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In order to interpret H2 quasar absorption-line observations of damped Lyα systems (DLAs) and subDLAs, we model their H2 abundance as a function of dust-to-gas ratio, including H2 self-shielding and dust extinction against dissociating photons. Then, we constrain the physical state of the gas by using H2 data. Using H2 excitation data for DLAs with H2 detections, we derive a gas density  1.5 ≲ log n (cm−3) ≲ 2.5  , temperature  1.5 ≲ log T (K) ≲ 3  , and an internal ultraviolet (UV) radiation field (in units of the Galactic value)  0.5 ≲ log χ≲ 1.5  . We then find that the observed relation between the molecular fraction and the dust-to-gas ratio of the sample is naturally explained by the above conditions. However, it is still possible that H2 deficient DLAs and subDLAs with H2 fractions less than  ∼10−6  are in a more diffuse and warmer state. The efficient photodissociation by the internal UV radiation field explains the extremely small H2 fraction  (≲10−6)  observed for  κ≲ 1/30  (κ is the dust-to-gas ratio in units of the Galactic value); H2 self-shielding causes a rapid increase in, and large variations of, H2 abundance for  κ≳ 1/30  . We finally propose an independent method to estimate the star formation rates of DLAs from H2 abundances; such rates are then critically compared with those derived from other proposed methods. The implications for the contribution of DLAs to the cosmic star formation history are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We use the results of the SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey, a submillimetre (submm) survey of galaxies in the nearby Universe, to investigate the relationship between the far-infrared (FIR)–submm and radio emission of galaxies at both low and high redshift. At low redshift we show that the correlation between radio and FIR emission is much stronger than the correlation between radio and submm emission, which is evidence that massive stars are the source of both the FIR and radio emission. At high redshift we show that the submm sources detected by SCUBA are brighter sources of radio emission than are predicted from the properties of galaxies in the local Universe. We discuss possible reasons for the cosmic evolution of the relationship between radio and FIR emission.  相似文献   

We present spectra for a sample of radio sources from the FIRST survey, and use them to define the form of the redshift distribution of radio sources at mJy levels. We targeted 365 sources and obtained 46 redshifts (13 per cent of the sample). We find that our sample is complete in redshift measurement to R ∼18.6, corresponding to z ∼0.2. Galaxies were assigned spectral types based on emission-line strengths. Early-type galaxies represent the largest subset (45 per cent) of the sample and have redshifts 0.15≲ z ≲0.5; late-type galaxies make up 15 per cent of the sample and have redshifts 0.05≲ z ≲0.2; starbursting galaxies are a small fraction (∼6 per cent), and are very nearby ( z ≲0.05). Some 9 per cent of the population have Seyfert 1/quasar-type spectra, all at z ≳0.8, and 4 per cent are Seyfert 2 type galaxies at intermediate redshifts ( z ∼0.2).
Using our measurements and data from the Phoenix survey (Hopkins et al.), we obtain an estimate for N ( z ) at S 1.4 GHz≥1 mJy and compare this with model predictions. At variance with previous conclusions, we find that the population of starbursting objects makes up ≲5 per cent of the radio population at S ∼1 mJy.  相似文献   

We describe some of the first X-ray detections of groups of galaxies at high redshifts  ( z ∼0.4)  , based on the UK deep X-ray survey of McHardy et al. Combined with other deep ROSAT X-ray surveys with nearly complete optical identifications, we investigate the X-ray evolution of these systems. We find no evidence for evolution of the X-ray luminosity function up to   z =0.5  at the low luminosities of groups of galaxies and poor clusters  ( L X≳1042.5 erg s-1)  , although the small sample size precludes very accurate measurements. This result confirms and extends to lower luminosities current results based on surveys at brighter X-ray fluxes. The evolution of the X-ray luminosity function of these low-luminosity systems is more sensitive to the thermal history of the intragroup medium (IGM) than to cosmological parameters. Energy injection into the IGM (from, for example, supernovae or active galactic nuclei winds) is required to explain the X-ray properties of nearby groups. The observed lack of evolution suggests that the energy injection occurred at redshifts   z >0.5  .  相似文献   

The results are presented of an extensive programme of optical and infrared imaging of radio sources in a complete subsample of the Leiden–Berkeley Deep Survey. The LBDS Hercules sample consists of 72 sources observed at 1.4 GHz, with flux densities S 1.41.0 mJy, in a 1.2 deg2 region of Hercules. This sample is almost completely identified in the g , r , i and K bands, with some additional data available at J and H . The magnitude distributions peak at r ≃22 mag, K ≃16 mag and extend down to r ≃26 mag, K ≃21 mag. The K -band magnitude distributions for the radio galaxies and quasars are compared with those of other radio surveys. At S 1.4 GHz≲1 Jy, the K -band distribution does not change significantly with radio flux density. The sources span a broad range of colours, with several being extremely red ( r − K ≳6). Though small, this is the most optically complete sample of mJy radio sources available at 1.4 GHz, and is ideally suited for studying the evolution of the radio luminosity function out to high redshifts.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 19 464 galaxies drawn from the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey, we study the relationship between galaxy colour and environment at  0.4 < z < 1.35  . We find that the fraction of galaxies on the red sequence depends strongly on local environment out to   z > 1  , being larger in regions of greater galaxy density. At all epochs probed, we also find a small population of red, morphologically early-type galaxies residing in regions of low measured overdensity. The observed correlations between the red fraction and local overdensity are highly significant, with the trend at   z > 1  detected at a greater than 5σ level. Over the entire redshift regime studied, we find that the colour–density relation evolves continuously, with red galaxies more strongly favouring overdense regions at low z relative to their red-sequence counterparts at high redshift. At   z ≳ 1.3  , the red fraction only weakly correlates with overdensity, implying that any colour dependence to the clustering of  ∼ L *  galaxies at that epoch must be small. Our findings add weight to existing evidence that the build-up of galaxies on the red sequence has occurred preferentially in overdense environments (i.e. galaxy groups) at   z ≲ 1.5  . Furthermore, we identify the epoch  ( z ∼ 2)  at which typical  ∼ L *  galaxies began quenching and moved on to the red sequence in significant number. The strength of the observed evolutionary trends at  0 < z < 1.35  suggests that the correlations observed locally, such as the morphology–density and colour–density relations, are the result of environment-driven mechanisms (i.e. 'nurture') and do not appear to have been imprinted (by 'nature') upon the galaxy population during their epoch of formation.  相似文献   

We show that the far-IR properties of distant Luminous and UltraLuminous InfraRed Galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs, respectively) are on average divergent from analogous sources in the local Universe. Our analysis is based on Spitzer Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) and Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) data of   L IR > 1010 L, 70 μm  selected objects in the  0.1 < z < 2  redshift range and supported by a comparison with the IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample. The majority of the objects in our sample are described by spectral energy distributions (SEDs) which peak at longer wavelengths than local sources of equivalent total infrared luminosity. This shift in SED peak wavelength implies a noticeable change in the dust and/or star-forming properties from   z ∼ 0  to the early Universe, tending towards lower dust temperatures, indicative of strong evolution in the cold dust, 'cirrus', component. We show that these objects are potentially the missing link between the well-studied local IR-luminous galaxies, Spitzer IR populations and SCUBA sources – the   z < 1  counterparts of the cold   z > 1  SubMillimetre Galaxies (SMGs) discovered in blank-field submillimetre surveys. The Herschel Space Observatory is well placed to fully characterize the nature of these objects, as its coverage extends over a major part of the far-IR/sub-mm SED for a wide redshift range.  相似文献   

High‐resolution observations, made with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 330 MHz, 1.4 GHz and 8.4 GHz and with the Ryle Telescope at 15 GHz, are presented of a sample of 23 sources which are variable at 151 MHz, concluding the observations of an unbiased sample of 40 such sources. The 8.4 GHz emission of almost all of the sources is dominated by structure on a scale ≲0.1 arcsec – the spectra of these compact components are such that they will also dominate the emission at 151 MHz; the number of sources for which this is not the case is consistent with the number of spurious variables expected to be found in the sample. About two-thirds of the sources have the self-absorbed, or flat, spectra expected from their size. The majority (∼75 per cent) of the sources belong to the compact steep-spectrum (CSS) class, but are generally more compact than other CSS sources; the CSS variables also appear to exhibit more spectral ageing than typical CSS sources, which may indicate a difference in the nature of the sources.  相似文献   

We discuss how different theoretical predictions for the variance σ 2 of the counts-in-cells distribution of radio sources can be matched to measurements from the FIRST survey at different flux limits. The predictions are given by the integration of models for the angular correlation function w ( θ ) for three different functional forms of the redshift distribution N ( z ), different spatial correlation functions that match the observed present-day shape and by different evolutions of the bias b ( z ) with redshift. We also consider the two cases of open and flat universes. Although the predicted w ( θ ) show substantial differences because of differences in the values of N ( z ), these differences are not significant compared to the uncertainties in the current observations. It turns out that, independent of the geometry of the universe and the flux limit, the best fit is provided by models with constant biasing at all times, although the difference between models with epoch-independent bias and models with bias that evolves linearly with redshift is not very large. All models with strong evolution of bias with epoch are ruled out, as they grossly overestimate the amplitude of the variance over the whole range of angular scales sampled by the counts-in-cells analysis. As a further step we directly calculated w obs( θ ) at 3 mJy from the catalogue and matched it with our models for the angular correlation function, in the hypothesis that the clustering signal comes from two different populations, namely AGN-powered sources and starbursting galaxies. The results are consistent with a scenario for hierarchical clustering where the fainter starbursting galaxies trace the mass at all epochs, while the brighter AGNs are strongly biased, with b ( z ) evolving linearly with redshift, as suggested by some theories of galaxy formation and evolution.  相似文献   

We present polarization observations of 28 compact steep-spectrum sources made with the upgraded MERLIN at 5 GHz. With an angular resolution of 60 milliarcsec and rms noise levels of about 0.1 mJy beam−1, the total intensity images reveal new details in many of these sources. A few of the more extended lobes and jets are quite highly polarized, but more than half of the components are completely unpolarized. Comparison with published data implies that this is due to Faraday depolarization, probably occurring in the surrounding medium with nB  ∼ 1 cm−3μG. The high resolution of the present observations implies that the variations in Faraday rotation, probably due to magnetic field tangling, occur on scales of less than about 100 pc.  相似文献   

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