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The first post-Newtonian approximation of general relativity is used to account for the motion of solar system bodies and near-Earth objects which are slow moving and produce weak gravitational fields. The \(n\)-body relativistic equations of motion are given by the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann equations. For \(n=2\), we investigate the associated dynamics of two-body systems in the first post-Newtonian approximation. By direct integration of the associated planar equations of motion, we deduce a new expression that characterises the orbit of test particles in the first post-Newtonian regime generalising the well-known Binet equation for Newtonian mechanics. The expression so obtained does not appear to have been given in the literature and is consistent with classical orbiting theory in the Newtonian limit. Further, the accuracy of the post-Newtonian Binet equation is numerically verified by comparing secular variations of known expression with the full general relativistic orbit equation.  相似文献   

Satellite orbits around a central body with arbitrary zonal harmonics are considered in a relativistic framework. Our starting point is the relativistic Celestial Mechanics based upon the first post-Newtonian approximation to Einstein’s theory of gravity as it has been formulated by Damour et al. (Phys Rev D 43:3273–3307, 1991; 45:1017–1044, 1992; 47:3124–3135, 1993; 49:618–635, 1994). Since effects of order \((\mathrm{GM}/c^2R) \times J_k\) with \(k \ge 2\) for the Earth are very small (of order \( 7 \times 10^{-10}\,\times \,J_k\)) we consider an axially symmetric body with arbitrary zonal harmonics and a static external gravitational field. In such a field the explicit \(J_k/c^2\)-terms (direct terms) in the equations of motion for the coordinate acceleration of a satellite are treated first with first-order perturbation theory. The derived perturbation theoretical results of first order have been checked by purely numerical integrations of the equations of motion. Additional terms of the same order result from the interaction of the Newtonian \(J_k\)-terms with the post-Newtonian Schwarzschild terms (relativistic terms related to the mass of the central body). These ‘mixed terms’ are treated by means of second-order perturbation theory based on the Lie-series method (Hori–Deprit method). Here we concentrate on the secular drifts of the ascending node \(<\!{\dot{\Omega }}\!>\) and argument of the pericenter \(<\!{\dot{\omega }}\!>\). Finally orders of magnitude are given and discussed.  相似文献   

We used more than 250 000 high-precision American and Russian radar observations of the inner planets and spacecraft obtained in the period 1961–2003 to test the relativistic parameters and to estimate the solar oblateness. Our analysis of the observations was based on the EPM ephemerides of the Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, constructed by the simultaneous numerical integration of the equations of motion for the nine major planets, the Sun, and the Moon in the post-Newtonian approximation. The gravitational noise introduced by asteroids into the orbits of the inner planets was reduced significantly by including 301 large asteroids and the perturbations from the massive ring of small asteroids in the simultaneous integration of the equations of motion. Since the post-Newtonian parameters and the solar oblateness produce various secular and periodic effects in the orbital elements of all planets, these were estimated from the simultaneous solution: the post-Newtonian parameters are β = 1.0000 ± 0.0001 and γ = 0.9999 ± 0.0002, the gravitational quadrupole moment of the Sun is J2 = (1.9 ± 0.3) × 10?7, and the variation of the gravitational constant is ?/G = (?2 ± 5) × 10?14 yr?1. The results obtained show a remarkable correspondence of the planetary motions and the propagation of light to General Relativity and narrow significantly the range of possible values for alternative theories of gravitation.  相似文献   

Three different numerical techniques are tested to determine the number of integrals of motion in dynamical systems with three degrees of freedom.
  1. The computation of the whole set of Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents (LCE).
  2. The triple sections in the configurations space.
  3. The Stine-Noid box-counting technique.
These methods are applied to a triple oscillator with coupling terms of the third order. Cases are found for which one effective integral besides the Hamiltonian subsists during a very long time. Such orbits display simultaneously chaotic and quasi-periodic motion, according to which coordinates are considered. As an application, the LCE procedure is applied to a triaxial elliptical galaxy model. Contrary to similar 2-dimensional systems, this 3-dimensional one presents noticeable zones in the phase space without any non-classical integral.  相似文献   

We consider the three-dimensional bounded motion of a test particle around razor-thin disk configurations, by focusing on the adiabatic invariance of the vertical action associated with disk-crossing orbits. We find that it leads to an approximate third integral of motion predicting envelopes of the form \(Z(R)\propto [\varSigma (R)]^{-1/3}\), where R is the radial galactocentric coordinate, Z is the z-amplitude (vertical amplitude) of the orbit and \(\varSigma \) represents the surface mass density of the thin disk. This third integral, which was previously formulated for the case of flattened 3D configurations, is tested for a variety of trajectories in different thin-disk models.  相似文献   

The analysis of relative motion of two spacecraft in Earth-bound orbits is usually carried out on the basis of simplifying assumptions. In particular, the reference spacecraft is assumed to follow a circular orbit, in which case the equations of relative motion are governed by the well-known Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire equations. Circular motion is not, however, a solution when the Earth’s flattening is accounted for, except for equatorial orbits, where in any case the acceleration term is not Newtonian. Several attempts have been made to account for the \(J_2\) effects, either by ingeniously taking advantage of their differential effects, or by cleverly introducing ad-hoc terms in the equations of motion on the basis of geometrical analysis of the \(J_2\) perturbing effects. Analysis of relative motion about an unperturbed elliptical orbit is the next step in complexity. Relative motion about a \(J_2\)-perturbed elliptic reference trajectory is clearly a challenging problem, which has received little attention. All these problems are based on either the Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire equations for circular reference motion, or the de Vries/Tschauner–Hempel equations for elliptical reference motion, which are both approximate versions of the exact equations of relative motion. The main difference between the exact and approximate forms of these equations consists in the expression for the angular velocity and the angular acceleration of the rotating reference frame with respect to an inertial reference frame. The rotating reference frame is invariably taken as the local orbital frame, i.e., the RTN frame generated by the radial, the transverse, and the normal directions along the primary spacecraft orbit. Some authors have tried to account for the non-constant nature of the angular velocity vector, but have limited their correction to a mean motion value consistent with the \(J_2\) perturbation terms. However, the angular velocity vector is also affected in direction, which causes precession of the node and the argument of perigee, i.e., of the entire orbital plane. Here we provide a derivation of the exact equations of relative motion by expressing the angular velocity of the RTN frame in terms of the state vector of the reference spacecraft. As such, these equations are completely general, in the sense that the orbit of the reference spacecraft need only be known through its ephemeris, and therefore subject to any force field whatever. It is also shown that these equations reduce to either the Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire, or the Tschauner–Hempel equations, depending on the level of approximation. The explicit form of the equations of relative motion with respect to a \(J_2\)-perturbed reference orbit is also introduced.  相似文献   

Continuing a work initiated in an earlier publication (Yamada et al. in Phys Rev D 91:124016, 2015), we reexamine the linear stability of the triangular solution in the relativistic three-body problem for general masses by the standard linear algebraic analysis. In this paper, we start with the Einstein–Infeld–Hoffmann form of equations of motion for N-body systems in the uniformly rotating frame. As an extension of the previous work, we consider general perturbations to the equilibrium, i.e., we take account of perturbations orthogonal to the orbital plane, as well as perturbations lying on it. It is found that the orthogonal perturbations depend on each other by the first post-Newtonian (1PN) three-body interactions, though these are independent of the lying ones likewise the Newtonian case. We also show that the orthogonal perturbations do not affect the condition of stability. This is because these do not grow with time, but always precess with two frequency modes, namely, the same with the orbital frequency and the slightly different one due to the 1PN effect. The condition of stability, which is identical to that obtained by the previous work (Yamada et al. 2015) and is valid for the general perturbations, is obtained from the lying perturbations.  相似文献   

Numerical explorations of the restricted problem have shown that for stable large nonperiodic retrograde satellite orbits, the motion can be decomposed into a fast reference motion and a slow libration aroundB 2 We study here this libration in the circular plane Hill's case, for which the reference motion is elliptic. We establish the equations of motion for the coordinates of the centre of this ellipse. We find two integrals of motion: the first is the semi-major axis of the ellipse; the second is essentially Jacobi's integral, translated into the new coordinates. We give a formula for the period of the libration and we find its limiting value for small libration amplitudes. A numerical verification gives very good agreement for all these results.  相似文献   

The differential equations of rotational motion of the Moon are solved by numerical integration methods. Euler's dynamical equations transformed to a convenient form are treated by techniques analogous to ordinary orbit determination procedures. The proposed method is fully consistent with the ephemeris of the Moon and can utilize a variety of observational material for the solution of the selected parameters. The parameters are grouped into three distinct groups, namely:
  • --The physical libration angles of the Moon and their time rates at an arbitrary initial epoch.
  • --Physical constants featuring the principal moments of ineria of the Moon.
  • --Parameters associated with the particular observational material being used.
  • Examples are given of comparison between the proposed method and Eckhardt's 1970 model of the physical librations of the Moon. The merits of the new method are discussed in the light of conventional data sources like Earth-based or satellite-based photography as well as newly available data types like Laser ranging to retroreflectors on the Moon.  相似文献   

    Tidal interactions between Planet and its satellites are known to be the main phenomena, which are determining the orbital evolution of the satellites. The modern ansatz in the theory of tidal dissipation in Saturn was developed previously by the international team of scientists from various countries in the field of celestial mechanics. Our applying to the theory of tidal dissipation concerns the investigating of the system of ODE-equations (ordinary differential equations) that govern the orbital evolution of the satellites; such an extremely non-linear system of 2 ordinary differential equations describes the mutual internal dynamics for the eccentricity of the orbit along with involving the semi-major axis of the proper satellite into such a monstrous equations. In our derivation, we have presented the elegant analytical solutions to the system above; so, the motivation of our ansatz is to transform the previously presented system of equations to the convenient form, in which the minimum of numerical calculations are required to obtain the final solutions. Preferably, it should be the analytical solutions; we have presented the solution as a set of quasi-periodic cycles via re-inversing of the proper ultra-elliptical integral. It means a quasi-periodic character of the evolution of the eccentricity, of the semi-major axis for the satellite orbit as well as of the quasi-periodic character of the tidal dissipation in the Planet.  相似文献   

    Meteorite impacts onto a small satellite lead to the ejection of a regolith mass, which is much greater than the impactor mass, into cosmic space. Assume that an isotropic ejection with velocities smaller than the maximum possible velocity b took place at the time moment t 0. Since the orbital periods are unequal, the particle trajectories will densely fill a certain domain D. The same domain will be filled after an explosion of an artificial satellite moving in a high orbit. One to three months later, the node and pericenter longitudes will be distributed over the entire circle and the domain D will become a body of revolution, a topological solid torus. We examine the domain of possible particle motion and its boundary S immediately after the impact event (an unperturbed case) and the same domain under the assumption that the initial longitudes of nodes and pericenters were already a result of considerable changes (a perturbed case). In both cases, we managed to construct the domain D and its boundary S analytically: parametric equations containing only relatively simple functions were obtained for S. The basic topologic and differential-geometric properties of S were studied completely.  相似文献   

    Vinti’s potential is revisited for analytical propagation of the main satellite problem, this time in the context of relative motion. A particular version of Vinti’s spheroidal method is chosen that is valid for arbitrary elliptical orbits, encapsulating \(J_2\), \(J_3\), and generally a partial \(J_4\) in an orbit propagation theory without recourse to perturbation methods. As a child of Vinti’s solution, the proposed relative motion model inherits these properties. Furthermore, the problem is solved in oblate spheroidal elements, leading to large regions of validity for the linearization approximation. After offering several enhancements to Vinti’s solution, including boosts in accuracy and removal of some singularities, the proposed model is derived and subsequently reformulated so that Vinti’s solution is piecewise differentiable. While the model is valid for the critical inclination and nonsingular in the element space, singularities remain in the linear transformation from Earth-centered inertial coordinates to spheroidal elements when the eccentricity is zero or for nearly equatorial orbits. The new state transition matrix is evaluated against numerical solutions including the \(J_2\) through \(J_5\) terms for a wide range of chief orbits and separation distances. The solution is also compared with side-by-side simulations of the original Gim–Alfriend state transition matrix, which considers the \(J_2\) perturbation. Code for computing the resulting state transition matrix and associated reference frame and coordinate transformations is provided online as supplementary material.  相似文献   

    The distinctive feature of the relativistic restricted three-body problem within the c –5 order of accuracy (2 post-Newtonian approximation) is the presence of the gravitational radiation. To simplify the problem the motion of the massive binary components is assumed to be quasi-circular. In terms of time these orbits have linearly changing radii and quadratically changing phase angles. By substituting this motion into the Newtonian-like equations of motion one gets the quasi-Newtonian restricted quasi-circular three-body problem sufficient to take into account the main indirect perturbations caused by the binary radiation terms. Such problem admits the Lagrange-like quasi-libration solutions and rather simple quasi-circular orbits lying at large distance from the binary.  相似文献   

    Previously, we have considered the equations of motion of the three-body problem in a Lagrange form (which means a consideration of relative motions of 3-bodies in regard to each other). Analysing such a system of equations, we considered the case of small-body motion of negligible mass m 3 around the second of two giant-bodies m 1, m 2 (which are rotating around their common centre of masses on Kepler’s trajectories), the mass of which is assumed to be less than the mass of central body. In the current development, we have derived a key parameter η that determines the character of quasi-circular motion of the small third body m 3 relative to the second body m 2 (planet). Namely, by making several approximations in the equations of motion of the three-body problem, such the system could be reduced to the key governing Riccati-type ordinary differential equations. Under assumptions of R3BP (restricted three-body problem), we additionally note that Riccati-type ODEs above should have the invariant form if the key governing (dimensionless) parameter η remains in the range 10?2 Open image in new window 10?3. Such an amazing fact let us evaluate the forbidden zones for Moon’s orbits in the inner solar system or the zones of distances (between Moon and Planet) for which the motion of small body could be predicted to be unstable according to basic features of the solutions of Riccati-type.  相似文献   

    The librational motion of the Ideal Resonance Problem (Garfinkel, 1966, Jupp, 1969) is treated through an initialnon-canonical transformation which, however, leaves the equations of motion in a quasi-canonical form, with Hamiltonian expressed in standard trigonometric functions amenable to traditional averaging techniques. The perturbed solutions, similarly expressed intrigonometric near-identity transformations, and their frequencies can be found to arbitrary order, with the elliptic integrals expected of the system introduced only in a final explicit quadrature for a Kepler-type equation in the angular variable. The specific transformations and resulting equations of motion are introduced, and explicit solutions for the original variables are found to second order, with mean motion accurate to fifth. Limitation of the present solution to the librational region, the extension of that solution to higher order, and observations on the form of the associated Hamiltonian are also discussed.  相似文献   

    This paper develops a nonlinear analytic solution for satellite relative motion in J2-perturbed elliptic orbits by using the geometric method that can avoid directly solving the complex differential equations. The differential equinoctial elements (DEEs) are used to remove any singularities for zero-eccentricity or zero-inclination orbits. Based on the relationship between the relative states and the DEEs, state transition tensors (STTs) for transforming the osculating DEEs and propagating the mean DEEs have been derived. The formulation of these STTs has been split into a set of vector and matrix operations, which avoids directly expanding the complex second-order terms, and thus, the obtained STTs could be easy-to-understand and easy-to-code. Numerical results show that the proposed nonlinear solution is valid for zero-eccentricity and zero-inclination reference orbit and is more accurate than the previous linear or nonlinear methods for the long-term prediction of satellite relative motion.  相似文献   

    A method of general perturbations, based on the use of Lie series to generate approximate canonical transformations, is applied to study the effects of gravity-gradient torque on the rotational motion of a triaxial, rigid satellite. The center of mass of the satellite is constrained to move in an elliptic orbit about an attracting point mass. The orbit, which has a constant inclination, is free to precess and spin. The method of general perturbations is used to obtain the Hamiltonian for the nonresonant secular and long-period rotational motion of the satellite to second order inn/0, wheren is the orbital mean motion of the center of mass and0 is a reference value of the magnitude of the satellite's rotational angular velocity. The differential equations derivable from the transformed Hamiltonian are integrable and the solution for the long-term motion may be expressed in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions and elliptic integrals. Geometrical aspects of the long-term rotational motion are discussed and a comparison of theoretical results with observations is made.  相似文献   

    The motion of artificial satellites in the gravitational field of an oblate body is discussed in the parametrized-post-Newtonian (PPN) framework with parameters and . Analytical expressions for first order post-Newtonian short periodic, long periodic and secular perturbations of orbital elements are given.  相似文献   

    The equations of motion are derived for the case of a spinning satellite which has a central rigid body, and long flexible appendages which are nominally in the spin plane. The major-axis theorem is found to be necessary, but not sufficient for this case, and appropriate sufficiency criteria are derived from a Liapunov function. The results are presented in a form amenable to satellite design.  相似文献   

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