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Here we consider our universe as homogeneous spherically symmetric FRW model and analyze the thermodynamics of this model of the universe in scalar-tensor theory. Assuming the first law of thermodynamics validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) at the event horizon is examined in both the cases when the universe is filled with perfect fluid and the holographic dark energy.  相似文献   

Using Damour-Ruffini method, Hawking radiation from the apparent horizon of a Vaidya black hole is calculated. The thermodynamics can be built successfully on the apparent horizon. In the meantime, when a time-dependent perturbation is given to the apparent horizon, the first law of thermodynamics can also be constructed successfully at a new supersurface near the apparent horizon. The expressions of the characteristic position and temperature are consistent with the previous results. It is concluded that the thermodynamics should be constructed on the apparent horizon exactly while the event horizon thermodynamics is just one of the perturbations near the apparent horizon. These conclusions can be regarded as providing some new evidences for our previous viewpoint.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the periodic orbits around the triangular equilibrium points for 0<μ<μ c , where μ c is the critical mass value, under the combined influence of small perturbations in the Coriolis and the centrifugal forces respectively, together with the effects of oblateness and radiation pressures of the primaries. It is found that the perturbing forces affect the period, orientation and the eccentricities of the long and short periodic orbits.  相似文献   

We have collected a sample of 70 BL Lacs (33 radio-selected BL Lacs and 37 X-ray selected BL Lacs) with multi-waveband data for investigating the classifying criteria of BL Lacertae Objects. For each source, we estimate its luminosities in radio, optical and X-ray, the broad-band spectral index from radio to X-ray and the peak frequency of the syn- chrotron emission, and make a statistical analysis of the data obtained. Our main results are as follows: (1) The broad-band spectral index and the peak frequency have no correlation with the redshift, while they are inversely correlated with each other and they could be regarded as equivalent classifying criteria of BL Lac objects. (2) There are significant effects of the luminosity/redshift relation on the observed luminosity distribution in our sample, hence, if the radio luminosity is to be used as a classifying criterion of BL Lac objects, it should not be regarded as equivalent to the broad-band spectral index or the peak frequency. (3) Our re- sults supply a specific piece of evidence for the suggestion that the use of luminosities always introduces a redshift bias to the data and show that the location of the peak frequency is not always linked to the luminosity of any wave band.  相似文献   

The giant planetary magnetospheres surrounding Jupiter and Saturn respond in quite different ways, compared to Earth, to changes in upstream solar wind conditions. Spacecraft have visited Jupiter and Saturn during both solar cycle minima and maxima. In this paper we explore the large-scale structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) upstream of Saturn and Jupiter as a function of solar cycle, deduced from solar wind observations by spacecraft and from models. We show the distributions of solar wind dynamic pressure and IMF azimuthal and meridional angles over the changing solar cycle conditions, detailing how they compare to Parker predictions and to our general understanding of expected heliospheric structure at 5 and 9 AU. We explore how Jupiter’s and Saturn’s magnetospheric dynamics respond to varying solar wind driving over a solar cycle under varying Mach number regimes, and consider how changing dayside coupling can have a direct effect on the nightside magnetospheric response. We also address how solar UV flux variability over a solar cycle influences the plasma and neutral tori in the inner magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and estimate the solar cycle effects on internally driven magnetospheric dynamics. We conclude by commenting on the effects of the solar cycle in the release of heavy ion plasma into the heliosphere, ultimately derived from the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

The probability of an asteroid colliding with a planet can be estimated by the Monte Carlo method, in particular, through the statistical simulation of the possible initial conditions for the motion of an asteroid based on the probability density distribution set by the respective covariance matrix to be further projected with the orbital model onto the supposed time point of the collision. Hence, the collision probability is calculated as the ratio between the number of projected (virtual) asteroids striking the planet and their total number. The main problem is that different elements of the initial conditions (orbit or state vector) are correlated and, therefore, cannot be simulated independently. These correlations are reflected in the nondiagonal covariance matrix of the solution. The matrix is diagonalized by an orthogonal transformation. In the uncertainty domain constructed from the diagonal matrix elements, the initial values for each of the six orbital elements are simulated independently from the other elements, but with the accounting for their normal distribution. The program for calculating the normal distribution is based on the central limit theorem. Each sample of the initial values for the six orbital elements is transferred to the initial reference frame using an inverse transformation. Then, numerical integration is used to track the asteroid’s motion along the respective orbit to predict a possible impact event. Asteroids 99942 Apophis and 2007 WD5 are used as examples to show that disregarding the correlations when diagonalizing the covariance matrix to set the initial conditions may seriously distort the collision probability estimates. The paper gives the probabilities of the collisions of Apophis with the Earth and asteroid 2007 WD5 with Mars calculated by the author from observation sets showing nonzero collision probabilities. The author’s estimates are compared to those calculated by NASA.  相似文献   

Using the method of Gaussian Fit Separation of Average Profile (GF-SAP), we re-examine the average profiles of nine pulsars at several frequencies, ranging from 408-1642 MHz. This method enables us to obtain the number of components for each pulsar, and the parameters for each component, the width, position and amplitude. The ρ-P relation for the inner cone and outer cone are studied separately, and the results are, respectively, ρ = p-0.51±0.05 and ρ= p-0.42±0.06 The results can be interpreted as a confirmation of the double-cone structure of pulsar emission beams. The altitudes of emission region, and the radius-to-frequency-map (RFM) are also examined; for the outer cone, we obtained γ(v) ∝v-0.19±0.09.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the estimate of the impact of the non-gravitational perturbations on the orbit of the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), one of the two spacecrafts that will be placed in orbit around the innermost planet of the solar system by the BepiColombo space mission. The key rôle of the Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA), that has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to fly on-board the MPO, is outlined. In the first part of the paper, through a numerical simulation and analysis we have estimated, over a time span of several years, the long-period behaviours of the disturbing accelerations produced by the incoming direct solar radiation pressure, and the indirect effects produced by Mercury’s albedo. The variations in the orbital parameters of the spacecraft, together with their spectral contents, have been estimated over the analysed period. The direct solar radiation pressure represents the strongest non-gravitational perturbation on the MPO in the very complex radiation environment of Mercury. The order-of-magnitude of this acceleration is quite high, about 10?6 m/s2, because of the proximity to the Sun and the large area-to-mass ratio of the spacecraft. In the second part of the paper, we concentrated upon the short-period effects of direct solar radiation pressure and Mercury’s albedo. In particular, the disturbing accelerations have been compared with the ISA measurement error and the advantages of an on-board accelerometer are highlighted with respect to the best modelling of the non-gravitational perturbations in the strong radiation environment of Mercury. The readings from ISA, with an intrinsic noise level of about $10^{-9}\,m/s^{2}/\sqrt{Hz}The paper is focused on the estimate of the impact of the non-gravitational perturbations on the orbit of the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), one of the two spacecrafts that will be placed in orbit around the innermost planet of the solar system by the BepiColombo space mission. The key r?le of the Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA), that has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to fly on-board the MPO, is outlined. In the first part of the paper, through a numerical simulation and analysis we have estimated, over a time span of several years, the long-period behaviours of the disturbing accelerations produced by the incoming direct solar radiation pressure, and the indirect effects produced by Mercury’s albedo. The variations in the orbital parameters of the spacecraft, together with their spectral contents, have been estimated over the analysed period. The direct solar radiation pressure represents the strongest non-gravitational perturbation on the MPO in the very complex radiation environment of Mercury. The order-of-magnitude of this acceleration is quite high, about 10−6 m/s2, because of the proximity to the Sun and the large area-to-mass ratio of the spacecraft. In the second part of the paper, we concentrated upon the short-period effects of direct solar radiation pressure and Mercury’s albedo. In particular, the disturbing accelerations have been compared with the ISA measurement error and the advantages of an on-board accelerometer are highlighted with respect to the best modelling of the non-gravitational perturbations in the strong radiation environment of Mercury. The readings from ISA, with an intrinsic noise level of about in the frequency band of 3·10−5–10−1 Hz, guarantees a very significant reduction of the non-gravitational accelerations impact on the space mission accuracy, especially of the dominant direct solar radiation pressure.  相似文献   

We study the influence of horizontal and vertical random flows on the solar f mode in a plane-parallel, incompressible model that includes a static atmosphere. The incompressible limit is an adequate approximation for f-mode type of surface waves that are highly incompressible. The paper revisits and extends the problem investigated earlier by Murawski and Roberts (Astron. Astrophys. 272, 601, 1993). We show that the consideration of the proposed velocity profile requires several restrictive assumptions to be made. These constraints were not recognised in previous studies. The impact of the inconsistencies in earlier modelling is analysed in detail. Corrections to the dispersion relation are derived and the relevance of these corrections is analysed. Finally, the importance of the obtained results is investigated in the context of recent helioseismological data. Detailed comparison with our complementary studies on random horizontal flows (Mole, Kerekes, and Erdélyi, Solar Phys., accepted, 2008) and the random magnetic model of Erdélyi, Kerekes, and Mole (Astron. Astrophys. 431, 1083, 2005) is also given. In particular, for realistic solar parameters we find significant frequency reduction and wave damping, both of which increase with the characteristic thickness of the random layer.  相似文献   

From theuvby photometry and proper motions for about 5500 nearby F stars we have found the following: (i) F stars, taken in narrow ranges of metallicity, show at [Fe/H]<0 rather distinct cut-off in their distribution along the Main Sequence (MS) at the blue side, which is suggested to be an indication for the MS turn-off in stellar groups of fixed metallicity; (ii) the corresponding turn-off age from theoretical isochrones strongly correlates with the mean peculiar velocity of the turn-off stars; (iii) the sub-groups of stars of different colours have essentially the same mean peculiar velocity at low metallicity, but at high metallicity the velocities of the red subgroups are much larger than those of the blue ones. We argue that these properties of F stars lead to a two-dimensional age-metallicity relation with the following main features: (i) a very large spread of metal abundance for old stars, (ii) narrowing of the metallicity range toward younger ages, (iii) increase of mean metallicity toward younger ages. This AMR seems to require a major revision of current models of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy: it suggests that the spatial distribution of metal abundance in the interstellar medium was initially highly inhomogeneous, the inhomogeneities being smoothed out and the mean metallicity being increased as the time went on.We also find an evidence for the evolution of the gaseous matter, from which the open clusters are formed, to be somehow decoupled from the evolution of the overall ISM.  相似文献   

It is shown that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of black holes can accept a correction that effects on the radiation tunneling probability. By assumption of a spatially flat universe accompanied with expansion of metric, we could obtain an expression for entropy of black hole that is changing with respect to time and Bekenstein-Hawking temperature.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nonlinear stability of the triangular equilibrium points under the influence of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces together with the effect of oblateness and radiation pressures of the primaries. It is found that the triangular points are stable for all mass ratios in the range of linear stability except for three mass ratios depending upon above perturbations, oblateness coefficients and mass reduction factors.  相似文献   

In the present work we study (i) the charged black hole in Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet (EGB) theory, known as the Einstein–Maxwell–Gauss–Bonnet (EMGB) black hole and (ii) the black hole in EGB gravity with a Yang–Mills field. The thermodynamic geometry of these two black hole solutions has been investigated, using the modified entropy in Gauss–Bonnet theory.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of optical observations and analysis of dynamics of effects on the earth’s lower atmosphere of the partial solar eclipse (of magnitude 42%) of August 1, 2008, near Kharkov. This is compared with the effects induced by the partial solar eclipses on August 11, 1999, and October 3, 2005. All three eclipses occurred around midday. The standard deviation of the solar-limb displacement σ S during the eclipses on October 3, 2005, August 1, 2008, and August 11, 1999, was established to decrease by 0.13, 0.30, and 0.68″ at the maximum of the solar obscuration function 0.13, 0.31, and 0.73, respectively, so that the temperature drop in the earth’s lower atmosphere t a was 1.3, 2.0, and 7.3 K. The time lags of decreases of σ S and t a was found to be 15 and 5 minutes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates one of the kinds of fine structure of solar decametric type II radio bursts in the form of drifting narrowband fibers. The appearance of such a structure is customarily explained by the features of the radio emission mechanism in the source, which is formed when the shock wave catches up the previously-generated coronal mass ejection. On the other hand, the characteristics of radio emission in the process of its propagation from the source to the observation point are affected by inhomogeneities in the corona. Hence it is of considerable interest to estimate the role of the propagation effects on the formation of fiber structures in radio bursts. Our calculations show that strong refraction effects (caustics) can give rise to narrowband structures in the dynamic spectrum, resembling in their characteristics the fibers observed.  相似文献   

The existence of equilibrium points and the effect of radiation pressure have been discussed numerically. The problem is generalized by considering bigger primary as a source of radiation and small primary as an oblate spheroid. We have also discussed the Poynting-Robertson (P-R) effect which is caused due to radiation pressure. It is found that the collinear points L 1,L 2,L 3 deviate from the axis joining the two primaries, while the triangular points L 4,L 5 are not symmetrical due to radiation pressure. We have seen that L 1,L 2,L 3 are linearly unstable while L 4,L 5 are conditionally stable in the sense of Lyapunov when P-R effect is not considered. We have found that the effect of radiation pressure reduces the linear stability zones while P-R effect induces an instability in the sense of Lyapunov.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of random horizontal flows on the dispersion relation of high-degree solar f modes. We follow the approach of Murawski and Roberts (Astron. Astrophys. 272, 595, 1993), addressing some limitations of that paper, and extending the results to include damping and to apply for a general turbulent spectrum. We find a reduction in frequency below the classical result that is about three times that observed. For large wavenumber the damping rate is larger than the frequency correction by a factor of the order of the nondimensional wavenumber, which appears to be consistent with observation.  相似文献   

Aur binaries are particularly well suited for the study of the winds of late type supergiants. The analysis technique is based on theoretical modelling of flux profiles which are formed by resonance scattering in the expanding envelope. However, the hot B star ionizes the wind and can produce a considerable H II region around the B star. In order to investigate the influence of the Strömgren sphere on the line formation we have calculated theoretical P Cyg line profiles with an H II region. The line source function is solved with the Sobolev method followed by a correct formal integration (Hempe, 1982). The ionization of metals within the H II region is described by an ionization parameter which mimics the typical ionization fraction of the relevant ions. The resulting line profiles are dependent on the geometric shape of the H II region, the velocity distribution, and the opacity parameter. The reduced absorber density within the H II region produces weakened line profiles and the specific geometry of the H II region influences the emission and the absorption component in different ways. The careful analysis of model computations suggests that the region of the line formation is not only restricted to the vicinity of the B star, hence the outer integration boundary has to be taken to a sufficiently large radius in the calculation of line profiles.  相似文献   

By means of spectral analysis, oscillations have been detected in many-year time series of deviations in the duration of days from the standard that cannot be explained within the framework of existing gravitational theory. The solution of the problem of the origin and structure of these oscillations is associated with the essence of the phenomena taking place inside the Earth and the mechanisms of energy transfer by external fields and the Sun. The effect of the Sun on the Earth’s rotation also leads to the formation of a unified cyclic background, resulting in correlated oscillations in all shells of the Earth, as well as in its atmosphere and its nucleus. Ground magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun play the leading role in the abovementioned unified cyclic process. The results of spectral autoregressive and wavelet analyses of experimental data concerning deviations in the duration of days from the standard in the years 1832–2006, ground geomagnetic field intensities in 1832–2006, and the mean magnetic field of the Sun during the period from 1975 to 2005 have been discussed in this paper to reveal and compare correlating oscillations. To analyze a short-period (31-yr-long) series of daily data on the mean magnetic field of the Sun, the results of wavelet transformations (the Morlet wavelet) of the detected amplitude of a burst envelope with a carrier frequency of 13 cycles/yr have been obtained.  相似文献   

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