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以情感地缘政治为切入点,以三部中国海外军事行动题材的影视作品以及观众在“豆瓣电影”论坛影评为主要分析对象,通过视觉分析、叙事解构与NVivo分析的方法,探究了影视作品中的地缘政治叙事以及观众对于这类电影的情绪性“阅读”,尝试解构这类电影如何影响“情感”在地缘政治关系的认知中发挥作用。研究结论包括:首先,此类影视作品与现实中的地缘政治话题相契合,影视作品通过对地缘政治事件的改编与重塑将地缘政治情感放大与传递;其次,全媒体时代下影视作品正成为一种新的主流价值观的传播媒介,通过观众与影片叙事情节的互动产生意义,并作用于“情感”这一维度;最后,身体是民族情感重要的载体,影视作品的视听刺激以及观众网络媒介下的评论互动是唤醒与维持民族情感、生产地缘政治力量的重要方式。  相似文献   

西方情感地缘政治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李鹏  姚路超  林郁倩  封丹 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1166-1174
通过对情感地缘政治早期的经典和国际学术期刊论文的梳理,对情感地缘政治的起源、主要议题进行了总结。研究发现,情感地缘政治打破了传统地缘政治理论中情感与理性的二元对立,将情感引入地缘政治分析的中心位置。借用非表征理论,情感地缘政治将地缘政治分析中的个人情感从以往边缘化的角色变成了核心的研究议题。目前西方情感地缘政治的议题主要围绕“日常生活-情感-全球政治”的权力几何关系展开,一方面从宏观上构建不同情感与政治行动的结构关系,另一方面从微观尺度解析不同文化背景中情感如何被地方化的生产并与全球地缘政治事件互动。研究的议题主要包括对于全球恐惧情感的批判地缘政治研究,日常生活与地缘政治的关系,以及情感对于外交政策的影响3个方面。  相似文献   

粟路军  黄福才 《地理研究》2011,30(3):463-476
旅游者忠诚是旅游地理学研究的重要内容,是旅游地在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地的关键.根据"认知-情感-行为"理论,构建服务公平性、消费情感与旅游者忠诚关系的结构方程(SEM)模型,以长沙市乡村旅游者为研究对象,探求服务公平性、消费情感与旅游者忠诚之间的关系.研究发现:(1)服务公平性是消费情感、旅游者满意的直接前因变量...  相似文献   

研究城市大规模人群对疫情的情感响应时空特征,对于安抚人们情感状态以及优化防控措施具有重要意义。该文以带有地理标签的新浪微博数据为主要数据源,结合实地调查问卷,提出疫情场景下城市用户群体多维情感响应时空特征分析框架,该框架重点构建了城市用户群体对于疫情的多维情感强度的精确评估方法;在此基础上,分析疫情情感响应在时空维度上的变化特征,解析情感响应的显著影响因子。研究结果表明:1)该文提出的疫情情感响应评估方法,可准确量化疫情场景下城市群体多维情感响应强度;2)疫情防控期间政府采取的防控措施能够有效安抚城市群体愤怒、恐惧等负面情感;3)喜悦情感是疫情防控期间城市群体情感响应的主体情感;4)面对疫情再次发生,城市群体负面情感强度上升幅度会显著下降。该研究可为政府部门增强疫情情感监测能力、提升情感治理水平提供方法参考和决策依据。  相似文献   

摘要:在山岳型旅游过程中,敬畏情绪被认为是最主要的情绪体验,显著影响游客的行为意愿。然而,鲜有研究将具体的离散情绪作为影响游客行为意愿的驱动因素进行实证分析。本文以径山风景区为案例进行实证调研,运用SPSS、AMOS 等软件,提取游客行为意愿的4个维度,构建了敬畏情绪与游客行为意愿的关系结构模型,分析敬畏情绪对游客行为意愿各维度的影响作用。实证分析结果表明:敬畏情绪对游客的行为意愿具有显著的正向影响。其中,敬畏情绪通过满意度间接影响游客的口碑推荐意愿和重游意愿,但直接影响游客的分享意愿和溢价支付意愿。  相似文献   

随着智能移动终端和社交媒体的普及,带有地理标签的社交媒体数据大量涌现,其“文本—位置—时间”的多维特征使得精细时空尺度上的旅游者情绪感知成为可能。该文基于2017-2019年旅游者发布的新浪微博数据,采用BERT模型对微博数据进行文本分析,探讨旅游者情绪的时空分布规律及不同主题下旅游者的情绪特征,并分析导致旅游者产生负面情绪的相关因素。研究发现,微博中旅游者情绪呈现昼夜、周和季节性节律变化,不同性别旅游者在情绪反应强度及情绪节律上存在差异,对“天气”和“餐饮”主题易产生强烈情绪。该文提出的旅游者情绪挖掘方法可从多维度、多层次挖掘旅游者情绪特征,为旅游目的地舆情监测和预警系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The place of emotions in academic research   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Rebekah Widdowfield 《Area》2000,32(2):199-208
Summary Having first situated emotions within a broader theoretical context, this paper considers the benefits and the drawbacks of discussing emotions in accounts of the research process. The paper goes on to provide a personal account of my emotional response to conducting research in the West End of Newcastle, before concluding with some suggestions as to ways of taking the debate forward.  相似文献   

段正梁  彭振  杨左  鲍青  阮氏莲 《热带地理》2021,41(1):104-113
基于对岳麓山景区447位旅游者的实地调研,运用拓展的计划行为理论并结合Logistic回归模型,分析影响两者发生悖离的因素,并进一步利用ISM解释结构模型分析各因素之间的逻辑关系.从Logistic回归结果看,旅游者的行为态度、感知行为控制等相关理性认知越好,发生悖离的可能性越低;旅游者积极环境情感和消极环境情感对悖离...  相似文献   

大数据时代,社交媒体的大量应用为研究游客情感体验以及探索其时空变化提供了新的数据源。采集3 a间西安市国内游客微博签到数据,运用热点格网图法、Getis-Ord Gi*方法和X-means聚类方法,从积极情感和消极情感2个维度研究西安市国内游客情感体验时空变化和演化规律。结果表明:(1) 城市中心、城市主轴线、主要商圈以及景区景点附近游客情感相对较高且稳定,高情感体验区域主要分布在曲江新区和西安古城旅游区。(2) 消极情感体验在西安的交通枢纽和城市边缘的空间占比高,交通枢纽主要以车站、城市进出口为主。(3) 整体上来看,3 a间西安市游客情感较为平稳,积极情感呈现“中心—边缘”的空间格局,消极情感和积极情感的呈现具有相似性,主要以3种类型为主:稳定型、相对稳定型和剧烈波动型。在3种类型中,稳定型的主要聚集地在城市中心、商圈附近、交通干线周边以及景区景点附近,相对稳定型占据西安市大面积区域,剧烈波动型处于距离城市中心较远的边缘。  相似文献   

赵昭  张朝枝 《热带地理》2018,38(5):707-716
中国数量众多的租界本质是殖民统治时期的空间遗存,但随着时间的推移,一些历史背景已经被遗忘。以广州沙面为例,利用情感量表问卷对具备不同历史知识的340个样本进行认知与情感体验评价,探索历史背景认知对旅游者情感体验的作用与情感体验差异的产生原因。研究发现:1)愉悦、目标一致性与新奇/确定决定积极情感,自我投入决定消极情感;2)接受沙面历史背景介绍的旅游者情感体验更消极,认知评价具有显著差异。殖民历史背景认知通过降低旅游者的愉悦、目标一致性,减弱积极情感欢乐、喜爱,提升自我投入从而增强消极情感气愤、悲伤、畏惧;3)殖民历史认知是否导致情感体验趋于消极由个体的评价所决定。历史背景知识为旅游者带来深入旅游体验的同时不会影响旅游追求愉悦的本质,这为殖民遗产旅游的展示与管理带来新的启示。  相似文献   

The Pacific island nation-state of Tuvalu featured significantly at the Copenhagen Conference of Parties (COP) 15 climate change negotiations, where the vulnerability of Tuvalu to sea level rise and emotional outpourings of the Tuvaluan delegation contributed to the nation's prominence. In this paper we discuss the likely impacts for Tuvalu of a 1.5°C versus 2°C global warming target and explore sadness and discomfort surrounding discussion of these targets during COP 15. We highlight tensions between science and emotion, arguing that affective encounters can be significant in climate change decision-making. Weeping by a member of the Tuvalu delegation evoked discomfort in the conference plenary. This discomfort briefly unsettled the apparently stable boundaries of convention and protocol that seek to separate emotion from science and politics. We argue that possibilities for change arise when emotions enter climate change negotiations, even though (or perhaps because) these are arenas that privilege rational exchange. Our conclusion urges that more attention be paid to how climate science and emotion are intertwined in climate change politics.  相似文献   

杨晴晴  杨效忠 《热带地理》2022,42(4):674-684
旅游地意象是旅游地理学的重要研究主题,旅游者具身化意象认知结果对旅游地行为忠诚、满意度及旅游资源开发至关重要。借助蕴含旅游者记忆与叙事信息的网络游记文本及图片位置数据,采用质性与GIS分析相结合的方法,建构廊道型旅游地意象。研究发现:1)廊道型旅游地意象由线性意象、色彩意象、地方意象、审美意象和情感意象五维类属建构而成。2)皖南“川藏线”旅游者在场体验过程中的情感评价积极情感占主导地位,消极情感占比相对较少,其中高度积极情感所占比例显著高于高度消极情感。3)旅游者皖南“川藏线”意象要素感知特征呈现动静结合、线性体验与感知兼具两个层级。其中,动静特征通过静态景观与动态体验共同展现,线性体验更多强调旅游者产生的刺激、惊险、震撼的驾驶乐趣及情感升华。4)皖南“川藏线”线性意象热点集中于桃岭公路及六道湾周边,色彩意象热点集中于储家滩和红杉林两地,审美意象热点集中于储家滩、青龙湖、红杉林沿线,地方意象热点集中于储家滩、桃岭公路和水墨汀溪一带。  相似文献   

Often researchers position themselves in relation to race, age and gender, but the body is less often discussed as an actual 'instrument of research'. We aim to extend thinking on this point by reflecting on a project we conducted on migrant women and food in New Zealand. We present a vignette as an example of how we used our bodies as 'instruments of research' at a 'shared lunch' attended by new migrants from a range of different countries. At the lunch some combined on their plates spicy dishes such as kimch'i (fermented vegetables) and sweet dishes such as pavlova (a meringue dessert). For others this combination prompted feelings of disgust. We conclude that the body is a primary tool through which all interactions and emotions filter in accessing research subjects and their geographies.  相似文献   

从记忆地理和地方感角度,探讨2008年汶川地震重灾区北川老县城的人地关系。通过定性与定量相结合的方法,研究了灾后居民集体记忆的维度,探讨了灾后集体记忆、地方认同、地方保护意愿的特征。运用结构方程模型,揭示了灾后集体记忆(灾难记忆、创伤情感、抗灾记忆、观念启示、怀旧记忆)、地方认同、地方保护之间的关系。研究显示,灾后积极的抗灾记忆、观念启示、怀旧记忆对于提升地方认同具有显著影响,而地方认同对于提升地方保护意愿具有显著影响。结果对于了解居民灾难心理、地方感、灾后行为有一定帮助,对于灾后遗址保护有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Mountain skiing has become a popular winter ecotourism activity in China. Studying the loyalty of eco-tourists from the perspective of tourist experience is important to the continued development of mountain ski tourism. Based on the flow experience theory, we developed and tested a structural equation model to examine relationships among flow experience, positive emotions and the loyalty of eco-tourists. Survey data from 324 eco-tourists with skiing experience at Daweishan Mountain Ski Resort was used for exploratory factor, confirmatory factor and path analyses. Results revealed five dimensions of flow experiences of eco-tourists: Concentration on task at hand, Loss of self-consciousness, Transformation of time, Autotelic experience, and Challenge-skill balance. As hypothesized, influences of Transformation of time, Autotelic experience and Challenge-skill balance on positive emotions were significant and positive. Concentration on task at hand, Autotelic experience, Challenge-skill balance and positive emotions positively influenced the loyalty of eco-tourists. Suggestions for developing ecotourism products are discussed such as designing a conductive environment to activate flow experience, providing personalized service to promote positive emotion, and developing experiential tourism activities.  相似文献   

This brief introduction highlights the various ways the Academy approaches local economic development (LED). It shows that the Academy is not always been favorable to the advancement of LED as its practical demands often transcend the tightly defined disciplines of a typical university structure. Caught between disciplines, LED to often neglected by theorists as the subject matter is difficult to model and depends heavily on the social fabric of the regional economy. The paper concludes with a brief outline of this special issue. The papers in this volume show the diversity of approaches and topics that characterize the practice of LED. They are multidisciplinary and depict a variety of approaches from the more theoretical to the applied.  相似文献   

Individual experience and emotion are critical to a complete understanding of the transformative effect of sacred spaces on people's lives. We implement an in-depth qualitative examination of the spiritual experiences from members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They were allowed the opportunity to freely articulate their emotions when attending meetinghouses and temples as well as discuss the spiritual significance of these sites. We found that these spaces transcended the “everyday,” had a considerable capacity to inspire emotio-spiritual encounters, particularly feelings of peace, and further served as evidence of a deeper individual gradation of sacred space.  相似文献   

开平碉楼是中国农民主动接受西方文化建设而成的“家”。对当地居民而言它是赖以生活的地方,对政府而言它是进行红色教育的遗产,而游客怎样理解它却是未知的。本文采用半结构式访谈法和观察法收集数据,并借助归纳法理解游客对开平碉楼地方意义的认知。研究表明,游客认为开平碉楼既是“奢华与危机共存”的“家”又是极具“建筑特色和拼搏精神”的遗产,碉楼因生活印记的存在成为了“家”,又因被权力赋予遗产的称号而变成了遗产。“家”和遗产通过经济、时间和情感等维度得到融合,在“家”和遗产的关系背后是一种家国情怀的体现。  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary research: framing and reframing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Framing encompasses the processes of identifying and bounding the area of research and based on our own experiences as academics we have found significant differences in the ways that researchers establish and frame a disciplinary, compared to an interdisciplinary, research project. In this paper we have attempted to contribute to the development of the conceptual framework underpinning interdisciplinary research through analysis of interviews with a number of academics already working in an interdisciplinary manner. Successful projects are able to identify and support the processes that allow the communication and negotiation that is necessary, not just for the initial framing of a research funding proposal but to be able to maintain negotiation. Self awareness and continual reflexivity and a willingness to be questioned by others are essential to this process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe a mathematical and computer model that has been developed by TransCanada for TransCanada Pipelines (TCPL) and for the Canadian Gas Potential Committee (CGPC) for future Canadian natural gas resource assessment work. It was developed in the contexts of developing a gas supply model for forecasting future Canadian gas supply for TCPL and of improving the CGPC's assessment methodologies and software. The model developed in this paper integrates two discovery process models used by the CGPC and solves the economic truncation problem for semi-mature to mature plays. It is based on applying techniques developed by G. M. Kaufman and J. D. Fuller and colleagues in new ways which extends the work of these authors. This model has a number of important advantages including: fast computational speed, integration of parametric and nonparametric statistical approaches, integration of the Kaufman and others model and the Arps-Roberts model, overcoming a PETRIMES limitation of a maximum of 1000 samples, providing a finding rate forecast for economic analysis and providing a fresh look at solving the economic truncation problem. The details of the new Modified Arps-Roberts Model (now known as the Truncated Discovery Process Model or TDPM for short) are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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