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为查明海岸带弱透水层孔隙水的盐分来源与演变机制,在连云港海州湾钻探采集了4个钻孔的粘性土柱,采用压榨法采集孔隙水,测定了孔隙水化学-同位素组分,建立了二维剖面孔隙水全新世以来的溶质运移数值模型.由陆向海孔隙水的总溶解固体由0.9增加到41.4 g/L,垂向上浅层高、深层低.孔隙水Cl/Br比为170~533(均值267),87Sr/86Sr比值为0.709 3~0.711 6,Cl-与δ18O呈正相关关系,表明孔隙咸水为海相成因,同时还受到硅酸盐矿物风化和阳离子交换作用影响.全新世弱透水层孔隙水为10~5 ka BP海侵时期的古海水,向下入渗造成更新世孔隙水咸化.4 ka BP海退后,孔隙水接受淡水补给,但古海水并未被完全驱替.近海岸处孔隙水受持续蒸发影响而形成盐水.数值模拟表明海侵-海退事件是控制弱透水层孔隙水盐分演变的主要因素,海侵时海水以“指状”模式向下入侵,造成了咸淡水的不均匀分布.  相似文献   

李静  梁杏  毛绪美  王聪  柳富田 《地球科学》2012,37(3):612-620
地下水开采、弱透水层释水, 以及污染物迁移转化、高危废物深埋选址等水文地质和工程地质活动中, 弱透水层的作用越来越受到重视.了解弱透水层孔隙水的演化特征是认识弱透水层作用的首要问题.采用机械压榨法提取了曹妃甸地区某钻孔0~100 m粘性土孔隙水, 对孔隙水化学特征进行了分析.结果显示钻孔粘性土孔隙水呈碱性, 总溶解固体为7.26~26.89 g/L, 从浅到深逐渐减小; 陆相沉积层Cl/Br比趋向无穷大, 而海相沉积层仅为279~289.分析得出弱透水层孔隙水基本为岩层沉积水, 陆相和海相沉积层孔隙水分别显示出淡水和海水起源特征, 没有后期海水入侵影响迹象; Cl-、Na+变化趋势主要受蒸发浓缩作用影响, SO42-受硫酸盐的还原作用和石膏的溶解作用共同控制, Ca2+、Na+、K+还受到沉积过程中阳离子交换与吸附作用影响; 由δ18O重建晚更新世古气温为5.21~5.81 ℃, 浅部40 m以内计算的气温偏高是由于全新世气候变暖、孔隙水向下扩散迁移混合的影响.   相似文献   

为更好地保护沿海水环境和水生态功能,亟需探究陆源溶质在滨海分层含水层中的迁移机制。构建二维分层含水层数值模型,采用地下水软件SUTRA-MS模拟分析潮汐作用下陆源溶质在分层含水层中的运移特征。结果表明:(1)与均质含水层相比,弱透水层的存在会延长溶质在含水层中的滞留时间、增大溶质最大扩散面积、削弱溶质在水平方向和垂直方向的扩散程度;(2)弱透水层能够降低陆源溶质向海水排放的最大通量,并且延长溶质排放的持续时间;(3)溶质扩散面积、弱透水层中溶质残余量、水平和垂向扩散程度等对弱透水层水力传导系数和厚度的敏感性优于弱透水层深度。  相似文献   

弱透水层水文地质参数确定方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
弱透水层常作为垃圾废料或核废料处理场所,其水文地质参数对处理工程的安全和效果具有十分重要的意义,介绍了一种研究弱透水层性质的野外试验方法-Slug试验,着重讨论了Slug试验的求参原理和方法,对有关问题进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

地面沉降模型是地面沉降研究的重要内容,由于弱透水层的变形量占地层全部变形量的比重较大,因此对弱透水层固结模型的研究是地面沉降模型研究中的重要部分。在现有的地面沉降模型中,对不同深度弱透水层的变形计算,无论弱透水层释水机理如何,始终沿用同一计算模式,显然是与实际情况不相符的。本文在对不同深度弱透水层释水变形机理认识的基础上,根据变形机理的差异,分别提出了不同深度弱透水层的变形计算模型。  相似文献   

本文采用施压条件下有机磷溶液渗透通过粘性土层的试验,模拟有机磷越流通过弱透水层的过程,研究其迁移的衰减规律、降解转化的机理以及各种因子的影响规律。研究发现,进水的浓度越小,pH值越大,土层中的磷酸酶降解转化有机磷的效果越好;土层对有机磷的吸附量随着进水pH的增大而增大,进水浓度的减小而减小;对于酸性进水而言,粘性土层对有机磷的阻滞作用与进水浓度关系不大,较倚重于进水pH值的升高。  相似文献   

通过对基坑降水工程实例的现象及成因分析,提出弱透水层滞后疏干现象,并提出了在降水工程中合理应用的建议。  相似文献   

苟富刚  龚绪龙 《地球学报》2023,44(6):1063-1075
弱透水层孔隙水反映了土体沉积时的原始溶液, 对于古气候重建具有重大作用。为了解析长江河口地区全新世以来弱透水层孔隙水的补给及其盐分来源, 采集易溶盐、土工、潜水、近岸海水等样品。采用易溶盐指标结合土工指标(含水率、湿密度、比重)获取了研究区弱透水层孔隙水的水化学特征。采用二端元法、Piper三线图、Gibbs图、离子比值法等解析了孔隙水的补给及其盐分来源。结果表明: 孔隙水矿化度介于1.16~32.79 g/L, 平均值为10.68 g/L, 盐水占比最高, 其次为咸水和微咸水。孔隙水类型以Cl-Na型(85.6%)为主, 其次从高到低依次为Cl-Ca·Mg、HCO3-Ca·Na、HCO3-Ca、Cl-Ca型。当地潜水类型为HCO3-Ca型, 深层孔隙类型为Cl-Na型, 说明深层孔隙水保留了土体沉积时的环境信息。中层与浅层孔隙水受到了大气降水补给、人类活动、蒸发作用等表层作用影响, 孔隙水水化学数据较为离散。孔隙水的δ18O与δD数据说明孔隙水样点受到了海水混合作用与蒸发作用的叠加影响, 蒸发作用较为强烈。孔隙水海水补给比例介于30.2%~87.0%, 大气降水补给比例介于13.0%~69.8%。土体中的盐分主要来自全新世海侵(海源)与蒸发盐岩溶解、长石风化溶解(地壳源)。海水补给深层孔隙水盐分的比例约为37%, 其余盐分主要来自地壳源。  相似文献   

地面沉降模型是地面沉降研究的重要内容,由于弱透水层的变形量占地层全部变形量的比重较大,因此对弱透水层固结模型的研究是地面沉降模型研究中的重要部分.笔者通过对深部弱透水层中粘性土孔隙水类型进行分析,得出深度弱透水层中孔隙水类型并对该类型孔隙水变形特性进行了研究,总结出深部弱透水层固结机理.在机理分析的基础上,提出采用非达西流计算模式对深部弱透水层计算模型进行了修正,并提出了深部弱透水层固结计算模型建议:孔隙水类型主要为扩散层内结合水时,可以采用利用非达西流修正的太沙基固结方程对深部弱透水层变形进行计算,可以参考给出的采用非达西定律修正过的一维固结方程;孔隙水类型主要为吸附结合水时,可以利用弹性本构关系模型对深部弱透水层进行变形计算.  相似文献   

尹建华  顾凯  姜洪涛  卢毅  施斌 《工程地质学报》2016,24(s1):1179-1183
已有监测结果表明,当前无锡地区地面沉降中土体压缩变形主要来自于弱透水层,对弱透水层压缩性评价有助于对该地区地面沉降发展趋势的判断。本文以无锡光明村一钻孔中第四纪土层为研究对象,采用扫描电镜(SEM),从微观尺度对位于不同深度弱透水层中的粉质黏土的孔隙分布特征进行了研究,并与固结试验数据进行了对比。研究发现,弱透水层的SEM微观结构图像定量分析结果,与土层的压缩性有很好的相关性,它可以定量反映土中可压缩孔隙的数量以及孔隙的复杂程度;土的孔隙率与概率分布指数可反映土中可压缩孔隙的密度和土的压缩性。概率分布指数越小,土体中可压缩孔隙的数量越多。研究成果从微观上为苏锡常地区地面沉降预测提供依据。  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic compositions were analyzed in porewater squeezed from a clayey aquitard in Jiangsu coastal plain, eastern China, to interpret the salinity origin, chemical evolution and water-mass mixing process. A strong geochemical fingerprint was obtained with an aligned Cl/Br ratio of 154 in the salinized aquitard porewater over a wide Cl? concentration range (396–9,720 mg/L), indicating that porewater salinity is likely derived from a mixing with old brine with a proportion of less than 20%. Very small contributions of brine exerted limited effects on water stable isotopes. The relationships between porewater δ18O and δD indicate that shallow and intermediate porewaters could be original seawater and were subsequently diluted with modern meteoric water, whereas deep porewaters with depleted stable isotopic values were probably recharged during a cooler period and modified by evaporation and seawater infiltration. The cation–Cl relationship and mineralogy of associated strata indicate that porewater has been chemically modified by silicate weathering and ion-exchange reactions. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7094–0.7112 further confirm the input source of silicate minerals. Numerical simulations were used to evaluate the long-term salinity evolution of the deep porewater. The alternations of boundary conditions (i.e., the third aquifer mixed with brine at approximately 70 ka BP, followed by recharge of glacial meltwater at 20–25 ka BP, and then mixing with Holocene seawater at 7–10 ka BP) are responsible for the shift in porewater salinity. These timeframes correspond with the results of previous studies on ancient marine transgression-regression in Jiangsu coastal plain.  相似文献   

A regional lacustrine aquitard covers the main aquifer of the metropolitan area of Mexico City. The aquitards hydraulic conductivity (K) is fundamental for evaluating the natural protection of the aquifer against a variety of contaminants present on the surface and its hydraulic response. This study analyzes the distribution and variation of K in the plains of Chalco, Texcoco and Mexico City (three of the six former lakes that existed in the Basin of Mexico), on the basis of 225 field-permeability tests, in nests of existing piezometers located at depths of 2–85 m. Tests were interpreted using the Hvorslev method and some by the Bouwer-Rice method. Results indicate that the distribution of K fits log-Gaussian regression models. Dominant frequencies for K in the Chalco and Texcoco plains range between 1E–09 and 1E–08 m/s, with similar population means of 1.19E–09 and 1.7E–09 m/s, respectively, which are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the matrix conductivity. In the Mexico City Plain the population mean is near by one order of magnitude lower; K=2.6E–10 m/s. The contrast between the measured K and that of the matrix is attributed to the presence of fractures in the upper 25–40 m, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies on solute migration in the aquitard.
Resumen El acuífero principal del Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México está recubierto por un acuitardo regional lacustre, cuya conductividad hidráulica es fundamental para evaluar la protección natural de las aguas subterráneas contra los contaminantes presentes en superficie y su respuesta hidráulica. Este estudio analiza la distribución y variación de dicha conductividad en las llanuras de Chalco, Texcoco y Ciudad de México (tres de los seis lagos que existían al principio en la Cuenca de México) a partir de 225 ensayos de campo en piezómetros múltiples existentes, ubicados entre 2 y 85 m de profundidad. La interpretación de los ensayos se ha realizado mediante el método de Hvorslev y—algunos—el de Bouwer-Rice. Los resultados indican que la distribución de la conductividad se ajusta a modelos de regresión lognormales. Las frecuencias dominantes en las Llanuras de Chalco y Texoco están comprendidas entre 1–9 y 10–8 m/s, con medias de población similares de 1.19×10–9 y 1.70×10–9 m/s, respectivamente, que son dos órdenes de magnitud mayores que el valor de la matriz. En el Llano de México, la media es casi un orden de magnitud inferior (2.60×10–10 m/s). Se atribuye este contraste entre la conductividad hidráulica medida y la de la matriz a la presencia de fracturas en el tramo superior situado entre 25 y 40 m, cosa que es coherente con estudios previos de migración de solutos en el acuitardo.

Résumé Un imperméable régional dorigine lacustre recouvre le principal aquifère de la zone urbaine de la ville de Mexico. La conductivité hydraulique K de cet imperméable est fondamentale pour évaluer la protection naturelle de laquifère, contre les différents contaminants présents en surface, et sa réponse hydraulique. Cette étude analyse et les variations de K dans les plaines de Chalco, Texcoco et Mexico (trois des six anciens lacs qui existaient dans le Bassin de Mexico), sur la base de 225 essais de perméabilité sur le terrain, réalisés en grappes dans des piézomètres existants entre 2 et 85 m de profondeur. Les essais ont été interprétés avec la méthode de Hvorslev et certains avec la méthode de Bouwer-Rice. Les résultats indiquent que la distribution de K sajuste à des modèles de régression log-gaussiens. Les valeurs de K les plus fréquentes dans les plaines de Chalco et de Texcoco sont entre 1E–09 et 1E–08 m/s, avec des moyennes similaires de 1.19E–09 et 1.7E–09 m/s respectivement, qui sont dun ou deux ordres de grandeurs supérieures à la conductivité de la matrice. Dans la plaine de Mexico, la moyenne est proche dun ordre de grandeur en moins, avec 2.6E–10 m/s. Ce contraste entre le K mesuré et celui de la matrice est attribué à la présence de fractures dans les 25–40 m supérieurs, ce qui est en accord avec les études précédentes sur la migration de solutés au travers de limperméable.

The low-frequency transport processes in a small, shallow coastal lagoon (Indian River Bay, Delaware) are examined based on a set of data derived from tide gauges, near-bottom current meter measurements, and drifter releases. The subtidal sea-level fluctuations in the interior of the lagoon are forced primarily by the coastal sea-level fluctuations off the mouth of the inlet, which connects the lagoon with the coastal ocean. The effect of local wind plays a secondary role in modifying the coastally forced sea level inside the lagoon. Given the continuity constraint which links sea-level fluctuations to the depth and laterally integrated barotropic transport, the coastal pumping effect would be expected to be the dominant factor in controlling the subtidal barotropic exchange within the bay. However, the dominance of the coastal pumping effect on the barotropic exchange does not readily translate into the dominance of this effect on the transport and distribution of waterborne material in the bay at subtidal frequencies. The observed nearbottom subtidal current fluctuations are not coherent with the coastal sea-level fluctuations. The observed current is also much stronger than the barotropic current inferred from the continuity constraint. This suggests the presence of a depth-dependent flow field, with current in the upper layer fluctuating in opposite direction to that at depth. Furthermore, the observed near-bottom current also shows significant spatial variability within the bay. As for the mean current, the residual flow field shows distinctly different patterns between the surface and the bottom. The residual current at the surface exhibits a consistent mean flow out of the bay. At the bottom, the residual current shows a mean flow into the estuary in the upper part of the lagoon and a spatially variable flow in the lower part of the lagoon. A competition between gravitational circulation and tidally rectified current may contribute to the observed vertical and horizontal variabilities in the residual flow field.  相似文献   

A detail investigation was carried out to improve the current knowledge of groundwater salinisation processes in coastal aquifers using hydrochemical and isotopic parameters. Data of major ions for 40 wells located in the Salalah plain aquifer, Sultanate of Oman, were collected during pre-monsoon 2004 and analysed. The groundwater changes along the general flow path towards the coast from fresh (EC < 1500 μS/cm), brackish (EC: 1500–3000 μS/cm) and saline (EC > 3000 μS/cm). Results of inverse modeling simulations using PHREEQC show that dissolution of halite may be the main source of Cl and Na in the study area. Ionic delta calculation indicates that the depletion of Na and K and enrichment of Ca and Mg in groundwater were probably attributed to reverse ion exchange reactions. During a sampling campaign conducted in October 2015, 11 groundwater samples were collected for Cl, Br and isotopic analysis (2H/18O). Molar Cl/Br ratios in fresh groundwater were higher than those of seawater, indicating the impact of halite dissolution on the groundwater quality. For saline groundwater, these ratios were less than those of seawater, showing the influence of anthropogenic input from agriculture on the same. Relatively depleted isotopic signature of all groundwater samples show that the monsoon precipitation is the main source of groundwater recharge in the study area.  相似文献   

Sediments, sediment trap material, dominant surface plankton and collected fecal material were sampled concurrently with surface seawater in a coastal Mediterranean ecosystem and analyzed for non-volatile hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Results showed consistent partitioning of hydrocarbon classes between dissolved and particulate phases of surface waters which appeared to be related to component solubility and particle availability. Analysis of biological materials showed the biota were important not only in packaging residues into large, fast sinking particles, but also in modifying the composition of components through metabolism and selective incorporation into body tissues and feces. Apparent sedimentation rate was calculated by analysis of 210Pb in sediment core samples and used to estimate average deposition rates of organics to the sea/sediment interface. The flux of particles through 100 m, as measured in the trap material in this sampling interval, was sufficient to balance most of the petroleum input to the sediments but accounted for only 17% of the average flux of PCBs to the sediments, and virtually none of the more soluble chlorinated hydrocarbon flux. Vertical transport via large fecal material compared to average background particles was seasonally low corresponding to a seasonal minimum in plankton biomass in late summer. Results show that hydrocarbon residues transported long distances away from input sources are highly modified, pointing to the geochemical significance of physical-chemical partitioning between seawater phases, incorporation into organisms and fecal material and biological/chemical degradation.  相似文献   

Tracer data can serve to derive parameters related to groundwater systems or can be used in the calibration of transport and flow models. Temperature, 3H/3He (age dating) and hydrochemical data, together with head measurements, borehole logs and an aquifer test, were used to obtain insight into the flow and transport of a Quaternary aquifer system located in the Belgian polder area. Flow and transport model code SEAWAT acted as the integration medium for the different data. Each type of data has its own interpretation technique and adds components to the model. Additionally, different types of data aid in verification of the results. For instance, fluxes from temperature logs (used with the SEAWAT model), and water quality and age dating all provide information on flow to and velocities in the vicinity of drainage ditches. Different data also provide information on different scales. Temperature logs and aquifer tests act on a small scale, groundwater age is influenced by larger-scale flow, and water quality is determined by the general flow of the area. Integration of different kinds of geological, hydrological, geophysical and geochemical data is shown to be an important way forward in the efforts to model real-world cases.  相似文献   

Urban and industrial development and the expansion of irrigated agriculture have led to a drastic increase in the exploitation of groundwater resources. The over-exploitation of coastal aquifers has caused a seawater intrusion and has seriously degraded groundwater quality. The shallow coastal aquifer of the Djeffara plain, southeastern Tunisia constitutes an example of water resource suffering an intensive and uncontrolled pumping for irrigation. Intensive exploitation of the aquifer and climate aridity caused a decrease in piezometric level and an increase in salinity. According to the hydrochemical data (Cl, SO4 2−, NO3 , HCO3 , Br, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and the stable isotope composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium content), groundwater salinization in the investigated system is caused by three main processes: (i) salts dissolution especially in the central part of Jerba and around Medenine plain; (ii) evaporation process; and (iii) seawater intrusion which caused the increase in salinity in the peninsula of El Jorf, in Jerba and in the North of Ben Gardane.  相似文献   

A box model based on salinity distributions and freshwater inflow measurements was developed and used to estimate net non-tidal physical circulation and hydraulic residence times for Patuxent River estuary, Maryland, a tributary estuary of Chesapeake Bay. The box model relaxes the usual assumption that salinity is at steady-state, an important improvement over previous box model studies, yet it remains simple enough to have broad appeal. Average monthly 2-dimensional net non-tidal circulation and residence times for 1986–1995 are estimated and related to river flow and salt water inflow as estimated by the box model. An important result is that advective exchange at the estuary mouth was not correlated with Patuxent River flow, most likely due to effects of offshore salinity changes in Chesapeake Bay. The median residence time for freshwater entering at the head of the estuary was 68 d and decreased hyperbolically with increasing river flow to 30 d during high flow. Estimates of residence times for down-estuary points of origin showed that, from the head of the estuary to its mouth, control of flushing changed from primarily river flow to other factors regulating the intensity of gravitational circulation.  相似文献   

Lateritic bauxites in the coastal lowlands of Suriname form part of a belt along the northern margin of the Guiana Shield that has long been one of the world's major bauxite producing regions. The Surinamese deposits, many of which with an extensive mining history, originated on Tertiary siliciclastic sediments and were mostly buried under a layer of young sediments. The bauxite-bearing sequences are generally topped with an iron-rich layer largely made up of hematite and goethite. It covers a gibbsite-rich bauxite horizon that passes downward into a kaolinitic bottom section containing anatase and zircon as main accessory minerals. Weathering profiles across formerly mined deposits were analyzed for geochemical and mineralogical properties aimed at exploring compositional diversity, underlying controls of bauxite-formation and the nature of precursor sediments.Studied profiles in different parts of the coastal plain reveal overall similarities between individual deposits in showing significant depletion of Si, K, Na, Mg and Ca and strong, primarily residual, relative enrichment of Al, Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta and Th. In detail, however, there are distinct differences in major and trace-element signatures, accessory mineral assemblages, facies distribution and provenance of the terrigenous precursor sediments. Enrichments in high field-strength elements and heavy rare earth elements are largely attributable to accumulation of heavy minerals like zircon in the precursor. Petrological and trace-element evidence does not support a direct genetic relationship between bauxite and the underlying saprolitic clays. The complex petrologic characteristics and compositional heterogeneity of the coastal-plain deposits can essentially be explained by element fractionation, primarily through selective leaching, in combination with relative and absolute enrichment processes, erosion and reworking during two-stage, polycyclic bauxitization of a heterogeneous precursor.  相似文献   

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