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An assessment of the undiscovered oil and gas resources in the federal offshore areas of Washington, Oregon, and California performed by the Minerals Management Service (MMS) using data available as of January 1, 1995 estimates that 10.7 billion barrels (Bbbl) of undiscovered oil and 18.9 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of undiscovered gas are recoverable with conventional techniques. Approximately one half of these resources (5.3 Bbbl of oil and 8.3 Tcf of gas) may be recovered profitably under economic conditions as of the assessment. Estimates of undiscov ered oil and gas resources from this assessment are larger than estimates from previous MMS assessments because of the use of different methods and additional data.  相似文献   

The Offshore Atlas Project (OAP) grouped 4,325 Miocene and older and 5,622 Pliocene and Pleistocene productive sands in the Gulf of Mexico into 91 chronostratigraphic hydrocarbon plays to aid the oil and gas industry with regional hydrocarbon exploration and field development. OAP has produced a two-volume atlas series entitled Atlas of Northern Gulf of Mexico Gas and Oil Reservoirs. Volume 1 comprises Miocene and older reservoirs, while volume 2 comprises Pliocene and Pleistocene reservoirs. Chronozones (Reed et al., 1987) were used to define geologic ages in the Gulf of Mexico. A chronozone is a time-stratigraphic unit defined by a particular benthic foraminifera biostratigraphic zone. The 26 chronozones identified by Reed et al. (1987) were further grouped into 14 Cenozoic and 2 Mesozoic chronozones for OAP. A composite type log (CTL), which shows the chronostratigraphic relationship of all productive sands in a field, was constructed for each of the 876 proved federal fields in the Gulf of Mexico. Depositional facies (retrogradational, aggradational, progradational, and submarine fan)were next identified on each CTL. The four facies were identified primarily according to characteristic SP-curve shapes, paleoecozones, and sand content. The chronozones and depositional facies identified on each CTL were then correlated among fields across the Gulf of Mexico. All productive sands correlated to the same chronozone and depositional facies were then identified as a unique play. Both federal and state fields in the Gulf of Mexico contain original proved reserves (sum of cumulative production and remaining proved reserves) estimated at 12.481 Bbbl of oil and condensate and 156.466 Tcf of gas (40.322 Bboe [sum of liquids and energy equivalent gas]). Of this, 9.943 Bbbl of oil and condensate and 122.263 Tcf of gas (31.698 Bboe) have been produced. Miocene plays contain the most total original proved reserves with 41.9 %, followed by Pleistocene plays (36.2 %), Pliocene plays (18.6 %), Mesozoic plays (2.9 %), and Oligocene plays (0.4 %). Miocene plays have produced the largest amount of total hydrocarbons, as well, at 43.5 % followed by Pleistocene plays (36.5 %), Pliocene plays (19.1 %), Oligocene plays (0.5 %), and Mesozoic plays (0.4 %). Just over two-thirds of the Gulf of Mexico's total original proved reserves are contained in progradational facies (67.4 %),with the remainder comprising submarine-fan facies (18.5 %), aggradational facies (9.9 %), retrogradationalfacies (2.4 %), combination facies (1.7 %), and caprock and reef reservoirs (0.1 %). Total cumulative production from the different facies closely mimics the distribution of original proved reserves. Of the 91 plays, the lower Pleistocene progradational play (LPL P.1) contains the most original proved gas reserves (10.5 %) and has produced the most gas (11.4 %). However, the upper upper Miocene eastern progradational play (UM3 P.1B) contains the most original proved oil and condensate reserves (18.9 %) and has produced the most oil and condensate (21.4%). Several technical studies resulting from OAP have been published. Hunt and Burgess (1995) described the distribution of OAP plays deposited by the ancestral Mississippi River delta system in the north-central Gulf of Mexico over the past 24 million years. The lower Miocene plays are restricted to the westernmost portion of the Louisiana shelf. In the late middle Miocene, the depocenter migrated east of the present-day Mississippi River delta. During the late upper Miocene, the depocenter began migrating back to the west and prograded basinward, and it continued to do so throughout the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Lore and Batchelder (1995) discussed how OAP plays can be used to find exploration targets and assess undiscovered resources. As an exploration tool, OAP play maps can be used to identify conceptual submarine-fan plays downdip of established shallow water producing facies, and to identify wells where a known producing facies or chronozone has not yet been reached. As an assessment tool, the extensive data sets associated with each OAP play can be used to infer statistically the size of undiscovered resources in a play to determine if exploration in that play is economically justifiable. Lore et al. (1995) estimated the amount of undiscovered conventionally recoverable resources in the Gulf of Mexico, basing their assessment on previous work performed for OAP. Mean level estimates show that, by far, submarine-fan plays have the greatest potential for additional oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico, with 75.1 % and 70.4 % of the total oil and gas resources, respectively. Mean level estimates for the 13 OAP Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene chronozones show that upper Pleistocene plays have the most oil resource potential (24.3 %), while lower Pleistocene plays have the most gas resource potential (20.6 %).  相似文献   

The earliest attempts to find oil in Britain, dating from 1918–1922, based on anticlines flanking the Pennines, were largely unsuccessful. Renewal of exploration in the 1930s, aimed at a broader range of prospects, met with much criticism but went ahead after nationalization of the unknown and undiscovered oil resources (1934). The south of England ranked as first priority but the initial drilling of the new campaign carried out in 1935–1937 yielded only minor quantities of oil and gas. Attention was transferred in 1938 to Upper Palaeozoic prospects in the Midlands and north, resulting in small gas and oil discoveries in Scotland and Yorkshire, and discovery of a series of commerical oilfields in the Upper Carboniferous of Nottinghamshire. In the 1950s the first commercial discovery in the Jurassic was made at Kimmeridge in Dorset. Further Carboniferous discoveries were made in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, and a series of fresh objectives defined by seismic reflection were drilled in the Mesozoic basin of southern England. This phase of exploration was terminated at the end of 1964 by adverse fiscal changes. Continuation of effective exploration operations remained uneconomic until the oil price rise in 1973.  相似文献   

-On the basis of the data obtained from the surveys in the Bohai Sea during 1982-1983, this paper analysed and discussed the distribution and seasonal variation of primary productivity in the Bohai Sea, and the correlations between the primary productivity and environmental factors. The organic carbon production and prospect of fishery production in the waters of this sea are estimated. It is shown that, there exists production patential in the Bohai Sea, the primary production is 112 gC/ (m2 ?a)the production of organic carbon being 10 million ton per year, the fishery yields 1 million ton and the maximum catch of sea products 0. 5 million ton. The results of the investigation can serve as the basic data for the exploitation, utilization and management of the fishery resources in the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

平湖油气田花港组油藏经过13年的开发,采出程度41%,油田综合含水96%,处于特高含水阶段。针对平湖油藏在高采出程度、特高含水条件下,剩余油分布复杂且无后备资源接替的情况,结合该油田的实际,提出了以精细分析隔夹层类型及地层对比,建立地质模型,进行数值模拟研究,研究剩余油分布;进行了层系重组、油田卡堵水、老井复查、开发油水同层及含油水层、关井压锥、轮流开采等方法,提高采收率,减缓油田产量递减。通过这些方法的选择运用,在油田生产上取得了较好的效果,为特高含水阶段油田开发措施选择具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Previous estimates of the world-wide input of oil to the marine environment by natural seeps ranged from 0·2 to 6·0 million (metric) tonnes per year with a ‘best estimate’ of 0·6 million tonnes per year. Based on considerations of the availability of oil for seepage from the world's known and assumed oil resources, we believe that the world-wide natural oil seepage over geological time should be revised to about 0·2 million tonnes per year with a range upward or downward of a factor of ten leading to estimates between 0·02 and 2 million tonnes per year. Our estimate of the amount of oil eroding from the land and being transported to the oceans is about 0·05 million tonnes per year with an order of magnitude uncertainty. Therefore, while the uncertainties are large, we estimate that the total amount of oil entering the marine environment by natural, geological processes, is about 0·25 million tonnes per year, and the estimate may range from about 0·25 to 2·5 million tonnes per year.  相似文献   

南海北缘东部盆地油气资源研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
南海北缘东部的珠江口盆地及台西南盆地蕴藏着十分丰富的油气资源,根据区域构造背景、盆地发育分布的特点及中、新生代的油气地质条件,结合含油气构造、油气田、油气井的分布规律,利用油气资源评价的理论、方法,对区内的油气资源进行了综合研究,并按照油气资源状况划分出油气富集区、油气潜力区、油气远景区,在此基础上,再进一步划分出4条油气富集带、11条油气潜力带、8条油气远景带,充分显示了该区石油、天然气的分布规律和油气地质特点,为商业性的勘探开发和理论研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

油气资源评价是油气勘探决策的基础,其评价结果影响着油气的勘探方向和投资方向。对于已有油气田发现的评价单元,统计方法更方便、实用和可靠。根据勘探程度、基于帕莱托定律,应用油田规模序列法对黄河口凹陷资源量进行了评价,并进行了勘探潜力分析。黄河口凹陷目前约有25个具有经济价值的油气田尚待探明,剩余资源总量至少达2.59×108m3,表明该地区具有较大的石油资源和勘探潜力。其中,渤中28-34中央隆起带、南部缓坡带和西部断阶带为下一步最有利的勘探靶区。  相似文献   

海南省海域共圈定新生代油气沉积盆地18个,成藏地质条件良好,资源潜力巨大,具有良好的开发前景。位于南海北部的珠三坳陷、琼东南盆地和莺歌海盆地距海南岛较近,开采条件优越,是我国最早进行海洋油气勘探开发的区域,目前已经形成了东方、乐东、崖城和文昌4个油气田群,是我国海上油气的主产区之一。今后海南省油气资源勘探开发方向主要为上述三大油气盆地,通过对探明储量的进一步开发和对中深部层位的勘探,达到接续增储的目标;随着陵水17-2大型气田的发现和天然气水合物试采成功等一系列技术突破,海南省海域油气勘探开发正向着中深水和非常规能源领域进军。因此,海南省要依靠区位优势,借助油气体制改革的机遇,深入参与国家油气勘探开发活动,推动地方经济发展。  相似文献   

Since the first drill in 1957, three oil, 19 gas and condensate fields have been discovered in the Thrace Basin. However, any petroleum system with its essential elements and processes has not been assigned yet. This study consists of two parts, (1) geochemical overview of the previous work in order to get a necessary help to construct a petroleum system and (2) calculation of quantitative undiscovered hydrocarbon resources generated from this system. An extensive overview study showed that the primary reservoir and source rocks in the Thrace Basin are the Middle Eocene Hamitabat sandstones and shales, respectively, hence it appears that the most effective petroleum system of the Thrace Basin becomes the Hamitabat (!) petroleum system. Currently, 18.5 billion m3 of in-place gas, 2.0 million m3 (12.7 million bbl) in-place waxy oil as well as minor amount of associated condensate were discovered from this system. This study showed that the regional distribution of the oil and gas fields almost overlapped with the previously constructed pod of active Hamitabat shales implying that short and up-dip vertical migration pathway of hydrocarbons from the source to trapping side was available. Thermal model demonstrated that hydrocarbon generation from the Hamitabat shales commenced in the Early Miocene. The amount of quantitative gas generation based on the mean-original TOC = 0.94 wt%, mean-original HI = 217 HC/g TOC and the volume of the pod of active source rock = 49 km3 is approximately 110 billion m3 of gaseous hydrocarbons that results in a high generation–accumulation efficiency of 17% when 18.5 billion m3 of already discovered hydrocarbons are considered.  相似文献   

Owing to the strategic significance of national oil and gas resources, their exploration and production must be prioritized in China. Oil and gas resources are closely related to deep crustal structures, and Moho characteristics influence oil and gas distribution. Therefore, it is important to study the relationship between the variation of the Moho surface depth undulation and hydrocarbon basins for the future prediction of their locations. The Moho depth in the study area can be inverted using the Moho depth control information, the Moho gravity anomaly, and the variable density distribution calculated by the infinite plate. Based on these results, the influences of Moho characteristics on petroleum basins were studied. We found that the Moho surface depth undulation deviation and crustal thickness undulation deviation in the hydrocarbon-rich basins are large, and the horizontal gradient deviation of the Moho surface shows a positive linear relationship with oil and gas resources in the basin. The oil-bearing mechanism of the Moho basin is further discussed herein. The Moho uplift area and the slope zone correspond to the distribution of oil and gas fields. The tensile stress produced by the Moho uplift can form tensile fractures or cause tensile fractures on the surface, further developing into a fault or depression basin that receives deposits. The organic matter can become oil and natural gas under suitable chemical and structural conditions. Under the action of groundwater or other dynamic forces, oil and natural gas are gradually transported to the uplift or the buried hill in the depression zone, and oil and gas fields are formed under the condition of good caprock. The research results can provide new insights into the relationship between deep structures and oil and gas basins as well as assist in the strategic planning of oil and gas exploration activities.  相似文献   

The China seas and adjacent areas contain numerous petroleum basins. One of the main challenges for future oil and gas exploration is to identify the inherent patterns of petroleum basin distribution. The formation and evolution of petroleum basins along with the migration and accumulation of oil and gas are often closely related to the tectonic environment. The gravity and magnetic fields with high lateral resolution and wide coverage provide important data for regional tectonic research. Based on the gravity data in the Global Satellite Gravity Anomaly Database (V31.1) and magnetic data from the Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution) (V2), this study uses integrated gravity and magnetic field technique to obtain integrated gravity and magnetic field result for the China seas and adjacent areas, and then adopts the normalized vertical derivative of the total horizontal derivative technique to conduct partition. Finally, it identifies the relationship between the partition characteristics and tectonics as well as the patterns of petroleum basin occurrence. The research shows that the partition of gravity and magnetic field integrated result has a good correlation with the Neo-Cathaysian tectonic system and tectonic units. The petroleum basins are characterized according to three blocks arranged from north to south and four zones arranged from east to west. The north?south block structure causes the uneven distribution of oil and gas resources in the mainland area and the differences in the hydrocarbon-bearing strata. Petroleum basins are more abundant in the north than in the south. The ages of the main oil- and gas-bearing strata are “Paleozoic–Mesozoic, Paleozoic–Mesozoic–Cenozoic, and Paleozoic–Mesozoic”, in order from north to south. The difference in the overall type of oil and gas resources in all basins is controlled by the east–west zonation. From east to west, the oil and gas resource type exhibits a wave-like pattern of “oil and gas, gas, oil and gas, gas”. The vertical distribution is characterized by an upper oil (Mesozoic–Cenozoic) and lower gas (Mesozoic–Paleozoic) structure. Within the study area, the Paleozoic marine strata should be the main strata of future natural gas exploration.  相似文献   

2010年我国进口原油2.39亿吨,原油对外依存度已经超过55%。截至2010年,三大石油公司的海外业务已遍及全球50多个国家和地区。中国石化海外原油产量从2008年的901万吨增长到2009年的1700万吨。在当前“走出去”的大环境下,为保证我国的能源安全,中国石化也在积极寻求海外油源多元化投资。中国石化海外油源投资应主要关注石油储量和产量排名前三十名的国家,包括亚太国家7个,非洲国家6个,中东国家7个,欧洲和西半球国家10个。根据政治、储量、技术、经济和环保五类风险的分析结果,优选地区排序依次为中东、非洲、南美、亚太和中亚。在海外油源国投资时,针对政治、经济、管理、技术和自然环境风险,应采取与当地国际石油公司加强合作、认真分析当地法律政策、进行资产管理分散风险、加大科技研发投入、加强安全培训等方法。中国石化在未来油源国际化投资的发展战略中,应加大上游投入,发挥自身优势与国际石油公司合作共赢,并且在国际上游投资难度不断加大的情况下,大胆采取与境外公司并购的方式获取油源。  相似文献   

In total, 2.37 million tons of marine crude oil originating from mixed source rocks has been discovered in the Tarim basin. Geological and geochemical analyses have confirmed that these mixed hydrocarbons are mainly from two sets of source rocks, including the Cambrian – Lower Ordovician and Middle-Upper Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks. In this study, we determined the set of source rocks primarily responsible for the mixed hydrocarbons and the next location to be explored. Differences in n-alkane carbon isotopes in end-member oils from Cambrian–Lower Ordovician and Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks were examined. A material balance model and simulation methods were used to evaluate the relative amounts contributed by each source. The results from known reserves in the Tazhong area show that the mixing ratio or contribution is up to 65% from Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks and is generally higher than that from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks. The discovery of deep hydrocarbons has caused the total oil contribution from the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician to increase. The mixing ratio of Cambrian–Lower Ordovician oil varies depending on the well, formation, and block. It increases from west to east horizontally and from top to bottom vertically. Hydrocarbons from Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks migrate upward along faults, and the mixing ratio decreases as the distance from the oil source fault increases. Favorable areas for Cambrian–Lower Ordovician hydrocarbon exploration are deep layers and areas near the fault zone that are connected to deep layers. The material balance model for carbon isotopes and evaluation methods for relative contributions considered differences in relative concentration and carbon isotope structure of n-alkanes. Herein, new methods for the identification and evaluation of hydrocarbons in the petroleum system of this superimposed basin are presented.  相似文献   

In the light of increasing oil exploration and production in the northern North Sea, the Brent, Beryl and Forties oil fields, representing three different types of operation, and a number of stations between the Forties field and the Firth of Forth, were sampled to determine the levels of total (by fluorescence), alkane (by glass capillary gas chromatography) and aromatic (by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) hydrocarbons in water and sediments. Close to the Beryl platform, where diesel-washed drill cuttings have been dumped, there was an accumulation of petrogenic hydrocarbons in the sediment, resulting in a build up of certain aryl hydrocarbons, notably the dibenzthiophenes and 3- and 4-ring aromatic compounds. In all the sediment samples analysed for aromatic hydrocarbons, relatively large amounts of 5- and 6-ring compounds were found in areas expected to be free of pollution, as well as from areas around oil platforms and from the Firth of Forth. Their source is likely to be windborne combustion products.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is the determination of petrophysical characteristics observable for Jurassic reservoirs in the study area; these characteristics are important for hydrocarbon production from those reservoirs. The study area consists of the three Mississippi coastal counties, Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson, and Mississippi's state waters offshore. The section of importance to this study is the Upper Jurassic, which is made up of, from oldest to youngest, the Norphlet Formation, Smackover Formation, Haynesville Formation (including a Frisco City-equivalent granite wash and the Buckner Anhydrite), and Cotton Valley Group. Within the study area only one Upper Jurassic gas field has been discovered. The Catahoula Creek field is located onshore in Hancock County in the western portion of the study area and is productive of gas from Cotton Valley sands below 19,000 ft. Well log and core data from dry exploratory holes in the study area were used to supplement the limited reservoir data at Catahoula Creek. Nine wildcat wells have penetrated the Jurassic in the study area, so the Jurassic wildcat drilling density is approximately one wildcat well per 290 mi2. Because of this lack of data in the study area, published information on the following Upper Jurassic fields in southwestern Alabama, both onshore and offshore, is included: Chunchula field (Smackover), Hatter's Pond field (Smackover), Hatter's Pond field (Norphlet), and Lower Mobile Bay Mary Ann field (Norphlet). Structurally, the three coastal counties and offshore state waters of Mississippi occupy the southern flank of the Wiggins Arch, an area of positive Paleozoic basement features, and the related Hancock Ridge. The Jurassic strati graphic section in the study area consists of more than 5,000 ft of clastics, evaporites, and carbonates at depths below 17,000 ft to 24,000 ft.  相似文献   

A. Zabanbark 《Oceanology》2010,50(2):268-280
The oil and gas basins of Australia are confined to its western and northwestern margins. They are typical pericontinental depressions in the continent-ocean transition zone with a passive tectonic regime. The following oil and gas basins are definable from the south to northward: the Perth, Carnarvon, Canning, Browse, and Bonaparte. All these basins are well studied. Among them, the Carnarvon basin is the most productive. Despite the discovery of approximately a hundred oil and gas fields in this basin, its continental slopes are still insufficiently known. In this connection, the morphostructural features of the productive areas were analyzed using a specialized GIS technique. The performed analysis of the Carnarvon hydrocarbon-bearing basin demonstrated the efficiency of this technique and allowed several promising zones located west, north, and south of the discovered oil and gas fields and forming a single trend with them to be outlined. The total reserves of the country are as high as 2.1 × 109 t of oil and 840 × 109 m3 of gas. The annual oil production in Australia by January 1, 2008 was 22.25 × 106 t of oil and 14 × 109 m3 of gas. Approximately 95% of the oil and 80% of the gas produced in Australia by the beginning of 2008 were obtained from offshore parts of its basins.  相似文献   

Marine minerals such as manganese nodules, Co-rich ferromanganese crusts, and seafloor massive sulfides are commonly seen as possible future resources that could potentially add to the global raw materials supply. At present, a proper assessment of these resources is not possible due to a severe lack of information regarding their size, distribution, and composition. It is clear, however, that manganese nodules and Co-rich ferromanganese crusts are a vast resource and mining them could have a profound impact on global metal markets, whereas the global resource potential of seafloor massive sulfides appears to be small. These deep-sea mineral commodities are formed by very different geological processes resulting in deposits with distinctly different characteristics. The geological boundary conditions also determine the size of any future mining operations and the area that will be affected by mining. Similarly, the sizes of the most favorable areas that need to be explored for a global resource assessment are also dependent on the geological environment. Size reaches 38 million km2 for manganese nodules, while those for Co-rich crusts (1.7 million km2) and massive sulfides (3.2 million km2) are much smaller. Moreover, different commodities are more abundant in some jurisdictions than in others. While only 19% of the favorable area for manganese nodules lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of coastal states or is covered by proposals for the extension of the continental shelf, 42% of the favorable areas for massive sulfides and 54% for Co-rich crusts are located in EEZs.  相似文献   

Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and spiral vortex   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
<正>Drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico,leased by BP PLC from Transocean Ltd.,exploded and caught on fire on April 20,2010.The drilling location is at some 50 miles(80 kilometers)off the coast of Louisiana  相似文献   

The key point for rational allocation of emergency resources is to match the oil spill response capacity with the risk of oil spill. This paper proposes an innovative risk-based model for quantitative regional emergency resource allocation, which comprehensively analyzes the factors such as oil spill probability, hazard consequences, oil properties, weathering process and operation efficiency, etc. The model calculates three major resources, i.e., mechanical recovery, dispersion and absorption, according to the results of risk assessment. In a field application in Xiaohu Port, Guangzhou, China, and the model achieved scientific and rational allocation of emergency resources by matching the assessed risk with the regional capacity, and allocating emergency resources according to capability target. The model is considered to be beneficial to enhancing the resource efficiency and may contribute to the planning of capacity-building programs in high-risk areas.  相似文献   

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