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陈文相  莫永强  吴伟 《北京测绘》2022,36(4):447-451
依托珠海城市连续运行参考站(continuously operating reference stations,CORS)系统,采用地基全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)反演大气可降水量(precipitable water vapor,PWV),展开大气可降水量监测系统的应用研究。系统采用精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)技术与IGS(International GNSS Service)轨道、钟差产品实时或事后估计CORS站点上的大气可降水量,可实时更新发布水汽监测数据。通过对监测系统的内符合精度与外符合精度的测试,表明本大气可降水量监测系统对PWV的估计精度优于2 mm,能实现对珠海北斗CORS(ZHBDCORS)网中站点间小区域的水汽监测,区分各站之间的水汽变化,能满足实时对流层水汽监测及其他气象应用需求,有效地拓展ZHBDCORS系统的服务领域。  相似文献   

The problem of datum definition as applied to local-area geodetic networks is investigated using data collected from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). It is shown that the process of double differencing makes the model more sensitive to computational errors that reduce the ability of the satellites alone to control the translation component of the datum definition, and as a result additional regularization is required. Traditionally, datum definition has been accomplished by constraining one station to set coordinates. Alternative regularization strategies are analysed in terms of their effects on positioning and ambiguity resolution. In doing so, processing strategies are developed which can improve the quality of global positioning system (GPS)-based position solutions in geodetic network applications of limited spatial extent, such as high-precision engineering and deformation monitoring networks.  相似文献   

The revitalized Russian GLONASS system provides new potential for real-time retrieval of zenith tropospheric delays (ZTD) and precipitable water vapor (PWV) in order to support time-critical meteorological applications such as nowcasting or severe weather event monitoring. In this study, we develop a method of real-time ZTD/PWV retrieval based on GLONASS and/or GPS observations. The performance of ZTD and PWV derived from GLONASS data using real-time precise point positioning (PPP) technique is carefully investigated and evaluated. The potential of combining GLONASS and GPS data for ZTD/PWV retrieving is assessed as well. The GLONASS and GPS observations of about half a year for 80 globally distributed stations from the IGS (International GNSS Service) network are processed. The results show that the real-time GLONASS ZTD series agree quite well with the GPS ZTD series in general: the RMS of ZTD differences is about 8 mm (about 1.2 mm in PWV). Furthermore, for an inter-technique validation, the real-time ZTD estimated from GLONASS-only, GPS-only, and the GPS/GLONASS combined solutions are compared with those derived from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) at colocated GNSS/VLBI stations. The comparison shows that GLONASS can contribute to real-time meteorological applications, with almost the same accuracy as GPS. More accurate and reliable water vapor values, about 1.5–2.3 mm in PWV, can be achieved when GLONASS observations are combined with the GPS ones in the real-time PPP data processing. The comparison with radiosonde data further confirms the performance of GLONASS-derived real-time PWV and the benefit of adding GLONASS to stand-alone GPS processing.  相似文献   

Measurements consistency-based Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) is the main technique for monitoring the integrity of global satellite navigation systems at the user-level. Existing RAIM algorithms utilize two tests, in the position domain a test for RAIM availability and in the measurement domain a test for failure detection. These tests involve the computation of three parameters: test statistic, decision threshold, and protection level. The test statistic is based on the actual measurements in the form of the sum of the squared errors (SSE). The decision threshold is chosen on the basis of the statistical characteristics of the SSE including the assumption that the errors are normally distributed. However, in practice residual, error distributions exhibit heavier tails than predicted by the Gaussian model. Therefore, this paper challenges the normality assumption of the residual navigation errors in three ways. First, real data are used to assess its impact on the traditional RAIM algorithm. Second, extreme value theory is applied to the tails, and the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is derived to capture residual navigation errors. Third, the performance of the traditional RAIM approach is compared with that employing the GEV distribution. The results demonstrate that the GEV model is a more accurate representation of the distribution of residual navigation errors than the conventional Gaussian model and should be used in the development of integrity monitoring algorithms.  相似文献   

针对现有可降水量预报模型存在预报精度不高等问题,该文提出采用方差分量估计自适应卡尔曼滤波对可降水量数据进行预处理,用以提高径向基神经网络预测模型的预测精度,从而形成高精度预报模型。通过比较不同基站不同时间的数据,分析使用方法的预报精度。实验结果表明:将预测模型应用于全国7个测站进行实验,预测相对精度的平均值可达95%以上,预报残差在10-5左右,残差值小于0.001的占90%以上。在影响因素方面,使用较短时间作为模型原始数据进行预测会得到较好的预测结果。实验证明本预测方法在预报大气可降水量值方面具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

利用GPS可降水量校正MODIS近红外水汽数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方圣辉  毕创  乐源  裴鉴 《测绘科学》2016,41(9):38-41
针对MODIS近红外水汽产品精度不足以及地基GPS技术解算的大气可降水量地理分布不连续的问题,提出一种利用地基GPS可降水量来校正MODIS水汽产品从而得到区域性连续分布的高精度可降水量的方法。利用GAMIT软件和地基GPS数据解算出IGS站点的大气水含量,建立GPS可降水量与MODIS近红外水汽产品的回归分析模型得到最终的校正结果。通过与实测气象站数据对比分析可知,所提方法有效地结合了MODIS和地基GPS两种遥感水汽技术的优点,能够得到高精度、地理分布连续的大气可降水量,研究结果可为实时天气预报、气候监测等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

We compare precipitable water vapor (PWV) time series measured by water vapor radiometers (WVRs) to PWV time series estimated using global positioning system (GPS) observations in a regional network of stations in western Europe. Inside this network, we focus on the baseline Brussels – Wettzell which presents the advantage to have the collocation of a GPS receiver and a WVR at both endpoints. The comparison between our GPS and WVR estimations of precipitable water vapor shows an agreement at the millimeter level. In addition, we show that the zenith total delay (ZTD) estimations computed with our GPS processing strategy agrees with the GPS estimations of ZTD done by the CODE analysis center at the millimeter level. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The availability of multiple Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) will offer the opportunity to provide seamless navigation services and improved positioning performance. However, before this opportunity can be exploited, a number of issues need to be solved to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of existing GNSS. In particular, the GNSS interoperability can be technically defined as the capability of receivers to compute their global position using two or more GNSS signals. This capability can be more effectively achieved if Signal-In-Space interface specifications are available in a consistent, unambiguous, and possibly standard format, which can support engineers to design interoperable receivers. We aim to support the design of interoperable receivers with the introduction of the Interface Communication Modeling Language (ICML), a graphical language for the formal specification of Signal-In-Space interfaces. The ICML language enables receiver engineers to specify these interfaces at different levels of abstraction, such as analog signal or binary data. In addition, the ICML language also supports the specification of conversion routines between adjacent levels, for the representation of the dynamic aspects—e.g., convolution and encryption processes—of the interface specification. As such, the ICML language proposes an alternative format to textual-based interface specifications and can possibly integrate with the ongoing trend of the Model-based Systems Engineering approaches. We present the structure of the framework implementing the language and an example ICML-based specification for a simplified and reduced version of the Galileo Freely Accessible Navigation (F/NAV) message. The language metamodel is also attached for technical reference. An important caveat: no endorsement is made for the use of the ICML language for the official Galileo Signal-In-Space interface specification.  相似文献   

气象参数(温度T、气压P)是GPS大气可降水汽(PWV)反演中必不可少的数据,也是PWV反演的重要误差源之一。文中主要对GPT/2(GPT、GPT2)模型用于PWV反演的精度进行验证和分析。基于非差精密单点定位(PPP)技术,选取SuomiNet网9个测站的观测数据,借助研制的PPP软件,分别采用GPT模型、改进的GPT2模型以及测站实测气象数据进行大气可降水汽(PWV)反演。以实测气象数据处理结果为参考,对两种模型解算的PWV进行了对比和精度分析。结果表明:改进的GPT2模型优于GPT模型,尤其是当测站的高程较大时,GPT2模型的稳定性更优、适用性更广;采用GPT2模型解算的PWV偏差均值小于±1.0mm,精度(RMS)优于±1.5mm。在缺少实测气象数据的情况下,利用GPT2模型数据仍然能够取得较为理想的PWV反演结果。  相似文献   

Continued advancements in remote sensing technology along with a trend towards highly autonomous spacecraft provide a strong motivation for accurate real-time navigation of satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO). Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sensors nowadays enable a continuous tracking and provide low-noise radiometric measurements onboard a user spacecraft. Following the deactivation of Selective Availability a representative real-time positioning accuracy of 10 m is presently achieved by spaceborne global positioning system (GPS) receivers on LEO satellites. This accuracy can notably be improved by use of dynamic orbit determination techniques. Besides a filtering of measurement noise and other short-term errors, these techniques enable the processing of ambiguous measurements such as carrier phase or code-carrier combinations. In this paper a reference algorithm for real-time onboard orbit determination is described and tested with GPS measurements from various ongoing space missions covering an altitude range of 400–800 km. A trade-off between modeling effort and achievable accuracy is performed, which takes into account the limitations of available onboard processors and the restricted upload capabilities. Furthermore, the benefits of different measurements types and the available real-time ephemeris products are assessed. Using GPS broadcast ephemerides a real-time position accuracy of about 0.5 m (3D rms) is feasible with dual-frequency carrier phase measurements. Slightly inferior results (0.6–1 m) are achieved with single-frequency code-carrier combinations or dual-frequency code. For further performance improvements the use of more accurate real-time GPS ephemeris products is mandatory. By way of example, it is shown that the TDRSS Augmentation Service for Satellites (TASS) offers the potential for 0.1–0.2 m real-time navigation accuracies onboard LEO satellites.  相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统的新进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
本文综合介绍了于 2 0 0 4年 9月 2 1日至 2 4日在美国加州举行的“全球导航卫星系统” 2 0 0 4年年会(GNSS2 0 0 4 )会议的主要议题 ,并对其中我们可能关切的方面进行了重点介绍。①美国的GPS连续运行站网(CORS)。CORS由美国大地测量局 (NGS)主持运行。用户可以通过NGS网络 ,获得用户的GPS待定点相邻的CORS站 (三个以上 )的GPS相应载波相位和码距 ,以支持用户的GPS准实时或后处理定位。NGS也可以为用户通过网络提供GPS定位计算服务 ,这一服务可以在用户提供待定点的观测资料后的几个小时内完成 ,称为NGS的在线GPS定位服务。CORS目前在美国已有 5 0 0余个站。②GPS系统的进展。GPSⅡR型卫星从体形和功能方面都比较优秀 ,使GPS卫星在轨的位置误差显著降低 ,测距精度提高近一倍 ,目前GPSⅡR型卫星截止至 2 0 0 4年 1月 1日时有 9颗在轨。③利用L1 ,L2频道的GPS空基增强系统 (WAAS)。在美国大部分地区WAAS系统的水平精度可达 1~ 2m ,垂直精度可达 2~ 3m。④GPS信号的重构。美国已发展了一种高度逼真的和适应各种情况的虚拟GPS信号系统 ,这种虚拟发射装置可以是陆基的 ,空基的 ,或者星基的。GPS接收机可以利用这一虚拟的GPS信号进行精密定位。⑤Galileo卫星导航系统运行的准备工作。欧洲空间局已经重新和?  相似文献   

GPS反演的可降水量与降水的对比分析研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以秦皇岛为例,分析GPS可降水量与降水实况的关系。2007年5月~8月期间发生16次降水过程,每次水汽的增加,都对应着一次降水过程和降水峰值的出现;16次降水事件中,GPS可降水量序列峰值超前降水发生时间1h和2h分别各为6次,两者占到总降水次数的75%,也就是说GPS可降水量序列峰值超前降水发生时间约为1~2h;降水出现的时间一般发生在大气可降水量迅速增加之后,在2h或3h的大气可降水量的增幅迅速增加达到5mm后,2h内出现降水占68.75%,3~4h出现降水占18.75%,5~6 h出现降水占6.25%;而大气可降水量迅速增加前2h内出现降水的仅占6.25%,即GPS可降水量迅速增加后4h内出现降水的比率占到87.5%。GPS可降水量可作为降水短期预报的指标之一。  相似文献   

大气水汽对全球以及区域气候变化有重要的影响,精确获取水汽数据是非常重要的研究方向。TRMM(热带降雨观测计划)卫星上搭载的VIRS传感器(可见光/红外扫描仪)在降雨观测中应用广泛,但是目前很少有研究将其用于水汽反演。本文尝试使用VIRS的两个红外分裂窗通道(10.8μm和12μm),通过建立改进的方差协方差比值分裂窗方法进行水汽反演。首先对TRMM/VIRS数据和方差协方差比值法进行了介绍,接着针对VIRS数据特点,利用MODTRAN辐射传输模式和探空大气廓线数据模拟回归了大气透过率和水汽的定量关系,最后利用VIRS遥感数据开展了水汽反演试验。由于红外波段分裂窗水汽反演算法只适合于晴空条件下,因此在云雨识别的时候,为了保证时空一致性,采用TRMM提供的基于微波成像仪TMI的云中液态水信息来对晴空与否进行判断。水汽反演结果首先与地基GPS大气水汽观测值进行了比较,均方根误差为5.76 mm;其次和MODIS卫星水汽反演结果进行了面状对比,二者显示出了高度的区域一致性。验证结果表明,TRMM/VIRS的水汽反演结果精度较高,具有进行业务化推广的潜力,丰富了水汽数据的来源,同时也对利用风云系列卫星传感器数据进行热红外通道的水汽反演具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The mitigation of radio frequency interference (RFI) has a fundamental role in global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications, especially when a high level of availability is required. Several electromagnetic sources, in fact, might degrade the performance of the global positioning system (GPS) and Galileo receivers, and their effects can be either in-band (i.e., secondary harmonics generated by transmitters of other communication systems due to non-linearity distortions) or out-of-band (i.e., strong signals that occupy frequency bandwidths very close to GNSS bands). We investigated the effects of real out-of-band signals on GNSS receivers and analyzed the impact on the overall receiver chain in order to evaluate the impact of the interference source. In particular, the analysis focuses on the spectrum at the front-end output, on the automatic gain control (AGC) behavior, as well as on the digital processing stages (signal acquisition and tracking) at the analog digital converter (ADC) output. This study refers to several experiments and data collections performed in interfered areas of downtown Torino (Italy). The obtained results underline how digital/analog TV transmissions represent a potential interference source for GNSS applications and might be critical for the safety of life services.  相似文献   

Since 21 June 1992 the International GPS Service (IGS), renamed International GNSS Service in 2005, produces and makes available uninterrupted time series of its products, in particular GPS observations from the IGS Global Network, GPS orbits, Earth orientation parameters (components x and y of polar motion, length of day) with daily time resolution, satellite and receiver clock information for each day with different latencies and accuracies, and station coordinates and velocities in weekly batches for further analysis by the IERS (International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service). At a later stage the IGS started exploiting its network for atmosphere monitoring, in particular for ionosphere mapping, for troposphere monitoring, and time and frequency transfer. This is why new IGS products encompass ionosphere maps and tropospheric zenith delays. This development became even more important when more and more space-missions carrying space-borne GPS for various purposes were launched. This article offers an overview for the broader scientific community of the development of the IGS and of the spectrum of topics addressed today with IGS data and products.  相似文献   

利用成都地区GPS地震监测网的观测资料,通过Bernese软件求解获得CHDU、JYAN、PIXI、QLAI、RENS、ZHJI测站的天顶总延迟和湿延迟,运用湿延迟与大气可降水量之间的转换关系得到各测站大气可降水量,与站点地面实际降雨量及SONDE大气可降水量进行了比较分析。结果表明:地基GPS监测大气可降水量变化与地面实际降雨量有很强的相关性,与SONDE大气可降水量的平均差值为0.43mm,均方偏差为2.56mm。多站点GPS监测大气可降水量联合分析,对于研究区域大气可降水量的变化有一定的意义。  相似文献   

赵琨  罗力  杨凤芸 《测绘科学》2021,46(11):12-17
为探究BDS反演大气可降水量(PWV)的精度,该文采用辽宁省连续运行参考站的BDS/GPS观测数据,选择辽宁省中部地区4个代表站,通过GAMIT软件进行单系统解算,并以ECMWF再分析资料为参考的真值进行了分析比对.研究表明,BDS解算的PWV平均误差、均方根误差在4 mm以内,比GPS反演结果精度稍低;而PWV因其与实际降水有较好的相关性,可作为短期临近天气预报的参考:当PWV开始累积超过6h时,降水的可能性较大,大规模的降雨一般伴随着迅速的水汽聚集与释放.  相似文献   

无气象要素的GPS对流层延迟推算可降水量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对武汉地区GPS气象网资料,进行了GPS对流层延迟直接推算可降水量的研究。在武汉东湖站GPS对流层延迟与无线电探空可降水量的比较中,两者具有很好的相关性,相关系数达到了0.93;推导了对流层延迟直接推算可降水量的模型,对模型结果进行了检验,在武汉东湖站的对流层延迟转换的可降水量与无线电探空可降水量的比较中,均方根为7.8mm,相关性为0.91,这说明了在没有气象数据的地区对流层延迟直接推算的可降水量可以作为气象短期预报的参考。  相似文献   

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