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The Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford University houses one of the International Research on the Interior of the Sun (IRIS) network observing stations. The instrument has observed the global oscillations of the Sun continually since it was installed in August 1987. Each site and instrument are different; here we report the details unique to the Stanford site.  相似文献   

Photoelectric measurements of the night sky brightness and the light pollution of Kottamia Observatory have been carried out and the deduced results are expressed in mag/sec2. The maximum brightness of the sky in the direction of Cairo city at zenith distance 45° and azimuth 70° when the sun is almost 60° below the horizon are 22.68; 21.54 and 19.82 mag/sec2 for blue, yellow and red colours respectively. The corresponding values of night sky background are 22.94; 21.85 and 20.14 mag/sec2 respectively.The isophotes of the sky brightness at Kottamia Observatory have been drawn for blue, yellow and red colours. The variations of the night sky brightness and the (B-V) colour index with altitude of the observed point have been studied.The light pollution and the night sky brightness at the site of Kottamia Observatory is compared with that deduced by different investigators at other sites. It has been shown that the sky brightness at zenith distance 45° at Kottamia Observatory site is similar to Kitt Peak and Palomar Observatory sites. Kottamia Observatory site is slightly brighter than Junipero Serra while it is darker than Mount Hamilton and San Jose sites. The comparative results have been carried out at blue and yellow colours. No comparison is obtained at red as there is no data published for the red colour.  相似文献   

概述了精密定轨轮廓及其重要性,重点介绍了云南天文台的精密定轨系统,包括处理流程、所采用的动力学模型及其参考系的选取,并介绍了残差分析方法,用以剔除"野值"以及分析测站数据质量。运用该精密定轨系统,分析处理了LAGEOS从2004年1月1日到2004年10月26日的全球SLR数据以及AJISAI从2008年5月3日到2009年2月26日全球SLR数据,每3天一个弧段,LAGEOS的测站总RMS不超过3cm,主要集中在1.5cm附近,AJISAI的测站总RMS不超过6cm,主要集中在3.5cm附近,与同期空间研究中心CSR的RMS相当,表明云南天文台用于精密定轨的系统运算结果是可信的。  相似文献   

V. A. Krat 《Solar physics》1981,69(2):405-409
The paper deals with the review of works on solar observations at Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory during the past 12 years. The works accomplished on the basis of patrol observations, with the horizontal solar telescope, small and large coronagraphs, and those based on the data obtained during eclipse observations are discussed separately.  相似文献   

The Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory has played a key role in the development of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) in the southern hemisphere since 1971. This paper describes how the VLBI programme evolved and the instrumentation used. Contributions to high resolution mapping of compact radio sources are described, for both the Southern Hemisphere VLBI Experiment, SHEVE, and for Global networks, where HartRAO has made significant improvements in the N-S resolution. The unique geographical location of the telescope has been used to establish the terrestrial reference frame in the southern hemisphere and to measure tectonic motions over the past nine years. The Observatory has also been a fundamental station in extending the celestial reference frame defined by extragalactic radio sources to the southern hemisphere, and results of these programmes are given.  相似文献   

简要总结了云南天文台20年来的科研工作及人才培养情况,并对未来的发展提出了设想。  相似文献   

本文报道了国内首次对黑子本影细节的直接照相观测。通过对这些本影细节的形态的考察和对它们的平均视大小的粗略估计,认为其中一些是本影点。本文还讨论了它们与黑子发展演化过程的关系及其它有关问题。  相似文献   

本文给出了用簿型CCD作为探测器的Coude高色散光谱系统的光路,机械调整装置,可用色散,一次可摄波段,光栅转角的计算,滤光片的选择。 从1987年11月起,对该系统进行了一年的试观测,获得了较好的结果,本文给出了从3900(?)—11000(?)的观测结果。观测结果表明可提高1.5—3个星等。  相似文献   

介绍了云南天文台天体测量工作的发展过程,论述了在空间时代地面光学基本天体测量的必要性和应具备的条件,并且叙述了在新的要求和条件下,地面光学基本天体测量工作应该发挥的作用和广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

云南天文台 1 984年经国务院学位办批准获天体物理专业博士、硕士学位授予权 ;1 994年获天体测量与天体力学专业硕士授予权 ;1 990年获天文仪器与方法专业硕士授予权 ;1 997年专业调整 ,天文学一级学科含天体物理、天体测量与天体力学两个专业。本台自 1 982年招收硕士研究生 ,迄今为止 ,共招收硕士生 1 9届 1 0 3人 ,毕业 80人 ,授学位 83人 (含在职人员申请学位 3人 ) ,现在学 1 8人 ;自 1 986年招收博士生 1 4届 68人 ,毕业 2 6人 ,授学位 2 7人 ,现在学 3 6人 (含院省合作、委托培养 ,及在职人员申请学位 1人 )。云南天文台毕业硕士、博…  相似文献   

A semi-automated photometric telescope built at the Skalnate Pleso Observatory is described. In December 2000, the 0.3-m f/5 Zeiss astrograph was replaced by a 0.61-m f/4.3 mirror telescope equipped with a CCD camera. The observing programme is created to conform to the photometry of asteroids which are suspected to be of binary nature; photometry of NEAs and MBAs; a long-term photometry for theoretical modelling of the shape of asteroids; and photometry and astrometry of active comets and asteroids. Some results concerning the binary character of the asteroids are described in the paper.  相似文献   

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