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The present study describes variations in the vertical fluxes measured concurrently with sediment traps at both a shallow water (4 m) and a deeper water (7.5 m) position in a coastal lagoon in April 1995. A tripod equipped with five sediment traps (trap openings at 0.35 m, 0.75 m, 1.05 m, 1.40 m, and 1.80 m above the seabed) was placed at the shallow water position. This tripod was deployed three times during the study period and deployment periods varied between 2 d and 5 d. The second sediment trap, placed at the deep water position in the central part of the lagoon, measured vertical flux for intervals of 12 h at 1.4 m above the seabed. The horizontal distance between the sediment traps was 8 km. The average maximum vertical flux at the shallow water position reached 27.9 g m−2 d−1 during a period of high, westerly wind speeds, and a maximum vertical flux of 16.9 g m−2 d−1 was reached at the deep water position during a period of high, easterly wind speeds. Both strong resuspension events were closely related to increased wave shear stress derived from surface waves. Maximum wave-induced resuspension rate was 10 times higher at the shallow water position and 3.8 times higher at the deep water position compared with the net sedimentation rate in the lagoon. Small resuspension events occurred at the shallow water position during periods of increased current shear stress, Estimations of conditions for transport of sediment between shallow water and deep water showed that particles must be resuspended to a height between 3 m and 4 m and that current speeds must be higher than about 0.1 m s−1. An average sedimentation rate of 3.8 g m−2 d−1 was obtained at the shallow water position during a period without wave shear stress and low current shear stress. This rate measured by sediment traps is similar to a net sedimentation rate in the lagoon of 4.4 g m−2 d−1, which was determined by radiocarbon dating of a sediment core (Kristensen et al. 1995).  相似文献   

Four, 32-day current meter records from the Indian River lagoon, Florida, are used to characterize flow patterns along the Intracoastal Waterway in a coastal lagoon. The M2 tidal constituent amplitude decreases from 58 cm per s near the Fort Pierce Inlet to only 7 cm per s in the interior of the lagoon. The relative importance of the nontidal variance in the current meter records increases from 0.6% to 26.6% of the total over the same distance. Plots of net displacement over time intervals of one to 16 days suggest relatively rapid flushing near the inlet, but in the interior of the lagoon periods of little or no net movement are increasingly common. Low-frequency motions at all four sites are coherent with windstress over time scales in excess of approximately two days.  相似文献   

A field program was performed to determine the exchange of water between Ninigret Pond and Block Island Sound (BIS) at tidal and subtidal frequencies. Time series on sea level variations in BIS and Ninigret Pond, spatially integrated velocities across the breachway connecting the two (obtained by a GEK) and wind speed and direction were collected from April 21–June 3, 1980. A hybrid hydrodynamic model incorporating a simplified one-dimensional approximation for the breachway channel systems and a two-dimensional vertically-averaged finite element solution on triangular grids for the pond proper was used to model the ponds’ response to ocean forcing. Model predictions were in good agreement with the field data. Both indicated a factor of 5.5 reduction in the semidiurnal tidal amplitude, and a high water shift of 2.5 hr, relative to BIS. Model and field data also show that as the frequency of sea level forcing becomes lower the pond sea level response is in phase and of the same magnitude as that in BIS.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of the exchange of ammonia, nitrate plus nitrite, phosphate, and dissolved organic phosphorus between sediments and the overlying water column were made in a shallow coastal lagoon on the ocean coast of Rhode Island, U.S.A. The release of ammonia from mud sediments in the dark (20–440 μmol per m2 per h) averaged ten times higher than from a sandy tidal flat (0–60 μmol per m2 per h), and while mud sediments also released nitrate and phosphate, sandy sediments took up these nutrients. Fluxes of nutrients from mud sediments, but not from sandy areas, markedly increased with temperature. Ammonia release rates for mud sediments in the light (0–350 μmol per m2 per h) were lower than those in the dark and it is estimated that some 25% of the ammonia released to the water column on an annual basis may be intercepted by the benthic microfloral community. Estimates of the annual net exchange of nutrients across the sediment-water interface, weighted by sediment type for the lagoon as a whole, showed a release of 450 mmol per m2 of ammonia, 5 mmol per m2 of phosphate, 5 mmol per m2 of dissolved organic phosphorus, and an uptake of 80 mmol per m2 of nitrate. Although rates of ammonia and nitrate exchange were comparable to those described for the deeper heterotrophic bottom communities of nearby Narragansett Bay, rates of benthic phosphate release were significantly lower. On an annual basis the Bay benthos released approximately 20 times more inorganic phosphate per unit area than did the lagoon benthos. As a result., the N/P ratio for the flux from the sediments was 74∶1 in the lagoon, compared with 16∶1 in “average” marine plankton and 8∶1 for the benthic flux from Narragansett Bay. The lack of remineralized phosphate in the lagoon, is reflected in water, column phosphate concentrations (always <1 μm) and water column N/P ratios (annual N/P=27) and suggests that the lagoon may show phosphate limitation rather than the nitrogen limitation commonly associated with marine systems.  相似文献   

Nutrient fluxes and primary production were examined in Lake Illawarra (New South Wales, Australia), a shallow (Zmean=1.9 m) coastal lagoon with a surface area of 35 km2, by intensive measurement of dissolved nutrients and oxygen profiles over a 22-h period. Rates of primary production and nutrient uptake were calculated for the microphytobenthos, seagrass beds, macroalgae, and pelagic phytoplankton. Although gross nutrient release rates to the water column and sediment pore waters were potentially high, primary production by microphytobenthos rapidly sequesters the re-mineralized nutrients so that net releases, averaged over times longer than a day, were low. Production in the water column was closely coupled with the relatively low sediment net nutrient release rates and detrital decomposition in the water column. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silica concentrations in the water column are drawn down at the beginning of the day. The system did not appear to be light limited so photosynthesis occurs as fast as the nutrients become available to the phytoplankton and microphytobenthos. We conjecture that microphytobenthos are the dominant primary producers and, as has been shown previously, that the nutrient uptake occurs in phase with the various stages of the diatom growth.  相似文献   

Water and sediment temperatures from Florida's Indian River Lagoon are used to investigate water-sediment heat energy exchanges and the resulting sub-bottom temperature fluctuations in a shallow-water estuarine environment. A 132-day study documents the response to cold-air outbreaks and spring warming. A one-dimensional, 120-layer numerical model simulates temperatures in the top 24 m of the sediment in response to observed water temperatures. Model simulations supplement sediment temperatures measured 50 and 95 cm below the water-sediment interface approximately weekly. Simulated water-sediment heat fluxes are generally between +0.075 (into the sediment) and −0.050 cal cm−2 min−1. The average simulated water-sediment heat flux is +0.003 cal cm−2 min−1. Over the course of an average day, heat entering the sediment reaches a maximum rate of 0.037 cal cm−2 min−1 at 1700, and fluxes out of the sediments reach −0.021 cal cm−2 min−1 at 0700. The standard deviations of sediment temperatures simulated for the 0–20, 80–100, and 180–200 cm layers are 85%, 41%, and 14%, respectively, of the standard deviation of the water temperature.  相似文献   

The low-frequency transport processes in a small, shallow coastal lagoon (Indian River Bay, Delaware) are examined based on a set of data derived from tide gauges, near-bottom current meter measurements, and drifter releases. The subtidal sea-level fluctuations in the interior of the lagoon are forced primarily by the coastal sea-level fluctuations off the mouth of the inlet, which connects the lagoon with the coastal ocean. The effect of local wind plays a secondary role in modifying the coastally forced sea level inside the lagoon. Given the continuity constraint which links sea-level fluctuations to the depth and laterally integrated barotropic transport, the coastal pumping effect would be expected to be the dominant factor in controlling the subtidal barotropic exchange within the bay. However, the dominance of the coastal pumping effect on the barotropic exchange does not readily translate into the dominance of this effect on the transport and distribution of waterborne material in the bay at subtidal frequencies. The observed nearbottom subtidal current fluctuations are not coherent with the coastal sea-level fluctuations. The observed current is also much stronger than the barotropic current inferred from the continuity constraint. This suggests the presence of a depth-dependent flow field, with current in the upper layer fluctuating in opposite direction to that at depth. Furthermore, the observed near-bottom current also shows significant spatial variability within the bay. As for the mean current, the residual flow field shows distinctly different patterns between the surface and the bottom. The residual current at the surface exhibits a consistent mean flow out of the bay. At the bottom, the residual current shows a mean flow into the estuary in the upper part of the lagoon and a spatially variable flow in the lower part of the lagoon. A competition between gravitational circulation and tidally rectified current may contribute to the observed vertical and horizontal variabilities in the residual flow field.  相似文献   

The coastal bays and lagoons of Maryland extend the full length of the state's Atlantic coast and compose a substantial ecosystem at the land-sea margin that is characterized by shallow depth, a well-mixed water column, slow exchange with the coastal ocean, and minimal freshwater input from the land. For at least 25 years, various types of measurements have been made intermittently in these systems, but almost no effort has been made to determine if water quality or habitat conditions have changed over the years or if distinctive spatial gradients in these features have developed in response to changing land uses. The purpose of this work was to examine this fragmented database and determine if such patterns have emerged and how they may be related to land uses. Turbidity, dissolved inorganic phosphate, algal biomass, and primary production rates in most areas of the coastal bays followed a regular seasonal pattern, which was well correlated with water temperature. Nitrate concentrations were low (<5 μM), and only modestly higher in tributary creeks (<20 μM). Additionally, there was little indication of the spring bloom typical of river-dominated systems. There does appear to be a strong spatial gradient in water quality conditions (more eutrophic in the upper bays, especially in tributary creeks). Comparisons of water quality data collected between 1970 and 1991 indicate little temporal change in most areas and some small improvements in a few areas, probably related to decreases in point-source discharges. Seagrass communities were once extensive in these systems but at present are restricted to the eastern portion of the lower bays where water clarity is sufficient to support plant survival. Even in these areas, seagrass densities have recently decreased. Examination of diel dissolved oxygen data collected in the summer indicates progressively larger diel excursions from lower to upper bays and from open bays to tributary subsystems; however, hypoxic conditions (<2 mg 1?1) were rarely observed in any location. Nitrogen input data (point, surface runoff, groundwater and atmospheric deposition to surface waters) were assembled for seven regions of the coastal bay system; annual loading rates ranged from 2.4 g N m?2 yr?1 to 39.7 g N m?2 yr?1. Compared with a sampling of loading rates to other coastal systems, those to the upper and lower bays were low while those to tributaries were moderate to high. Regression analysis indicated significant relationships between annual nitrogen loading rates and average annual total nitrogen and chlorophyll a concentrations in the water column. Similar analyses also indicated significant relationships between chlorophyll a and the magnitude of diel dissolved oxygen changes in the water column. It is concluded that these simple models, which could be improved with a well-designed monitoring program, could be used as quantitative management tools to relate habitat conditions to nutrient loading rates.  相似文献   

Light availability is critically important for primary productivity in coastal systems, yet current research approaches may not be adequate in shallow coastal lagoons. Light attenuation in these systems is typically dominated by suspended sediment, while light attenuation in deeper estuaries is often dominated by phytoplankton. This difference in controls on light attenuation suggests that physical processes may exert a greater influence on light availability in coastal lagoons than in deeper estuaries. Light availability in Hog Island Bay, a shallow coastal lagoon on the eastern shore of Virginia, was determined for a summer and late fall time period with different wind conditions. We combined field measurements and a process-based modeling approach that predicts sediment suspension and light availability from waves and currents to examine both the variability and drivers of light attenuation. Total suspended solids was the only significant predictor of light attenuation in Hog Island Bay. Waves and currents in Hog Island Bay responded strongly to wind forcing, with bottom stresses from wind driven waves dominant for 60% of the modeled area for the late fall period and 24% of the modeled area for the summer period. Higher wind speeds in late fall than in summer caused greater sediment suspension (41 and 3 mg l−1 average, respectively) and lower average (spatial and temporal) downwelling light availability (32% and 55%, respectively). Because of the episodic nature of wind events and the spatially variable nature of sediment suspension, conventional methods of examining light availability, such as fair-weather monitoring or single in situ recorders, do not adequately represent light conditions for benthic plants.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of environmental processes are intrinsic yet complex components of estuaries. Spatial characterization of environmental gradients is a necessary step to better understand and classify estuarine environments. A geographic information system is developed to analyze the major abiotic environmental processes, to evaluate accuracy and spatial uncertainty, and to analyze potential zonation within the choked coastal lagoon of Chincoteague Bay in Maryland and Virginia, USA. Spatially extensive grid-based models of environmental gradients are constructed from existing geospatial and environmental databases, including tidal prism, bathymetry, salinity, wave exposure, and Secchi disk depth. Integration of wetland boundaries and bathymetric data provide for full basin analysis of flushing and tidal prism. Multivariate Principal Components Analysis demonstrates the covariation among gradients and provides an empirical approach to mapping multidimensional zones within the lagoon. The project documents the development of an estuarine geographic information system that can be used to analyze and compare estuarine environments and provide data for environmental decision making.  相似文献   

Holocene evolution of a coastal lagoon, Lake of Tunis, Tunisia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Historical records demonstrate that the Lake of Tunis, Tunisia, was an open bay that became separated from the Mediterranean by an accreting barrier spit, forming a lagoon. Closure of the lagoon was caused by increased sedimentation as a consequence of Roman deforestation of the Medjerda River drainage basin to the north and subsequent accelerated longshore transport. The separation of the lagoon from the Mediterranean was completed in the early 1500s. At present, the 48 km2 lagoon averages less than 1 m in depth and reaches eutrophic conditions in the late summer. Consistent with the historical records, the lagoon sedimentary column shows three distinct successive environments of deposition: (1) an arid continental environment; (2) an open marine bay; and (3) the present brackish to hypersaline lagoon. These depositional environments are represented by the lower grey layer, which is less than 0-5 m thick, the middle olive-grey layer, which varies from 1 to 5 m in thickness, and the upper black layer, which is 1 m thick. All of the strata are predominantly silt plus clay, but usually contain at least 10% sand. The lower grey layer consists of pitted quartz sand, with very few abraded, broken molluscan fragments and benthic foraminifera with thick tests. An arid, subaerial depositional environment of latest Pleistocene time best explains these sediment and fossil assemblages. In the middle olive-grey layer, coral, coralline algae, open marine graeses and the dominance of foraminifera over ostracods (expressed as a low percentage of ostracods/ostracods plus foraminifera) attest to a depositional environment of an open marine bay. A sharp increase in the percentage of ostracods/ostracods plus foraminifera and organic carbon from the middle olive-grey layer to the upper black layer signifies a major change in depositional environment. The predominance of ostracods over foraminifera, abundance of gastropods characteristic of eutrophic conditions, high organic carbon content and absence of macro-fossils characteristic of open marine conditions clearly indicate that the upper black layer was deposited in a brackish to hypersaline, eutrophic lagoon which has persisted to the present. Seismic records indicate a karstic bedrock surface underlying the lagoon. The surface is marked by considerable relief, and shows a linear depression which may represent an early sixteenth century ship canal. Heavy metal analyses of total samples in five cores demonstrate that Mn and Fe vary randomly, and are apparently derived from natural sources only. Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn are typically highest in the uppermost unit, which reflects levels of human contamination since closure of the lagoon.  相似文献   

We investigated the independent and interactive effects of nutrient loading and summer water temperature on phytoplankton, drift macroalgae, and eelgrass (Zostera marina) in a coastal lagoon mesocosm experiment conducted from May through August 1999. Temperature treatments consisted of controls that approximated the 9-yr mean daily temperatures for Ninigret and Point Judith Lagoons in Rhode Island (United States) and treatments approximately 4°C above and 4°C below the controls. Nutrient treatments consisted of the addition of 6 mmol N m−2d−1 and 0.5 mmol P m−2 d−1 to mesocosms 4°C above and 4°C below the 9-yr daily mean. Nutrient enrichment produced marked phytoplankton blooms in both cool and warm treatments during early summer. These were replaced after midsummer by dramatic growths of macroalgal mats ofEnteromorpha flexuosa and, to a lesser degree,Cladophora sericea. No phytoplankton blooms were observed in the cool unenriched treatments, but blooms did develop in the mean temperature and warm mesocosms during the second half of the summer that were similar in intensity, though of shorter duration, than those observed earlier in the enriched systems. Macroalgal blooms did not occur in the unenriched mesocosms. Sustained warm water temperatures markedly decreased eelgrass density and belowground production and increased the time interval between the initiation of new leaves, particuarly when the biomass of macroalgae was high. The negative effect of elevated water temperature on eelgrass was significantly increased under conditions of elevated inorganic nutrient input. By the end of summer, virtually all of the measures of eelgrass health declined in rank order from cool, to mean, to cool enriched, to warm, to warm enriched treatments. It is likely that the marked declines in eelgrass abundance observed during recent decades in the Northeast have resulted from an interaction of increasing nutrient enrichment combined with increasing summer water temperatures.  相似文献   

We evaluated the distribution of waterfowl in relation to a seagrass (Ruppia maritima) patch, to infauna, and on its relationship with substrate characteristics. An experiment performed in the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°46′S, 57°27′W; Argentina) was used to evaluate the effect of herbivory on widgeon grass,R. maritima. Control plots of equal size, located between bird exclosures, were exposed to herbivory. The experiment ran for 31 d, starting on December 1, 1994. Censuses showed that black-necked swan ( $\bar x = 50$ birds ha?1, SD = 37, n = 10) and coots ( $\bar x = 42$ birds ha?1, SD = 28, n = 10) were the most important (always present) of the waterfowl seen feeding onR. maritima. The results of the experiment showed greater leaf lengths, lower belowground (rhizomes and roots) biomass, greater aboveground (leaves and shoots) biomass, and greater abundance of the polychaeteHeteromastus similis in exclosure plots. There were no exclosure effects on total biomass (belowground plus aboveground), reproductive parts (fruits and pre- and postpollination flowers), or abundance of most benthic infauna. Topographic surveys showed that sediment surface was higher within theR. maritima patches, but there were no significant differences in granulometric composition. Surveys also showed that bird distribution was strongly associated with the presence ofR. maritima.  相似文献   

This study examined the environmental factors influencing the distribution and abundance of hydrobiid snails in two estuaries on the northeastern coast of Argentina in a coastal lagoon (Mar Chiquita, 37°40′S, 57°20′W) and a partially mixed estuary (Quequén Grande, 38°30′S, 58°45′W). Five intertidal study sites in each estuary represented a gradient in environmental conditions. Variations in the main environmental factors and in the abundance of hydrobiids were assessed both spatially and seasonally. The three species wereHeleobia australis, Heleobia conexa, andHeleobia parchappii, and they were primarily distributed across a salinity gradient. This pattern was clearly recognizable in the partially mixed estuary, where the abundance ofH. australis decreased as salinity decreased, and the abundance ofH. conexa gradually increased towards the inner reaches of the estuary.H. parchappii was restricted to areas far away from the influence of the tide. Slight differences in the distribution patterns of these species between Quequén Grande and Mar Chiquita were refated to the different dynamics of environmental factors in each estuary.  相似文献   

The amount of Cu and Fe associated with humic acids was estimated in five sediment cores from a tropical coastal lagoon (Piratininga Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Core samples were analysed for humic acid contents, total Fe and Cu content. Fe and Cu associated with humic acids were also measured. Results show amounts of humic acids ranging from 0.7 to 21.7% of the dry weight of sediment (average 4.6%, standard deviation 4.4%). Concentrations of Fe and Cu ranged from 0.3 to 6.0% (average 2.2%, S.D. 1.2%) and from <1.0 to 65.0 μg g−1 (average 28.6 μg g−1, S.D. 16.4 μg g−1), respectively. The results of strongly bound metals show that while humic acids are the main carrier for Cu, Fe does not seems to be significantly associated with this organic matter.  相似文献   

We report measurements of pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total or titration alkalinity (TAlk), Ca2+, Mg2+, sulfate, and sulfide data at the seawater-freshwater interface in a shallow groundwater aquifer in North Inlet, South Carolina. These measurements and a diagenetic modeling analysis indicate that the groundwaters at North Inlet are mixtures of seawater and freshwater end-members and are seriously modified by carbon dioxide inputs from organic carbon degradation via SO42− reduction across the entire salinity range and fermentation and CaCO3 dissolution in the low-salinity region. DIC and TAlk are several times higher than the theoretical dilution line, whereas Ca2+ is slightly higher and SO42− is somewhat lower than the dilution line. Partial pressure of CO2 in the groundwater is extremely high (0.05 to 0.12 atm). These deviations are consistent with theoretical predictions from known diagenetic reactions. Estimated groundwater DIC fluxes to the South Atlantic Bight from either the surficial aquifer (via salt marshes) or the Upper Floridan Aquifer (direct input) are significant when compared to riverine flux in this area.  相似文献   

The formation of iron sulphide minerals exerts significant control on the behaviour of trace elements in sediments. In this study, three short sediment cores, retrieved from the remote Antinioti lagoon (N. Kerkyra Island, NW Greece), are investigated concerning the solid phase composition, distribution, and partitioning of major (Al, Fe) and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn). According to 210Pb, the sediments sampled correspond to depositions of the last 120 years. The high amounts of organic carbon (4.1–27.5%) result in the formation of Fe sulphides, predominantly pyrite, already at the surface sediment layers. Pyrite morphologies include monocrystals, polyframboids, and complex FeS–FeS2 aggregates. According to synchrotron-generated micro X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra, authigenically formed, Mn-containing, Fe(III) oxyhydroxides (goethite type) co-exist with pyrite in the sediments studied. Microscopic techniques evidence the formation of galena, sphalerite and CuS, whereas sequential extractions show that carbonates are important hosts for Mn, Cd, and Zn. However, significant percentages of non-lattice held elements are bound to Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides that resist reductive dissolution (on average 60% of Pb, 46% of Cd, 43% of Zn and 9% of Cu). The partitioning pattern changes drastically in the deeper part of the core that is influenced by freshwater inputs. In these sediments, the post-depositional pyritization mechanism, illustrated by overgrowths of Fe monosulphides on pre-existing pyrite grains, results in relatively high degree of pyritization that reaches 49% for Cd, 66% for Cu, 32% for Zn and 7% for Pb.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variability in the length-weight relationship of four sympatric shrimp species (Farfantepeneus aztecus, F. brasiliensis, F. duorarum, andF. notialis) was evaluated in the Celestun lagoon, Mexico. Monthly samples were taken throughout 2 yr in three hydrological zones (seaward, middle, and inner) and climatic seasons (Nortes, Dry, and Rainy). Significant intraspecific and interspecific differences in the length-weight relationships were detected among climatic seasons and hydrological zones, reflecting positive allometric growth.F. notialis registered the highest condition (weight at length), followed byF. duorarum, F. aztecus, andF. brasiliensis. The lowest values in condition were consistently registered during Nortes and at the seaward zone. All species showed a pattern consistent with a density-dependent effect on condition, that is a negative correlation between individual mean weight and total relative abundance. The immediate implication for managing this important multispecific coastal artisanal resource that is supported by our study is the restriction of fishing effort in the seaward zone, mainly during the Nortes seasons.  相似文献   

Metal fluxes to the sediments of the Moulay Bousselham lagoon,Morocco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metal content in surface sediments (0–2 cm, 26 samples), in a sediment core (120, 1 cm slices), taken from Moulay Bousselham (Morocco) was investigated. Concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, As, and Hg were evaluated in surface and cored sediments of Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Significantly high concentrations in μg g−1 dw of Pb (31.7–6.2), Zn (758.9–167), Cu (310.7–22), Ni (96–10.5), Cr (113–18.9), Cd (0.84–0.02), As (1–0.1), and Hg (0.61–0.02) were found in sediment samples from Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Calculated enrichment factors [EFMe = (Me/Al)sample/(Me/Al)background], using Al as a normalizer, and correlation matrices showed that metal pollution in Merja Zerga of Moulay Bousselham lagoon was the product of anthropogenic sources, while the metal content in Merja Kehla was of natural origins. The results suggest that a major change in the sedimentary regime of the lagoon, associated with internal trapping and re-distribution of heavy metal, has been occurring in the past few decades. The cause would appear to be the construction of a Nador Canal at the lagoon. Probable effects concentrations (PEC) were often exceeded for heavy metals in the lagoon sediments, especially for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr, and four stations, stations MZ-11, MZ-12, MZ-13, MZ-14, MZ-16, and MZ-17, had multiple metals at presumptively toxic levels. These comparisons suggest that sediment metal levels in the river are clearly high and probably pose an environmental risk at some stations. The levels of most of the metals were not greatly enriched, a consideration that is of the utmost importance when contamination issues are at stake. Metal concentrations found in Moulay Bousselham lagoon were comparable to aquatic systems classified as contaminated from other regions of the world.  相似文献   

Caimanero Lagoon (Sinaloa, México) is subjected to alternate periods of low water and flooding. In the first case, more than 70% of the lagoon is dry, cracked and colonized by halophytes to a variable proportion. During the dry season, mineralization of organic matter and reavailability of phosphorus takes place to a great extent. So far, the effect of dried and cracked sediment on the reincorporation of phosphorus to the coastal lagoon ecosystem has not been evaluated. This work is the result of experiments which emulate natural conditions present during the dry season and the beginning of the flood season under the influence of tidal flux. The availability of phosphorus (orthophosphates and soluble phosphates) was significantly increased in the dry and cracked material; this phosphorus is derived from the mineralization of organic matter present in the sediment. The amount of soluble organic matter also increased during the dry season. The sedimentary drying and cracking process contributes significantly to estuarine productivity.  相似文献   

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