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由于煤层气的解吸热效应,煤层气的运移过程是一个非等温过程。因此,温度场对煤层气渗流有着重要的影响。前人在研究煤层气渗流规律的研究中并没有同时考虑滑脱效应和温度场因素的影响,而在实际的深部开采中综合考虑滑脱效应和温度场的影响对研究深部煤层气运移规律有着重要的意义。因此本文建立了考虑滑脱效应及温度场的煤层气渗流数学模型,利用有限元数值方法研究了考虑滑脱效应和温度场耦合的煤层气运移规律;研究了考虑滑脱效应和温度场对压力场分布的影响;对考虑滑脱效应及温度场因素的煤层气产量进行了预测。得出了随着温度的升高煤储层的压力在降低,温度的升高对煤层气的产量有着负面的影响这一重要结论。 相似文献
山西柳林泉域地下水流数值模拟 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
柳林泉为裂隙-岩溶泉,整个泉域面积约2727km2,且在柳林泉西部及西北部含水岩层组中赋存有大面积的咸水,微咸水,本文建立了平面二维区域地下水渗流模型,用于描述柳林泉域的地下水渗流,模拟效果良好,模型拟合阶段和检验阶段水头的计算值与观测值误差绝对值的平均值分别为0.46m,0.51m,所有结果显示两者基本一致,说明所建模型可以用于实际,据此模型预报了柳林电厂水源地投入使用后对区域地下水流场的影响,以及对柳林泉的影响。 相似文献
渗流对多年冻土区路基温度场影响的数值模拟 总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20
运用传热学理论和渗流理论导出了路堤侧向有地表积水入渗情形下,多年冻土区路基温度场渗流场耦合作用的控制微分方程,然后以现场观测资料为基础,用Galerkin有限元方法对青康公路(214国道)花石峡冻土研究站1号试验路段路基温度场未来可能的变化状态进行了数值预报。结果表明,若无渗流作用,5a后路堤左侧天然地表、路堤堤身和路堤右侧天然地表的最大季节融深分别为1.4m,3.2m和1.4m;若有渗流作用,则 相似文献
淄博市大武水源地地下水流场演变及其影响因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
大武水源地是我国北方罕见的特大型地下水源地,其地下水源流场的演变与补给来源,排泄方式有密切的关系,而上游水库的放水则使这种关系变得不明朗。加强补给边界的水位监测,进一步研究补给边界的非自然影响是提高该区地下水资源评价,预测和管理精度的有效手段。 相似文献
岸坡渗流是江河崩岸的主要诱因和重要研究内容之一.土力学中的渗流分析均建立在土体内部为低流速的层流、土体之外为静态水体的基础之上,而岸坡渗流之明显区别就在于土体之外的水体并非静态.利用新研制的实验设备,进行了不同切向水流流速、不同渗流水头差组合情况的水流渗流耦合试验,结果分析表明,水流对渗流有明显影响,并呈规律性变化:渗出面渗透比降越小,水流对透水性能的降低程度就越大,而比降超过一定数值后,水流将会增强透水性能.研究结果对江河两岸堤防等建筑物的安全评价将有着重要的理论价值和实用性. 相似文献
大型地下水封石油洞库渗流场时空演化特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地下水封石油洞库是利用饱水岩体密封性进行石油储存的方式。在地下水封石油洞库的建设中,由于工程体的出现,改变了区域地下水的补给、径流和排泄条件,干扰了原来平衡的地下水渗流场,为保证地下石油洞库的水封效果,需进行裂隙岩体渗透特性及地下水渗流场时空演化研究。以国内首个在建的大型地下水封石油储库为工程背景,结合现场试验数据分析,运用等效连续介质的方法,采用裂隙岩体各向异性渗透张量,建立三维地下水数值模拟模型,预测不同施工进程时地下水位的变化。分析预测结果表明:在地下洞室开挖过程中,无水幕条件下地下水位逐渐降低,主洞室部分区域出现零水头压力区,无法保证水封性;模拟运营期水幕巷道施加定水压力,地下水位上升至设计高度35 m且趋于稳定,可以满足水封效果要求。研究结果对地下石油洞库的水封性评价具有一定的工程意义和理论价值。 相似文献
仵彦卿 《水文地质工程地质》1994,(1)
本文从地下水系统的确定性和随机性特点出发,提出了地下水流系统确定-随机性数值模型。该模型可用于地下水流系统参数估计、状态预测及地下水位观测网优化设计。 相似文献
安塬水源地地下水流三维数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
安塬水源地为干河冲洪积扇型水源地,含水层由第四系冲洪积层构成,厚15~30m,非均质,各向同性.受含水层底板坡降的影响,潜水面坡降较大,为5%~8%.三维流特征明显,尤其是抽水试验时在抽水井周边区域不同深度的水头差别更为显著.为了观测不同深度的水位,在群孔抽水试验时在同一观测孔中按上、中、下不同深度设置了3组观测管分别进行水位观测,从而为三维数值模拟提供了水位数据,并以该资料为依据建立了三维有限差分模型,对6种开采方案进行了数值模拟计算和预报.通过11a的开采,证明建立的三维有限差分模型可靠,为水源地的地下水开采建立了较为可靠的数学预报模型. 相似文献
R. Lalehzari S. H. Tabatabaei M. Kholghi 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2013,10(6):1367-1376
Groundwater quantity and quality modeling is one approach for optimal use of available water resources in arid and semiarid regions. This study was conducted to simulate flow treatment and nitrate transport on Shahrekord aquifer using three-dimensional solute transport model and geographical information system. Hydraulic conductivity, specific yield and recharge values in flow simulation process and effect molecular diffusion coefficient, longitudinal dispersivity and distribution coefficient in quality model were calibrated. 120 water samples during July 2007 to June 2008 were collected monthly from 10 wells and measurements of nitrate were carried out. The results show that the developed model is successfully used to simulate flow path and nitrate transport in saturated porous media. The highest values of nitrate occur along Bahram–Abad village and the surroundings. The groundwater quality in the area represents a complex system, which is affected by different factors of pollution, such as urban wastewater and leaching of agricultural lands. 相似文献
中国北方基岩海岛水文地质条件独特,气候变化和人类活动不同程度地影响着海岛地下水与海水相互作用过程,然而对包括海水入侵(SWI)和海底地下水排泄(SGD)的水文过程的定量认识比较缺乏。本研究基于2012—2016年我国北方某基岩群岛降水、地下水水位、水质动态监测数据,运用数理统计、空间插值和水力学方法,分析了基岩海岛地下水与海水相互作用的特征和影响因素。结果表明,降水和开采是影响地下水、海水相互作用的主要因素,地下水水位变化滞后于降水事件约10 d;南岛东北岸、南岸的大部分地区没有发生海水入侵,地下水向海排泄过程较稳定,2012—2016年SGD速率均值为0.2 m/d,向海NO3-N通量均值为81.8 mmol/(m2·d);北岛东南地区是海水入侵的严重区域,地下水水位长期低于海平面且逐年下降,2012—2016年SWI速率均值为0.3 m/d,向陆NO3-N通量均值为69.6 mmol/(m2·d)。分别计算南、北两岛枯水季(2014年4月)、丰水季(2013年9月)SGD水量,北岛SGD水量为3.5×104~4.5×104 m3/d,南岛SGD水量为0.4×104~1.1×104 m3/d。相关结果可为基岩海岛地下水资源管理和生态环境保护提供重要参考。 相似文献
为了建筑环境的保护,软土地区基坑围护中的坑内降水与坑外水位保持常是一对矛盾的课题.而坑内外的水位差,极易形成止水结构两侧的渗流运动.对饱和各向异性、水平延伸、厚度大致相等、且存在一、二类边界时的承压含水层中的承压水二维非稳定流渗流问题,本文推导出了二维、各向异性渗流等参有限元方程,用以进行基坑围护止水结构附近渗流场分析,并给出了算例. 相似文献
Scale aspects of groundwater flow and transport systems 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
Wouter Zijl 《Hydrogeology Journal》1999,7(1):139-150
Flow-system analysis is based on the concept of hierarchical groundwater flow systems. The topography of the water table, which is strongly related to the topography of the land surface, is a major factor in the hierarchical nesting of gravity-driven groundwater flow, resulting in flow systems of different orders of magnitude in lateral extent and depth of penetration. The concept of flow systems is extremely useful in the analysis of spatial and temporal scales and their mutual relationships. Basic equations on the laboratory scale are extended to larger, regional scales. Making use of Fourier analysis further develops Tóth's original idea of topography-driven flow systems. In this way, the different spatial scales of the water table are separated in a natural way, leading to a simple expression for the penetration depth of a flow system. This decomposition leads also to the relationship between spatial and temporal scales. Analogous to flow systems, water bodies with different water quality may be called 'transport systems.' Field studies, numerical micro-scale modeling over macro-scale domains, and stochastic dispersion theory indicate that between systems with steady transport, the interfaces are relatively thin. The interfaces are much thinner than the relatively large mixing zones predicted by the conventional engineering approach to macrodispersion, in which relatively large, time-independent macrodispersion lengths are applied. A relatively simple alternative engineering approach is presented. For macrodispersion of propagating solute plumes, the alternative dispersion term gives the same results as the conventional engineering approach and gives correct results for steady-state transport. 相似文献
目前区域(盆地)地下水流系统模拟研究中,常用的定水头与通量两种上边界条件刻画方法与实际条件存在差距。通过对比两种方法的差异和各自适用条件,采用解析法讨论地下水位的形成控制机制,提出了改进后的变通量上边界数值模型,并以鄂尔多斯盆地北部白垩系地下水流系统为例分析了盆地地下水流系统的形成与影响因素。研究表明,鄂尔多斯盆地北部白垩系水流系统地下水位受地形、补给条件和渗透系数三者共同控制,同时特有的气候、地形和岩性组合通过控制地下水位影响地下水流系统的发育演化。采用变通量上边界法探讨上边界条件改变对盆地水流系统的影响,对深刻认识区域地下水流系统形成演化机制,揭示地下水系统与上边界气候变化、植被生态变化之间的相互作用关系具有一定优势。 相似文献
Karst groundwater management by defining protection zones based on regional geological structures and groundwater flow fields 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Yonghong Hao Tian-Chyi J. Yeh Caihong Hu Yanrong Wang Xia Li 《Environmental Geology》2006,50(3):415-422
In a semiarid region, the karst aquifer generally forms a large groundwater reservoir that can play an important role in regional water supply. But because of the specific physical properties of karst aquifers, they are vulnerable to pollution and anthropogenic impacts. Karst groundwater management strategies are vital. As representative of karst springs in a semiarid area, Niangziguan Springs is located in the east of Shanxi Province, China with an annual average rate of discharge of 10.34 m3/s (1956–2003) (Y. Liang, unpublished data). The Niangziguan Spring Basin covers an area of 7,394 km2 with an annual average precipitation of 535 mm (1958–2003) (Hao et al. in Carsologica Sinica 23(1):43–47, 2004). Over the past three decades, accelerated groundwater exploitation has caused water-table decline in the aquifer, reduction of the spring discharge, and deterioration of water quality. In this study, three protection zones were defined to ensure the quality and capacity of this resource. The confluence of the 11 spring systems and the discharge areas were defined as I protection zone, the recharge basin was II protection zone, and the slack water area where there is little surface recharge was the III protection zone. Management strategies for each zone were suggested and evaluated to provide a scientific foundation for sustainable utilization. 相似文献
This paper presents an investigation of the impacts of groundwater seepage on temperature distribution in the karst collapse pillar (KCP). A thermal mathematic model with groundwater seepage was proposed, and a numerical model was established to describe the impacts of groundwater seepage on the temperature distribution in the KCP. The results show that the groundwater seepage velocity improved with the increasing permeability of porous medium in the KCP. The increasing seepage velocity improves thermal convection and then improves thermal conduction in the porous medium. As a result, the heat in the deep Ordovician limestone groundwater gradually diffuses. The seepage velocity occurred differently in different locations of KCP, and the heat exchange was also different, resulting in temperature differences for different locations. This temperature divergence in the surrounding rocks can reach 5~9°C at distances less than 50 m to the KCP. These findings can be used to protect the mine from water inrush by monitoring temperature changes in the surrounding rocks of KCP. 相似文献
关于明渠流引入渗流后的水流运动规律研究很多,但学者们的研究却存在着不同的结论。为探究不同渗流强度对明渠水流结构的影响,通过自行设计的明渠紊流水槽及渗透装置,利用PIV(Particle Image Velocity)图像采集系统及数据分析软件,测量了水流流速并分析了流速变化与相对渗流强度的关系。结果表明:水流流速并不是渗流强度的单值函数关系,随着入河渗流强度的增加,近底水流流速呈先减小后稍有增加,又继续减小的趋势;出河渗流时流速变化趋势与入河相反;出河及入河渗流都有着拐点的存在,且对应的相对渗流强度与雷诺数相关,雷诺数越大,拐点出现时对应的相对渗流强度越小。 相似文献
Interaction between dry granular flow and deflectors 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2