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Facies evolution and vertical changes within the Late Cretaceous sequence of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin reveal fluctuations of intra- and extrabasinal circumstances. Evidence of periodic oscillations is recognized and two categories of aperiodic event indications are distinguished according to their significance and lateral persistence. Several lithoevents may be related to eustatic changes, while others indicate the independent evolution of the basin, influenced by epeirogenetic movements of segments of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

The Bohemian Cretaceous Basin represents a complex hydrogeological system composed of several aquifers with very favourable hydrogeological properties. These aquifers have been exploited for many years. The sustainability of such resources might be guaranteed by well organised water management, which requires a detailed knowledge about the functioning of the hydrogeological system. Although many efforts have previously been made to evaluate groundwater residence time, the many intricate geochemical processes complicate groundwater dating. The current study clarifies the functioning of this complex hydrogeological basin using hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigations. Chemical data and a combination of 13C and 14C isotopes within the Cenomanian and the Turonian layers indicate groundwater interactions with deep-seated CO2, rock matrix, surface waters and fossil organic matter. Very depleted δ13C values (average δ13C ∼ −13.4‰) suggest interactions with fossil organic matter, whereas enriched values account for the interaction with deep CO2 gas ascending from the upper mantle via the numerous faults and fractures, and also, to a lesser extent, from calcite dissolution. Geochemical processes that take place in the system cause a clear depletion in 14C that greatly complicates groundwater residence time evaluation. Different dilution correction models have been applied considering the different C origins. The stable isotope content, mainly 18O values, indicates both the contribution of modern precipitation and the partial infiltration of palaeowaters during colder climatic conditions from the end of the Pleistocene. The apparent 14C groundwater ages range from modern to 11.1 ka BP, which suggests some post glacial infiltration from melting ice sheets. Finally, all the acquired information was used to propose a conceptual model of C origin within the basin.  相似文献   

关于鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系地下水分水岭的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过研究鄂尔多斯白垩系盆地地下水环境同位素 (18O、D、T), 认为鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系地下水分水岭位于陕北, 大致呈东西向分布的白于山一带。   相似文献   

鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地是中国重要的能源基地,利用CFCS方法对鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地年轻地下水年龄进行测定,取得了比较准确的结果。结果表明,盆地地下水系统可以分为局部地下水系统、中间地下水系统和区域地下水系统。地下水盆地内局部地下水系统地下水循环更替快,年龄为20 a左右,地下水年龄随深度增加而增加;中间地下水系统和区域地下水系统地下水循环更替相对较慢,年龄大于70 a,可以寻求14C等其他同位素方法确定准确年龄。  相似文献   

有关鄂尔多斯盆地地下水系统,前人已做过大量的研究,总结出不少的成果和规律。但从沉积建造方面研究地下水系统的不多。本文详细研究了白垩系沉积建造的特征和规律,探讨其对于研究区白垩系地下水系统的形成、富集和赋存的影响和控制,对于研究区白垩系地下水的开发和利用提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

The Bohemian Cretaceous Basin combines features of a shallow‐water (mostly < 100 m) epicontinental seaway formed during a global transgression with those of a tectonically active, transtensional setting. The basin formed under a greenhouse climate and was affected by strong axial currents. Dense well‐log coverage, combined with locally high‐quality exposures and biostratigraphic control, make it possible to examine in three dimensions the geometries of genetic sequences and interpret their controlling variables. Sand‐dominated deltas formed sequences at several spatial scales that reflect nested transgressive–regressive cycles with durations ranging from tens of thousands of years to millions of years. Progradation directions and distances, thicknesses and internal geometry of the individual sequences were controlled primarily by intrabasinal faulting, basin‐scale changes in subsidence rate, eustatic fluctuations and localized bathymetric changes due to successive filling of the basin. Along‐strike change in sediment input from different parts of the source area and a short‐lived uplift of a secondary clastic source provided additional controls on the sequence geometry. Efficient hypopycnal transport combined with redeposition of fine clastics in shallow water promoted development of steep slopes of sand‐dominated deltas while preventing downlap of muddy clinoforms; most of the suspended load became deposited downcurrent in subhorizontal or gently dipping bottomsets. Long‐term accommodation rates were low during the Early to Middle Turonian, with minor intrabasinal faulting, but became accelerated in the Late Turonian and Early Coniacian. This acceleration was caused at least partly by increased subsidence rate accompanied by structural partitioning of the depocentre and partly compensated by increased sediment input indicating increased uplift rates in the Western Sudetic Island source area. This event probably reflected an increase in the regional strain rate in Central Europe. The succession of two major flooding events in the Early Turonian and late Early Coniacian, separated by a low‐accommodation interval in the Middle Turonian, shows a close similarity to published estimates of long‐term eustatic curves. However, the eustatic component of accommodation rate in the Bohemian Late Turonian and Coniacian is difficult to separate from accelerated subsidence. In several cases, evidence for short‐term (100 kyr scale) forced regressions, independent of basinal structural activity, suggests small‐scale eustatic falls at rates which, as presently understood, cannot be explained other than by a glacio‐eustatic mechanism.  相似文献   

Braarudosphaera -rich sediments occur in the Turonian (nannofossil zones CC13 and UC9a) epicontinental marine sediments of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. This phenomenon is linked to the input of terrigenous material during deceleration of sea-level rise, or stillstand in sea level, which possibly both triggered the Braarudosphaera bigelowii bloom and reduced the diversity of the nannoplankton assemblages. The occurrence of Marthasterites furcatus and Lithastrinus septenarius probably reflects depositional conditions that were suitable for their preservation. Hence, the resultant limitations to their use as local zonal markers in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin are discussed. The influence of the Tethyan Bioprovince is documented by the coincident first occurrences of L. septenarius and M. furcatus. The presence of the high-latitude species Thiersteinia ecclesiastica indicates penetration of Boreal biota into this depositional area within the Turonian.  相似文献   

Dark grey strata belonging to the basal horizons of the Bílá Hora Formation (lower Turonian) were exposed during quarrying at the locality of Plaňany (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin). Based mainly on quarry maps, the early Turonian rocky bottom was reconstructed in the area of about 14,800 m2. Two sedimentologic and palaeoecological settings were recognized in the area. Dark grey deposits form part of the first setting, representing a fill of large and deep depressions on the northern foot of the Plaňany elevation. The second setting with a phosphatic lag is located on the elevated part of the area. Dark grey sedimentation belongs to the UC6a and particularly to the UC6b nannoplankton zones. During the latter zone the dark sedimentation passed upwards into light siltstones. The enrichment of Corg and S, clay minerals with an important kaolinite peak, formation of framboidal pyrite and the enrichment of macrofauna and phosphatic particles are characteristic of the basal portions of the dark deposits. The sulphate reduction zone is suggested for this sedimentary environment. In the associations of phosphatic particles, shark coprolites, faecal pellets and sponge fragments prevail. No phosphatic lag is developed. On the other hand, the phosphatic lag directly overlying the Cenomanian relics is most characteristic of the second setting. This lag is a product of sedimentary condensation, characterized by a long-lasting concentration of phosphatic particles and phosphogenesis, accompanied by encrustation of closely adjacent free rock surfaces by a faunal community with Terebella. Additional biostratigraphic data presently contributed to a proposed correlation of both settings. Micropalaeontological data (foraminifera, palynomorphs, nannoplankton) indicate that the phosphatic lag and basal dark grey deposits may be approximately coeval. The stagnant depositional conditions with only very slow sea-level rise are thought to have lasted for a relatively long period that includes a significant part of the Whiteinella archaeocretacea Zone (lowermost Turonian). In elevated parts, condensation could proceed under conditions of prevailingly weak currents and strong oxidation of organic matter, while decomposition of organic matter was probably very slow and incomplete in depressions below the elevation. The sedimentary condensation in both settings is highlighted by the remarkable formation of abundant glauconite in local deposits.  相似文献   

A flyschoid facies occurs in the Bezno Formation (Coniacian up to Santonian) of the eastern marginal part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. According toJerzykiewicz (1970, 1971) this facies is of deep water, turbidite origin. He based his interpretation on the study of sedimentary structures. New palaeogeographic reconstruction of lithofacies relations, investigation of deep drillings and detailed sedimentological analysis, however, allowed new results concerning the sedimentary environments and depositional mechanism of this facies. According to the new model presented here, this flyschoid facies was deposited in a shallow marine environment. Clayey sedimentation was the natural response to normal environmental conditions, whereas sandstone intercalations reflect anomalous conditions during heavy storms. During these events, sands were transported basinwards up to distances of 25 km, with normal bottom currents, as well as turbidity currents, acted as transporting mechanisms. This flyschoid facies corresponds to other examples of clayey sequences with sandy storm layers.
Zusammenfassung Die Bezno Schichtenfolge (Coniac bis Santon) enthält im östlichen Randteil des Böhmischen Kreidebeckens sogenannte flyschoide Fazies. NachJerzykiewicz (1970, 1971) entstand sie im tiefen Wasser wie echte Turbidite. Die paläogeographische Rekonstruktion von Faziesbeziehungen, ausführliche Bearbeitung der Schichtenfolge in Bohrungen, und vollständige Beckenanalyse ermöglichten eine Neudeutung von Transportmechanismen und Ablagerungsmilieu. Es werden Beweise für Flachwassersedimentation erbracht. Das Sedimentationsgebiet entsprach einem Bereich der Tonablagerung, der von Zeit zu Zeit während anomaler Bedingungen — seltenen, sehr schweren Sturmfluten durch Sandzufuhr gestört wurde. Während dieser Sturmfluten wurde Sand ins Becken geschüttet bis zu einer Entfernung von 25 km von der Küste. Die Funktion von Traktionströmen wird diskutiert im Verhältnis zum Einfluß von Trübeströmen. Die beschriebene flyschoide Fazies entspricht Schichtfolgen mit sandigen Sturmflutlagen.

Résumé Dans la partie marginale du Bassin Crétacée de Bohême, la formation de Bezno (Coniacien à Santonien) est caractérisée par le développement du faciès flyschoide. Ce faciès a été étudié parJerzykiewicz (1970, 1971), qui a proposé son origine dans un bassin profond, sous l'activité de courants de turbidité. L'étude détaillée de la succession des couches dans les forages profonds, de nouvelles données sédimentologiques ainsi que la reconstruction paléogéographique ont amené l'auteur à établir un nouveau modèle de mécanisme de transport dans les milieux de sédimentation. Selon ce modèle le faciès flyschoid se déposerait dans la mer épicontinentale peu profonde. Les argiles marquent les conditions normales de ce milieu sédimentaire; les grès reflètent des conditions hydrodynamiques anomales au cours de tempêtes rares et très fortes. Durant ces tempêtes les sables côtiers ont été redéposés dans des fonds plus profonds jusqu' à une distance de 25 km. La fonction des courants de traction est discutée en rapport avec l'influence des courants de turbidité entant qu' agents de transport. Le faciès étudié est comparable avec les séquences des argiles à intercalations de grès.

( ) . . . (jerzykiewicz 1970, 1971), . , , , . 25 . . .

地下水系统理论、达西定律和泰斯公式是水文地质学的三大支柱理论,地下水流动系统理论较好地刻画了盆地尺度地下水的循环特征,是指导区域地下水勘查与合理开发利用的重要工具。迄今为止,对地下水流动系统中驻点的形成机理和特征的认识一直停留在定性分析阶段,在实际的大型盆地地下水流动系统中发现并证实驻点存在的实例也不多见。以鄂尔多斯白垩系盆地北部的二号剖面为例,利用双Packer系统获取的不同深度地下水位、水化学和同位素的分层数据,采用水动力学、水化学和放射性碳同位素等综合方法,以实际资料证实并发现在大型盆地深层地下水流动系统中驻点的存在,但这个驻点并不是一个点,而是占据了一定的区域;理论研究认为驻点附近地下水的溶解性总固体较高,实际情况不一定如此,也可以是较低矿化的水,它取决于含水介质中可溶盐量的多少。该项成果进一步完善了地下水流动系统的理论,具有重要的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

The first occurrence (FO) of Marthasterites furcatus was correlated with the FOs of other nannofossils, inoceramid bivalves and foraminifers in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and Outer Flysch Carpathians. The correlation showed that the FO of M. furcatus was diachronous, becoming younger from east to west. In the Silesian Unit it appears in the lower Turonian in association with Eprolithus moratus (UC6b nannofossil Zone). In the Pavlovské vrchy klippes it appears in the upper middle Turonian together with Lithastrinus septenarius (UC9 Zone). In the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, the FO of M. furcatus was observed in the lower upper Turonian just above the FO of Liliasterites angularis. The presence of M. furcatus in Turonian strata is scarce and discontinuous up to its sudden quantitative increase (represented by 5–27% in assemblages) below the FO of the inoceramid bivalve species Cremnoceramus waltersdorfensis and C. deformis erectus in the Turonian–Coniacian boundary interval. The top of the M. furcatus acme was recorded below the FO of Micula staurophora. The second quantitative rise of M. furcatus (12% in assemblage) was found in the lower lower Campanian of the Pavlovské vrchy klippes above the FO of Broinsonia parca parca in the UC14a Zone and the last occurrence of the planktonic foraminifer Whiteinella baltica. Above this second acme M. furcatus disappears. The significantly earlier appearance of M. furcatus in the Silesian Basin may be connected with a southeast-heading surface current from the North European epicontinental sea where the species appeared in the early Turonian too.  相似文献   

The origin of sulphates in sulphate-rich efflorescences on quartz sandstones with a clay matrix, exposed in rural areas of the Czech Republic is interpreted, based upon an isotopic study of S and O. Sulphates such as gypsum and/or alums exhibit δ34S ranging from +1.3 to +6.1‰ and δ18O from +5.3 to +8.8‰. The low variability of S and O isotopes indicates a common source of the sulphur and a similar mode of sulphate formation. Atmospheric sulphates with a similar isotopic signature occur in the area, due to the combustion of sulphurous coal in power plants, located a few tens of kilometres from the sampling points. The sulphates crystallize from supersaturated pore waters that represent atmospheric precipitation, rich in sulphates, having percolated through the porous sandstone system. The previously proposed model of efflorescence growth (that it is due to the oxidation of pyrite) can be excluded, due to both the rare occurrence of pyrite and also to its different isotopic signature (δ34S about −22‰). Although gypsum prevails in the central and eastern part of the studied area, the north and north-west of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (the most polluted region) exhibits a significant presence of alums (NH4 + or K+−NH4 +-rich). Formation of alums can be explained by the partial dissolution of clay minerals or feldspars present in the sandstone matrix. Release of alumina from these phases is facilitated by the low pH of the precipitation (pH 4–4.5) and also locally by organic acids, traces of which were found in the studied efflorescences by the use of infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

D. Uli&#;ný 《Sedimentology》2001,48(3):599-628
Deposits of coarse‐grained, Gilbert‐type deltas showing varying degrees of reworking of foresets by basinal currents were identified in Middle Turonian to Early Coniacian sandstones of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The progradation of the deltaic packages, earlier interpreted as large‐scale subaqueous dunes, shelf ridges or subaqueous fault‐scarp ‘accumulation terraces’, was controlled by high‐ and low‐frequency, relative sea‐level changes in a relatively slowly subsiding, intracontinental strike‐slip basin. End‐member types of the Bohemian Cretaceous coarse‐grained deltas are deep‐water deltas, characterized by thick (50–80 m) foreset packages with steep (10–30°) foresets, and shallow‐water deltas, which deposited thin (<15 m) packages with foresets typically between 4° and 10°. The differences in thickness and foreset slope angle were controlled predominantly by the accommodation available during progradation. The depositional regime of the deltas was governed by (i) the fluvial input of abundant sand bedload, with a minor proportion of gravel; (ii) gravity flows, most probably caused by liquefaction of the upper part of the unstable foreset slope; and (iii) migration of sandy bedforms on the foreset slopes. The bedform migration was driven by unidirectional currents of possible tidal origin. Individual foreset packages represent systems tracts, or parts of systems tracts, of depositional sequences. A variety of stacking patterns of high‐frequency sequences exists in the basin, caused by low‐frequency relative sea‐level changes as well as by local changes in sediment input. Because of generally low subsidence rates, fluvial or beach topset strata were not preserved in the cases studied. The absence of preserved fluvial facies, which has been one of the main arguments against the fluvio‐deltaic origin of the sandstone bodies, is explained by erosion of the topsets during transgression and their reworking into coarse‐grained lags of regional extent covering ravinement surfaces.  相似文献   

Lower to Middle Turonian deposits within the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Central Europe) consist of coarse‐grained deltaic sandstones passing distally into fine‐grained offshore sediments. Dune‐scale cross‐beds superimposed on delta‐front clinoforms indicate a vigorous basinal palaeocirculation capable of transporting coarse‐grained sand across the entire depth range of the clinoforms (ca 35 m). Bi‐directional, alongshore‐oriented, trough cross‐set axes, silt drapes and reactivation surfaces indicate tidal activity. However, the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin at this time was over a thousand kilometres from the shelf break and separated from the open ocean by a series of small islands. The presence of tidally‐influenced deposits in a setting where co‐oscillating tides are likely to have been damped down by seabed friction and blocked by emergent land masses is problematic. The Imperial College Ocean Model, a fully hydrodynamic, unstructured mesh finite element model, is used to test the hypothesis that tidal circulation in this isolated region was capable of generating the observed grain‐size distributions, bedform types and palaeocurrent orientations. The model is first validated for the prediction of bed shear stress magnitudes and sediment transport pathways against the present‐day North European shelf seas that surround the British Isles. The model predicts a microtidal to mesotidal regime for the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin across a range of sensitivity tests with elevated tidal ranges in local embayments. Funnelling associated with straits increases tidal current velocities, generating bed shear stresses that were capable of forming the sedimentary structures observed in the field. The model also predicts instantaneous bi‐directional currents with orientations comparable with those measured in the field. Overall, the Imperial College Ocean Model predicts a vigorous tide‐driven palaeocirculation within the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin that would indisputably have influenced sediment dispersal and facies distributions. Palaeocurrent vectors and sediment transport pathways however vary markedly in the different sensitivity tests. Accurate modelling of these parameters, in this instance, requires greater palaeogeographic certainty than can be extracted from the available rock record.  相似文献   

四川盆地白垩纪沙漠风向变化规律及其意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文报道了四川盆地白垩纪沙漠古风向测量结果,总结了风向变化的规律。认为该浙江省早期处于副热高压带地区的西北和东北切变带(divergent latitudes of westerly winds and northeasterly trade winds)。随着气候的波动,该切变带发生了短周期的南北向漂变,造成西风与东北信风交替现象。  相似文献   

文章以地下水质量标准为基础,结合鄂尔多斯白垩系盆地水资源现状,构建了研究区地下水水质评价指标体系,并对国标中部分指标限值提出了修正建议。通过建立浅层地下水水质模糊综合评价模型,对研究区地下水水质进行了综合评价,并以GIS为平台,对水质空间分布状况及其规律进行了研究。结果表明:总硬度、硫酸盐、溶解性总固体、氯化物指标的水化学分布对研究区地下水水质的影响最为明显,同时,盆地浅层地下水水质总体上相对较好,大部分地区地下水水质优于Ⅳ类,完全满足生活生产用水要求。  相似文献   

文章在对鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地1124件地下水化学样品进行分析的基础上,总结出了研究区浅、中、深三个不同循环深度地下水中矿化度和主要离子浓度的分布规律。总体上,白垩系盆地地下水具有盆地北区矿化度和主要离子浓度较低、淡水发育,盆地南区矿化度和主要离子浓度较高、微咸水和咸水发育的分布特点。盆地北区地下淡水主要分布在地表分水岭两侧的浅、中层地下水中和安边—东胜梁—四十里梁地表分水岭以东的无定河—乌兰木伦河地下水系统中。盆地南区除罗汉洞含水岩组地下水以淡水为主外,环河和洛河含水岩组中主要分布大面积的微咸水和咸水。  相似文献   

地下水温度示踪理论与方法研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对地下水温度示踪理论与方法的相关研究做了评述,介绍了当前地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合作用模型、数值模拟技术和渗流参数反演方法,并从温度示踪方法的两个主要应用领域:地表水与地下水交换和工程地下水渗漏探测(以堤坝为例),说明地下水温度示踪的应用研究.在地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合模型方面,裂隙介质、非饱和带、复杂边界条件和非D...  相似文献   

为研究松辽盆地西缘大兴安岭早白垩世火山岩的构造属性,对研究区内流纹岩开展锆石U-Pb测年和地球化学测定。锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,流纹岩形成于131.6±0.6~123.9±1.7Ma,属早白垩世。主量元素分析表明,流纹岩具高硅(SiO_2=69.08%~79.58%)、富碱(K_2O+Na_2O=5.93%~9.76%,平均为8.14),富钾(K_2O/Na_2O大于1.0,平均为2.14)、贫钙镁(平均CaO为0.60、MgO为0.27)和高FeOT/MgO(平均为6.77)比值的特征,属过铝质(A/CNK=1.35~1.78)高钾钙碱性—钾玄武岩系列岩石。据微量元素地球化学特征将其划分为两组:Ⅰ组流纹岩稀土元素总量较高(∑REE介于149.04×10~(-6)~213.18×10~(-6)之间,平均为172.35×10~(-6)),轻稀土元素(LREE)富集、轻重稀土元素分馏较强[(La/Yb)_N=4.89~11.87,平均为7.75)],中等—弱负铕异常(δEu=0.54~0.88,平均为0.70),配分曲线右倾模式,强烈富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)Rb,Ba,Th,K和亏损高场强元素(HFSE)_Nb,Ta,P和Ti;Ⅱ组流纹岩以稀土总量(∑REE平均为142.60×10~(-6))相对较低,具相对较强的负铕异常(δEu=0.05~0.46,平均为0.27),配分曲线相对较平缓以及Ba,Sr,P,Ti元素的强烈亏损与Ⅰ组流纹岩相区别,两组流纹岩地球化学成分相关性较好,二者均有低的Sr(206×10~(-6))和高Yb(大于2)含量,具壳源和造山后花岗岩的特征。结合最新资料及本文研究成果,初步认为研究区流纹岩为地壳部分熔融的产物,之后经历强烈的矿物分离结晶作用,与蒙古—鄂霍次克造山后伸展作用有关。  相似文献   

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