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The aim of this study is to elaborate a synthetic document for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Hajeb-Jelma aquifer. The specific object is to incorporate the Geographical Information System (GIS) to generate groundwater vulnerability and risk maps with DRASTIC model. Indeed, GIS could help to make the results of a complicated model more clear through visual representation, providing an applicable tool for decision makers. The vulnerability map of Hajeb-Jelma watershed shows three classes: moderate, high and very high depending on the intrinsic properties. The risk map shows a very high risk dependant on hydrogeological characteristics, land use and human impacts in major part of the Hajeb-Jelma region. These maps could serve as a scientific basis for sustainable land use planning and groundwater management in the Hajeb-Jelma region.  相似文献   

In this paper, groundwater aquifer vulnerability map has been developed by incorporating the major geological and hydro-geological factors that affect and control the groundwater contamination using GIS based DRASTIC model. This work demonstrates the potential of GIS to derive a map by overlying various spatially referenced digital data layers that portrays cumulative aquifer sensitivity ratings across the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, providing a relative indication of groundwater vulnerability to contamination. In fact, the groundwater is the major natural resources in Kathmandu for drinking purpose. The decline in groundwater levels due to the over exploitation and thus extracted water from shallow aquifer has been contaminated by the infiltration of pollutants from polluted river and land surface is continuous and serious. As the demand for water for human and industrial use has escalated and at the same time, the engineering and environmental costs are much higher for new water supplies than maintaining the existing sources already in use. Management of groundwater source and protecting its quality is therefore essential to increase efficient use of existing water supplies. Aquifer vulnerability maps developed in this study are valuable tools for environmental planning and predictive groundwater management. Further, a sensitivity analysis has been performed to evaluate the influence of single parameters on aquifer vulnerability assessment such that some subjectivity can be reduced to some extent and then new weights have been computed for each DRASTIC parameters.  相似文献   

The present work attempts to interpret the groundwater vulnerability of the Melaka State in peninsular Malaysia. The state of groundwater pollution in Melaka is a critical issue particularly in respect of the increasing population, and tourism industry as well as the agricultural, industrial and commercial development. Focusing on this issue, the study illustrates the groundwater vulnerability map for the Melaka State using the DRASTIC model together with remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS). The data which correspond to the seven parameters of the model were collected and converted into thematic maps by GIS. Seven thematic maps defining the depth to water level, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity were generated to develop the DRASTIC map. In addition, this map was integrated with a land use map for generating the risk map to assess the effect of land use activities on the groundwater vulnerability. Three types of vulnerability zones were assigned for both DRASTIC map and risk map, namely, high, moderate and low. The DRASTIC map illustrates that an area of 11.02 % is low vulnerability, 61.53 % moderate vulnerability and 23.45 % high vulnerability, whereas the risk map indicates that 14.40 % of the area is low vulnerability, 47.34 % moderate vulnerability and 38.26 % high vulnerability in the study area. The most vulnerability area exists around Melaka, Jasin and Alor Gajah cities of the Melaka State.  相似文献   

An aquifer vulnerability of the Benin Formation aquifer (Calabar, southern Nigeria) has been assessed using a combination of DRASTIC index and GIS technology. The assessment was necessitated by the fact that uncontrolled disposal of domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes have caused groundwater contamination. Therefore, prevention of contamination, monitoring and management of the aquifer was urgently required to increase the efficient use of the current water supplies. The DRASTIC method uses seven parameters (depth to groundwater table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, influence of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity), which were used to produce vulnerability maps. The drastic vulnerability index ranged between 124 and 170. The vulnerability map shows that the aquifer is highly vulnerable in southeastern parts of the area covering about 22 %. The medium vulnerability area covers about 56.8 % of Calabar extending from the southwest to northern parts. 21.2 % of the area covering the central and northern parts the area lies within the low vulnerability zone. The present industrial and activities are located in the eastern and western parts, which falls within the low-medium vulnerability areas. Documented nitrate concentration in hand-dug wells and boreholes are in agreement with vulnerability zones. Sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of each parameter between map layers such that subjectivity can be reduced to an extent and new weights computed for each DRASTIC parameter. As management options sensitive areas, especially in the southern parts of Calabar area, should be protected from future development.  相似文献   

Due to anthropogenic influences and large amounts of pollutant released into the groundwater, it is vital to investigate groundwater quality and to characterize susceptible areas to contamination. In this paper, a new optimization-based methodology is proposed for determining groundwater risk using DRASTIC model based on genetic algorithm optimization model and Wilcoxon test. The correlation coefficient between DRASTIC/modified DRASTIC indices and nitrate concentrations in monitoring wells is used as a criteria for evaluating the efficiency of the proposed models. In this regard, because of the unsatisfactory original DRASTIC’s result, sensitivity analysis, genetic algorithm (GA), and Wilcoxon test (1945) are carried out to tackle the subjectivity associated with the original DRASTIC model and obtain better and reliable results. The results indicate that application of Wilcoxon test and GA optimization outperforms the others. Consequently, the correlation coefficient increased remarkably as compared to the original DRASTIC model (from 0.57 to 0.82). The proposed optimization process is adaptable to be applied in different case studies; mainly since it has the ability to optimize the weights of the model based on hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer. Finally, the risk maps of the models are prepared using ArcGIS® to determine the most vulnerable areas.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources have become more vulnerable to contamination due to rapid population growth and economic development. This study aimed to assess the groundwater contamination risk in the Weining Plain, China. Based on the specific conditions of the Weining Plain, a new model DRTSWI with a weighting scheme determined by analytic hierarchy process was developed to evaluate the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability for the study area. An integrated approach, combining the toxicity, the release possibility, and the potential release quantity of the pollutants, was used to estimate the pollution loading. The groundwater contamination risk results were obtained by overlaying the intrinsic vulnerability and pollution loading maps. These indicated that two industrial parks pose the main threat to groundwater quality, due to their unfavorable hydrogeological setting and potential pollution sources on the surface. Some areas in and around the industrial parks exhibit groundwater pollution, which was identified on the contamination risk map using buffer analysis. High risk areas are industries with high or medium vulnerability. The vulnerability and contamination risk maps developed for this study are valuable tools for environmental planning and can be used for predictive management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Groundwater management has a prominent role in the world especially in arid and semi-arid areas which have a shortage of water, and due to this serious problem, many researchers work on that for prevention and managing the water recourses to conserve and monitor sources. DRASTIC index can be put forward for estimating of groundwater vulnerability to such pollution. The main purpose of using the groundwater vulnerability model is to map groundwater susceptibility to pollution in different areas. However, this method has been used in various areas without modification, disregarding the effects of pollution type and characteristics. Thus, this technique must be standardized and approved for Kerman plain. Vulnerability evaluation to explain areas that are more vulnerable to contamination from anthropogenic sources has become a prominent element for land use planning and tangible resource management. This contribution aims at evaluating groundwater vulnerability by applying the DRASTIC index as well as employ sensitivity analyses to evaluate the comparative prominent of the model parameters for groundwater vulnerability in Kerman plain in the southeastern part of Iran. Moreover, the potential of vulnerability to pollution is more accurately assessed by optimizing the weights of the DRASTIC parameters with the single-parameter sensitivity analysis (SPSA). The new weights were calculated. The result of the study revealed that the DRASTIC-Sensitivity analysis exhibit more efficiently than the traditional method for a nonpoint source pollution. Observation of ultimate nitrate showed the result of DRASTIC-SPSA has more accuracy. The GIS method offers an efficient environment for carrying out assessments and greater capabilities for dealing with a huge quantity of spatial data.  相似文献   

基于DRASTIC的含水层脆弱性模糊评价方法与应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过分析目前广泛采用的DRASTIC方法存在的主要问题,将含水层脆弱性定义为模糊概念,结合模糊分析评价理论及三标度分两步的层次分析法建立了一套改进的含水层脆弱性评价模型。为测试其可靠性,分别将改进模型和传统DRASTIC模型应用于祁县东观镇含水层脆弱性评价中。研究结果表明:改进模型得到的脆弱性等级变化较后者更灵敏,分布范围及变化情况更精确,更能真实反映含水层脆弱性在空间上的连续变化,且计算简便、脆弱性分区图效果直观,丰富和完善了地下水脆弱性评价方法。  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping is a relatively new scientific approach for facilitating planning and decision making processes in order to protect this valuable resource. Pan European methodology for aquifers vulnerability has recently been developed by assessing all the existing relevant techniques and emphasizing on karstic environments. In the particular study, state-of-the-art methods and tools have been implemented such as remote sensing, isotopic investigations and GIS to map the groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk in a geologically complex area of W. Greece. The updated land use map has been developed from a Landsat 7+TM image elaborated with image analysis software, while the detailed hydrogeologic properties of the area have been recorded with an intensive isotopic study. The local groundwater vulnerability map has been produced following the aforementioned Pan European method, in a GIS environment while the risk map, which was the final product of the study, has been developed after combining the vulnerability and the land use maps. The results indicated that the areas comprised of highly tectonized calcareous formations represented high vulnerability and risk zones while forested areas away from the karstic aquifer illustrated moderate to low vulnerability. Moreover, human activities increase the pollution risk in lowland areas consisting of sedimentary deposits that have been classified as moderate vulnerability. The particular methodology operated efficiently in this study and due to its accuracy and relatively easy implementation can be used as a decision support tool for local authorities.  相似文献   

地下水易污性评价方法——DRASTIC指标体系   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56  
本文较详细地介绍了目前欧美国家在地下水易污性评价中所广泛采用的DRASTIC指标体系方法,对其中所含的地下水埋深,含水层的净补给,岩性,土壤类型,渗流区介质,水力传导系数7个参数的评分以及在评分过程中所应注意的问题进行了具体的阐述,最后简要介绍了DRASTIC易污性指标体系法在大连沿海地区地下水易污性评价中应用的情况,实际应用表明该方法可适用于我国广大地区的地下水易污性评价工作。  相似文献   

A modified DRASTIC model in a geographic information system (GIS) environment coupled with an information-analytic technique called ‘rough sets’ is used to understand the aquifer vulnerability characteristics of a segment of the lower Kali watershed in western Uttar Pradesh, India. Since the region is a flat plain, topography (T) is removed as a potential control. Other parameters are the same as in DRASTIC, hence the new model is termed as DRASIC. The rough set technique is employed to provide insight into the relative vulnerabilities of different administrative units (blocks) within the study area. Using rough sets, three important factors are computed: strength, certainty and coverage. Strength indicates how the vulnerability characteristics vary in the entire area, certainty gives the relative fractions of low, medium and high vulnerability regions within a particular block, and coverage computes the percentage of a particular vulnerability state in each block. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate the utility of this integrated approach in classifying different administrative blocks in the study area according to their aquifer vulnerability characteristics. This approach is particularly useful for block-level planning and decision making for sustainable management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

A groundwater vulnerability assessment was carried out in order to understand and control the pollution sources affecting vulnerable regions in two adjacent catchments (Sarida and Natuf), located in the western middle part of the West Bank. The catchments were subjected to groundwater vulnerability mapping and assessment using the modified German State Geological Surveys (GLA method) method called Protective Cover and Infiltration Conditions method (PI method) via ArcGis 2014.2 software package in February of 2016. The results showed that the study area has high effectiveness of protective cover (P-factor), which was obtained by overlying top soil, bedrock, subsoil, and recharge layers. On the other hand, the dominant flow types, land usage, slopes, and topographical classification layers were overlaid to get the infiltration conditions (I-factor). The interaction between the two main factors was carried out in order to obtain the final spatially distributed π-factor values (vulnerability map), which was classified into four vulnerability classes. Statistically, about 4% of the overall area was of extreme vulnerability and concentrated along the sinking streams, while 22% was of low vulnerability and existed outside the main watersheds, followed by high vulnerability with 26%. The largest proportion with 48% of the overall area was of moderate vulnerability to groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

Indexing methods are used for the evaluation of aquifer vulnerability and establishing guidelines for the protection of ground-water resources. The principle of the indexing method is to rank influences on groundwater to determine overall vulnerability of an aquifer to contamination. The analytic element method (AEM) of ground-water flow modeling is used to enhance indexing methods by rapidly calculating a potentiometric surface based primarily on surface-water features. This potentiometric map is combined with a digital-elevation model to produce a map of water-table depth. This is an improvement over simple water-table interpolation methods. It is physically based, properly representing surface-water features, hydraulic boundaries, and changes in hydraulic conductivity. The AEM software, SPLIT, is used to improve an aquifer vulnerability assessment for a valley-fill aquifer in western New York State. A GIS-based graphical user interface allows automated conversion of hydrography vector data into analytic elements.  相似文献   

Groundwater, the most vital water resource being used for irrigation, domestic and industrial purposes is nowadays under severe threat of contamination. Groundwater contamination risk assessment is an effective tool for groundwater management. In the study, a DRASTIC model which is based on the seven hydrogeological parameters viz: depth of water, net-recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity was used to evaluate the groundwater pollution potentiality of upper Betwa watershed. ArcGIS was used to create the ground water vulnerability map by overlaying the seven layers. Based on groundwater vulnerability map, the watershed has been divided in three vulnerable zones viz; low vulnerability zone with 42.83 km2 of area, moderate with 369.21 km2 area and high having 270.96 km2 of area. Furthermore, the DRASTIC model has been validated by nitrate concentration over the area. Results of validation have shown that in low vulnerable zone, no nitrate contamination has been recorded. While in the moderate zone nitrate has been found in the range of 1.6-10ppm. However, in high vulnerable zone 11-40ppm of nitrate concentration in groundwater has been recorded, which proves that the DRASTIC model is applicable for the prediction of groundwater vulnerability in the watershed and in similar areas too.  相似文献   

The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution has proved to be an effective tool for the delineation of protection zones in areas affected by groundwater contamination due to intensive fertilizer applications. By modifying and optimizing the well known and widely used DRASTIC model it was possible to predict the intrinsic vulnerability to pollution as well as the groundwater pollution risk more accurately. This method incorporated the use of simple statistical and geostatistical techniques for the revision of the factor ratings and weightings of all the DRASTIC parameters under a GIS environment. The criterion for these modifications was the correlation coefficient of each parameter with the nitrates concentration in groundwater. On the basis of their statistical significance, some parameters were subtracted from the DRASTIC equation, while land use was considered as an additional DRASTIC parameter. Following the above-mentioned modifications, the correlation coefficient between groundwater pollution risk and nitrates concentration was considerably improved and rose to 33% higher than the original method. The model was applied to a part of Trifilia province, Greece, which is considered to be a typical Mediterranean region with readily available hydrogeological and hydrochemical data.
Resumen La evaluación de vulnerabilidad del agua subterránea a la contaminación ha demostrado ser una herramienta efectiva para la delimitación de zonas de protección en áreas afectadas por contaminación de aguas subterráneas debido a aplicaciones intensivas de fertilizantes. Mediante la modificación y optimización del bien conocido y ampliamente utilizado modelo DRASTIC fue posible predecir la vulnerabilidad intrínseca a la contaminación así como el riesgo a la contaminación del agua subterránea con mayor precisión. Este método incorporó el uso de técnicas estadísticas y geoestadísticas simples para la revisión del pesaje y establecimiento de rangos de factores de todos los parámetros DRASTIC bajo un ambiente SIG. El criterio para estas modificaciones fue el coeficiente de correlación de cada parámetro con las concentraciones de nitraros en agua subterránea. En base al grado significativo estadístico algunos parámetros fueros sustraídos de la ecuación DRASTIC, mientras que se consideró el uso de la tierra como un parámetro adicional de DRASTIC. Siguiendo las modificaciones antes mencionadas se mejoró considerablemente el coeficiente de correlación entre el riesgo a la contaminación del agua subterránea y las concentraciones de nitratos incrementando en 33% su valor en relación al método original. El modelo se aplicó en una parte de la provincia Trifilia, Grecia, la cual se considera ser una región Mediterránea típica con datos hidroquímicos e hidrogeológicos fácilmente disponibles.

Résumé L’évaluation de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines à la pollution a montré qu’elle est un outil efficace pour délimiter les zones de protection dans les zones affectées par la contamination des eaux souterraines due à l’utilisation intensive de fertilisants. En modifiant et optimisant le modèle DRASTIC, bien connu et souvent utilisé, il a été possible de prédire la vulnérabilité intrinsèque à la pollution, et de définir plus précisément le risque de pollution. Cette méthode incorpore l’utilisation de simples techniques statistiques et géostatistiques, pour la révision des facteurs d’estimation et de pondération de tous les paramètres de DRASTIC sous S.I.G. Le critère de ces modifications était le coefficient de corrélation de chaque paramètre avec la concentration en nitrates dans les eaux souterraines. Sur la base de leur signification statistique, certains paramètres ont été soustraits de l’équation DRASTIC. Suivant les modifications mentionnées ci-dessus, le coefficient de corrélation entre les concentrations en nitrate et le risque de pollution des eaux souterraines a été considérablement amélioré de 33% par rapport à la méthode originale. Le modèle a été appliqué sur une partie de la province de Trifilia en Grèce, qui est considérée comme une région typiquement méditerranéenne avec des données hydrogéologiques et hydrochimiques aisément accessibles.

Groundwater is the most important natural resource used for drinking by many people around the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. The resource cannot be optimally used and sustained unless the quality of groundwater is assessed. Saveh-Nobaran aquifer in Iran is the most important groundwater aquiferous system in the region which is considered a major source for drinking and irrigation. The main objective of this study is to understand the groundwater quality status of Saveh-Nobaran aquifer, followed by attempts to investigate the spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters to identify places with the best quality for drinking consume within the study area. For this purpose, a set of original data, as yet unpublished, is presented. This paper provides an important contribution for understanding relationship between land use and groundwater quality, and also groundwater depth and groundwater quality. This goal has been achieved with the combined use of the Water Quality Index (WQI) and a geographical information system (GIS). A total of 58 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for major cations and anions. Spatial distribution maps of pH, TDS, EC, TH, Cl, HCO, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na and K have been created using the kriging method in a GIS environment. From the WQI assessment, over 65 % of the water samples fall within the ‘‘Poor’’, ‘‘Very poor’’ and “unsuitable for drinking” categories, suggesting that groundwater from the center and north-east of the Saveh-Nobaran aquifer is unsuitable for drinking purposes. This research and its results have shown the great combination use of GIS and WQI in assessing groundwater quality. Having a clear view of the geographic areas of groundwater quality, decision makers can plan better for the operation and maintenance of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Aquifer vulnerability has been assessed in the Senirkent-Uluborlu Basin within the Egirdir Lake catchment (Turkey) using the DRASTIC method, based on a geographic information system (GIS). There is widespread agriculture in the basin, and fertilizer (nitrate) and pesticide applications have caused groundwater contamination as a result of leaching. According to hydrogeological data from the study area, surface water and groundwater flow are towards Egirdir Lake. Hence, aquifer vulnerability in the basin should be determined by water quality in Egirdir Lake. DRASTIC layers were prepared using data such as rainfall, groundwater level, aquifer type, and hydraulic conductivity. These data were obtained from hydrogeological investigations and literature. A regional-scale aquifer-vulnerability map of the basin was prepared using overlay analysis with the aid of GIS. A DRASTIC vulnerability map, verified by nitrate in groundwater data, shows that the defined areas are compatible with land-use data. It is concluded that 20.8% of the basin area is highly vulnerable and urgent pollution-preventions measures should be taken for every kind of relevant activity within the whole basin.  相似文献   

Shallow aquifer vulnerability has been assessed using GIS-based DRASTIC model by incorporating the major geological and hydrogeological factors that affect and control the groundwater contamination in a granitic terrain. It provides a relative indication of aquifer vulnerability to the contamination. Further, it has been cross-verified with hydrochemical signatures such as total dissolved solids (TDS), \(\hbox {Cl}^{-},\, \hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-},\, \hbox {SO}_{4}^{2-}\) and \(\hbox {Cl}^{-}/\hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-}\) molar ratios. The results show four zones of aquifer vulnerability (i.e., negligible, low, moderate and high) based on the variation of DRASTIC Vulnerability Index (DVI) between 39 and 132. About 57% area in the central part is found moderately and highly contaminated due to the 80 functional tannery disposals and is more prone to groundwater aquifer vulnerability. The high range values of TDS (2304–39,100 mg/l); \(\hbox {Na}^{+}\)(239– 6,046 mg/l) and \(\hbox {Cl}^{-}\) (532–13,652 mg/l) are well correlated with the observed high vulnerable zones. The values of \(\hbox {Cl}^{-}/\hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-}\) (molar ratios: 1.4–106.8) in the high vulnerable zone obviously indicate deterioration of the aquifer due to contamination. Further cumulative probability distributions of these parameters indicate several threshold values which are able to demarcate the diverse vulnerability zones in granitic terrain.  相似文献   

Sustainable development requires the management and preservation of water resources indispensable for all human activities. When groundwater constitutes the main water resource, vulnerability maps therefore are an important tool for identifying zones of high pollution risk and taking preventive measures in potential pollution sites. The vulnerability assessment for the Eocene aquifer in the Moroccan basin of Oum Er-Rabia is based on the DRASTIC method that uses seven parameters summarizing climatic, geological, and hydrogeological conditions controlling the seepage of pollutant substances to groundwater. Vulnerability maps were produced by using GIS techniques and applying the “generic” and “agricultural” models according to the DRASTIC charter. Resulting maps revealed that the aquifer is highly vulnerable in the western part of the basin and areas being under high contamination risk are more extensive when the “agricultural” model was applied.  相似文献   

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