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Several westward propagation properties of the Indian monsoon depression were neglected by previous studies. They include:(1) the slower propagation speed of the depression depicted by a quasi‐geostrophic model, (2) the initiation of the asymmetric secondary circulation with respect to the depression center, and (3) the absence of the depression perturbation in the upper troposphere. Some further insights into these neglected propagation properties of the depression are obtained from the streamfunction budget analysis with the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts) reanalysis data. (1) The inclusion of relative vorticity stretching, which is neglected in a quasi‐geostrophic model, increases the depression's westward propagation speed. (2) Within the large‐scale environment of the summer monsoon, the coupling of the east‐west differentiation of the meridional absolute vorticity advection with the CISK mechanism is conducive to the initiation and development of the asymmetric secondary circulation associated with the depression. (3) The Tibetan high is formed by summertime global‐scale stationary waves which are maintained by a Sverdrup balance. The positive streamfunction tendency induced by the upper‐tropospheric vortex stretching over the monsoon region suppresses the development of the monsoon depression in the upper troposphere.  相似文献   

利用NASA提供的热带测雨卫星(TRMM)资料和NCEP/AVN模式的实况分析场研究了热带气旋“威马逊”(2002)的演变过程、结构和降水特征.对要素场及倾斜对流有效位能诊断分析发现,降水的分布和强度对热带气旋的发展有很好的指示作用.针对MM5的几种积云参数化方案进行了数值试验,初步研究了各方案在热带气旋定量降水预报(QPF)中的作用.  相似文献   

基于TRMM的热带气旋降水三维结构特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用TRMM卫星PR、TMI、VIRS资料研究了0608号"桑美"台风降水的三维分布特征。结果表明,"桑美"台风降水有很大的不均匀性,强降水主要分布在眼壁附近。大范围的降水区内包含几条明显的强雨带,其中存在很多独立的对流性降水区。降水主要集中在距台风中心50 km以内,而这部分的面积只占台风总降水面积的很小一部分。距离台风25~30 km处平均降水量最大,然后降水量随距离的增加迅速减小,由于台风降水中含有强降水带,所以随着与台风中心距离的增大,平均降水量会出现波动。"桑美"台风降水中大部分为层性降水(占总降水面积的84.3%),对流性降水仅占总降水面积的15.7%,但它对总降水量的贡献却很大(达到50.4%)。对流性降水的平均降水量为层性降水的5.5倍,明显大于热带海洋地区的平均值。  相似文献   

海洋微波散射模型相比于以经验统计建立的地球物理模式函数具有不受特定微波频率限制的优势。组合布拉格散射模型和几何光学模型形成了复合雷达后向散射模型。利用南海北部气象浮标2014年海面风速风向实测值作为散射模型输入,分别比较了复合雷达后向散射模型与RADARSAT-2卫星C波段SAR、HY-2A卫星Ku波段微波散射计的海面后向散射系数,偏差分别为(?0.22±1.88) dB (SAR)、(0.33±2.71) dB (散射计VV极化)和(?1.35±2.88) dB (散射计HH极化);以美国浮标数据中心(NDBC)浮标2011年10月1日至2014年9月30日共3年的海面风速、风向实测值作为散射模型输入,分别比较了复合雷达后向散射模型与Jason-2、HY-2A卫星Ku波段高度计海面后向散射系数,偏差分别为(1.01±1.15) dB和(1.12±1.29) dB。中等入射角和垂直入射下的卫星传感器后向散射系数观测值与复合雷达后向散射模型模拟值比较,具有不同的偏差,但具有相同的海面风速检验精度,均方根误差小于1.71 m/s。结果表明,复合雷达后向散射模型可模拟计算星载SAR、散射计和高度计观测条件下的海面雷达后向散射系数,且与CMOD5、NSCAT-2、高度计业务化海面风速反演的地球物理模式函数的计算结果具有一致性;复合雷达后向散射模型可用于微波遥感器的定标与检验、海面雷达后向散射的模拟。  相似文献   

The work describes an inversion algorithm for HF radar measurement of nondirectional wave spectra using an omnidirectional receive/transmit antenna. Such a radar would be suitable for deployment on a stationary ship or drill rig. In this approach, wave information is extracted from the radar observations by numerically inverting the integral equation representing the backscatter return from the ocean. Test results of this technique applied to data collected using a 25.4-MHz radar installed on a ship have been very positive. For the two measurements collected, there is a high degree of correlation between the radar wave estimates and those of a WAVE-TRACK buoy  相似文献   

Hydrographic data collected aboard R. V. Anton Bruun along 65°E between 18°N and 42°S from 17 May to 4 July 1964 are used to investigate water characteristics and current structure in the upper 500 m in the Indian Ocean. The water characteristics indicate the occurrence of three main water masses,viz., warm, saltier, low-oxyty and nutrient-rich Arabian Sea Surface Water, relatively fresh and high-oxyty Equatorial Indian Ocean Water, and more saline, high-oxyty and nutrient-poor Tropical Water of the South Indian Ocean. The recently discovered South Equatorial Countercurrent and Subtropical Countercurrent (renamed Tropical Countercurrent, at the suggestion of Dr. R. B.Montgomery) are observed in the current structure at 13°S and 22°–26°S respectively, and these could also be identified on the vertical sections of temperature, thermosteric anomaly and salinity. Contrary to the existing concept, the North Equatorial Current continues to be present even after the onset of the southwest monsoon. The Equatorial Undercurrent could not be traced in the Indian Ocean during this period.  相似文献   

Three High Frequency (HF) ocean radar stations were installed around the Soya/La Perouse Strait in the Sea of Okhotsk in order to monitor the Soya Warm Current (SWC). The frequency of the HF radar is 13.9 MHz, and the range and azimuth resolutions are 3 km and 5 deg., respectively. The radar covers a range of approximately 70 km from the coast. The surface current velocity observed by the HF radars was compared with data from drifting buoys and shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs). The current velocity derived from the HF radars shows good agreement with that observed using the drifting buoys. The root-mean-square (rms) differences were found to be less than 20 cm s−1 for the zonal and meridional components in the buoy comparison. The observed current velocity was also found to exhibit reasonable agreement with the shipboard ADCP data. It was shown that the HF radars clearly capture seasonal and short-term variations of the SWC. The velocity of the Soya Warm Current reaches its maximum, approximately 1 m s−1, in summer and weakens in winter. The velocity core is located 20 to 30 km from the coast, and its width is approximately 40 km. The surface transport by the SWC shows a significant correlation with the sea level difference along the strait, as derived from coastal tide gauge records at Wakkanai and Abashiri. Deceased.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of surface currents collected using a Doppler Radar system off the Florida Keys has been investigated. Surface current vectors were acquired within a rectilinear grid containing 700 nodes, where each node was spaced 1 km apart. Principal component analyses indicate that at least 63% of the variance of the surface currents at the 700 nodal locations can be accounted for by only three principal components. The principal modes of circulation during two separate experiments were extracted and found to be basically the same, although the first two modes were reversed between the two experiments. Coherence spectra were determined for nodal spacings between 1.76 km and 10.48 km, and the results of these analyses indicate that over most of the experimental area, approximately 60% of the variance is coherent over separations of 10.48 km. Application of a synoptic time-series model indicates that accurate prediction of the mean currents over each of the 65-h subrecord lengths was the dominant factor in controlling model performance, and that on the order of 10% error could be expected in using the time-series model to predict the low-frequency fluctuations. This indicates that time-series modeling of surface currents may be feasible and useful in estimating the long-term mixing characteristics of contaminants transported in the surface layer  相似文献   

Diatoms, dinoflagellates, coccolithophores, nanoflagellates, picophytoplankton and procaryote algae (Synechococcus spp. and prochlorophytes) were quantified by microscopy and flow cytometry, and their biomass determined, at 12 stations along a 1600 km transect across the Arabian Sea at the end of the SW monsoon in September, and during the inter-monsoon period of November/December 1994. The transect spanned contrasting oceanic conditions that varied from seasonally eutrophic, upwelling waters through mesotrophic, downwelling waters to permanently oligotrophic, stratified waters. The overall diversity of diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores along the transect was not significantly different between the SW monsoon and inter-monsoon. However, diatoms showed greatest diversity during the SW monsoon and coccolithophores were most diverse during the inter-monsoon. Integrated phytoplankton standing stocks during the SW monsoon ranged from 3 to 9 g C m-2 in the upwelling eutrophic waters, from 3 to 5 g C m-2 in downwelling waters, and from 1 to 2 g C m-2 in oligotrophic waters. Similar phytoplankton standing stocks were found in oligotrophic waters during the inter-monsoon, but were ca. 40% lower compared to the SW monsoon in the more physically dynamic waters. Phytoplankton abundance and biomass was dominated by procaryote taxa. Synechococcus spp. were abundant (often >108 cells l-1) during both the SW monsoon and inter-monsoon, where the nitrate concentration was ⩾0.1 μ mol l-1, and often dominated the phytoplankton standing stocks. Prochlorophytes were restricted to oligotrophic stratified waters during the SW monsoon period but were found at all stations along the transect during the inter-monsoon, dominating the phytoplankton standing stocks (>40%) in the oligotrophic region during this period. Of the nano- and micro-phytoplankton, only diatoms contributed significantly to phytoplankton standing stocks, and then only in near-shore upwelling waters during the SW monsoon. There were significant changes in the temporal composition of the phytoplankton community. In nearshore waters a mixed community of diatoms and Synechococcus spp. dominated during the SW monsoon. This gave way to a community dominated by Synechococcus spp. in the intermonsoon. In the downwelling zone, a Synechococcus spp. dominated community was replaced by a mixed procaryote community of Synechococcus spp. and prochlorophytes. In the oligotrophic stratified waters, the mix of procaryote algae was replaced by one dominated by prochlorophytes alone.  相似文献   

A low-angle tracking technique based on a novel high-resolution algorithm is presented. The new high-resolution algorithm, which is called the forward-backward nonlinear prediction (FBNLP) method, replaces the linear predictor in the conventional forward-backward linear prediction (FBLP) method with a nonlinear one to try to improve the tracking in a realistic naval environment, Real radar tracking data over the sea, which were recorded with a 32-element sampled aperture antenna on an “over-water” path, were used in this study. They were recorded in a multipath environment, i.e., one where, in addition to the customary direct signal, an indirect signal was also received by the antenna system, and separation of these two signals was less than one standard beamwidth. The performance of the FBNLP method is shown to be better than that of the modified FBLP algorithm for the data sets used in this paper  相似文献   

High-frequency (HF) ground wave radar (GWR) is emerging as a significant tool for monitoring ocean surface conditions at ranges well beyond the line-of-sight horizon that limits conventional systems. An experimental GWR system at Cape Race, Newfoundland, Canada that has been operational since 1991, has the ability to performing routine surveillance of oceanic surface parameters and surface target detection. Operating in the frequency range between 5 and 8 MHz, the frequency modulated interrupted continuous wave (FMICW) radar has a nominal range capability of 200 km. An experiment was performed during the period of October 20-November 21, 1992 to test the surface current measuring capability of the Cape Race system. Here, near real-time radial surface current information is extracted from the Doppler spectra of the radar time series data and a comparison is performed to the Lagrangian velocities derived from the position-time tracks of Accurate Surface Tracker (AST) drifters. A wide range of oceanic conditions were experienced during the experimental period, and favorable results were obtained from the comparison regardless of the sea state conditions. The analysis shows the standard deviation in the radar radial velocity component to be approximately 5 cm/s  相似文献   

Measurement of ocean wave spectra using narrow-beam HE radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A data interpretation algorithm is developed to extract ocean wave information from HF radar backscatter observed by a narrow-beam antenna system. The basis of this measurement is the inversion of the integral equation representing the second-order radar cross section of the ocean surface. This equation is numerically inverted by approximating it as a matrix equation and pseudoinverting the kernel matrix using a singular value decomposition. As a test of this algorithm, comparisons are made between wave spectrum estimates obtained from a WAVEC buoy and a pair of 25.4-MHz ground wave radars, using data collected during the 1986 Canadian Atlantic Storms Program (CASP). Overall, the results of this experiment have been positive and have demonstrated both the basic feasibility of the inversion algorithm and the wave sensing capability of HF radar. For example, significant wave height estimates deduced by two radars differed from the buoy, in an absolute value sense, by only 0.12 m on average. When using only one radar, the mean difference of this important parameter from the buoy was a reasonable 0.33 m  相似文献   

Analysis of directional wave fields using X-band navigation radar   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The aim of this work is to present an approach to describe complex sea states including the ones consisting of superpositions of swell and wind sea components, using a nautical radar in X-band as a remote sensing technique. In the present article, the inversion method to obtain the spectral representation of the wave fields is described. The method is applied to analyse data obtained from simulation techniques, as well as from measurements obtained during oceanographic campaigns in the Bay of Biscay and North Sea.  相似文献   

An X-band pulsed Doppler microwave radar has been used to determine the characteristics of breaking waves. Field experiments were conducted at the Shuang-Si estuary in the north of Taiwan in the winter of 2005. Analyses on maxima radar cross section and Doppler frequency shift are done to characterize wave breaking zones. Based on observations of breaking waves, the wave breaking zones are shown to be located at water depths of 1.8 to 2.2 m in the experimental site. In general, the results indicate that a radar system has the potential to delineate the spatial variation of breaking waves clearly and that this is sufficient to achieve a measurement operation for near-shore air-sea interaction events.  相似文献   

一次东北季风过程下珠江口磨刀门河口环流研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘欢  吴超羽  包芸  温晶 《海洋工程》2008,26(2):102-111
根据2003年12月9日至15日的大、中潮同步水文观测资料及江门市斗门县气象局关于风的气象资料,结合Ecomsed三维斜压模型,对东北季风过程下的磨刀门垂向环流进行研究。通过理论分析和模型计算,表明向海的冬季风对河口垂向环流的形成起着重要的作用。风的作用有加强径流效果,加大了表层水体向下游的流动,同时底层水体的上溯使该地区形成了稳定的垂向环流。统计气象资料推断,枯季期间磨刀门水道出现垂向环流现象的时间约占总天数的51%。  相似文献   

Successful operation of a skywave (over-the-horizon, OTH) radar in a remote sea-state sensing mode is critically dependent upon the application of comprehensive frequency management techniques. In addition to the problem of selecting a frequency yielding an adequate signal-to-noise ratio in the geographical area under investigation, attention must be paid to minimization of ionospheric multimode and other phenomena capable of distorting or convoluting the sea backscatter spectrum. This paper describes the manner in which these problems have been addressed in the JINDALEE skywave radar, and relates the practical difficulties inherent in the task of frequency management in support of an OTH radar involved in sea-state sensing. Measurement techniques include backscatter and oblique-incidence sounding, HF spectral surveillance, and a low-powered frequency-agile "miniradar" capable of operating in either a conventional backscatter or alternate oblique-incidence mode. In addition to providing the main radar with real-time frequency management advice, a principal emphasis has been the acquisition of a synoptic data base suitable for off-line statistical analysis.  相似文献   

The popular methods to estimate wave height with high-frequency(HF) radar depend on the integration over the second-order spectral region and thus may come under from even not strong external interference. To improve the accuracy and increase the valid detection range of the wave height measurement, particularly by the smallaperture radar, it is turned to singular peaks which often exceed the power of other frequency components. The power of three kinds of singular peaks, i.e., those around ±1,±2~(1/2) and ±1(2~(1/2)) times the Bragg frequency, are retrieved from a one-month-long radar data set collected by an ocean state monitoring and analyzing radar,model S(OSMAR-S), and in situ buoy records are used to make some comparisons. The power response to a wave height is found to be described with a new model quite well, by which obvious improvement on the wave height estimation is achieved. With the buoy measurements as reference, a correlation coefficient is increased to 0.90 and a root mean square error(RMSE) is decreased to 0.35 m at the range of 7.5 km compared with the results by the second-order method. The further analysis of the fitting performance across range suggests that the peak has the best fit and maintains a good performance as far as 40 km. The correlation coefficient is 0.78 and the RMSE is 0.62 m at 40 km. These results show the effectiveness of the new empirical method, which opens a new way for the wave height estimation with the HF radar.  相似文献   

High-frequency (HF) radars have been developed to map surface currents offshore by means of land-based stations. Presently available radar systems use frequencies between 25 and 30 MHz and allow a spatial resolution of 1 km and ranges of up to 50 km. This paper reports on the experience with a shipborne radar and discusses problems which arise for the azimuthal resolution on a metal ship, the correction for the ship's speed, and limitations due to pitch-and-roll motions. Current measurements during cruises to the North Atlantic are presented. It has been found that, with the support of the satellite-supported Global Positioning System, the shipborne HF radar can measure surface current velocities with an accuracy of some 5 cm·s-1  相似文献   

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