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Remotely sensed data may provide easy access for monitoring the spatial separation and obtaining the hydrodynamic characteristics of turbid freshwater plumes created by river flow in the marine environment. Traditional methods are time consuming and require great effort to produce sufficient data. In this project, integrated research has been carried out on a river to demonstrate the utility of remote sensing (RS) technology for studying fundamental theoretical properties of turbulent mixtures. The Filyos River mouth, located on the Black Sea coast of Turkey, is the research area. Flow properties, such as the horizontal dispersion coefficient, have been calculated (using Landsat TM sensor images taken on two different dates). The effects of the plume on the morphology of neighbouring beaches are also examined. This study shows the utility of RS technology for generating quantitative data and better defining the hydraulic behaviour of a river with high turbidity. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry is routinely used to provide levels for oceans or large inland water bodies from space. By utilizing retracking schemes specially designed for inland waters, meaningful river stages can also be recovered when standard techniques fail. Utilizing retracked waveforms from ERS‐2 and ENVISAT along the Mekong, comparisons against observed stage measurements show that the altimetric measurements have a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0·44–0·65 m for ENVISAT and 0·46–0·76 m for ERS‐2. For many applications, however, stage is insufficient because discharge is the primary requirement. Investigations were therefore undertaken to estimate discharges at a downstream site (Nakhon Phanom (NP)) assuming that in situ data are available at a site 400 km upstream (Vientiane). Two hypothetical, but realistic scenarios were considered. Firstly, that NP was the site of a de‐commissioned gauge and secondly, that the site has never been gauged. Using both scenarios, predictions were made for the daily discharge using methods with and without altimetric stage data. In the first scenario using a linear regression approach the altimetry data improved the Nash‐Sutcliffe r2 value from 0·884 to 0·935. The second scenario used known river cross‐sections while lateral inflows were inferred from a hydrological model: this scenario gave an increase in the r2 value from 0·823 to 0·893. The use of altimetric stage data is shown to improve estimated discharges and further applications are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluvial biomorphodynamics in actively meandering rivers entail interactions between hydromorphodynamics and pioneering tree species that have eco-engineering effects. Here we study spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation patches smaller than 150 m2 in a 4 km reach of the river Allier in France in order to unravel causes for tree persistence and mortality and identify spatial trends across the river valley. To this end we analysed aerial photographs by object-based image analysis over a period of 56 years and tracked individual patches through time. Furthermore the cover and surface age of the study reach were classified. The large-scale shifts of channels, bars and vegetation are consistent with the meandering process and chute cutoffs. However, the spatiotemporal patterns of the vegetation patches are surprising in that they are ubiquitous and have ages up to decades on the highly dynamic meander belt, but hardly expand into larger vegetation patches. Patches disappear exponentially as a function of their age, and faster so in the last decades. Causes are amalgamation into the riparian forest flanking the meander belt and mortality likely due to desiccation or erosion. Patches have a higher probability of survival when further away from the active channel and closer to high vegetation patches and valley boundary. The window of opportunity of vegetation settlement widens towards the valley boundaries and in floodplain lows of former channels and chutes. These results imply a gradual cross-valley gradient of riparian vegetation settling, survival and succession. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The Geul River, located in the south‐eastern part of The Netherlands, is a meandering river with a planform shape characterized by large loops consisting of multiple bends. We evaluate the effect(s) of groundwater flow on the shapes of meanders as a possible explanation for the multi‐bend loops, using a combined meandering–groundwater computer model. In the model seeping groundwater enhances bank erodibility. Based on the simulation results, we present a conceptual, generalized model for groundwater–meandering interaction, based on wavelength selection and fixation effects. Wavelength selection occurs because of the positive feedback between growing meander bends and groundwater flow patterns and velocities. The promoted wavelengths have the same spatial scale as the groundwater flow system in the aquifer underlying the floodplain. In the case of the Geul River these wavelengths are of the order of 100 m. Since groundwater flow velocities are largest close to the recharging hill‐slopes, the seepage‐enhanced bank erodibilities are at a maximum near the floodplain limits. At these locations the difference in erodibility between banks facing the floodplain and those facing the hill slopes is large, so it is difficult for the river to migrate away from the floodplain limits. This causes long stretches of the river to be aligned along the floodplain limits, which we term a fixation effect. This mechanism best explains the multi‐bend loops of the Geul River. The general interaction between groundwater flow and meandering is site specific since it depends on climatic, fluvial and hydrogeological parameters. The Geul is characterized by a wide floodplain and steep hill‐slopes, and it is underlain by coarse‐grained deposits with good aquifer properties, favoring an important groundwater system. Since this kind of river frequently occurs, our results could apply to many other river systems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small river channels within the Humber Basin of Southern Ontario exhibit irregular meandering patterns; however, contemporary river hydrology appears capable of controlling the scale of regular waveform development. Recent changes in river planform are assessed through a bi‐temporal comparison of channel planform using orthorectified aerial photography and statistical analysis of curvature series based on autocorrelation and spectral analysis. Calculated meander wavelengths are acceptable given traditional relationships between wavelength and mean annual flood discharge. It is also evident that changes in stream power are highly correlated with changes in the dominant wavelengths between channel reaches in this study. Gradual development of small scale waveforms following a rare hydrological and geomorphological event in 1954 further confirms that these forms can be attributed to the typical discharge regime. This paper argues that the scaling of wavelengths with discharge can be considered a strong factor controlling planform evolution on some small meandering river systems, despite manifest irregular planforms. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

沈明  段洪涛  曹志刚  薛坤  马荣华 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1473-1484
下行漫衰减系数(K_d)是描述水下光场的重要参数,决定水体真光层深度,影响着浮游藻类初级生产力及其分布特征.基于2008—2013年太湖4次大规模野外试验数据,分析太湖水体漫衰减系数特征及其影响因素,建立适用于多种卫星数据且较高精度的太湖水体490 nm处下行漫衰减系数估算模型.结果表明:无机悬浮物是太湖水体漫衰减系数的主要影响因素;红绿波段比值(674 nm/555 nm)最适合于太湖K_d(490)估算,模型反演精度较高(N=72,R~2=0.72,RMSE=0.89 m~(-1),MAPE=21.58%);利用实测光谱数据,模拟得到MODIS/EOS、OLCI/Sentinel-3、GOCI/COMS和MSI/Sentinel-2等主要传感器波段的信号,构建适用于多种卫星传感器K_d(490)估算的红绿波段模型,建模精度较高(N=72,R~20.7,RMSE0.9 m~(-1),MAPE22.0%),且进行了验证(N=37,R~20.7,RMSE0.9 m~(-1),MAPE22.0%).  相似文献   

基于多源卫星数据扎日南木错湖面变化和气象成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Landsat(MSS、TM、ETM+)系列卫星和环境减灾卫星CCD遥感影像数据以及西藏扎日南木错地区近40年(1970-2011年)气象资料,分析湖泊面积的变化特征,并探讨湖泊面积变化的可能气象成因.结果表明,扎日南木错1975-2011年间经历了先萎缩后扩张的过程,湖泊面积呈增长趋势,增长面积为7.08 km2.扎日南木错流域在过去40多年里冰川在退缩,温度升高,降水量增加,而蒸发量和最大冻土深度减少.湖泊面积与年气温之间有显著的正相关关系,气温升高可能是湖面扩大的原因之一.  相似文献   

Development of hydrological models for seasonal and real-time runoff forecast in rivers of high alpine catchments is useful for management of water resources. The conceptual models for this purpose are based on a temperature index and/or energy budget and can be either lumped or distributed over the catchment area. Remote sensing satellite data are most useful to acquire near real-time geophysical parameters in order to input to the distributed forecasting models. In the present study, integration of optical satellite remote sensing-derived information was made with ground meteorological and hydrological data, and predetermined catchment morphological parameters, to study the feasibility of application of a distributed temperature index snowmelt runoff model to one of the high mountainous catchments in the Italian Alps, known as Cordevole River Basin. Five sets of Landsat Multispectral Scanning System (MSS) and Thematic Mapper (TM) computer-compatible tapes (CCTs) were processed using digital image processing techniques in order to evaluate the snow cover variation quantitatively. Digital elevation model, slope and aspect parameters were developed and used during satellite data processing. The satellite scenes were classified as snow, snow under transition and snow free areas. A second-order polynomial fit has been attempted to approximate the snow depletion and to estimate daily snow cover areal extent for three elevation zones of the catchment separately. Model performance evaluation based on correlation coefficient, Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient and percentage volume deviation indicated very good simulation between measured and computed discharges for the entire snowmelt period. The use of average temperature values computed from the maximum and minimum temperatures into the model was studied and a suitable algorithm was proposed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River meandering has been extensively investigated. Two fundamental features to be explored in order to make further progress are nonlinearity and unsteadiness. Linear steady models have played an important role in the development of the subject but suffer from a number of limits. Moreover, rivers are not steady systems; rather their states respond to hydrologic forcing subject to seasonal oscillations, punctuated by the occurrence of flood events. We first derive a classification of river bends based on a systematic assessment of the various physical mechanisms affecting their morphodynamic equilibrium and their evolution in response to variations of hydrodynamic forcing. Using the database by Lagasse et al. ( 2004 ) we also show that natural meanders are typically mildly curved and long, i.e. such that both the centrifugal and the topographic secondary flows are weak, but they are almost invariably nonlinear. We then review some recent developments which allow us to treat analytically the flow and bed topography of mildly curved and long nonlinear bends subject to steady forcing, taking advantage of the fact that flow and bed topography in mildly curved long bends are slowly varying. Results show that nonlinearity has a number of consequences: most notably damping of the morphodynamic response and upstream shifting of the location of the nonlinear peak of the flow speed. Next we extend the latter model to the case of unsteady forcing. Results are found to depend crucially on the ratio between the flood duration and a morphodynamic timescale. It turns out that, in a channel subject to a repeated sequence of floods, the system reaches a dynamic equilibrium. We conclude the paper discussing how the present assessment relates to the debate on meander modelling of the late 1980s and suggesting what we see as promising lines of future developments.  相似文献   

A method for using remotely sensed snow cover information in updating a hydrological model is developed, based on Bayes' theorem. A snow cover mass balance model structure adapted to such use of satellite data is specified, using a parametric snow depletion curve in each spatial unit to describe the subunit variability in snow storage. The snow depletion curve relates the accumulated melt depth to snow‐covered area, accumulated snowmelt runoff volume, and remaining snow water equivalent. The parametric formulation enables updating of the complete snow depletion curve, including mass balance, by satellite data on snow coverage. Each spatial unit (i.e. grid cell) in the model maintains a specific depletion curve state that is updated independently. The uncertainty associated with the variables involved is formulated in terms of a joint distribution, from which the joint expectancy (mean value) represents the model state. The Bayesian updating modifies the prior (pre‐update) joint distribution into a posterior, and the posterior joint expectancy replaces the prior as the current model state. Three updating experiments are run in a 2400 km2 mountainous region in Jotunheimen, central Norway (61°N, 9°E) using two Landsat 7 ETM+ images separately and together. At 1 km grid scale in this alpine terrain, three parameters are needed in the snow depletion curve. Despite the small amount of measured information compared with the dimensionality of the updated parameter vector, updating reduces uncertainty substantially for some state variables and parameters. Parameter adjustments resulting from using each image separately differ, but are positively correlated. For all variables, uncertainty reduction is larger with two images used in conjunction than with any single image. Where the observation is in strong conflict with the prior estimate, increased uncertainty may occur, indicating that prior uncertainty may have been underestimated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field observations on small rivers of the Amazon basin are less common due to their remote location and difficult accessibility. Here we show, through remote sensing analysis and field works, the planform evolution and riverbed topography of a small river located in the upper foreland Amazon basin, the Ichilo River. By tracking planform changes over 30 years, we identified the factors that control meander migration rates in the Ichilo River: cutoffs, climate and human interventions. The data suggest that neck cutoffs are the main controls in the Ichilo River, with an annual density of 0.022 cutoffs/km. In addition, climate controls have been identified in the form of high-precipitation events that may have promoted cutoffs, an increase in meander migration rate and channel widening. The width distribution of the Ichilo River is well represented by general extreme value and inverse Gaussian distributions. The spatiotemporal variability of meandering migration rates in the Ichilo River is analysed in two locations where neck cutoffs are expected. Analysing the distance across the neck in these two points, we predict the occurrence of a new cutoff. The combined methodology of bathymetric surveys and structure from motion photogrammetry shows us the Ichilo riverbed topography and banks at high resolution, where two scour holes were identified. Finally, we discuss the impact of planform changes of the Ichilo River on communities that are established along its riverbanks.  相似文献   

Field studies suggest that a cohesive floodplain is a necessary condition for meandering in contrast to braided rivers. However, it is only partly understood how the balance between floodplain construction by overbank deposition and removal by bank erosion and chutes leads to meandering. This is needed because only then does a dynamic equilibrium exist and channels maintain meandering with low width–depth ratios. Our objective is to understand how different styles of floodplain formation such as overbank deposition and lateral accretion cause narrower channels and prevent chute cutoffs that lead to meandering. In this study we present two experiments with a self‐forming channel in identical conditions, but to one we added cohesive silt at the upstream boundary. The effect of cohesive silt on bank stability was tested in auxiliary bank erosion experiments and showed that an increase in silt reduced erosion rates by a factor of 2. The experiment without silt developed to a braided river by continuous and extensive shifting of multiple channels. In contrast, in the meandering river silt deposits increased bank stability of the cohesive floodplain and resulted in a reduction of chute cutoffs and increased sinuosity by continuous lateral migration of a single channel. Overbank flow led to deposition of the silt and two styles of cohesive floodplain were observed: first, overbank vertical‐accretion of silt, e.g. levee, overbank sedimentation or splays; and second, lateral point bar accretion with silt on the scrolls and in the swales. The first style led to a reduction in bank erosion, while the second style reduced excavation of chutes. We conclude that sedimentation of fine cohesive material on the floodplain by discharge exceeding bankfull is a necessary condition for meandering. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近年来水体富营养化呈扩张趋势,蓝藻水华不仅在太湖等大型湖泊频发,水面面积较小的天津于桥水库等也形势严峻,亟需加强卫星遥感监测.但是,以往在太湖等业务化使用非常成功的MODIS等卫星数据(约500 m),由于空间分辨率较低,难以满足小型水体的监测要求;而Landsat-8等空间分辨率较高的卫星数据(30 m),通常重返周期较长,无法满足水华高频监测需求.本文以天津市于桥水库(面积约80 km2)为研究区,针对常用的卫星数据,从空间、时间、光谱范围和数据可获取性共4个方面,评价不同卫星数据蓝藻水华监测能力和算法,同时对不同卫星监测结果一致性进行评估.结果表明:(1)筛选出国产HJ-1A\B CCD、GF-1 WFV和美国Landsat-8 OLI这3种卫星波段合适,空间分辨率较高,适用于桥水库蓝藻水华监测,但考虑到其重返周期较长,建议多星联合观测;(2)各个卫星监测结果与卫星影像目视解译结果基本一致,均方根误差和相对误差均分别控制在0.78 km2和4.9%以内;(3)不同卫星监测结果一致性良好,一致性精度达到99.5%;(4)根据历史影像结果,发现于桥水库2016年水质开始呈富营养化,藻华现象在夏、秋两季最为严重.研究表明,针对小型水面水体蓝藻水华监测,利用较高分辨率数据联合监测,是一种有效的替代策略,今后可在更多小型水域推广.  相似文献   

Rivers may dramatically change course on a fluvial plain. Such an avulsion temporarily leads to two active channels connected at a bifurcation. Here we study the effect of dynamic meandering at the bifurcation and the effect of channel width adjustment to changing discharge in both downstream branches on the evolution of a bifurcation and coexisting channels. As an example, we reconstructed the last major avulsion at the Rhine delta apex. We combined historical and geological data to reconstruct a slowly developing avulsion process spanning 2000 years and involving channel width adjustment and meandering at the bifurcation. Based on earlier idealised models, we developed a one‐dimensional model for long‐term morphodynamic prediction of upstream channel and bifurcates connected at the bifurcation node. The model predicts flow and sediment partitioning at the node, including the effect of migrating meanders at the bifurcation and channel width adjustment. Bifurcate channel width adaptation to changing discharge partitioning dramatically slows the pacing of bifurcation evolution because the sediment balance for width adjustment and bed evolution are coupled. The model further shows that meandering at the bifurcation modulates channel abandonment or enlargement periodically. This explains hitherto unrecognised reactivation signals in the sedimentary record of the studied bifurcation meander belts, newly identified in our geological reconstruction. Historical maps show that bifurcation migration due to meander bend dynamics increases the bifurcation angle, which increases the rate of closure of one bifurcate. The combination of model and reconstruction identifies the relevant timescales for bifurcation evolution and avulsion duration. These are the time required to fill one downstream channel over one backwater length, the time to translate one meander wavelength downstream and, for strong river banks, the adaptation timescale to adjust channel width. The findings have relevance for all avulsions where channel width can adjust to changing discharge and where meandering occurs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

卫星遥感技术在火山监测中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
作为一门新兴技术,卫星遥感已被有效地应用于火山活动监测、通过SAR(合成孔径雷达)和InSAR(合成孔径雷达干涉成像)资料可以监测火山地表形变、使用热辐射数据以及将遥感与其它技术相结合能够研究火山区的热活动和火山喷发物。在我国的火山监测中,广泛地应用卫星遥感技术是非常必要的。  相似文献   

卫星应用技术在地学研究中的发展现状   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
卫星应用技术与地学研究很早就存在密切的联系,从最初单一的遥感应用发展到包含遥感(RS)、地理信息技术(GIS)、全球定位系统(GPS)等多种技术在内的空间信息技术,卫星应用技术促进了地学理论研究和定性、定量的分析验证,加速了地球科学的发展.本文综述了近年来地学领域卫星应用技术的主要方向和现状.  相似文献   

Flow in meandering bends is characterized by the formation of a large cross‐sectional central‐region circulation cell. The width‐to‐depth ratio is one of the most important parameters affecting the entity of the cross‐circulation motion. In steep outside bends, beside the central‐region cell, a counter‐rotating circulation cell often forms in the upper part of the outer‐bank. In spite of its practical importance, the evolving mechanisms of both the circulation cells and their role on boundary shear stress distribution in bends are not yet fully understood. The aim of the present paper is to gain some insight into how cross‐sectional flow motion evolves along meandering bends. Experiments have been carried out in a laboratory meandering channel of large amplitude, over a deformed‐rigid bed, for two values of the width‐to‐depth ratio. The three‐dimensional flow velocity field has been measured in detail at five cross‐sections, almost equally spaced along the channel reach between two consecutive apex sections. The measurements have been carried out on a fine grid by an acoustic Doppler velocity profiler. The distributions of the cross‐sectional flow (e.g. cross‐sectional flow velocity, net transversal flux) and turbulent kinetic energy are analyzed in each investigated section. Measurements show that the counter‐rotating circulation cell is evident only in the case of ‘small’ width‐to‐depth ratio. Such circulation cell begins at the bend entrance and it is fully developed at the bend apex; then it decays. At the bend apex, the core of maximum velocity is found near the bed at about the separation between the central and the outer‐bank circulation cells. Moreover, the presence of the counter‐rotating circulation cell allows the bank shear stress to maintain low values in the outer‐side of the bend. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies of alluvial rivers have shown that channel patterns form a continuum controlled by interactions among factors such as gradient, discharge, sediment size, and bank strength. Data from channels in the permanent wetlands of the Okavango Delta add to these ?ndings by focusing on pattern transitions in channels with banks formed by sedges and grasses that are rooted in peat and underlain by unconsolidated sediment. Channels are well de?ned, and transport ?ne–medium sand as bedload between the vertical, vegetation‐lined banks. Water depths, velocities, grain sizes, and bankline vegetation do not vary signi?cantly or systematically downstream, but the permeable banks allow water to leak from the channels, contributing to an overall downstream decrease in discharge and width. In addition, as the Okavango River ?ows from the <12 km wide ‘Panhandle’ and splits into distributaries in the broader ‘Fan’, valley gradient steepens by c. 60 per cent. These downstream changes result in channel pattern adjustments. In the Panhandle, the Okavango River is a relatively wide (c. 30–100 m), actively meandering, sinuous channel (P > 2·0), but further downstream in the Fan, the narrower (<40 m) distributaries follow laterally stable, less sinuous (‘straight’) courses (P < 1·75). Some channel pattern discrimination diagrams based on simple indices of gradient, discharge, sediment size or stream power are inadequate for analysing the meandering–straight transition in the Okavango but Parker's (1976) approach, based on ratios of depth–width and slope–Froude number, accurately characterizes the transition. Our ?eld observations, combined with the results from previous experimental studies, suggest that in relatively wide channels (w/d > 10), thalweg meandering results in scour of the unconsolidated sediment at the bank base, leading to undermining and collapse of the vegetation, and to slow meander migration. However, as channels narrow downstream (w/d < 10) with discharge losses, proportionally increasing sidewall drag exerted by bankline vegetation suppresses thalweg meandering and bank scour, and channels follow stable, less sinuous courses. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ecological situation of the Tarim River basin in China seriously declined since the early 1950s, mainly due to a strong increase in water abstraction for irrigation purposes. To restore the ecological system and support sustainable development of the Tarim River basin region in China, more hydrological studies are demanded to properly understand the processes of the watershed and efficiently manage the water resources. Such studies are, however, complicated due to the limited data availability, especially in the mountainous headwater regions of the Tarim River basin. This study investigated the usefulness of remote sensing (RS) data to overcome that lack of data in the spatially distributed hydrological modelling of the basin. Complementary to the conventional station‐based (SB) data, the RS products that are directly used in this study include precipitation, evapotranspiration and leaf area index. They are derived from raw image data of the Chinese Fengyun meteorological satellite and from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The MODIS land surface temperature was used to calculate the atmospheric temperature lapse rate to describe the temperature dependency on topographical variations. Moreover, MODIS‐based snow cover images were used to obtain model initial conditions and as validation reference for the snow model component. Comparison of model results based on RS input versus conventional SB input exhibited similar results in terms of high and low river runoff extremes, cumulative runoff volumes in both runoff and snow melting seasons and spatial and temporal variability of snow cover. During summer time, when the snow cover shrinks in the permanent glacier region, it was found that the model resolution influences the model results dramatically, hence, showing the importance of detailed (RS based) spatially distributed input data. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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