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Over the last decades, human activities have strongly affected ecosystems, with pervasive increases in nutrient loadings, abiotic stress, and altered herbivore pressure. The evaluation of how those environmental factors interact to influence plant–pathogen interactions under natural conditions becomes essential to fully understand the ecology of diseases and anticipate the possible effects of global change on natural and agricultural systems. In a SW Atlantic salt marsh, we performed a field factorial experiment to evaluate the effect of herbivory, salinity, and nutrient availability, three main limiting factors for salt marsh plant growth, on the infection of the fungus Claviceps purpurea (ergot) upon the cordgrass Spartina densiflora. Results show that herbivory has no effect but both nutrients and salinity increase fungal infection. The combined effect of salinity and nutrients is not additive but interactive. Salinity stress increases infection at ambient nutrient levels but in combination with fertilizer it buffers the higher infection produced by increased nutrient availability. Since both, nitrogen availability and salinity are factors predicted to globally increase due to human impact on ecosystems, this interaction between environmental factors and ergot infection can have strong effects on natural and productive agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Although grasshoppers are common salt marsh herbivores, we know little about geographic variation in their species composition. We documented latitudinal variation in species composition of the tettigoniid grasshopper fauna of Atlantic Coast salt marshes. Tettigoniids (N = 740 adults) were collected from the Spartina alterniflora zone of 31 salt marsh sites across a latitudinal range of 13.19° (Florida to Maine), with an additional 52 individuals collected from the Juncus roemerianus zone of low-latitude marshes for comparative purposes. Eight species were collected, but some were common only at a few sites or rare throughout the entire collection range. The tettigoniid community was dominated by Orchelimum fidicinium at low latitudes and Conocephalus spartinae at high latitudes. Several factors might explain this shift, including changes in climate, plant phenology, and plant zonation patterns. O. fidicinium and C. spartinae increased in body size toward low latitudes. In laboratory feeding assays, O. fidicinium readily ate S. alterniflora and J. roemerianus leaves, Orchelimum concinnum, which is largely restricted to the J. roemerianus zone, ate only J. roemerianus leaves, and Conocephalus spp. ate neither, consistent with literature suggestions that they mainly consume seeds and flowers. Geographic variation in species composition and body size of grasshoppers may help explain documented patterns of geographic variation in plant palatability and plant–herbivore interactions in Atlantic Coast salt marshes. Because it can be difficult to identify tettigoniids to species, we present a guide to aid future workers in identifying the tettigoniid species common in these marshes.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in ecology is how biological interactions and biogeographic processes interact to determine the biodiversity of local sites. We quantified patterns of plant species diversity on transects across elevation at 59 salt marsh sites in Georgia and 49 sites in Texas. Although these regions have similar climates and floras, we anticipated that diversity might differ because of differences in tidal regime. Diversity was measured at global, regional, site, and plot scales to consider processes occurring at all levels. Species pools were similar between regions. Texas had greater diversity at the site and plot scales, suggesting that processes occurring at the site scale differed. The greater diversity of Texas sites and plots was associated with wider distributions of individual species across the marsh landscape and proportionally more middle marsh (a high diversity zone) and less low marsh (a low diversity zone) than in Georgia marshes. Preliminary data suggested that these differences were not due to differences in salinity regime or standing biomass between regions, leaving differences in tidal regime as the most plausible hypothesis accounting for differences in plant diversity. We speculate that the less-predictable tidal regime in Texas leads to temporal variation in abiotic conditions that limit the ability of any one species to competitively exclude others from particular marsh zones.  相似文献   

The responses of Spartina alterniflora above- and belowground biomass to various combinations of N, P, and Fe were documented in a 1-year field experiment in a Louisiana salt marsh. Five levels of N additions to 0.25 m2 plots resulted in 18% to 138% more live aboveground biomass compared to the control plots and higher stem densities, but had no effect on the amount of live belowground biomass (roots and rhizomes; R&R). There was no change in the aboveground biomass when P or Fe was added as part of a factorial experiment of +P, +N, and +Fe additions, but there was a 40% to 60% decrease in the live belowground biomass, which reduced the average R&R:S ratio by 50%. The addition of various combinations of nutrients had a significant affect on the belowground biomass indicating that the addition of P, not N, eased the need for root foraging activity. The end-of-the-growing-season N:P molar ratios in the live above- and belowground tissues of the control plot was 16.4 and 32.7, respectively. The relative size of the belowground standing stocks of N and P was higher than in the aboveground live tissues, but shifted downwards to about half that in fertilized plots. We conclude that the aboveground biomass was directly related to N availability, but not P, and that the accumulation of belowground biomass was not limited by N. We suggest that the reduction in belowground biomass with increased P availability, and the lower absolute and relative belowground standing stocks of P as plant tissue N:P ratios increased, is related to competition with soil microbes for P. One implication for wetland management and restoration is that eutrophication may be detrimental to long-term salt marsh maintenance and development, especially in organic-rich wetland soils.  相似文献   

Coastal marshes are known as organic matter producers. The goal of this work is to study tiller demography, standing biomass, and net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) in a Spartina densiflora coastal wetland, using a method applied to permanent sample plots located at two sites differing in topographic location, a regularly flooded zone [relative low marsh (LM)] and an irregularly flooded one [relative high marsh (HM)]. Measurements were made every 2 months during the 2005–2007 period. The annual NAPP was estimated to be 2,599?±?705 gDW m?2?year?1 for the HM and 2,181?±?605 gDW m?2?year?1 and 602?±?154 gDW m?2?year?1 for the first and second period of the LM populations, respectively, showing a seasonal pattern reaching maximum values in summer. The reduced NAPP values of the LM sites in the second year was associated with an extremely high precipitation period related to the 2007–2008 El Niño event.  相似文献   

Understanding the distribution and abundance of organisms can be exceedingly difficult for pelagic fish species that live in estuarine environments. This is particularly so for fish that cannot be readily marked and released or otherwise tracked, such as the diminutive delta smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, endemic to the San Francisco Estuary. The environmental factors that influence their distribution operate at multiple scales, from daily tidal cycles and local perceptual fields to seasonal and annual changes in dominant environmental gradients spanning the entire San Francisco Estuary. To quantify scale-specific patterns and factors shaping the spatiotemporal abundance dynamics of adult delta smelt, we fit a suite of models to an extensive, spatially resolved, catch survey time series from 13 annual cohorts. The best model included cohort-specific abundance indicators and daily mortality rates, a regional spatial adjustment, and haul-specific environmental conditions. The regional adjustment identified several density hot spots that were persistent across cohorts. While this model did include local environmental conditions, the gain in explained variation was relatively slight compared to that explained by the regional adjustment. Total abundance estimates were derived by multiplying habitat volume by catch density (design-based) and modeled density (model-based), with both showing severe declines in the population over the time period studied. The design-based approaches had lower uncertainty but potentially higher bias. We discuss the implications of our results for advancing the science and improving management of delta smelt, and future data collection needs.  相似文献   

骆文娟 《地球科学》2014,39(10):1343-1354
峨眉山大火成岩省中广泛分布着赋存Fe-Ti-V氧化物矿的层状辉长岩体和赋存Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物矿的镁铁超镁铁岩体,系统归纳并分析了这两类成矿岩浆在控矿因素、岩浆性质、岩浆过程等方面存在的差异.对比Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物矿床和Fe-Ti-V氧化物矿床差异,认为岩浆分异程度、部分熔融程度、挥发分(S和P)以及是否存在地壳混染是造成这两类矿床成矿差异的原因.一系列的矿床实例分析表明高Ti或低Ti性质并不是玄武质岩浆成矿专属性的决定性因素,Fe-Ti-V氧化物矿床和Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物矿床的形成与各自的控矿因素有关.   相似文献   

两种圆柏属植物叶片代谢产物季节变化与抗冻性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以祁连圆柏和圆柏为材料,测定分析了圆柏属两种常绿木本植物叶片代谢产物在冷冻适应过程中的季节变化.结果表明:在生长季节(夏季),祁连圆柏和圆柏叶片总含水量、自由水和自由水/束缚水的比值均较高,而脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量较低;在休眠季节(冬季)刚好相反.在低温胁迫下,圆柏属植物通过叶片渗透调节物质(脯氨酸和可溶性糖)含量的增加和水分含量以及总含水量、自由水和自由水/束缚水的比值的下降,降低组织细胞的渗透势,提高其保水和抗胁迫能力,增强抗冻性.两种圆柏属植物叶片水分和代谢积累物的差异分析表明:祁连圆柏之所以比圆柏更能忍受极端低温冷冻环境,可能与脯氨酸的大量积累有关.因此,脯氨酸的积累可能是在极端环境条件下生长的植物的特征之一.  相似文献   

密云水库沉积物中磷的形态和分布特征   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
采用连续提取化学分析技术,对密云水库的柱状沉积物和表层沉积物样品进行了磷形态的提取分析,研究了各种形态磷在表层及垂立方向上的分布特征。分析结果表明,密云水库沉积物中以无机磷为主,有机磷次之,无机磷占总磷的76.88%。95.09%。沉积物中总磷及其不同形态无机磷在垂直方向上的分布变化规律为:总磷、可溶态磷含量随深度增加而降低,Ca—P合量随深度增加而增加,Al—P和闭蓄态磷变化幅度不大,Fe—P、有机磷的垂直方向变化情况较复杂。潮、白河流域总磷与各形态磷在表层及垂直方向上的分布差异在一定程度上反映出近年来水库所受上游流域工业活动和人为污染的影响情况。  相似文献   

刘兆飞  徐宗学 《水文》2007,27(5):69-73
本文首先应用非参数Mann—Kendall检验法和线性趋势统计检验法对塔里木河流域各水文气象要素的时间序列变化趋势进行显著性检验。根据Mann-Kendall计算的倾斜度值分析了该流域水文气象要素的空间变化趋势,进而探讨了研究区水文气象要素的时空分布特征。然后采用非参数Z统计量检验法分析其时空变化特点,特别是对降雨、径流、日照时数和平均气温变化趋势的对比分析。判识了影响塔里木河流域水文气象要素时空变化规律的主导因素。研究结果表明:流域内降水、平均气温呈较为明显的上升趋势,径流量则表现出明显的减少趋势,说明人类活动的影响在部分水文气象要素的变化趋势中可能占据了主导地位。  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地坡折带特征及其对沉积体系的控制   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
坡折带是层序样式划分的重要依据.大量地震剖面的精细解剖表明, 莺歌海盆地坡折带可划分为构造坡折带和沉积坡折带, 进而将层序构成样式划分为四类, 即挠曲坡折型、断裂坡折型(生长断裂型)、沉积坡折型(陆架陆坡型, 相当于Ⅰ类层序)和缓坡型.不同类型层序样式控制不同低位体的空间分布.挠曲坡折、断裂坡折和沉积坡折控制了各三级层序中斜坡扇和盆底扇的分布, 而缓坡控制强制性海退型低位三角洲的分布.详细的构造研究表明, 莺歌海盆地裂后期边缘断裂, 如①号断裂和莺东断裂在不同时期不同部位仍表现出程度不同的活动性.正是由于这些断层的活动性及其在空间上的差异性, 控制了盆地内坡折带的发育.   相似文献   

Major interactions between terrestrial and marine environments in the Kara Sea occur within the estuaries of the largest Siberian rivers, the Ob and Yenisei. Mesozooplankton community plays an important role in the transformation of allochthonous organic matter. All published data on zooplankton activity in the Ob Estuary have been obtained for the period of decreased river discharge. The aim of our study was to assess zooplankton distribution and grazing under various hydrological regimes (high-low river discharge and varying wind direction) in order to better understand the mechanisms governing this process. The study was carried out along a quasi-latitudinal transect in the Ob Estuary at the beginning of August (high discharge) and end of September 2010 (decreased discharge) and end of August 2014 (high discharge and onshore winds). Zooplankton grazing was assessed with the gut fluorescent approach. Under high river discharge, zooplankton biomass was low (mean 98 mg wet weight m?3), peaks of species abundance were spatially separated, and grazing did not exceed 2% of phytoplankton biomass. Weakening river discharge at the end of September led to the formation of hydrographic fronts, and zooplankton biomass was an order of magnitude higher (mean value 947 mg wet weight m?3) with dense local aggregations with biomass reaching 3600 mg wet weight m?3. These aggregations formed a pelagic “biofilter” grazing up to 26% of phytoplankton biomass per day. The peaks of abundance of the majority of species coincided at the pronounced hydrographic front forming dense local aggregations with biomass reaching 3600 mg wet weight m?3. These aggregations formed a pelagic biofilter utilizing daily up to 26% of phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯古生界流体包裹体特征及其与油气演化关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩、石炭-二叠系石英砂岩成岩作用研究的基础上,分别对上述岩石流体包裹体作了初步研究。奥陶系碳酸盐岩包裹体均一温度具有三个区段 :6 0~ 10 0℃,10 0~ 16 0℃,16 0~ 2 2 0℃;石炭-二叠系石英砂岩包裹体均一温度三个区段为 90~ 110℃,12 0~ 14 0℃,16 0~ 2 2 0℃。并利用包裹体测温资料结合已有的镜质体反射率、磷灰石裂变径迹等研究成果,对流体包裹体在鄂尔多斯盆地油气田形成、演化中应用作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

塔里木板块西南缘钾质煌斑岩地球化学及源区特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
塔里木板块西南缘克里阳山区的钾质煌斑岩呈脉状产于前寒武纪埃连卡特群变质沉积岩中,其主要岩石类型有:金云母透辉石煌斑岩、假白榴石透辉石煌斑岩和含球粒透辉石煌斑岩。所有岩石具有低的SiO2(41.31%~44.84%)、TiO2(0.75%~0.86%)和高的MgO(7.30%~11.33%)和K2O(4.01%~6.01%)含量,K2O/Na2O比值介于2.77~12.49之间。同时,它们具有富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Sr、Ba、Th、U、K)和轻稀土元素(LREE),相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Ti)的特征,并且具有高的Sr同位素比值、相似的高度分异的REE配分模式。这些岩石的母岩浆来自于金云母角闪石石榴子石二辉橄榄岩的富集地幔,是该富集地幔部分熔融约5%~10%的产物,岩浆在上升侵位过程中受到地壳物质的混染较弱。富集地幔是俯冲的板块释放的富含钾质流体交代的结果。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic inputs of nutrients to coastal waters have rapidly restructured coastal ecosystems. To examine the response of macrophyte communities to land-derived nitrogen loading, we measured macrophyte biomass monthly for 6 years in three estuaries subject to different nitrogen loads owing to different land uses on the watersheds. The set of estuaries sampled had nitrogen loads over the broad range of 12 to 601 kg N ha−1 year−1. Macrophyte biomass increased as nitrogen loads increased, but the response of individual taxa varied. Specifically, biomass of Cladophora vagabunda and Gracilaria tikvahiae increased significantly as nitrogen loads increased. The biomass of other macroalgal taxa tended to decrease with increasing load, and the relative proportion of these taxa to total macrophyte biomass also decreased. The seagrass, Zostera marina, disappeared from the higher loaded estuaries but remained abundant in the estuary with the lowest load. Seasonal changes in macroalgal standing stock were also affected by nitrogen load, with larger fluctuations in biomass across the year and higher minimum biomass of macroalgae in the higher loaded estuaries. There were no significant changes in macrophyte biomass over the 6 years of this study, but there was a slight trend of increasing macroalgal biomass in the latter years. Macroalgal biomass was not related to irradiance or temperature, but Z. marina biomass was highest during the summer months when light and temperatures peak. Irradiance might, however, be a secondary limiting factor controlling macroalgal biomass in the higher loaded estuaries by restricting the depth of the macroalgal canopy. The relationship between the bloom-forming macroalgal species, C. vagabunda and G. tikvahiae, and nitrogen loads suggested a strong connection between development on watersheds and macroalgal blooms and loss of seagrasses. The influence of watershed land uses largely overwhelmed seasonal and inter-annual differences in standing stock of macrophytes in these temperate estuaries.  相似文献   

滨里海盆地东缘盐构造特征及其与乌拉尔造山运动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对滨里海盆地东缘地震剖面的解释,揭示了丰富多样的盐构造变形特征及其与乌拉尔造山运动的关系。滨里海 盆地东缘盐构造变形样式主要包括盐底辟、盐枕、盐滚、盐焊接、龟背构造和盐边凹陷等,表现出明显的分带变形特征, 自东向西依次为盐焊接带、盐滚带、盐枕带、盐底辟带。盐层控制了盐上层和盐下层的构造变形,以盐层为界,上构造层 主要发育正断层,下构造层主要发育逆断层。平衡剖面分析表明,滨里海盆地东缘盐构造变形主要经历了重力变形和差异 负载变形两个阶段,并与乌拉尔造山运动有紧密联系。乌拉尔造山运动引起滨里海盆地东缘地层发生倾向反转,进而控制 了盐层沉积及随后的重力变形和差异负载变形过程。  相似文献   

江西信江盆地白垩系沉积体系及其与丹霞地貌的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据野外沉积层序、岩石学特征、古生物资料和地貌景观特征,本文对江西信江盆地白垩系沉积相进行了初步分析,首次探讨了沉积体系与丹霞地貌发育特征之间的内在联系。信江盆地白垩系主要发育4种沉积体系,即冲(洪)积、三角洲、湖泊和扇三角洲。早白垩世主要发育半深湖-深湖、扇三角洲相沉积,晚白垩世从盆地南缘到北缘大致为洪冲积相→辫状河流→三角洲→滨浅湖→三角洲→辫状河流→洪冲积相的展布方式。研究表明,该区丹霞地貌形成的物质基础主要是上白垩统冲积扇、辫状河相沉积产物,丹霞地貌的空间分布与盆地冲积扇、辫状河沉积相的平面展布具有较好的一致性,同时,沉积亚相、微相类型对丹霞地貌的发育起到一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

Many Gulf of Mexico estuaries have low ratios of water volume to bottom surface area, and benthic processes in these systems likely have a major influence on system structure and function. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatiotemporal distribution of biomass and community composition of subtidal benthic microalgal (BMA) communities in Galveston Bay, TX, USA, compare BMA community composition and biomass to phytoplankton in overlying waters, and estimate the potential contribution of BMA to the trophodynamics in this shallow, turbid, subtropical estuary. The estimates of BMA biomass (mean = 4.21 mg Chl a m−2) for Galveston Bay were within the range of the reported values for similar Gulf of Mexico estuaries. BMA biomass in the central part of the bay was essentially homogeneous, whereas biomass at the seaward and upper bay ends of the transect were significantly lower. Peridinin, fucoxanthin, and alloxanthin were the three carotenoids with the highest concentrations, with fucoxanthin having the highest mean concentration (1.82 mg m−2). The seaward and landward ends of the transect differed from the central region of the bay with respect to the relative abundances of chlorophytes, cyanobacteria, and photosynthetic bacteria. Benthic microalgal community composition also showed a gradual shift over time due to changes in the relative abundances of photosynthetic bacteria, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. Major changes in community composition occurred in the spring months (March to April). On an areal basis, BMA biomass in Galveston Bay occurred at minor concentrations (16.5%) relative to phytoplankton. Furthermore, the concentrations of carotenoid pigments for phytoplankton and BMA (fucoxanthin, alloxanthin, and zeaxanthin) were correlated (r = 0.48 to 0.61), suggesting a close linkage between microalgae in the water column and sediments. The contribution of BMA to the primary productivity of the deeper waters (>2 m) of Galveston Bay is probably very small in comparison to shallower waters along the bay margins. The significant similarities in the community composition of phytoplankton and BMA illustrate the potential importance of deposition and resuspension processes in this turbid, shallow estuary.  相似文献   

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