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ABSTRACT. Contrasting models of urban development characterize the historical-geographical evolution of Brazil's two leading cities, viewed in an updating of the seminal 1933 article by Preston James. Native to Rio de Janeiro is a distinctive Luso-Brazilian style of irregular coastal urbanization, whereas SÃo Paulo displays a more uniform, modern type of inland commercial-industrial expansion. Even as Rio de Janeiro and SÃo Paulo sprawl today to form a virtual megalopolis in southeastern Brazil, they retain distinguishing roles in the national city system. Both metropolises are experiencing increasing functional decentralization and socioeconomic polarization, but in their own characteristic fashions. Generalized models of “Latin American city structure” are of limited value, unless they take into account such significant historical-geographical variations in urban form.  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to present and discuss functions of public monuments in relation to different dimensions of geographical space. The authors discuss public spaces, monuments, public art, based on a mixed-method approach and an analysis of scientific literature as the main research method. The theoretical discussion is supplemented with the results of Internet searches and an analysis of media supplements, and specific examples are given, including some from Poland. An additional method was autoethnography, which involved an analysis of cultural phenomena based on the authors’ experience. The analysis revealed that monuments were part of public art and thus enriched public spaces in cities. They fulfilled different important functions: artistic, symbolic, commemorative, political, social, religious, marketing, and mixed. Additionally, the monuments reflected the contemporary transformation of ideas and social orders and therefore also reflected contemporary urban debates. They were products of social relations, powers, ideas, identities, and the collective memory reflected in the urban spatial structure of cities. The authors conclude that the examples presented in the demonstrate that monuments perform various functions in urban public spaces. From a spatial perspective, the role of monuments depends on their different impacts on people’s perceptions and interpretations of space.  相似文献   

魏璐瑶  陆玉麒  靳诚 《地理研究》2021,40(10):2707-2721
明确乡村公共空间治理举措,全面推进乡村空间有序重构,是落实国家乡村振兴战略的有力保障。在解构乡村公共空间内涵、明确划分乡村公共空间类型的同时,梳理中国乡村公共空间嬗变历程和阶段特征,剖析乡村公共空间中出现的权属关系不明、土地制度受限和空间组织无序等现实瓶颈,并融合“自上而下”行政管控与“自下而上”治理需求维度,形成乡村公共空间“需求-统筹-组织”综合治理体系。据此,提出激活关键要素转型、明确权属主体职责和夯实制度保障体系的乡村公共空间治理路径,为完善乡村空间规划体系、推进乡村治理体系现代化提供重要依据。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,提供良好优质的公共产品服务,加快推进社会主义和谐社会建设,是当今政府的题中应有之义.其中,空间可达性是公共产品服务的核心内容之一,而这正是地理学最具优势的研究领域.本文基于所开发的公共产品空间布局决策支持系统,以仪征医院空间布局为例,从定量角度深入探讨了不同布局方案所产生的空间效应,为优化公共产品的空间布局提供了非常有说服力的科学依据,同时也从方法论角度进行了公共产品空间布局量化研究的有益尝试.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper considers the political and normative dimensions of local government responses to homelessness in New Zealand. It outlines the context for local government action, the approaches adopted by three case study cities, and arguments for rejecting anti-homeless regulations in favour of supportive policies conducive to forging inclusive public space. It contributes to debates over homelessness policy by articulating an approach that integrates regulatory, funding and leadership roles. It argues that in addressing antisocial behaviour in public spaces, policy-makers must eschew approaches which effectively criminalize the sight, and status, of poverty.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the recent developments in public space policy in the city of Hanoi, Vietnam. It has three aims. The first is to look at a potentially progressive urban policy in contrast to most work on ‘policies in motion’ that has primarily been concerned with neoliberal policies. The second is to put the process of public space policymaking in Hanoi in historical and cultural perspective. We therefore describe public space in Hanoi as historically constituted by different layers of meaning and physical urban patterns. The paper's third aim is to analyse the translocal connections involved in a policy that is still in the making, and therefore characterized by a series of ‘loose threads’. We show how different types of connections – policy mobility, topological relations and inter‐referencing – relate Hanoi to multiple locales elsewhere. The conclusion reflects on the ‘politics of reception’ showing how analysing a policy in the making develops a critical analysis of policies in motion.  相似文献   

This study examines skateboarding as a transgressive activity in different inner Newcastle public spaces, highlighting the way certain places are constructed, and the values and meanings attached to them. Skateboarding has been sanctioned in some places, but is considered to be inappropriate in others, resulting in the implementation of skating restrictions in specific areas. Transgressive conduct is different from the norm and appears to be ‘out of place’. However, labels of ‘in’ and ‘out’ of place are too simplistic, because transgression is more nuanced and can simultaneously operate at multiple scales. Some skateboarding activities and locations are seen as more legitimate than others, and so a skater can be both ‘in place’ and ‘out of place’ at the same time. Problems and inconsistencies in the regulation of public space are revealed, because although skateboarding may be illegal in some places, the regulations are blunted by limited enforcement, justified by distinctions between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ skateboarding.  相似文献   

中国城市公共游憩空间研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
余玲  刘家明  李涛  朱鹤 《地理学报》2018,73(10):1923-1941
城市公共游憩空间(Urban Public Recreational Space,UPRS)作为大众休闲时代居民惯常性游憩活动场所,是城市公共空间基本体系的重要内容,其规划、布局和服务水平是衡量城市社会文明和居民生活质量的重要表征。研究以中国知网(CNKI)数据库1985-2017年间相关高被引用文章为分析对象,梳理期间中国UPRS研究的状况,以期明确当前关注热点,为快速城镇化进程中UPRS的合理规划和科学建设提供参考依据。研究结果表明,中国UPRS学术研究呈现了阶段演化和等级结构特征,主要涉及UPRS类型划分、空间形态结构、综合评价体系、规划设计与开发策略、发展产生的影响、时空演化与形成机理、空间意象特征、可持续利用及政府决策9个领域。最后,针对宜居城市和游憩空间规划的实践,研究提出深化基础理论研究,构建学科交叉与多维空间融合的中国特色UPRS研究思路;培育人文主义理念,以国际化视野构建引领世界城市发展的城市公共游憩管理制度体系等建议。  相似文献   

公共空间并非“存在即合理”。公共空间网络结构效率折射出社会网络的重构能力、社会资本的建构强度、社会秩序的重塑能力。新型集中社区作为近年大量涌现的新型居住形态,正面临社会关系重构的巨大压力。本文运用社会学的网络分析法研究公共空间网络,并对苏州新型集中社区D的公共空间网络结构进行实证分析,其结论为:公共空间网络的关联度为0.216、中心势0.358、小世界值1.978,表明空间网络整体关联度不足,呈现出破碎化的特征;商业空间整合效应的发挥受到业态配置的影响;居民社会属性对空间网络结构特征造成一定影响。最后,基于“社会—空间”互动逻辑,以社会网络重构为导向,从集中安置模式、公共空间网络优化2个层面,提出新型集中社区有待进一步研究的方向,以期为当前及未来的集中社区规划建设和公共空间整体优化提供科学合理的依据。  相似文献   

Yu  Ling  Liu  Jiaming  Li  Tao 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(11):1923-1946
Journal of Geographical Sciences - As the main sites of urban residents’ recreational activity in a mass leisure era, urban public recreational space (UPRS) is the primary component of urban...  相似文献   

This article investigates the birth and evolution of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Talimhane, Istanbul, which is the first case of use of this instrument of neoliberal governance in the Turkish city. The distinctive nature of the Talimhane BID consists in the fact that it has been developed through a series of informal and piecemeal arrangements. The article first reviews the evolution, characteristics, and critical aspects of BIDs. It then focuses on the case study of this “informal BID” in Talimhane, analysing its origins, features, and outcomes. The informal nature of this BID is stressed as a key factor in understanding its features and outcomes, and it emerges as a fundamental component of urban neoliberalism in Turkey: it allows a centralized and authoritarian government to maintain complete control over public space and private actors and activities, while promoting a process of devolving powers in favour of the private sector.  相似文献   

城市绿色空间研究内容与展望   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
伴随社会经济快速发展,城市绿色空间对生态环境和宜居生活的作用逐渐受到关注。同时,随着城市建成区面积的不断扩大,城市绿色空间成为一种稀缺资源。不断减少的城市绿色空间,与城市人口的增加,以及其休闲健康功能需求的增长间形成了一种空间错位。如何合理规划绿色空间,发挥绿色空间的效用和功能,已成为城市地理学和城市规划实践中重要的研究内容。本文系统论述和梳理了城市绿色空间概念提出的背景和发展历程,并在此基础上综合分析不同学科对城市绿色空间的理解及研究成果,提出目前城市绿色空间的相关研究内容和进展;并对其研究趋势进行了分析,从城市规划建设、城市可持续发展、研究方法创新等方面提出了推动城市绿色空间相关研究的建议。  相似文献   

This study examines New York’s internationally acclaimed High Line with regard to the democratic ideal of urban parks as places of social mixing among diverse groups in the city. Observational surveys were conducted to assess the levels of racial/ethnic diversity among visitors to the High Line and four other Manhattan parks, and census data were collected on the race/ethnicity of residents in surrounding neighborhoods, the borough of Manhattan, and New York City. The data show that the High Line crowd is overwhelmingly White, to a degree that is far out of line with the racial/ethnic demographics of the borough and city, that the level of racial homogeneity significantly exceeds that of other comparable parks, and that the lack of diversity cannot be explained by neighborhood composition. The author concludes that the High Line is failing as a democratic public space and draws on the work of political scientist E. E. Schattschneider to assert the importance of diversity in public spaces.  相似文献   

公交出行对保障老年人生活质量具有重要意义。论文以安徽省芜湖市区为研究区域,从频率分异的视角出发研究老年人公交活动空间,利用公交刷卡数据,对比分析日常与偶发活动空间的分布特征,并进一步借助地理加权回归方法探讨建成环境对其影响机制的差异。研究发现:① 老年人日常和偶发公交活动空间呈现出相似的圈层式空间分布特征,但偶发活动的圈层结构层次相对更加明显;② 日常与偶发活动空间的影响机制存在差异,建成环境在不同空间的影响强度和方向存在明显不同,尤其表现在城市外围空间。研究结果有助于更加全面地解读老年人活动空间的结构层次,并为面向不同城市空间、不同类型设施的系统性规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

申庆喜  李诚固  刘仲仪  胡述聚  刘倩 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2249-2258
基于长春市790个居住小区、178所小学、301家社区医院、1681个公交站点等空间数据,引用核密度估计、Riley's K函数、同位区位商等分析方法,对公共服务设施空间与居住空间的形态格局、集聚特性、“临近性”关系等进行了定量分析。研究发现:首先,公共服务设施空间与居住空间分布的形态格局差异显著,同时也表现出较高的相关性,“核心—外围”网点数量的分布特征趋同性与分异性并存;其次,公共服务设施空间与居住空间均呈现出显著的集聚特征,但集聚的规模与强度差异明显,二者空间分布的协调性程度仍需提高;第三,从分布的空间关系来看,居住小区具有较为明显的“临近”公共服务设施布局的倾向,但反之不明显,整体呈现出空间格局的“非对称性”特征。  相似文献   

This article addresses sidewalks as particular kinds of public spaces. Sidewalks of residential areas have been understudied; debates have tended to concentrate on pedestrian flows in commercial districts. By discussing the snowy sidewalks of Syracuse, New York, this article asks how sidewalks appear in law, and how responsibility for sidewalks is divided between governments and property owners. According to law and ordinances, sidewalks are responsibility of adjacent property owners. Unofficial monitoring has turned property owners’ sidewalk responsibilities away from questions of liability to questions of morality. Sidewalks evince a moral order, where questions concern not only pedestrian flows or laws, but also attitudes of others. A snowy sidewalk appears as a contested moral order, whose publicity is questionable because of the sidewalk’s reliance on private responsibility and policing. In the end, then, this article provides insights into how laws concerning public space are both maintained and questioned in everyday practices, and how the regulatory systems advance—or hinder—the publicity of public spaces like sidewalks.  相似文献   

Rapid channel erosion in the Rio Puerco watershed of northwest New Mexico has been attributed to land use, climate changes, and internal channel adjustments. The objectives of this study were to assess (1) the impacts of land uses on sediment load, (2) the quantitative relationships between land use and sediment load, and (3) the effectiveness of different erosion control methods. The impacts of land uses on sediment load were assessed via hypotheses that, holding other erosion-related variables constant, sediment load correlates positively with grazing intensity and with density of unpaved roads, and correlates negatively with the number of erosion control treatments. We calculated the average annual sediment load for 17 subbasins of 0.67–17.97 km2 by comparing sediment accumulation at two points in time (mid-1960s and 1999) behind intact sediment retention structures. We assessed land use via grazing records and measurements of unpaved roads generated from aerial photographs. Soil characteristics, vegetation, and physical factors were quantified for each subbasin. Using 18 variables for each subbasin, we employed Mallow's Cp as a selection criterion. We used six statistical models, including multiple regression and principal components analysis, to determine inherent mathematical relationships between significant independent variables and sediment load. The results indicate that sediment load does not correlate with grazing intensity except in small, relatively low-relief basins with fewer bedrock exposures. However, this interpretation may be compromised by the low quality of data available to quantify grazing. Sediment load is highly sensitive to the presence of unpaved roads, which serve as high gradient, channelized conduits of water and sediment during storms. Sediment load does not correlate with erosion control except in the subset of small, relatively low-relief subbasins that also proved sensitive to grazing intensity. Overall, the statistical analyses suggest that the impact of land uses on sediment load can be assessed using the data available although physical factors appear more significant than land use in producing high sediment loads in the Rio Puerco subbasins. Historical erosion control techniques, as implemented in the Rio Puerco watershed, prove largely ineffective against accelerated sediment loads because they have not been appropriately implemented or maintained.  相似文献   

张骁鸣  翁佳茗 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1581-1593
从基于现象学路径的地方感研究引入,批判性地借鉴地方芭蕾概念,按照人地之间实际相处的亲疏程度不同,将广州天河体育中心公共休闲空间中的人地关系区分为三类:日常式相处、周期式相处、背景式相处。其中背景式相处的人地关系已经超越了地方芭蕾概念的解释边界,由此引发出如下两个值得进一步探讨的理论命题:第一,“人地整体”或“人地相处”或可取代人文主义地理学研究中用以刻画人地关系本质的“地方整体”概念;第二,目前主流的地方感研究实质上是一种基于心理学的局部的地方感研究,在它之外还应有一种围绕着人地相处的各种实际可能性来展开的整体的地方感研究,以及一种接近于哲学层次的人地关系基础研究。  相似文献   

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