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The thermal response of the natural ferroan phlogopite-1M, K2(Mg4.46Fe0.83Al0. 34Ti0.22)(Si5.51Al2. 49)O20[OH3.59F0.41] from Quebec, Canada, was studied with an in situ neutron powder diffraction. The in situ temperature conditions were set up at ?263, 25, 100°C and thereafter at a 100°C intervals up to 900°C. The crystal structure was refined by the Rietveld method (R p=2.35–2.78%, R wp=3.01–3.52%). The orientation of the O–H vector of the sample was determined by the refinement of the diffraction pattern. With increasing temperature, the angle of the OH bond to the (001) plane decreased from 87.3 to 72.5°. At room temperature, a = 5.13 Å, b = 9.20 Å, c = 10.21 Å, β = 100.06° and V(volume) = 491.69 Å3. The expansion rate of the unit cell dimensions varied discontinuously with a break at 500°C. The shape of the M-octahedron underwent some significant changes such as flattening at 500°C. At temperatures above 500°C, the octahedral thickness and mean distance was decreased, while the octahedral flattening angle increased. Those results were attributed to the Fe oxidation and dehydroxylation processes. The dehydroxylation mechanism of the ferroan phlogopite was studied by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) after heated at temperatures ranging from 25 to 800°C with an electric furnace in a vacuum. In the OH stretching region, the intensity of the OH band associated with Fe2+(N B-band) begun to decrease outstandingly at 500°C. The changes of the IR spectra confirmed that dehydroxylation was closely related to the oxidation in the vacuum of the ferrous iron in the M-octahedron. The decrease in the angle of the OH bond to the (001) plane, with increasing temperature, might be related to the imbalance of charge in the M-octahedra due to Fe oxidation.  相似文献   

The dehydration-rehydration processes and phase transformations of brewsterite (space group P21/m, ideal formula (Sr,Ba)Al2Si6O16·5H2O) were studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction on two samples heated in an evacuated capillary for 24 h at 280°C and 330°C, respectively, and then cooled to room temperature. After the data collection, the capillary of the crystal heated at 280°C was broken, the sample was kept at room conditions for one month, and diffraction data were recollected. Brewsterite heated in vacuum at 280°C shows a strong decrease of the unit cell volume (about 10%) and the statistical breaking of the T1-O7-T2 bridge of the 4-ring of the 4254 PBU. T1 cation, in 31% of cases, migrates to a new tetrahedral site, which shares three vertices with the previously occupied one; the fourth vertex is on the mirror plane, and joins two adjacent layers. T2 cation, in 20% of cases, migrates to a new site, which is characterized by a 5-fold coordination. This coordination polyhedron shares three vertices with the previously occupied tetrahedron; the fourth vertex is on the mirror plane, and joins two adjacent layers; the fifth one is unshared. The formation of these new T-O-T bridges prevents the re-expansion and rehydration of the heated brewsterite; as a consequence, the crystal brought back to room conditions does not show any noticeable structural difference with respect to that heated at 280°C. The exchangeable cations, which occupy only one extraframework site in the untreated brewsterite, spread over several sites. The sample heated at 330°C shows a further decrease in the unit cell volume of about 2% with respect to the sample heated at 280°C, and an increase in the migration percentage of T1 and T2 cations to the new sites. Received: 11 November 1997 / Revised, accepted: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

A series of new-generation synthetic talcs were prepared by varying the hydrothermal synthesis duration from a few hours up to 2 months. Crystallinity and particle size analysis of the synthetic products were evaluated by photon correlation spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, differential thermal analysis and unoriented X-ray diffraction, and then analyzed by various spectroscopic methods such as Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 1H and 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance. The new process for preparing synthetic talcs allows to obtain single-phased particles which after few hours grow heterogeneously and simultaneously in both the c* direction and the (ab) plan. Fine particles, observed for whatever the synthesis duration, lead to the presence of numerous sheet edges surfaces due to particle size which represents the main difference with natural talc. Spectroscopy data show the influence of the fine particles on signals and highlight that synthetic talc characterization is a potential tool for better understanding crystal chemistry of natural talc.  相似文献   

Albite crystallized hydrothermally from gels of Ab100 and Ab90 (SiO2)10 (wt %) composition changes in degree of Al, Si order with time to reach a steady value. The steady values are influenced by fluid and gel composition as well as temperature. Albites grown in long experiments in the presence of NaOH and excess SiO2 are more ordered than albites grown in similar experiments with pure water and excess SiO2. This ‘catalytic’ effect declines as temperature is increased above 600 ° C. Partially ordered albites heated hydrothermally at 700 ° and 725 ° C decrease in degree of order. When heated at 600 °, 650 ° or 675 ° C the degree of order either increases very slightly, or remains the same depending on the degree of order initially present.  相似文献   

The hydroxyl stretching frequencies of four phyllosilicates have been measured at high pressures and temperatures using an externally heated diamond-anvil cell and synchrotron infrared spectroscopy. Spectra were measured up to 26, 31, 21 and 8 GPa at room temperature for samples of talc, pyrophyllite, muscovite and 10-Å phase, respectively. Spectra were also measured in the range 273–500 K at ambient pressure for all samples and at 8–9 GPa for talc and pyrophyllite. The frequency of the Mg3OH band in talc increases with pressure due to the absence of hydrogen bonding. The different orientation of the hydroxyl group in pyrophyllite and muscovite leads to hydrogen bonding and a decrease in the frequency of the Al2OH band with pressure. 10-Å phase is approximately equivalent to talc with the addition of interlayer H2O. In a spectrum of a sample synthesised for 143 h, two hydroxyl stretching bands are clearly resolved on compression. One is the same as the Mg3OH band in talc, indicating the presence of intra-layer hydroxyl in a talc-like environment with no hydrogen bonding. The other, which separates from the talc-like band at 1 GPa, is associated with intra-layer hydroxyl that is hydrogen bonded to interlayer H2O. There are equivalent bands in high-pressure spectra of a sample of deuterated 10-Å phase, synthesised for 400 h. This sample shows a greater extent of hydrogen bonding at ambient pressure than the 143 h sample. For all of the phases studied, increasing temperature leads to a decrease in frequency for every hydroxyl stretching vibration, both at low and high pressures. The shifts in frequency with temperature are an order of magnitude greater than the shifts with pressure when normalised to previously measured structural parameters.  相似文献   

Experiments up to water pressures of 21 kbar have been undertaken to bracket the reactions chlorite + quartz = talc + kyanite + H2O, chlorite + quartz = talc + cordierite + H2O, and talc + kyanite + quartz = cordierite ± H2O by reversed runs in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (MASH). These reaction curves intersect at an invariant point (IP1) at PH2O = 6.4 ± 0.2 kbar and a temperature of 624 ± 4°C. The curve of the chlorite + quartz breakdown to talc + kyanite + H2O at water pressures above 6.4 kbar shows a negative dP/dT, with the slope decreasing with rising pressure, whereas the slope of the breakdown curve to talc + cordierite + H2O at water pressures is clearly positive. The composition of the chlorite solid solution reacting with quartz has been estimated to be approximately Mg4.85Al1.15[Al1.15Si2.85O10](OH)8 over the entire pressure range investigated. The composition of the talc solid solution forming by the breakdown of chlorite + quartz appears to be Mg2.94Al0.06[Al0.06Si3.94O10](OH)2 at PH2O = 2kbar. With increasing pressure, the Al content of talc decreases, reaching a value of about 0.06 atoms per formula unit at P,H2O = 21 kbar. As a consequence of the new experimental data, the existing phase topologies of the MASH-system and K2O-MASH-system have been revised. For example, the invariant point IP1 and the univariant reaction curve kyanite + talc + H2O = chlorite + cordierite are stable. For this reason, the development of medium- to high-temperature metamorphic rocks compositionally approximating the MASH-system must be reconsidered. The whiteschists from Sar e Sang, Afghanistan, are treated as an example. The application of the present experimental data to metamorphic rocks of more normal composition requires the examination of the influence of further components. This leads to the conclusion that the introduction of Fe2+ into magnesian chlorite extends its stability field in the presence of quartz by 10°-15°C in comparison with pure Mg-chlorite.  相似文献   

This study examined commercial talc deposits in the U.S. and their amphibole-asbestos content. The study found that the talc-forming environment directly influenced the amphibole and amphibole-asbestos content of the talc deposit. Large talc districts in the U.S. have mined hydrothermal talcs that replaced dolostone. Hydrothermal talcs, created by siliceous fluids heated by magmas at depth, consistently lack amphiboles as accessory minerals. In contrast, mineable talc deposits that formed by contact or regional metamorphism consistently contain amphiboles, locally as asbestiform varieties. Examples of contact metamorphic deposits occur in Death Valley, California; these talc-tremolite deposits contain accessory amphibole-asbestos. Talc bodies formed by regional metamorphism always contain amphiboles, which display a variety of compositions and habits, including asbestiform. Some industrial mineral deposits are under scrutiny as potential sources of accessory asbestos minerals. Recognizing consistent relations between the talc-forming environment and amphibole-asbestos content may be used in prioritizing remediation or monitoring of abandoned and active talc mines.  相似文献   

Rietveld refinement of X-ray synchrotron data was performed for two synthetic tetrahedrite samples, with 0.61 and 1.83 Fe atoms, and two synthetic tennantite samples with 0.10 and 1.23 Fe atoms p.f.u. M12(Sb,As)4S13. Measurements were performed at 25 and 250°C. For both the phases, increased Fe substitution is reflected in the increased tetrahedral ‘Cu1’–S distance (‘Cu1’ is a site of Fe substitution) and Cu2–S distances. Cu2 was refined as a split position; the Cu2–Cu2 split about the plane of the S12S2 triangle is about 0.56 and 0.65 Å for tetrahedrite and tennantite, respectively. Cu2–Cu2 distances in the structure cavity are 2.8–2.9 Å. Between 25 and 250°C, the lattice parameter a increased by 0.02–0.04 Å and the interatomic distances by 0.01 Å on an average. Thermal expansion coefficients of little-substituted samples are similar to those of unsubstituted samples, whereas thermal expansion appears to decrease with increasing substitution by Fe. The Cu2–Cu2 split increases at 250°C by about 0.1 Å for tetrahedrite and by more than 0.15 Å for tennantite but the cage expansion is minimal so that the Cu2–Cu2 distances in the cavity decrease with temperature. Difference Fourier maps indicate that there is little residual electron density left between the two Cu2 half-sites in tetrahedrite but this inter-site density is substantially higher in tennantite. It increases with temperature, especially in the little-substituted tennantite sample.  相似文献   

Heat treatment was performed on selected Fe-dominant tourmalines to establish the nature of any change in optical properties. Two tourmaline samples from Dolní Bory, Czech Republic (TDB) and Vlachovo, Slovakia (TVL) were heated at 450, 700 and 900°C at 0.1 mPa and ambient oxidation conditions for 8 h. EMPA study shows that tourmaline from Vlachovo has schorlitic composition and tourmaline from Dolní Bory is alkali-depleted schorl to foitite. Although the black colour remained unchanged after heating at 450°C, it changed to brown at 700°C and reddish brown at 900°C. No significant changes of chemical composition were observed during heating. X-ray diffraction, infrared and Mössbauer study showed negligible oxidation of tourmaline heated at 450°C, but a significant change in iron valency state and deprotonization at 700°C. The oxidation of Fe is the main cause of tourmaline colour change, and the substitution vector for oxidation of Fe is Fe3+OFe ?1 2+ (OH)?1. The predicted deprotonization of OH was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy, which documented a decrease in OH groups in both samples, mainly at the V site. The oxidation of Fe is mostly significant in the Y site as documented on the compression of the Y-site octahedra and subsequent decrease in the a lattice parameter. This feature is consistent with lattice dimensions in the transition from schorl and foitite dimensions to those consistent with fluor-buergerite. The Z-site octahedra did not compressed and were not affected by heating-induced Fe oxidation, which indicates only negligible content of Z Fe2+ in original samples. After heating at 900°C, the tourmaline structure collapsed likely due to the thermally induced weakening of bonds in Y and Z octahedra, which results in amorphization of tourmaline. Subsequently, breakdown products including Fe-oxides and mullite replaced alkali-depleted amorphized tourmaline.  相似文献   

Kulkeite occurs as platy, colorless, porphyroblastic, single crystals up to 2 mm in size in a low-grade dolomite rock associated with a Triassic meta-evaporite series at Derrag, Tell Atlas, Algeria, It is associated with sodian aluminian talc, unusual chlorite polytypes, and both K and Na phlogopite. Kulkeite is optically biaxial, negative, n x=1.552, n y=1.5605, n z=1.5610, 2Vz=24° (obs.). Based on microprobe analysis the empirical formula is (Na0.38K0.01Ca0.01)(Mg8.02Al0.99)[Al1.43Si6.57O20](OH)10 with some variation in Na, Si, and tetrahedral Al. The crystals are monoclinic with a=5.319(1), b=9.195(2), c=23.897(10) Å, β=97° 1(3)′; Z=2; the calculated density is 2.70 g cm?3. The four strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern are (d, I, hkl): 7.90, 100, 003; 1.533, 100, 060; 7.42, 80, 002; 3.38, 80, 007; the 001 reflection with 23.7 Å has intensity 10. Transmission electron microscopy confirms the nature of a regular 1∶1 mixed-layer, which consists of 14 Å chlorite (clinochlore) sheets alternating with sheets of one-layer (9.5 Å) talc characterized by the lattice substitution NaAl→Si just as in the talc occurring as a discrete mineral co-existing with kulkeite. Kulkeite is intergrown with lamellae of clinochlore that represent two-layer and five-layer (70 Å) polytypes with optical birefringence exceeding the normal value for clinochlore by a factor of 3. The origin of kulkeite is due to low-grade metamorphism with temperatures probably not exceeding 400° C. As the clinochlore lamellae and sodian aluminian talc are found in mutual contact, kulkeite seems to represent a metastable mineral at least during the latest phase of metamorphism. However, at an earlier stage, prior to clinochlore formation, kulkeite might have been stable, and the incorporation of Na and Al into its talc component could indeed be the decisive factor for the formation of the mixed-layer.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2003,22(1-2):17-39
Many talc deposits occur in the Hwanggangri Mineralized Zone (HMZ) in dolomitic marbles of the Cambro-Ordovician Samtaesan Formation within 1 km of the contact with the Cretaceous Muamsa Granite. Talc commonly forms fine-grained, fibrous aggregates, or pseudomorphs after tremolite; abundant tremolite is included as impurities in the talc ore. Talc generally was derived from tremolite in calc-silicate rock within the dolomitic marble. Calc-silicate rock, consisting mainly of tremolite and diopside, was generated from silicic metasomatism during the prograde stage, which promoted decarbonation reactions until dolomite was exhausted locally. Hydrothermal alteration of calc-silicate rock to talc is marked by the addition of Mg and Si, and the leaching of Ca; Cr, Co, and Ni were relatively immobile during the retrograde stage. Contact metamorphism related to the granite intrusion generated the successive appearance of tremolite, diopside, and forsterite, or wollastonite-bearing assemblages in the marble, depending on the bulk rock composition. The XCO2 content of the metamorphic fluids rose initially above XCO2=0.6, and decreased steadily toward a water-rich composition with increasing temperature above 600 °C in the calcitic marble, while buffered reaction of the dolomitic marble occurred at higher XCO2 conditions above 600 °C. Talc mineralization developed under metastable conditions with infiltration of large amounts of igneous fluids along a fault-shattered zone during the retrograde stage and is characterized by the loss of Ca2+ with the addition of Mg2+. Oxygen and carbon isotopic variations of carbonate and calc-silicate minerals are in agreement with theoretical relationships determined for decarbonation products of contact metamorphism. Talc formation temperatures obtained from oxygen isotope fractionation, TXCO2 relationships, and activity diagrams range from 380 to 400 °C.  相似文献   

A novel method for synthesis of aluminium hematites, based upon the homogeneous precipitation of Fe and Al oxinates in various proportions, is presented. The precursor precipitates are heated in air at 700?°C. X-ray diffraction, thermal analyses, BET, FTIR, optical reflection analysis, TEM and Mössbauer spectroscopy at room temperature and 80?K of the resulting products indicate that single-phase hematites are formed with structural Al substitution of up to 10 at%. Interestingly, the particle size (>100?nm) is not substantially reduced by the Al content. Although it remains difficult to obtain a homogeneously distributed Al substitution in the final hematite, this processing line offers a unique opportunity to separate the effects of grain size and Al substitution on the Morin transition temperature (T M) of Al hematite. From the comparison between the present hematites and a series of Al-substituted hematites with lepidocrocite as precursor, it could be shown that the effect on T M, associated with a change of a factor 10 in grain size, is about 1/3 of the effect caused by a change of 10 in the degree of substitution. Finally, it is suggested that proper thermal treatments under different conditions of the same precursors are likely to produce spinel phases.  相似文献   

Using a previously published, internally consistent thermodynamic dataset and updated models of activity–composition relations for solid solutions, petrogenetic grids in the model system KFMASH (K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O) and the subsystems KMASH and KFASH have been calculated with the software THERMOCALC 3.1 in the PT range 5–36 kbar and 400–810 °C, involving garnet, chloritoid, biotite, carpholite, talc, chlorite, staurolite and kyanite/sillimanite with phengite, quartz/coesite and H2O in excess. These grids, together with calculated AFM compatibility diagrams and pseudosections, are shown to be powerful tools for delineating the phase equilibria and PT conditions of pelitic high-P assemblages for a variety of bulk compositions. The calculated equilibria and mineral compositions are in good agreement with petrological observation. The calculation indicates that the typical whiteschist assemblage kyanite–talc is restricted to the rocks with extremely high XMg values, decreasing XMg in a bulk composition favoring the stability of chloritoid and garnet. Also, the chloritoid–talc paragenesis is stable over 19–20 kbar in a temperature range of ca. 520–620 °C, being more petrologically important than the previously highlighted assemblage talc–phengite. Moreover, contours of the calculated Si isopleths in phengite in PT and PX pseudosections for different bulk compositions extend the experimentally derived phengite geobarometers to various KFMASH assemblages.  相似文献   

In this paper, the limestone specimens are heated from room temperature 25 to 800 °C in a high temperature furnace and then are subjected to Brazilian test with the AG-I250 electronic precision material testing machine. The physical properties, mechanical properties, disc failure pattern, energy absorbed per unit area and damage characteristics of disc are comprehensively investigated. The results show that: with the increase of temperature, the changing trends of tensile strength, peak strain, tensile modulus and accumulated energy absorbed per unit area of disc are similar, they are first increases, then decrease, the energy consumption index is consistent with the macroscopic damage characteristics; the value of εs increase first and then reduce, reaches the maximum at 600 °C. The value of n is increasing and fluctuating, but the change trend of Dc is opposite, which is decreasing and fluctuating. The slope of the damage variable-strain curves decreases first and then increases, the minimum value at 600 °C. This study is of significance to the prediction and evaluation of the stability and safety of rock mass post-high temperature.  相似文献   

The H2O content of wadsleyite were measured in a wide pressure (13–20 GPa) and temperature range (1,200–1,900°C) using FTIR method. We confirmed significant decrease of the H2O content of wadsleyite with increasing temperature and reported first systematic data for temperature interval of 1,400–1,900°C. Wadsleyite contains 0.37–0.55 wt% H2O at 1,600°C, which may be close to its water storage capacity along average mantle geotherm in the transition zone. Accordingly, water storage capacity of the average mantle in the transition zone may be estimated as 0.2–0.3 wt% H2O. The H2O contents of wadsleyite at 1,800–1,900°C are 0.22–0.39 wt%, indicating that it can store significant amount of water even under the hot mantle environments. Temperature dependence of the H2O content of wadsleyite can be described by exponential equation C\textH2 \textO = 6 3 7.0 7 \texte - 0.00 4 8T , C_{{{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}} = 6 3 7.0 7 {\text{e}}^{ - 0.00 4 8T} , where T is in °C. This equation is valid for temperature range 1,200–2,100°C with the coefficient of determination R 2 = 0.954. Temperature dependence of H2O partition coefficient between wadsleyite and forsterite (D wd/fo) is complex. According to our data apparent Dwd/fo decreases with increasing temperature from D wd/fo = 4–5 at 1,200°C, reaches a minimum of D wd/fo = 2.0 at 1,400–1,500°C, and then again increases to D wd/fo = 4–6 at 1,700–1,900°C.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the effect of trace amounts of feldspar (Na and/or K) on dihedral angles in the quartz-H2O-CO2 system at 4 kbar and 450–1050°C. Quartz-quartz-H2O dihedral angles in feldspar-bearing quartz aggregates are observed to be the same as those in pure quartz aggregates at temperatures below 500°C. Above this temperature, they decrease with increasing temperature until the solidus. The final angle at the inception of melting is about 65° for microcline-quartz-H2O and microcline-albite-quartz-H2O, and much less than 60° (the critical value for formation of grain-edge fluid channels in an isotropic system) for the albite-quartz-H2O system. CO2 was observed to produce a constant quartz-quartz-fluid dihedral angle of 97° in feldspar-bearing quartz aggregates at all temperatures studied. Also examined were the dihedral angles for the two co-existing supersolidus fluids in quartz aggregates. In all systems the quartz-volatile fluid angle is greater than 60°, whereas the quartz-melt angle is lower than 60°. Both super-solidus angles decrease with increasing temperature. The transition from nonconnected to connected poro- sity with increasing temperature observed in the quartz-albite-H2O system some tens of degrees below the solidus (termed a permeability transition), if a common feature of rocks near their melting points, will play an important role in controlling the permeability of high-grade rocks to aqueous fluids. Received: 27 October 1993 / Accepted: 11 July 1994  相似文献   

Talc is one of the weakest minerals that is associated with fault zones. Triaxial friction experiments conducted on water-saturated talc gouge at room temperature yield values of the coefficient of friction, μ (shear stress, τ/effective normal stress, σ′N) in the range 0.16–0.23, and μ increases with increasing σ′N. Talc gouge heated to temperatures of 100°–400 °C is consistently weaker than at room temperature, and μ < 0.1 at slow strain rates in some heated experiments. Talc also is characterized by inherently stable, velocity-strengthening behavior (strength increases with increasing shear rate) at all conditions tested. The low strength of talc is a consequence of its layered crystal structure and, in particular, its very weak interlayer bond. Its hydrophobic character may be responsible for the relatively small increase in μ with increasing σ′N at room temperature compared to other sheet silicates.Talc has a temperature–pressure range of stability that extends from surficial to eclogite-facies conditions, making it of potential significance in a variety of faulting environments. Talc has been identified in exhumed subduction zone thrusts, in fault gouge collected from oceanic transform and detachment faults associated with rift systems, and recently in serpentinite from the central creeping section of the San Andreas fault. Typically, talc crystallized in the active fault zones as a result of the reaction of ultramafic rocks with silica-saturated hydrothermal fluids. This mode of formation of talc is a prime example of a fault-zone weakening process. Because of its velocity-strengthening behavior, talc may play a role in stabilizing slip at depth in subduction zones and in the creeping faults of central and northern California that are associated with ophiolitic rocks.  相似文献   

The dehydration of a natural goethite to hematite is accompanied by a systematic hydrogen isotope fractionation. Closed system dehydration at, and below, 250°C results in a significantly greater degree of isotopic fractionation than does open system dehydration. This relationship is apparently reversed at 300°C. Both processes produce a progressive decrease in the DH ratio of the mineral hydrogen with increasing degree of dehydration. At temperatures of 160°C to 250°C the closed system mineralvapor fractionation factor is independent of temperature, while above 250°C, it varies strongly with temperature. The mineral-vapor fractionation factor associated with open system dehydration appears to be independent of temperature over the interval 160°C to 300°C. The closed system DH fractionation suggests that natural goethite undergoing dehydration in the presence of water can isotopically exchange with that water.CO2 loss from goethite during dehydration is correlated with the loss of H2O. The CO3 is thought to be present in carbonates which exist as impurities in the goethite. Loss of both H2O and CO2 appears to be diffusion-controlled.  相似文献   

Sodic amphiboles in high pressure and ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks are complex solid solutions in the system Na2O–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NMASH) whose compositions vary with pressure and temperature. We conducted piston-cylinder experiments at 20–30?kbar and 700–800?°C to investigate the stability and compositional variations of sodic amphiboles, based on the reaction glaucophane=2jadeite+talc, by using the starting assemblage of natural glaucophane, talc and quartz, with synthetic jadeite. A close approach to equilibrium was achieved by performing compositional reversals, by evaluating compositional changes with time, and by suppressing the formation of Na-phyllosilicates. STEM observations show that the abundance of wide-chain structures in the synthetic amphiboles is low. An important feature of sodic amphibole in the NMASH system is that the assemblage jadeite–talc?±?quartz does not fix its composition at glaucophane. This is because other amphibole species such as cummingtonite (Cm), nyböite (Nyb), Al–Na-cummingtonite (Al–Na-Cm) and sodium anthophyllite (Na-Anth) are also buffered via the model reactions: 3cummingtonite?+?4quartz?+?4H2O=7talc, nyböite?+?3quartz=3jadeite?+?talc, 3Al–Na-cummingtonite + 11quartz + 2H2O=6jadeite + 5talc, and 3 sodium anthophyllite?+?13quartz?+?4H2O=3 jadeite + 7talc. We observed that at all pressures and temperatures investigated, the compositions of newly grown amphiboles deviate significantly from stoichiometric glaucophane due to varying substitutions of AlIV for Si, Mg on the M(4) site, and Na on the A-site. The deviation can be described chiefly by two compositional vectors: [NaAAlIV]<=>[□ASi] (edenite) toward nyböite, and [Na(M4)AlVI]<=>[Mg(M4)MgVI] toward cummingtonite. The extent of nyböite and cummingtonite substitution increases with temperature and decreases with pressure in the experiments. Similar compositional variations occur in sodic amphiboles from UHP rocks. The experimentally calibrated compositional changes therefore may prove useful for thermobarometric applications.  相似文献   

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