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沈如金 《大气科学》1992,16(3):302-312
本文提出一种利用实测风场、高度场、温度场和地面三小时气压变化资料,考虑风场和质量场之间基本满足准地转平衡关系,大气具有准无辐散性,但又保留一部分与地面气压变化相应散度的地转偏差,将以实测的等压面风场插到σ坐标的风场进行订正的初值化方法,并用一个单时资料进行初步试验.文中还对风场初值化问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The main stages are considered of the process of Roshydromet forecast technologies modernization that started in the 1990s, especially those related to the use of supercomputers for operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) and to the development of supercomputer technologies for NWP with different lead times. Some outcomes of the modernization are presented.  相似文献   

本文介绍使用五层原始方程有限区域降水预报模式进行汛期暴雨数值预报试验时,引进的新的初值方案。给出了用新初值方案计算的个例和1986年汛期实际预报试验的结果。与其它方案计算结果的比较表明,认真改进初值有助于改进暴雨预报,新的初值方案可以满足暴雨预报业务试验的要求。  相似文献   

数值天气预报中的不一致性问题综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来随着数值天气预报的不断发展,数值天气预报中出现了一个新的值得注意的问题:预报不一致性,即连续多次预报中,前后两次预报所做出的预报结果之间差异较大的现象。本文较系统地概述了这一问题,总结了预报不一致性的概念、定量分析方法、产生的可能原因及其与预报误差的关系等方面的研究成果。目前预报不一致性的定量分析方法还较少,其适用性和客观性等还需进一步研究。在预报不一致性产生的原因方面,现有的研究仅限于理论上的简要分析,初始误差和模式误差在预报不一致性形成过程中的具体作用等尚不清楚。最后阐述了在预报不一致性研究中存在的一些问题及可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

Review of numerical methods for nonhydrostatic weather prediction models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary ?Currently available computer power allows to run operational numerical weather prediction models at resolutions higher than 10 km. The aim of such high resolution modeling is the prediction of local weather, including orographically induced winds and local precipitation patterns. In this range the hydrostatic approximation is no longer valid and nonhydrostatic models have to be used instead. For several decades these models have been developed for research purposes only, but operational application is now reality. In this paper, the numerical methods used in current nonhydrostatic forecast models will be reviewed and some promising techniques in this field will be discussed. Special attention is given to aspects such as the choice of the vertical coordinate, the efficiency of algebraic solvers for semi-implicit time discretizations, and accurate and non-oscillatory advection schemes. Received July 6, 2001; revision October 12, 2001  相似文献   

任福民  杨慧 《暴雨灾害》2019,4(5):526-540



本文提出一种动力初值方案,这一方案考虑了不同纬度大气适应过程的不同特征:在低纬度,主要调整气压场和温度场,而对流场只作适当调整;在中高纬度,则主要调整流场,而对气压场和温度场只作适当调整。此方案计算收敛很快,只需相当于做2至3小时预报的时间。用此初值做48小时预报,得到了较好的预报结果。  相似文献   

数值天气预报作为现代天气预报的主流技术方法,近年来不断朝着精细化方向发展,但预报误差至今仍无法避免.文中在CU-Net模型中引入稠密卷积模块形成数值预报要素偏差订正模型Dense-CUnet,在此基础上进一步融合多种气象要素和地形特征构建了Fuse-CUnet模型,开展不同模型的偏差订正试验和对比分析.以均方根误差(R...  相似文献   

Summary A shallow water single level primitive equation model is ideally suited for studying the motion of a tropical cyclone. Three factors seem to be important in the initialization, i.e. the size, intensity and the initial speed and direction of motion of the storm. This study presents the results of sensitivity studies on the above parameters in the definition of a synthetic idealized vortex. The sensitivity studies include results of experimental forecasts for typhoons Betty of 1987 and Dan of 1989. The results of these studies show that the initial size, intensity and direction and speed of motion show considerable sensitivity to the predicted track. Finally a summary of the track forecast errors through 72 hours are presented for these storms.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

数字滤波初始化应用的前提假设之一是不平衡重力惯性波在频率谱上与有天气意义的波动不重叠。随着水平分辨率的不断提高,数值模式能够解析的重力波具有波长更短、频率更高的性质,模式中有天气意义的波动与高频噪声的界线更加模糊,因此,数字滤波初始化在高分辨率模式中的应用性能尚未明确。以一次深对流过程为例,在3 km水平分辨率条件下采用不同滤波参数配置进行数字滤波初始化试验,试图对高水平分辨率预报初始场中高频噪声特征、如何区分具有天气意义的高频信号和虚假噪声、数字滤波初始化在数值预报模式(WRF)高水平分辨率条件下的应用性能等一系列相关问题给出初步的认识。试验结果表明,在针对高分辨率模式进行数字滤波初始化时,原有应用于低分辨率模式的初始化配置参数已不适用,必须根据高分辨率噪声的特点重新设计相应的滤波方案。即使在"无噪声"状态下,有天气意义的信息在模式中也具有与虚假高频噪声一致的表现形式,即大的地面气压变化倾向。数字滤波初始化的确能对特定切断频率的高频振荡进行滤波,但无法区分其性质究竟是具有天气意义的高频信号,还仅仅只是虚假的高频噪声。如果要达到滤除初始场中高频噪声的理想效果、并且消除积分过程中的高频振荡,必须延长滤波时间窗,但这是以增加额外的积分时间、以及有可能损害气象上有意义的波动为代价的。滤波效果越显著,滤波结果对初始场的改变越大,这两个方面实质上是有冲突的,因此,在应用数字滤波初始化时必须在滤波效果可接受和保证预报性能两方面之间进行妥协。最后就数字滤波初始化在高分辨率有限区域数值模式中的可能应用提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

伍荣生 《大气科学》1977,1(4):282-288
通常的过滤二格距波长波动的平滑算子具有以下几个缺点,(1)进行一次平滑运算则能使除二格距波动以外的波动强度有不同程度的削弱,对于中短波而言,影响更大.(2)如果要减低波动强度削弱的程度,可以利用多点平滑算子,但这将引入边界如何处理的麻烦,而且边界误差将传入域内.(3)利用平滑后的物理量来计算差分,则有较未经平滑的差分为大的截断误差.本文就是为了克服上述缺点而设计了一个简便的平滑算子,并给出了数值例子,证明它是有一定成效的。  相似文献   

数值天气预报和气候预测的可预报性问题   总被引:29,自引:7,他引:29  
考察由初始状态误差和模式中参数误差所引起的预报结果的不确定性。提出了数值天气预报与气候预测中三类可预报性问题,即,最大可预报时间,最大预报误差,初值与参数的最大允许误差。然后将这三类问题化成了对应的非线性优化问题,给出了处理此类非线性优化问题的思路,并且有数值方法对Lorenz模型研究了这三类问题。  相似文献   

中国数值天气预报的自主创新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数值天气预报是天气预报业务和防灾、减灾的核心科技。中国数值天气预报研究和业务应用一直受到高度重视,在理论、方法和数值模式研究方面取得了有广泛国际影响的研究成果。在回顾新中国数值天气预报自主创新研究成果的基础上,重点对GRAPES(Global Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System)半隐式半拉格朗日格点模式与物理过程的研发和业务应用的状况以及所取得的重要科学进展进行了综述。近年来,通过自主研发建立了中国数值天气预报业务体系—GRAPES体系。首次以自主技术实现了从区域3—10 km到全球25—50 km分辨率的确定性预报和集合预报系统,并在模式动力框架、四维变分同化和卫星资料同化技术等方面有所突破,建立了大气化学数值天气预报、台风数值预报和海浪预报等系统。自主研发的数值天气预报体系的建立是长期坚持既定科学技术方向以及研究和业务紧密结合、经验不断积累的结果,是中国自主发展数值天气预报技术的重要起点。  相似文献   

Summary We construct the generalized inverse of a global numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, in order to prepare initial conditions for the model at time t=0 hrs. The inverse finds a weighted, least-squares best-fit to the dynamics for –24<t<0, to the previous initial condition att=–24, and to data att=–24,t=–18,t=–12 andt=0. That is, the inverse is a weak-constraint, four-dimensional variational assimilation scheme. The best-fit is found by solving the nonlinear Euler-Lagrange (EL) equations which determine the local extrema of a penalty functional. The latter is quadratic in the dynamical, initial and data residuals. The EL equations are solved using iterated representer expansions. The technique yields optimal conditioning of the very large minimization problem, which has 109 hydrodynamical and thermodynamical variables defined on a 4-dimensional, space-time grid.In addition to introducing the inverse NWP model, we demonstrate it on a medium-sized problem, namely, a study of the impact of reprocessed cloud track wind observations (RCTWO) from the 1990 Tropical Cyclone Motion Experiment (TCM-90). The impact is assessed in terms of the improvement of forecasts in the South China Sea att=+48 hours. The calculation shows that the computations are manageable, the iteration scheme converges, and that the RCTWO have a beneficial impact.  相似文献   

Twenty-two months (July 1983-April 1985) of surface heat fluxes predicted at day 1 from a numerical weather prediction system have been processed. Monthly means and monthly standard deviations of available surface short-wave, long-wave, latent and sensible heat fluxes as well as annual means have been computed. The global mean of the annual net sea-surface heat flux is about 40 Wm–2 and is therefore far from equilibrium. When used to force an oceanic model, these fluxes would tend to warm the ocean and would produce an unrealistic transport of heat by the oceanic general circulation. They therefore need to be corrected. This correction appears feasible because the main difference between these fluxes and long-term climatologies appears largely independent of the month and the latitude. This suggests that the errors have a systematic origin. The corrected fluxes allow both the reproduction of a realistic seasonal migration of the zero net heat-flux line and the reproduction of the annual meridional heat transport in the different oceans, within the range of previous estimates.  相似文献   




实测风场在数值天气预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
曾庆存 《大气科学》1977,1(3):165-173
一、初始场的误差 我国有较稠密的高空风测站网,相当广大的地区又位于中低纬度带,天气系统在风场中比在气压场中有更明显的反映,使用风场资料在天气预报中有很重要的意义。毫无疑问,在数值天气预告中应用这些实测风场也是很重要的。另方面,为了提高预报效能,则又有必要使用较精确的原始方程式组。但这吋如果直接用实测风场作始始场,却会得到紊乱不堪的计算结果。因此必须对问题作深入的研究。  相似文献   

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