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The gravitomagnetic interaction of general relativity must be incorporated into the Earth gravity model in order to obtain an unbiased measure of Earth's multipoles, and the strength of this relativistic interaction can also measured from SLR data by being introduced as a fit-for parameter in the total model. SLR measurements of the perigee precession rates of LAGEOS (and similar type) satellites are also a precise way to search for Yukawa-like interactions of range comparable to orbit sizes; and preferred frame effects in gravitational theory can also be sought. SLR's correlated measurements of particular parameters which appear in the models used to fit both SLR and LLR data can be brought into the LLR fits, achieving something like a grand fit of those data sets; this should contribute toward substantial improvement in the precision with which scientifically interesting parameters are determined in LLR and other interplanetary ranging missions.  相似文献   

从美国地球物理学会2001秋季年会谈非线性地球物理进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍美国地球物理协会2001秋季年会“非线性地球物理”分会的活动情况。它可以大致反映出目前非线性理论和非线性地球物理的发展现状和趋势,尤其是在分形,多维分形,尺度独立性,混沌和自组织临界理论方面的研究。  相似文献   

Electromagnetic (EM) techniques are the most commonly used geophysical methods in mineral exploration. However, the use of EM measurements for environmental and engineering applications like the detection of contaminant plumes or the exploration of waste sites is relatively new.The reason for the success of the application of EM methods to environmental problems lies in the variation of conductivity caused by different geometry of pore fluids and clay contents in rocks, and by the presence of organic and inorganic contaminants.Many EM methods/instruments used for mapping near surface geology exist and nowadays they play a central role in environmental geophysics. In general, these methods can be classified in two blocks: EM methods using a plane wave source of excitation and EM methods using a controlled source like a magnetic dipole or a loop source. The Very Low Frequency (VLF, VLF-R) and Radiomagnetotelluric (RMT) methods are chosen as representative methods for plane wave techniques, while horizontal loop EM methods operating in low induction numbers (EM31, EM34) and Transient Electromagnetic methods (TEM) are chosen as representatives of magnetic dipole or loop source techniques. Basic principles, advantages and disadvantages of each technique as well as their connection to specific environmental problems will be discussed.Different successful applications of these methods are reported in the literature. However, this review will focus on three major subjects: waste site exploration, detection of contaminated earth layers, and groundwater exploration. Case histories are presented illustrating the suitability of EM methods for solving such problems.  相似文献   

L. Wald 《Surveys in Geophysics》2000,21(2-3):177-186
The paper outlines the principles and methods of datafusion in Earth observations. Here, observations of aparticular region of the Earth's surface at acertain instant, obtained at different wavelengths or usingdifferent sensors, are combined in order to derive moreuseful information than would be obtained from a singlesource.  相似文献   

Space weather is a popular and important research topic today. Its origin isin the Sun. Space weather effects extend to the surface of the Earth where theyare usually called GIC referring to geomagnetically induced currents intechnological systems such as electric power transmission grids, oil and gaspipelines, telecommunication cables and railway equipment. GIC are a possiblesource of problems within such systems, and observations have been made sincethe first telegraph systems in the 1800's. This paper is a summary and reviewof present knowledge and of possibilities of modelling GIC in a system.Modelling efforts require a determination of the electric field occurring inconnection with a magnetic storm at the Earth's surface and a calculation ofthe resulting GIC. Different modelling techniques of the electric and magneticfields are evaluated in this paper, and special attention is paid to thecomplex image method (CIM) which is suitable for time-critical purposes likeforecasting of GIC. A discretely-earthed power system and a buried pipelineneed different calculation methods of GIC. The former can be treated by amatrix formalism while the distributed-source transmission line (DSTL) theoryis applicable to the latter.  相似文献   

Post-failure activity of the December 1993 Senerchia slump-earthflow was characterised by intermittent recession of the headscarp and earthflow movements. The retrogression showed considerable spatial variability, depending on the properties of the geological materials. The retrogressive failures were preceded by intense fissuring of the ground in the crown zone. Two microgravimetric surveys were carried out in order to detect possible spatial-temporal density variations in an area upslope of the headscarp. Although it was not possible to recognise any significant temporal density changes, this surveying revealed the presence of a negative anomaly which coincided with the area of maximum headscarp retreat. The gravity modelling was constrained by borehole information and new headscarp exposures produced by a series of retrogressive failures suggested that the origin of the anomaly might be associated with a hollow in an underlying clay-rich bedrock which had been subsequently filled by coarse colluvium. A possible concentration of groundwater in the hollow and its discharge towards the headscarp area controlled the local slope instability. The results of this study showed that microgravimetric surveys conducted upslope of retrogressive landslides can provide useful information on subsurface lithological heterogeneities that may control the amount and preferential direction of upslope landslide enlargement.  相似文献   

目的是观察杨氏中国尖齿兽有无筛板骨,探讨X线CT在古生物学研究中的应用价值。方法:选择扫描参数用传统CT、高档CT及工业CT分别对杨氏中国尖齿兽头骨化石标本进行扫描。结果:杨氏中国尖齿兽脑腔、鼻腔之间存在筛板骨,高档及工业CS能清晰显示筛板结构。结论:X线CT是无创性观察化石内部结构的方法,在古生物学研究方法中占据重要位置。  相似文献   

In summer 1998, a geophysical survey including seismic profilesand electrical tomography has been carried out in the Suusamyr valley, Kyrgyzstan. The scope wasto investigate surface effects induced by the Ms = 7.3 Suusamyr earthquake, the 19th of August, 1992. Inthis paper, special attention is paid to the case study of a debris slide triggered by the earthquake.Seismic data are analysed by P-wave refraction technique and by surface wave inversion. Electrical tomographicprofiles are processed by 2D-inversion.Using geotechnical and geological information, P-velocity modelsand resistivity sections are interpreted in terms of geological materials, in order to build a geological3D model. On the basis of the latter, we carried out static finite element computations as well as staticand pseudo-static calculations with Janbus method. Newmark displacement was computed, considering or notthe influence of the shallow soft deposits. The results are compared to the real displacementobserved in the field and conclusions are drawn about the mechanism of the landslide.  相似文献   

The present work focuses on the study of the main ophiolite complex ofNorthern Greece, which is one of the dominant geological features in thebroader Aegean area, by the use of geophysical (gravity and magnetic)data. This ophiolite complex, which trends in a NW-SE direction, startsat the eastern part of the borders of Greece with F.Y.R.O.M. and continuesup to the southern part of the Chalkidiki Peninsula. The ophiolites mainlyconsist of dense, high-susceptibility peridotitic and gabbroic rocks. As aresult, the southwestern part of the ophiolitic complex, which crosses thenorthwestern part of the Chalkidiki-Peninsula, gives rise to both highamplitude aeromagnetic and Bouguer anomaly values. On the other hand,the Axios-Thermaikos basin, which is situated at the western border of theophiolitic complex, exhibits a deep sedimentary cover that results in lowBouguer anomaly values. The corresponding Bouguer anomaly decreasesto the southwest, indicating an increase of the sedimentary layer thicknessin that direction.2.5-D inversion was applied to both the aeromagnetic and the Bouguergravity data along several profiles. All the profiles were oriented normalto the main trend of the ophiolitic complex. Information from two deepboreholes, as well as the surface occurrence of the ophiolites was used asconstrains to the inversion scheme. The produced model shows an averagesedimentary thickness of 2.5 km along the coastline. From the joint inversionof the Bouguer and aeromagnetic anomaly data the existence of two ophioliticstripes is revealed. The first ``external' one is located in the southwest part, while the other ``internal' one to the northeast part of the belt. In the internal one, the depth extent of the ophiolites was estimated to range between 1 to 4 km. Moreover, the ophiolites were found to dip towards the northeast, but their dip varies from 20–45° in the northern part to 10–15° in the southern part of the stripe. For the ``external' stripe the extent of the ophiolitic bodies varies from northwest to southeast, reaching its highest depth of 5 km to the south. This stripe is also dipping towards the northeast with a dip of 10–15°.  相似文献   

Following the 17 January 1994 Northridge, California earthquake (M = 6.7), Ventura County, California, experienced a major outbreak ofcoccidioidomycosis (CM), commonly known as valley fever, a respiratory disease contracted byinhaling airborne fungal spores. In the 8 weeks following the earthquake (24 Januarythrough 15 March), 203 outbreak-associated cases were reported, which is about an order of magnitude more than the expected number of cases, and three of these cases were fatal.Simi Valley, in easternmost Ventura County, had the highest attack rate in the county,and the attack rate decreased westward across the county. The temporal and spatial distribution of CM cases indicates that the outbreak resulted from inhalation of spore-contaminated dust generated by earthquake-triggered landslides. Canyons North East of Simi Valleyproduced many highly disrupted, dust-generating landslides during the earthquake andits aftershocks. Winds after the earthquake were from the North East, which transporteddust into Simi Valley and beyond to communities to the West. The three fatalities from the CM epidemic accounted for 4 percent of the total earthquake-related fatalities.  相似文献   

The lower crust is generally considered to be an aseismic, weak zone where fluid distribution might be governed by textural equilibrium geometries. Saline fluids below the transition from brittle to ductile rheology have been advanced as a joint explanation for deep crustal conductivity and seismic reflectivity, the depth of onset of both phenomena being apparently bounded by isotherms in the 300–450 °C temperature range. Some petrologists, meanwhile, contest that the deep crust should be devoid of extensive fluid networks. This review exposes some geophysical exceptions to the statistical norm suggested by global geophysical data compilations and presents counter-arguments that the lower crust in places may be both dry and strong, that fluids if at all present at such depths may not necessarily be connected and that fluid mobility in the lower crust may be more limited and heterogeneous than commonly assumed.Laboratory data on crustal rocks implies that the transition from brittle to ductile rheology actually occurs over a much broader range of temperatures than 300–450 °C, and the apparent association of deep crustal conductive horizons with a temperature field of 300–450 °C may be interpretable in terms of formation temperatures of graphite, rather than fluids and brittle-ductile transition rheology.High vP/vS ratios from a 6 km thick, seismically layered zone below the Weardale granite, NE England can be explained by underplated mafic material. They are unlikely to be explained by fluids in an area where deep crustal conductance has been shown to be relatively low, unless conventional assumptions regarding deep crustal fluid distribution are inadequate or false.Perusal of the literature reveals that lower crustal seismicity is less seldom than generally appreciated. Interpretation of earthquakes nucleating at lower crustal depths is ambiguous, but in some tectonic regimes may indicate preservation of brittle rheology to the Moho and a lower crust that is predominantly mafic and dry.A better understanding of lower crustal deformation mechanisms and history may provide better insight into deep crustal conductivity mechanisms. Recent rock mechanical experiments suggest that permeability (and thus fluid connectivity) may be decreased by ductile shearing, whereas ductile shearing may aid graphitisation at lower crustal temperatures. If the lower crust in some regions is strong, this may explain the apparent preservation of both extant- and palaeostress orientations in interpretations involving electrical anisotropy.  相似文献   

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