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Eclogites from the deepest structural levels beneath the Semail ophiolite, Oman, record the subduction and later exhumation of the Arabian continental margin. Published ages for this high pressure event reveal large discrepancies between the crystallisation ages of certain eclogite-facies minerals and apparent cooling ages of micas. We present precise U-Pb zircon (78.95 ± 0.13 Ma) and rutile (79.6 ± 1.1 Ma) ages for the eclogites, as well as new U-Pb zircon ages for trondhjemites from the Semail ophiolite (95.3 ± 0.2 Ma) and amphibolites from the metamorphic sole (94.48 ± 0.23 Ma). The new eclogite ages reinforce published U-Pb zircon and Rb-Sr mineral-whole rock isochron ages, yet are inconsistent with published interpretations of older 40Ar/39Ar phengite and Sm-Nd garnet dates. We show that the available U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages, which are in tight agreement, fit better with the available geological evidence, and suggest that peak metamorphism of the continental margin occurred during the later stages of ophiolite emplacement.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1772-1790
The Quanji Massif (QM), in the northeast part of Tibet, consists of Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic rocks, granitoids, and mafic dikes. U–Pb dating of a diorite gneiss and a mafic dike in the QM yielded a crystallization age of 2272 ± 15 Ma and a metamorphic age of 1928 ± 11 Ma, respectively. Although some post-emplacement alteration has occurred, the mafic dikes display a sub-alkaline signature with slight light rare earth element-enrichment, depletion in Th, Nb, Ta, and Ti, and have a rare earth element pattern consistent with volcanic arc basalts. Based on the geochronology and field relationships, we conclude that the mafic dikes formed in an extensional setting within either a fore-arc or back-arc environment. We argue that the metamorphism that affected the dikes occurred shortly after intrusion. Our diorite gneiss and monzodiorite samples are characterized by relatively high Mg# (47–56) and Sr contents (367–1070 ppm), low-to-moderate Sr/Y (10–90), low Rb/Sr (0.03–0.28) and high K/Rb (179–775). These felsic melts likely originated from partial melting of a mafic source. Our new data, combined with results from previous studies, indicate that the QM formed between 2.50 and 2.30 Ga and underwent metamorphism around 1.95–1.75 Ga that may relate to the dispersal of Neoarchaean ‘Kenorland’ and the formation of the Columbia supercontinent. The similarity between the Palaeoproterozoic events in the Tiekelik, North Altyn–Dunhuang, Alashan blocks, and QM suggests that QM was part of either the Tarim or the North China Craton in the late Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic. If the model is correct, then there was a single ‘North China–Quanji–Tarim Craton’ that was later disrupted by Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic tectonic events.  相似文献   

Oman has two ophiolites – the better known late Cretaceous northern Oman (or Semail) ophiolite and the lesser known and smaller, Jurassic Masirah ophiolite located on the eastern coast of the country adjacent to the Indian Ocean. A number of geological, geochronological and geochemical lines of evidence strongly suggest that the northern Oman ophiolite did not form at a mid-ocean ridge but rather in a supra-subduction zone setting by fast spreading during subduction initiation. In contrast the Masirah ophiolite is structurally part of a series of ophiolite nappes which are rooted in the Indian Ocean floor. There are significant geochemical differences between the Masirah and northern Oman ophiolites and none of the supra-subduction features typical of the northern Oman ophiolite are found at Masirah. Geochemically Masirah is MORB, although in detail it contains both enriched and depleted MORB reflecting a complex source for the lavas and dykes. The enrichment of this source predates the formation of the ophiolite. The condensed crustal section on Masirah (ca. 2 km) contains a very thin gabbro sequence and is thought to reflect its genesis from a cool mantle source associated with the early stages of sea-floor spreading during the early separation of eastern and western Gondwana. These data suggest that the Masirah ophiolite is a suitable analogue for an ophiolite created at a mid-ocean ridge, whereas the northern Oman ophiolite is not. The stratigraphic history of the Masirah ophiolite shows that it remained a part of the oceanic crust for ca. 80 Ma. The chemical variability and enrichment of the Masirah lavas is similar to that found elsewhere in Indian Ocean basalts and may simply reflect a similar provenance rather than a feature fundamental to the formation of the ophiolite.  相似文献   

The Copper Creek mining district, southeastern Arizona, contains more than 500 mineralized breccia pipes, buried porphyry-style, copper-bearing stockworks, and distal lead–silver veins. The breccia pipes are hosted by the Copper Creek Granodiorite and the Glory Hole volcanic rocks. The unexposed Mammoth breccia pipe, solely recognized by drilling, has a vertical extent of 800 m and a maximum width of 180 m. The pipe consists of angular clasts of granodiorite cemented by quartz, chalcopyrite, bornite, anhydrite, and calcite. Biotite 40Ar/39Ar dates suggest a minimum age of 61.5 ± 0.7 Ma for the host Copper Creek Granodiorite and 40Ar/39Ar dates on hydrothermal sericite indicate an age of 61.0 ± 0.5 Ma for copper mineralization. Fluid inclusion studies suggest that a supercritical fluid with a salinity of approximately 10 wt.% NaCl equiv. condensed to a dilute aqueous vapor (1–2.8 wt.% NaCl equiv.) and a hypersaline brine (33.4–35.1 wt.% NaCl equiv.). Minimum trapping temperatures are 375°C and trapping depths are estimated at 2 km. Sulfur isotope fractionation of cogenetic anhydrite and chalcopyrite yields a temperature of mineralization of 469 ± 25°C. Calculated oxygen and hydrogen isotope values for fluids in equilibrium with quartz and sericite range from 10.2‰ to 13.4‰ and −60‰ to −39‰, respectively, suggesting that the mineralizing fluid was dominantly magmatic. Evidence from the stable isotope and fluid inclusion analyses suggests that the fluids responsible for Cu mineralization within the Mammoth breccia pipe exsolved from a gray porphyry phase found at the base of the breccia pipe.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2011,19(4):611-631
The Trans-North China Orogen separates the North China Craton into two small continental blocks: the Eastern and Western Blocks. As one of the largest exposure in the central part of the orogen, the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes consist of four lithotectonic units: the Wutai, Hengshan and Fuping Complexes and the Hutuo Group. The Hengshan Complex contains high pressure mafic granulites and retrograded eclogites. Structural analysis indicates that most of the rocks in these complexes underwent three distinct episodes of folding (D1 to D3) and two stages of ductile thrust shearing (STZ1 between D1 and D2 and STZ2 after D3). The D1 deformation formed penetrative axial planar foliations (S1), mineral stretching lineations (L1), and rarely-preserved small isoclinal folds (F1) in the Hengshan and Fuping Complexes. In the Wutai Complex, however, large-scale F1 recumbent folds with SW-vergence are displayed by sedimentary compositional layers. Penetrative transposition resulted in stacking of thrust sheets which are separated by ductile shear zones (STZ1). The kinematic indicators of STZ1 in the Hengshan and Wutai Complexes show top-to-the-S230°W thrusting likely related to northeastward, oblique pre-collisional subduction. D1 resulted in crustal thickening with resultant prograde peak metamorphism. The Hutuo Group did not undergo the D1 deformation, either because sedimentation was coeval with the D1 deformation or because it was at a high structural level and was not influenced directly by the early deformation. The D2 deformation produced NW-verging asymmetric and recumbent folds. The D2 deformation is interpreted to have resulted from collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks of the North China Craton. In the Hutuo Group and the Fuping Complex, the development of ESE-verging asymmetric tight folds is associated with D2. The structural pattern resulting from superimposition of D1 and D2 is a composite synform in the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes. All four lithotectonic units were superposed during the later D3 deformation. The D3 deformation developed NW-trending open upright folds. Ongoing collision led to development of transpressional ductile shearing (STZ2), forming the transpressional Zhujiafang dextral ductile shear zone between the northern Hengshan Complex and the southern Hengshan Complex, and generating the sinistral Longquanguan ductile shear zone between the Fuping Complex and the Wutai Complex, respectively. The STZ1 and D2 deformation were possibly responsible for fast syn-collisional exhumation of the high pressure mafic granulites and retrograded eclogites. The structural patterns and elucidation of the deformation history of the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes places important constraints on the tectonic model suggesting that an oceanic lithosphere between the Eastern and Western Blocks underwent northeastward-directed oblique subduction beneath the western margin of the Eastern Block, and that the final closure of this ocean led to collision between the two blocks to form the coherent basement of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2004,132(4):327-348
The Saramta massif in the Paleoproterozoic Sharyzhalgai complex, the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton, is mainly composed of spinel-peridotites with garnet-websterites; it is enclosed within granitic gneisses and migmatites with mafic intercalations of granulite-facies grade. The garnet-websterites occur as lenses or layers intercalated within spinel-harzburgite and spinel-lherzolite. They consist mainly of clinopyroxene (Cpx), garnet (Grt), and orthopyroxene (Opx): Grt often includes Cpx, Opx, and pargasite (Prg). Opx also occurs as kelyphite with plagioclase (Pl), spinel, olivine, Prg, and biotite. Relationships between textures and chemical compositions of these minerals suggest the following PT stages: stage 1 (pre-peak), 0.9–1.5 GPa at 640–780 °C; stage 2 (peak), 2.3–3.0 GPa at 920–1030 °C as the minimum estimate; and stage 3 (post-peak), 750–830 °C at 0.5–0.9 GPa. Finally, the garnet-websterites are veined with lower amphibolite- to greenschist-facies minerals (stage 4).These results suggests that the Saramta massif was carried to depths of c. 100 km by subduction, and metamorphosed under eclogite-facies conditions in the Paleoproterozoic, despite the commonly held view that high geothermal gradients in those times would have prevented such deep subduction. Paleoproterozoic plate subduction at the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton might have caused subduction-zone magmatism and mantle metasomatism similar to those in the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

The Axum–Adwa igneous complex consists of a basalt–trachyte (syenite) suite emplaced at the northern periphery of the Ethiopian plateau, after the paroxysmal eruption of the Oligocene (ca 30 Ma) continental flood basalts (CFB), which is related to the Afar plume activity. 40Ar/39Ar and K–Ar ages, carried out for the first time on felsic and basaltic rocks, constrain the magmatic age of the greater part of the complex around Axum to 19–15 Ma, whereas trachytic lavas from volcanic centres NE of Adwa are dated ca 27 Ma. The felsic compositions straddle the critical SiO2-saturation boundary, ranging from normative quartz trachyte lavas east of Adwa to normative (and modal) nepheline syenite subvolcanic domes (the obelisks stones of ancient axumites) around Axum. Petrogenetic modelling based on rock chemical data and phase equilibria calculations by PELE (Boudreau 1999) shows that low-pressure fractional crystallization processes, starting from mildly alkaline- and alkaline basalts comparable to those present in the complex, could generate SiO2-saturated trachytes and SiO2-undersaturated syenites, respectively, which correspond to residual liquid fractions of 17 and 10 %. The observed differentiation processes are consistent with the development of rifting events and formation of shallow magma chambers plausibly located between displaced (tilted) crustal blocks that favoured trapping of basaltic parental magmas and their fractionation to felsic differentiates. In syenitic domes, late- to post-magmatic processes are sometimes evidenced by secondary mineral associations (e.g. Bete Giorgis dome) which overprint the magmatic parageneses, and mainly induce additional nepheline and sodic pyroxene neo-crystallization. These metasomatic reactions were promoted by the circulation of Na–Cl-rich deuteric fluids (600–400 °C), as indicated by mineral and bulk rock chemical budgets as well as by δ18O analyses on mineral separates. The occurrence of this magmatism post-dating the CFB event, characterized by comparatively lower volume of more alkaline products, conforms to the progressive vanishing of the Afar plume thermal effects and the parallel decrease of the partial melting degrees of the related mantle sources. This evolution is also concomitant with the variation of the tectono-magmatic regime from regional lithospheric extension (CFB eruption) to localized rifting processes that favoured magmatic differentiation.  相似文献   

The Jinbaoshan Pt–Pd deposit in Yunnan, SW China, is hosted in a wehrlite body, which is a member of the Permian (∼260 Ma) Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). The deposit is reported to contain one million tonnes of Pt–Pd ore grading 0.21% Ni and 0.16% Cu with 3.0 g/t (Pd + Pt). Platinum-group minerals (PGM) mostly are ∼10 μm in diameter, and are commonly Te-, Sn- and As-bearing, including moncheite (PtTe2), atokite (Pd3Sn), kotulskite (PdTe), sperrylite (PtAs2), irarsite (IrAsS), cooperite (PtS), sudburyite (PdSb), and Pt–Fe alloy. Primary rock-forming minerals are olivine and clinopyroxene, with clinopyroxene forming anhedral poikilitic crystals surrounding olivine. Primary chromite occurs either as euhedral grains enclosed within olivine or as an interstitial phase to the olivine. However, the intrusion has undergone extensive hydrothermal alteration. Most olivine grains have been altered to serpentine, and interstitial clinopyroxene is often altered to actinolite/tremolite and locally biotite. Interstitial chromite grains are either partially or totally replaced by secondary magnetite. Base-metal sulfides (BMS), such as pentlandite and chalcopyrite, are usually interstitial to the altered olivine. PGM are located with the BMS and are therefore also interstitial to the serpentinized olivine grains, occurring within altered interstitial clinopyroxene and chromite, or along the edges of these minerals, which predominantly altered to actinolite/tremolite, serpentine and magnetite. Hydrothermal fluids were responsible for the release of the platinum-group elements (PGE) from the BMS to precipitate the PGM at low temperature during pervasive alteration. A sequence of alteration of the PGM has been recognized. Initially moncheite and atokite have been corroded and recrystallized during the formation of actinolite/tremolite, and then, cooperite and moncheite were altered to Pt–Fe alloy where they are in contact with serpentine. Sudburyite occurs in veins indicating late Pd mobility. However, textural evidence shows that the PGM are still in close proximity to the BMS. They occur in PGE-rich layers located at specific igneous horizons in the intrusion, suggesting that PGE were originally magmatic concentrations that, within a PGE-rich horizon, crystallized with BMS late in the olivine/clinopyroxene crystallization sequence and have not been significantly transported during serpentinization and alteration.  相似文献   

The Kalatongke (also spelt as Karatungk) Ni–Cu–(platinum-group element, PGE) sulfide deposit, containing 33 Mt sulfide ore with a grade of 0.8 wt.% Ni and 1.3 wt.% Cu, is located in the Eastern Junggar terrane, Northern Xinjiang, NW China. The largest sulfide ore body, which occupies more than 50 vol.% of the intrusion Y1, is dominantly comprised of disseminated sulfide with a massive sulfide inner zone. Economic disseminated sulfides also occur at the base of the intrusions Y2 and Y3. The main host rock types are norite in the lower part and diorite in the upper part of each intrusion. Enrichment in large ion lithophile elements and depletion in heavy rare earth elements relative to mid-ocean ridge basalt indicate that the mafic intrusions were produced from magmas derived from a metasomatized garnet lherzolite mantle. The average grades of the disseminated ores are 0.6 wt.% Ni and 1.1 wt.% Cu, whereas those of the massive ores are 2 wt.% Ni and 8 wt.% Cu. The PGE contents of the disseminated ores (14–69 ppb Pt and 78–162 ppb Pd) are lower than those of the massive ores (120–505 ppb Pt and 30–827 ppb Pd). However, on the basis of 100% sulfide, PGE contents of the massive sulfides are lower than those of the disseminated sulfides. Very high Cu/Pd ratios (>4.5 × 104) indicate that the Kalatongke sulfides segregated from PGE-depleted magma produced by prior sulfide saturation and separation. A negative correlation between the Cu/Pd ratio and the Pd content in 100% sulfide indicates that the PGE content of the sulfide is controlled by both the PGE concentrations in the parental silicate magma and the ratio of the amount of silicate to sulfide magma. The negative correlations between Ir and Pd indicate that the massive sulfides experienced fractionation.  相似文献   

The first results of SHRIMP dating of magmatic complexes and associated gold–silver deposits and ore occurrences (Kupol, Dvoinoe, Moroshka, and others) in the Chukotka sector of the Russian Arctic coast are discussed. The petrological and isotopic–geochronological data are used for reconstructing their formation conditions.  相似文献   

We present baddeleyite U–Pb ages of Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic dyke swarms and the Mashonaland sill province in Zimbabwe. The 2575.0 ± 1.5 Ma age of the Umvimeela dyke is indistinguishable from the 2575.4 ± 0.7 Ma result (Oberthür et al., 2002) for a pyroxenite layer of the Great Dyke and testifies to synchronous emplacement of the Great Dyke and its satellites. Three samples of WNW- to NNW-trending dykes of the Sebanga swarm yielded ages of 2512.3 ± 1.8 Ma, 2470.0 ± 1.2 Ma and 2408.3 ± 2.0 Ma, the latter of which dates the Sebanga Poort Dyke of this swarm. These results suggest that emplacement took place over a protracted period which involved at least three generations of dykes within the swarm and, more importantly, invalidate previous inferences of a genetic link between the Sebanga swarm and the Mashonaland sills. Crystallisation ages of 1877 ± 2.2 Ma, 1885.9 ± 2.4 Ma and 1875.6 ± 1.6 Ma for three dolerite samples of the extensive Mashonaland sills from different parts of the Zimbabwe craton were also obtained. This is the oldest common igneous event that is recorded in the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons. Collectively with previous published geochronological and petrological evidence in favour of a major 2.0 Ga event within the Limpopo Belt, these results suggest that the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons did not form a coherent unit (Kalahari) until ca. 2.0 Ga.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(4):209-231
Along the Periadriatic Lineament in the Alps and the Sava–Vardar Zone of the Dinarides and Hellenides, Paleogene magmatic associations form a continuous belt, about 1700 km long. The following magmatic associations occur: (1) Eocene granitoids; (2) Oligocene granitoids including tonalites; (3) Oligocene shoshonite and calc-alkaline volcanics with lamprophyres; (4) Egerian–Eggenburgian (Chattian) calc-alkaline volcanics and granitoids. All of these magmatic associations are constrained by radiometric ages, which indicate that the magmatic activity was mainly restricted to the time span between 55 and 29 Ma. These igneous rocks form, both at surface and in the subsurface, the distinct linear Periadriatic–Sava–Vardar magmatic belt, with three strikes that are controlled by the indentation of Apulia and Moesia and accompanying strike-slip faulting. The geology, seismicity, seismic tomography and magnetic anomalies within this belt suggest that it has been generated in the African–Eurasian suture zone. Based on published analytical data, the petrology, major and trace element contents and Sr, Nd and O isotopic composition of each magmatic association are briefly defined. These data show that Eocene and Oligocene magmatic associations of the Late Paleogene Periadriatic–Sava–Vardar magmatic belt originated along a consuming plate margin. Based on isotopic systems, two main rock groups can be distinguished: (1) 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7036–0.7080 and δ18O = 5.9–7.2‰, indicating basaltic partial melts derived from a continental mantle–lithosphere, and (2) 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7090–72131 and δ18O = 7.3–11.5‰, indicating crustal assimilation and melting. The mantle sources for the primary basalt melts are metasomatized garnet peridotites and/or spinel lherzolites and phlogopite lherzolites of upper mantle wedge origin. The geodynamic evolution of the plutonic and volcanic associations of the Periadriatic–Sava–Vardar magmatic belt was related to the Africa–Eurasia suture zone that was dominated by break-off of the subducted lithospheric slab of Mesozoic oceanic crust, at depths of 90–100 km. This is indicated by their contemporaneity along the 1700 km long belt.  相似文献   

The Pb isotope composition of polyformational Mesozoic igneous rocks of the Ketkap–Yuna igneous province (KYIP) and lower crustal metamorphic rocks of the Batomga granite–greenstone area (the complex of the KYIP basement) of the Aldan Shield was studied for the first time. Based on the data obtained, several types of material sources participating in petrogenetic processes were distinguished. The mantle source identified as PREMA is registered in most of the igneous formations and predominates in mafic alkaline rocks. According to the isotope characteristics, the upper crustal source corresponds to a source of the “Orogen” type by the model of “plumbotectonics” or to the average composition of the continental crust by the Stacey–Kramers model. The lower crust is the third material source; however, the type of lower crustal protolith involved in the igneous process is still not defined, which makes difficult to estimate its role in the petrogenetic processes.  相似文献   

The supracrustal rocks in the easternmost part of the Proterozoic fold belt of North Singhbhum, eastern India, are folded into a series of large upright folds with variable plunges. The regional schistosity is axial–planar to the folds. The folds were produced by a second phase of deformation (D2) and were preceded by D1 deformation, which gave rise to isoclinal folds (mapped outside the study area) and the locally preserved, bedding-parallel schistosity. A shearing deformation during D2 was responsible for the sheath-like geometry of a major fold. The axial planes were curved by D3 warping. The first metamorphic episode (M1) of low-pressure type produced andalusite porphyroblasts prior to, or in the early stage of, D1 deformation. The main metamorphism (M2), responsible for the formation of chloritoid, kyanite, garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts, was late- to post-D2 in occurrence. The Staurolite isograd separates two zonal assemblages recorded in the high-alumina and the low-alumina pelitic schists. Geothermobarometric calculations indicate the peak metamorphic temperature to be 550 °C at 5.5 kb. Fluid composition in the rocks before and during M2 metamorphism was buffered and fluid influx, if any, was not extensive enough to overcome the buffering capacity of the rocks. From M1 to M2, the PT path is found to have a clockwise trajectory, that is consistent with a tectonic model involving initial asthenospheric upwelling and rifting, followed by compressional deformation leading to loading and heating.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Duaringa Basin in eastern Australia is a Late Cretaceous?–early Cenozoic sedimentary basin that developed simultaneously with the opening of the...  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1999,93(2-3):181-199
The Wutai Complex represents the best preserved granite-greenstone terrane in the North China Craton. The complex comprises a sequence of metamorphosed ultramafic to felsic volcanic rocks, variably deformed granitoid rocks, along with lesser amounts of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks and banded iron formations. Petrological evidence from the Wutai amphibolites indicates four metamorphic evolutionary stages. The M1 assemblage is composed of plagioclase+quartz+actinolite+chlorite+epidote+biotite+rutile, preserved as mineral inclusions in garnet porphyroblasts. The metamorphic conditions for this assemblage cannot be quantitatively estimated. The M2 stage is represented by garnet porphyroblasts in a matrix of quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, rutile and ilmenite. PT conditions for this assemblage have been estimated using the program Tweequ at 10–12 kbar and 600–650°C. The M3 assemblage is shown by amphibole+plagioclase±ilmenite symplectic coronas around embayed garnets and yields PT conditions of 6.0–7.0 kbar and 600–650°C. M4 is represented by chlorite and epidote rimming garnet, chlorite rimming amphibole and epidote replacing plagioclase under greenschist-facies conditions of 400–500°C and relatively lower pressures. Taken together, the qualitative PT estimates from M1 and M4 and the quantitative PT estimates from M2 and M3 define a clockwise PT path for the Wutai amphibolites.The estimated PT path from the four stages suggests that the Wutai Complex underwent initial burial and crustal thickening (M1+M2), subsequent isothermal exhumation (M3), and finally cooling and retrogression (M4). This tectonothermal path, along with those of the Fuping and Hengshan complexes, which bound the southeast and northwest margins, respectively, of the Wutai Complex, is considered to record the early Paleoproterozoic collision between the eastern and western segments of the North China craton.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from six wells and various species of plants from soils developed on ophiolites were collected from an arid area (AlKhod area, Oman) and analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements (REEs). The distribution patterns of REEs in plants indicated an enrichment in middle REEs (MREEs?=?Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs?=?Ho to Lu), when they are normalized to the REE composition of the Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), with a significant negative anomaly in Ce and a positive anomaly in Eu. Compared to Oman ophiolites, the REEs in different species of plants are depleted in Ce and enriched in MREEs and slightly enriched in light REE (LREE?=?from La to Nd). Relative to PAAS, the distribution of REEs in groundwaters revealed similar patterns to the REE distribution in plants. The distribution patterns of REEs in plants relative to those in waters are nearly flat. These patterns suggest that the transfer of REEs from soil solutions to the groundwaters in Oman occurs without any significant fractionation.  相似文献   

Published literature argues that the Limpopo Belt can be subdivided into three zones, each with a distinctive geological character and tectono-metamorphic fingerprint. There are currently two contrasting schools of thought regarding the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the CZ. One camp argues that geochronological, structural and prograde pressure–temperature (PT) evidence collectively indicate that the CZ underwent tectono-metamorphism at ca. 2.0 Ga which followed a clockwise PT evolution during a transpressive orogeny that was initiated by the collision of the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons. Deformation and metamorphism consistent with this scenario are observed in the southern part of the NMZ but are curiously absent from the whole of the SMZ. The opposing view argues that the peak metamorphism associated with the collision of the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons occurred at ca. 2.6 Ga and the later metamorphic event is an overprint associated with reactivation along Archean shear zones. Post-peak-metamorphic conditions, which at present cannot be convincingly related to either a ca. 2.6 or 2.0 Ga event in the CZ reveal contrasting retrograde paths implying either near-isothermal decompression and isobaric cooling associated with a ‘pop-up’ style of exhumation or steady decompression–cooling linked to exhumation controlled by erosion. Recent data argue that the prograde evolution of the ca. 2.0 Ga event is characterised by isobaric heating prior to decompression–cooling. Contrasting PT paths indicate that either different units exist within the CZ that underwent different PT evolutions or that some PT work is erroneous due to the application of equilibrium thermobarometry to mineral assemblages that are not in equilibrium. The morphology of the PT path(s) for the ca. 2.6–2.52 Ga event are also a matter of dispute. Some workers have postulated an anticlockwise PT evolution during this period whilst others regard this metamorphic event as following a clockwise evolution. Granitoid magmatism is broadly contemporaneous in all three zones at ca. 2.7–2.5 suggesting a possible causal geodynamic link. PT contrasts between and within the respective zones prevent, at present, the construction of a coherent and inter-related tectonic model that can account for all of the available evidence. Detailed and fully-integrated petrological and geochronological studies are required to produce reliable PTt paths that may resolve some of these pertinent issues.  相似文献   

A complete thermal history for the Qulong porphyry Cu–Mo deposit, Tibet is presented. Zircon U–Pb geochronology indicates that the mineralization at Qulong resulted from brecciation-veining events associated with the emplacement of a series of intermediate-felsic intrusions. Combined with previously published ages, our results reveal a whole intrusive history of the Qulong composite pluton. Causative porphyries were emplaced at ~ 16.0 Ma as revealed by 40Ar–39Ar dating of hydrothermal biotite (15.7 ± 0.2 Ma) and sericite (15.7 ± 0.2 Ma). Zircon and apatite (U–Th)/He (ZHe and AHe) dating of Qulong revealed that both followed similar, monotonic thermal trajectories from 900 °C (U–Pb ages: 17.5–15.9 Ma) to 200 °C (ZHe: 15.7–14.0 Ma), and that the causative porphyries experienced faster cooling at a maximum rate of greater than 200 °C/myr. The Qulong deposit was exhumed between 13.6 Ma and 12.4 Ma (AHe) at an estimated rate of 0.16–0.24 mm/y, which is consistent with previous estimates for other Gangdese Miocene porphyry deposits. Our AHe thermochronology results suggest that neither the Gangdese thrust system, nor the Yadong–Gulu graben affected or accelerated exhumation at the Qulong deposit.  相似文献   

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