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J. Roosen 《Solar physics》1969,8(1):204-225
A statistical investigation of the slowly varying component of the 9.1-cm solar radio emission is based upon the Stanford radioheliograms covering the years 1962–66. On the average the peak value of the brightness temperature T b is proportional to the area covered by the corresponding spot group. However, in individual cases the observed T b is definitely lower or higher than is to be expected from the size of the spot group. We introduce the concept microwave importance I m of the spot group, which is the T b to be expected from the Zürich class and spot number; and the concept relative brightness B r, which is the ratio of the observed T b to I m. This leads to the distinction of faint, normal and bright sources with B r 0.8, 0.8 < B r < 1.2 and B r 1.2 respectively. B r is correlated with the maximum magnetic-field strength H observed in the spot group and with the flux-density spectrum of the source. The yearly average of B r and the average flux-density spectrum vary with the phase of the solar cycle.An analysis of the results is based upon the electron-density distribution in the condensation, which was visible at the solar limb during the eclipse of February 5, 1962, and on an adopted temperature distribution with a central value of 4 × 106 K. The computed T b, including gyro-resonance absorption, agrees with the value derived from the microwave importance of the spot group and B r = 0.5, which shows that in the current gyro-resonance models the electron density is underestimated. The variation of T b with the size of the spot group can be explained by varying the dimensions of the condensation in area and in height, if the central density and temperature remain constant. The statistical relationships between B r and H and between B r and the flux-density spectrum yield a model for the differences between faint and bright sources: B r increases with the contribution from the gyro-resonance absorption and with the central electron density.For paper I see Solar Phys. 7, 448. For paper III see Solar Phys. 8, 450.  相似文献   

J. Roosen 《Solar physics》1969,8(2):450-463
The distinction between faint and bright sources of the slowly varying component of the solar microwave emission (Paper II) is applied to statistics of the geomagnetic activity. Superposed epoch diagrams (recurrent disturbances excluded) show that the increased number of disturbed days after the CMP of sunspot groups can almost exclusively be ascribed to the spot groups associated with faint sources. The variation of the disturbance amplitude with the heliographic latitude of the spot groups is discussed. A tentative model for the solar-wind enhancement associated with a faint source is presented.For Paper I see Solar Phys. 7, 448; for Paper II see Solar Phys. 8, 204.  相似文献   

As a sequel to our recent identification of the high-speed stream as the candidate structure in the solar wind at 1 AU, that is primarily responsible for the geomagnetic disturbances occasionally noticed after disparition brusques (DBs) of solar filaments (Sastri et al., 1985), we report here that the streams, inferred to be recurrent in our earlier study, were consistently preceded by a stream interface, as expected of corotating streams. This observation substantiates the role of corotating streams of coronal hole origin in the apparent link between DBs and geomagnetic activity, and strengthens the view that DBs are not a unique source of geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

Series of 110 years of sunspot numbers and indices of geomagnetic activity are used with 17 years of solar wind data in order to study through solar cycles both stream and shock event solar activity. According to their patterns on Bartels diagrams of geomagnetic indices, stable wind streams and transient solar activities are separated from each other. Two classes of stable streams are identified: equatorial streams occurring sporadically, for several months, during the main phase of sunspot cycles and both polar streams established, for several years, at each cycle, before sunspot minimum. Polar streams are the first activity of solar cycles. For study of the relationship between transient geomagnetic phenomena and sunspot activity, we raise the importance of the contribution, at high spot number, of severe storms and, at low spot number, of short lived and unstable streams. Solar wind data are used to check and complete the above results. As a conclusion, we suggest a unified scheme of solar activity evolution with a starting point every eleventh year, a total duration of 17 years and an overlapping of 6 years between the first and the last phase of both successive series of phenomena: first, from polar field reversal to sunspot minimum, a phase of polar wind activity of the beginning cycle is superimposed on the weak contribution of shock events of the ending cycle; secondly, an equatorial phase mostly of shock events is superimposed on a variable contribution of short lived and sporadic stable equatorial stream activities; and thirdly a phase of low latitude shock events is superimposed on the polar stream interval of the following cycle.  相似文献   

Harold Zirin 《Solar physics》1987,110(1):101-107
We discuss the weak solar magnetic fields as studied with the BBSO videomagnetograph (VMG). By weak fields we mean those outside active and unipolar regions. These are found everywhere on the Sun, even where there never have been sunspots. These fields consist of the network and intranetwork (IN) elements. The former move slowly and live a day or more; the latter move rapidly (typically 300 m s–1) and live only hours. To all levels of sensitivity the flux is concentrated in discrete elements, and the background field has not been detected. The smallest detectable elements at present are 1016 Mx. The IN elements emerge in bipolar form but appear to flow in a random pattern rather than to the network edges; however, any expanding network element is constrained by geometry to move toward the edges.Because of the great number and short lifetime of the IN elements the total flux emerging in that form exceeds that emerging in the ER by two orders of magnitude and the flux in sunspots, by a factor 104. However, the flux separation is small and there is no contribution to the overall field. In contrast with our earlier results, merging of IN fields is more important than the ephemeral regions as a source of new network elements.The conjecture that all solar magnetic fields are intrinsically strong is discussed and evidence pro and con presented. For the IN fields the evidence suggests they cannot exceed 100 G. For the network fields there is evidence on either side.Reconnection and merging of magnetic fields takes place continually in the conditions studied.Because there is a steady state distribution, the amout of new elements created by merging or emergence must balance that destroyed by reconnection or fission and diffusion of the stronger elements.Solar Cycle Workshop Paper.  相似文献   

V. K. Verma 《Solar physics》1985,97(2):381-385
It is found that 20% solar surges are associated with microwave bursts (2800–15000 MHz) and also that solar surges are not associated with hard X-ray bursts (17–40 keV).  相似文献   

Based on observational data obtained with the RT-22 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory radio telescope at frequencies of 8.6 and 15.4 GHz, we investigate the quasi-periodic variations of microwave emission from solar active regions with periods Tp<10 min. As follows from our wavelet analysis, the oscillations with periods of 3–5 min and 10–40 s have the largest amplitudes in the dynamic power spectra, while there are virtually no oscillations with Tp<10 s. Our analysis shows that acoustic modes with Tp?1 min strongly dissipate in the lower solar corona due to thermal conduction losses. The oscillations with Tp=10–40 s are associated with Alfvén disturbances. We analyze the influence of acoustic and Alfvén oscillations on the thermal mechanisms of microwave emission in terms of the homogeneous model. We discuss the probable coronal heating sources.  相似文献   

P. A. Robinson 《Solar physics》1991,134(2):299-314
A new model is developed for electron-cyclotron maser emission from flaring loops, which incorporates competition between driving of the instability and maser-induced relaxation, together with interactions between small neighboring regions of unstable plasma. This results in a picture in which radiation is emitted in bursts from regions whose length scale is determined self-consistently by previous bursts, while the unstable plasma fluctuates about the point, close to marginal stability, at which driving of the instability is balanced by relaxation due to maser-induced electron diffusion. Under the conditions applicable to flaring loops, time scales of fundamental x-mode (x1) driving and saturation are approximately equal at 1 ms, resolving a (104–106)-fold discrepancy in previous models and agreeing with the observed time scales of microwave spike bursts. Saturation effects are found to be especially effective in suppressing amplification of the most strongly growing modes. This suppression enables fundamental o-mode (o1) and second-harmonic x-mode (x2) emission to compete more effectively against x1 emission for the available free energy than has previously been estimated. Consideration of mode competition, burst time scales, suppression of growth due to overlap between amplification and absorption bands, and escape of radiation through absorption layers to the observer, implies that the observed radiation probably escapes from the corona principally in the o-mode, either emitted directly as o1 radiation or mode converted from x1 emission.  相似文献   

Solar radio and microwave sources were observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the RATAN-600, providing high spatial resolution at 91 cm (VLA) and detailed spectral and polarization data at microwave wavelengths (1.7 to 20 cm - RATAN). The radio observations have been compared with images from the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard theYohkoh satellite and with full-disk phoptospheric magnetic field data from the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo Observatory. The VLA observations at 91 cm show fluctuating nonthermal noise storm sources in the middle corona. The active regions that were responsible for the noise storms generally had weaker microwave emission, fainter thermal soft X-ray emission, as well as less intense coronal magnetic fields than those associated with other active regions on the solar disk. The noise storms did, however, originate in active regions whose magnetic fields and radiation properties were evolving on timescales of days or less. We interpret these noise storms in terms of accelerated particles trapped in radiation belts above or near active regions, forming a decimetric coronal halo. The particles trapped in the radiation belts may be the source of other forms of nonthermal radio emission, while also providing a reservoir from which energetic particles may drain down into lower-lying magnetic structures.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   

The result of investigating high-latitude Pc1–2 pulsations are presented in this paper. They show that these unstructured oscillations are typical in intervals of low magnetic activity for regions of projections of the dayside cusp on the Earth's surface. The morphological properties of these pulsations, namely the character of their diurnal variations and dependence of their amplitude and frequency of occurrence on magnetic activity on different latitudes, suggest methods of utilization for tracing the location of the equatorial boundary of the dayside cusp. It is suggested that Pc1–2 pulsations are generated mainly in the dayside magnetosheath on field lines, crossing the magnetopause and entering in the dayside cusp. The possible mechanism of generation is the ion-cyclotron instability of plasma of finite pressure (β ? 1) and with anisotropic temperature (T > T).  相似文献   

During the time period of November 1968 to March 1970, 259 15.4 GHz impulsive microwave bursts have been identified of which 147 had associated 2–12 Å soft X-ray bursts. Average durations, rise times, and decay times for the microwave bursts are 2.9 ± 2.4 min, 0.9 ± 0.8 min, and 2.2 ± 2.1 min, respectively.Total durations and decay times for the X-ray events display a wide range of values from a few minutes to several hours. Rise times for 50 % of the events fell in the range of 2 to 7 min. A significant fraction (32 %) of the X-ray events may exhibit a flux enhancement prior to the main outburst.For 85 % of the flare cases, the X-ray event begins simultaneously with or before the microwave event. In 91 % of the cases the X-ray event peaks later than the microwave event. The average delay is 3.0 ± 1.9 min with 50 % of cases in the range of 0 to 4 min.The X-ray flux increases are significantly correlated with the microwave flux, increases, having a correlation coefficient of 0.43 (> 99.9 % confident).This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under contract NOOO14-68-A-0196-0009 and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through grant NGL-16-001-002.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been proposed that there exists a highly statistically significant (at 98% level of confidence) relationship between37Ar production rate (viz., solar neutrinos) and the Ap geomagnetic index (viz., solar particles), based on the X -square goodness-of-fit test and correlation analysis, for the interval 1970–1990. While a relationship between the two parameters, indeed, seems to be discernible, the strength of the relationship has been overstated. Instead of being significant at the afore-mentioned level of confidence, the relationship is found to be significant at only 95% level of confidence, based on Yates' modification to the X -square test for 2 × 2 contingency tables. Likewise, while correlation analysis yields a value ofr = 0.2691, it is important to note that such a value suggests that only about 7% of the variance can be explained by the inferred correlation and that the remaining 93% of the variance must be attributed to other sources.  相似文献   

A. O. Benz 《Solar physics》1984,94(1):161-163
The spectral indices of microwave and hard X-ray emissions of a solar flare are found to correlate. Their observed values are in agreement with the expected relation from synchrotron and bremsstrahlung theory. These results are considered as strong evidence for the synchrotron mechanism in the microwave flare, contrary to recent alternative suggestions.  相似文献   

The possibility of a short-term correlation between Jupiter's decametric radio emission and solar activity has been investigated for the 14 apparitions between 1960 and 1975. Artificial periodicities in the Jupiter data and other complicating factors are discussed, and it is found that the most serious periodicities liable to be present are Io-dependent. Using the geomagnetic Ap index as the indicator of solar activity, the Chree superposed epoch technique is applied to the Non-Io events, separated into two month periods before opposition and two month periods after opposition, as an additional test for correlation. While positive correlations appear from all of the data, without selection, the correlation is enhanced for Non-Io events and indicates a consistent picture of solar particles having velocities within the range 300–500 km s−1 activating some, if not all, of the Non-Io emission. In the before opposition case a secondary (negatively delayed) correlation peak, corresponding to particles travelling first to Jupiter and then, after almost a whole solar rotation, to Earth, predominates over the direct case. There is also a general tendency for values of the Ap index before opposition to increase before epoch and after opposition to decrease before epoch. The positive correlations are much enhanced for the three apparitions 1962–1964, during which period a welldefined repetitive pattern of solar activity occurred. There is little or no indication of correlation for Io-related events although an approximate eight day periodicity is apparent.  相似文献   

We have investigated common burst spectral features for the 20th cycle of solar activity. The maximum daily radio fluxes in 8 frequency ranges are analysed. For every year the classification of these daily spectra is obtained by cluster analysis methods. There are two spectral minima for average spectra of clusters (in frequency ranges 4–3 and 0.5–0.25 GHz). As a rule their positions do not change during the solar cycle.Every annual spectrum of weak bursts has three minima (in frequency ranges 4–3, 2–1, and 0.5–0.25 GHz). The positions of these minima remain invariable during the solar cycle. But anuual spectra of strong bursts depend essentially on the phase of solar activity.The basic features of most burst spectra can be explained by gyrosynchrotron radiation of thermal and nonthermal electrons and plasma radiation at the plasma frequency and its second harmonic.  相似文献   

Inferred solar sector polarity given by the AC index of Svalgaard, has been intensively studied as a single time series and as a time series correlated with geomagnetic and solar activity. Power auto-spectra of the AC index yield a highly significant harmonic series with fundamental at 27 days period and possessing clear harmonics up to the sixth; and a very prominent peak at a period of 1 yr. The 27 day harmonic series clearly indicates the solar control of the index while the 1-yr period might be taken as confirmation of the work of Rosenberg and Coleman to the effect that the sector pattern observed on Earth depends upon Earth's heliographic latitude which has a 1-yr period.Cross correlation analysis and superposed epoch analysis are used to show that sectors inferred to be positive or away are associated with low geomagnetic and solar activity whereas sectors inferred to be negative or toward exhibit significantly enhanced geomagnetic and solar activity.These results appear to be in conflict with superposed epoch analyses by Wilcox and Ness using satellite observed sector polarities which showed that geomagnetic activity increased after passage of a sector boundary, independent of the nature, whether + ? or ? + of the boundary.The conflict is resolved here by noting that the yearly correlation coefficient, at zero time lag, between inferred sector structure and geomagnetic activity averaged about 0·5 for the year 1927–1958, dropped to low values by 1960, recovered by 1962 and then dropped sharply in 1963 by an order to magnitude; the correlation has remained essentially zero ever since. Thus, the satellite results, all obtained post 1963, would not show increased activity during either sector sign.The results cast doubt upon the accuracy of the early ‘inferred’ sector polarities because it is felt that the only simple explanation for the strange behavior of the correlation coefficient lies in some artifact of the data.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the relation of 19 GHz( = 1.58 cm) solar radio bursts to solar proton emission, with particular reference to the usefulness of relatively long duration bursts with intensities exceeding 50% of the quiet Sun flux (or exceeding 350 × 10–22 W m–2 Hz–1) as indicators of the occurrence of proton events during the four years from 1966–69. 76 to 88% of such bursts are directly associated with solar protons and 60 to 85% of the moderate to large proton events in the four year period could have been predicted from these bursts. The complete microwave spectra of the proton events have also been studied, and have been used to extend the results obtained at 19 GHz to other frequencies, particularly in the 5–20 GHz band. The widely used frequency of 2.8 GHz is not the optimum frequency for this purpose since proton events have a minimum of emission in this region. Most of the radio energy of proton events is at frequencies above 10 GHz. The radio spectra of proton events tend to peak at higher frequencies than most non-proton events, the overall range being 5 to 70 GHz, with a median of 10–12 GHz and a mean of 17 GHz.On leave from the Radio and Space Research Station, Slough, England, as 1969–1970 National Research Council-National Academy of Sciences Senior Post-Doctoral Research Associate at AFCRL.  相似文献   

Attention is drawn to the great statistical material on geomagnetic storms and solar activity, published mainly before the space age. By analyses of this material in connection with established correlations between geomagnetic activity and the interplanetary sector struc- ture, valuable information might be obtained that would significantly contribute to an increased understanding of solar and interplanetary sector magnetism.As an illustration of this, different analyses of solar-geomagnetic correlations have been considered in relation to the paper by Wilcox and Colburn (1972) on the observed sector struc- ture. Indications are found that (a) the interplanetary and solar sector pattern in the years 1919–1969 consisted of mainly 2 or 4 sectors per solar rotation, and (b) sector boundaries are related to bipolar magnetic regions on the Sun.  相似文献   

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