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近断层竖向与水平向加速度反应谱比值特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
显著的竖向地震动是近断层地震动区别于远场地震动的重要特征之一,为更合理地确定竖向地震动作用,研究了近断层区域竖向地震动的反应谱特征及其与水平向反应谱比值的影响因素.首先,选取1952—1999年世界范围内震级在M5.4—7.6之间的18次地震的地震动记录,研究竖向地震加速度反应谱及其与水平向加速度反应谱比值特征;然后统计分析了断层距、场地条件、震级以及断层机制对竖向与水平向加速度反应谱比的影响.结果表明,一般情况下竖向加速度具有更丰富的短周期分量,并且竖向加速度反应谱衰减较慢;断层距在20km以内的近断层区域、软弱土层场地、中等震级地震和逆断层大震级中长周期范围等条件下,具有较大的竖向与水平向加速度反应谱比值;在近断层区域的结构抗震设计中应充分考虑竖向地震动的影响.  相似文献   

软土地铁车站中柱在强震作用下的响应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将汶川地震时获得的地震波作为输入波,利用FLAC^3D软件对软土典型地铁车站中柱进行强震响应的三维数值模拟。土体采用D—P本构模型,车站结构采用弹性模型,并选用瑞利阻尼和Hardin/Drnevich模型的滞后阻尼来实现土在循环动荷载下的滞回和非线性。计算结果包括中柱的相对变形、轴力、剪力、弯矩及车站中柱的加速度响应规律。结果表明:下层中柱是地铁车站受地震波作用时最为薄弱的构件,并且中柱的破坏系水平向地震波和竖直向地震波共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Seismic risk analysis and mitigation of spatially extended structures require the synthesis of spatially varying ground motions in the response history analysis of these structures. These synthetic motions are usually desired to be spatially correlated, site reflected, nonstationary, and compatible with target design response spectra. In this paper, a method is presented for simulating spatially varying ground motions considering the nonstationarity, local site effects, and compatibility of response spectra. The scheme for generating spatially varying and response spectra compatible ground motions is first established for spatial locations on the ground surface with varying site conditions. The design response spectrum is introduced as the “power” spectrum at the base rock. The site amplification approach is then derived based on the deterministic wave propagation theory, by assuming that the base rock motions consist of out-of-plane SH wave or in-plane combined P and SV waves propagating into the site with assumed incident angles, from which tri-directional spatial ground motions can be generated. The phase difference spectrum is employed to model ground motions exhibiting nonstationarity in both frequency and time domains with different site conditions. The proposed scheme is demonstrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

IntroductionItisthefirsttimeintheworldtogetthestrongmotionrecordsofadestructiveearthquakewhentheLongBeachearthquakeonMarch10,...  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了结构地震反应观测研究的意义。并以中国地震局防灾大楼和北京市人大办公大楼结构地震反应观测系统为布设实例,阐述了中国大陆地区结构地震反应观测系统的两种布设方式。对两种方式进行了分析,指出简化布设中存在的问题,并提出了布设原则,用于指导结构地震反应观测系统的布设。  相似文献   

地震动强度对场地地震反应的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对场地地震反应的研究发现,地震动强度不同,同样的场地对地震动的影响也不同,得到的反应谱形状也不同。目前我国抗震设计规范中不同烈度下的设计反应谱形状完全一致,没有考虑地震动强弱对相同场地反应谱形状的影响。  相似文献   

在Simulink环境下对桩-土-结构相互作用系统进行了仿真计算分析,并利用反应谱理论研究了SSI效应对上部结构动力响应的影响.采用集中参数模型考虑桩-土对上部结构的影响,上部结构简化为单质点模型,给出了桩-土-结构系统的状态方程,根据模型状态方程在Simulink环境下建立系统的仿真模型,得到了不同场地条件下SSI效应对上部结构加速度谱与位移谱的影响规律.计算结果表明:位移谱基本保持着“刚性假定<Ⅰ类场地<Ⅱ类场地<Ⅲ、Ⅳ类场地”的规律;加速度谱受场地影响的规律不太明显,但在场地较软、桩基刚度较大时,加速度比刚性假定下的要小,而在其他情况下,加速度则比刚性假定下的要大.  相似文献   

通过对近震速度震级公式的理论分析与实测结果的检测表明,用最大地动速度与相应周期乘积的1/2π倍,即TVmax/2π来替最大动位移测定近震震级是不合适的,其所定震级普遍比模拟位称震级偏小,而且两种震级之间也没有一种较简单的关系。用地动速度与相应周期乘积最大值的1/2π倍,即(TV/2π)max代替最大地动位移测定近震级是正确的,但实际操作不便,对速度型数字地震记录通过积分恢复地面移后所测震级位移震级相对比,实测结果表明,两种震级一致性较好。  相似文献   

The seismic response of any system that accumulates damage under cyclic loading is dependent not only on the maximum amplitude of the motion but also its duration. This is explicitly recognized in methods for estimating the liquefaction potential of soil deposits. Many researchers have proposed that the effective number of cycles of the ground motion is a more robust indicator of the destructive capacity of the shaking than the duration. However, as is the case with strong‐motion duration, there is no universally accepted approach to determining the effective number of cycles of motion, and the different methods that have been proposed can give widely varying results for a particular accelerogram. Definitions of the effective number of cycles of motion are reviewed, classified and compared. Measurements are found to differ particularly for accelerograms with broad‐banded frequency content, which contain a significant number of non‐zero crossing peaks. The key seismological parameters influencing the number of cycles of motion and associated equations for predicting this quantity for future earthquakes are identified. Correlations between cycle counts and different duration measures are explored and found to be rather poor in the absence of additional parameters. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method, which synthesizes the artificial ground motion compatible with the specified peak velocity as well as the target acceleration response spectrum, was proposed. In this method, firstly, an initial acceleration time history α8^(0) (t), which satisfies the prescribed peak ground acceleration, the target spectral acceleration ST(ω, ζ),and the specified intensity envelope, is generated by the traditional method that generates the requency domain; secondly,α8^(0) (t)is further modulated by superimposing narrow-band time histories upon it in the time domain to make its peak velocity, approach the target peak ground velocity, and at the same time to improve its fitting precision to the target spectrum. Numerical examples show that this algorithm boasts high calculation precisions.  相似文献   

Structures undergoing inelastic displacements during earthquake ground motions are known to sustain some amount of residual displacements, which may make those unusable or unsafe. In this study an attempt is made to estimate residual displacements for elastic-perfectly-plastic single-degree-of-freedom oscillators with a given ductility ratio. Such oscillators belong to the class of bilinear hysteresis models applicable to steel structures, with post-yield-stiffness ratio taken as zero, and may be used for the conservative estimates of residual displacements when the post-yield-stiffness ratio is unlikely to become negative. Statistical estimation of residual displacement spectrum via normalization with respect to inelastic or elastic spectral displacements is considered and expressions are proposed for both types of normalizations. The statistical dependence of residual displacement on the seismological and site parameters and strong motion duration is also studied and a simple scaling model is proposed in terms of earthquake magnitude, epicentral distance, and geologic site condition parameter for the seismic region of western U.S.A. According to this model, the variation of residual displacement with period primarily depends on the site conditions, and the residual displacements are more sensitive to ductility ratio at low ductility ratios.  相似文献   

从反应谱求功率谱的精确方法及其应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对由反应谱求功率谱的近似公式的误差进行了讨论,从而说明了精确求解地震动功率谱的必要性,并从构造函数的特征出发,提出了一类符合要求的构造函数族,同时对其参数的取值加以讨论。最后给出了一个算例,展示了从反应谱求功率谱的精确方法与近似方法在数值上的差别,以及对人造地震动的影响。  相似文献   

2016年8月24日在意大利佩鲁贾地区发生M_W 6.2地震,截至北京时间2016年8月25日8时,共获得强震记录192组,分析地震动PGA、反应谱以及能量参数的衰减特征。研究结果表明:(1)峰值。此次地震PGA100 cm/s~2记录的水平平均反应谱在短周期明显大于欧洲的设计谱。两水平方向平均反应谱谱比小于1.5,并且在短周期(T0.5 s)谱比差值变化较大,说明此次地震EW向地震动对短周期结构物影响较大;(2)衰减特性。整体看来,此次地震中的PGA值均不同程度低于中国第五代区划图中的中强地震区、中国西部地区、美国西部地区以及欧洲中小地震衰减模型的预测值,且衰减快。Arias强度的衰减变化趋势与Travasarou等的理论模型基本一致,但均小于理论模型值;(3)持时。此次地震的相对持时随震中距增大有逐渐增大趋势,持时均大于Kempton及McQuire的理论模型,表明此次地震的能量释放时间较长。此次意大利地震的地震动参数特征研究表明,该地震具有能量衰减快、持续时间长、对短周期结构物影响较大等特点,验证了此次地震破坏集中在近场、远场震害相对较轻的结论,这也是造成本次地震灾害严重的主要原因。  相似文献   

The peak floor acceleration (PFA) is a critical parameter influencing the performance of non‐structural elements in buildings. This paper develops a response spectrum analysis method based on the complete quadratic combination (CQC) rule to estimate the PFA. The method accounts for the rigid contribution of truncated higher modes and the cross‐correlations between all pairs of modes. The approximation is introduced in the time domain and then formulated in the frequency domain by CQC. Application of the method to a continuous cantilever beam idealizing a building with shear walls is presented and compared with alternative formulations. The proposed method is able to provide a consistent estimation of the PFA along the entire structure, not only where the PFA is principally influenced by the first few flexible modes but also where the PFA is mainly related to the rigid response of the structure, for example, near its base. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report site response in Las Vegas Valley (LVV) from historical recordings of Nevada Test Site (NTS) nuclear explosions and earthquake recordings from permanent and temporary seismic stations. Our data set significantly improves the spatial coverage of LVV over previous studies, especially in the northern, deeper parts of the basin. Site response at stations in LVV was measured for frequencies in the range 0.2–5.0 Hz using Standard Spectral Ratios (SSR) and Horizontal-Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVR). For the SSR measurements we used a reference site (approximately NEHRP B ``rock' classification) located on Frenchman Mountain outside the basin. Site response at sedimentary sites is variable in LVV with average amplifications approaching a factor of 10 at some frequencies. We observed peaks in the site response curves at frequencies clustered near 0.6, 1.2 and 2.0 Hz, with some sites showing additional lower amplitude peaks at higher frequencies. The spatial pattern of site response is strongly correlated with the reported depth to basement for frequencies between 0.2 and 3.0 Hz, although the frequency of peak amplification does not show a similar correlation. For a few sites where we have geotechnical shear velocities, the amplification shows a correlation with the average upper 30-meter shear velocities, V30. We performed two-dimensional finite difference simulations and reproduced the observed peak site amplifications at 0.6 and 1.2 Hz with a low velocity near-surface layer with shear velocities 600–750 m/s and a thickness of 100–200 m. These modeling results indicate that the amplitude and frequencies of site response peaks in LVV are strongly controlled by shallow velocity structure.  相似文献   

梁小华  蒋溥 《地震地质》2004,26(4):772-783
文中结合舟山市桃夭门大桥抗震设计在长周期频段的需要,研究分析了桃夭门大桥场地基本地震地质环境特点和长周期地面运动谱的研究现状,从强震记录长周期分量信息特点出发,以强震记录为基础,选用了11个有代表性的M≥65的强震,共72条强震地面运动记录,参照核法规HAF0101(1)特定场地谱的确定方法,通过统计分析建立了以均值反应谱为基础的长周期反应谱  相似文献   

为满足重要工程对设计地震动的需要,文中研究了一种考虑场地附近天然地震记录数据相位非平稳特性、同时拟合S0A(T)、PGA和PGV的人造地震动技术,并以新疆玛纳斯县城区基岩场地为例,利用该区域强震记录提取的天然地震动非平稳相位,进行了非平稳人造地震动的合成。研究成果可为拟合反应谱人造地震动的工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The great MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake has been the most destructive earthquake since 1949 in China. The earthquake occurred no more than half a year after the establishment of the National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) of China; what is more, the epicenter was located in the area with dense strong motion observation stations so that a large number of strong motion records of the main shock were obtained. In this paper, 501 strong motion records from 167 observation stations are utilized to...  相似文献   

TherelationbetweentheresponsespectrumandthephasediferencespectrumFENG-XINZHAO(赵凤新)andYU-XIANHU(胡聿贤)InstituteofGeophysics,Sta...  相似文献   


The great MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake has been the most destructive earthquake since 1949 in China. The earthquake occurred no more than half a year after the establishment of the National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) of China; what is more, the epicenter was located in the area with dense strong motion observation stations so that a large number of strong motion records of the main shock were obtained. In this paper, 501 strong motion records from 167 observation stations are utilized to establish the ground motion attenuation relations in three directions in the range of fault distance less than 600 km. The result shows the difference of seismic motion attenuation in two horizontal directions is insignificant. It is the first time that strong-motion records are used to establish the ground motion attenuation relations of the MS8.0 earthquake in China.


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