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The determination of the gravimetric geoid is based on the magnitude of gravity observed at the surface of the Earth or at airborne altitude. To apply the Stokes’s or Hotine’s formulae at the geoid, the potential outside the geoid must be harmonic and the observed gravity must be reduced to the geoid. For this reason, the topographic (and atmospheric) masses outside the geoid must be “condensed” or “shifted” inside the geoid so that the disturbing gravity potential T fulfills Laplace’s equation everywhere outside the geoid. The gravitational effects of the topographic-compensation masses can also be used to subtract these high-frequent gravity signals from the airborne observations and to simplify the downward continuation procedures. The effects of the topographic-compensation masses can be calculated by numerical integration based on a digital terrain model or by representing the topographic masses by a spherical harmonic expansion. To reduce the computation time in the former case, the integration over the Earth can be divided into two parts: a spherical cap around the computation point, called the near zone, and the rest of the world, called the far zone. The latter one can be also represented by a global spherical harmonic expansion. This can be performed by a Molodenskii-type spectral approach. This article extends the original approach derived in Novák et al. (J Geod 75(9–10):491–504, 2001), which is restricted to determine the far-zone effects for Helmert’s second method of condensation for ground gravimetry. Here formulae for the far-zone effects of the global topography on gravity and geoidal heights for Helmert’s first method of condensation as well as for the Airy-Heiskanen model are presented and some improvements given. Furthermore, this approach is generalized for determining the far-zone effects at aeroplane altitudes. Numerical results for a part of the Canadian Rocky Mountains are presented to illustrate the size and distributions of these effects.  相似文献   

Comparisons between high-degree models of the Earth’s topographic and gravitational potential may give insight into the quality and resolution of the source data sets, provide feedback on the modelling techniques and help to better understand the gravity field composition. Degree correlations (cross-correlation coefficients) or reduction rates (quantifying the amount of topographic signal contained in the gravitational potential) are indicators used in a number of contemporary studies. However, depending on the modelling techniques and underlying levels of approximation, the correlation at high degrees may vary significantly, as do the conclusions drawn. The present paper addresses this problem by attempting to provide a guide on global correlation measures with particular emphasis on approximation effects and variants of topographic potential modelling. We investigate and discuss the impact of different effects (e.g., truncation of series expansions of the topographic potential, mass compression, ellipsoidal versus spherical approximation, ellipsoidal harmonic coefficient versus spherical harmonic coefficient (SHC) representation) on correlation measures. Our study demonstrates that the correlation coefficients are realistic only when the model’s harmonic coefficients of a given degree are largely independent of the coefficients of other degrees, permitting degree-wise evaluations. This is the case, e.g., when both models are represented in terms of SHCs and spherical approximation (i.e. spherical arrangement of field-generating masses). Alternatively, a representation in ellipsoidal harmonics can be combined with ellipsoidal approximation. The usual ellipsoidal approximation level (i.e. ellipsoidal mass arrangement) is shown to bias correlation coefficients when SHCs are used. Importantly, gravity models from the International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM) are inherently based on this approximation level. A transformation is presented that enables a transformation of ICGEM geopotential models from ellipsoidal to spherical approximation. The transformation is applied to generate a spherical transform of EGM2008 (sphEGM2008) that can meaningfully be correlated degree-wise with the topographic potential. We exploit this new technique and compare a number of models of topographic potential constituents (e.g., potential implied by land topography, ocean water masses) based on the Earth2014 global relief model and a mass-layer forward modelling technique with sphEGM2008. Different to previous findings, our results show very significant short-scale correlation between Earth’s gravitational potential and the potential generated by Earth’s land topography (correlation +0.92, and 60% of EGM2008 signals are delivered through the forward modelling). Our tests reveal that the potential generated by Earth’s oceans water masses is largely unrelated to the geopotential at short scales, suggesting that altimetry-derived gravity and/or bathymetric data sets are significantly underpowered at 5 arc-min scales. We further decompose the topographic potential into the Bouguer shell and terrain correction and show that they are responsible for about 20 and 25% of EGM2008 short-scale signals, respectively. As a general conclusion, the paper shows the importance of using compatible models in topographic/gravitational potential comparisons and recommends the use of SHCs together with spherical approximation or EHCs with ellipsoidal approximation in order to avoid biases in the correlation measures.  相似文献   

The topographic effects by Stokes formula are typically considered for a spherical approximation of sea level. For more precise determination of the geoid, sea level is better approximated by an ellipsoid, which justifies the consideration of the ellipsoidal corrections of topographic effects for improved geoid solutions. The aim of this study is to estimate the ellipsoidal effects of the combined topographic correction (direct plus indirect topographic effects) and the downward continuation effect. It is concluded that the ellipsoidal correction to the combined topographic effect on the geoid height is far less than 1 mm. On the contrary, the ellipsoidal correction to the effect of downward continuation of gravity anomaly to sea level may be significant at the 1-cm level in mountainous regions. Nevertheless, if Stokes formula is modified and the integration of gravity anomalies is limited to a cap of a few degrees radius around the computation point, nor this effect is likely to be significant.AcknowledgementsThe author is grateful for constructive remarks by J Ågren and the three reviewers.  相似文献   

Ellipsoidal geoid computation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Modern geoid computation uses a global gravity model, such as EGM96, as a third component in a remove–restore process. The classical approach uses only two: the reference ellipsoid and a geometrical model representing the topography. The rationale for all three components is reviewed, drawing attention to the much smaller precision now needed when transforming residual gravity anomalies. It is shown that all ellipsoidal effects needed for geoid computation with millimetric accuracy are automatically included provided that the free air anomaly and geoid are calculated correctly from the global model. Both must be consistent with an ellipsoidal Earth and with the treatment of observed gravity data. Further ellipsoidal corrections are then negligible. Precise formulae are developed for the geoid height and the free air anomaly using a global gravity model, given as spherical harmonic coefficients. Although only linear in the anomalous potential, these formulae are otherwise exact for an ellipsoidal reference Earth—they involve closed analytical functions of the eccentricity (and the Earths spin rate), rather than a truncated power series in e2. They are evaluated using EGM96 and give ellipsoidal corrections to the conventional free air anomaly ranging from –0.84 to +1.14 mGal, both extremes occurring in Tibet. The geoid error corresponding to these differences is dominated by longer wavelengths, so extrema occur elsewhere, rising to +766 mm south of India and falling to –594 mm over New Guinea. At short wavelengths, the difference between ellipsoidal corrections based only on EGM96 and those derived from detailed local gravity data for the North Sea geoid GEONZ97 has a standard deviation of only 3.3 mm. However, the long-wavelength components missed by the local computation reach 300 mm and have a significant slope. In Australia, for example, such a slope would amount to a 600-mm rise from Perth to Cairns.  相似文献   

The method of analytical downward continuation has been used for solving Molodensky’s problem. This method can also be used to reduce the surface free air anomaly to the ellipsoid for the determination of the coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion of the geopotential. In the reduction of airborne or satellite gradiometry data, if the sea level is chosen as reference surface, we will encounter the problem of the analytical downward continuation of the disturbing potential into the earth, too. The goal of this paper is to find out the topographic effect of solving Stoke’sboundary value problem (determination of the geoid) by using the method of analytical downward continuation. It is shown that the disturbing potential obtained by using the analytical downward continuation is different from the true disturbing potential on the sea level mostly by a −2πGρh 2/p. This correction is important and it is very easy to compute and add to the final results. A terrain effect (effect of the topography from the Bouguer plate) is found to be much smaller than the correction of the Bouguer plate and can be neglected in most cases. It is also shown that the geoid determined by using the Helmert’s second condensation (including the indirect effect) and using the analytical downward continuation procedure (including the topographic effect) are identical. They are different procedures and may be used in different environments, e.g., the analytical downward continuation procedure is also more convenient for processing the aerial gravity gradient data. A numerical test was completed in a rough mountain area, 35°<ϕ<38°, 240°<λ<243°. A digital height model in 30″×30″ point value was used. The test indicated that the terrain effect in the test area has theRMS value ±0.2−0.3 cm for geoid. The topographic effect on the deflections of the vertical is around1 arc second.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified approach to the least squares spherical harmonic analysis of the acceleration vector and Eötvös tensor (gravitational gradients) in an arbitrary orientation. The Jacobian matrices are based on Hotine’s equations that hold in the Earth-fixed Cartesian frame and do not need any derivatives of the associated Legendre functions. The implementation was confirmed through closed-loop tests in which the simulated input is inverted in the least square sense using the rotated Hotine’s equations. The precision achieved is at the level of rounding error with RMS about $10^{-12}{-}10^{-14}$  m in terms of the height anomaly. The second validation of the linear model is done with help from the standard ellipsoidal correction for the gravity disturbance that can be computed with an analytic expression as well as with the rotated equations. Although the analytic expression for this correction is only of a limited accuracy at the submillimeter level, it was used for an independent validation. Finally, the equivalent of the ellipsoidal correction, called the effect of the normal, has been numerically obtained also for other gravitational functionals and some of their combinations. Most of the numerical investigations are provided up to spherical harmonic degree 70, with degree 80 for the computation time comparison using real GRACE data. The relevant Matlab source codes for the design matrices are provided.  相似文献   

The formulas for the determination of the coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion of the disturbing potential of the earth are defined for data given on a sphere. In order to determine the spherical harmonic coefficients, the gravity anomalies have to be analytically downward continued from the earth's surface to a sphere—at least to the ellipsoid. The goal of this paper is to continue the gravity anomalies from the earth's surface downward to the ellipsoid using recent elevation models. The basic method for the downward continuation is the gradient solution (theg 1 term). The terrain correction has also been computed because of the role it can play as a correction term when calculating harmonic coefficients from surface gravity data. Theg 1 term and the terrain correction were expanded into the spherical harmonics up to180 th order. The corrections (theg 1 term and the terrain correction) have the order of about 2% of theRMS value of degree variance of the disturbing potential per degree. The influences of theg 1 term and the terrain correction on the geoid take the order of 1 meter (RMS value of corrections of the geoid undulation) and on the deflections of the vertical is of the order 0.1″ (RMS value of correction of the deflections of the vertical).  相似文献   

A radial integration of spherical mass elements (i.e. tesseroids) is presented for evaluating the six components of the second-order gravity gradient (i.e. second derivatives of the Newtonian mass integral for the gravitational potential) created by an uneven spherical topography consisting of juxtaposed vertical prisms. The method uses Legendre polynomial series and takes elastic compensation of the topography by the Earth’s surface into account. The speed of computation of the polynomial series increases logically with the observing altitude from the source of anomaly. Such a forward modelling can be easily applied for reduction of observed gravity gradient anomalies by the effects of any spherical interface of density. An iterative least-squares inversion of measured gravity gradient coefficients is also proposed to estimate a regional set of juxtaposed topographic heights. Several tests of recovery have been made by considering simulated gradients created by idealistic conical and irregular Great Meteor seamount topographies, and for varying satellite altitudes and testing different levels of uncertainty. In the case of gravity gradients measured at a GOCE-type altitude of \(\sim \)300 km, the search converges down to a stable but smooth topography after 10–15 iterations, while the final root-mean-square error is \(\sim \)100 m that represents only 2 % of the seamount amplitude. This recovery error decreases with the altitude of the gravity gradient observations by revealing more topographic details in the region of survey.  相似文献   

Geoid and quasigeoid modelling from gravity anomalies by the method of least squares modification of Stokes’s formula with additive corrections is adapted for the usage with gravity disturbances and Hotine’s formula. The biased, unbiased and optimum versions of least squares modification are considered. Equations are presented for the four additive corrections that account for the combined (direct plus indirect) effect of downward continuation (DWC), topographic, atmospheric and ellipsoidal corrections in geoid or quasigeoid modelling. The geoid or quasigeoid modelling scheme by the least squares modified Hotine formula is numerically verified, analysed and compared to the Stokes counterpart in a heterogeneous study area. The resulting geoid models and the additive corrections computed both for use with Stokes’s or Hotine’s formula differ most in high topography areas. Over the study area (reaching almost 2 km in altitude), the approximate geoid models (before the additive corrections) differ by 7 mm on average with a 3 mm standard deviation (SD) and a maximum of 1.3 cm. The additive corrections, out of which only the DWC correction has a numerically significant difference, improve the agreement between respective geoid or quasigeoid models to an average difference of 5 mm with a 1 mm SD and a maximum of 8 mm.  相似文献   

The application of Stokes’s formula to determine the geoid height requires that topographic and atmospheric masses be mathematically removed prior to Stokes integration. This corresponds to the applications of the direct topographic and atmospheric effects. For a proper geoid determination, the external masses must then be restored, yielding the indirect effects. Assuming an ellipsoidal layering of the atmosphere with 15% increase in its density towards the poles, the direct atmospheric effect on the geoid height is estimated to be −5.51 m plus a second-degree zonal harmonic term with an amplitude of 1.1 cm. The indirect effect is +5.50 m and the total geoid correction thus varies between −1.2 cm at the equator to 1.9 cm at the poles. Finally, the correction needed to the atmospheric effect if Stokes’s formula is used in a spherical approximation, rather than an ellipsoidal approximation, of the Earth varies between 0.3 cm and 4.0 cm at the equator and pole, respectively.  相似文献   

Based upon a data set of 25 points of the Baltic Sea Level Project, second campaign 1993.4, which are close to mareographic stations, described by (1) GPS derived Cartesian coordinates in the World Geodetic Reference System 1984 and (2) orthometric heights in the Finnish Height Datum N60, epoch 1993.4, we have computed the primary geodetic parameter W 0(1993.4) for the epoch 1993.4 according to the following model. The Cartesian coordinates of the GPS stations have been converted into spheroidal coordinates. The gravity potential as the additive decomposition of the gravitational potential and the centrifugal potential has been computed for any GPS station in spheroidal coordinates, namely for a global spheroidal model of the gravitational potential field. For a global set of spheroidal harmonic coefficients a transformation of spherical harmonic coefficients into spheroidal harmonic coefficients has been implemented and applied to the global spherical model OSU 91A up to degree/order 360/360. The gravity potential with respect to a global spheroidal model of degree/order 360/360 has been finally transformed by means of the orthometric heights of the GPS stations with respect to the Finnish Height Datum N60, epoch 1993.4, in terms of the spheroidal “free-air” potential reduction in order to produce the spheroidal W 0(1993.4) value. As a mean of those 25 W 0(1993.4) data as well as a root mean square error estimation we computed W 0(1993.4)=(6 263 685.58 ± 0.36) kgal × m. Finally a comparison of different W 0 data with respect to a spherical harmonic global model and spheroidal harmonic global model of Somigliana-Pizetti type (level ellipsoid as a reference, degree/order 2/0) according to The Geodesist's Handbook 1992 has been made. Received: 7 November 1996 / Accepted: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

The solutions of four ellipsoidal approximations for the gravimetric geoid are reviewed: those of Molodenskii et al., Moritz, Martinec and Grafarend, and Fei and Sideris. The numerical results from synthetic tests indicate that Martinec and Grafarends solution is the most accurate, while the other three solutions contain an approximation error which is characterized by the first-degree surface spherical harmonic. Furthermore, the first 20 degrees of the geopotential harmonic series contribute approximately 90% of the ellipsoidal correction. The determination of a geoid model from the generalized Stokes scheme can accurately account for the ellipsoidal effect to overcome the first-degree surface spherical harmonic error regardless of the solution used.  相似文献   

Assuming that the gravity anomaly and disturbing potential are given on a reference ellipsoid, the result of Sjöberg (1988, Bull Geod 62:93–101) is applied to derive the potential coefficients on the bounding sphere of the ellipsoid to order e 2 (i.e. the square of the eccentricity of the ellipsoid). By adding the potential coefficients and continuing the potential downward to the reference ellipsoid, the spherical Stokes formula and its ellipsoidal correction are obtained. The correction is presented in terms of an integral over the unit sphere with the spherical approximation of geoidal height as the argument and only three well-known kernel functions, namely those of Stokes, Vening-Meinesz and the inverse Stokes, lending the correction to practical computations. Finally, the ellipsoidal correction is presented also in terms of spherical harmonic functions. The frequently applied and sometimes questioned approximation of the constant m, a convenient abbreviation in normal gravity field representations, by e 2/2, as introduced by Moritz, is also discussed. It is concluded that this approximation does not significantly affect the ellipsoidal corrections to potential coefficients and Stokes formula. However, whether this standard approach to correct the gravity anomaly agrees with the pure ellipsoidal solution to Stokes formula is still an open question.  相似文献   

The topographic bias is defined as the error/bias committed by continuing the external gravity field inside the topographic masses by a harmonic function. We study the topographic bias given by a digital terrain model defined by a spherical template, and we show that the topographic bias is given only by the potential of an inner-zone cap, and it equals the bias of the Bouguer shell, independent of the size of the cap. Then we study the effect on the real Earth by decomposing its topography into a template, and we show also in this case that the topographic bias is that of the Bouguer shell, independent of the shape of the terrain. Finally, we show that the topographic potential of the terrain at the geoid can be determined to any precision by a Taylor expansion outside the Earth’s surface. The last statement is demonstrated by a Taylor expansion to fourth order.  相似文献   

蒋涛  党亚民  郭春喜  陈斌  章传银 《测绘学报》2022,51(8):1757-1767
2020珠峰高程测量,首次确定并发布了基于国际高程参考系统(IHRS)的珠峰正高。在珠峰地区实现国际高程参考系统,采用的方案是建立珠峰区域高精度重力大地水准面。利用地球重力场谱组合理论和基于数据驱动的谱权确定方法,测试优选参考重力场模型及其截断阶数和球冠积分半径等关键参数,联合航空和地面重力等数据建立了珠峰区域重力似大地水准面模型,61点高精度GNSS水准高程异常检核表明,模型精度达3.8 cm,加入航空重力数据后模型精度提升幅度达51.3%。提出顾及高差改正的峰顶高程异常内插方法,采用顾及地形质量影响的高程异常——大地水准面差距转换改正严密公式,使用峰顶实测地面重力数据,基于国际高程参考系统定义的重力位值W0和GRS80参考椭球,最终确定了国际高程参考系统中的高精度珠峰峰顶大地水准面差距。  相似文献   

The rigorous determination of orthometric heights   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The main problem of the rigorous definition of the orthometric height is the evaluation of the mean value of the Earth’s gravity acceleration along the plumbline within the topography. To find the exact relation between rigorous orthometric and Molodensky’s normal heights, the mean gravity is decomposed into: the mean normal gravity, the mean values of gravity generated by topographical and atmospheric masses, and the mean gravity disturbance generated by the masses contained within geoid. The mean normal gravity is evaluated according to Somigliana–Pizzetti’s theory of the normal gravity field generated by the ellipsoid of revolution. Using the Bruns formula, the mean values of gravity along the plumbline generated by topographical and atmospheric masses can be computed as the integral mean between the Earth’s surface and geoid. Since the disturbing gravity potential generated by masses inside the geoid is harmonic above the geoid, the mean value of the gravity disturbance generated by the geoid is defined by applying the Poisson integral equation to the integral mean. Numerical results for a test area in the Canadian Rocky Mountains show that the difference between the rigorously defined orthometric height and the Molodensky normal height reaches ∼0.5 m.  相似文献   

大地水准面(数字高程基准)为国家高程基准的建立与维持提供了全新的思路。然而,受限于地形、重力数据等原因,高原地区高精度数字高程基准模型的建立一直是大地测量领域的难题。本文以格尔木地区为例,探讨了高原地区高精度数字高程基准模型的建立方法。首先,基于重力和地形数据,由第二类Helmert凝集法计算了格尔木重力似大地水准面。在计算中,考虑到高原地形对大地水准面模型的影响,采用了7.5″×7.5″分辨率和高精度的地形数据来恢复大地水准面短波部分的方法,以提高似大地水准面的精度。然后,利用球冠谐调和分析方法将GNSS水准与重力似大地水准面联合,建立了格尔木高精度数字高程基准模型。与实测的67个高精度GNSS水准资料比较,重力似大地水准面的外符合精度为3.0 cm,数字高程基准模型的内符合精度为2.0 cm。  相似文献   

A new theory for high-resolution regional geoid computation without applying Stokess formula is presented. Operationally, it uses various types of gravity functionals, namely data of type gravity potential (gravimetric leveling), vertical derivatives of the gravity potential (modulus of gravity intensity from gravimetric surveys), horizontal derivatives of the gravity potential (vertical deflections from astrogeodetic observations) or higher-order derivatives such as gravity gradients. Its algorithmic version can be described as follows: (1) Remove the effect of a very high degree/order potential reference field at the point of measurement (POM), in particular GPS positioned, either on the Earths surface or in its external space. (2) Remove the centrifugal potential and its higher-order derivatives at the POM. (3) Remove the gravitational field of topographic masses (terrain effect) in a zone of influence of radius r. A proper choice of such a radius of influence is 2r=4×104 km/n, where n is the highest degree of the harmonic expansion. (cf. Nyquist frequency). This third remove step aims at generating a harmonic gravitational field outside a reference ellipsoid, which is an equipotential surface of a reference potential field. (4) The residual gravitational functionals are downward continued to the reference ellipsoid by means of the inverse solution of the ellipsoidal Dirichlet boundary-value problem based upon the ellipsoidal Abel–Poisson kernel. As a discretized integral equation of the first kind, downward continuation is Phillips–Tikhonov regularized by an optimal choice of the regularization factor. (5) Restore the effect of a very high degree/order potential reference field at the corresponding point to the POM on the reference ellipsoid. (6) Restore the centrifugal potential and its higher-order derivatives at the ellipsoidal corresponding point to the POM. (7) Restore the gravitational field of topographic masses ( terrain effect) at the ellipsoidal corresponding point to the POM. (8) Convert the gravitational potential on the reference ellipsoid to geoidal undulations by means of the ellipsoidal Bruns formula. A large-scale application of the new concept of geoid computation is made for the Iran geoid. According to the numerical investigations based on the applied methodology, a new geoid solution for Iran with an accuracy of a few centimeters is achieved.Acknowledgments. The project of high-resolution geoid computation of Iran has been support by National Cartographic Center (NCC) of Iran. The University of Tehran, via grant number 621/3/602, supported the computation of a global geoid solution for Iran. Their support is gratefully acknowledged. A. Ardalan would like to thank Mr. Y. Hatam, and Mr. K. Ghazavi from NCC and Mr. M. Sharifi, Mr. A. Safari, and Mr. M. Motagh from the University of Tehran for their support in data gathering and computations. The authors would like to thank the comments and corrections made by the four reviewers and the editor of the paper, Professor Will Featherstone. Their comments helped us to correct the mistakes and improve the paper.  相似文献   

The Bruns formula is generalized to three dimensions with the derivation of equations expressing the height anomaly vector or the geoid undulation vector as a function of the disturbing gravity potential and its spatial derivatives. It is shown that the usual scalar Bruns formula provides not the separation along the normal to the reference ellipsoid but the component of the relevant spatial separation along the local direction of normal gravity. The above results which hold for any type of normal potential are specialized for the usual Somigliana-Pizzetti normal field so that the components of the geoid undulation vector are expressed as functions of the parameters of the reference ellipsoid, the disturbing potential and its spatial derivatives with respect to three types of curvilinear coordinates, ellipsoidal, geodetic and spherical. Finally the components of the geoid undulation vector are related to the deflections of the vertical in a spherical approximation.  相似文献   

The effects of the deviations of sea surface topography from the geoid are estimated for terrestrial geoid computations as obtained from Stokes' formula. The results are based on an equal-area expansion of Lisitzin's sea surface topography data in a spherical harmonic series. It is realized that those data affect mainly the harmonics of degree n≤10. Consequently, in geoids obtained from combination solutions (where low harmonics are dominated by harmonics as obtained from differential orbit improvement) the sea surface topography effects are relatively small.  相似文献   

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