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A review of some of the available methods to study the effects of site conditions on strong ground motion is presented. The need of unified treatment of source, path and side effects in the assessment of seismic risk is pointed out.  相似文献   

The time history of strong ground motion can be synthesized by empirical Green's function (EGF) method.Firstly a large seismic event is discretized into a series of subevents; secondly recordings of earthquakes with proper size and spatial distribution are chosen as time history (EGF) of those subevents; finally the EGFs are summated to get the time history of ground motion caused by the large event.  相似文献   

基于随机过程的随机函数解释,发展了一种随机地震动模型.模型包括两个部分,分别是基于理论物理关系的Fourier幅值谱模型和基于经验关系的Fourier相位谱模型.基于拟加速度谱概念建立的幅值谱模型能够反映强震记录的幅值特性,而Fourier相位谱模型则利用累积相位谱的单值连续特性,以线性多项式与三角级数组合的形式给出.模拟记录与实测记录对比结果显示两者不仅在波形结构上相似性良好,而且反应谱层次亦吻合良好.  相似文献   

地震动输入能量衰减规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对所收集到的266条强震记录,将其按场地条件分类,计算了不同场地条件、不同延性系数下的“绝对”和“相对”输入能量反应谱,然后利用两步回归法,得出了不同场地条件下地震动“绝对”和“相对”两种输入能量的衰减规律,分析了场地条件、延性系数、震级及距离等参数对地震动能量谱的影响,并对两种输入能量衰减规律进行了比较。  相似文献   

估计和比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评述   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
如何估计和比较地震动对结构的破坏作用,一直是国内外抗震研究中的一个至关重要的问题。本主要篇幅用于介绍这一领域迄今所取得的成果并作了简单的评述,并在此基础上,提出了一种可用来比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评估法,提出该方法的目的并不在意去确定什么量更能代表地震动在潜在破坏势,而只是在考察现有的各种被认为能代表地震动的潜在破坏势的各种参数基础上,考虑采用什么方法才能更合理地判定和比较地震动的破坏势,为此本将通常作为地震动潜在破坏势的地震动参数分成两类:一类为直接由地震动本身得到的参数,另一类为地震动通过结构反应得到的参数,并分别对此进行了讨论和分析,在此基础上得出了一种在目前可认为是研究地震动潜在破坏势押送为合理的方法-地震动潜在破坏势综合评价法。  相似文献   

Seismic hazard assessment based on urban active faults can provide scientific bases for city planning and projectconstruction,while numerical simulation of strong ground motion is an important method for seismic hazard pre-diction and assessment.A 3-D physical model in conformity with real strata configuration of(mainly)the Quater-nary is a prerequisite to ensure the reliability of the simulation results.In this paper,we give a detailed account ofthe technical scheme and process for creating a 3-D physical model in Kunming basin.The data used are synthe-sized from seismogeological data,borehole data,topographic data,digital elevation mode(DEM)data,seismicexploration results and wave velocity measurements.Stratigraphic division is based mainly on shear wave velocity,with strata sequence taken into consideration.The model construction is finally accomplished with ArcGIS andmany relevant programming techniques via layer-by-layer stacking(in depth direction)of the adjacent mediuminterfaces(meshes).Meanwhile,a database of 3-D physical models is set up,which provides model data and pa-rameters for strong ground motion simulation.Some processing methods and significant issues are also addressedin the paper in accordance with different types of exploration and experimental data.  相似文献   

In this paper, the mobile strong ground motion observation for the destructive earthquake is introduced.Considering the characteristics and its spatial distributions of aftershock, 59 strong ground motion instruments were installed along the Longmenshan fault area, and more than 2 000 records have been accumulated.It shows that it is necessary to per-form the mobile strong ground motion observation after the destructive earthquake, and the precious collected data could be applied for further research.  相似文献   

近断层地震动加速度峰值衰减规律的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
提出了近断层地面运动的衰减模型,对全球范围内6.0≤Mw≤7.6且震源深度均小于20km的636条地震动加速度峰值进行了统计分析,确定了本文研究的近断层区域为断层距25km,利用此范围内的440条记录进行了近断层加速度衰减规律的研究。水平地震记录分为硬土和软土两种场地类型,竖向地震记录只考虑土层场地,利用最小二乘法进行数据拟合分析,得到PGA随断层距和震源深度变化在不同震级处形成的衰减曲面,分析了近断层处水平、竖向的PGA以及竖向与水平PGA之比(V/H)的衰减规律。  相似文献   

厚盖层场地的联合效应和强地面运动随机模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于既缺少深钻孔资料,又缺少数字地震记录资料的厚盖层场地,其场地放大和衰减联合效应(简称“场地联合效应”)用常规方法估计困难。本文依据强地面运动随机模拟方法的预测方程,用近场中小地震的加速度记录,估计新疆伽师厚盖层场地的放大因子和高频滤波因子之积——场地联合效应,非线性矫正结果显示,场地的联合效应因子在O.5—10Hz大于2,在1—4Hz达到4。依此联合效应因子对研究区的强地面运动进行了随机模拟,预测结果与实际记录吻合较好。  相似文献   

地震动滞回能量谱衰减规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选用美国西部California州15次较大地震中的266条强地震动记录,利用衰减关系建立了滞回能量谱,分析了场地条件、延性系数、震级及距离等参数对滞回能量谱的影响。研究发现,场地条件对滞回能量谱影响很大,随着场地变软,滞回能量谱变大,与A B类场地相比,C类场地的滞回能量谱平均要高出70%左右,D类场地则要高出170%左右。随着延性系数的增大,滞回能量谱有增大的趋势,尤其是当延性系数由2变到4或6时更为明显,但当延性系数增加到一定程度时,滞回能量谱的差别不大,延性系数为4和6时的滞回能量谱差别不大,甚至在周期较大时,延性系数为6的滞回能量谱反而小于延性系数为4时的滞回能量谱。另外,研究结果表明,大的震级和小的距离对结构产生比较大的滞回能量需求。利用本文结果,可以估计未来地震中结构物所遭受滞回能量的大小。  相似文献   

A new engineering source model consistent with seismological concepts for simulating strong-motion accelerograms (SMAs) is presented in this paper. The source region is modeled as a horizontally layered elastic medium to cater for site dependency. The moment field acting on the rupture plane is decomposed into space and time functions, which is a novel concept. The spatial and temporal components are determined for six well-recorded earthquakes using the corresponding recorded SMA. The obtained spatial variations indicate that they can be modeled as an anisotropic random field. The temporal components of all the six events are transients, with typical frequency spectra. Based on these results, a simplified source model is proposed for the synthesis of SMA during strong earthquakes. The model is validated by simulating strong-motion acceleration time histories at stations deliberately kept out of the modeling exercise. It is found that the present model is efficient in simulating observed time histories. The proposed model is also illustrated by simulating an ensemble of acceleration time histories for the Kutch earthquake of 26th January 2001 using only the few known source parameters.  相似文献   

伽师强震群地震动特点与震源机制关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1997年1至4月,新疆维吾尔自治区伽师县境内发生了7次6级以上强震群。在此期间布设了由4个临时台站组成的地面加速度观测台网,共得到6级以上强震记录57条。本文给出这次强震群的烈度分布图和震源机制,研究了这批强震记录的相关谱特性及其与震源机制的关系。此外,还研究了这些地震的地震动与宏观烈度的对应关系以及地震动随震中距的衰减曲线。  相似文献   

The characteristics of seismic ground motions in southern China are difficult to determine statistically due to a lack of strong ground motion data. In this study, a stochastic finite-fault ground motion model was adopted to simulate the seismic ground motions at bedrock for southern China, based on parameters derived from small and medium earthquakes that have occurred in the region. From these, the response spectra was estimated. A set of ground motion attenuation relationships was then developed based on simulated peak ground motions and response spectral parameters through regression, which would be applicable for use in engineering practice. Through comparisons, it was demonstrated that the proposed ground motion relationships are generally consistent with those obtained from other reported ground motion attenuation models for southern China.  相似文献   

The characteristics of seismic ground motions in southern China are difficult to determine statistically due to a lack of strong ground motion data. In this study, a stochastic finite-fault ground motion model was adopted to simulate the seismic ground motions at bedrock for southern China, based on parameters derived from small and medium earthquakes that have occurred in the region. From these, the response spectra was estimated. A set of ground motion attenuation relations hipswas then developed based on simulated peak ground motions and response spectral parameters through regression, which would be applicable for use in engineering practice. Through comparisons, it was demonstrated that the proposed ground motion relationships are generally consistent with those obtained from other reported ground motion attenuation models for southern China.  相似文献   

In addition to the mean values of possible loss during an earthquake, parameters of the probability distribution function for the loss to a portfolio (e.g. fractiles and standard deviation) are very important. Recent studies have shown that the proper treatment of ground‐motion variability and, particularly, the correlation of ground motion are essential for the estimation of the seismic hazard, damage and loss for distributed portfolios. In this study, we compared the effects of variations in the between‐earthquake correlation and in the site‐to‐site correlation on seismic loss and damage estimations for the extended objects (hypothetical portfolio) and critical elements (e.g. bridges) of a network. A scenario earthquake approach and a portfolio containing a set of hypothetical building and bridges were used for the purpose. We showed that the relative influences of the types of correlation on characteristics of loss distribution and the probability of damage are not equal. In some cases, when the median values of loss distribution or the probability that at least one critical element of a lifeline will be damaged are considered and when the spatial correlation of ground motion is used, the possible variations in the between‐earthquake correlation may be neglected. The shape of the site‐to‐site correlation function (i.e. the rate of decrease of the coefficient of spatial correlation with separation distance) seems also to be important when modelling spatially correlated ground‐motion fields. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汶川地震强震动地面倾斜研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据三分量强震动传感器水平摆和竖向摆对倾斜的动力响应差异,利用谱比法计算出汶川MS8.0地震中近断层强震动的断层法线方向和平行方向的同震地面倾斜. 结果表明, 本次地震中强震动观测台处地面倾斜一般小于1deg;,影响频段主要在0.1 Hz以下,发生较大倾斜的台站主要在距地表破裂迹线30 km以内,在100 km之外或水平向加速度幅值均方根在200 cm/s2以下时很少发生0.01deg;以上的同震地面倾斜.总体上看,上盘区域的倾斜值普遍小于下盘区域,法线方向倾斜值一般大于平行线方向倾斜值.位于前山断裂与中央断裂之间区域的绵竹清平台谱比较低但平缓且频带较宽,可能反应了该区域的运动特殊性,而汶川卧龙台则显示了上盘边缘区域地面倾斜较大.逆冲段与走滑段台站倾斜对比显示,地面倾斜可能受局部场地条件影响较大.   相似文献   

基于运动学震源模型,进行了不同震源参数情形下强地面震动数值模拟.结果表明,不同的破裂过程会产生差别甚大的强地面运动分布,一次确定性震源参数的模拟结果不能作为活动断层地震危害性评价的指标,只有通过大量三维地震动场模拟计算,给出地面震动评估的统计结果,才是比较合理的发展方向.由于一次三维地震动场计算耗时很大,因此解决问题的关键是如何考虑合理的震源参数.  相似文献   

地震动持时作为表征地震动的三要素之一,其对震害的影响逐渐被人们所认识.然而,在地震动持时的定义方面,目前没有统一且明确的概念,文中给出了广义的地震动总持时和强震持时的定义,研究者们根据各自领域的研究特点选择更适合的持时.持时大致可以分为两个大类:一是绝对持时,即基于加速度绝对值阈值的括号持时;二是相对持时,也就是反映地震动过程强度或能量变化趋势的持时,比如能量控制的相对持时等.持时的定义有很多种,文章简单地回顾了地震动持时的五种定义,同时,细致地分析了五种持时定义所表现的特点,并介绍了持时预测模型的研究成果,最后针对目前应用持时存在的问题提出了几点认识.  相似文献   

张北地震在北京市激发的二维强地面运动的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张北县距离北京市约200多km,1998年1月的张北地震是近期北京周边地区发生的一次较强规模的地震,研究它在北京地区引起的强地面运动,有助于分析首都圈内的地震危害性,为地震减灾提供理论帮助.本文利用新的计算工具-局域离散波数法,模拟了张北地震激发的包括来自上地壳、moho面反射波、首播等在内的全波场在北京西部引起的2D强地面运动,分析了该区内第三纪、第四纪沉积地层对于地震的放大效应,得出的主要结论有,薄的第四纪沉积盖层的地点放大效应比厚的第三纪盖层的大很多,说明介质物性是决定地点放大效应的根本原因;不同物性的沉积盖层,在R、Z分量上的放大作用不一样,体现了地点放大效应的复杂性,值得在今后的研究中继续探讨.  相似文献   

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