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西伯利亚是全球环境变化的重要敏感性区域,但以往缺乏该区域中高分辨率地表覆盖数据,对其地表覆盖的整体分布与变化缺乏深入的认识。本文利用中国新近研制的2000、2010年两期30 m分辨率地表覆盖数据产品GlobeLand30,对2000-2010年西伯利亚地表覆盖的空间分布格局、变化幅度、区域差异及主要地类的变化原因进行了综合分析。研究发现:①西伯利亚地表覆盖的空间分布现状具有明显的地带性特征。②10年间,西伯利亚地区地表覆盖整体变化幅度较大,其中林地及草地呈显著缩减、湿地呈较大幅度增加、耕地呈微弱减少、人造地表呈增加态势。③10年间,西伯利亚地表覆盖变化具有显著的区域差异性。变化最显著的为西西伯利亚地区,其中以湿地增加最明显,主要分布于鄂毕河—叶尼塞河流域,林地、草地及耕地减少集中于西伯利亚西南部。④人类活动和气候变暖是引发西伯利亚地表覆盖变化的主要原因。大规模林地砍伐导致林地减少;冰冻层消融,林地、草地和水体向湿地的转化是湿地增加的主要原因;耕地的人为废弃和撂荒导致耕地面积有所减少。  相似文献   

准确获取青藏高原地表反照率的季节变化特征对高原地表能水循环研究具有重要意义。本文利用青藏高原多年冻土区西大滩和唐古拉2007年的气象及辐射数据,运用相关分析方法研究了太阳高度角、积雪及活动层冻融过程对地表反照率变化的影响。结果显示:冷暖季降雪过程中地表反照率的变化差异较明显;地表无积雪覆盖期间,地表反照率与气温和表层土壤含水量呈反相关关系。利用多元回归分析法构建了以积雪日数和气温为影响因子的月均地表反照率计算回归方程,经检验与观测值对比平均相对误差为7.1%,可用于青藏高原北部地表反照率的估算。  相似文献   

基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)遥感云平台,利用2000—2019年MODIS积雪产品资料提取和计算新疆积雪终日信息,利用趋势分析,变异系数等方法分析了新疆积雪终日时空变化特征和变化趋势。结果表明:(1) 新疆积雪终日以天山为界,天山以北长于南部,山区为积雪终日的高值区,盆地为积雪终日的低值区。北疆准噶尔盆地和伊犁河谷积雪终日在75~114 d之间,南疆塔里木盆地在0~31 d之间属于低值区。阿尔泰山脉、天山山脉和昆仑山脉区域在224~365 d之间属于高值区。(2) 南疆和北疆积雪终日有明显的时空差异,2000—2019年北疆准噶尔盆地和高海拔山脉地区积雪终日有明显的推迟趋势,推迟幅度达到14 d,占新疆总面积的8%。南疆塔里木盆地和东疆区域有明显的提前趋势,提前幅度达到16 d约占新疆总面积的44%。塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地具有相反的变化趋势。(3) 新疆积雪终日年际变化差异显著,天山中段和北疆积雪终日出现不稳定状况,天山中段2002—2009年总体上呈现“M”型的特点,即多年积雪消融日年均值中出现明显的波峰和波谷,北疆2009—2019年积雪终日有较大的年际变化呈现出不稳定状况,出现明显的波峰和波谷,年际变化较大。  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源严重短缺,对地表水面积(SWA)开展动态监测有助于明晰地表水资源时空变化规律及其驱动机制。本文基于Google Earth Engine云平台技术,综合利用混合指数规则集、线性斜率、多元线性回归和偏微分分解等方法,揭示了黄河流域SWA的年际变化及其空间分异规律,厘定了降雨、温度、植被叶面积指数、前一年SWA和水利水保措施与人类用水活动等其他因素对SWA的影响量和相对影响率。结果表明:① 地表水体总体识别精度为97%。1986—2019年全流域永久性SWA年际增长速率49.82 km2/a,其中主河道区贡献83.2%,且2001年为SWA变化由减小到增加的转折点;季节性SWA年际减小速率-79.2 km2/a,其中子流域区贡献61.8%。② 除红碱淖SWA呈显著持续减小外,其他主要天然湖泊SWA均较为稳定;6个主河道大型水库中,小浪底和龙羊峡水库SWA增加趋势最为显著;在86个子流域中,50个子流域SWA呈增加趋势,主要分布于流域中下游。③ 非气象要素对SWA的影响均大于气象要素影响作用。降雨对SWA的增加作用最小,温度上升造成中游地区SWA减小,但却导致源区SWA增加。植被叶面积指数增加导致主河道区和子流域区SWA变化斜率分别增加10.12 km2/a和7.26 km2/a。其他因素对子流域区SWA增加呈负作用,这表明子流域内剧烈用水活动对SWA的减小作用大于水利水保措施对SWA的增加作用,但是分布于主河道中的大型梯级水库调蓄功能可显著提升其对主河道区SWA的增加作用。  相似文献   

地表温度(LST)变化对陆面过程的能量收支平衡与生态系统稳定有着至关重要的影响。本文基于MOD11C3数据,使用回归分析、GIS空间分析、相关性分析及质心模型等方法,分析了中国2001—2020年LST变化及其时空分异格局;运用地理探测器识别中国38个生态地理分区下LST变化的主导因子,进而探寻其形成原因。结果表明:① 中国2001—2020年LST气候平均值为9.6 ℃,整体呈东南及西北干旱区高、东北及青藏高原低,平原高、山区低的基本格局;LST与海拔呈显著负相关,相关系数达-0.66;第一阶梯负相关性最为显著,相关系数达 -0.76,LST递减率为0.57 ℃/100 m;② 中国2001—2020年LST倾向率为0.21 ℃/10 a,升温区占国土面积的78%,整体呈现“多核式升温,轴线式降温”的空间特征;③ 中国LST及变化具有显著的季节性特征,冬、夏两季均温空间分布较其他季节的差异较大且波动更为明显;季节性升/降温区的质心轨迹呈环状,且运动呈现出对应的季节性反向轨迹,降温区质心移动幅度更大,说明降温区的区域差异性和季节变异性较大;④ 中国LST变化由自然影响与人类活动共同驱动,其中自然因素贡献更大,日照时数和海拔是关键因子;两大主导类型在空间分布上与“胡焕庸线”高度吻合,其以东区域多以人类活动强度为主导并与地形因子共同作用,而以西区域则多以自然因素为主,通过与气候、地形、植被等因子的相互耦合从而增强/削弱LST变化幅度。本文可为应对气候变化、解析地表环境模式、保护生态环境等方面提供科学参考。  相似文献   

鼠疫疫源地的环境变化对鼠疫的传播扩散具有重要影响。本文基于2000年、2005年、2010年、2015年及2018年五期土地利用和年最大化合成NDVI数据,选取斑块面积占比、景观形状指数、最大斑块比例和斑块破碎度、周长面积分维数、蔓延度指数、多样性指数、均匀指数及聚集指数,定量分析了内蒙古长爪沙鼠疫源地土地利用格局和植被格局的结构特征及演变规律。结果表明:① 2000—2015年,内蒙古长爪沙鼠疫源地内土地利用整体稳定,变化较小,2015年后变化较大,主要表现为不同草地之间的转换。② 2000年、2005年、2010年、2015年NDVI介于(0.056,0.37]的草地在疫源地内占据主体地位,面积占比分别为77.45%、83.61%、83.03%和82.47%。到2018年,该类草地面积显著减少,面积占比下降到48.44%。与之对应,2000—2015年,NDVI介于(0.37,0.83]的草地面积占比为22.54%、16.39%、16.96%和17.4%,而2018年,该类草地的面积显著增加到51.34%。③ 2000—2015年,各草地类别表现出类内高聚集分布,类间分界明显的特征。到2018年,各类别草地向多个方向扩散,并在整个疫源地内趋于均衡分布,植被类内连通性增加,类间分界逐渐平滑。该变化使得内蒙古鼠疫流行风险呈增加态势。本研究对厘清长爪沙鼠疫源地地表景观和生态环境的变化、预测鼠疫潜在风险、预防人间鼠疫暴发具有科学参考价值。  相似文献   

1990-2010年中国土地覆被变化引起反照率改变的辐射强迫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地覆被变化通过改变地表反照率而影响地表辐射收支与能量平衡,从而对区域和全球气候产生影响。本文利用高时空分辨率遥感数据分析1990-2010 年中国土地覆被变化改变地表反照率的时空驱动机制,并计算全国50 个生态区地表反照率变化导致的年际尺度辐射强迫,揭示土地覆被变化在生态区尺度上影响气候变化的生物地球物理机制。结果表明:1990-2010 年全国土地覆被变化以耕地开垦、草地沙化、城市化等人类土地利用活动导致的土地覆被变化最为明显,全国草地与林地面积分别减少了0.60%和0.11%;建设用地和耕地面积分别增加了0.60%和0.19%。全国土地覆被变化通过改变地表反照率引起的平均辐射强迫为0.062 W/m2,表现为增温的气候效应,但在生态区尺度辐射强迫空间差异很大。京津唐城镇与农城郊农业生态区主要土地覆被变化为耕地转为建设用地,引起地表反照率降低了0.00456,产生0.863 W/m2的辐射强迫,表现为增温的气候效应;而三江平原温带湿润农业与湿地生态区主要的土地覆被变化为林草地转为耕地,引起地表反照率升高了0.00152,产生-0.184 W/m2的辐射强迫,表现为降温的气候效应。  相似文献   

地表温度“源—汇”景观贡献度的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在中国快速城市化进程中,城市热岛是严重的环境问题之一。探究城市热岛的影响因素,建立与自然因子、社会经济因子、景观形态因子的关联,对解决中国“城市病”,实现可持续发展具有重要的意义。本文首先在全国尺度上基于地表温度“源—汇”景观指数识别地表温度的“源”景观/“汇”景观,在此基础上计算“源—汇”景观贡献度及其效应,分析其时空演变规律;其次,基于空间杜宾模型分析自然因子、社会经济因子和景观形态因子对“源—汇”景观贡献度的影响,结果发现:① 2005—2015年间,可缓解热岛效应的省份冬季较夏季多,冬季“强”和“较弱”景观贡献度比值区域集中分布在中国北部和南部;夏季“强”的“汇”与“源”景观贡献度比值区域集中分布在中国北部地区。② 对于本地因子,景观形态对“源”或“汇”景观贡献度的影响较大,缓解热岛效应将附近小“汇”斑块结合来降低地表温度“汇”景观的离散度;其次,夏季适当在“源”景观里增加相对湿度、并增加其植被覆盖率,严格控制“源”景观和“汇”景观的建筑密度及建筑高度,可达到最佳降温效果。③ 邻域因子中相对湿度和建筑密度的影响更大,景观形态中增加“源”景观的离散度及其边缘密度,或增加“汇”景观集聚度,简化其形状均有利于缓解邻域的热岛效应。  相似文献   

1951—2010年中国土壤温度时空变化特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤温度状况对于研究气候变迁、地球物质能量循环以及土壤性质演变具有重要意义,但目前对国家尺度上土壤温度状况的长期序列和空间变化缺少研究。因此,本文基于土壤温度内插法和地理加权回归(GWR)模型,使用1951—2010年中国880个气象站点的观测数据,研究了中国土壤温度状况时空变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:① 中国60年来土壤温度变化整体趋势为东北地区升温,西南地区少部分地区降温;② 中国土壤温度状况可划分为冷性土壤温度状况(东北地区、青藏高原地区和内蒙古东部)、温性土壤温度状况(新疆南部、内蒙古和山西南部以及山东)和热性土壤温度状况(华中、华东、华南以及西南的云南、贵州和四川);③ 经纬度和气温与土壤温度具有良好的响应关系,其中气温是最重要的影响因素;④ 中国60年来整体呈现温性土壤向北迁移(约46.5 km)、冷性土壤向南迁移(约43.4 km)的趋势。研究结果可为地理学、土壤学等相关领域深入研究提供一定参考,并为土壤系统分类研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

2000—2020年中国人口分布格局演变及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于第五、六、七次全国人口普查数据,本文分析了2000—2020年中国人口分布的空间格局、集散态势和影响因素。结果表明,中国人口分布依然保持东密西疏的基本格局,胡焕庸线两侧的自然地理环境差异性决定了这一格局的长期稳定性;人口空间集中化趋势在21世纪初的10年内主要发生在东南半壁,但在2010—2020年间成为各区域的共同特征。省会城市的人口集聚能力持续增强,2010—2020年的优势更加凸显,但这种行政力量主导的首位度提升效应将随着全省发展阶段的演进而逐渐弱化。人口变动的区域分化明显:沿海城市群的空间连绵化逐渐形成了强吸引力、高承载力的沿海人口增长带,东北地区几乎转向全面的人口收缩,中部各省依托省会展开的人口竞争依然激烈,川渝黔地区普遍实现了人口的止降回增,西北地区则面临人口收缩风险。此外,区域人口增长的驱动因素逐渐从经济要素主导转为经济要素和舒适性要素并重,各地区舒适性的差异可能将成为影响未来人口空间格局变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

Surface albedo is a primary causative variable associated with the process of surface energy exchange. Numerous studies have examined diurnal variation of surface albedo at a regional scale; however, few studies have analyzed the intra-annual variations of surface albedo in concurrence with different land cover types. In this study, we amalgamated surface albedo product data (MCD43) from 2001 to 2008, land-use data (in 2000 and 2008) and land cover data (in 2000); quantitative analyses of surface albedo variation pertaining to diverse land cover types and the effect of the presence/absence of ground snow were undertaken. Results indicate that intra-annual surface albedo values exhibit flat Gaussian or triangular distributions depending upon land cover types. During snow-free periods, satellite observed surface albedo associated with the non-growing season was lower than that associated with the growing season. Satellite observed surface albedo during the presence of ground snow period was 2-4 times higher than that observed during snow-free periods. Surface albedo reference values in typical land cover types have been calculated; notably, grassland, cropland and built-up land were associated with higher surface albedo reference values than barren while ground snow was present. Irrespective of land cover types, the lowest surface albedo reference values were associated with forested areas. Proposed reference values may prove extremely useful in diverse research areas, including ecological modeling, land surface process modeling and radiation energy balance applications.  相似文献   

Land cover change affects surface radiation budget and energy balance by changing surface albedo and further impacts the regional and global climate. In this article, high spatial and temporal resolution satellite products were used to analyze the driving mechanism for surface albedo change caused by land cover change during 1990-2010. In addition, the annual-scale radiative forcing caused by surface albedo changes in China's 50 ecological regions were calculated to reveal the biophysical mechanisms of land cover change affecting climate change at regional scale. Our results showed that the national land cover changes were mainly caused by land reclamation, grassland desertification and urbanization in past 20 years, which were almost induced by anthropogenic activities. Grassland and forest area decreased by 0.60% and 0.11%, respectively. The area of urban and farmland increased by 0.60% and 0.19%, respectively. The mean radiative forcing caused by land cover changes during 1990-2010 was 0.062 W/m2 in China, indicating a warming climate effect. However, spatial heterogeneity of radiative forcing was huge among different ecological regions. Farmland conversing to urban construction land, the main type of land cover change for the urban and suburban agricultural ecological region in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region, caused an albedo reduction by 0.00456 and a maximum positive radiative forcing of 0.863 W/m2, which was presented as warming climate effects. Grassland and forest conversing to farmland, the main type of land cover change for the temperate humid agricultural and wetland ecological region in Sanjiang Plain, caused an albedo increase by 0.00152 and a maximum negative radiative forcing of 0.184 W/m2, implying cooling climate effects.  相似文献   

庄慧敏  张朝  程飞  张亮亮  何邦科 《地理学报》2022,77(9):2308-2321
土壤湿度作为影响陆气水热交换的重要变量,指示了干旱的演变特征。为揭示中国旱作农田土壤湿度的变化特征及其气象驱动要素,本文利用站点数据研究了1992—2018年中国旱作农田土壤湿度变化趋势的时间和空间特征,采用相关性、敏感性分析等方法探究了土壤湿度的驱动机制。结果表明:2001年中国旱作农田土壤湿度的变化趋势发生转折,土壤湿度年际变化普遍由下降趋势变为上升趋势,主要由夏季和秋季土壤湿度主导。而且土壤湿度的变化存在空间异质性,2001年后东北地区的土壤湿度在显著增加,而西南地区在显著下降。降水量和蒸散发的时空变化是土壤湿度趋势发生时空变化的主要原因,二者存在协同作用,北方地区由降水主导,南方地区由蒸散发主导。  相似文献   

张学珍 《地理研究》2012,31(2):299-310
在对锡林郭勒草原地区MODIS的地表反照率产品(MCD43C3)的可靠性进行评估的基础上,利用该产品分析了2002~2009年锡林郭勒草原地表反照率的变化及其与温度和降水的关系。结果表明:(1)MODIS的反演结果能够很好地反映地表反照率的季节变化和年际变化特征;(2)锡林郭勒草原可见光波段反照率的季节变化呈V字形,低谷出现在8月上旬,近红外波段的则呈U字形,低值时段为6~9月;(3)可见光和近红外波段反照率的年际变化特征基本一致,其与温度和降水的年际波动有显著相关关系,其中,温度与地表反照率仅在生长季初期和末期显著相关,分别是负相关(相关系数为-0.67)和正相关(0.63),降水量与地表反照率在整个生长季都显著负相关(-0.54~-0.76),并且其影响效果有2~3个月的滞后期。  相似文献   

Based on the data observed at two sites (site H1, 4,473 m a.s.l., and site H2, 4,696 m a.s.l.) on Qiyi Glacier in Qilian Mountains, China, by automatic weather station and spectral pyranometer during the period of June 9 through September 27, 2006, we investigated the temporal and spatial variations in surface albedo and spectral reflectance on the glacier. At site H1, the daily mean surface albedos fluctuated between 0.233 and 0.866, which were significantly affected by the air temperature on the glacier. It was found that the albedos clearly showed a diurnal cycle with the lowest value at noon at the two observation sites over the study period, and the difference of albedos between the upper site H2 and the lower site H1 also showed diurnal cycle but with the highest value at noon. The reflectance on the glacier was higher in the ultraviolet (0.28-0.4 μm) and visible (0.4-0.76 μm) wavelengths, lower in the near infrared wavelength (0.76-3 μm), which is quite contrary to the spectral reflectance on other ground surfaces. At the two observation sites, the spectral reflectance declined in all wavelengths with the ablation of snow generally. However, it declined drastically in ultraviolet (0.28-0.4 μm) and 0.6-0.7 μm wavelength, and declined less in 0.4-0.5 μm wavelength. On fresh snow surface, the spectral reflectance had the high values of 0.983 and 0.815 in the ultraviolet and visible (0.4-0.76 μm) wavelengths, respectively; but it had a relatively lower value of 0.671 in near infrared (0.76-3 μm) wavelengths. However, on dirty and melting ice surfaces, the reflectance had the very low values of 0.305 and 0.256 in the ultraviolet and visible wavelengths, with the lowest value of 0.082 in near infrared wavelengths. The spectral reflectance also showed a diurnal cycle like that of albedo. The diurnal variations of spectral reflectance on snow surface in ultraviolet and visible wavelength changed to a greater degree than that on ice surface. The diurnal variation curves were asymmetrical before and after t  相似文献   

中国县域土地城镇化的区域差异及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
高金龙  包菁薇  刘彦随  陈江龙 《地理学报》2018,73(12):2329-2344
中国经历了史无前例的快速城镇化进程,与之相伴随的是更加迅猛的土地城镇化过程。基于2000年和2015年中国土地利用现状遥感监测数据,综合运用空间分析、多元回归和地理加权回归的方法,深入分析了中国县域土地城镇化的区域特征及其影响因素。结果表明:① 中国县域土地城镇化率年均增长2.77%,其中近40%的区县城镇化率年均增长大于3%;在空间上呈现出不同于人口城镇化的扩散趋势。② 中国县域土地城镇化的南北分异规律较东西分异更为明显。土地城镇化的高值区域始终集中在胡焕庸线的东南半壁,而围绕主要的城市群地区则形成“组团式”增长的热点区,地区间差异趋于收敛。③ 人口集聚、经济发展、产业结构、城市特性与地理区位等要素对县域土地城镇化空间分异格局的影响较为显著、稳定,各要素对土地城镇化的影响均具有明显的时空依赖特征。分析揭示县域土地城镇化的时空特征及其动力机制,对于科学认识新型城镇化和实施城乡融合、乡村振兴战略,具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

The relief degree of land surface (RDLS) is an important factor for describing the landform at macro-scales. This study defines a concept for RDLS and applies the concept for population distribution study of the entire country. Based on the concept and macro-scale digital elevation model datum and ARC/INFO software, the RDLS at a 10 km×10 km grid size of China is extracted. This paper depicts systemically the spatial distributions of RDLS through analyzing the ratio structure and altitudinal characters of RDLS in China. The con-clusions are drawn as follows: the RDLS in more than 63% of the area is less than one (1) (relative altitude is less than 500 m), reflecting the fact that most of RDLS in China is low. In general, the RDLS in the west is larger than that in the east and so is the south than that of the north in China. The RDLS decreases with the increase of longitude and latitude and the change of RDLS at the latitudes of 28°N, 35°N, 42°N, as well as at the longitudes of 85°E, 102°E, 115°E could reflect the three major ladders of China. In the vertical direction, the RDLS increases with the increase of altitude. Analysis of the correlation between RDLS and population distribution in China and its regional difference shows that the R2 value between RDLS and population density is 0.91 and RDLS is an important factor influencing the spatial distribution of population. More than 85% of the people in China live in areas where the RDLS is less than one (1), while the population in areas with RDLS greater than 3 accounts only for 0.57% of the total. The regional difference of correlation between RDLS and population within China is significant and such correlation is significant in Central China and South China and weak in Inner Mongolia and Tibet.  相似文献   

中国的地形起伏度及其与人口分布的相关性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
The relief degree of land surface (RDLS) is an important factor for describing the landform at macro-scales. This study defines a concept for RDLS and applies the concept for population distribution study of the entire country. Based on the concept and macro-scale digital elevation model datum and ARC/INFO software, the RDLS at a 10 km×10 km grid size of China is extracted. This paper depicts systemically the spatial distributions of RDLS through analyzing the ratio structure and altitudinal characters of RDLS in China. The conclusions are drawn as follows: the RDLS in more than 63% of the area is less than one (1) (relative altitude is less than 500 m), reflecting the fact that most of RDLS in China is low. In general, the RDLS in the west is larger than that in the east and so is the south than that of the north in China. The RDLS decreases with the increase of longitude and latitude and the change of RDLS at the latitudes of 28°N, 35°N, 42°N, as well as at the longitudes of 85°E, 102°E, 115°E could reflect the three major ladders of China. In the vertical direction, the RDLS increases with the increase of altitude. Analysis of the correlation between RDLS and population distribution in China and its regional difference shows that the R2 value between RDLS and population density is 0.91 and RDLS is an important factor influencing the spatial distribution of population. More than 85% of the people in China live in areas where the RDLS is less than one (1), while the population in areas with RDLS greater than 3 accounts only for 0.57% of the total. The regional difference of correlation between RDLS and population within China is significant and such correlation is significant in Central China and South China and weak in Inner Mongolia and Tibet.  相似文献   

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