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Recently, many studies have argued for the existence of two types of El Niño phenomena based on different spatial distributions: the conventional El Niño [or Eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño], and the Central Pacific (CP) El Niño. Here, we investigate the decadal modulation of CP El Niño occurrences using a long-term coupled general circulation model simulation, focusing, in particular, on the role of climate state in the regime change between more and fewer CP El Niño events. The higher occurrence regime of the CP El Niño coincides with the lower occurrence regime of EP El Niño, and vice versa. The climate states associated with these two opposite regimes resemble the leading principal component analysis (PCA) modes of tropical Pacific decadal variability, indicating that decadal change in climate state may lead to regime change in terms of two different types of El Niño. In particular, the higher occurrence regime of CP El Niño is associated with a strong zonal gradient of mean surface temperature in the equatorial Pacific, along with a strong equatorial Trade wind over the area east of the dateline. In addition, the oceanic variables—the mixed layer depth and the thermocline depth—show values indicating increased depth over the western-to-central Pacific. The aforementioned climate states obviously intensify zonal advective feedback, which promotes increased generation of the CP El Niño. Frequent CP El Niño occurrences are not fully described by oceanic subsurface dynamics, and dynamical or thermodynamical processes in the ocean mixed layer and air–sea interaction are important contributors to the generation of the CP El Niño. Furthermore, the atmospheric response with respect to the SSTA tends to move toward the west, which leads to a weak air–sea coupling over the eastern Pacific. These features could be regarded as evidence that the climate state can provide a selection mechanism of the El Niño type.  相似文献   

Drawing attention to the production of vulnerability across scales in Sri Lanka, we contribute to knowledge of why certain people and social groups are vulnerable. We build our contribution on the theoretical application of ‘situated adaptation’. A situated analytical approach identifies, assesses, and responds to the everyday realities and politics of those living in climate changed environments. It highlights uneven geographies of vulnerability and opportunity, while identifying new imaginations and possibilities for transformative action that counter the production of vulnerability. We illustrate the utility of ‘situated adaptation’ by filling an empirical gap relating to experiences of political-economic and environmental change in Sri Lanka’s Dry Zone. We detail situated experiences by drawing on field research in the Anuradhapura District, revealing how the lives and livelihoods of farmer participants are structured by a productivity-vulnerability paradox. We demonstrate how a prevalent adaptation-development paradigm (whereby development and adaptation programs co-exist in theory and practice) is unable to address the structural drivers of vulnerability in Sri Lanka’s Dry Zone. A situated adaptation approach both explains why this is the case and highlights opportunities for alternative transformative actions, potentially identifying a more democratic and egalitarian politics of co-determining socionatural change.  相似文献   

This paper examines an issue concerning the simulation of anomalously wet Indian summer monsoons like 1994 which co-occurred with strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) conditions in the tropical Indian Ocean. Contrary to observations it has been noticed that standalone atmospheric general circulation models (AGCM) forced with observed SST boundary condition, consistently depicted a decrease of the summer monsoon rainfall during 1994 over the Indian region. Given the ocean?Catmosphere coupling during IOD events, we have examined whether the failure of standalone AGCM simulations in capturing wet Indian monsoons like 1994 can be remedied by including a simple form of coupling that allows the monsoon circulation to dynamically interact with the IOD anomalies. With this view, we have performed a suite of simulations by coupling an AGCM to a slab-ocean model with spatially varying mixed-layer-depth (MLD) specified from observations for the 1994 IOD; as well as four other cases (1983, 1997, 2006, 2007). The specification of spatially varying MLD from observations allows us to constrain the model to observed IOD conditions. It is seen that the inclusion of coupling significantly improves the large-scale circulation response by strengthening the monsoon cross-equatorial flow; leading to precipitation enhancement over the subcontinent and rainfall decrease over south-eastern tropical Indian Ocean??in a manner broadly consistent with observations. A plausible physical mechanism is suggested to explain the monsoonal response in the coupled frame-work. These results warrant the need for improved monsoon simulations with fully coupled models to be able to better capture the observed monsoon interannual variability.  相似文献   

Access to climate information has the potential to build adaptive capacity, improve agricultural profitability, and help manage risks. To achieve these benefits, knowledge of the local context is needed to inform information development, delivery, and use. We examine coffee farming in the Jamaican Blue Mountains (BM) to understand farmer livelihoods, opportunities for climate knowledge to benefit coffee production, and the factors that impinge on farmers’ ability to use climate information. Our analysis draws on interviews and 12 focus groups involving 143 participants who largely cultivate small plots. BM farmers currently experience stresses related to climate, coffee leaf rust, and production costs that interrelate concurrently and with time lags. Under conditions that reduce income, BM farmers compensate by adjusting their use of inputs, which can increase their susceptibility to future climate and disease stresses. However, farmers can also decrease impacts of future stressors by more efficiently and effectively allocating their limited resources. In this sense, managing climate, like the other stresses, is an ongoing process. While we identify climate products that can help farmers manage climate risk, the local context presents barriers that argue for interactive climate services that go beyond conventional approaches of information production and delivery. We discuss how dialogs between farmers, extension personnel, and climate scientists can create a foundation from which use can emerge.  相似文献   

Taylor’s frozen turbulence hypothesis is the central assumption invoked in most experiments designed to investigate turbulence physics with time resolving sensors. It is also frequently used in theoretical discussions when linking Lagrangian to Eulerian flow formalisms. In this work we seek to quantify the effectiveness of Taylor’s hypothesis on the field scale using water vapour as a passive tracer. A horizontally orientated Raman lidar is used to capture the humidity field in space and time above an agricultural region in Switzerland. High resolution wind speed and direction measurements are conducted simultaneously allowing for a direct test of Taylor’s hypothesis at the field scale. Through a wavelet decomposition of the lidar humidity measurements we show that the scale of turbulent motions has a strong influence on the applicability of Taylor’s hypothesis. This dependency on scale is explained through the use of dimensional analysis. We identify a ‘persistency scale’ that can be used to quantify the effectiveness of Taylor’s hypothesis, and present the accuracy of the hypothesis as a function of this non-dimensional length scale. These results are further investigated and verified through the use of large-eddy simulations.  相似文献   

Scientists’ ideas, beliefs, and discourses form the frames that shape their choices about which research to pursue, their approaches to collaboration and communicating results, and how they evaluate research outputs and outcomes. To achieve ocean sustainability, there are increasing calls for new levels of engagement and collaboration between scientists and policy-makers; scientists’ willingness to engage depends on their current and evolving frames. Here, I present results about how scientists involved in diverse fields of ocean research perceived their role as scientists working at or near the ocean science–policy interface and how this related to their perceptions regarding ocean research priorities. The survey of 2187 physical, ecological and social scientists from 94 countries showed that scientists held different perspectives about their appropriate level of engagement at the ocean science–policy interface and the relative primacy of science versus politics in formulating ocean policy. Six clusters of scientists varied in their frames; three clusters accounted for 94% of the sample. Of 67 research questions identified from 22 research prioritization and horizon scanning exercises, the top eight were shared among all three clusters, showing consistency in research priorities across scientists with different framings of their role at the science–policy interface. Five focused on the mechanisms and effects of global change on oceans, two focused on data collection and management for long-term ocean monitoring, and one focused on the links between biodiversity and ecological function at different scales. The results from this survey demonstrated that scientists’ framings of the role of ocean science at the science–policy interface can be quantified in surveys, that framing varies among scientists, and that research priorities vary according to the framings.  相似文献   

By analyzing the Fractal Dimension(FD) distribution of the Short-range Climate system(SCS) in China, it is found that the FD varies in different region and this just agrees with the regionally of the monsoon climate in China. The FD of the SCS Lays between 2.0 and 5.0. In the vast eastern area of China, the FD almost grows gradually with the latitude. Line 4.0 is along the mountain chains from the Nanlin Mountain to the Wuyi Mountain. North of the line the FD varies only slightly and all are above 4.0. Only in coastal islands the FD is smaller than 3.0.  相似文献   

Global average ocean temperature variations to 2,000 m depth during 1955–2011 are simulated with a 40 layer 1D forcing-feedback-mixing model for three forcing cases. The first case uses standard anthropogenic and volcanic external radiative forcings. The second adds non-radiative internal forcing (ocean mixing changes initiated in the top 200 m) proportional to the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) to represent an internal mode of natural variability. The third case further adds ENSO-related radiative forcing proportional to MEI as a possible natural cloud forcing mechanism associated with atmospheric circulation changes. The model adjustable parameters are net radiative feedback, effective diffusivities, and internal radiative (e.g., cloud) and non-radiative (ocean mixing) forcing coefficients at adjustable time lags. Model output is compared to Levitus ocean temperature changes in 50 m layers during 1955–2011 to 700 m depth, and to lag regression coefficients between satellite radiative flux variations and sea surface temperature between 2000 and 2010. A net feedback parameter of 1.7Wm?2 K?1 with only anthropogenic and volcanic forcings increases to 2.8Wm?2 K?1 when all ENSO forcings (which are one-third radiative) are included, along with better agreement between model and observations. The results suggest ENSO can influence multi-decadal temperature trends, and that internal radiative forcing of the climate system affects the diagnosis of feedbacks. Also, the relatively small differences in model ocean warming associated with the three cases suggests that the observed levels of ocean warming since the 1950s is not a very strong constraint on our estimates of climate sensitivity.  相似文献   

This paper distinguishes between bridging and bonding social capital to assess their roles for individual farmers’ adaptation strategies taken through technology adoption. Based on primary data collected in Langcang River (LCR) basin area in southwestern China, the paper finds: (1) adaptation measures have been widely taken by surveyed households, but non-infrastructure-based measures are more prevalent than infrastructure-based measures and (2) surveyed households have strong social capital while having weak bridging social capital. Their bonding social capital has significantly positive relationship with their adaptation decisions, but bridging social capital does not have such statistically significant relationship. It recommends that the governments contemplate carefully how to help the poor to get a good combination of bonding and bridging social capital when designing policies to help the rural poor to improve their long-term adaptive capacity and achieve sustainable rural development.  相似文献   

In this paper, anomalies of freezing of the European Russia’s rivers in 2006–2007 are considered. Multiyear observation data are used for analysing of trends in time series, which express terms of the first floating ice appearance in the European territory of Russia. It is shown that, in the end of the 20th and beginning of 21st centuries, a tendency of later freezing of rivers in this territory was detected. Linear equations that describe temporal trends were obtained for various rivers. Three variants of terms of the first floating ice appearance until 2020 were computed in accordance with the basic climatic scenarios. It was shown that changes in the climatologic norms are significant for all the scenarios. In comparison with the present values, future changes in the norms can reach 5 through 15 days.  相似文献   

The ENSO’s Effect on Eastern China Rainfall in the Following Early Summer   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
ENSO’s effect on the rainfall in eastern China in the following early summer is investigated by using station precipitation data and the ERA-40 reanalysis data from 1958 to 2002. In June, after the El Nino peak, the precipitation is significantly enhanced in the Yangtze River valley while suppressed in the Huaihe River-Yellow River valleys. This relationship between ENSO and the rainfall in eastern China is established possibly through two teleconnections: One is related to the western North Pacific (WNP) ...  相似文献   


The resonance of semi‐diurnal tidal elevations is investigated with a forward numerical forced damped global tide model and an analytical model of forced‐damped tides in a deep ocean basin coupled to a shelf. The analytical model contains the classical half‐wavelength and quarter‐wavelength resonances in the deep ocean and shelf, respectively, as well as a forcing‐scale dependence which depends on the ratio of the phase speed of open‐ocean gravity waves to that of the astronomical forcing. In the analytical model, when the deep ocean and shelf resonate separately at the same frequency, the resonance in the coupled system shifts to frequencies slightly higher and lower than the original frequency, such that a ‘double bump’ is seen in plots of elevation amplitude versus frequency. The addition of a shelf to a resonant open ocean tends to reduce open‐ocean tides, especially when the shelf is also near resonance. The magnitude of this ‘back‐effect’ is controlled by shelf friction. A weakly damped resonant shelf has a larger back‐effect on the open‐ocean tide than does a strongly damped shelf. Numerical simulations largely bear out the analytical model predictions, at least qualitatively. Idealized simulations show that continents enhance tides by enabling the half‐wavelength resonance. Simulations with realistic geometry and topography but varying longitudinal structure in the astronomical forcing display an influence of the forcing scale on tidal amplitudes somewhat similar to that seen in the analytical model. A frequency sweep in the semi‐diurnal band in experiments with realistic geometry and topography reveals weakly resonant peaks in the amplitudes of several shelf regions and in the globally averaged open‐ocean amplitudes. Finally, the back‐effect of the shelf upon the open ocean is seen in simulations in which locations of resonant coastal tides are blocked out and open‐ocean tidal elevations are significantly altered (increased, generally) as a result.  相似文献   

Quantitative simulations of the global-scale benefits of climate change mitigation are presented, using a harmonised, self-consistent approach based on a single set of climate change scenarios. The approach draws on a synthesis of output from both physically-based and economics-based models, and incorporates uncertainty analyses. Previous studies have projected global and regional climate change and its impacts over the 21st century but have generally focused on analysis of business-as-usual scenarios, with no explicit mitigation policy included. This study finds that both the economics-based and physically-based models indicate that early, stringent mitigation would avoid a large proportion of the impacts of climate change projected for the 2080s. However, it also shows that not all the impacts can now be avoided, so that adaptation would also therefore be needed to avoid some of the potential damage. Delay in mitigation substantially reduces the percentage of impacts that can be avoided, providing strong new quantitative evidence for the need for stringent and prompt global mitigation action on greenhouse gas emissions, combined with effective adaptation, if large, widespread climate change impacts are to be avoided. Energy technology models suggest that such stringent and prompt mitigation action is technologically feasible, although the estimated costs vary depending on the specific modelling approach and assumptions.  相似文献   

Proxy reconstructions suggest that peak global temperature during the past warm interval known as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA, roughly 950–1250 AD) has been exceeded only during the most recent decades. To better understand the origin of this warm period, we use model simulations constrained by data assimilation establishing the spatial pattern of temperature changes that is most consistent with forcing estimates, model physics and the empirical information contained in paleoclimate proxy records. These numerical experiments demonstrate that the reconstructed spatial temperature pattern of the MCA can be explained by a simple thermodynamical response of the climate system to relatively weak changes in radiative forcing combined with a modification of the atmospheric circulation, displaying some similarities with the positive phase of the so-called Arctic Oscillation, and with northward shifts in the position of the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio currents. The mechanisms underlying the MCA are thus quite different from anthropogenic mechanisms responsible for modern global warming.  相似文献   

The impact of ocean–atmosphere coupling on the simulation and prediction of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) has been investigated by diagnosing 22-year retrospective forecasts using the Seoul National University coupled general circulation model (CGCM) and its atmospheric GCM (AGCM) forced with SSTs derived from the CGCM. Numerous studies have shown that the ocean–atmosphere coupling has a significant effect on the improvement of ISO simulation and prediction. Contrary to previous studies, this study shows similar results between CGCM and AGCM, not only in regard to the ISO simulation characteristics but also the predictability. The similarities between CGCM and AGCM include (1) the ISO intensity over the entire Asian-monsoon region; (2) the spatiotemporal evolution of the northward propagating ISO (NPISO); and (3) the potential and practical predictability. A notable difference between CGCM and AGCM is the phase relationship between precipitation and SST anomalies. The CGCM and observation exhibits a near-quadrature relationship between precipitation and SST, with the former lagging about two pentads. The AGCM shows a less realistic phase relationship. The similar structure and propagation characteristics of ISO between the CGCM and AGCM suggest that the internal atmospheric dynamics could be more essential to the ISO than the ocean–atmosphere interaction over the Indian monsoon region.  相似文献   

Results are presented based on measurements taken using an FLS-12 lidar system and laser particle counters only on the Atlantic coast of the U.S.A. during a campaign within the scope of the international EOPACE experiment. The objectives of the EOPACE (Electro-optical Propagation Assessment in Coastal Environments) effort, which was conducted in Duck, N.C. (U.S.A.) between 25 February and 11 March 1999, involved investigating, developing and evaluating ocean and coastal aerosol models and their effects on visibility; integrating and developing simple, realistic models for infrared propagation near the ocean surface and developing a consistent chemical/optical model for aerosol particles suitable for inclusion in navy meteorological models.  相似文献   

Two parameterisation schemes for the turbulent surface fluxes and drag coefficients over the Arctic marginal sea-ice zone (MIZ) are (further) developed, and their results are compared with each other. Although the schemes are based on different principles (flux averaging and parameter averaging), the resulting drag coefficients differ only slightly in the case of neutral and stable stratification. For unstable stratification and sea-ice conditions being typical for the north-eastern Fram Strait, the drag coefficients resulting from the parameter-averaging concept are 5–10% larger than those of the flux-averaging concept. At a sea-ice concentration of 45%, the parameter-averaging method overestimates the heat fluxes by a factor of 1.2. An inclusion in the schemes of form drag caused by floe edges and ridges has a much larger effect on the drag coefficient, and on the momentum fluxes, than the choice between the parameter-averaging or flux-averaging methods. Based on sensitivity studies with the flux-averaging scheme, a simple formula for the effective drag coefficient above the Arctic MIZ is derived. It reduces the computational costs of the more complex parameterisations and could also be used in larger scale models. With this simple formula, the effective drag coefficient can be calculated as a function of the sea-ice concentration and skin drag coefficients for water and ice floes. The results obtained with this parameterisation differ only slightly from those using the more complex schemes. Finally, it is shown that in the MIZ, drag coefficients for sea-ice models may differ significantly from the effective drag coefficients used in atmospheric models.  相似文献   

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