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1999年9月20日台湾岛集集地震之前,该地区的地震活动率显著减少。从1994年到1999年9月20日的台湾地震目录可以看出,异常从1999年1月开始,持续了约9个月,直到主震发生。本结果表明:该地区2.0级以上地震的平均活动率为每月蝎5个,标准偏差为78。异常期间,该地区的地震活动率减少为平均每月314个,标准偏差在1的范围内。通过z值图的分析可以看出,在集集地震的震源区周围,在地震活动性明显增大的同时,b值也有持续减少的趋势。 相似文献
1999年9月20日集集(台湾)M7.6级地震产生了足够的近源地震数据。这些证实了许多理论预测的断层几何对地震物理过程的影响。这些影响包括上盘运动的增加(在断层迹上最大),在断层北段存在一个从逆冲到显著左旋滑动的过渡以及近场和远场对断层类型,能量和视应力的估计存在不一致性,通过这次地震的严格的三维动力学模型。可看出这些特征与三维非对称断层几何及其与自由表面之间的夹角密切相关。研究结果显示,由于倾滑断层与地表交错,地震的许多重要特征是由断层几何控制的,原则上说是可能提前预测的。 相似文献
使用GPS同震位移资料和远场P波记录,研究了1999年台湾集集地震震源破裂过程.根据地质构造和余震分布引入了一个由弯曲断层面构造的三段“铲状”断层模型.在使用静态GPS位移资料反演集集地震的断层破裂滑动分布时,由于集集地震断层北部近地表破裂的复杂性,在位错模型中考虑拉张分量对地表同震位移的贡献,可更好地同时拟合GPS观测资料的水平和垂向分量.而纯剪切位错弹性半空间模型和分层地壳模型都无法同时拟合水平和垂向GPS观测资料.在此基础上,同时使用静力学同震位移资料和远场地震波形记录,反演集集地震的震源破裂过程.结果表明,一种垂直于断层面的“挤压性”(负)拉张分量几乎集中分布于地震断层的浅部和北部转折处,而这一带地表破裂远较没有(负)拉张分量出现的南部断层复杂.“冒起构造”的数字模拟表明,这种在集集地震破裂转折处及北部断裂带广为出现的典型破裂造成的地表位移可以用具有负拉张分量(挤压)的逆冲断层更好地模拟.而这种负拉张分量(挤压)的分布正是地震破裂性质和几何复杂性的综合反映,震源破裂过程也显示北部转折处破裂在空间和时间上的复杂性.高滑区域与余震分布表现为负相关. 相似文献
2008年古田4.1、4.6级地震强震动观测记录 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
水口水电站重力坝强震反应台阵在古田ML4.1、ML4.6地震中获得了强震资料,通过对观测资料初步分析,得到以下认识:如果仅用基岩自由场顺河向振动的峰值加速度进行估算.该大坝遭受的地震强度达到Ⅵ度。这与通过现场灾害评估得出大坝位于V度区外的结论相悖:坝底和基岩自由场竖直向和顺河向振动情况一致,但幅度存在差异;对于坝体的峰值加速度,相比较于坝底,坝中部三方向均有不同程度的放大,坝顶三方向均有不同程度的缩小:从坝底至坝顶。峰值加速度出现滞后现象,但并不明显,说明坝体刚性较大。此次地震中坝体主要呈整体振动特性。 相似文献
2006年文安5.1级地震的烈度异常区初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2006年7月4日河北省文安县发生的5.1级地震是1998年1月10日张北6.2级地震后首都圈内最大的一次地震.该震震中烈度偏低,而远在100km以外的北京等地区却出现较高的烈度异常.本文根据首都圈数字强震台网及其烈度速报系统测定的地震动强度等值线图,对该地震的烈度异常情况进行了分析,并对首都圈内3个烈度异常区的成因进行了初步的分析.结合震源的发震机理、地质结构和地震波射线路径等,分析了造成该次地震震中低烈度、小灾情,而外围烈度较高的基本因素. 相似文献
在对 1999年 5月 15日山西省应县—浑源 ML4.6地震宏观烈度考察的基础上 ,得出极震区烈度为 度 ,呈椭圆形 ,长轴走向北东 ,长度 13km,短轴 10 km,面积 10 2 km2的结论。分析了地震的发震构造 ,认为北东向的恒山北麓断裂是控制大同盆地的南部边界断裂 ,为控震构造 ,北西向的次级活动断层为此次地震的发震构造。指出 ,该次地震破坏较重的原因是由于震源浅 相似文献
在对1999年5月15日山西省应县-浑源ML4.6地震宏观烈度考察的基础上,得出极限区烈度为Ⅵ度,呈椭圆形,长轴走向北东,长度13km,短轴10km,面积102km^2的结论。分析了地震的发展构造,认为北东向的恒山北麓断裂是控制大同盆地的南部边界断裂,为控震构造,北西向的次级活动断层为此次地震的发展构造。指出,该次地震破坏较重的原因是由于震源浅。 相似文献
1998年张北6.2级地震宏观烈度 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
充分利用震害评估和宏观考察的资料 ,采用震害程度和震害指数 2个标准共同确定了1 998年张北 6.2级地震的宏观烈度。极震区烈度为 度 ,呈 NWW和 NNE双向分布 ,以NWW为主 ,面积 1 35km2 。 度区呈 NE、NW双向伸展图象 ,但是 SE方向伸展不足 ,面积约340 km2。地震重伤人员普遍集中在 度区和 度区。 度区亦呈 NE、NW双向伸展图象 ,但是 NW、SW方向延伸长 , 度区面积约 1 0 0 0 km2 。宏观震中 :北纬 41°0 9′,东经 1 1 4°2 7′。在极震区的 NNE、SSW和 NWW方向 ,存在 3个烈度异常区 ,它们分别在极震区 3个分支的延伸方向上。文中讨论了烈度不高而震后较重的原因。震区没有发现地表破裂带 ,也没有发现第四纪强烈活动的大型断裂。极震区为主的 NWW方向和震前存在的小地震条带吻合 ,暗示可能存在成因上的联系 相似文献
1999年台湾7.6级大震与江苏-南黄海地区中强震预测 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
分析讨论了台湾地区7级大震与本区中强震之间相关关系,指出1999年台湾7.6级大震后2-3年内,本区将有5-6级中强震发生。同时应用可公度模型和“带头地震”的异年倍九法联合对本区中强震发震时间进行分析预测。结论表明,该方法可以较好地应用于本区短临地震预报实践。 相似文献
The 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw = 7.6) was one of the strongest earthquakes in recent years recorded by a large number of strong-motion devices. Though only
surface records are available, the obtained strong-motion database indicates the variety of ground responses in the near-fault
zones. In this study, accelerograms of the Chi-Chi earthquake were simulated at rock and soil sites, and models of soil behavior
were constructed at seven soil sites (TCU065, TCU072, TCU138, CHY026, CHY104, CHY074, and CHY015), for which parameters of
the soil profiles are known down to depths of at least ~70 m and at 24 other soil sites, for which parameters of the soil
profiles are known down to 30–40 m; all the sites were located within ~50 km from the fault. For reconstructing stresses and
strains in the soil layers, we used a method similar to that developed for the estimation of soil behavior based on vertical
array records. As input for the soil layers, acceleration time histories simulated by stochastic finite-fault modelling with
a prescribed slip distribution over the fault plane were taken. In spite of the largeness of the earthquake’s magnitude and
the proximity of the studied soil sites to the fault plane, the soil behavior at these sites was relatively simple, i.e.,
a fairly good agreement between the spectra of the observed and simulated accelerograms and between their waveforms was obtained
even in cases where a single stress-strain relation was used to describe the behavior of whole soil thickness down to ~70–80
m during strong motion. Obviously, this is due to homogeneity in the characteristics of soil layers in depth. At all the studied
sites, resonant phenomena in soil layers (down to ~40–60 m) and nonlinearity of soil response were the main factors defining
soil behavior. At TCU065, TCU110, TCU115, CHY101, CHY036, and CHY039 liquefaction phenomena occurred in the upper soil layers,
estimated strains achieved ~0.6–0.8%; at other stations, maximum strains in the soil layers were as high as 0.1–0.4%, according
to our estimates. Thus, valuable data on the in situ soil behavior during the Chi-Chi earthquake was obtained. Similarity in the behavior of similar soils during the 1995 Kobe,
2000 Tottori (Japan), and Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquakes was found, indicating the possibility of forecasting soil behavior
in future earthquakes. In the near-fault zones of the three earthquakes, “hard-type” soil behavior and resonant phenomena
in the upper surface layers prevail, both leading to high acceleration amplitudes on the surface. 相似文献
Characteristics of Soil Response in Near-Fault Zones During the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
O. V. Pavlenko 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2008,165(9-10):1789-1812
Distribution of parameters characterizing soil response during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (M w = 7.6) around the fault plane is studied. The results of stochastic finite-fault simulations performed in Pavlenko and Wen (2008) and constructed models of soil behavior at 31 soil sites were used for the estimation of amplification of seismic waves in soil layers, average stresses, strains, and shear moduli reduction in the upper 30 m of soil, as well as nonlinear components of soil response during the Chi-Chi earthquake. Amplification factors were found to increase with increasing distance from the fault (or, with decreasing the level of “input” motion to soil layers), whereas average stresses and strains, shear moduli reduction, and nonlinear components of soil response decrease with distance as ~ r ?1 . The area of strong nonlinearity, where soil behavior is substantially nonlinear (the content of nonlinear components in soil response is more than ~40–50% of the intensity of the response), and spectra of oscillations on the surface take the smoothed form close to E(f) ~ f ?n , is located within ~20–25 km from the fault plane (~ 1/4 of its length). Nonlinearity decreases with increasing distance from the fault, and at ~40–50 km from the fault (~ 1/2 of the fault length), soil response becomes virtually linear. Comparing soil behavior in near-fault zones during the 1999 Chi-Chi, the 1995 Kobe (M w = 6.8), and the 2000 Tottori (Japan) (M w = 6.7) earthquakes, we found similarity in the behavior of similar soils and predominance of the hard type of soil behavior. Resonant phenomena in upper soil layers were observed at many studied sites; however, during the Chi-Chi earthquake they involved deeper layers (down to ~ 40–60 m) than during lesser-magnitude Kobe and Tottori earthquakes. 相似文献
1999年9月21日台湾省南投发生7.6级地震,造成重大财产损失和人员伤亡,台湾全岛大范围停电,火车停驶,通讯、公路、航运中断,股市和汇市停市,许多学校和单位停课或停止上班,水库大坝断裂,强余震不断,震灾区上百处起火。本文对这次地震的灾害特点、救灾和国际援助情况、地震构造、对及台湾的地震研究和观测、主要研究机构等进行了全面综述。 相似文献
-- A new technique for the parallel computing of 3-D seismic wave propagation simulation is developed by hybridizing the Fourier pseudospectral method (PSM) and the finite-difference method (FDM). This PSM/FDM hybrid offers a good speed-up rate using a large number of processors. To show the feasibility of the hybrid, a numerical 3-D simulation of strong ground motion was conducted for the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake (Mw 7.6). Comparisons between the simulation results and observed waveforms from a dense strong ground motion network in Taiwan clearly demonstrate that the variation of the subsurface structure and the complex fault slip distribution greatly affect the damage during the Chi-Chi earthquake. The directivity effect of the fault rupture produced large S-wave pulses along the direction of the rupture propagation. Slips in the shallow part of the fault generate significant surface waves in Coastal Plain along the western coast. A large velocity gradient in the upper crust can propagate seismic waves to longer distances with minimum attenuation. The S waves and surface waves were finally amplified further by the site effect of low-velocity sediments in basins, and caused the significant disasters. 相似文献
Characteristics of amplitude and duration for near fault strong ground motion from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A great number of free-field ground motion records are obtained during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. Records from 130 near fault free-field stations within 55 km to the causative fault surface are used as database, and characteristics of earthquake peak ground acceleration, velocity, displacement and duration are analyzed. According to this study, near fault ground motions are strongly affected by distance to fault, fault rupture directivity, site condition, as well as thrust of hanging wall. Compared with empirical strong ground motion attenuation relations used in China, US and Japan, the PGAs and PGVs recorded in this earthquake are not as large as what we have expected for a large earthquake as magnitude 7.6. However, the largest PGV and PGD worldwide were recorded in this event, which are 292 cm/s and 867 cm, respectively. Caused by nonlinear site effects of soil, peaks and corresponding ratios on E-class site were markedly different from those on other sites. Just as observed in historic earthquakes, fault rupture directivity effects caused significant differences between peaks of ground motion of two horizontal components, but took very slight effects on the duration of ground motion. The significant velocity pulses associated with large PGVs and PGDs, as well as large permanent displacements, which may result from the large thrust of the hanging wall, became the outstanding character of this event. Based on this study, we point out that 3D waveform modeling is needed to understand and predict near fault ground motion of large earthquakes. 相似文献