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We describe a novel concept for high-resolution wavefront sensing based on the optical differentiation wavefront sensor (OD). It keeps the advantages of high resolution, adjustable dynamic range, ability to work with polychromatic sources and, in addition, it achieves good performance in wavefront reconstruction when the field is perturbed by scintillation. Moreover, this new concept can be used as multi-object wavefront sensor in multiconjugate adaptive optics systems. It is able to provide high resolution and high sampling operation, which is of great interest for the projected extreme adaptive optics systems for large telescopes.  相似文献   

The new 1.5‐m German solar telescope GREGOR at the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, is equipped with an integrated adaptive optics system. Although partly still in the commissioning phase, the system is already being used used for most science observations. It is designed to provide diffraction‐limited observations in the visible‐light regime for seeing better than 1.2″. We describe the AO system including the optical design, software, wavefront reconstruction, and performance (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The use of atmospheric transfer functions is common in image reconstruction techniques such as speckle interferometry to calibrate the Fourier amplitudes of the reconstructed images. Thus, an accurate model is needed to ensure proper photometry in the reconstruction. The situation complicates when adaptive optics (AO) are used during data acquisition. I propose a novel technique to derive two‐dimensional transfer functions from data collected using AO simultaneously with the observations. The technique is capable to compute the relevant transfer functions within a short time for the prevailing atmospheric conditions and AO performance during data acquisition (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Carried with an astronomical adaptive optics (AO) system, this work reports the observational evidences of wave-front deformations dominated by sources of perturbation acting as phase slabs moving at a constant speed in front of the telescope aperture. Consequences for improved adaptive optics compensation are suggested.  相似文献   

Sodium laser guide stars (LGSs) are elongated sources due to the thickness and the finite distance of the sodium layer. The fluctuations of the sodium layer altitude and atom density profile induce errors on centroid measurements of elongated spots, and generate spurious optical aberrations in closed-loop adaptive optics (AO) systems. According to an analytical model and experimental results obtained with the University of Victoria LGS bench demonstrator, one of the main origins of these aberrations, referred to as LGS aberrations, is not the centre-of-gravity (CoG) algorithm itself, but the thresholding applied on the pixels of the image prior to computing the spot centroids. A new thresholding method, termed 'radial thresholding', is presented here, cancelling out most of the LGS aberrations without altering the centroid measurement accuracy.  相似文献   

Multi-conjugate adaptive optics(MCAO),consisting of several deformable mirrors(DMs),can significantly increase the adaptive optics(AO)correction field of view.Current MCAO can be realized by either star-oriented or layer-oriented approaches.For solar AO,ground-layer adaptive optics(GLAO)can be viewed as an extreme case of layer-oriented MCAO in which the DM is conjugated to the ground,while solar tomography adaptive optics(TAO)that we proposed recently can be viewed as star-oriented MCAO with only one DM.Solar GLAO and TAO use the same hardware as conventional solar AO,and therefore it will be important to see which method can deliver better performance.In this article,we compare the performance of solar GLAO and TAO by using end-to-end numerical simulation software.Numerical simulations of TAO and GLAO with different numbers of guide stars are conducted.Our results show that TAO and GLAO produce the same performance if the DM is conjugated to the ground,but TAO can only generate better performance when the DM is conjugated to the best height.This result has important application in existing one-DM solar AO systems.  相似文献   

This article describes the considerations which led to the current optical design of the new 1.5 m solar telescope GREGOR. The result is Gregorian design with two real foci in the optical train. The telescope includes a relay optic with a pupil image used by a high order adaptive optics system (AO). The optical design is described in detail and performance characteristics are given. Finally we show some verification results which prove that – without atmospheric effects – the completed telescope reaches a diffraction limited performance (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The integration and verification phase of the GREGOR telescope reached an important milestone with the installation of the interim 1 m SolarLite primary mirror. This was the first time that the entire light path had seen sunlight. Since then extensive testing of the telescope and its subsystems has been carried out. The integration and verification phase will culminate with the delivery and installation of the final 1.5 m Zerodur primary mirror in the summer of 2010. Observatory level tests and science verification will commence in the second half of 2010 and in 2011. This phase includes testing of the main optics, adaptive optics, cooling and pointing systems. In addition, assuming the viewpoint of a typical user, various observational modes of the GREGOR Fabry‐Pérot Interferometer (GFPI), the Grating Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS), and high‐speed camera systems will be tested to evaluate if they match the expectations and science requirements. This ensures that GREGOR will provide high‐quality observations with its combination of (multi‐conjugate) adaptive optics and advanced post‐focus instruments. Routine observations are expected for 2012 (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Integral field spectrographs are major instruments with which to study the mechanisms involved in the formation and the evolution of early galaxies. When combined with multi-object spectroscopy, those spectrographs can behave as machines used to derive physical parameters of galaxies during their formation process. Up to now, there has been only one available spectrograph with multiple integral field units, i.e. FLAMES/GIRAFFE on the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT). However, current ground-based instruments suffer from a degradation of their spatial resolution due to atmospheric turbulence. In this article we describe the performance of FALCON, an original concept of a new-generation multi-object integral field spectrograph with adaptive optics for the ESO VLT. The goal of FALCON is to combine high angular resolution (0.25 arcsec) and high spectral resolution  ( R > 5000)  in the J and H bands over a wide field of view  (10 × 10 arcmin2)  in the VLT Nasmyth focal plane. However, instead of correcting the whole field, FALCON will use multi-object adaptive optics (MOAO) to perform the adaptive optics correction locally on each scientific target. This requires us then to use atmospheric tomography in order to use suitable natural guide stars for wavefront sensing. We will show that merging MOAO and atmospheric tomography allows us to determine the internal kinematics of distant galaxies up to z ≈ 2 with a sky coverage of 50 per cent, even for objects observed near the Galactic pole. The application of such a concept to extremely large telescopes seems therefore to be a very promising way to study galaxy evolution from z = 1 to redshifts as high as z = 7.  相似文献   

The next generation of solar telescopes will enable us to resolve the fundamental scales of the solar atmosphere, i.e., the pressure scale height and the photon mean free path. High‐resolution observations of small‐scale structures with sizes down to 50 km require complex post‐focus instruments, which employ adaptive optics (AO) and benefit from advanced image restoration techniques. The GREGOR Fabry‐Pérot Interferometer (GFPI) will serve as an example of such an instrument to illustrate the challenges that are to be expected in instrumentation and data analysis with the next generation of solar telescopes (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

New challenges for adaptive optics: extremely large telescopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of an adaptive optics (AO) system on a 100-m diameter ground-based telescope working in the visible range of the spectrum is computed using an analytical approach. The target Strehl ratio of 60 per cent is achieved at 0.5 μm with a limiting magnitude of the AO guide source near R   magnitude~10, at the cost of an extremely low sky coverage. To alleviate this problem, the concept of tomographic wavefront sensing in a wider field of view using either natural guide stars (NGS) or laser guide stars (LGS) is investigated. These methods use three or four reference sources and up to three deformable mirrors, which increase up to 8-fold the corrected field size (up to 60 arcsec at 0.5 μm). Operation with multiple NGS is limited to the infrared (in the J band this approach yields a sky coverage of 50 per cent with a Strehl ratio of 0.2). The option of open-loop wavefront correction in the visible using several bright NGS is discussed. The LGS approach involves the use of a faint ( R ~22) NGS for low-order correction, which results in a sky coverage of 40 per cent at the Galactic poles in the visible.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present simulation results of a ground-layer correction adaptive optics system (GLAO), based on four laser guide stars and a single deformable mirror. The goal is to achieve a seeing improvement over an 8-arcmin field of view, in the near-infrared (from 1.06 to 2.2 μm). We show results on the scaling of this system (number of subapertures, frame rates), and the required number of tip-tilt stars. We investigate the use for GLAO of both sodium and Rayleigh guide stars. We also show that if the lasers can be repositioned, the performance of the adaptive optics can be tailored to the astronomical observations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the present status of the development of the design of the European Solar Telescope is described. The telescope is devised to have the best possible angular resolution and polarimetric performance, maximizing the throughput of the whole system. To that aim, adaptive optics and multi‐conjugate adaptive optics are integrated in the optical path. The system will have the possibility to correct for the diurnal variation of the distance to the turbulence layers, by using several deformable mirrors, conjugated at different heights. The present optical design of the telescope distributes the optical elements along the optical path in such a way that the instrumental polarization induced by the telescope is minimized and independent of the solar elevation and azimuth. This property represents a large advantage for polarimetric measurements. The ensemble of instruments that are planned is also presented (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A high‐order Adaptive Optical (AO) system for the 65 cm vacuum telescope of the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) is presented. The Coudé‐exit of the telescope has been modified to accommodate the AO system and two imaging magnetograph systems for visible‐light and near infrared (NIR) observations. A small elliptical tip/tilt mirror directs the light into an optical laboratory on the observatory's 2nd floor just below the observing floor. A deformable mirror (DM) with 77 mm diameter is located on an optical table where it serves two wave‐front sensors (WFS), a correlation tracker (CT) and Shack‐Hartman (SH) sensor for the high‐order AO system, and the scientific channels with the imaging magnetographs. The two‐axis tip/tilt platform has a resonance frequency around 3.3 kHz and tilt range of about 2 mrad, which corresponds to about 25″ in the sky. Based on 32 × 32 pixel images, the CT detects image displacements between a reference frame and real‐time frames at a rate of 2 kHz. High‐order wave‐front aberrations are detected in the SH WFS channel from slope measurements derived from 76 sub‐apertures, which are recorded with 1,280 × 1,024 pixel Complex Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) camera manufactured by Photobit camera. In the 4 × 4 pixel binning mode, the data acquisition rate of the CMOS device is more than 2 kHz. Both visible‐light and NIR imaging magnetographs use Fabry‐Pérot etalons in telecentric configurations for two‐dimensional spectro‐polarimetry. The optical design of the AO system allows using small aperture prefilters, such as interference or Lyot filters, and 70 mm diameter Fabry‐Pérot etalons covering a field‐of‐view (FOV) of about 180″ × 180″.  相似文献   

Atmospheric optics is the study of optical effects induced by the atmosphere on light propagating from distant sources. Of particular concern to astronomers is atmospheric turbulence, which limits the performance of ground-based telescopes. The past two decades have seen remarkable growth in the capabilities and performance of adaptive optics (AO) systems. These opto-mechanical systems actively compensate for the blurring effect of the Earth’s turbulent atmosphere. By sensing, and correcting, wavefront distortion introduced by atmospheric index-of-refraction variations, AO systems can produce images with resolution approaching the diffraction limit of the telescope at near-infrared wavelengths. This review highlights the physical processes and fundamental relations of atmospheric optics that are most relevant to astronomy, and discusses the techniques used to characterize atmospheric turbulence. The fundamentals of AO are then introduced and the many types of advanced AO systems that have been developed are described. The principles of each are outlined, and the performance and limitations are examined. Aspects of photometric and astrometric measurements of AO-corrected images are considered. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of the challenges related to current and future AO systems, particularly those that will equip the next generation of large, ground-based optical and infrared telescopes.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel concept to sense the wavefront for adaptive optics purposes in astronomy using a conventional laser beacon. The concept we describe involves treating the light scattered in the mesospheric sodium layer as if it comes from multiple rings located at infinity. Such a concept resembles an inverse Bessel beam and is particularly suitable for multi-conjugated adaptive optics on extremely large telescopes. In fact, as the sensing process uses light apparently coming from infinity, some problems linked to the finite distance and vertical extent of the guide source are solved. Since such a technique is able to sense a wavefront solely in the radial direction, we propose furthermore a novel wavefront sensor by combining the inverse Bessel beam approach with the recently introduced z -invariant technique for a pseudo-infinite guide star sensor.  相似文献   

ADONIS is an adaptive optics (AO) user friendly instrument offered to the European astronomical community on the ESO 3.6-m telescope at La Silla. It is an upgraded version of COME-ON-PLUS, the VLT AO prototype, which already produced significative astrophysical results in a wide range of fields, from planetology to extragalactic astrophysics. ADONIS is now allowing the astronomer to use adaptive optics as a common user instrument thanks to the implementation of an open artificial intelligence software that handles the large number of parameters needed to optimise the AO correction. We will describe the ADONIS system, including the two dedicated infrared cameras, summarize its performances and discuss the observing procedures.  相似文献   

The point spread function of a segmented-mirror telescope is severely affected by segment misalignment, which can nullify the performance of adaptive optics systems. The piston and tilt of each segment must be precisely adjusted in relation to the other segments. Furthermore, the direct detection of the alignment error with natural stars would be desirable in order to monitor the errors during astronomical observation.
We have studied the lost information of the piston error caused by the presence of atmospheric turbulence in the measurements of curvature, and present a new algorithm for obtaining the local piston using the curvature sensor. A phase-wrapping effect is shown as responsible for the loss of curvature information and so the piston errors can no longer adequately be mapped; this happens not only in the presence of atmospheric turbulence, but also in its absence.
Good results are obtained using a new iterative method for obtaining the local piston error map. In the presence of atmospheric perturbation, the turbulent phase information obtained from a Shack–Hartmann sensor is introduced in our new iterative method. We propose a hybrid sensor composed of a curvature sensor and a Shack–Hartmann sensor, in order to complete all the information for the phasing. This design takes a short computation time and could be used in real time inside an adaptive optics system, where tilt and piston errors must be corrected.  相似文献   

Current projects for large telescopes demand a proper knowledge of atmospheric turbulence to design efficient adaptive optics systems in order to reach large Strehl ratios. However, the proper characterization of the turbulence above a particular site requires long-term monitoring. Because of the lack of long-term information on turbulence, high-altitude winds (in particular winds at the 200 mbar pressure level) were proposed as a parameter for estimating the total turbulence at a particular site, with the advantage of records of winds going back several decades. We present the first complete study of atmospheric adaptive optics parameters above the Teide Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain) in relation to wind speed. On-site measurements of   C 2 N ( h )  profiles (more than 20 200 turbulence profiles) from G-SCIDAR (Generalized Scintillation Detection and Ranging) observations and wind vertical profiles from balloons have been used to calculate the seeing, the isoplanatic angle and the coherence time. The connection of these parameters to wind speeds at ground and at 200 mbar pressure level are shown and discussed. Our results confirm the well-known high quality of the Canary Islands astronomical observatories.  相似文献   

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