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Analyses (n = 525) of chloride (Cl), bromide (Br), nitrate as nitrogen (NO3-N), sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+) and potassium (K+) in stream water, tile-drain water and groundwater were conducted in an urban-agricultural watershed (10% urban/impervious, 87% agriculture) to explore potential differences in the signature of Cl originating from an urban source as compared with an agricultural source. Only during winter recharge events did measured Cl concentrations exceed the 230 mg/L chronic threshold. At base flow, nearly all surface water and tile water samples had Cl concentrations above the calculated background threshold of 18 mg/L. Mann–Whitney U tests revealed ratios of Cl to Br (p = .045), to NO3-N (p < .0001), to Ca2+ (p < .0001), and to Na+ (p < .0001) to be significantly different between urban and agricultural waters. While Cl ratios indicate that road salt was the dominant source of Cl in the watershed, potassium chloride fertilizer contributed as an important secondary source. Deicing in watersheds where urban land use is minimal had a profound impact on Cl dynamics; however, agricultural practices contributed Cl year-round, elevating stream base flow Cl concentrations above the background level.  相似文献   

The fate and transport of groundwater contaminants depends partially on groundwater velocity, which can vary appreciably in highly stratified aquifers. A high-resolution passive profiler (HRPP) was developed to evaluate groundwater velocity, contaminant concentrations, and microbial community structure at ∼20 cm vertical depth resolution in shallow heterogeneous aquifers. The objective of this study was to use mass transfer of bromide (Br), a conservative tracer released from cells in the HRPP, to estimate interstitial velocity. Laboratory experiments were conducted to empirically relate velocity and the mass transfer coefficient of Br based on the relative loss of Br from HRPP cells. Laboratory-scale HRPPs were deployed in flow boxes containing saturated soils with differing porosities, and the mass transfer coefficient of Br was measured at multiple interstitial velocities (0 to 100 cm/day). A two-dimensional (2D) quasi-steady-state model was used to relate velocity to mass transfer of Br for a range of soil porosities (0.2–0.5). The laboratory data indicate that the mass transfer coefficient of Br, which was directly—but non-linearly—related to velocity, can be determined with a single 3-week deployment of the HRPP. The mass transfer coefficient was relatively unaffected by sampler orientation, length of deployment time, or porosity. The model closely simulated the experimental results. The data suggest that the HRPP will be applicable for estimating groundwater velocity ranging from 1 to 100 cm/day in the field at a minimum depth resolution of 10 cm, depending on sampler design.  相似文献   

Two tracer experiments have been carried out at an enclosed catchment in southern Norway. The catchment was brought to steady state with respect to rainfall and runoff prior to the tracer addition. A known concentration of lithium bromide was then added to the rainfall for the duration of each event. The tight control on tracer concentration and rainfall amount enabled assessment of the contribution of old and new water to runoff, the dominant flow pathways and soil water residence times during a storm event. A significant volume of ‘old’ water contributes to runoff despite the hydrologically responsive nature of the catchment and several hours of tracer injected rainfall are required before ‘new’ water becomes the dominant runoff source. After 34 h of tracer injection, ‘new’ water apparently contributes c. 83% to instantaneous flow and c. 55% of the total tracer input to the catchment has been lost in runoff. Recovery of the tracer from soil water indicates that the organic soil surface layer is the dominant flow pathway for rainwater through the catchment and that a significant pathway also exists at the soil–bedrock interface. New water is retained in deep pockets of soil for several days. Assessment of the conservative behaviour of the tracer suggests that 10–14% of the input Br is retained in the soil and the tracer is not conservative. Laboratory experiments indicate that sorption of Br to organic soil is the likely mechanism of retention. This process is probably concentration dependent and will have occurred predominantly during the initial period of tracer application. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conservative solute injections were conducted in three first-order montane streams of different geological composition to assess the influence of parent lithology and alluvial characteristics on the hydrological retention of nutrients. Three study sites were established: (1) Aspen Creek, in a sandstone–siltstone catchment with a fine-grained alluvium of low hydraulic conductivity (1·3×10−4 cm/s), (2) Rio Calaveras, which flows through volcanic tuff with alluvium of intermediate grain size and hydraulic conductivity (1·2×10−3 cm/s), and (3) Gallina Creek, located in a granite/gneiss catchment of coarse, poorly sorted alluvium with high hydraulic conductivity (4·1×10−3 cm/s). All sites were instrumented with networks of shallow groundwater wells to monitor interstitial solute transport. The rate and extent of groundwater–surface water exchange, determined by the solute response in wells, increased with increasing hydraulic conductivity. The direction of surface water–groundwater interaction within a stream was related to local variation in vertical and horizontal hydraulic gradients. Experimental tracer responses in the surface stream were simulated with a one-dimensional solute transport model with inflow and storage components (OTIS). Model-derived measures of hydrological retention showed a corresponding increase with increasing hydraulic conductivity. To assess the temporal variability of hydrological retention, solute injection experiments were conducted in Gallina Creek under four seasonal flow regimes during which surface discharge ranged from baseflow (0·75 l/s in October) to high (75 l/s during spring snowmelt). Model-derived hydrological retention decreased with increasing discharge. The results of our intersite comparison suggest that hydrological retention is strongly influenced by the geologic setting and alluvial characteristics of the stream catchment. Temporal variation in hydrological retention at Gallina Creek is related to seasonal changes in discharge, highlighting the need for temporal resolution in studies of the dynamics of surface water–groundwater interactions in stream ecosystems. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream‐tracer injections were used to examine the effect of channel morphology and changing stream discharge on hyporheic exchange flows. Direct observations were made from well networks to follow tracer movement through the hyporheic zone. The reach‐integrated influence of hyporheic exchange was evaluated using the transient storage model (TSM) OTIS‐P. Transient storage modelling results were compared with direct observations to evaluate the reliability of the TSM. Results from the tracer injection in the bedrock reach supported the assumption that most transient storage in headwater mountain streams results from hyporheic exchange. Direct observations from the well networks in colluvial reaches showed that subsurface flow paths tended to parallel the valley axis. Cross‐valley gradients were weak except near steps, where vertical and cross‐valley hydraulic gradients indicated a strong potential for stream water to downwell into the hyporheic zone. The TSM parameters showed that both size and residence time of transient storage were greater in reaches with a few large log‐jam‐formed steps than in reaches with more frequent, but smaller steps. Direct observations showed that residence times in the unconstrained stream were longer than in the constrained stream and that little change occurred in the location and extent of the hyporheic zone between low‐ and high‐baseflow discharges in any of the colluvial reaches. The transient storage modelling results did not agree with these observations, suggesting that the TSM was insensitive to long residence‐time exchange flows and was very sensitive to changes in discharge. Disagreements between direct observations and the transient storage modelling results highlight fundamental problems with the TSM that confound comparisons between the transient storage modelling results for tracer injections conducted under differing flow conditions. Overall, the results showed that hyporheic exchange was little affected by stream discharge (at least over the range of baseflow discharges examined in this study). The results did show that channel morphology controlled development of the hyporheic zone in these steep mountain stream channels. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface water–groundwater interaction in the hyporheic zone may enhance biogeochemical cycling in streams, and it has been hypothesized that streams exchanging more water with the hyporheic zone should have more rapid nitrate utilization. We used simultaneous conservative solute and nitrate addition tracer tests to measure transient storage (which includes hyporheic exchange and in‐stream storage) and the rate of nitrate uptake along three reaches within the Red Canyon Creek watershed, Wyoming. We calibrated a one‐dimensional transport model, incorporating transient storage (OTIS‐P), to the conservative solute breakthrough curves and used the results to determine the degree of transient storage in each reach. The nitrate uptake length was quantified from the exponential decrease in nitrate concentration with distance during the tracer tests. Nitrate uptake along the most downstream reach of Red Canyon Creek was rapid (turnover time K?1c = 32 min), compared with nitrate uptake reported in other studies (K?1c = 12 to 551 min), but other sites within the watershed showed little nitrate retention or loss. The uptake length Sw‐NO?3 for the most downstream reach was 500 m and the mass transfer coefficient Vf‐NO?3 was 6·3 m min?1. Results from 15 other nitrate‐addition tracer tests were used to create a regression model relating transient storage and measures of stream flow to nitrate uptake length. The model, which includes specific discharge and transient storage area, explains almost half the variability in nitrate uptake length (adjusted R2 = 0·44) and is most effective for comparing sites with very different stream characteristics. Although large differences in specific discharge and storage zone area explain inter‐site differences in nitrate uptake, other unmeasured variables, such as available organic carbon and microbial community composition, are likely important for predicting differences in nitrate uptake between sites with similar specific discharge rates and storage zone areas, such as when making intra‐site comparisons. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical constituents in streams may originate from currently active sources at the surface and/or legacy sources from earlier surface inputs, waste deposits and land contamination. Distinction and quantification of these source contributions are needed for improved interpretation of tracer data and effective reduction of waterborne environmental pollutants. This article develops a methodology that recognizes and quantifies some general mechanistic differences in stream concentration and load behavior versus discharge between such source contributions. The methodology is applied to comparative analysis of stream concentration data for chloride (Cl), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn), and corresponding data for water discharge, measured over the period 1990–2018 in multiple hydrological catchments (19 for Cl, 11 for Cu and Zn, 10 for Pb) around the major Lake Mälaren in Sweden. For Cl, the average load fraction of active sources is quantified to be 19%, and the average active and legacy concentration contributions as 2.9 and 11 mg/L, respectively. For the metals, the average active load fractions at outlets are 1%–3% over all catchments and 9%–14% in the relatively few catchments with mixed metal sources. Average active and legacy concentration contributions are 0.14 and 3.2 μg/L for Cu, 0.05 and 1.5 μg/L for Pb, and 1.4 and 12 μg/L for Zn, respectively. This multi-catchment analysis thus indicates a widespread prevalence of legacy sources, with greater legacy than active concentration contributions for both Cl and the metals, and active contributions playing a greater role for chloride than for the metals. The relatively simple first-order methodology developed and applied in the study can be used to screen commonly available stream monitoring data for possible distinction of active and legacy contributions of any hydrochemical constituent in and across various hydrological catchment settings.  相似文献   

Sodium bromide and Rhodamine WT were used as conservative tracers to examine the hydrologic characteristics of seven tundra streams in Arctic Alaska, during the summers of 1994–1996. Continuous tracer additions were conducted in seven rivers ranging from 1st to 5th order with samples collected from instream, hyporheic, and parafluvial locations. Tracer data was used as input for a computer model to estimate hydrologic characteristics of each study reach. While solute concentrations during the tracer additions indicated that steady-state or “plateau” conditions had been reached, interstitial samples indicated that there were additional hyporheic and parafluvial zones that had not been fully labeled at the time of apparent steady state in the stream channel (plateau). Exchange between channel and hyporheic water was a function of location within a pool–riffle sequence, with rapid downwelling at the head of riffles and delayed upwelling in riffle tails. The extent of exchange between channel and hyporheic water was positively correlated with apparent streambed hydraulic conductivity. Tracer additions indicated interstitial velocities ranging from 0.030 to 0.075 cm s−1 and hydraulic conductivities from 2.4 to 12.2 cm s−1. Hyporheic and in-channel samples were collected for N, P, DO, and CO2 analyses in conjunction with conservative tracer additions in four of the stream reaches for which the interstitial velocities were also determined. Transformation rates based on these data indicated that there was rapid nitrification of mineralized organic N and production of ammonium, phosphate, and carbon dioxide in the interstitial zones of all four reaches. Dissolved oxygen did not appear to be limiting in the reaches studied. The hyporheic zone of all four reaches was a source of nitrate, carbon dioxide, and ammonium to the channel water based on the average concentration of upwelling waters. Increased contact time with hyporheic and parafluvial zones was related to decreased temperature and increased conductivity. Net nitrogen flux from the hyporheic zone was equivalent to 14–162% of benthic N uptake requirements for the Kuparuk River. These observations are important because we expected that the presence of continuous permafrost in this Arctic environment would limit the importance of hyporheic processes, either physically (i.e., through the presence of a restricting thaw bulb in the permafrost) or biogeochemically (i.e., through low temperatures). Instead, we found that biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zone of these Arctic streams are at least as important as it is in similar temperate stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is an established tracer for use in managed aquifer recharge projects. SF6 exsolves from groundwater when it encounters trapped air according to Henry's law. This results in its retardation relative to groundwater flow, which can help determine porous media saturation and flow dynamics. SF6 and the conservative, nonpartitioning tracer, bromide (Br added as KBr), were introduced to recharge water infiltrated into stacked glacial aquifers in Thurston County, Washington, providing the opportunity to observe SF6 partitioning. Br, which is assumed to travel at the same velocity as the groundwater, precedes SF6 at most monitoring wells (MWs). Average groundwater velocity in the unconfined aquifer in the study area ranges from 3.9 to 40 m/d, except in the southwestern corner where it is slower. SF6 in the shallow aquifer exhibits an average retardation factor of 2.5 ± 3.8, suggesting an air-to-water ratio on the order of 10−3 to 10−2 in the pore space. Notable differences in tracer arrival times at adjacent wells indicate very heterogeneous conductivity. One MW exhibits double peaks in concentrations of both tracers with different degrees of retardation for the first and second peaks. This suggests multiple flowpaths to the well with variable saturation. The confining layer between the upper two aquifers appears to allow intermittent connection between aquifers but serves as an aquitard in most areas. This study demonstrates the utility of SF6 partitioning for evaluating hydrologic conditions at prospective recharge sites.  相似文献   

Two‐component hydrograph separation was performed on 19 low‐to‐moderate intensity rainfall events in a 4·1‐km2 urban watershed to infer the relative and absolute contribution of surface runoff (e.g. new water) to stormflow generation between 2001 and 2003. The electrical conductivity (EC) of water was used as a continuous and inexpensive tracer, with order of magnitude differences in precipitation (12–46 µS/cm) and pre‐event streamwater EC values (520–1297 µS/cm). While new water accounted for most of the increased discharge during storms (61–117%), the contribution of new water to total discharge during events was typically lower (18–78%) and negatively correlated with antecedent stream discharge (r2 = 0·55, p < 0·01). The amount of new water was positively correlated with total rainfall (r2 = 0·77), but hydrograph separation results suggest that less than half (9–46%) of the total rainfall on impervious surfaces is rapidly routed to the stream channel as new water. Comparison of hydrograph separation results using non‐conservative tracers (EC and Si) and a conservative isotopic tracer (δD) for two events showed similar results and highlighted the potential application of EC as an inexpensive, high frequency tracer for hydrograph separation studies in urban catchments. The use of a simple tracer‐based approach may help hydrologists and watershed managers to better understand impervious surface runoff, stormflow generation and non‐point‐source pollutant loading to urban streams. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C‐DIC) was investigated as a potential tracer of streamflow generation processes at the Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont, USA. Downstream sampling showed δ13C‐DIC increased between 3–5‰ from the stream source to the outlet weir approximately 0·5 km downstream, concomitant with increasing pH and decreasing PCO2. An increase in δ13C‐DIC of 2·4 ± 0·1‰ per log unit decrease of excess PCO2 (stream PCO2 normalized to atmospheric PCO2) was observed from downstream transect data collected during snowmelt. Isotopic fractionation of DIC due to CO2 outgassing rather than exchange with atmospheric CO2 may be the primary cause of increased δ13C‐DIC values downstream when PCO2 of surface freshwater exceeds twice the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Although CO2 outgassing caused a general increase in stream δ13C‐DIC values, points of localized groundwater seepage into the stream were identified by decreases in δ13C‐DIC and increases in DIC concentration of the stream water superimposed upon the general downstream trend. In addition, comparison between snowmelt, early spring and summer seasons showed that DIC is flushed from shallow groundwater flowpaths during snowmelt and is replaced by a greater proportion of DIC derived from soil CO2 during the early spring growing season. Thus, in spite of effects from CO2 outgassing, δ13C of DIC can be a useful indicator of groundwater additions to headwater streams and a tracer of carbon dynamics in catchments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several sediment cores were collected from two proglacial lakes in the vicinity of Mittivakkat Glacier, south‐east Greenland, in order to determine sedimentation rates, estimate sediment yields and identify the dominant sources of the lacustrine sediment. The presence of varves in the ice‐dammed Icefall Lake enabled sedimentation rates to be estimated using a combination of X‐ray photography and down‐core variations in 137Cs activity. Sedimentation rates for individual cores ranged between 0·52 and 1·06 g cm−2 year−1, and the average sedimentation rate was estimated to be 0·79 g cm−2 year−1. Despite considerable down‐core variability in annual sedimentation rates, there is no significant trend over the period 1970 to 1994. After correcting for autochthonous organic matter content and trap efficiency, the mean fine‐grained minerogenic sediment yield from the 3·8 km2 basin contributing to the lake was estimated to be 327 t km−2 year−1. Cores were also collected from the topset beds of two small deltas in Icefall Lake. The deposition of coarse‐grained sediment on the delta surface was estimated to total in excess of 15 cm over the last c. 40 years. In the larger Lake Kuutuaq, which is located about 5 km from the glacier front and for which the glacier represents a smaller proportion of the contributing catchment, sedimentation rates determined for six cores collected from the centre of the lake, based on their 137Cs depth profiles, were estimated to range between 0·05 and 0·11 g cm−2 year−1, and the average was 0·08 g cm−2 year−1. The longer‐term (c. 100–150 years) average sedimentation rate for one of the cores, estimated from its unsupported 210Pb profile, was 0·10–0·13 g cm−2 year−1, suggesting that sedimentation rates in this lake have been essentially constant over the last c. 100–150 years. The average fine‐grained sediment yield from the 32·4 km2 catchment contributing to the lake was estimated to be 13 t km−2 year−1. The 137Cs depth profiles for cores collected from the topset beds of the delta of Lake Kuutuaq indicate that in excess of 27 cm of coarse‐grained sediment had accumulated on the delta surface over the last approximately 40 years. Caesium‐137 concentrations associated with the most recently deposited (uppermost) fine‐grained sediment in both Icefall Lake and Lake Kuutuaq were similar to those measured in fine‐grained sediment collected from steep slopes in the immediate proglacial zone, suggesting that this material, rather than contemporary glacial debris, is the most likely source of the sediment deposited in the lakes. This finding is confirmed by the 137Cs concentrations associated with suspended sediment collected from the Mittivakkat stream, which are very similar to those for proglacial material. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, glaciers are the source of meltwater during the austral summer, and the streams and adjacent hyporheic zones constitute the entire physical watershed; there are no hillslope processes in these systems. Hyporheic zones can extend several metres from each side of the stream, and are up to 70 cm deep, corresponding to a lateral cross‐section as large as 12 m2, and water resides in the subsurface year around. In this study, we differentiate between the near‐stream hyporheic zone, which can be characterized with stream tracer experiments, and the extended hyporheic zone, which has a longer time‐scale of exchange. We sampled stream water from Green Creek and from the adjacent saturated alluvium for stable isotopes of D and 18O to assess the significance and extent of stream‐water exchange between the streams and extended hyporheic zones over long time‐scales (days to weeks). Our results show that water residing in the extended hyporheic zone is much more isotopically enriched (up to 11‰ D and 2·2‰ 18O) than stream water. This result suggests a long residence time within the extended hyporheic zone, during which fractionation has occurred owing to summer evaporation and winter sublimation of hyporheic water. We found less enriched water in the extended hyporheic zone later in the flow season, suggesting that stream water may be exchanged into and out of this zone, on the time‐scale of weeks to months. The transient storage model OTIS was used to characterize the exchange of stream water with the extended hyporheic zone. Model results yield exchange rates (α) generally an order magnitude lower (10?5 s?1) than those determined using stream‐tracer techniques on the same stream. In light of previous studies in these streams, these results suggest that the hyporheic zones in Antarctic streams have near‐stream zones of rapid stream‐water exchange, where ‘fast’ biogeochemical reactions may influence water chemistry, and extended hyporheic zones, in which slower biogeochemical reaction rates may affect stream‐water chemistry at longer time‐scales. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A characterization of hyporheic exchange for dry and wet season baseflow, as well as partially dewatered discharge, was done in Prieta Creek, a first‐order cascade in northern Honduras. The cascade had discharges from 1 to 15 l s?1, had average slopes of 12%, pool spacing of 3 m, and shallow substrate of sand and gravel. Tracer tests were conducted in a 15‐m sub‐reach, a length considered to be adequate for the experiment based on the DaI test, a ratio of exchange and transport processes. In the three tests, between 9 and 18% of tracer was not recovered, possibly due to entrainment in flowpaths passing beneath the downstream monitoring location. Tracer data were analysed by the one‐dimensional transport with inflow and storage (OTIS) transient storage model (TSM) to derive standard exchange parameters, and by the solute transport in rivers (STIR) model to examine hyporheic residence time distributions (RTDs). The best fit of the observed tracer breakthrough curves was obtained by using the STIR model with a combination of two exponential RTDs to represent hyporheic retention. With increasing discharge, the OTIS model predicted increasing storage exchange fluxes and exchange coefficients and decreasing storage zone areas and transient storage times, which are trends supported by riparian and streambed piezometric head data. Riparian water levels rose during the transition from the dry to wet season, which could constrict the hyporheic storage zone. Thirteen of the 19 streambed piezometers recorded seasonal changes in hydraulic gradients and flux direction, with fewer yet stronger upwelling zones during higher discharges. The MODFLOW model missed the observed seasonal changes, possibly due to subtle changes in the seasonal change in water surface profiles. We conclude that partially dewatered dry season exchange, compared to wet season exchange, was initiated and terminated with smaller pressure gradients and, in different streambed locations, was smaller in volume, had longer residence times, and may connect with deeper and longer flow paths. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Headcut erosion is associated with major hydraulic changes induced by the gully head of concentrated flow. However, the variation in the hydraulic characteristics of the headcut erosion process is still not clear in the gully region of the Loess Plateau. A series of rainfall combined scouring experiments (flow discharges ranging from 3.6 to 7.2 m3 hr−1, with 0.8 mm min−1 rainfall intensity) were conducted on experimental plots to clarify the variation in the hydraulic parameters induced by gully head and erosion processes under different flow discharges. The results showed that concentrated flows in the catchment area and gully bed were turbulent (Reynolds number ranging from 1,876 to 6,693) and transformed between supercritical and subcritical (Froude number ranging from 0.96 to 3.73). The hydraulic parameters, such as the flow velocity, Reynolds number, shear stress, stream power, Darcy–Weisbach friction factor, and unit stream power in the catchment area were 0.45–0.59 m s−1, 2086–6693, 1.96–5.33 Pa, 0.89–2.86 W m−2, 0.08–0.16, and 0.023–0.031 m s−1, respectively. When the concentrated flows dropped from the gully head, the hydraulic parameters in the gully bed decreased by 3.39–26.07%, 1.49–29.99%, 65.19–67.14%, 67.25–74.96%, 28.53–61.31%, and 67.82–77.14%, respectively, which contributed to the flow energy consumption at the gully head. As flow discharge increased, Reynolds number, shear stress, and stream power increased, while flow velocity, Froude number, unit stream power, and Darcy–Weisbach friction factor did not. The flow energy consumption at the gully head was 9.66–10.13, 13.25–13.74, 15.68–16.41, and 19.28–20.25 J s−1, respectively, under different flow discharges and accounted for 60.58–68.50% of the flow energy consumption of the experimental plots. Generally, the sediment discharges increased rapidly at the initial stage, then increased slowly, and finally reached a steady state condition, which showed a significant declining logarithmic trend with experimental duration (P<.01) and increased with increasing flow discharge. Accordingly, the flow energy consumption was significantly correlated with the sediment yield. These findings could improve our understanding of the hydraulic properties and flow energy characteristics of headcut erosion.  相似文献   

Various physical and biological properties affect solute transport patterns in streams. We measured hydraulic characteristics of Payne Creek, a low‐gradient upper Coastal Plain stream, using tracer experiments and parameter estimation with OTIS‐P (one‐dimensional transport with inflow and storage with parameter optimization). The primary objective of this study was to estimate the effects of varying discharge, season, and litter accumulation on hydraulic parameters. Channel area A ranged from 0·081 to 0·371 m2 and transient storage area As ranged from 0·027 to 0·111 m2. Dispersion D ranged from 1·5 to 11·1 m2 min−1 and exchange coefficient α ranged from 0·009 to 0·038 min−1. Channel area and dispersion were positively correlated to discharge Q, whereas storage area and exchange coefficient were not. Relative storage size As/A ranged from 0·17 to 0·59, and was higher during fall than other seasons under a similar Q. The fraction of median travel time due to transient storage ranged from 8·8 to 34·5% and was significantly correlated with Q through a negative power function. Both metrics indicated that transient storage was a significant component affecting solute transport in Payne Creek, especially during the fall. Comparison between the measured channel area Ac and A suggested that surface storage was dominant in Payne Creek. During fall, accumulation of leaf litter resulted in larger A and As and lower velocity and D than during other seasons with similar discharge. Seasonal changes in discharge and organic matter accumulation, and dynamic channel morphology affected the magnitude of transient storage and overall hydraulic characteristics of Payne Creek. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall simulation was used to examine runoff generation and sediment transport on roads, paths and three types of agricultural fields in Pang Khum Experimental Watershed (PKEW), in mountainous northern Thailand. Because interception of subsurface flow by the road prism is rare in PKEW, work focused on Horton overland flow (HOF). Under dry antecedent soil moisture conditions, roads generated HOF in c. 1 min and have event runoff coefficients (ROCs) of 80 per cent, during 45 min, c. 105 mm h−1 simulations. Runoff generation on agricultural fields required greater rainfall depths to initiate HOF; these surfaces had total ROCs ranging from 0 to 20 per cent. Footpaths are capable of generating erosion‐producing overland flow within agricultural surfaces where HOF generation is otherwise rare. Paths had saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) values 80–120 mm h−1 lower than those of adjacent agricultural surfaces. Sediment production on roads exceeded that of footpaths and agricultural lands by more than eight times (1·23 versus < 0·15 g J−1). Typically, high road runoff volumes (owing to low Ks, c. 15 mm h−1) transported relatively high sediment loads. Initial road sediment concentrations exceeded 100 g l−1, but decayed with time as loose surface material was removed. Compared with the loose surface layer, the compacted, underlying road surface was resistant to detachment forces. Sediment concentration values for the road simulations were slightly higher than data obtained from a 165 m road section during a comparable natural event. Initial simulation concentration values were substantially higher, but were nearly equivalent to those of the natural event after 20 min simulation time. Higher sediment concentration in the simulations was related to differences in the availability of loose surface material, which was more abundant during the dry‐season simulations than during the rainy season natural event. Sediment production on PKEW roads is sensitive to surface preparation processes affecting the supply of surface sediment, including vehicle detachment, maintenance activities, and mass wasting. The simulation data represent a foundation from which to begin parameterizing a physically based runoff/erosion model to study erosional impacts of roads in the study area. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water and nutrient fluxes were studied during a 12-month period in an alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides) forest, located in a remote site at the Cordillera de la Costa (40°05′S) in southern Chile. Measurements of precipitation, throughfall, stemflow, effective precipitation, soil infiltration and stream flow were carried out in an experimental, small watershed. Simultaneously, monthly water samples were collected to determine the concentrations and transport of organic-N, NO3-N, total-P, K+, Ca2+, Na+ and Mg2+ in all levels of forest. Concentration of organic-N, NO3-N, total-P and K+ showed a clear pattern of enrichment in the throughfall, stemflow, effective precipitation and soil infiltration. For Ca2+ and Mg2+, enrichment was observed in the effective precipitation, soil infiltration and stream flow. Annual transport of K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ showed that the amounts exported from the forest via stream flow (K+=0·95, Na+=32·44, Ca2+=8·76 and Mg2+=7·16 kg ha−1 yr−1) are less than the inputs via precipitation (K+=6·39, Na+=40·99, Ca2+=15·13 and Mg2+=7·61 kg ha−1 yr−1). The amounts of organic-N and NO3-N exported via stream flow (organic-N=1·04 and No3-N=3·06 kg ha−1 yr−1) were relatively small; however, they represented greater amounts than the inputs via precipitation (organic-N=0·74 and NO3-N=0·97 kg ha−1 yr−1), because of the great contribution of this element in the superficial soil horizon, where the processes of decomposition of organic material, mineralization and immobilization of the nutrients occurs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We studied the temporal patterns of tracer throughput in the outflow of large (30 cm diameter by 38 cm long) undisturbed cores from the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia. Tracer breakthrough was affected by soil structure and rainfall intensity. Two rainfall intensities (20 and 40 mm hr−1) for separate Cl and Br amended solutions were applied to two cores (one extracted from a hillslope soil and one extracted from a residual clay soil on the ridge). For both low and high rainfall intensity experiments, preferential flow occurred in the clay core, but not in the hillslope core. The preferential flow is attributed to well‐developed interpedal macrochannels that are commonly found in structured clay soils, characteristic of the ridge site. However, each rainfall intensity exceeded the matrix infiltration capacity at the top of the hillslope core, but did not exceed the matrix infiltration capacity at the middle and bottom of the hillslope core and at all levels in the clay core. Localized zones of saturation created when rainfall intensity exceeds the matrix infiltration capacity may cause water and tracer to overflow from the matrix into macrochannels, where preferential flow occurs to depth in otherwise unsaturated soil. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rapidly transforming headwater catchments in the humid tropics provide important resources for drinking water, irrigation, hydropower, and ecosystem connectivity. However, such resources for downstream use remain unstudied. To improve understanding of the behaviour and influence of pristine rainforests on water and tracer fluxes, we adapted the relatively parsimonious, spatially distributed tracer‐aided rainfall–runoff (STARR) model using event‐based stable isotope data for the 3.2‐km2 San Lorencito catchment in Costa Rica. STARR was used to simulate rainforest interception of water and stable isotopes, which showed a significant isotopic enrichment in throughfall compared with gross rainfall. Acceptable concurrent simulations of discharge (Kling–Gupta efficiency [KGE] ~0.8) and stable isotopes in stream water (KGE ~0.6) at high spatial (10 m) and temporal (hourly) resolution indicated a rapidly responding system. Around 90% of average annual streamflow (2,099 mm) was composed of quick, near‐surface runoff components, whereas only ~10% originated from groundwater in deeper layers. Simulated actual evapotranspiration (ET) from interception and soil storage were low (~420 mm/year) due to high relative humidity (average 96%) and cloud cover limiting radiation inputs. Modelling suggested a highly variable groundwater storage (~10 to 500 mm) in this steep, fractured volcanic catchment that sustains dry season baseflows. This groundwater is concentrated in riparian areas as an alluvial–colluvial aquifer connected to the stream. This was supported by rainfall–runoff isotope simulations, showing a “flashy” stream response to rainfall with only a moderate damping effect and a constant isotope signature from deeper groundwater (~400‐mm additional mixing volume) during baseflow. The work serves as a first attempt to apply a spatially distributed tracer‐aided model to a tropical rainforest environment exploring the hydrological functioning of a steep, fractured‐volcanic catchment. We also highlight limitations and propose a roadmap for future data collection and spatially distributed tracer‐aided model development in tropical headwater catchments.  相似文献   

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