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A three-dimensional, intratidal sediment transport model is developed for the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) in the upper Chesapeake Bay. The model considers three particle size classes, including the fine class mostly in suspension in the water column, the medium class alternately suspended and deposited by tidal currents, and the coarse size suspended only during the times of relatively high energy events. Based on the results of a box model, depth-limited erosion with continuous deposition is employed for the medium and coarse classes by varying the critical shear stress for erosion as a function of eroded mass. For the fine class, mutually exclusive erosion and deposition is employed with a small constant value for the critical shear stresses for erosion and deposition to assure quick erosion of recently deposited fine particles but without allowing further erosion of consolidated bed sediments. The model is run to simulate the annual condition in 1996, and the model generally gives a reasonable reproduction of the observed characteristics of the ETM relative to the salt limit and tidal phase. The model results for 1996 are analyzed to study the characteristics of the ETM along the main channel of the upper bay in intertidal and intratidal time scales. Under a low flow condition, local erosion/deposition and bottom horizontal flux convergence are the main processes responsible for the formation of the ETM, with the settling flux confining the ETM to the bottom water. Under a high flow condition, a distinctive ETM is formed by strong convergence of the downstream flux of sediments eroded from the upstream of the null zone and the upstream flux of sediments settled at the downstream of the null zone. Intratidal variation of the ETM is mainly controlled by erosion and the tidal transport of eroded sediments for a low flow condition. Under the direct influence of a high flow event, the ETM is mainly formed by erosion during ebbing tidal current strengthened by large freshwater discharge and by convergence of ebbing freshwater discharge and flooding tidal current. During the rebounding stage of a high flow event, intratidal variations are mainly controlled by tidal asymmetry caused by the interaction between tidal currents, gravitational circulation, and stratification.  相似文献   

Climate effects on hydrology impart high variability to water-quality properties, including nutrient loadings, concentrations, and phytoplankton biomass as chlorophyll-a (chl-a), in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Resolving long-term trends of these properties requires that we distinguish climate effects from secular changes reflecting anthropogenic eutrophication. Here, we test the hypothesis that strong climatic contrasts leading to irregular dry and wet periods contribute significantly to interannual variability of mean annual values of water-quality properties using in situ data for Chesapeake Bay. Climate effects are quantified using annual freshwater discharge from the Susquehanna River together with a synoptic climatology for the Chesapeake Bay region based on predominant sea-level pressure patterns. Time series of water-quality properties are analyzed using historical (1945–1983) and recent (1984–2012) data for the bay adjusted for climate effects on hydrology. Contemporary monitoring by the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) provides data for a period since mid-1984 that is significantly impacted by anthropogenic eutrophication, while historical data back to 1945 serve as historical context for a period prior to severe impairments. The generalized additive model (GAM) and the generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) are developed for nutrient loadings and concentrations (total nitrogen—TN, nitrate?+?nitrate—NO2?+?NO3) at the Susquehanna River and water-quality properties in the bay proper, including dissolved nutrients (NO2?+?NO3, orthophosphate—PO4), chl-a, diffuse light attenuation coefficient (K D (PAR)), and chl-a/TN. Each statistical model consists of a sum of nonlinear functions to generate flow-adjusted time series and compute long-term trends accounting for climate effects on hydrology. We present results identifying successive periods of (1) eutrophication ca. 1945–1980 characterized by approximately doubled TN and NO2?+?NO3 loadings, leading to increased chl-a and associated ecosystem impairments, and (2) modest decreases of TN and NO2?+?NO3 loadings from 1981 to 2012, signaling a partial reversal of nutrient over-enrichment. Comparison of our findings with long-term trends of water-quality properties for a variety of estuarine and coastal ecosystems around the world reveals that trends for Chesapeake Bay are weaker than for other systems subject to strenuous management efforts, suggesting that more aggressive actions than those undertaken to date will be required to counter anthropogenic eutrophication of this valuable resource.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton reference communities for Chesapeake Bay were quantified from least-impaired water quality conditions using commonly measured parameters and indicators derived from measured parameters. A binning approach was developed to classify water quality. Least-impaired conditions had relatively high water column transparency and low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and orthophosphate. Reference communities in all seasons and salinity zones are characterized by consistently low values of chlorophylla and pheophytin coupled with relative stable proportions of the phytoplankton taxonomic groups and low biomasses of key bloom-forming species. Chlorophyll cell content was lower and less variable and average cell size and seasonal picophytoplankton biomass tended to be greater in the mesohaline and polyhaline reference communities as compared to the impaired communities. Biomass concentrations of the nano-micro phytoplankton size fractions (2–200 μm) in 12 of the 16 season-specific and salinity-specific reference communities were the same or higher than those in impaired habitat conditions, suggesting that nutrient reductions will not decrease the quantity of edible phytoplankton food available to large consumers. High (bloom) and low (bust) biomass events within the impaired phytoplankton communities showed strikingly different chlorophyll cell content and turnover rates. Freshwater flow had little effect on phytoplankton responses to water quality condition in most of the estuary. Improved water column transparency, or clarity, through the reduction of suspended sediments will be particularly important in attaining the reference communities. Significant nitrogen load reductions are also required.  相似文献   

A Phytoplankton Index of Biotic Integrity (P-IBI) was developed from data collected during 18 yr 91985–2002) of the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), orthophosphate (PO4), and Secchi depth were used to characterize phytoplankton habitat conditions. Low DIN and PO4 concentrations and high Secchi depths characterized least-impaire conditions. Thirty-eight phytoplankton metrics were tested for their ability to discriminate between impaired and least-impaired habitat conditions. Twelve discriminatory metrics were chosen, and different combinations of these twelve metrics were scored and used to create phytoplankton community indexes for spring and summer in the four salinity regimes in Chesapeake Bay. The scoring criteria for each metric were based on the distribution of the metric’s values in least-impaired conditions relative to the distribution in impaired conditions. An independent data set and jackknife validation procedure were used to examine P-IBI performance. The P-IBI correctly classified 70.0–84.4% of the impaired and least-impaired samples, grouped by season and salinity, in the calibration data set. The P-IBI is a management tool to assess phytoplankton community status relative to estuarine nutrient and light conditions.  相似文献   

The spring freshet increases density stratification in Chesapeake Bay and minimizes oxygen transfer from the surface to the deep layer so that waters below 10 m depth experiece oxygen depletion which may lead to anoxia during June to September. Respiration in the water of the deep layer is the major factor contributing to oxygen depletion. Benthic respiration seems secondary. Organic matter from the previous year which has settled into the deep layer during winter provides most of the oxygen demand but some new production in the surface layer may sink and thus supplement the organic matter accumulated in the deep layer.  相似文献   

It has been observed that storms in early fall can result in top-to-bottom mixing of Chesapeake Bay. A three-dimensional, time-dependent circulation model is used to examine this destratification process for September 1983, when extensive current and hydrographic data were available. The model bay is forced at the surface by observed hourly winds, at the ocean boundary by observed hourly surface and bottom salinities and sea level fluctuations, and at the head by observed daily discharges for a 28-d period. A second-moment, turbulence-closure submodel, with no adjustments from previous applications to its requisite coefficients, is used to calculate the vertical turbulence mixing coefficients. Comparisons with data inside the model domain indicate relative errors of 7% to 14% for sea level, 7% to 35% for current, and 11% to 21% for salinity. The tidal portion of the spectrum is modeled better than the subtidal portion. The model is used to examine both the mechanisms of wind mixing and the temporal and spatial distribution of vertical mixing within the estuary. Wind-driven internal shear is shown to be a more effective mechanism of inducing destratification than turbulence generated at the surface. The model is also used to show that the vertical temperature inversion which occurs in the fall does not affect the timing of the destratification as much as its completeness. The distribution of mid-depth vertical mixing shows highly variable values in the mid-bay region, where wind-induced mixing is dominant. This suggests that the source of oxygen to mid-bay bottom waters is similarly variable. Vertical turbulence mixing coefficients of 10?2 cm2 s?1 (background) to 103 cm2 s?1 were needed to simulate the September period, indicating the need for time-variable mixing in models of dissolved and suspended estuarine constituents.  相似文献   

Present day anthropogenic fluxes of some heavy metals to central Chesapeake Bay appear to be intermediate to those of the southern California coastal region and those of Narragansett Bay. The natural fluxes, however, are in general higher. On the bases of Pb-210 and Pu-239 + 240 geochronologies and of the time changes in interstitial water compositions, there is a mixing of the upper 30 or so centimeters of the sediments in the mid-Chesapeake Bay area through bioturbation by burrowing mollusks and polychaetes. Coal, coke and charcoal levels reach one percent or more by dry weight in the deposits, primarily as a consequence of coal mining operations.  相似文献   

Fish biomass size spectra in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biomass size spectra of pelagic fish were modeled to describe community structure, estimate potential fish production, and delineate trophic relationships in Chesapeake Bay. Spectra were constructed from midwater trawl collections each year in April, June–August, and October 1995–2000. The size spectra were bimodal: the first spectral dome corresponded to small zooplanktivorous fish, primarily bay anchovyAnchoa mitchilli; the second dome consisted of larger fish from several feeding guilds that are supported by multiple prey-predator linkages. Annual production estimates of pelagic fish, derived from a mean production to biomass ratio, varied nearly three-fold, ranging from 162 × 109 kcal (125 × 103 tons) in 1996 to 457 × 109 kcal (352 × 103 tons) in 2000. Seasonally, the biomass level and mean individual sizes of fish in the first dome increased from April to October, while the biomass level of the second dome was relatively stable. Regionally, biomass levels in the second dome were higher than biomasses in the first dome for the upper and lower Bay, but were minimal in the middle Bay where seasonal and episodic hypoxia occurs. To test a benthic-pelagic coupling hypothesis that could explain the higher biomass in the second domes for the lower and upper Bay, a cyclic size-spectrum model was fit that included only species in the zooplanktivorous-piscivorous fish guilds. The mean, normalized slope equaled ?1, indicating that zooplanktivorous fish may support piscivore production, but that a benthic-pelagic linkage is required to fully support fish production in the second dome. Interannual variability in slopes and intercepts of modeled size spectra was related to salinity, recruitment level of bay anchovy, and the primary axis of a correspondence analysis (salinity effect) on fish community structure. The spectral slope and intercept of normalized spectra were lowest in 1996, a near-record wet year. Results suggest that fish size spectra can be developed as useful indicators of ecosystem state and response to perturbations, especially if prey-predator relationships are explicitly represented.  相似文献   

Two different approaches to measuring phytoplankton nitrogen (N) use were compared in late summer 2004 along the main axis of Chesapeake Bay. Uptake of 15N-labeled ammonium and nitrate and dual-labeled (15N and 13C) urea and dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) were measured in surface water samples from upper, mid, and lower bay stations. Two distinct methods were used to assess the relative uptake of N substrates by phytoplankton and correct for bacterial artifacts: (1) traditional filtration using Whatman glass fiber (GF/F) filters and (2) flow cytometric (FCM) sorting of chlorophyll-containing cells. The concentration of dissolved inorganic N (DIN) decreased with distance south along the bay, whereas dissolved organic N (DON) concentrations were relatively constant. Absolute N uptake rates measured using the traditional approach exceeded those of FCM-sorted phytoplankton, thereby suggesting the possibility of bacterial “contamination.” Ammonium was the dominant N form used throughout the transect, although FCM-sorted phytoplankton relied more on urea and DFAA as the ratio of DON/DIN increased toward the bay mouth. Overall, ammonium comprised 74 ± 17%, urea 10 ± 9%, DFAA 9 ± 7%, and nitrate 7 ± 12% of total measured N uptake by phytoplankton. Results suggest that bacteria relied primarily on DFAA and ammonium for N nutrition but also used N from urea at a rate similar to that of phytoplankton, whereas bacterial nitrate uptake was insignificant. On average, phytoplankton uptake of ammonium, urea, and DFAA was overestimated by 61%, 53%, and 135%, respectively, as a result of bacterial retention on GF/F filters.  相似文献   

The hydrogen isotope ratio of the dinoflagellate sterol dinosterol (4α,23,24-trimethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol) was measured in suspended particles and surface sediments from the Chesapeake Bay estuary in order to evaluate the influence of salinity on hydrogen isotope fractionation. D/H fractionation was found to decrease by 0.99 ± 0.23‰ per unit increase in salinity over the salinity range 10-29 PSU, a similar decrease to that observed in a variety of lipids from hypersaline ponds on Christmas Island (Kiribati). We hypothesize that the hydrogen isotopic response to salinity may result from diminished exchange of water between algal cells and their environment, lower growth rates and/or increased production of osmolytes at high salinities. Regardless of the mechanism, the consistent sign and magnitude of dinosterol δD response to changing salinity should permit qualitative to semi-quantitative reconstructions of past salinities from sedimentary dinosterol δD values.  相似文献   

Wind Modulation of Dissolved Oxygen in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical circulation model with a simplified dissolved oxygen module is used to examine the importance of wind-driven ventilation of hypoxic waters in Chesapeake Bay. The model demonstrates that the interaction between wind-driven lateral circulation and enhanced vertical mixing over shoal regions is the dominant mechanism for providing oxygen to hypoxic sub-pycnocline waters. The effectiveness of this mechanism is strongly influenced by the direction of the wind forcing. Winds from the south are most effective at supplying oxygen to hypoxic regions, and winds from the west are shown to be least effective. Simple numerical simulations demonstrate that the volume of hypoxia in the bay is nearly 2.5 times bigger when the mean wind is from the southwest as compared to the southeast. These results provide support for a recent analysis that suggests much of the long-term variability of hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay can be explained by variations in the summertime wind direction.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in natural estuarine habitat of North Carolina in 1991, the widespread impact of the toxic dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida (gen. et sp. nov.), popularly called the “phantom” dinoflagellate, on North Carolina fish stocks has been established, yet little is known about its influence outside of North Carolina estuaries. Here, we document the presence of P. piscicida in Chesapeake Bay. A fish kill was observed after inoculating an aquarium containing mummichogs with sediment samples from Jenkins Creek, a brackish creek (salinity 11‰) of the Chesapeake Bay system. P. piscicida was the cause of the kill, as supported by morphological, physiological, and histological evidence. The appearance and behavior of the algae and symptoms associated with fish mortality were consistent with those previously observed in P. piscicida-associated aquaria fish kills in North Carolina. The discovery of P. piscicida in Chesapeake Bay supports the speculation that these toxic dinoflagellates have a dramatic and far-reaching impact on fish stocks in shallow, eutrophic estuaries along the eastern United States.  相似文献   

This paper presents combined conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD), thermistor chain, current meter, and acoustic backscatter observations of a tidal front observed in the Chesapeake Bay. The data were obtained from a moored platform as the front migrated past the platform. The thermistor chain and CTD data show an interface that slopes steeply down from the surface to an asymptotic depth of 6 m, marking the bottom of the light-water pool. The thermistor chain data show much higher activity levels within the light-water pool as compared to the dense-water pool. Current meter data taken at 3 m show a pronounced shear in the currents upon crossing the frontal boundary. The acoustic backscatter from a layer of copepods positioned on the interface shows episodic occurrences of overturning at the interface. This observation is borne out by the concurrent thermistor chain data, which also show the overturning events.  相似文献   

Moored instruments were used to make observations of near bottom currents, waves, temperature, salinity, and turbidity at shallow (3.5 m and 5.5 m depth) dredged sediment disposal sites in upper Chesapeake Bay during the winters of 1990 and 1991 to investigate time-varying characteristics of resuspension processes over extended periods. Resulting time series data show the variability of two components of the suspended sediment concentration field. Background suspended sediment concentrations varied inversely with salinity and in direct relation to Susquehanna River flow. Muddy bottom sediments were also resuspended locally by both tidal currents and wind-wave forcing, resulting in short-term increases and decreases in suspended concentration, with higher peak concentrations near the bottom. In both years, episodes of wave-forced resuspension dominated tidal resuspension on an individual event basis, exceeding most tidal resuspension peaks by a factor of 3 to 5. The winds that generated the waves responsible for the observed resuspension events were not optimal for wave generation, however. Application of a simple wind-wave model showed that much greater wave-forced resuspension than that observed might be generated under the proper conditions. The consolidated sediments investigated in 1990 were less susceptible to both tidal and wave-forced resuspension than the recently deposited sediments investigated in 1991. There was also some indication that wave-forced resuspension increased erodibility of the bottom sediments on a short-term basis. Wave-forced resuspension is implicated as an important part of sediment transport processes in much of Chesapeake Bay. Its role in deeper, narrower, and more tidally energetic estuaries is not as clear, and should be investigated on a case-by-case basis.  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay sediments were examined for biogeochemical evidence of eutrophication trends using two mesohaline sediment cores. Measurements of 210Pb geochronology and sediment profiles of organic carbon, nitrogen, organic phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, and biogenis silica (BSi) were used used to develop temporal concentration trends. Recent sediments have 2–3 times as much organic carbon and nitrogen as sediments from 80 to 100 yr ago, but the increases result from both changes in organic matter deposition and time-dependent changes in organic matter decomposition rates. Despite increases in phosphorus loading, no major changes in phosphorus concentration were noted throughout most of the century; anthropogenic phosphorus deposition, though not evident in sulfidic mid-bay sediments, must occur in more oxidizing sediment environments in both the northern and southern bays. Temporal trends in BSi concentrations are much less evident and the lack of substantial increases in this century suggest that BSi inputs may be capped by late spring-summer Si limitation.  相似文献   

Scales of nutrient-limited phytoplankton productivity in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The scales on which phytoplankton biomass vary in response to variable nutrient inputs depend on the nutrient status of the plankton community and on the capacity of consumers to respond to increases in phytoplankton productivity. Overenrichment and associated declines in water quality occur when phytoplankton growth rate becomes nutrient-saturated, the production and consumption of phytoplankton biomass become uncoupled in time and space, and phytoplankton biomass becomes high and varies on scales longer than phytoplankton generation times. In Chesapeake Bay, phytoplankton growth rates appear to be limited by dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) during spring when biomass reaches its annual maximum and by dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) during summer when phytoplankton growth rates are highest. However, despite high inputs of DIN and dissolved silicate (DSi) relative to DIP (molar ratios of N∶P and Si∶P>100), seasonal accumulations of phytoplankton biomass within the salt-intruded-reach of the bay appear to be limited by riverine DIN supply while the magnitude of the spring diatom bloom is governed by DSi supply. Seasonal imbalances between biomass production and consumption lead to massive accumulations of phytoplankton biomass (often>1,000 mg Chl-a m?2) during spring, to spring-summer oxygen depletion (summer bottom water <20% saturation), and to exceptionally high levels of annual phytoplankton production (>400 g m?2 yr?1). Nitrogen-dependent seasonal accumulations of phytoplankton biomass and annual production occur as a consequence of differences in the rates and pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus cycling within the bay and underscore the importance of controlling nitrogen inputs to the mesohaline and lower reaches of the bay.  相似文献   

We measured dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in samples collected along 13 transects of the salinity gradient of Chesapeake Bay. Riverine DOC and POC end-members averaged 232±19 μM and 151±53 μM, respectively, and coastal DOC and POC end-members averaged 172±19 μM and 43±6 μM, respectively. Within the chlorophyll maximum, POC accumulated to concentrations 50–150 μM above those expected from conservative mixing and it was significantly correlated with chlorophylla, indicating phytoplankton origin. POC accumulated primarily in bottom waters in spring, and primarily in surface waters in summer. Net DOC accumulation (60–120 μM) was observed within and downstream of the chlorophyll maximum, primarily during spring and summer in both surface and bottom waters, and it also appeared to be derived from phytoplankton. In the turbidity maximum, there were also net decreases in chlorophylla (?3 μg l?1 to ?22 μg l?1) and POC concentrations (?2 μM to ?89 μM) and transient DOC increases (9–88 μM), primarily in summer. These occurred as freshwater plankton blooms mixed with turbid, low salinity seawater, and we attribute the observed POC and DOC changes to lysis and sedimentation of freshwater plankton. DOC accumulation in both regions of Chesapeake Bay was estimated to be greater than atmospheric or terrestrial organic carbon inputs and was equivalent to ≈10% of estuarine primary production.  相似文献   

国外河口最大浑浊带生物地球化学研究的动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
河口最大浑浊带(TurbidityMaximum,以下简称TM)在全世界不论高纬度地区或低纬度地区,各种气候类型和潮汐条件下的河口均有发现,尤其在部分混合型和垂向均匀混合型河口更为发育。其中包括不同形状和大小的河口,从小河口到诸如亚马逊河、密西西比河...  相似文献   

A series of cruises was carried out in the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) region of Chesapeake Bay in 1996 to examine physical and biological variability and dynamics. A large flood event in late January shifted the salinity structure of the upper Bay towards that of a salt wedge, but most of the massive sediment load delivered by the Susquehanna River appeared to bypass the ETM zone. In contrast, suspended sediments delivered during a flood event in late October were trapped very efficiently in the ETM. The difference in sediment trapping appeared to be due to increases in particle settling speed from January to October, suggesting that the fate of sediments delivered during large events may depend on the season in which they occur. The ETM roughly tracked the limit of salt (defined as the intersection of the 1 psu isohaline with the bottom) throughout the year, but it was often separated significantly from the limit of salt with the direction of separation unrelated to the phase of the tide. This was due to a lag of ETM sediment resuspension and transport behind rapid meteorologically induced or river flow induced motion of the salt limit. Examination of detailed time series of salt, suspended sediment, and velocity collected near the limit of salt, combined with other indications, led to the conclusion that the convergence of the estuarine circulation at the limit of salt is not the primary mechanism of particle trapping in the Chesapeake Bay ETM. This convergence and its associated salinity structure contribute to strong tidal asymmetries in sediment resuspension and transport that collect and maintain a resuspendable pool of rapidly settling particles near the salt limit. Without tidal resuspension and transport, the ETM would either not exist or be greatly weakened. In spite of this repeated resuspension, sedimentation is the ultimate fate of most terrigenous material delivered to the Chesapeake Bay ETM. Sedimentation rates in the ETM channel are at least an order of magnitude greater than on the adjacent shoals, probably due to focusing mechanisms that are poorly understood.  相似文献   

Regional geochemistry of trace elements in Chesapeake Bay sediments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The concentrations of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in 177 surface sediment samples from throughout Chesapeake Bay are reported. Analyses were made of both unfractionated samples and the <63 μm fractions. Analytical uncertainty, always less than ±10%, controlled reproducibility in analyses of the <63 μm fractions, but sampling variance controlled reproducibility in the unfractionated samples, especially when coarse-grained sediments were being analyzed. Sediments in the northernmost part of the bay are enriched relative to average continental crust in all elements except Cr. This reflects the composition of dissolved and suspended material being delivered to that region by the Susquehanna River. The enriched sediments appear not to be transported south of Baltimore in significant quantily. Zinc, cadmium, and lead are enriched relative to average crust throughout the bay and in most other estuaries in the eastern United States.  相似文献   

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