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Performing the photometric observations of the cataclysmic variable IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0, we discovered very deep eclipses. The observations were obtained over 14 nights, had a total duration of 56 hours and covered one year. The large time span, during which we observed the eclipses, allowed us to measure the orbital period in IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 with high precision, \(P_{\mathrm{orb}}=0.20603098\pm 0.00000025\) d. The prominent parts of the eclipses lasted \(0.1\pm 0.01\) phases or \(30\pm 3~\mbox{min}\). The depth of the eclipses was variable in the range 1.8–2.9 mag. The average eclipse depth was equal to \(2.42\pm 0.06~\mbox{mag}\). The prominent parts of the eclipses revealed a smooth and symmetric shape. We derived the eclipse ephemeris, which, according to the precision of the orbital period, has a formal validity time of 500 years. This ephemeris can be useful for future investigations of the long-term period changes. During the latter four observational nights in 2017 January, we observed the sharp brightness decrease of IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 by 2.3 mag. This brightness decrease imitated the end of the dwarf nova outburst. However, the long-term light curve of IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 obtained in the course of the Catalina Sky Survey during 8 years showed no dwarf nova outbursts. From this we conclude that IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 is a novalike variable. Moreover, the sharp brightness decrease, which we observed in IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0, suggests that this novalike variable belongs to the VY Scl-subtype. Due to very deep eclipses, IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 is suitable to study the accretion disc structure using eclipse mapping techniques. Because this novalike variable has the long orbital period, it is of interest to determine the masses of the stellar components from radial velocity measurements. Then, our precise eclipse ephemeris can be useful to the phasing of spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been shown that the cataclysmic variable EI UMa should be attributed to intermediate polars on the basis of its X-ray spectrum. However, no short-period oscillations with a high degree of coherence typical of intermediate polars could be detected in this star. Therefore, it was suggested to call it a “hidden” intermediate polar. Using a multichannel photometer and a 70-cm telescope, we performed observations of EI UMa for 60 h. Analysis of the observations has clearly revealed a brightness oscillation with a period of 769.63±0.10 s and a mean semiamplitude of 0· m 008 completely coherent during one month of our observations that was detectable during each of the 13 observing nights. On the basis of this detection, EI UMa should be considered a classical intermediate polar rather than a hidden one. In addition, we have managed to detect the orbital variability of EI UMa for the first time. The orbital light curve is extremely interesting, showing evidence of partial eclipses of the accretion flow.  相似文献   

Magnetic cataclysmic variables(CVs) contain a white dwarf(WD) with a magnetic field strong enough to control the accretion flow from a late type secondary. In this paper, we identify a magnetic CV(CXOGSG J215544.4+380116) from the Chandra archive data. The X-ray light curves show a significant period of 14.1 ks, and the X-ray spectra can be described by a multi-temperature hot thermal plasma, suggesting the source is a magnetic CV. The broad dip in the X-ray light curve is due to the eclipse of the primary magnetic pole, and the additional dip in the bright phase of the soft and medium bands may be caused by the accretion stream crossing our line of sight to the primary pole.Follow-up optical spectra show features of an M2–M4 dwarf dominating the red band and a WD which is responsible for the weak upturn in the blue band. The mass(~ 0.4 M⊙) and radius(~0.4 R⊙) for the M dwarf are obtained using CV evolution models and empirical relations between the orbital period and the mass/radius. The estimated low X-ray luminosity and accretion rate may suggest the source is a low-accretion-rate polar. In addition, Very Large Array observations reveal a possible radio counterpart to the X-ray source, but with a low significance. Further radio observations with high quality are needed to confirm the radio counterpart and explore the properties of this binary system.  相似文献   

The cataclysmic variable V378 Peg is known since 15 years. Although V378 Peg is a rather bright star (14 mag), it underwent no detailed study. We performed photometric observations of V378 Peg during 75 h with the goal to detect periodic brightness variations. The obtained light-curves clearly showed changes with a period of about 3 h. The Fourier analysis reveals that this oscillation occurs with a period of 3.238 h and a semiamplitude of 0.07 mag. Although the detected oscillation possesses certain coherence, it appears to have a slightly unstable period or phase. Therefore, the detected period cannot be the orbital period of the V378 Peg system. Because such instability is typical of superhumps, we must consider the detected oscillation as superhumps. Furthermore, V378 Peg shows no outbursts and has to be a nova-like variable rather than a dwarf nova. Hence, the detected superhumps have to be regarded as permanent superhumps. Because superhump periods in cataclysmic variables are close to orbital periods, we can find the place of V378 Peg in the orbital period distribution of cataclysmic variables. V378 Peg is a permanent superhump system above the upper edge of the 2-3 h period gap in the orbital period distribution.  相似文献   

We present a time-resolved differential photometric study and time series analysis of the nova-like cataclysmic variable star LQ Peg. We discover three periodicities in the photometry, one with a period of 3.42 ± 0.03 h, and another with a period of 56.8 ± 0.01 h. We interpret these to be the apsidal superhump and precessional periods of the accretion disk, respectively, and predict that the orbital period of LQ Peg is 3.22 ± 0.03 h. The third periodicity, with a period of 41.3 ± 0.01 h, we interpret to be the nodal precessional period of the accretion disk. We also report a flare that lasted four minutes and had an energy in visible light of (1.2 ± 0.3) × 1036 ergs, or 104-5 times more energetic than the largest solar flares, comparable to the most energetic visible-light stellar flares known. We calculate the absolute magnitude of LQ Peg to be MJ = 4.78 ± 0.54, and its distance to be 800 ± 200 pc.  相似文献   

We present the optical observations of the AM Herculis system EU UMa (=RE1149+28) carried out in February 1993 with a TV scanner and a photometer (NEPh) at the secondary focus of the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. Spectroscopy with a time resolution of 300 s and a spectral resolution of 2 Å in the wavelength range ≈3950–4950 Å is used to analyze the variability of emission-line profiles, equivalent widths, central intensities Rc, and radial velocities with orbital phase. We determined the orbital period of the system from line radial-velocity measurements, 90.0±0.2 min. The emission-line profiles are highly variable. The Hβ and He II 4686 Å lines exhibit P Cyg profiles at selected phases. The spectral-line parameters were found to vary significantly on time scales from 5 to 15 min. The possible causes of the detected spectroscopic variability are discussed.  相似文献   

We report narrowband (Δλ ≤ 10Å) imaging data obtained for the planetary nebula A 19 (PN G200.7+0.84) in continuing our programme of morphological study of planetary nebulae (PNe). Our deep survey through the Hα filter reveals a new nebula – probably a huge HII region –centred at R.A.(2000) = 6h59mn, DEC.(2000) = +14°40′.  相似文献   

CCD photometry observation of a newly discovered, high amplitude Delta Scuti star GSC 1566-2802, with a visible filter, is presented. The observations were carried out at Alborz Observatory located in Mahdasht, Karaj, Iran.The main goal of this project was to update our knowledge of the periodic variations of the target star. This paper covers three analyses, first calculating a new ephemeris and plotting a new light curve based on 19 times of maxima; then a Fourier analysis of the observed data points which results in determining probable oscillation modes, as well as computing its physical parameters which guide us to its harmonics and pulsation modes.  相似文献   

We obtained several epochs of light minima and a complete R light curve of the W-type contact binary V1128 Tau in 2009. Two cool spots on the massive component are used to model the photometric light curve. Using all available data we find evidence for a long-term period variation with an amplitude of 0.0050±0.0012 days and a period of 16.7±0.9 years. Using parameters derived from a photometric model of the 2009 light curve we show that this period change could be explained by the Applegate mechanism on one of the components.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of the white-dwarf eclipsing binary V471 Tauri are reported. The behaviour of the H and K emission lines of Caii are investigated relative to the photoelectric observations, and the existence of a probable correlation between minimum emission line strength and the maximum wave position within the migrating wave is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a broad absorption line (BAL) of ~ 104 km s-1 in width in the previously known BL Lac object PKS 0138-097, which we tentatively identified as an Mg II BAL. This is the first detection of a BAL, which is sometimes seen in powerful quasars with high accretion rates, in a BL Lac object. The BAL was clearly detected in its spectra spanning two epochs at a high luminosity state taken in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), while it disappeared in three SDSS spectra taken at a low lumin...  相似文献   

A66 is a red star located at the lowest end of the red giant branch (near the top of the sub-giant branch) of the globular cluster M4. According to its location on the GM diagram, A66 may be a cluster member. No proper motion and radial velocity determinations are available up to date.

We discovered that A66 is a small-amplitude new variable star with a period of about one day and the peak to peak amplitude is about 0.05 mag in V.

However, if its membership can be confirmed by proper motion and radial velocity determinations, the cause of light variation may be not pulsation. This is because according to Xiong's theory, a red star at such low luminosity can not pulsate at a period longer than 0.1 day. Then other causes such as EW type eclipsing variable star or rotation of a spotted star might be responsible. Otherwise A66 is not a cluster member.  相似文献   

Our spatial and spectral analysis of a recent deep Chandra observation of H1413+117 confirms a microlensing event in a previous Chandra observation of this object performed about 5 years earlier. We present constraints on the structure of H1413+117 based on the time‐scale of this microlensing event. The analysis of the combined spectrum of the images indicates the presence of two emission line peaks at rest‐frame energies of 5.35 keV and 6.32 keV and detected at the ≳97% and ≳99% confidence levels, respectively. The double peaked Fe emission is fit well with an accretion disk‐line model, however, the best‐fit accretion disk model parameters are neither well constrained nor unique. Another possible interpretation of the Fe emission is fluorescent Fe emission from the back‐side of the wind. Additional observations are required to constrain better the model parameters. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

On the stability of the 11-year solar cycle period (and a few others)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J. P. Rozelot 《Solar physics》1994,149(1):149-154
The existence of an 11.1-yr periodic variation in the sunspot number record has been recognized for many years; however, periodicities other than this remain questionable. Power spectral analysis of the International sunspot number is performed and the results are compared with those for the same period using values that were taken randomly inside the error bars. The findings are that only a few periodicities show noticeable peaks. These include periodicities of 8.49, 10.01, 10.58, 11.10, 12.50, 58.50, and 97.20 yr. On the basis of these seven periodicities, one can loosely simulate the observable sunspot record (r = 0.75). We find that discrepancies in number and value of periodicities with other authors appear to be related to the length of the sunspot record used in the analysis and to the occurrence of 0.3-yr windows around the inferred periodicities.  相似文献   

The Ap Sr(CrEu) star HD 75425 is shown to be pulsating with a 30- min period. This is unusually short for a δ Scuti star and about double the period of any known roAp star. The star is shown to be constant at the level of 0.35 mmag in the normal frequency regime of roAp pulsation (900≤ν≤ 2500 μHz). The pulsations in HD 75425 are modulated in amplitude, but the frequencies causing this modulation cannot be identified with the data in hand. HD 75425 is a very close visual double with an insecure Ap classification which needs to be reexamined. If the Ap classification of HD 75425 is correct, and the pulsations can be linked to the peculiar star, then this δ Scuti-like variability is of considerable interest. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) survey of the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) has provided us with evidence for the existence of a previously unidentified sample of hot white dwarfs in unresolved, detached binary systems. These stars are invisible at optical wavelengths due to the close proximity of their much more luminous companions (spectral type K or earlier). However, for companions of spectral type ∼A5 or later the white dwarfs are easily visible at far-ultraviolet wavelengths, and can be identified in spectra taken by IUE . 16 such systems have been discovered in this way through ROSAT EUVE IUE observations, including four identified by us in Paper I. In the present paper we report the results of our continuing search during the final year of IUE operations. One new system, RE J0500−364 (DA+F6/7V), has been identified. This star appears to lie at a distance of ∼500−1000 pc, making it one of the most distant white dwarfs, if not the most distant, to be detected in the EUV surveys. The very low line-of-sight neutral hydrogen volume density to this object could place a lower limit on the length of the β CMa interstellar tunnel of diffuse gas, which stretches away from the Local Bubble in a similar direction to RE J0500−364. In this paper we also analyse a number of the stars observed where no white dwarf companion was found. Some of these objects show evidence for chromospheric and coronal activity. Finally, we present an analysis of the previously known WD+active F6V binary HD 27483 (Bo¨hm-Vitense 1993), and show that, at T  ≈ 22 000 K, the white dwarf may be contributing significantly to the observed EUV flux. If so, it is one of the coolest such stars to be detected in the EUV surveys.  相似文献   

The effect of doubling of the period of Pc3–4 type of geomagnetic pulsations in the spectrum of the vertical electric component measured in the air is found.  相似文献   

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