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The type section of the Lower Cenomanian Bahariya Formation at Gebel El-Dist (Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert), Egypt, comprises claystones, mudstones, siltstones and sandstones deposited in fluvial-deltaic coastal plain, lagoonal, estuarine and shallow marine environments. The formation is characterized by an abundance of ferruginous sandstones that locally weather to form prominent iron crusts. These centimeter to decimeter-scale ferruginous horizons display a continuum of features ranging from unaltered sandstone with a pervasive ferruginous matrix to distinct ironstone beds with massive, nodular, vesicular and pisolitic textures. Ferruginous sandstone typically occurs at the tops of sandstone beds, or bracketing the base and top of beds, in the fining-upward cycles of deltaic plain deposits in the lower part of the formation and on a low-energy fluvial floodplain in the middle of the formation. Indurated ironstone beds occur mainly as the caps of coarsening-upward cycles of prograding shoreface sediments through much of the formation. We interpret the ironstone crusts as ferricretes, formed by iron accumulation that resulted from the oxidation and precipitation of soluble iron or colloids transported in the sediment load or by groundwater. This accumulation possibly took place at the water table or possibly below the water table at the fresh water/saline water interface. However, base-level fall and subsequent subaerial exposure of the sediments resulted in reworking and pedogenic modification of some of the iron-impregnated horizons.  相似文献   

During the Albian and Cenomanian, the Pieniny Klippen Belt Basin, a part of the Carpathian geosynclinal domain, showed a clear differentiation into an axial deepest part represented by the Pieniny and Branisko successions and two marginal zones, a southern (Nizna and Haligovce successions, in Slovakia) and a northern zone (in Poland and Slovakia) represented by the Niedzica, Czertezik and Czorsztyn successions, becoming progressively more shallow towards the north. Five palaeobathymetric foraminiferal associations have been distinguished in the axial and northern marginal zone sediments of the Klippen Basin, corresponding to: ‘A’ shelf and upper slope: relatively large proportion of nodosariids and miliolids (Czorsztyn succession); ‘B1’ middle part of slope; oligotaxic planktonic assemblage dominant (Niedzica through Branisko successions and northern part of the Pieniny succession); ‘B2’ middle part of slope: larger proportion of agglutinated foraminifers, association characteristic of sediments influenced by turbidites (submarine flyschoid channels in the Branisko succession); ‘Cl’ middle and lower parts of slope: scarce microfauna, Hedbergella and textularids dominant (Pieniny succession, middle part); ‘C2’ slope/abyssal plain transition, close to foraminiferal lysocline (probably about 3500m below sea level): scarce specimens corroded and slightly dissolved (Pieniny succession, southern part).  相似文献   

The uranium/thorium (U/Th) dating method was applied to pedogenic/diagenic ferricretes developed within glacial drifts from the northern West Coast Ranges of Tasmania. The dates derived from the method are, by definition, minima for the sediments, with the ferricretes being secondary mineral deposits which appear in the form of bands, horizons or nodules comprised of indurated masses of iron oxy(hydr)oxides developed post-depositionally within the host sediment or soil. The absence of such deposits in well-identified drift sediments of the last glaciation suggests the development of ferricrete horizons in glacial drifts occurred during earlier interstadials and interglacials. This has been confirmed by the uranium/thorium dating of ferricrete bands within glacigenic sediments obtained from three drill cores from the Boco Valley. The ages derived were found to be consistent with estimates for the timing of glaciation derived from palaeomagnetic analyses, radiocarbon dating and relative dating techniques. The results show that the uranium/thorium method can be used to successfully date ferricretes obtained from within glacial sediments of ages <350000 yr and provides valuable information regarding the minimum age of the host sediment. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the mining district of Plombières-La Calamine (East Belgium), extensive Pb–Zn mining activities resulted in an important contamination of overbank sediments along the Geul river. Moreover, a huge amount of heavy metals is stored in a dredged mine pond tailing, which is located along the river. In the dredged mine pond tailing sediments, Pb–Zn minerals control the solubility of Zn, Pb and Cd. Although Pb, Zn and Cd display a lower solubility in overbank sediments compared to the mine tailing pond sediments, elevated concentrations of Pb, Zn and Cd are still found in the porewater of the overbank sediments. The considerable ‘actual’ and ‘potential’ mobility of Zn, Pb and Cd indicates that the mine pond tailing sediments and the overbank sediments downstream from the mine pond tailing represent a considerable threat for the environment. Besides the chemical remobilisation of metals from the sediments, the erosion of overbank sediments and the reworking of riverbed sediments act as a secondary source of pollution.  相似文献   

The regolith in the Mt Isa region of Queensland consists of a variety of saprolites and duricrusts developed on Proterozoic basement rocks and fresh to weathered Mesozoic, Tertiary and Quaternary cover, all of which has impeded base metals exploration. This paper presents an overview of some of the regolith-geochemical work conducted in the Mt Isa region as part of an industry-supported three year CRC LEME/AMIRA Project. A complex weathering and landscape history has produced a landscape of (a) continuously exposed and exhumed basement rocks that have undergone varying intensities of weathering and partial stripping; (b) weathered and locally eroded Mesozoic cover sequences and (c) areas with younger transported cover concealing basement and Mesozoic cover. Various regolith sample media have been evaluated at a number of prospects and deposits which represent different regolith-landform terrains and landscape history. Geochemical dispersion processes and models are presented and false anomalies explained.Where ferruginous duricrust or ferruginous nodular gravel are preserved on weathered bedrock on an eroded plateau, they exhibit large (> 500 m) multi-element (As, Pb, Sb) dispersion haloes and are useful sampling media. Dispersion haloes in truncated profiles on weathered bedrock covered with colluvium are restricted, are limited to tens of metres from subcrop of the source, and contrast to the extensive anomalies in ferruginous duricrust and nodules. Geochemical exploration in covered areas depends on the possible presence of dispersion through the sediments or leakage along faults or fractures, but may be complicated by high metal backgrounds in the sediments themselves. Some of the most prominent anomalies occur in ferruginous materials and soils representing emergent residual terrain developed on Mesozoic sediments. These are largely due to weathering of sulfide mineralization that continued during submergence in a marine environment, with hydromorphic dispersion into the sediments as they accumulated. Multi-element (Cu, As, Zn, Sb, Au) anomalies occur in basal sediments and at the unconformity, due to a combination of clastic and hydromorphic dispersion and represent a useful sample target. Metal-rich horizons in weathered sediments, higher in the sequence, can also be targeted, particularly by specifically sampling ferruginous units and fragments. However, these are less certainly related to mineralization. Zinc and Cu, concentrated in Fe (and Mn) oxides at redox fronts, may be derived by leaching from the sediments with concentration in the sesquioxides, and be unrelated to any proximal basement mineralization. In all these regolith-dominated terrains, a clear understanding of local geomorphology, regolith framework, topography of unconformities and the origins of ferruginous materials is essential to sample medium selection and data interpretation.  相似文献   

The Moho topography is strongly undulating in southern Scandinavia and northeastern Europe. A map of the depth to Moho shows similarities between the areas of the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone (TTZ) in Poland and the Fennoscandian Border Zone (FBZ), which is partly coinciding with the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) in Denmark. The Moho is steeply dipping at these zones from a crustal thickness of approximately 32 km in the young Palaeozoic Platform and basin areas to approximately 45 km in the old Precambrian Platform and Baltic Shield. The Moho reflectivity (PMP waveform) in the POLONAISE'97 refraction/wide-angle seismic data from Poland and Lithuania is variable, ranging from ‘sharp’ to strongly reverberating signals of up to 2 s duration. There is little or no lower crustal wide-angle reflectivity in the thick Precambrian Platform, whereas lower crustal reflectivity in the thin Palaeozoic Platform is strongly reverberating, suggesting that the reflective lower crust and upper mantle is a young phenomena. From stochastic reflectivity modelling, we conclude that alternating high- and low-velocity layers with average thicknesses of 50–300 m and P-wave velocity variations of ±3–4% of the background velocity can explain the lower crustal reflectivity. Sedimentary layering affects the reflectivity of deeper layers significantly and must be considered in reflectivity studies, although the reverberations from the deeper crust cannot be explained by the sedimentary layering only. The reflective lower crust and upper mantle may correspond to a zone that has been intruded by mafic melts from the mantle during crustal extension and volcanism.  相似文献   

Detailed geochemical mapping of superficial lateritic formations is compared with recent high-resolution SPOT satellite images in the Dagadamou prospect in southern Mali.The two main landscape features standing out in SPOT images are expressed by thematic indices derived from multispectral data. They reflect the distribution of vegetation cover and the distinction between silty clay soils in the valleys and ferruginous duricrust exposed on the plateaus. Geochemical differentiation factors are closely related to the nature of sampled materials and reflect the relative amounts of major constituent minerals estimated by normative calculation.Duricrust samples with high Fe and Al content are also enriched in trace elements, P, V, Cr, As, Mo, Nb and Cu, immobilized in the weathering profile with secondary oxihydroxide minerals.Soils of flats are composed mainly of quartz and kaolinite; they also concentrate heavy minerals characterized by high contents of Zr, Ti, Ce and Y.Accumulation of detrital material at the periphery of duricrust plateaus is marked by a geochemical halo of higher contents in Zr and quartz at their periphery. This feature is clearly visible on SPOT imagery as a zone of high reflectance, devoid of vegetation.The density of vegetation on duricrust is related to its kaolinite content. Its distribution is characterized by a striped pattern, which is probably controlled by bedrock lithological structures preserved in the lateritic cover.This study shows the relationships, both direct and indirect, existing between spectral reflectance and geochemical composition of superficial lateritic formations. Many other landscape features identified with high resolution on SPOT images provide complementary information, which could be very helpful at various stages of geological and mineral exploration in lateritic terrain.  相似文献   

Large pisoliths from the Laguna Pastos Grandes playa in the Bolivian Altiplano have a wide diversity of cortical fabrics and variable mineralogical composition. The cortical laminae are composed of radial calcite bundles, spar calcite, micrite, amorphous silica, mixed micrite-amorphous silica, quartz, gypsum and halite. Diatoms are common in the outer parts of some radial calcite laminae and amorphous silica laminae, but cyanobacterial filaments are rare. Although the organization of the cortical laminae is highly variable, some repetitive sequences of different laminae are present. Cavities in and between pisoliths contain micrite, detrital grains, calcite bundles and peloids morphologically similar to those found in marine reefs. The pisoliths grow in shallow ephemeral pools fed by hot springs. Radial bundles of calcite precipitate rapidly by degassing and photosynthetic removal of CO2 following spring snowmelt. Conditions for micrite precipitation are unclear, but there is evidence to suggest formation in partially stagnant waters, some of elevated salinity. Amorphous silica laminae precipitate mainly by evaporative concentration; quartz may precipitate from warm silica-rich spring waters that remain below amorphous silica saturation. The evaporite minerals form during desiccation of the pools or from spray. The peloids in cavities are probably primary precipitates. Different types of laminae may form simultaneously in different pools because of the highly variable conditions across the playa. Lateral migration of spring locations through time has created a complex carbonate-silica pavement. Large spherical pisoliths form in outflow channels near spring orifices and across discharge aprons where waters are several decimetres deep. With mineral precipitation, channels are filled and become shallow, producing discoid pisoliths and crusts. In shallow waters and on distal aprons only small pisolith gravels form. As spring pools fill with deposits, their locations shift laterally; new pisoliths form elsewhere or precipitation may recommence on older abandoned pisoliths.  相似文献   

Sedimentary processes in the paleocoastal part of the Bengal basin that occured in the Tertiary and Quaternary have been addressed. Three indicators were used: sedimentary bedding forms, microstructure of the sediment, and trace fossils. Various forms of sedimentary structures developed under the influence of dynamic geomorphic processes in the study area in the Quaternary. The microstructure analysis of the sedimentary materials was made by two methods: microphotography and Digital Color Analysis (DCA). The microstructure analysis shows that the geomorphic process remained very dynamic in the Quaternary, influencing the form, thickness, and mineral composition of the sediment strata. The enrichment of the sediments in heavy minerals evidences either oscillating or combined flow sedimentation, while under stable conditions light-mineral deposition took place. The digital data of microfabric study by the DCA method also show that larger particles deposited in the oscillating or high-flow environment and evidence a greater amount of heavy minerals like ferruginous materials. Trace fossils found in the sediments of this area also strongly support the concept that the environment remained dynamic during the Tertiary and Quaternary. The Late Tertiary deposition shows that, during these periods, the sediments were transported from tide-dominated marine coast with low flow energy, which is typical of hot and humid conditions. From Late Tertiary to Early Quaternary, the macrotidal coast became mesotidal (wave-dominated). The second phase is the Middle Pleistocene, when the environment was stable, favoring the continuous deposition of finer particles under low- to medium-flow energy conditions. The third phase, the Recent, is marked by the shoreline shift and modification of the environment. In the Early–Middle Holocene, the shoreline started to shift, which modified the geomorphic conditions of this place from coastal to estuarine and, finally, inland fluvial.  相似文献   

The Albany-Fraser Orogen (AFO), southeast Western Australia, is an underexplored, deeply weathered regolith-dominated terrain that has undergone complex weathering associated with various superimposed climatic events. For effective geochemical exploration in the AFO, integrating landscape evolution with mineralogical and geochemical variations of regolith and bedrock provides fundamental understanding of mechanical and hydromorphic dispersion of ore and pathfinder elements associated with the different weathering processes.In the Neale tenement, northeast of the AFO, a residual weathering profile that is 20-55 m thick was developed under warm and humid climatic conditions over undulating Proterozoic sheared granitoids, gneisses, schists and Au-bearing mafic rocks. From the base, the typical weathering profile consists of saprock, lower ferruginous saprolite, upper kaolinitic saprolite and discontinuous silcrete duricrust or its laterally coeval lateritic residuum. These types of duricrusts change laterally into areas of poorly-cemented kaolinitic grits or loose lateritic pisoliths and nodules.Lateritic residuum probably formed on remnant plateaus and was transported mechanically under arid climatic conditions over short distances, filling valleys to the southeast. Erosion of lateritic residuum exposes the underlying saprolite and, together with dilution by aeolian sands, constitutes the transported overburden (2-25 m thick). The reworked lateritic materials cover the preserved silcrete duricrusts in valleys. The lower ferruginous saprolite and lateritic residuum are well developed over mafic and sulphide-bearing bedrocks, where weathering of ferromagnesian minerals and sulphides led to enrichment of Fe, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co, V and Zn in these units. Kaolinitic saprolite and the overlying pedogenic silcrete are best developed over alkali granites and quartzofeldspathic gneisses, which are barren in Au and transition elements, and enriched in silica, alumina, rare earth and high field strength elements.A residual Au anomaly is formed in the lower ferruginous saprolite above a Au -bearing mafic intrusion at the Hercules prospect, south of the Neale tenement, without any expression in the overlying soil (< 20 cm). Conversely, a Au anomaly is recorded in the transported cover, particularly in the uppermost 3 m at the Atlantis prospect, 5 km southwest of the Hercules prospect. No anomalies have been detected in soils using five different size fractions (> 2,000 μm, 2,000-250 μm, 250-53 μm, 53-2 μm and < 2 μm). Therefore, soil cannot be efficiently applied as a reliable sampling medium to target mineralization at the Neale tenement. This is because mechanical weathering was interrupted by seasonal periods of intensive leaching under the present-day surface conditions and/or dilution by recently deposited aeolian sediments which obscure any signature of a potential Au anomaly in soils. Therefore, surface soil sampling should extend deeper than 20 cm to avoid dilution by aeolian sands and seasonal leaching processes. Regolith mapping and the distinction between the residual and transported weathering products are extremely significant to follow the distal or proximal mineralization.  相似文献   

A substantial glacier of rock salt flows downslope north eastwards from the salt dome at Kuh-e-Namak (Dashti), and this work describes and attempts to rationalise the deformation structures within it. The crystalline halite in both the salt dome and the glacier consists of layers of different colours, grain size and relatively insoluble mineral content. The colour bands develop folds which, together with tectonic slides, thin and multiply the colour bands in successive zones down the length of the glacier.The folds occur as trains in which the individual components increase in maturity as they move downstream. The folds characteristically mature over short distances and become isoclinal between successive fold generation zones so that refolding is rarely obvious. All the folds seen can be attributed to changes in the boundary conditions of the glacier—either of a general or local nature. Some folds can be explained in terms of either a former increase in volume or the current wasting of the salt sheet—but most obviously relate to irregularities in the bedrock channel negotiated by the salt during its downslope flow. Expressed in these terms most folds form where the salt glacier decelerates, and become inconspicuous where it accelerates.The relative volume of the glacier slowed by each bedrock irregularity impeding its flow decreases systematically down its length. This is thought to be due to a general decrease in competence of the rock salt down the length of the glacier as a result of a decrease in the grain size of the halite and the relative increase in the proportion of insoluble minerals due to the loss of halite by solution. The downstream decrease in grain size is similar to the process of mylonitisation in other rocks, and tends to be concentrated in particular parts of each fold generation zone.A foliation is defined to differing degrees in various parts of the glacier by shape fabrics in one or more of the glacier's three components: porphyroclastic remnants of the coarse grained transparent halite characteristic of the salt dome, a fine grained halite groundmass, and the entrained insoluble minerals. The clear halite porphyroclasts appear least susceptible to strain but their presence controls whether or not the colour bands fold near irregularities in the bedrock channel.Similarities between the structures in the salt glacier and those developed in various other rocks are obvious.  相似文献   

Granodiorite from the Gęsiniec Intrusion, Strzelin Crystalline Massif, SW Poland contains complexly zoned plagioclases. Five chemically and structurally distinct zones can be correlated among crystals: ‘cores’ (25–35% An), inner mantles (40–45% An), outer mantles (40–25% An), resorption zones (35–50% An) and rims (35–30% An). Good structural and chemical (major and trace elements) correlation of zones between crystals indicates that zonation was produced by changes in conditions of crystallization on a magma chamber scale. Plagioclase, being the liquidus phase, records a time span from the beginning of crystallization to emplacement and rapid cooling of granodiorite as thin dykes.

Crystallization began with the formation of inner mantles. The paucity and different sizes of inner mantles suggests slow crystallization in high temperature magma. Normally zoned inner mantles were formed under increasing undercooling. Compositional trends in mantles suggest closed system crystallization.

The major resorption zones were caused by injection of less evolved magma as indicated by the strontium increase in plagioclase. The injection triggered a rapid rise of magma and plagioclase crystals facilitating mixing but also inducing fast, kinetically controlled growth of complex multiple, oscillatory zonation within resorption zones. The ascent of magma caused decompression melting of plagioclase and produced melt inclusions within inner mantles—the ‘cores’. The decompression range is estimated at a minimum of 2 kbar. Emplacement of granodiorite as thin dykes allow rapid cooling and preservation of magmatic zonation in plagioclases. Melt inclusions crystallized completely during post-magmatic cooling.

The zonation styles of plutonic plagioclase differ markedly from volcanic ones suggesting different magma evolution. Zones in plutonic plagioclase are well correlated indicating crystallization in quiescent magma where crystals accumulation and compositional magma stratification may occur. Crystals probably did not travel between different regimes. Resorption occurred but as single albeit complex episodes. Good correlation of zones in plutonic plagioclases allows a distinction between the main processes controlling zonation and superimposed kinetic effects.  相似文献   

The time at which deserts established their current arid or hyper-arid conditions remains a fundamental question regarding the history of Earth. Cosmogenic isotope exposure ages of desert pavement and welded, calcic–gypsic–salic Reg soils that developed on relatively flat alluvial surfaces ~2 Ma ago in the Negev Desert indicate long geomorphic stability under extremely dry conditions. Over a short interval during their initial stage of development between 1–2 Ma, these cumulative soils are characterized by calcic soils reaching maximum stage III of carbonate morphology. This interval is the only period when calcic soil horizons formed on stable abandoned alluvial surfaces in the southern Negev Desert. Since ~1 Ma pedogenesis changed toward more arid soil environment and the formation of gypsic–salic soil horizons that were later followed by dust accumulation. The dichotomy of only moderately-developed calcic soil (stages II–III) during a relatively long time interval (105–106 years) indicates an arid environment that does not support continuous development but only occasional calcic soil formation. The very low δ18O and relatively high δ13C values of these early pedogenic carbonates support soil formation under arid climatic conditions. Such an environment was probably characterized by rare and relatively longer duration rainstorms which occasionally allowed deeper infiltration of rainwater and longer retention of soil moisture. This, in turn enabled the growth of sparse vegetation that enhanced deposition of pedogenic carbonate. At ~1 Ma these rare events of slightly wetter conditions ceased and less atmospheric moisture reached the southern Negev Desert leading to deposition of soluble salts and dust deposited in the soils. The combination of long-term hyperaridity, scarcity of vegetation and lack of bioturbation, salts cementation, dust accumulation and tight desert pavement cover, has protected the surfaces from erosion forming one of the most remarkably stable landscapes on Earth, a landscape that essentially has not eroded, but accumulated salt and dust for more than 106 yr.  相似文献   

高玲  闫峻  李全忠  谢建成 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1820-1838
皖南地区花岗岩风化壳中稀土元素普遍富集,局部已成为矿床,其中,郎溪县姚村岩体风化壳富集程度较高。LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年表明,姚村花岗岩体的形成年龄为127. 9±1. 4 Ma,属于皖南地区燕山期晚期岩浆作用的产物。风化壳可细分为残坡积层(A)、强半风化层(C1)、过渡层(C2)、弱半风化层(C3)和基岩(D) 5层。稀土总量在纵向剖面上呈“波浪式”分布,各层稀土分布型式表现出对原岩的继承性。风化壳稀土配分型式与基岩一致, 富集LREE,轻重稀土分馏明显\[(La/Yb)N=15. 6\],但总含量明显更高。基岩∑REE为338×10-6,半风化层∑REE最高达642×10-6,富集约两倍。风化壳物质由风化残余主矿物(石英、钾长石、斜长石、黑云母)、黏土矿物(高岭石、埃洛石、伊利石、三水铝石等)和副矿物(锆石、磷灰石、榍石等)等组成。黏土矿物以伊利石含量最高,指示风化壳发育不成熟。REE与埃洛石含量明显正相关,与其他黏土矿物关系不明显。(含)稀土矿物(尤其是榍石)对风化壳中稀土元素的贡献量超过 50%,其次为斜长石,是风化壳中REE的重要来源。  相似文献   

Wadi Feiran is an important drainage basin in southern Sinai Peninsula covering an area of about 1785 \(\hbox {km}^{2}\), its streams drain into the Gulf of Suez crossing variety of rocks and sedimentary units varied in age from Precambrian to Quaternary. Field investigations, geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing studies including Landsat-7 ETM+, Radarsat-1, and SRTM DEM were integrated to reveal its lithologic, geologic and geomorphic features. Besides the field investigations, rock units including basement and pre- and syn-rift sedimentary units were discriminated using band ratios and principal component analysis techniques (PCA). Such techniques revealed that the crystalline rocks covering W. Feiran are unaltered rocks lacking OH-bearing minerals. Radar data successfully displayed the structures and geomorphic features related to topography. Moreover, the techniques allowed the extraction of the dyke-like structures along faults and shear zones. This also characterized the topographic variations through analysis of the shaded terrain and the altitudinal profiles. The results of data integration, lineament analysis and lineament density maps revealed that the structural grain in the present study has four different trends: N20–45E, N30–45W, N–S and E–W. Based on analysis of radar data and geomorphic indices, W. Feiran is an asymmetrical basin, its left side occupies \(\sim \)34% of the total area that leads to a supposedly massive tilt towards the south which caused the southwestward slope.  相似文献   

高玲  闫峻  李全忠  谢建成 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062013-2022062013
皖南地区花岗岩风化壳中稀土元素普遍富集,局部已成为矿床,其中,郎溪县姚村岩体风化壳富集程度较高。LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年表明,姚村花岗岩体的形成年龄为127.9±1.4 Ma,属于皖南地区燕山期晚期岩浆作用的产物。风化壳可细分为残坡积层(A)、强半风化层(C1)、过渡层(C2)、弱风化层(C3)和基岩(D)五层。稀土总量在纵向剖面上呈“波浪式”分布,各层稀土分布型式表现出对原岩的继承性。风化壳稀土配分型式与基岩一致, 富集LREE,轻重稀土分馏明显(La/Yb)N=15.6),但总含量明显更高。基岩∑REE为338×10-6,半风化层∑REE最高达642×10-6,富集约两倍。风化壳物质由风化残余主矿物(石英、钾长石、斜长石、黑云母)、黏土矿物(高岭石、埃洛石、伊利石、三水铝石等)和副矿物(锆石、磷灰石、榍石等)等组成。黏土矿物以伊利石含量最高,指示风化壳发育不成熟。REE与埃洛石含量明显正相关,与其他黏土矿物关系不明显。(含)稀土矿物(尤其是榍石)对风化壳中稀土元素的贡献量超过百分之五十,其次为斜长石,是风化壳中REE的重要来源。  相似文献   

The sedimentology, petrography and mineralogy of the seemingly monotonous Late Triassic Mercia Mudstone Group across the Severn Basin and Bristol Channel region reveals a bipartite division of mudrock facies above and below the Arden Sandstone Formation. Frequently cryptic sedimentary and pedogenic features reveal diverse alluvial, aeolian, playa‐lacustrine and pedogenic processes operating at different times, locations and scales probably in response to climate change. The current study found no evidence of significant marine influence in either of the two mudrock facies associations that are described here. Blocky claystones dominate the lower Mercia Mudstone Group (Sidmouth Mudstone Formation), with pedogenic features such as slickensides, mottling, tubules and carbonate/sulphate nodules common and widespread. The claystones are of alluvial/lacustrine origin with subordinate sheet sandstones, themselves overprinted by pedogenic features, reflecting occasional high intensity rainfall events. These facies reflect a seasonal (wet/dry) semi‐arid climate favouring development of transformed/neoformed (smectite‐rich) clay minerals of intrabasinal origin. Massive to weakly stratified silty mudstones dominate the upper Mercia Mudstone Group (Branscombe Mudstone Formation). Commonly conchoidally weathered, locally gypsiferous, but with distinct sedimentary structures scarce, they alternate with subordinate blue‐grey laminated silty mudstones. Together they reflect fluctuating hydrological conditions within extensive saline mudflats and ephemeral playa lakes, with laminated facies deposited under subaqueous conditions during more humid phases whereas massive mudstones reflect modification through interstitial growth/dissolution of sulphates and deflation of surface sediments during drier episodes. These facies reflect increased aridity during deposition of the upper Mercia Mudstone Group compared with the lower Mercia Mudstone Group, favouring development of detrital/transformed (illite–chlorite) clay minerals of extrabasinal origin. The described facies associations and the sedimentary fabrics and structures that characterize them, occur widely in the Mercia Mudstone Group across the United Kingdom and comparable facies associations may be anticipated in other fine‐grained red bed successions. Recognition of these facies may aid palaeoenvironmental interpretation of such sequences on Earth and, potentially, on Mars also.  相似文献   

Basement fault reactivation is now recognized as an important control on sedimentation and fault propagation in intracratonic basins. In southern Ontario, the basement consists of complexly structured mid-Proterozoic (ca. 1.2 Ga) crystalline rocks and metasedimentary rocks that are overlain by up to 1500 m of Paleozoic sedimentary strata. Reactivation of basement structures is suspected to control the location of Paleozoic fault and fracture systems, but evaluation has been hindered by a limited understanding of the regional structural characteristics of the buried basement. New aeromagnetic- and gravimetric-lineament mapping presented in this paper better resolves the location of basement discontinuities and provides further evidence for basement controls on the distribution of Paleozoic fault and fracture systems. Lineament mapping was facilitated by reprocessing and digital image enhancement (micro-levelling, regional residual separation, derivative filtering) of existing regional gravity and aeromagnetic datasets. Reprocessed images identify new details of the structural fabric of the basement below southern Ontario and delineate several previously unrecognized aeromagnetic and gravity lineaments and linear zones. Linear zones parallel the projected trends of mid-Proterozoic terrane boundaries identified by field mapping on the exposed shield to the north of the study area, and are interpreted as zones of shearing and basement faulting. Mapped aeromagnetic and gravity lineaments show similar trends to Paleozoic faults and fracture networks and broad zones of seismicity in southern Ontario. These new data support an ‘inheritance model’ for Paleozoic faulting, involving repeated reactivation and upward propagation of basement faults and fractures into overlying cover strata.  相似文献   

长江中下游第四纪沉积物发育土壤磁性增强的环境磁学机制   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
对长江中下游第四纪沉积物 (Q3 黄土,Q2 红土和Q3 红土 )发育土壤的磁性增强现象及其物理机制进行了讨论。结果表明 :(1)铁磁性矿物是土壤磁性的主要载体,它们是成土过程中形成的稳定单畴 (SSD)和超顺磁性 (SP)态的次生磁性矿物,没有显示重要的反铁磁性矿物的贡献;(2 )土壤磁化率 (χ)的高低与成土过程产生的稳定单畴和超顺磁性颗粒呈极显著正相关,指示了风化成土作用的强度,磁化率可作为反映成土环境变化的代用指标;(3)频率磁化率 (χfd) 5 %可作为土壤中的超顺磁性颗粒存在与否的临界值,土壤 χfd值的高低同样反映了风化成土作用的强度,可用作研究第四纪环境变化的有用工具之一。  相似文献   

Placer gold mining inevitably produces highly turbid processing waters. Five historic paleoplacer mining sites in Central Otago, New Zealand, provided 24 samples which were used in laboratory-based settling experiments. Turbidity was examined in the context of stratigraphy of paleoplacer deposits, their environments of formation, and the groundwater processes that affected the deposits as well as the underlying bedrock. Settling rates were characterised by measuring turbidity levels over time (up to 40 days) using turbidimeter and Coulter counter methods. High clay mineral (mostly kaolinite) contents of the materials were confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Grain size distributions of suspended materials were very comparable across all samples with majority of particles falling between <1.2 and 2.5 μm. The levels of turbidity produced by the auriferous sediments were partly controlled by the level of sorting and winnowing that the sediments were subjected to during transport and deposition. Debris flow material generated high turbidity [initial levels of 120–420 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU)] which settled slowly, as did eolian siltstone (1,600 NTU). Fluvial sediments generally generated lower turbidity which settled more rapidly, on the scale of hours to days. It was found that cementation of the sediment can reduce turbidity generation by limiting disaggregation of the clay minerals. On the other hand, the presence of altered lithic clasts within the sediments contributes to higher turbidity production. There was poor correlation between the level of bedrock alteration, as indicated by Chemical Index of Alteration, and the resulting turbidity. Settling rates were more rapid in experiments conducted in saline solution, as opposed to stream water, due to floc formation.  相似文献   

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