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Examination of Winter Circulation in a Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical model experiments were conducted to examine how estuarine circulation and salinity distribution in the Calcasieu Lake Estuary (CLE) of southwest Louisiana respond to the passage of cold fronts. River runoff, local wind stress, and tides from December 20, 2011, to February 1, 2012, were included as input. The experiments showed an anticyclonic circulation in the eastern CLE, a cyclonic circulation in West Cove, and a saltwater conduit in the navigation channel between these circulation cells. Freshwater from the river and wetlands tends to flow over the shallow shoals toward the ocean, presenting a case of the conventional estuarine circulation with shallow water influenced by river discharge and with weak tidally-induced motion, enhanced by wind. The baroclinic pressure gradient is important for the circulation and saltwater intrusion. The effect of remote wind-driven oscillation plays an important role in circulation and salinity distribution in winter. Unless it is from the east, wind is found to inhibit saltwater intrusion through the narrow navigation channel, indicating the effect of Ekman setup during easterly wind. A series of north-south oriented barrier islands in the lake uniquely influenced water level and salinity distribution between the shallow lake and deep navigation channel. The depth of the navigation channel is also crucial in influencing saltwater intrusion: the deeper the channel, the more saltwater intrusion and the more intense estuarine circulation. Recurring winter storms have a significant accumulated effect on the transport of water and sediment, saltwater intrusion, and associated environmental and ecosystem effects.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of dredging and associated development pressures (i.e., shoreline armoring, developed land use) on fish, three sets of paired dredged and undredged tidal creeks were surveyed within Lynnhaven River, Virginia. Fish species diversity, community abundance, biomass, and size structure were compared among creeks and related to watershed, shoreline, and physicochemical characteristics. Mean fish community characteristics (e.g., abundance) were similar among creeks; however, species-specific analysis revealed subtle differences. Species biomass differed between dredged and undredged creeks, though species abundance was similar. Turbidity highly influenced differences in species abundance among creeks, while organic matter, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and shoreline hardening may be influencing biomass patterns. The most recently dredged creek appeared to provide less suitable nursery habitat for some species than historically dredged creeks, suggesting initial adverse effects with eventual recovery. Protective measures, such as preservation of marshes, dredge depth, and time-of-year restrictions, may be moderating development and dredging pressures.  相似文献   

松嫩平原是松辽地下水系统区的一部分,是一个多层叠置的地下水盆地,西部以大兴安岭山地为界,西南部以松辽分水岭为界,东南部以长白山山地为界,北部、东部以吉黑省界为界,是一个相对完整的一级地下水系统。本文主要叙述潜水地下水系统的补给、径流、排泄特征。  相似文献   

A planktonic biozonation of the Albian to Coniacian stages for the Western Coastal Plain of Israel, is proposed. Ten zones are described, based on the succession of the following genera: Ticinella, Thamanninella, Rotalipora and Marginotruncana. Chronostratigraphic position of the zones and comparison with both, regional and worldwide biozonation, are discussed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of larval behavior in regulating transport between well-mixed, low-inflow estuaries and coastal waters in seasonally arid climates is poorly known. We determined the flux of an assemblage of benthic crustacean larvae relative to physical conditions between a shallow estuary and coastal waters on the upwelling coast of northern California (38°18′N, 123°03′W) from 29 to 31 March 2006. We detected larval behaviors that regulate transport in adjacent coastal waters and other estuaries for only two taxa in the low-inflow estuary, but they were apparent for taxa outside the estuary. Vertical mixing in the shallow estuary may have overwhelmed larvae of some species, or salinity fluctuations may have been too slight to cue tidal vertical migrations. Nevertheless, all larval stages of species that complete development in nearshore coastal waters were present in the estuary, because they remained low in the water column reducing seaward advection or they were readily exchanged between the estuary and open coast by tidal flows. Weak tidal flows and gravitational circulation at the head of the estuary reduced seaward transport during development for species that completed development nearshore, whereas larval release during nocturnal ebb tides enhanced seaward transport for species that develop offshore. Thus, nonselective tidal processes dominated larval transport for most species back and forth between the low-inflow estuary and open coastal waters, whereas in adjacent open coastal waters, larval behavior in the presence of wind-induced shear was more important in regulating migrations between adult and larval habitats along this upwelling coast.  相似文献   

In tide-dominated environments, residual circulation is the comparatively weak net flow in addition to the oscillatory tidal current. Understanding the 3D structure of this circulation is of importance for coastal management as it impacts the net (longer term and event-scale) transport of suspended particles and the advection of tracer quantities. The Dee Estuary, northwest Britain, is used to understand which physical processes have an important contribution to the time-varying residual circulation. Model simulations are used to extract the time-varying contributions of tidal, riverine (baroclinicity and discharge), meteorological, external and wave processes, along with their interactions. Under hypertidal conditions, strong semi-diurnal interaction within the residual makes it difficult to clearly see the effect of a process without filtering. An approach to separate the residual into the isolated process contribution and the contribution due to interaction is described. Applying this method to two hypertidal estuarine channels, one tide dominant and one baroclinic dominant, reveals that process interaction can be as important as the sub-tidal residual process contributions themselves. The time variation of the residual circulation highlights the impact of different physical process components at the event scale of tidal conditions (neap and spring cycles) and offshore storms (wind, wave and surge influence). This gives insight into short-term deviation from the typical estuarine residual. Both channels are found to react differently to the same local conditions, with different short-term change in process dominance during events of high and low energy.  相似文献   

Assessments of coupled barrier island-estuary storm response are rare. Hurricane Sandy made landfall during an investigation in Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary that included water quality monitoring, geomorphologic characterization, and numerical modeling; this provided an opportunity to characterize the storm response of the barrier island-estuary system. Barrier island morphologic response was characterized by significant changes in shoreline position, dune elevation, and beach volume; morphologic changes within the estuary were less dramatic with a net gain of only 200,000 m3 of sediment. When observed, estuarine deposition was adjacent to the back-barrier shoreline or collocated with maximum estuary depths. Estuarine sedimentologic changes correlated well with bed shear stresses derived from numerically simulated storm conditions, suggesting that change is linked to winnowing from elevated storm-related wave-current interactions rather than deposition. Rapid storm-related changes in estuarine water level, turbidity, and salinity were coincident with minima in island and estuarine widths, which may have influenced the location of two barrier island breaches. Barrier-estuary connectivity, or the transport of sediment from barrier island to estuary, was influenced by barrier island land use and width. Coupled assessments like this one provide critical information about storm-related coastal and estuarine sediment transport that may not be evident from investigations that consider only one component of the coastal system.  相似文献   

General circulation models have suggested that the number of extreme floods and droughts will increase with climate change; recent analyses of satellite data have demonstrated that these increases have been higher than predicted. Coastal systems, like the Delaware Estuary, can be vulnerable to such extreme weather events. In analyzing the 100- and 80-year records of the two major rivers of the Delaware Estuary, we find that about 20% of the very large and 50% of the extreme daily discharges occurred in the current decade (2001?C2011), and this represents a significant increase in flood occurrence compared with the rest of the discharge record. This is consistent with predictions of increased extreme weather conditions (inundation and drought) from climate change. Previously, we had characterized the Delaware Estuary as usually well mixed in the summer without significant bottom water oxygen depletion, based on our 30-year research efforts, and a 44-year agency monitoring record. In the summer of 2006, an extreme river discharge pushed the Delaware Estuary salinity gradient further downstream than seen in our research record and induced a nutrient influx to the nutrient-poor lower bay regions. As a result, stratification apparently allowed for a rapid phytoplankton biomass increase similar to the spring bloom phenomenon. A simple modeling exercise supports the idea that although unusual for this estuary in the summer, oxygen depletion occurred in response to the bloom biomass falling and decomposing in the isolated bottom waters. Using the summer 2006 anomalous discharge event and the resultant stratification as an illustration, and considering the significant increase in large and extreme floods in the last decade, we suggest that the typology of the Delaware Estuary is shifting as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

Sulfate transport in a Coastal Plain confining unit, New Jersey, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 A transient 1-D, two-pathway non-equilibrium deterministic advective dispersion model was used to examine the distribution of chloride (43–100 mg/L) and sulfate (57–894 mg/L) concentrations in the 35-m-thick section of the Lower confining unit, Atlantic Coastal Plain, New Jersey, USA. The model was used to constrain hypotheses about how pore-water chemistry changed over time. Explanations of the solute concentrations were explored by inverse and direct methods given a few known constraints, including concentrations of pore-water constituents from 12 core samples, reported simulated flow rates, and estimated hydrogeologic properties. The hypothesis that is best supported by the model results is that the distribution of chloride and sulfate concentrations in the confining unit reflect the history of the aquifer system since it was filled with seawater at the last eustatic high, about 84×103yr BP. The model simulates fresh-water flushing of the seawater-permeated silts at a steady upward pore-water flow velocity of 8.8×10–6 m/d, with a dispersion coefficient of 9.2×10–7 m2/d, a dimensionless partition expression for chloride, βCl=0.981, and a dimensionless exchange coefficient, ωCl=0.31×10–2. Sulfate concentrations were simulated over the flow path using flow and dispersion values calculated for chloride transport plus a retardation term. Parameters for sulfate transport include retardation coefficient=4.51, βSO4=0.994, and ωSO4=0.31×10–2. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the model is most sensitive to flow velocity, and that fresh-water flushing of the confining unit is best simulated by having seawater concentration levels at the inflow boundary of the confining unit exponentially decrease with a concentration half-life rate of 825 yr. Received, January 1997 / Revised, April 1998, October 1998, January 1999 / Accepted, January 1999  相似文献   

Large areas of natural coastal wetlands have suffered severely from human-driven damages or conversions (e.g., land reclamations), but coastal carbon flux responses in reclaimed wetlands are largely unknown. The lack of knowledge of the environmental control mechanisms of carbon fluxes also limits the carbon budget management of reclaimed wetlands. The net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in a coastal wetland at Dongtan of Chongming Island in the Yangtze estuary was monitored throughout 2012 using the eddy covariance technique more than 14 years after this wetland was reclaimed using dykes to stop tidal flooding. The driving biophysical variables of NEE were also examined. The results showed that NEE displayed marked diurnal and seasonal variations. The monthly mean NEE showed that this ecosystem functioned as a CO2 sink during 9 months of the year, with a maximum value in September (?101.2 g C m?2) and a minimum value in November (?8.2 g C m?2). The annual CO2 balance of the reclaimed coastal wetland was ?558.4 g C m?2 year?1. The ratio of ecosystem respiration (ER) to gross primary production (GPP) was 0.57, which suggests that 57 % of the organic carbon assimilated by wetland plants was consumed by plant respiration and soil heterotrophic respiration. Stepwise multiple linear regressions suggested that temperature and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were the two dominant micrometeorological variables driving seasonal variations in NEE, while soil moisture (M s) and soil salinity (PSs) played minor roles. For the entire year, PAR and daytime NEE were significantly correlated, as well as temperature and nighttime NEE. These nonlinear relationships varied seasonally: the maximum ecosystem photosynthetic rate (A max), apparent quantum yield (?), and Q 10 reached their peak values during summer (17.09 μmol CO2?m?2 s?1), autumn (0.13 μmol CO2?μmol?1 photon), and spring (2.16), respectively. Exceptionally high M s or PSs values indirectly restricted ecosystem CO2 fixation capacity by reducing the PAR sensitivity of the NEE. The leaf area index (LAI) and live aboveground biomass (AGBL) were significantly correlated with NEE during the growing season. Although the annual net CO2 fixation rate of the coastal reclaimed wetland was distinctly lower than the unreclaimed coastal wetland in the same region, it was quite high relative to many inland freshwater wetlands and estuarine/coastal wetlands located at latitudes higher than this site. Thus, it is concluded that although the net CO2 fixation capacity of the coastal wetland was reduced by land reclamation, it can still perform as an important CO2 sink.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(4):387-398
Chemical characteristics of grain coatings in a Coastal Plain sandy aquifer on the Eastern Shore of Virginia were investigated where sediments have been exposed to distinct groundwater redox conditions. Dissolved O2 was 5.0 to 10.6 mg L−1 in the regionally extensive aerobic groundwater, whereas in a narrow leachate plume it was only <0.001 to 0.9 mg L−1. The amount of dissolved Fe in the aerobic groundwater was only 0.005 to 0.01 mg L−1, but it was 12 to 47 mg L−1 in the anaerobic zone. The amount of extractable Fe was an order of magnitude higher for the aerobic sediments than for the anaerobic sediments indicating that reductive dissolution removed the oxide coatings. The capacity for anion sorption on the sediment surfaces, as indicated by the sorption of 35SO42-, was an order of magnitude higher in the aerobic vs. anaerobic sediments. The presence of anaerobic groundwater did not significantly alter the amount of extractable Al oxides on the surface of the sediments, and those coatings helped to maintain a high surface area. The removal of the Fe oxides from the grain surfaces under anaerobic conditions was solely responsible for the significant reduction of SO4 sorption observed. This loss of capacity for anion sorption could lead to more extensive transport of negatively charged constituents such as some contaminant chemicals or bacteria that may be of concern in groundwater.  相似文献   

黄金瓯  鲜阳  黎伟  张达政  庄晓明 《地球科学》2021,46(7):2565-2582
滨海平原地区地下水流系统水化学场演化过程复杂,同时受古海侵咸化以及现代人类活动影响,当前对其专门分析的研究较少.以杭嘉湖平原为例,综合运用多元统计和水化学分析方法,对采集的78个深层孔隙承压水样品水化学数据进行解译.研究表明:区内水化学分区可划分为"古海侵区"、"径流排泄区"、"海水咸化区",水化学类型依次为Na-Cl...  相似文献   

Rao  A. D.  Dash  Sujata  Babu  S. V. 《Natural Hazards》2004,32(2):219-237
The Mahanadi River is one of the largest river systems in the east coast of Indiaand the estuary drains and communicates with the Bay of Bengal. The seasonallyvarying fresh water river discharge and the intrusion of salt water from the baydepend on the flow associated with the semi-diurnal component of the astronomicaltide (dominated by M2 component). A numerical model has been developed tosimulate and study the salinity structure, velocity profile, flow and circulation patternand have been compared with the observed data. A reasonably good agreement isnoticed between the model simulations and the observations. The model result hasbeen utilised to compute sediment load transport to the estuary channel over a tidalcycle as well as on a monthly time scale. The sediment load transport owing to monthlyclimatological rainfall is discussed and it is inferred that a dynamic equilibrium existson a long-term over good/bad monsoons.  相似文献   

Understanding groundwater-pumpage sources is essential for assessing impacts on water resources and sustainability. The objective of this study was to quantify pumping impacts and sources in dipping, unconfined/confined aquifers in the Gulf Coast (USA) using the Texas Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer. Potentiometric-surface and streamflow data and groundwater modeling were used to evaluate sources and impacts of pumpage. Estimated groundwater storage is much greater in the confined aquifer (2,200?km3) than in the unconfined aquifer (170?km3); however, feasibility of abstraction depends on pumpage impacts on the flow system. Simulated pre-development recharge (0.96?km3/yr) discharged through evapotranspiration (ET, ~37%), baseflow to streams (~57%), and to the confined aquifer (~6%). Transient simulations (1980–1999) show that pumpage changed three out of ten streams from gaining to losing in the semiarid south and reversed regional vertical flow gradients in ~40% of the entire aquifer area. Simulations of predictive pumpage to 2050 indicate continued storage depletion (41% from storage, 32% from local discharge, and 25% from regional discharge capture). It takes ~100?yrs to recover 40% of storage after pumpage ceases in the south. This study underscores the importance of considering capture mechanism and long-term system response in developing water-management strategies.  相似文献   

杭州湾沿岸平原晚第四纪沉积特征和沉积过程   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
林春明  李从先 《地质学报》1999,73(2):120-130
本文采用层序地层学基本原理,以海平面升降旋回为主线,根据300口钻井,静力触探井和分析化验等资料。探讨了杭州湾地区晚第四纪地层层序,沉积特征,控制沉积的主要地质作用及沉积层的形成过程。结果表明,该区晚第四纪地层底界面为区域不整合面,是末次冰期海面下降时形成的。  相似文献   

The Quaternary deposits in the Galilee coastal plain comprise alternating calcareous sandstone, red loam, dark clay, and uncemented sand. The calcareous sandstone in the lower part of the sequence represents a Pliocene to early Pleistocene marine transgression, and is covered unconformably by the late Quaternary sequence. The base of this sequence has an estimated age of 500,000 yr. It is covered unconformably by marine calcareous sandstone in the west, which represents the global high sea-level stand of isotope stage 7.1, and is known as one of the “Tyrrhenian” events in the Mediterranean area. The overlying members represent the low sea-level stand of stage 6, the first a red paleosol indicating a relatively wet phase and the second an eolianite unit representing a drier phase. The eolianite forms longitudinal, subparallel ridges that formed contemporaneously. The overlying marine sandstone, which contains one of the diagnostic fossils of the “Tyrrhenian” events, the gastropodStrombus buboniusLMK, accumulated during the global high stand of stage 5.5. The last glacial period left no sedimentary record. The Holocene is represented by a marine clay unit that is covered by sand. The present study establishes a complete and detailed chronostratigraphic sequence for an eastern Mediterranean beach, which contains the gastropodS. buboniusLMK.S. buboniuson the Galilee coast is attributed to stage 5.5 and, therefore, establishes an east–west Mediterranean correlation, which can be used for linking Mediterranean events to paleo-sea levels and global climate changes.  相似文献   

A peat core from a cutoff paleochannel of Little River on the upper Coastal Plain of North Carolina provides a continuous pollen record of environmental change for the past 10,500 years and includes a sedimentary record of overbank floods. Palynological and sedimentary data indicate that the early to middle Holocene was wetter than previously suggested from lake sites in the southeastern United States. The period from 9000 to 6100 cal yr B.P. is characterized by high pollen percentages of Nyssa and Quercus, but low percentages of Pinus. Fifteen large overbank flood events are present within this period (5 floods/1000 yr). In contrast, only 6 large overbank flood events occurred since 6100 cal yr B.P. (1 flood/1000 yr). The increases in moisture and flood events probably were controlled by changes in atmospheric circulation related to shifts in the position of the Bermuda High, sea surface temperatures, and El Niño activity that together may have affected the frequency of large floods generated from tropical storms in the region.  相似文献   

Three and a half years of hydrographic, velocity, and meteorological observations are used to examine the dynamics of upper Elkhorn Slough, a seasonally inverse, shallow, mesotidal estuary in central California. The long-term observations revealed that residual circulation in Elkhorn Slough is seasonally variable, with classic estuarine circulation in the winter and inverse estuarine circulation in the summer. The strength of this exchange flow varied both within years and between years, driven by the annual cycle of dry summers and wet winters. Subtidal circulation is a combination of both tidal and density-driven mechanisms. The subtidal magnitude and reversal of the exchange flows is controlled primarily by the density gradient despite the significant tidal energy. As the density gradient weakens, the underlying tidal processes generate vertically sheared exchange flows with the same sign as that expected for an inverse density gradient. The inverse density gradient may then further strengthen this inverse circulation. These data were collected as part of the Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory and demonstrate the utility of long-term in situ measurements in a coastal system, as consideration of such a wide range of forcing conditions would not have been possible with a less comprehensive data set.  相似文献   

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