temperature (SST) in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. In July 2007 and late July 2008, the downwelling Kelvin waves, triggered by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the eastern and central equatorial Indian Ocean, suppressed the thermocline in the Sumatra and the Java coast and terminated the IOD, which made those events short-lived and no longer persist into the boreal fall season as the canonical IOD does.  相似文献   

Located at the southern boundary of the tropical rainfall belt within the South Africa monsoon regime, Rodrigues Island, ~2500 km east of East Africa, is ideally located to investigate climatic changes over the southwest Indian Ocean(SWIO). In this study, we investigate the climatic controls of its modern interannual rainfall variability in terms of teleconnection and local effects. We find that increased rainfall over the SWIO tends to occur in association with anomalously warm(cold) SSTs over the equatorial central Pacific(Maritime Continent), resembling the central Pacific El Ni?o, closely linked with the Victoria mode in the North Pacific. Our analyses show that the low-level convergence induced by warm SST over the equatorial central Pacific leads to anomalous low-level divergence over the Maritime Continent and convergence over a large area surrounding the Rodrigues Island, which leads to increased rainfall over the SWIO during the rainy season. Meanwhile, the excited Rossby wave along the tropical Indian Ocean transports more water vapor from the tropical convergence zone into the SWIO via intensified northwest wind. Furthermore, positive feedback induced by the Rossby wave response to the increased rainfall in the region contributes to the large interannual variations over the SWIO.  相似文献   

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