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State-of-the-art analytical techniques are capable of detecting contamination In the part per billion (ppb) range or lower. At these levels, a truly representative ground water sample Is essential to precisely evaluate ground water quality. The design specifications of a ground water monitoring system are critical in ensuring the collection of representative samples, particularly throughout the long-term monitoring period.
The potential interfaces from commonly used synthetic well casings require a thorough assessment of site, hydrogeology and the geochemical properties of ground water. Once designed, the monitoring system must be installed following guidelines that ensure adequate seals to prevent contaminant migration during the installation process or at some time in the future. Additionally, maintaining the system so the wells are in hydraulic connection with the monitored zone as well as periodically Inspecting the physical integrity of the system can prolong the usefulness of the wells for ground water quality. When ground water quality data become suspect due to potential interferences from existing monitoring wells, an appropriate abandonment technique must be employed to adequately remove or destroy the well while completely sealing the borehole.
The results of an inspection of a monitoring system comprised of six 4-inch diameter PVC monitoring wells at a hazardous well facility Indicated that the wells were improperly installed and in some cases provided a pathway for contamination. Subsequent down hole television inspections confirmed inaccuracies between construction logs and the existing system as well as identified defects in casing materials. An abandonment program was designed which destroyed the well casings in place while simultaneously providing a competent seal of the re-drilled borehole.  相似文献   

Total concentrations of formate, acetate, and isobutyrate varied from less than 5 to greater than 9,000 μmol/l over distances of < 3 m in ground water from a shallow hydrocarbon contaminated aquifer. Laboratory incubations of aquifer material indicate that organic acid concentrations were dependent on the amount of hydrocarbon loading in the sediment and the relative rates of microbial organic acid production and consumption. In heavily contaminated sediments, production greatly exceeded consumption and organic acid concentrations increased. In lightly contaminated sediments rates were essentially equal and organic acid concentrations remained low. Concentrations of dissolved calcium, magnesium, and iron generally were one to two orders of magnitude higher in organic acid-rich ground water than in ground water having low organic acid concentrations. Carbonate and Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide minerals were the likely sources of these elements. Similarly, concentrations of dissolved silica, derived from quartz and k-feldspar, were higher in organic acid-rich ground water than in other waters. The positive relation (r = 0.60, p < .05, n = 16) between concentrations of silica and organic acids suggests that the microbially mediated buildup of organic acids in ground water enhanced quartz/k-feldspar dissolution in the aquifer, although it was not the only factor influencing their dissolution. A model that included organic acid microequivalents normalized by cation microequivalents significantly strengthened the correlation (r = 0.79, p < .001, n = 16) between dissolved silica and organic acid concentrations, indicating that competition between silica and cations for complexation sites on organic acids also influenced quartz/k-feldspar dissolution. Physical evidence for enhanced mineral dissolution in organic acid-rich waters included scanning electron microscopy images of highly corroded quartz and k-feldspar grains from portions of the aquifer containing organic acid-rich ground water. Microporosity generated in hydrocarbon contaminated sediments may adversely affect remediation efforts that depend on the efficient injection of electron acceptors into an aquifer or on the recovery of solutes from an aquifer.  相似文献   

Lowbush blueberries, native to eastern Canada and Maine, are an important economic crop in these areas. Herbicides containing the active ingredient hexazinone are commonly applied to blueberry fields, and there is a high frequency of detection of relatively low concentrations of hexazinone in domestic wells located close to areas of lowbush blueberry production. The objective of this study was to determine the long-term impacts from hexazinone-based herbicide use on ground water quality in the immediate growing areas.
Physical and chemical hydrogeologic data were collected for an outwash sand and gravel aquifer in southwestern New Brunswick, Canada. The majority of the land overlying the aquifer is devoted to lowbush blueberry production. Twenty-one nested monitoring wells were sampled for hexazinone and hexazinone metabolites over a four-year period. Hexazinone was consistently detected at values of 1 to 8 parts per billion (ppb) in all but two of these wells, one that is upgradient of herbicide applications, and one that is downgradient with anoxic conditions. Hexazinone metabolites B and A1 were also detected in all but two of the 21 wells at values ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 ppb. The hexazinone and metabolite data suggest both aerobic and anaerobic degradation of hexazinone. Complete degradation of hexazinone appears to occur only in the one downgradient well exhibiting anoxic ground water conditions. Concentrations of hexazinone and its metabolites in the ground water were essentially constant over the four-year period.  相似文献   

Foreword: Transboundary Ground Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this paper, we relate recent developments in ground water sampling techniques to the practical application of sampling for toxic contaminants in ground water. We address the choices that must be made in choosing equipment for a particular project by going through a step-by-step procedure for collecting a ground water sample from a typical monitoring well. Ground water sampling topics that are discussed include: choice of equipment for purging and sampling a well, monitoring for purged ground water indicators and quality assurance/quality control.  相似文献   

Airborne Geophysical Exploration for Ground Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Inverse Problem in Ground Water: Model Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Assessing Arkansas Ground Water for Pesticides: Methodology and Findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During 1985 to 1987, 119 wells, Springs and municipal drinking water supplies throughout Arkansas were monitored for the presence of pesticides. Pesticides selected for analysis included acifluorfen, alachlor, aldicarb, atrazine, benomyl, cyanazine, cypermethrin, 2,4-D, dichlorprop, diuron, fenvalerate, fluometuron, hexazinone, linuron, metolachlor, permethrin, picloram, and propanil. Not every sample was analyzed for every pesticide. Overall, results indicated that the 18 herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides were not present in the ground water samples studied. (Note: Detectable concentrations of three herbicides – alachlor, atrazine, and metolachlor – were found in one irrigation well, at 5.5,5.8, and 6.9 μg/L, respectively. However, since previous and subsequent sampling failed to detect these compounds, their presence is attributed to a localized spill or handling error rather than agricultural application.)  相似文献   

Fluoride in Nebraska's Ground Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluoride concentrations in ground water are generally low but play an important role in dental health. This study evaluates the vertical and spatial distribution of fluoride in Nebraska's ground water and examines the geological and geochemical processes that control its concentration. Data from 1794 domestic wells sampled by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Regulation, and Licensure (NDOH) had a range of fluoride concentrations from <0.1 to 2.6 mg/L. and a median concentration of 0.3 mg/L. The median fluoride concentrations for Nebraska's 13 ground water regions varied from 0.2 to 0.7 mg/L. In each of these regions, individual wells may have either insufficient or overabundant F concentrations; we recommend that individual private water systems be tested for fluoride. Based on these data, system-specific recommendations can be made regarding the necessity for fluoridation.
Geochemical data indicated that the majority of fluoride occurs as F. Dissolution of F-bearing minerals controls fluoride occurrence. Apatite plus minor amounts of fluorite along with significant ground water residence times are the primary factors controlling F in the water from the Dakota Formation in Knox County, as well as in other parts of northeastern Nebraska. In western and southwestern Nebraska, dissolution of volcanic glass is the most probable source of F Long residence times plus fluorite also may contribute to the F concentrations in the Chadron Formation.  相似文献   

Pesticides in Nebraska's Ground Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than 2263 well water samples were collected throughout Nebraska and analyzed for pesticides. Thirteen and one-half percent contained detectable levels of atrazine, but only 22 wells exceeded the health advisory of 3.0 ppb. Although the samples came from almost every county in the state, this sampling is not based solely on a randomly selected group of wells. The highest frequency of detections occurred in irrigated corn-growing areas with less than 50 feet to ground water. These areas were sampled at a greater frequency than the less vulnerable areas. Cyanazine, together with the additional triazines — simazine, propazine, prometone, and ametryne, also were detected in some well waters; however, their frequency of detection was well below that of atrazine. The triazine metribuzin was not detected.
Alachlor, propachlor, and metolachlor also were detected in trace levels in several wells. Five of 2072 samples analyzed for alachlor exceeded the health advisory of 0.4 ppb. Almost all of the contaminated wells were in vulnerable areas. The relatively high frequency of propachlor detections occurred in predominately irrigated corn-growing areas, rather than in areas where propachlor is traditionally applied.
The factors that appear most directly involved in the observed distribution of pesticides in ground water are the intensity of areal usage, pesticide persistence and mobility, irrigation, soil drainage capacity, and depth to ground water.
Fifteen pesticide residues were detected during this study. If ethylene dibromide and carbon tetrachloride, which were detected in ground water adjacent to grain elevators are included, a total of 17 pesticide residues have been detected in Nebraska's ground water.  相似文献   

TOC Determinations in Ground Water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Determinations of total organic carbon (TOC) can provide valuable diagnostic evidence of the extent of ground-water contamination by organic compounds. The usefulness of conventional TOC results in monitoring efforts is limited by the bias introduced during the purging of inorganic carbon prior to analysis. A modified TOC procedure has been evaluated to permit the quantitation of the volatile organic carbon (VOC) fraction in water samples. The methodology consists of trapping the VOC in a manner analogous to commercial purge and trap instruments which are used for specific organic compound separations. The method has been found to be sensitive, accurate and reasonably precise for TOC determinations of standard solutions as well as on ground-water samples. Volatile organic carbon levels can range from 9–50% of the TOC in both uncontaminated and contaminated ground waters. The reporting of the volatile and nonvolatile fractions of the TOC will enhance both monitoring and research efforts, since it permits more complete characterization of the organic carbon content of ground-water samples.  相似文献   

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