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Depth-integrated primary production (??P, in grams of carbon per square meter per day) was measured using 14C in the northern San Francisco Estuary (SFE) from March through August of 2006 and 2007. Determinations of ??P were then used to calibrate a published light-utilization model that relates ??P to a composite parameter of chlorophyll, solar irradiance, and photic zone depth. The resultant calibration coefficient, ??, varied by a factor of nearly two between 2006 and 2007 and was lower than determined in previous calibrations for the estuary. The now chronically low chlorophyll concentrations in the SFE have resulted in lower predictive power of the light-utilization model. The variation in ?? was likely the result of interannual variation in phytoplankton assimilation number. These results suggest that using a single ?? may yield large errors in estimated estuarine production when applied overbroad spatial and temporal scales. Given the food-limited condition of the SFE, it appears that direct measurements of primary production are necessary for accurately characterizing the base of the estuarine food web.  相似文献   

Early in 1976 benthic studies were initiated in a 20 kilometer long portion of the Western Sacramento-San Joaquin River Estuary. Water quality determinations indicated little vertical or horizontal differences in pH, temperature, or dissolved oxygen concentration within the study area. Low river outflows allowed the encroachment of seawater into the study area, an area normally exposed to fresh or slightly brackish water. The sediment composition changed dramatically at most stations during the year, being dominated by sands early in the year but by silts and clays in late summer. The shift in sediment composition was accompanied by an increase in grease and oilland metals content. The benthic community of the study area was generally dominated by the Asiatic clam (Corbicula manilensis), Macoma balthica, oligochaetes, the amphipods Corophium stimpsoni and C. spinicorne, nematodes, and a spionid polychaete, Boccardia ligerica. These taxa comprised 98% on average of the total benthic macroinvertebrates collected at each study site. The benthic assemblages of each of the stations were generally very similar to one another. Faunal similarities and changes in benthos composition were related to substrate composition and salinity incursion. In general, the upstream-channel stations had higher abundance of benthos than the other stations in the study area. Total benthic abundance was lowest at the downstream end of the study area. Total standing crop peaked in June and was lowest in November. Our studies indicate that the most important factors controlling the size and species composition of the benthos of the study area are salinity and sediment composition.  相似文献   

We measured primary production during spring?Csummer 2006?C2007 to determine the carbon supply to the low-salinity pelagic food web of the San Francisco Estuary (SFE). Weekly or biweekly samples were taken at three stations of fixed salinity for size-fractionated primary production and biomass, both as chlorophyll and from biovolume based on counts. Error variance in productivity estimates arose mainly from the depth integration of 14C uptake, showing the importance of productivity measurements at high light levels for estimates of depth-integrated production. Temporal and spatial variability in production were surprisingly small. Combining data from this study with long-term monitoring data, productivity and biomass were variable in time and salinity but without persistent patterns and with infrequent blooms. Production within the low-salinity zone was unresponsive to variation in freshwater flow, in contrast to findings in other estuaries where nutrient loading drives variability in production and other regions of the SFE where production responds to residence time or to stratification. Estimated annual primary production was only 25 and 31?g?C?m?2?year?1 during 2006 and 2007, only half of it in cells >5???m. These results imply that phytoplankton provided poor food web support for higher trophic levels, probably contributing to the long-term decline in fish abundance in the brackish to freshwater region of the estuary.  相似文献   

Both abiotic and biotic factors govern distributions of estuarine vegetation, and experiments can reveal effects of these drivers under current and future conditions. In upper San Francisco Estuary (SFE), increased salinity could result from sea level rise, levee failure, or water management. We used mesocosms to test salinity effects on, as well as competition between, the native Stuckenia pectinata (sago pondweed) and invasive Egeria densa (Brazilian waterweed), species with overlapping distributions at the freshwater transition in SFE. Grown alone at a salinity of 5, E. densa decreased fivefold in biomass relative to the freshwater treatment and decomposed within 3 weeks at higher salinities. In contrast, S. pectinata biomass accumulated greatly (~4× initial) at salinities of 0 and 5, doubled at 10, and was unchanged at 15. When grown together in freshwater, S. pectinata produced 75 % less biomass than in monoculture and significantly more nodal roots (suggesting increased nutrient foraging). At a salinity of 5, a decline in E. densa performance coincided with a doubling of S. pectinata shoot density. Additional experiments on E. densa showed elevated temperature (26 and 30 °C) suppressed growth especially at higher salinities (≥5). We conclude that salinity strongly influences distributions of both species and that competition from E. densa may impose limits on S. pectinata abundance in the fresher reaches of SFE. With a salinity increase of 5, S. pectinata is likely to maintain its current distribution while spreading up-estuary at the expense of E. densa, especially if increased temperature also reduces E. densa biomass.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora was first introduced into south San Francisco Bay in the 1970’s. Since that time it has spread to new areas within the south bay and is especially well established at four sites. The spread of this introduced species was evaluated by comparing its vegetative and reproductive characteristics to the native cordgrass, Spartina foliosa. The characters studied were intertidal distribution, phenology, aboveground and belowground biomass, growth rates, seed production, and germination rates. Spartina alterniflora has a wider intertidal distribution than S. foliosa and outproduced the native cordgrass in all aspects that were studied. These results indicate that the introduced species has a much better chance of becoming established in new areas than the native species, and once established, it spreads more rapidly vegetatively than the native species. Spartina alterniflora is likely to continue to spread to new areas in the bay and displace the native plant. In addition, this introduced species may effect sedimentation dynamics, available detritus, benthic algal production, wrack deposition and disturbance, habitat structure for native wetland animals, benthic invertebrate populations, and shorebird and wading bird foraging areas. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY058 00013  相似文献   

This paper analyzes thermal energy transport in the narrow and tidally energetic Guadalquivir River Estuary (SW Spain). Measurements from a comprehensive monitoring campaign (2008–2011) reveal the forcing factors of the temperature field and its spatio-temporal variability. The along-channel thermal energy gradient reaches magnitudes of ~375 J/m4 near the mouth during the summer and winter. The water temperature is primarily controlled by shortwave radiation, latent heat transfer through the free surface, and tidal advection, whereas it depends less on freshwater discharge and longitudinal dispersion. The tidally averaged effective longitudinal thermal dispersion coefficient was evaluated at several stretches for each tidal cycle. The mean values of the coefficient tend to increase landward and are on the order of ~103, larger than (but of the same order of magnitude as) the salinity coefficient values. Based on these analyses, a deterministic operational model for thermal energy transport was developed. The model solves the tidally and cross-sectionally averaged advection–dispersion equation for the thermal energy balance and obtains accurate fits of the subtidal temperature field at any location within the estuary. The modeled water temperatures agreed well with the observations at all the stations (coefficients of determination, R 2 greater than 0.98), even after the seasonal oscillation in radiation was removed (R 2?>?0.77).  相似文献   

Structural, metamorphic and isotopic data obtained from the Nogoli Metamorphic Complex of western Sierra de San Luis indicate that the Early Paleozoic Famatinian Orogeny overprinted an already structured and metamorphosed older basement. The older geological features are relict NW trending fabric associated with high-grade (amphibolite facies) regional metamorphism preserved within thin strips of schists and paragneisses and in the core of mafic to ultramafic lenses. Arc magmatism, medium P (Barrovian type)/high T (amphibolite to granulite facies) regional metamorphism and penetrative NNE to NE trending foliation are related to the building of the Famatinian orogenic belt. The P-T conditions of the Famatinian prograde metamorphism reached a pressure peak of ca. 8 kb, with a thermal peak from -750°C up to -820°C. U-Pb conventional and chemical dating and Ar-Ar plateau ages constrain the peak of the main orogenic phase related to the Famatinian belt to 470–457 Ma (Early to Mid-Ordovician). Greenschist facies retrograde metamorphism closely associated with shear zones and secondary Ar-Ar plateau and Sm-Nd ages suggest that a late to post-orogenic phase of the Famatinian belt was active at least since -445 Ma. This phase continued during the Silurian to Late Devonian times through multiple reactivation of early shear zones. The Famatinian Orogeny reset a previous thermal history and therefore, the timing of the relict fabric could not be constrained conclusively with radiometric dates. Despite this difficulty, a range of 520 to 490 Ma suggests some inheritance from Pampean events registered by the older NW-SE fabric. The Early to Mid-Ordovician regional metamorphism and ductile deformation of the western Sierra de San Luis is interpreted as the orogenic effects of the collision of the allochthonous Cuyania terrane with the autochthonous proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana during the Famatinian Orogeny.  相似文献   

We developed an objective-based method for assessing environmental flows in estuaries; this method consists of two steps: identifying ecological objectives with temporal–spatial variability and establishing a relationship between variations in environmental factors and the alteration of freshwater inflows. Critical salinity and water depth requirements for different species in special seasons in addition to temporal variation in natural river discharge were combined as objectives with spatial and temporal variability. In a case study of the Yellow River Estuary, we determined that 15% and 101% of the natural river discharge should be provided to ensure the minimum and maximum levels of environmental flows, respectively, for successful integration of various objectives. Periods in early April, the end of June, August, and early October were identified as critical for fulfilling reasonable water requirements. Although the recommended environmental flows may not be ideal for certain types of species, they offer a boundary of environmental flows for preserving habitats and biodiversity in estuaries.  相似文献   

Samples collected in December 1990 and July 1991 show that dissolved Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn distributions in the Gulf of the Farallones are dominated by mixing of two end-members: (1) metal-enriched San Francisco Bay water and (2) offshore California Current water. The range of dissolved metal concentrations observed is 0.2–0.9 nmol kg?1 for Cd, 1–20 nmol kg?1 for Cu, 4–16 nmol kg?1 for Ni, and 0.2–20 nmol kg?1 for Zn. Effective concentrations in fresh water discharged into San Francisco Bay during 1990–1991 (estimated by extrapolation to zero salinity) are 740–860 μmol kg?1 for silicate, 21–44 μmol kg?1 for phosphate, 10–15 nmol kg?1 for Cd, 210–450 nmol kg?1 for Cu, 210–270 nmol kg?1 for Ni, and 190–390 nmol kg?1 for Zn. Comparison with effective trace metal and nutrient concentrations for freshwater discharge reported by Flegal et al. (1991) shows that input of these constituents to the northern reaches of San Francisco Bay accounts for only a fraction of the input to Gulf of the Farallones from the estuary system as a whole. The nutrient and trace metal composition of shelf water outside a 30-km radius from the mouth of the estuary closely resembles that of California Current water further offshore. In contrast to coastal waters elsewhere, there is little evidence of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn input by sediment diagenesis in continental shelf waters of California.  相似文献   

A method to estimate the dynamic magnification of nonlinear seismographs is presented. The method was tested by applying it to the record of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake seismogram obtained on the Vicentini seismograph in Zagreb, in order to reconstruct the ground motion amplitudes. The magnitudes inferred from the corrected Vicentini recording of P- and surface waves are internally consistent ( m b= 7.74, M s= 8.48) and agree with the values published in various catalogues, within the error limits of magnitude determination for individual events. The corrected P-waveform is compatible with a rupture slip profile exhibiting several distinct maxima along the 300 km-long section of the San Andreas fault, in accordance with recent studies and contemporary geodetic measurements.  相似文献   

3个未扰动柱状样分别采自浙江椒江口潮间带高、中、低潮带,用冷盐酸法测定了沉积物中酸可挥发硫化物(AVS)及同步提取金属(SEM),分析了不同潮位沉积物剖面类型及形成机理,并根据SEM-Me/AVS比值评价痕量金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、As、Hg及Ni)的活性和生物有效性。结果表明:在高潮带和低潮带形成了薄活动层剖面(<6 cm),痕量金属的活性态浓度较低,AVS浓度较高;而中潮带形成了厚活动层(约26 cm),痕量金属的活性态浓度较高。潮间带不同潮位痕量金属活性态浓度剖面类型的形成是沉积速率、有机质供源及所处潮位共同作用的结果。在河口区应该存在表层mm尺度上的高值有机碳(C有机)分布。  相似文献   

对长江口及附近海域的16根重力柱样进行了210Pb沉积速率测试, 结合以往成果, 揭示了该区现代沉积速率分布格局, 对其控制因素以及其对认识长江入海泥沙去向的指示意义进行了探讨.沉积速率最高值分布在南支口外、杭州湾口群岛北部的前三角洲地区, 最高可达6.3m/a, 总体上在3cm/a以上; 次高值分布在杭州湾北部, 约1.7~3.0cm/a, 南部略低, 约0.4~1.0cm/a; 长江口水下负地形北部海域存在小片沉积速率较高的区域, 最高值达2.58cm/a; 低值主要分布在苏北辐射沙洲、过渡沉积区以及浅海陆架的大片区域, 基本保持在1cm/a以下.研究表明, 长江泥沙出口门后主要在水下三角洲地区进行了堆积, 其次有相当部分在涨潮流顶托下进入杭州湾, 进入杭州湾南部的泥沙又在落潮流作用下经杭州湾南侧向舟山海域方向输运; 长江入海物质向外海的扩散基本被控制在123°E以西, 苏北辐射沙洲、过渡沉积区以及浅海陆架的大片区域缺乏现代长江物质供应; 长江悬浮泥沙对研究区东北部陆架区影响较小, 废黄河口被侵蚀物质和黄海悬浮物质为其较高沉积速率的主要贡献者.   相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe GIS-based WofE model is a statistics-basedmethod that weights a variety of evidential data onthe basis of prior probabilities (PRP) and combinesall these weights to produce a potential map of poste-rior probability (POP) . The model can be used toprovide support for decision-makers in many fields .For example ,this model was originally used in themedical field,especially for prediction of the proba-bility that a new patient would be diagnosed with adisease .In geology …  相似文献   

Macrozooplankton and micronekton are intermediaries linking lower trophic levels (e.g., phytoplankton and mesozooplankton) to higher ones (e.g., fishes and birds). These organisms have not been extensively studied in the San Francisco Estuary (SFE), California. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution and abundance of macrozooplankton and micronekton in the SFE and to describe how these vary seasonally, interannually, and regionally in relation to environmental variables. Water column macrozooplankton and micronekton were sampled monthly from September 1997 to December 2000 at 6 stations spanning North, Central, and South Bays using a Methot Trawl. The macrozo oplankton and micronekton in the lower SFE were dominated by 4 fishes and 7 invertebrates that comprised 98% of the total catch. Correspondence analyses revealed 4 groups of species that exhibited similar patterns of distribution and abundance. The assemblages changed between the wet and dry seasons and with distance from the coastal ocean. Based on abundance patterns, the dominant taxa in the lower SFE can be classified as: organisms spawned from common members of neritic assemblages that use mostly North Bay and that are abundant during the dry season (Clupea pallasi, Spirinchus thaleichthys, Porichthys notates); estuarine-dependent organisms with broad distributions in the estuary year-round (Crangon franciscorum, Crangon nigricauda, Engraulis mordax); resident species remaining within the estuary but occurring mostly in South Bay during the wet season (Palaemon macrodactlyus, Synidotea laticauda, Neomysis kadiakensis); and gelatinous species (Pleurobrachia bachei, Polyorchis spp.) occuring in all three bays with a single peak in abundance in December and January in North and South Bays. The variation in distribution, abundance, and composition of macrozooplankton and micronekton was related to life history strategies, distance from the coastal ocean, and season.  相似文献   

TOPKAPI模型的改进及其在淮河流域洪水模拟中的应用研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
刘志雨  谢正辉 《水文》2003,23(6):1-7
TOPKAPI模型是一个以物理概念为基础的分布式流域水模型。对TOPKAPI模型进行了改进,增加了植物截留、降水下渗、土壤水深层渗漏、地下径流、河川径流等计算模块,并对壤中流计算模块作了相应的调整,将TOPKAPI模型改进成为一个较完整的分布式流域水模型。采用因特网(Internet)上免费提供的数字高程、土壤和植被类型等网格资料,选用流域面积约为10000km^2的中国淮河息县以上流域,应用改进后的TOPKAPI模型进行了洪水模拟,模型成果令人满意。  相似文献   

利用传统非等时距模型预测草炭土路基沉降时,存在计算繁琐、中短期预报精度低等缺点,尤其是当沉降曲线存在斜率突变点时,采用该模型很难达到预测精度的要求。针对以上不足,对非等时距时间序列进行平均步长换算,得到准等时距序列,利用线性插值法对原始沉降数据进行修正,得到改进后的准等时距QGM(1,1)预测模型,并将沉降曲线在斜率突变点处分成两部分进行分段预测。实例计算表明:采用改进后的准等时距QGM(1,1)模型预测草炭土路基沉降,两段的预测值平均误差分别为2.99%和0.25%,均远远小于传统非等时距模型,且具有很高的中短期预测精度,可以为工程沉降控制提供可靠参考。  相似文献   

Summary. An experimental damage model, which can simulate both post-peak and pre-peak damage characteristics of rock by assuming distinct elastic constants in each damage level, was proposed. Each damage level was identified by two successive threshold values of major principal stresses, which could be determined from uniaxial and triaxial compression tests and measurement of acoustic emissions. Elastic constants pertaining to each damage level were expressed in terms of confining pressure (minor principal stress) by regression equations of the experimental data. Post-peak behavior was simulated by selecting suitable values of the Hoek-Brown constants m r and s r for post-failure. The proposed experimental model was implemented into FLAC by writing a FISH function. The parametric studies on Hoek-Brown constants for post-peak behavior revealed that peak strength depends greatly more on s r than m r , and post-peak slopes of stress–strain curves depend mainly on m r . Together with the elastic and elasto-plastic models, the nonlinear-brittle-plastic damage model derived from experiments was applied to the evaluation of an excavation damage zone around a highly-stressed circular tunnel for the purpose of checking the performance of the model. Of the three models, the nonlinear-brittle-plastic damage model gave the largest extent of disturbed zones and displacements around the tunnel. The damage zone predicted by the nonlinear-brittle-plastic model became larger as the magnitudes and the stress differences of in-situ stresses increased. Consequently, taking the damage model into account in the stability analysis of hard rock tunnels may be appropriate for conservative design of a highly stressed tunnel.  相似文献   

在对比分析不同侵入体热传导模型的基础上,进一步结合Easy Ro%模型对前人报道的受岩浆侵入体影响的实测Ro数据进行了数值模拟,结果表明改进的Fjeldskaar模型具有较好的应用前景。同时侵入体不同初始温度及不同厚度对围岩热演化程度影响的数值模拟结果表明,岩浆侵入体的热作用范围有限,不同地质条件下,影响的范围不同。其中:侵入体初始温度越高,影响范围越大;侵入体厚度越大,影响范围(X/D值)也越大,但是一般X/D<2(X/D代表侵入体与接触面的距离和侵入体厚度的比值)。侵入体热传导模型的初步应用表明,岩浆作用带来的热源对烃源岩生烃进程产生了重要影响,可以加速烃源岩的成熟,使得生烃期提前。  相似文献   

湿地溶解性有机质(DOM)源识别方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢秀风  郗敏  李悦  孔范龙  董成仁 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1102-1108
湿地是位于水陆生态系统之间的重要生态交错带,而溶解性有机质(DOM)是陆地向水生生态系统输送营养物质的重要载体物质。湿地中DOM的来源分为内源和外源。对湿地中DOM的来源进行识别有助于认识湿地中营养物质的生物化学循环特征,从而进一步了解水陆生态系统之间的物质循环。目前,对湿地DOM进行源识别的方法较多。根据各种方法在研究中应用的广泛性和可用性,本文主要介绍了光学法、同位素法、C/N比值法和生物标志法在湿地DOM源识别中的应用。综合分析表明,光学法、同位素法和C/N比值法在湿地DOM源识别研究中的应用较多。近几年,由于生物标志物(特别是木质素)不仅能够对来源进行识别,而且对源的变化很敏感,因此生物标志法在湿地DOM源识别中的应用成为研究的热点。论文在分析各种湿地DOM源识别方法的基础上,指出了目前研究中存在的问题,并提出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

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