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The focus of this study is the analysis of coastal sand barriers and associated coastal lagoons on the inner continental shelf of the Gulf of Valencia (western Mediterranean), based on two W–E seismic profiles recorded seaward of the Albufera de Valencia coastal lagoon. Seismic facies identified include a number of coastal sand barriers with landward lagoons draped by contemporary continental shelf deposits. The barrier systems have been grouped into two sedimentary systems tracts, the older one corresponding to a prograding/aggrading highstand systems tract involving at least four paleo-coastal sand barrier/lagoon systems, followed landward by a transgressive systems tract comprising three such systems. All the systems have been allocated a Tyrrhenian age, the formation of individual barrier systems having been associated with successive sea-level stillstands, and their present-day position being explained by the very high regional subsidence rate. In summary, this study demonstrates that the Quaternary stratigraphic record of the Gulf of Valencia inner continental shelf is composed of littoral sand facies, in particular coastal sand barrier and lagoon deposits. These findings are in agreement with corresponding observations on other continental shelves of the western Mediterranean, showing that the formation of coastal sand barriers was a characteristic feature of this region during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

The sequence-stratigraphic investigation by Very High-Resolution (VHR) seismic profiles allowed recognition of the detailed architecture of the late Pleistocene and Holocene succession of the Venice area. In this way deposits previously known by the analyses of scattered cores, mainly taken along the lagoon margin and the littoral strips, have been correlated at regional scale including the near offshore sector and the result has pointed out the lateral variability of the stratal architecture. Late Pleistocene deposits consist of an aggrading floodplain and fluvial channel fills accumulated during decreasing eustatic sea level, and they are coeval with offlapping forced regressive marine wedges in the Central Adriatic basin. The Holocene sequence is composed of three main seismic units separated by major stratal surfaces. Unit 1 (up to 9 m thick) is formed by channelized deposits separated by areas showing sub-horizontal and hummocky reflectors, and is bounded at the base by a surface that records prolonged conditions of subaerial exposure and at the top by a flatter surface resulting from erosion by marine processes. Deposits of Unit 1 are interpreted as estuarine and distributary channel fills, and back-barrier strata. Unit 2 is well distinguishable from Unit 1 only in the offshore area and at the barrier island bounding the Venice Lagoon, and is composed of a prograding marine wedge (up to 10 m thick) that interacts laterally with ebb tidal deltas. Unit 3 consists of a tidal channel complex and inlet deposits, which testify the evolution of the lagoon area. Tidal channels are entrenched in the lagoon mud flat (coeval with Units 1–2) and cut the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary in several places.Following current sequence-stratigraphic concepts, the Holocene sequence is composed of a paralic transgressive systems tract (TST) (Unit 1) overlying a sequence boundary (the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary) and overlain by a marine highstand systems tract (HST) (Unit 2) in seaward locations and by highstand lagoonal deposits landwards. TST and HST are separated by a downlap surface that is amalgamated with a wave ravinement surface in several places. Unit 3 is coeval with the upper part of Unit 2, and its development has been favoured by human interventions, which led to a transgression limited to the lagoon area.Local factors during the deposition, i.e. subsidence, sediment supply, physiography, and current/wave regimes, led to a significant lateral variability in the architecture of the Holocene sequence, as evidenced by the extreme thickness variation of the TST along both depositional strike and dip. The HST, instead, shows less pronounced strike variations in the stratal architecture. Also, present data clearly evidence that the human impact has a great relevance in influencing the late Holocene sedimentation.  相似文献   

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and an important energy source. The global significance and impact in coastal zones of methane gas accumulation and seepage in sediments from coastal lagoon environments are still largely unknown. This paper presents results from four high-resolution seismic surveys carried out in the Ria de Aveiro barrier lagoon (Portugal) in 1999, 2002 and 2003. These comprise three chirp surveys (RIAV99, RIAV02, RIAV02A) and one boomer survey (RIAV03). Evidence of extensive gas accumulation and seepage in tidal channel sediments from the Ria de Aveiro barrier lagoon is presented here for the first time. This evidence includes: acoustic turbidity, enhanced reflections, acoustic blanking, domes, and acoustic plumes in the water column (flares). The stratigraphy and structural framework control the distribution and extent of gas accumulations and seepage in the study area. In these shallow systems, however, tidal altitude variations have a significant impact on gas detection using acoustic methods, by changing the raw amplitude of the enhanced seismic reflections, acoustic turbidity, and acoustic blanking in gas-prone areas. Direct evidence of gas escape from drill holes in the surrounding area has shown that the gas present in the Ria de Aveiro consists of biogenic methane. Most of the gas in the study area was probably generated mainly in Holocene lagoon sediments. Evidence of faults affecting the Mesozoic limestones and clays underlying some of the shallow gas occurrences, and the presence of high-amplitude reflections in these deeper units raise the possibility that some of this gas could have been generated in deeper sedimentary layers, and then migrated upward through the fractured Mesozoic strata.  相似文献   

The Berriasian-Valanginian Springhill Formation of the Austral Basin of southern South America comprises fluvial to marine deposits. In order to interpret depositional systems and unravel the stratigraphic architecture of this unit in the southern region of the basin (Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina), 500 m of cores combined with well-log data from 41 wells were studied. Facies associations corresponding to fluvial (A1-A6), estuarine (B1-B5) and open-marine (C1-C4) depositional environments were identified. These facies associations succeed each other vertically across the entire study area (6800 km2) forming a ∼120-m-thick transgressive succession. This unit filled a north-south-oriented valley system, developed in the underlying Jurassic volcanic complex.Lowstand fluvial deposits of the first stage of the valley-system fill occur in downdip segments of the system above a sequence boundary (SB). These fluvial deposits are overlain by coastal-plain and tide-dominated estuarine strata across an initial transgressive surface (ITS). In the northern sector the earliest valley infill is characterized by a transgressive fluvial succession, overlying a merged SB/ITS that is probably time-equivalent of marginal-marine deposits of the southern sector. The fluvial strata in the north are overlain by wave-dominated estuarine deposits. A drastic change to open-marine conditions is marked by a marine flooding surface, with local evidence of marine erosion (FS-RS). Open-marine strata are thin (<10 m) and dominated by lower-shoreface and offshore-transition deposits. They are capped by a younger flooding surface (FS), which represents the onset to offshore conditions across the study area due to a continuous long-term transgression that persisted until the Barremian.Although the interpreted depositional systems and stratigraphic architecture of the Springhill Formation resemble transgressive incised-valley-fill successions, the greater thickness and larger size of the Springhill valleys suggest inherited rift topography rather than valley development during a relative sea-level fall.  相似文献   

New high-resolution seismic reflection data collected along the eastern margin of Corsica have been analysed to describe the morphology of the turbidite systems located seaward of the Golo River mouth. The boomer data reveal that there is not only one turbidite system directly associated with the river, but four additional, non-coalescing systems which grew simultaneously. In the south, the system has the typical morphology of a turbidite deposit rich in mud and sand with a well-developed meandering canyon and channel morphology. In the north, they have the morphology of sand-rich turbidite systems with shorter straight channels. The southernmost deposits are interpreted to represent a more advanced stage of turbidite system development. Terraces, recognised by their particular seismic facies on boomer profiles which clearly differs from the surrounding levee facies, are observed in the channel meanders. They are interpreted as confined levees built by vertical accretion due to deposition from low-energy flows. Despite limited penetration, boomer seismics are demonstrated to be a useful complement to lower-resolution sparker data. The boomer data are superior (1) for the characterisation of fine-grained turbidite deposits by extending seawards the limits of the turbidite systems commonly defined by the acoustic response of sands, (2) in demonstrating the persistence of turbiditic processes farther towards the basin, and (3) for proposing conceptual models for the formation of terraces in fan valleys.  相似文献   

Knowledge of marine geological environments in which shallow gas is accumulating is becoming increasingly important in global studies of climate change because a measurable proportion of the total methane source comes from continental margins. Previous studies have revealed that coastal environments represent important geological environments where microbial methane is being generated, is accumulating, and is being released. In the Ría de Pontevedra, at least 4.5 km2 of seafloor in the innermost part of the ría is underlain by sediments containing natural gas. Seismic interpretation contributes new findings for the definition of periods and geological environments in which the gas could have been generated, and is accumulating and released in the Ría de Pontevedra. Groundtruthing the seismic data (facies, environments) makes it possible to identify favourable geological environments for gas generation in the sedimentary infill of the Ría de Pontevedra. Sequence stratigraphy based on high-resolution seismic profiles and post-Last Glacial Maximum sea-level records makes it possible to establish the stratigraphic architecture of the ría and to define the periods in which gas could have been generated. The results of this study show that the sedimentary infill is composed of a fifth-order sequence developed since the Last Glacial Maximum. Within this sequence, gas appears to have accumulated in the Holocene deposits associated with the latest transgressive and highstand system tracts. Seismic analysis shows that gas could have been generated in different geological environments in the Ría de Pontevedra. If coastal environments at times of lower sea level were similar to those of the present, organic-rich mud deposits (deposited mainly in lakes, estuaries and floodplains) could have survived transgression and remained buried as potential gas sources in the inner part of the ría.  相似文献   

荣成沿岸砂坝-泻湖沉积体系之下、更新世沉积扇之中存在淡水资源。这对严重缺水的荣成沿岸有重要意义。冲积扇形成于第四纪冰期低海面时,冰后期海面上升使之部分地淹没,之后近岸水域演化为砂坝泻当湖。冲积扇的根部和中部是淡水的补给区,前缘以隔水层与上覆的海水和砂坝泻湖沉积隔开,保护淡水不受污染。山丘海岸具有类似条件的地区均有富存这种淡水的可能性。这为寻找沿岸地下淡水指出了新的方向。  相似文献   

High-resolution boomer profiles from Tai O Bay, Hong Kong SAR, were ground-truthed using ten discontinuously sampled boreholes penetrating bedrock with a maximum length of 82.1 m. The relationship between depth below seabed and seismic profiles was established through the measurement of two borehole compressional-wave velocity profiles. In departure from previous interpretations, nine Quaternary seismic units were identified, which can be divided into eight systems tracts formed by cycles of fourth-order sea-level fluctuations dating back at least to marine isotope stage (MIS) 7 (ca. 190–245 ka). These consist of two lowstand systems tracts, two transgressive systems tracts, and four highstand systems tracts. Secondary unconformities within the highstand deposits are interpreted to document fifth-order sea-level fluctuations. Lowstand deposits are less common because, as soon as the sea level drops by a few metres, Tai O Bay becomes sub-aerially exposed, leading to widespread non-deposition or erosion. At the same time, extensive fluvial erosion and channel incision take place. Filling of the fluvial channels occurs during rising sea level. Lowstand sediments (if present) are generally landslide deposits laid down on a basal alluvial plain. Uncorrected accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates of mollusc shells show that the depositional environment was marine since 6.2 ka, becoming gradually more brackish as a result of progradation of the Pearl River delta. The computed average sedimentation rate for the period 6.2–4.1 ka is 4.4 m/1,000 year, and approximately 1 m/1,000 year since 4.1 ka.  相似文献   

The Middle Eocene deposits in the Fayoum Ranges are composed of complex alternative clastic (claystone and sandstone) and carbonate (limestone and dolostone) facies and dominated carbonate (limestone) facies. Facies are arranged mainly in regression and shallowing upward (emergence) cycles and sequences. Field stratigraphic and microfacies analysis of the study area permits recognition of four major sequences, reflecting 3rd-order cycles. Depositional sequences and cycles are bounded by subaerial erosive surfaces or caliche deposits, ferruginous crust, and by their correlative conformities. Sequence-1 consists of two shallowing-upward cycles (dominate carbonate facies), each of which starts with nummulitic wackestone, capped with nummulitic packstone including Globigerinatheka subconglobata subconglobata biozone. These cycles were deposited under tropical to subtropical conditions as evidenced by the carbonate nature of the rocks and the abundance of nummulites, which need warm conditions for their flourishing. Sequence-2 consists of four emergence cycles based with claystone and capped with wackestone including Morozovella lehneri biozone. The duration (Ma) of sequence-2 (Morozovella lehneri zone) is 3.05 Ma (44.25 Ma for the upper of TA3 3.3 to 41.2 Ma for the lower of TA3 3.5). Sequence-3 includes three rock units (includes Trucorotaloides rohri biozone). The lower unit involves lowstand systems tract, the middle unit contains transgressive systems tract and the upper rock unit includes highstand systems tract. The lowstand systems tract consists of emergence cycles of mixed clastic- carbonate facies, clays at the base and capped with wackestone and packstone facies. The transgressive systems tract consists of dominant carbonate facies, wackestone at the base and capped with packstone facies. Sequence 4 involves transgressive systems tract. The duration of both sequence-3 and sequence 4 has been estimated as 1.8 Ma.  相似文献   

依据地质钻探和海滩观测资料,分析了后江湾海岸在海进作用下,海岸形成海进地层层序。滨面遭受侵蚀并正在后退和变陡。晚更新统陆相杂色粘土层和砾砂层直接暴露于海底。在海域供沙不足的情况下,整个海湾的海滩被侵蚀后退,而海滩各岸段侵蚀程度存在差异。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区晚第四纪地层及潜在环境问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据钻孔的沉积相序将长江三角洲分为三角洲主体、三角洲南翼和北翼等3个基本的地层分区,鉴于两翼前缘和后缘的相序具有很大差异,因而两翼均划分出前缘和后缘2个亚区。地层结构的不同决定了与沉积层有关的潜在环境问题和灾害的分布,三角洲南翼和后缘为地面沉降发育区和潜在发育区,北翼的前缘为地下海水入侵的潜在发育区,三角洲主体是污染江水的潜在渗滤区,现今河口为底辟构造潜在发育区。  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic profiles across the shelf margin and trough region of the Korea Strait reveal five shallow, near-surface facies units. These are relict coastal deposits, relict delta deposits, slumps and slides, and trough lag deposits. Most deposits represent a lowstand systems tract, formed during the last lowstand of sea level. Relict coastal deposits represent a linear sediment body along the present shelf margin at water depths of 120–150 m, whereas relict delta deposits occur on the gentle, southwestern slope of the trough at water depths of about 150–200 m. Slumps and slides are dominant at the base of slope in the central trough region. Sediments on the central trough floor were partly eroded and redistributed by strong currents, resulting in lag deposits.  相似文献   

通过对辽东湾高分辨率浅地层剖面声学地层与典型钻孔沉积地层的对比分析,揭示了研究区晚第四纪MIS5以来的地层层序。辽东湾高分辨率浅地层剖面自下而上划定的6个声学地层单元(SU5、SU4、SU3、SU2、SU12、SU11)与钻孔岩芯划分的6个沉积地层单元(DU5、DU4、DU3、DU2、DU12、DU11)具有良好的对应关系。分别与MIS4期、MIS2期低海面时期的沉积间断密切相关的两个层序界面R5、R3,将辽东湾识别出的地层单元自下而上划分为3个层序(SQ3、SQ2、SQ1)。其中SQ3仅识别出上部的海侵体系域与高水位体系域,对应MIS5期海平面相对较高时期的滨浅海相沉积(DU5);SQ2自下而上由低水位体系域(MIS...  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2004,203(1-2):43-56
This paper demonstrates the link between the evolution of a coastal barrier in southern Brazil during the Late Holocene and the formation of a large volume of eolian disseminated heavy mineral deposits. Our data set is based on an earlier heavy mineral prospecting campaign (1991) and on 10 new shallow vibrocores, 2–5 m long. The model presented has three main steps of barrier evolution. The first step is the recycling of coastal plain deposits during the Postglacial Marine Transgression, which ended at 5.6 ka when heavy minerals were incorporated into beach and washover facies of a transgressive barrier. The second step is the shoreward retreat of the barrier, under a slow and small sea-level fall, during the last 5.6 ka. This second step eroded and recycled sediments from the Pleistocene substrate, which acted as an extra source of heavy minerals. Heavy minerals were concentrated in backshore deposits by wave action during barrier recession. The third step is the erosion and transport of backshore sands by onshore winds into an inter-barrier depression in the form of transgressive dune deposits. These deposits contain an average of 4.66±1.02% disseminated heavy minerals (1494 samples). This eolian placer deposit has started to form 1 ka ago and is still under formation.  相似文献   

对于具有较宽陆架的下刚果盆地,当相对海平面下降时期,陆架区沉积中心向外陆架迁移,形成陆架边缘三角洲.其为深水区提供大量陆源碎屑物质,使低位体系域发育碎屑流沉积、浊流水道及前端扇体系;当相对海平面上升时期,沉积中心后退至内/中陆架,使深水区海侵十高位体系域以深海、半深海原地泥质沉积及泥质碎屑流沉积为主.深水层序以凝缩层段...  相似文献   

The Northern Adriatic Sea is a shallow and very flat shelf area located between the northern Apennines, the southern Alps and the Dinarides; its present day physiography is the result of the filling of a relatively deep Quaternary foredeep basin, developed due to the northeastward migration of the Apennine chain. Multichannel seismic profiles and well data have allowed documenting the stratigraphic architecture, the depositional systems and the physiographic evolution of the Northern Adriatic sea since early Pliocene time. In particular, three main depositional sequences bounded by regional unconformities were recognized. The Zanclean Sequence 1 documents first the drowning of late Messinian incised valleys and then the southward progradation of a shelf-slope system, which is inferred to be related to a tectonic phase of the Apenninic front. The Piacenzian-Gelasian Sequence 2 records a relatively rapid transgressive episode followed by minor southward progradation; the top of the sequence is associated with a major late Gelasian drowning event, linked to the NE-ward migration of the Apennine foredeep. The Calabrian to upper Pleistocene Sequence 3 testifies the infilling of accommodation previously created by the late Gelasian drowning event, and it initially accumulated in deep-water settings and then in shallow-water to continental settings. The upper part of Sequence 3, consisting of the paleo-Po deltaic system, is composed of seven high-frequency sequences inferred to record late Quaternary glacio-eustatic changes. These high-frequency sequences document the stepwise filling of the remaining accommodation, resulting in the development of the modern shelf.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2007,236(1-2):27-44
The Gulf of Amvrakikos is one of several E–W grabens developed in the Middle Quaternary almost orthogonal to the tectonic grain of the external Hellenides in western Greece and is critically located at the termination of the Kefallinia transform fault linking the Hellenic subduction zone to the Adriatic-Dinaride collision lineament. The tectonic evolution of the Gulf and the response of sedimentation have been investigated based on 3.5 kHz and sparker profiles. The Holocene stratigraphy results from rising eustatic sea-level breaching the tectonic sill north of Preveza and inundating the braid plain of the Arachthos river, which then prograded across the northern Gulf following the formation of the maximum flooding surface. Older major transgressive surfaces are recognised in sparker profiles. Interpretation of these transgressions in terms of eustatic sea-level changes allows a chronology to be established and estimates to be made of neotectonic rates of subsidence. Two sets of neotectonic faults are present: reactivated NNE-trending mid-Tertiary thrusts of the Ionian zone and more active E–W trending faults. The sedimentary succession in the Gulf of Amvrakikos is the result of a complex interplay between eustatic sea level changes, the neotectonic creation of accommodation, and autocyclic delta distributary switching. The details of this process are resolved for the Holocene and the general sedimentation pattern established back to marine isotope stage (MIS) 8 (245–300 ka). In general, MIS 8 shows greater evidence of terrestrial deposition, compared with MIS 6 (130–190 ka) and especially MIS 2–4 (10–80 ka), when there was lacustrine deposition and some marine incursions at intermediate eustatic sea levels. This implies that regional subsidence has been taking place at least since MIS 8. In addition, changing sediment supply plays a role in overall sediment architecture, but is only well resolved for the Holocene, with higher rates of fluvial supply recognised in the mid Holocene.  相似文献   

The sedimentary record of 130 km of microtidal (0.9 m tidal range) high wave energy (1.5 m average wave height) barrier island shoreline of the Cape Lookout cuspate foreland has been evaluated through examination of 3136 m of subsurface samples from closely spaced drill holes. Holocene sedimentation and coastal evolution has been a function of five major depositional processes: (1) eustatic sea-level rise and barrier-shoreline transgression; (2) lateral tidal inlet migration and reworking of barrier island deposits; (3) shoreface sedimentation and local barrier progradation; (4) storm washover deposition with infilling of shallow lagoons; and (5) flood-tidal delta sedimentation in back-barrier environments.

Twenty-five radiocarbon dates of subsurface peat and shell material from the Cape Lookout area are the basis for a late Holocene sea-level curve. From 9000 to 4000 B.P. eustatic sea level rose rapidly, resulting in landward migration of both barrier limbs of the cuspate foreland. A decline in the rate of sea-level rise since 4000 B.P. resulted in relative shoreline stabilization and deposition of contrasting coastal sedimentary sequences. The higher energy, storm-dominated northeast barrier limb (Core and Portsmouth Banks) has migrated landward producing a transgressive sequence of coarse-grained, horizontally bedded washover sands overlying burrowed to laminated back-barrier and lagoonal silty sands. Locally, ephemeral tidal inlets have reworked the transgressive barrier sequence depositing fining-upward spit platform and channel-fill sequences of cross-bedded, pebble gravel to fine sand and shell. Shoreface sedimentation along a portion of the lower energy, northwest barrier limb (Bogue Banks) has resulted in shoreline progradation and deposition of a coarsening-up sequence of burrowed to cross-bedded and laminated, fine-grained shoreface and foreshore sands. In contrast, the adjacent barrier island (Shackleford Banks) consists almost totally of inlet-fill sediments deposited by lateral tidal inlet migration. Holocene sediments in the shallow lagoons behind the barriers are 5–8 m thick fining-up sequences of interbedded burrowed, rooted and laminated flood-tidal delta, salt marsh, and washover sands, silts and clays.

While barrier island sequences are generally 10 m in thickness, inlet-fill sequences may be as much as 25 m thick and comprise an average of 35% of the Holocene sedimentary deposits. Tidal inlet-fill, back-barrier (including flood-tidal delta) and shoreface deposits are the most highly preservable facies in the wave-dominated barrier-shoreline setting. In the Cape Lookout cuspate foreland, these three facies account for over 80% of the sedimentary deposits preserved beneath the barriers. Foreshore, spit platform and overwash facies account for the remaining 20%.  相似文献   

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