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A Boolean delay equation (BDE) model is presented for the interdecadal Arctic and Greenland Sea climate cycle recently proposed by Mysak, Manak and Marsden. It is shown that 15- to 20-year oscillations can occur in the model for a variety of time delays in the BDEs. However, both the period and structure of the oscillations are sensitive to the initial conditions. In an extended model, in which the convection in the Greenland Sea is dependent upon the ice conditions during each of several previous years as well as the current year, the solution structure is more realistic, with two jumps per period of oscillation.  相似文献   

Recently much concern has been expressed regarding the impact of an increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on climate. Unfortunately, present understanding and models of the climate system are not good enough for reliable prediction of such impacts. This paper presents an analysis of recent climate data in order to illustrate the nature of regional temperature and rainfall changes in different seasons and to provide some guidance with regard to points which might be borne in mind when scenarios of future climate (especially those taking into account human impacts) are being formulated.Since it is believed that an increased atmospheric CO2 concentration will cause a warming and models and data suggest that the Arctic is more sensitive to climatic change than other latitudes, anomalies associated with warm Arctic seasons have been studied.The regional temperature, precipitation and pressure anomalies in the northern hemisphere for the 10 warmest Arctic winters and 10 warmest Arctic summers during the last 70 years have been investigated. Even when the Arctic area is warm, there are circulation changes such that large coherent anomalies occur elsewhere, with some regions warming and some cooling. The 10 warmest Arctic winters were characterised by larger amplitude anomalies, in the Arctic and elsewhere, than the 10 warmest summers, illustrating the difference in response between seasons. The precipitation differences for the 10 warmest Arctic winters and summers show for North America large coherent areas of increase or decrease, which again differ according to season. However, in winter the differences are not statistically significant, while the differences in two areas are significant in summer.  相似文献   

The regional patterns of change of temperature and rainfall that might accompany a global warming due to increased carbon dioxide can be studied by experiments with theoretical models of the climate system, by reconstructing the climates of past warm epochs, and by determining the anomalies of temperature and precipitation that prevailed during years or seasons when the Arctic region was unusually warm. The current study pursues the last course, making use of the northern hemisphere meteorological data record for the period 1931–1978. Hemispheric maps of anomalies of both temperature and precipitation are presented for the 10 warmest Arctic seasons and years, and for differences between the 5 warmest and 5 coldest consecutive Arctic winters. Wintertime anomalies are generally greatest and dominate in determining the annual averages. The hemispheric temperature anomalies for these data sets are similar to those determined earlier by the first author (Williams, 1980) using 1900–1969 data, but the precipitation anomalies (for North America alone) show more variation, partly due to the method of computing the anomalies. Work reported here begun while a visitor to the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

An energy budget model is used to study the effect on Arctic climate of optically active aerosol in the Arctic atmosphere. The dependence of the change in surface temperature on the vertical distribution of the aerosol and on the radiative properties of the aerosol-free atmosphere, the Arctic surface, and the aerosol, itself, are calculated. An extensive sensitivity analysis is performed to assess the degree to which the results of the model are dependent upon the assumptions underlying it.List of Symbols Used I 0 Solar flux at the top of the Arctic Atmosphere (Arctic here means 70° N latitude to the pole) - a S Surface albedo of the Arctic (a S c is the value of surface albedo at which the sign of the surface temperature perturbation changes) - Reflection coefficient of the aerosol-free Arctic atmosphere - Absorption coefficient of the aerosol-free Arctic atmosphere - Transmission coefficient of the aerosol-free Arctic atmosphere - RI 0 Total flux of sunlight reflected from the Arctic - A A I 0 Total flux of sunlight absorbed in the Arctic atmosphere - A S I 0 Total flux of sunlight absorbed at the Arctic surface - A aer I 0 Total flux of sunlight absorbed in the Arctic aerosol - Q A Net atmospheric flow of energy, per unit of Arctic surface area, north across 70° N latitude - Q S Net oceanic flow of energy, per unit of Arctic surface area, north across 70° N latitude - E Convective plus latent heat fluxes from surface to atmosphere - F A Net flow of energy to the Arctic atmosphere - F S Net flow of energy to the Arctic surface - T A An effective temperature of the Arctic atmosphere - T S Surface temperature of the Arctic - w Single-scattering albedo of the aerosol - t Optical depth of the aerosol - g Fraction of incident radiation scattered forward by the aerosol - Reflection coefficient of the aerosol - Absorption coefficient of the aerosol - Transmission coefficient of the aerosol - p,q Number of atmospheric layers and the inverse of the fraction of incident IR absorbed in each layer in the energy budget model - F,G,H Measures of the amount of IR-active atmosphere above the surface, the aerosol, and the clouds  相似文献   

In November 2020, the eastern Arctic experienced an extensive extreme warm anomaly (i.e., the second strongest case since 1979), which was followed by extreme cold conditions over East Asia in early winter. The observed Arctic warm anomaly in November 2020 was able to extend upwards to the upper troposphere, characterized as a deep Arctic warm anomaly. In autumn 2020, substantial Arctic sea-ice loss that exceeded the record held since 1979, accompanied by increased upward turbulent heat flux, was able to strongly warm the Arctic. Furthermore, there was abundant northward moisture transport into the Arctic from the North Atlantic, which was the strongest in the past four decades. This extreme moisture intrusion was able to enhance the downward longwave radiation and strongly contribute to the warm conditions in the Arctic. Further analysis indicated that the remote moisture intrusion into the Arctic was promoted by the large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns, such as the wave train propagating from the midlatitude North Atlantic to the Arctic. This process may have been linked to the warmer sea surface temperature in the midlatitude North Atlantic.摘要2020年11月北极东部显著偏暖, 表面气温暖异常为1979年以来第二强, 且北极表层偏暖可以延伸至对流层上层. 本文进一步研究了此次北极极端偏暖的可能原因. 2020年秋季北极海冰大幅减少, 11月从北大西洋向北极的水汽输送显著增加, 且二者的变化幅度均超过了1979年以来的最高纪录, 进而导致北极出现极端暖异常. 此外, 从中纬度向北极的Rossby波传播有利于向极水汽输送增加, 且此过程可能与北大西洋中纬度海温异常有关.  相似文献   

The fourth version of the atmosphere-ocean general circulation (AOGCM) model developed at the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL-CM4) is used to investigate the mechanisms influencing the Arctic freshwater balance in response to anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing. The freshwater influence on the interannual variability of deep winter oceanic convection in the Nordic Seas is also studied on the basis of correlation and regression analyses of detrended variables. The model shows that the Fram Strait outflow, which is an important source of freshwater for the northern North Atlantic, experiences a rapid and strong transition from a weak state toward a relatively strong state during 1990–2010. The authors propose that this climate shift is triggered by the retreat of sea ice in the Barents Sea during the late twentieth century. This sea ice reduction initiates a positive feedback in the atmosphere-sea ice-ocean system that alters both the atmospheric and oceanic circulations in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN)-Barents Seas sector. Around year 2080, the model predicts a second transition threshold beyond which the Fram Strait outflow is restored toward its original weak value. The long-term freshening of the GIN Seas is invoked to explain this rapid transition. It is further found that the mechanism of interannual changes in deep mixing differ fundamentally between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This difference is caused by the dominant influence of freshwater over the twenty-first century. In the GIN Seas, the interannual changes in the liquid freshwater export out of the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait combined with the interannual changes in the liquid freshwater import from the North Atlantic are shown to have a major influence in driving the interannual variability of the deep convection during the twenty-first century. South of Iceland, the other region of deep water renewal in the model, changes in freshwater import from the North Atlantic constitute the dominant forcing of deep convection on interannual time scales over the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Human activities in the Arctic are often mentioned as recipients of climate-change impacts. In this paper we consider the more complicated but more likely possibility that human activities themselves can interact with climate or environmental change in ways that either mitigate or exacerbate the human impacts. Although human activities in the Arctic are generally assumed to be modest, our analysis suggests that those activities may have larger influences on the arctic system than previously thought. Moreover, human influences could increase substantially in the near future. First, we illustrate how past human activities in the Arctic have combined with climatic variations to alter biophysical systems upon which fisheries and livestock depend. Second, we describe how current and future human activities could precipitate or affect the timing of major transitions in the arctic system. Past and future analyses both point to ways in which human activities in the Arctic can substantially influence the trajectory of arctic system change.  相似文献   

Simulations of eight different regional climate models (RCMs) have been performed for the period September 1997–September 1998, which coincides with the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) project period. Each of the models employed approximately the same domain covering the western Arctic, the same horizontal resolution of 50 km, and the same boundary forcing. The models differ in their vertical resolution as well as in the treatments of dynamics and physical parameterizations. Both the common features and differences of the simulated spatiotemporal patterns of geopotential, temperature, cloud cover, and long-/shortwave downward radiation between the individual model simulations are investigated. With this work, we quantify the scatter among the models and therefore the magnitude of disagreement and unreliability of current Arctic RCM simulations. Even with the relatively constrained experimental design we notice a considerable scatter among the different RCMs. We found the largest across-model scatter in the 2 m temperature over land, in the surface radiation fluxes, and in the cloud cover which implies a reduced confidence level for these variables. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Considered are synoptic mechanisms of the formation of abnormally warm weather and high anticyclones in the Russian Arctic as well as the generation of the series of cold cyclones in the middle troposphere over southern Europe in January–February 2012. Obtained are the typical schemes of thermobaric fields of the macro-scale reconstruction of atmospheric circulation and of the set-in of the eastern air transport from Siberia to the central and southern areas of the European part of Russia and to the Mediterranean countries. Proposed is an algorithm for predicting processes of atmospheric blocking with the help of quantitative criteria that enable to assess the existence, intensity, and lifetime of the circulation impeding the westerlies.  相似文献   

One of the generally accepted climatic effects of stratospheric aerosol injection is the reduction of the global radiation in high latitudes by an order of 5% during El Chichon type eruptions. To test the effect of a high-latitude radiation deficit on global climate, a GCM experiment was performed with the ECMWF T21 atmosphere general circulation model (AGCM). The results provide physically-consistent evidence that this radiation deficit is a possible external forcing factor for severe climatic anomalies not only in the area directly affected by the reduced radiation, but also in the tropics. The most important factor is the creation of enhanced snow cover in regions of Asia that are distant from the location of the introduced radiation anomaly. The simulated results show certain features that are well known from observations in weak monsoon years, i.e. the weakened easterly jet in the upper troposphere over northern India, prolonged winter monsoon conditions, and prevailing anticyclonic vorticity anomalies over the entire Indian summer monsoon region. Over the western Pacific at the end of boreal winter (May), increased convective activity leads to a negative Walker circulation anomaly with westerly wind anomalies near the surface and easterly anomalies in the upper troposphere. This is known as one of the most important anomalies at the beginning of an El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dümenil  相似文献   

In climate science, an anomaly is the deviation of a quantity from its annual cycle. There are many ways to define annual cycle. Traditionally, this annual cycle is taken to be an exact repeat of itself year after year. This stationary annual cycle may not reflect well the intrinsic nonlinearity of the climate system, especially under external forcing. In this paper, we re-examine the reference frame for anomalies by re-examining the annual cycle. We propose an alternative reference frame for climate anomalies, the modulated annual cycle (MAC) that allows the annual cycle to change from year to year, for defining anomalies. In order for this alternative reference frame to be useful, we need to be able to define the instantaneous annual cycle: we therefore also introduce a new method to extract the MAC from climatic data. In the presence of a MAC, modulated in both amplitude and frequency, we can then define an alternative version of an anomaly, this time with respect to the instantaneous MAC rather than a permanent and unchanging AC. Based on this alternative definition of anomalies, we re-examine some familiar physical processes: in particular SST re-emergence and ENSO phase locking to the annual cycle. We find that the re-emergence mechanism may be alternatively interpreted as an explanation of the change of the annual cycle instead of an explanation of the interannual to interdecadal persistence of SST anomalies. We also find that the ENSO phase locking can largely be attributed to the residual annual cycle (the difference of the MAC and the corresponding traditional annual cycle) contained in the traditional anomaly, and, therefore, can be alternatively interpreted as a part of the annual cycle phase locked to the annual cycle itself. In addition to the examples of reinterpretation of physics of well known climate phenomena, we also present an example of the implications of using a MAC against which to define anomalies. We show that using MAC as a reference framework for anomaly can bypass the difficulty brought by concepts such as “decadal variability of summer (or winter) climate” for understanding the low-frequency variability of the climate system. The concept of an amplitude and frequency modulated annual cycle, a method to extract it, and its implications for the interpretation of physical processes, all may contribute potentially to a more consistent and fruitful way of examining past and future climate variability and change.  相似文献   

The impact of sea-ice dynamics on the Arctic climate system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Eight atmospheric regional climate models (RCMs) were run for the period September 1997 to October 1998 over the western Arctic Ocean. This period was coincident with the observational campaign of the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) project. The RCMs shared common domains, centred on the SHEBA observation camp, along with a common model horizontal resolution, but differed in their vertical structure and physical parameterizations. All RCMs used the same lateral and surface boundary conditions. Surface downwelling solar and terrestrial radiation, surface albedo, vertically integrated water vapour, liquid water path and cloud cover from each model are evaluated against the SHEBA observation data. Downwelling surface radiation, vertically integrated water vapour and liquid water path are reasonably well simulated at monthly and daily timescales in the model ensemble mean, but with considerable differences among individual models. Simulated surface albedos are relatively accurate in the winter season, but become increasingly inaccurate and variable in the melt season, thereby compromising the net surface radiation budget. Simulated cloud cover is more or less uncorrelated with observed values at the daily timescale. Even for monthly averages, many models do not reproduce the annual cycle correctly. The inter-model spread of simulated cloud-cover is very large, with no model appearing systematically superior. Analysis of the co-variability of terms controlling the surface radiation budget reveal some of the key processes requiring improved treatment in Arctic RCMs. Improvements in the parameterization of cloud amounts and surface albedo are most urgently needed to improve the overall performance of RCMs in the Arctic.  相似文献   

陈文  周群 《大气科学进展》2012,29(2):217-226
The modulation of the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the East Asian winter climate by the 11-year solar cycle was investigated.During winters with high solar activity (HS),robust ...  相似文献   

Under global warming, the predicted intensification of the global freshwater cycle will modify the net freshwater flux at the ocean surface. Since the freshwater flux maintains ocean salinity structures, changes to the density-driven ocean circulation are likely. A modified ocean circulation could further alter the climate, potentially allowing rapid changes, as seen in the past. The relevant feedback mechanisms and timescales are poorly understood in detail, however, especially at low latitudes where the effects of salinity are relatively subtle. In an attempt to resolve some of these outstanding issues, we present an investigation of the climate response of the low-latitude Pacific region to changes in freshwater forcing. Initiated from the present-day thermohaline structure, a control run of a coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model is compared with a perturbation run in which the net freshwater flux is prescribed to be zero over the ocean. Such an extreme experiment helps to elucidate the general adjustment mechanisms and their timescales. The atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are held constant, and we restrict our attention to the adjustment of the upper 1,000 m of the Pacific Ocean between 40°N and 40°S, over 100 years. In the perturbation run, changes to the surface buoyancy, near-surface vertical mixing and mixed-layer depth are established within 1 year. Subsequently, relative to the control run, the surface of the low-latitude Pacific Ocean in the perturbation run warms by an average of 0.6°C, and the interior cools by up to 1.1°C, after a few decades. This vertical re-arrangement of the ocean heat content is shown to be achieved by a gradual shutdown of the heat flux due to isopycnal (i.e. along surfaces of constant density) mixing, the vertical component of which is downwards at low latitudes. This heat transfer depends crucially upon the existence of density-compensating temperature and salinity gradients on isopycnal surfaces. The timescale of the thermal changes in the perturbation run is therefore set by the timescale for the decay of isopycnal salinity gradients in response to the eliminated freshwater forcing, which we demonstrate to be around 10–20 years. Such isopycnal heat flux changes may play a role in the response of the low-latitude climate to a future accelerated freshwater cycle. Specifically, the mechanism appears to represent a weak negative sea surface temperature feedback, which we speculate might partially shield from view the anthropogenically-forced global warming signal at low latitudes. Furthermore, since the surface freshwater flux is shown to play a role in determining the ocean’s thermal structure, it follows that evaporation and/or precipitation biases in general circulation models are likely to cause sea surface temperature biases.  相似文献   

根据1980—2000年ERA-Interim再分析的风场和温度场资料,计算12月与1—2月北半球行星波的EP通量及其散度,并按冬季不同月份分析了平流层整层温度和风场从20世纪80年代到90年代变化的特征及其与行星波活动变化的关系。结果表明,12月高纬度地区中低平流层呈增温趋势;而1—2月温度变化呈冷却趋势。在12月中高纬度中上平流层纬向风明显减速;而在1—2月高纬度中高平流层,随着纬度和高度的增加,纬向风呈明显加速趋势。冬季北半球行星波主要沿低纬度和极地波导两支波导向上传播。但是,12月行星波沿低纬度波导的传播减弱,沿极地波导向平流层整层的传播则明显增强。而1—2月行星波沿低纬度波导的传播明显增强,沿极地波导向平流层的传播则减弱。因此,北半球极区平流层1980—2000年间12月与1—2月波流相互作用的年代际变化形势趋于相反,有必要针对冬季不同月份分开进行讨论。  相似文献   

Nonlinear projections of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index onto North American winter (December–March) 500-mb geopotential height (Z500) and surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies reveal a pronounced asymmetry in the atmospheric patterns associated with positive and negative phases of the AO. In a linear view, the Z500 anomaly field associated with positive AO resembles a positive North Atlantic Oscillation pattern with statistically significant positive and negative anomalies stretching zonally into central-eastern USA and Canada, respectively, resulting in a cold climate anomaly over northeastern and eastern Canada, Alaska and the west coast of USA, and a warm climate anomaly over the rest of the continent. By contrast, the nonlinear behavior, mainly a quadratic association with AO, which is most apparent when the amplitude of the AO index is large, has the same spatial pattern and sign for both positive and negative values of the index. The nonlinear pattern reveals negative Z500 anomalies over the west coast of USA and the North Atlantic and positive Z500 anomalies at higher latitudes centered over the Gulf of Alaska and northeastern Canada accompanied by cooler than normal climate over the USA and southwestern Canada and warmer than normal climate over other regions of the continent. A similar analysis is conducted on the data from the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling and Analysis second generation coupled general circulation model. The nonlinear patterns of North American Z500 and SAT anomalies associated with the AO in the model simulation are generally consistent with the observational results, thereby confirming the robustness of the nonlinear behavior of North American winter climate with respect to the AO in a climate simulation that is completely independent of the observations.  相似文献   

The global population during the last 100 years has increased from 2 to 7.7 billion, causing an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In order to see how population increase is directly related to physical variables of the climate, this Perspective article places observations and scenarios of climate change into context and puts forth a statistical modeling study on how the sensitive Arctic climate responds to the increasing population. The relationships between population, Arctic sea-ice extent (SIE), and surface air temperature (SAT) are very strong, with the increasing population explaining 96% of the decreasing SIE and about 80% of the increasing SAT in the Arctic. Our projection for the SIE using the population as a “proxy predictor” for a projected population of 10 billion people on the Earth in 2100, yields a SIE of 9.30 and 8.21 million km2 for a linear and squared relationship, respectively, indicating no “tipping point” for the annual ice extent in this century. This adds another dimension to climate understanding for the public at large using population as a proxy variable, instead of the more abstract CO2 parameter. This also indicates that it is important to attempt to limit the ongoing increase in population, which is the main cause of the greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to reducing per capita emissions by an exponential increase in implementing renewable energy, a formidable challenge in this century.  相似文献   

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