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Existence of compressive relativistic solitons is established in an arbitrary ξ-direction, inclining at an angle to the direction of the weak magnetic field (ω pi ω Bi ) in this plasma compound with ions, relativistic electrons and relativistic electron beams. It is observed that the absolute linear growth of amplitudes of compressive solitons is due to inactive role of the weak magnetic field and the initial streaming speeds of relativistic electrons, electron beams, and Q b (ion mass to electron beam mass). Besides, the small initial streaming of electrons is found to be responsible to generate relatively high amplitude compressive solitons. The non-relativistic ions in the background plasma, but in absence of electron-beam drift and in presence of weak magnetic field are the causing effect of interest for the smooth growth of soliton amplitudes in this model of plasma.  相似文献   

In the new investigation of dust-ion acoustic (DIA) waves with negative dust charges and weakly relativistic ions and electrons in the plasma, compressive and rarefactive DIA solitons of interesting characters are established through the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. Eventually, the amplitudes of the compressive DIA solitons are found to be constant at some critical temperature ratio α c (electron to ion temperature ratio) identifying some critical dust charge Z dc . It is predicted, that the reception of dust charges by the plasma particles at the variation of temperature starts functioning to the growth of compressive soliton’s constant stage of amplitude after the state of critical α c . The identification of critical dust charge (Z dc ) which is found to be very great for solitons of constant amplitudes becomes feasible for very small dust to ion density ratio (σ). But it can be achieved, we observe, due to the relativistic increase in ion-density as in mass, which is also a salient feature of this investigation.  相似文献   

Compressive solitons of low and high amplitudes are established in this weakly relativistic and magnetized plasma model. The assigned direction of soliton propagation to the direction of the magnetic field, supplemented by the corresponding ion initial streaming speed (v 0) determines the lower limit of the initial electron streaming speed (v 0) in its interval of existence to produce solitons for a given value of the speed of light c. Further, lower limit of c specified by the corresponding energy (or temperature) to yield relativistic compressive solitons is also predicated. Interestingly, the increased initial streaming speed of electrons is found to play less effective role in the steepening growth of amplitudes of compressive solitons due to mode one than those corresponding to the mode two.  相似文献   

The electrostatic shocks and solitons are studied in weakly relativistic and collisional electron-positron-ion plasmas occurring in polar regions of pulsar. The plasma system is composed of relativistically streaming electrons, positrons while ions are taken to be stationary. Dissipative effects in the system are due to collision phenomena among the constituents of relativistic plasma. Nonlinear dynamics of the dissipation and dispersion dominated relativistic plasma systems are governed by Korteweg-de Vries Burger (KdVB) and Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations respectively. Numerical results, exploring the effects of plasma parameters on the profile of nonlinear waves are expedited graphically for illustration. Positron to electron temperature ratio plays the role of a decisive parameter. It is noticed that compressive shocks and solitons evolve in the system if the positron to electron temperature ratio is less than a critical value. However, there exists a threshold value of positron to electron temperature ratio beyond which the system supports the rarefactive shocks and solitons. The results may have importance in the relativistic plasmas of pulsar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Ion-acoustic solitary waves in a warm, magnetized plasma with electron inertia have been investigated through Sagdeev pseudopotential method. It has been established the existence of both compressive supersonic solitons, and rarefactive subsonic and supersonic solitons within the parametric domains. The effect of the external magnetic field for generation of the supersonic compressive solitons of constant amplitudes appears to be passive after some critical direction of propagation of the wave. However, up to the critical direction of propagation, the magnetic resistance is found to be quite active to drastically reduce the soliton amplitudes. The generation of rarefactive solitons in this warm magnetized plasma is rather more feasible to be supersonic without electron inertia.  相似文献   

In the two component relativistic plasmas subject to pressure variation of adiabatic electrons and isothermal ions, both compressive and rarefactive KdV solitons are established in a quite different physical plasma model. It is desirable to define c s in a new way to substantiate the validity of the model under relativistic effects. The corresponding mathematical condition is also determined, which is a new report of this kind. It is also interesting to report that the relativistic rarefactive solitons cease to exist below some critical ion initial streaming speed v i0 for a fixed temperature α and electron streaming speed v e0. Besides, higher initial flux v i0 of ions under constant temperature is observed to generate higher speed v i at the passage of time which causes to increase (in relativistic sense) its mass diminishing thereby the growth of soliton amplitudes.  相似文献   

The large amplitude Ion-acoustic solitons in collisionless plasma consisting of warm adiabatic ions, isothermal positrons and two-temperature distribution of electrons are investigated. Using pseudo-potential approach, an energy integral equation for the system has been derived which encompasses complete nonlinearity for the plasma system. The existence region of the solitons is analyzed numerically. It is found that for selected set of plasma parameters, both rarefactive and compressive solitons exist in the electron-positron-ion (EPI) plasma. It is also found that due to finite positron concentration both subsonic and supersonic rarefactive soliton exist in EPI plasma. An increase in finite ion temperature ratio decreases the amplitude of the rarefactive solitons. In the case of small amplitude, it is found that there exist supersonic compressive as well as rarefactive solitons simultaneously. The amplitude of the solitons decreases with increase in ion temperature ratio (σ), however an increase in positron concentration (α) and temperature ratio of positron to electrons (γ) increases the amplitude of the solitons. Effect of various plasma parameters on the characteristics of the solitons are discussed in detail. The results of the investigation may be helpful to understand the nonlinear structures in auroral plasma, pulsars and magnetospheric astrophysical environment as well as laboratory plasmas.  相似文献   

The modulational instability of the weakly nonlinear longitudinal Langmuir as well as the transverse electromagnetic waves, propagation in the relativistic plasma without the static fields is described. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation taking account of the nonlinear Landau damping for these waves has been derived by means of the relativistic Vlasov and Maxwell equations. The plasma with the weakly relativistic temperature and that with an ultrarelativistic one has been investigated. In the first case, for the electron-proton plasma with the temperature more than 2.3 KeV we found the regional change of the wave numbers for which the soliton of two types, subsonic and supersonic, can exist. The soliton of the transverse waves can exist when the group velocity of the waves is between the thermal velocity of the electron and ion and the length of the linear waves is less than 2c/ pi .In the second case the regions of the wave numbers, with the solitons of the Langmuir and transverse waves have been determined.The nonlinear waves in the electron-positron plasma and the waves with the phase velocity, which is about the light one, are also considered in the following paper.  相似文献   

Nonlinear ion acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) are addressed in a weakly relativistic plasma consisting of cold ion fluid, q-nonextensive electron velocity distribution and Boltzmann distributed positron. The Korteweg-de Vries- (KdV) equation is derived by reductive perturbation method. We investigate the effect of nonextensive electrons on solitary waves in this medium. It is found that only compressive solitons can be appeared in the existence of nonextensive electrons. It is shown that the structure of soliton depend sensitively on the q-nonextensive parameter.  相似文献   

We solve the nonlinear problem of the dynamics of a steady-state, spherically symmetric stellar wind by taking into account particle acceleration to relativistic energies near the shock front. The particles are assumed to be accelerated through the Fermi mechanism, interacting with stellar-wind turbulence and crossing many times the shock front that separates the supersonic and subsonic stellar-wind regions. We take into account the influence of the accelerated particles on hydrodynamic plasma-flow parameters. Our method allows all hydrodynamic parameters of the shock front and plasma in the supersonic region to be determined in a self-consistent way and the accelerated-particle energy spectrum to be calculated. Our numerical and analytic calculations show that the plasma compression ratio at the shock front increases compared to the case where there are no relativistic particles and that the velocity profile in the supersonic region acquires a characteristic kink. The shape of the energy spectrum for the accelerated particles and their pressure near the front are essentially determined by the presumed dependence of the diffusion coefficient on particle energy, which, in turn, depends on the scale distribution of turbulent pulsations and other stellar-wind inhomogeneities.  相似文献   

A finite amplitude linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in a relativistic plasma, is found to generate the longitudinal d.c. as well as the oscillating electric field at the second harmonic. In a plasma consisting of only electrons and positrons, these fields cannot be generated.The evolution of the electromagnetic waves is governed by the non-linear Schrödinger equation which shows that the electromagnetic solitons are always possible in ultra-relativistic plasmas (electron-ion or electron-positron) but in a plasma with relativistic electrons and nonrelativistic ions, these solitons exist only if 1(KT e/meC2)<(2m i/15me);m e andm i being the electron and ion mass andT e the electron temperature. Both the d.c. electric field and the solitons provide a nonlinear mechanism for anomalous acceleration of the particles. This model has direct relevance to some plasma processes occurring in pulsars.  相似文献   

We discuss the structure and relativistic kinematics that develop in three spatial dimensions when a moderately hot, supersonic jet propagates into a denser background medium and encounters resistance from an oblique magnetic field. Our simulations incorporate relativistic MHD in a four-dimensional spacetime and clearly show that (a) relatively weak, oblique fields (at 1/16 of the equipartition value) have only a negligible influence on the propagating jet and they are passively pushed away by the relativistically moving head; (b) oblique fields in equipartition with the ambient plasma provide more resistance and cause bending at the jet head, but the magnitude of this deflection and the associated backflow are small compared to those identified by previous studies. The new results are understood as follows: Relativistic simulations have consistently shown that these jets are effectively heavy and so they do not suffer substantial momentum losses and are not decelerated as efficiently as their nonrelativistic counterparts. In addition, the ambient magnetic field, however strong, can be pushed aside with relative ease by the beam, provided that the degrees of freedom associated with all three spatial dimensions are followed self-consistently during the simulations. The effect is analogous to pushing Japanese “noren” or vertical Venetian blinds out of the way while the slats are allowed to bend and twist in 3-D space. Applied to relativistic extragalactic jets from blazars, the new results are encouraging since superluminal outflows exhibit bending near their sources and their environments are profoundly magnetized – but observations do not provide support for irregular kinematics such as large-scale vortical motions and pronounced reverse flows near the points of origin.  相似文献   

A self-similar solution to Sedov’s problem of a strong explosion in a homogeneous medium is generalized to the case of relativistic-particle generation in a supernova remnant; the particles are accelerated by Fermi’s mechanism at the shock front and in the perturbed post-shock region. Self-similarity takes place if the thickness of the prefront is small compared to its radius and if the pressure ratio of the relativistic and nonrelativistic components at the shock front is kept constant. In the presence of relativistic particles, the time dependence of the shock-front radius remains the same as that in their absence, but the plasma parameters in the inner perturbed region change appreciably. The shell of the matter raked up by the explosion is denser and thinner than that in the nonrelativistic case, the relativistic-particle pressure in the central region remains finite, and the nonrelativistic-gas pressure at the explosion center approaches zero. The influence of relativistic particles on the transition to the radiative phase of expansion of the supernova remnant and on its dynamics is studied. It is shown that relativistic particles can decrease several-fold the remnant radius at which the transition to the radiative phase occurs.  相似文献   

Translational ordering of the internal kinematic chaos provides the Special Relativity referents for the geodesic motion of warm thermodynamical bodies. Taking identical mathematics, relativistic physics of the low speed transport of time-varying heat-energies differs from Newton’s physics of steady masses without internal degrees of freedom. General Relativity predicts geodesic changes of the internal heat-energy variable under the free gravitational fall and the geodesic turn in the radial field center. Internal heat variations enable cyclic dynamics of decelerated falls and accelerated takeoffs of inertial matter and its structural self-organization. The coordinate speed of the ordered spatial motion takes maximum under the equipartition of relativistic internal and translational kinetic energies. Observable predictions are discussed for verification/falsification of the principle of equipartition as a new basic for the ordered motion and self-organization in external fields, including gravitational, electromagnetic, and thermal ones.  相似文献   

Nonlinear Alfvén wave in a hot rotating and strongly magnetized electron-positron plasma is considered. Using relativistic two fluid equations, the dispersion relation for Alfvén wave in the rotating plasma is obtained. Large amplitude Alfvén solitons are found to exist in the rotating pulsar plasma. Rotational effects on solitons are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the ion-acoustic solitons in a weakly relativistic electron-positron-ion plasma have been investigated. Relativistic ions, Maxwell-Boltzmann distributed positrons and nonthermal electrons are considered in collisionless warm plasma. Using a reductive perturbation theory, a Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived, and the relativistic effect on the solitons is studied. It is found that the amplitude of solitary waves of the KdV equation diverges at the critical values of plasma parameters. Finally, in this situation, the solitons of a modified KdV (mKdV) equation with finite amplitude is derived.  相似文献   

A fully and coherent relativistic fluid model derived from the covariant formulation of relativistic fluid equations is used to study ion-acoustic solitary waves in a fully relativistic ion-electron-positron plasma. This approach has the characteristic to be consistent with the relativistic principle and consequently leads to a more general set of equations valid for fully relativistic plasmas with arbitrary Lorentz relativistic factor. Our results may be relevant to cosmic relativistic double- layers and relativistic plasma structures involving energetic plasma flows that may occur in space plasmas. Furthermore, they may complement and provide new insights into recently published results (G. Lu et al. in Astrophys. Space Sci., doi:, 2010).  相似文献   

Phobos Laser Ranging (PLR) is a concept for a space mission designed to advance tests of relativistic gravity in the solar system. PLR’s primary objective is to measure the curvature of space around the Sun, represented by the Eddington parameter γ, with an accuracy of two parts in 107, thereby improving today’s best result by two orders of magnitude. Other mission goals include measurements of the time-rate-of-change of the gravitational constant, G and of the gravitational inverse square law at 1.5-AU distances—with up to two orders-of-magnitude improvement for each. The science parameters will be estimated using laser ranging measurements of the distance between an Earth station and an active laser transponder on Phobos capable of reaching mm-level range resolution. A transponder on Phobos sending 0.25-mJ, 10-ps pulses at 1 kHz, and receiving asynchronous 1-kHz pulses from earth via a 12-cm aperture will permit links that even at maximum range will exceed a photon per second. A total measurement precision of 50 ps demands a few hundred photons to average to 1-mm (3.3 ps) range precision. Existing satellite laser ranging (SLR) facilities—with appropriate augmentation—may be able to participate in PLR. Since Phobos’ orbital period is about 8 h, each observatory is guaranteed visibility of the Phobos instrument every Earth day. Given the current technology readiness level, PLR could be started in 2011 for launch in 2016 for 3 yr of science operations. We discuss the PLR’s science objectives, instrument, and mission design. We also present the details of science simulations performed to support the mission’s primary objectives.  相似文献   

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