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We look for a non-Gaussian signal in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 5-year temperature anisotropy maps by performing a needlet-based data analysis. We use the foreground-reduced maps obtained by the WMAP team through the optimal combination of the W, V and Q channels, and perform realistic non-Gaussian simulations in order to constrain the non-linear coupling parameter f NL. We apply a third-order estimator of the needlet coefficients skewness and compute the  χ2  statistics of its distribution. We obtain  −80 < f NL < 120  at 95 per cent confidence level, which is consistent with a Gaussian distribution and comparable to previous constraints on the non-linear coupling. We then develop an estimator of f NL based on the same simulations and we find consistent constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity. We finally compute the three-point correlation function in needlet space: the constraints on f NL improve to  −50 < f NL < 110  at 95 per cent confidence level.  相似文献   

We study the power of several scalar quantities constructed on the sphere (presented in Monteserín et al.) to detect non-Gaussianity in the temperature distribution of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The test has been performed using non-Gaussian CMB simulations with injected skewness or kurtosis generated through the Edgeworth expansion. We have also taken into account in the analysis the effect of anisotropic noise and the presence of a Galactic mask. We find that the best scalars to detect an excess of skewness in the simulations are the derivative of the gradient, the fractional isotropy, the Laplacian and the shape index. For the kurtosis case, the fractional anisotropy, the Laplacian and the determinant are the quantities that perform better.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the clustering of hot and cold patches in the microwave background sky as measured from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 5-year data. These measurements are compared with theoretical predictions which assume that the cosmological signal obeys Gaussian statistics. We find significant differences from the simplest Gaussian-based prediction. However, the measurements are sensitive to the fact that the noise is spatially inhomogeneous (e.g. because different parts of the sky were observed for different lengths of time). We show how to account for this spatial inhomogeneity when making predictions. Differences from the Gaussian-based expectation remain even after this more careful accounting of the noise. In particular, we note that hot and cold pixels cluster differently within the same temperature thresholds at few-degree scales. While these findings may indicate primordial non-Gaussianity, we discuss other plausible explanations for these discrepancies. In addition, we find some deviations from Gaussianity at sub-degree scales, especially in the W band, whose origin may be associated with extragalactic dust emission.  相似文献   

We test the consistency of estimates of the non-linear coupling constant f NL using non-Gaussian cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps generated by the method described in the work of Liguori, Matarrese & Moscardini. This procedure to obtain non-Gaussian maps differs significantly from the method used in previous works on the estimation of f NL. Nevertheless, using spherical wavelets, we find results in very good agreement with Mukherjee & Wang, showing that the two ways of generating primordial non-Gaussian maps give equivalent results. Moreover, we introduce a new method for estimating the non-linear coupling constant from CMB observations by using the local curvature of the temperature fluctuation field. We present both Bayesian credible regions (assuming a flat prior) and proper (frequentist) confidence intervals on f NL, and discuss the relation between the two approaches. The Bayesian approach tends to yield lower error bars than the frequentist approach, suggesting that a careful analysis of the different interpretations is needed. Using this method, we estimate   f NL=−10+270−260  at the 2σ level (Bayesian) and   f NL=−10+310−270  (frequentist). Moreover, we find that the wavelet and the local curvature approaches, which provide similar error bars, yield approximately uncorrelated estimates of f NL and therefore, as advocated in the work of Cabella et al., the estimates may be combined to reduce the error bars. In this way, we obtain   f NL=−5 ± 85  and   f NL=−5 ± 175  at the 1σ and 2σ level respectively using the frequentist approach.  相似文献   

Cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure data will shortly improve dramatically with the Microwave Anisotropy Probe and Planck Surveyor , and the Anglo-Australian 2-Degree Field and Sloan Digital Sky Survey. It is therefore timely to ask which of the microwave background and large-scale structure will provide a better probe of primordial non-Gaussianity. In this paper we consider this question, using the bispectrum as a discriminating statistic. We consider several non-Gaussian models and find that in each case the microwave background will provide a better probe of primordial non-Gaussianity. Our results suggest that if microwave background maps appear Gaussian, then apparent deviations from Gaussian initial conditions in galaxy surveys can be attributed with confidence to the effects of biasing. We demonstrate this precisely for the spatial bispectrum induced by local non-linear biasing.  相似文献   

We repeat the directional spherical real Morlet wavelet analysis, used previously to detect non-Gaussianity in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 1- and 3-yr data, on the WMAP 5-yr data. The non-Gaussian signal detected previously is present in the 5-yr data at a slightly increased statistical significance of approximately 99 per cent. Localized regions that contribute most strongly to the non-Gaussian signal are found to be very similar to those detected in the previous releases of the WMAP data. When the localized regions detected in the 5-yr data are excluded from the analysis, the non-Gaussian signal is eliminated.  相似文献   

The bispectrum of the microwave background sky is a possible discriminator between inflationary and defect models of structure formation in the Universe. The bispectrum, which is the analogue of the temperature three-point correlation function in harmonic space, is zero for most inflationary models, but non-zero for non-Gaussian models. The expected departures from zero are small, and easily masked by noise, so it is important to be able to estimate the bispectrum coefficients as accurately as possible, and to know the errors and correlations between the estimates so that they may be used in combination as a diagnostic to rule out non-Gaussian models. This paper presents a method for estimating in an unbiased way the bispectrum from a microwave background map in the near-Gaussian limit. The method is optimal, in the sense that no other method can have smaller error bars, and, in addition, the covariances between the bispectrum estimates are calculated explicitly. The method deals automatically with partial sky coverage and arbitrary noise correlations without modification. A preliminary application to the Cosmic Background Explorer 4-yr data set shows no evidence for non-Gaussian behaviour.  相似文献   

Recently, a symmetry-based method to test for statistical isotropy of the cosmic microwave background was developed. We apply the method to template-cleaned 3- and 5-years Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe - Differencing Assembly maps. We examine a wide range of angular multipoles from  2 < l < 300  . The analysis detects statistically significant signals of anisotropy inconsistent with an isotropic cosmic microwave background in some of the foreground-cleaned maps. We are unable to resolve whether the anomalies have a cosmological, local astrophysical or instrumental origin. Assuming the anisotropy arises due to residual foreground contamination, we estimate the residual foreground power in the maps. For the W -band maps, we also find a highly improbable degree of isotropy we cannot explain. We speculate that excess isotropy may be caused by faulty modelling of detector noise.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative sensitivities of several tests for deviations from Gaussianity in the primordial distribution of density perturbations. We consider models for non-Gaussianity that mimic that which comes from inflation as well as that which comes from topological defects. The tests we consider involve the cosmic microwave background (CMB), large-scale structure, high-redshift galaxies, and the abundances and properties of clusters. We find that the CMB is superior at finding non-Gaussianity in the primordial gravitational potential (as inflation would produce), while observations of high-redshift galaxies are much better suited to find non-Gaussianity that resembles that expected from topological defects. We derive a simple expression that relates the abundance of high-redshift objects in non-Gaussian models to the primordial skewness.  相似文献   

Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe has provided cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps of the full sky. The raw data are subject to foreground contamination, in particular near to the Galactic plane. Foreground-cleaned maps have been derived, e.g. the internal linear combination map of Bennett et al., and the reduced foreground TOH map of Tegmark et al. Using S statistics, we examine whether residual foreground contamination is left over in the foreground-cleaned maps. In particular, we specify which parts of the foreground-cleaned maps are sufficiently accurate for the circle-in-the-sky signature. We generalize the S statistic, called D statistic, such that the circle test can deal with CMB maps in which the contaminated regions of the sky are excluded with masks.  相似文献   

We study the effect of primordial non-Gaussianity on the development of large-scale cosmic structure using high-resolution N -body simulations. In particular, we focus on the topological properties of the 'cosmic web', quantitatively characterized by the Minkowski functionals (MFs), for models with quadratic non-linearities with different values of the usual non-Gaussianity parameter f NL. In the weakly non-linear regime (the amplitude of mass density fluctuations σ0 < 0.1), we find that analytic formulae derived from perturbation theory agree with the numerical results within a few per cent of the amplitude of each MF when | f NL| < 1000. In the non-linear regime, the detailed behaviour of the MFs as functions of threshold density deviates more strongly from the analytical curves, while the overall amplitude of the primordial non-Gaussian effect remains comparable to the perturbative prediction. When smaller-scale information is included, the influence of primordial non-Gaussianity becomes increasingly significant statistically due to decreasing sample variance. We find that the effect of the primordial non-Gaussianity with  | f NL| = 50  is comparable to the sample variance of mass density fields with a volume of 0.125( h −1 Gpc)3 when they are smoothed by Gaussian filter at a scale of 5  h −1 Mpc. The detectability of this effect in actual galaxy surveys will strongly depend on residual uncertainties in cosmological parameters and galaxy biasing.  相似文献   

We describe different methods for estimating the bispectrum of cosmic microwave background data. In particular, we construct a minimum-variance estimator for the flat-sky limit and compare results with previously studied frequentist methods. Application to the MAXIMA data set shows consistency with primordial Gaussianity. Weak quadratic non-Gaussianity is characterized by a tunable parameter   f NL  , corresponding to non-Gaussianity at a level of  ∼10−5 f NL  (the ratio of non-Gaussian to Gaussian terms), and we find limits of   f NL= 1500 ± 950  for the minimum-variance estimator and   f NL= 2700 ± 1650  for the usual frequentist estimator. These are the tightest limits on primordial non-Gaussianity, which include the full effects of the radiation transfer function.  相似文献   

A method to compute several scalar quantities of cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps on the sphere is presented. We consider here four type of scalars: the Hessian matrix scalars, the distortion scalars, the gradient-related scalars and the curvature scalars. Such quantities are obtained directly from the spherical harmonic coefficients   a ℓ m   of the map. We also study the probability density function of these quantities for the case of a homogeneous and isotropic Gaussian field, which are functions of the power spectrum of the initial field. From these scalars it is possible to construct a new set of scalars which are independent of the power spectrum of the field. We test our results using simulations and find good agreement between the theoretical probability density functions and those obtained from simulations. Therefore, these quantities are proposed to investigate the presence of non-Gaussian features in CMB maps. Finally, we show how to compute the scalars in the presence of anisotropic noise and realistic masks.  相似文献   

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