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石嘴山市地下水流模型及其数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋任飞  白丹  阮本清  韩宇平 《地下水》2005,27(6):447-451
本文在对宁夏石嘴山市的水文地质和地下水资源进行系统分析的基础上,建立了石嘴山市地下水水流模型.并采用有限差分法,利用Processing Modflow软件对该市浅层地下水进行了数值模拟.在模型的拟合阶段和检验阶段,水头计算值与观测值的误差绝对值的平均值分别为0.28和0.18米,所有结果显示两者基本一致,说明所建模型符合实际,可以用于研究区地下水位与水量的近期及远景预测.  相似文献   

安塬水源地地下水流三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安塬水源地为干河冲洪积扇型水源地,含水层由第四系冲洪积层构成,厚15~30m,非均质,各向同性.受含水层底板坡降的影响,潜水面坡降较大,为5%~8%.三维流特征明显,尤其是抽水试验时在抽水井周边区域不同深度的水头差别更为显著.为了观测不同深度的水位,在群孔抽水试验时在同一观测孔中按上、中、下不同深度设置了3组观测管分别进行水位观测,从而为三维数值模拟提供了水位数据,并以该资料为依据建立了三维有限差分模型,对6种开采方案进行了数值模拟计算和预报.通过11a的开采,证明建立的三维有限差分模型可靠,为水源地的地下水开采建立了较为可靠的数学预报模型.  相似文献   

地下水流系统理论与研究方法的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
地下水流系统理论的提出,推动了现代水文地质学的发展。以Tóth经典地下水流系统理论建立方法为基础,综述了基于Tóth方法的地下水流系统的模拟成果,分析了Tóth方法得出的水流模式与控制因素的关系,以及地下水流系统理论从概念到实际应用的发展。同时,对中国地质大学(武汉)提出的地下水流系统通量上边界模拟方法也进行了系统论述,在物理模拟实验与数值模拟基础上,认为通量上边界分析方法是对Tóth方法的改进与完善,有利于对地下水流系统发育的物理机制理解;该方法能够更全面认识地下水流系统模式及其转化,定量出各影响因素对地下水流模式的控制关系。最后指出地下水流系统理论是当代水文地质学的核心概念框架,应该重视地下水流系统理论物理机制和数学模拟方法的研究,加强新技术方法的引入,拓宽其应用领域的研究等。  相似文献   

黄河下游(河南段)影响带属于黄河下游冲积平原地下水系统,黄河对地下水的影响范围为5-23km,面积为9417.6km^2。在建立水文地质概念模型的基础上,运用FEFLOW软件建立了研究区三维地下水流模拟模型,并对模型进行了识别。运用模型确定地下水多年平均补给资源和可开采资源评价;预测新建傍河水源地开采条件下,地下水位在5-10年内趋于稳定;定量研究黄河与地下水的补排关系,傍河水源地开采量的65%-75%来自黄河水,黄河大堤防渗墙工程深度为20m和45m情况下,黄河侧渗量分别减小5.72%和8.12%。  相似文献   

张子祥 《甘肃地质》2000,9(2):55-60
以刘庄冲洪积扇型水源地勘查试验资料为依据 ,建立了三维有限差分模型 ,摸拟了一组开采抽水试验 ,识别和反求水文地质参数 ,对 6种开采方案进行了数值模拟计算和预报。其中在平水年第 1方案最佳 ,枯水年第 6方案适宜。  相似文献   

地下水流系统特征——以白垩系地下水盆地为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵振宏  侯光才  王冬  陶正平  李瑛 《地下水》2007,29(3):14-16,27
以不同的研究尺度,白垩系地下水盆地可以划分为若干地下水流系统.水流系统的发育受含水层补给和排泄条件及含水系统结构控制.每一个水流系统都具有整体性、相关性、等级结构性、时序性、动态平衡性、功能性等特征.  相似文献   

Tóth提出的区域地下水流理论为盆地尺度地下水循环研究提供了定量分析方法.从4个方面总结区域地下水流理论发展历程,对比国外多本水文地质学教科书对区域地下水流理论的描述情况,系统梳理我国《水文地质学基础》教科书自1986到2018年的4个版本对区域地下水理论描述的演变情况.分析认为,我国《水文地质学基础》教科书对我国学者开展区域地下水流研究发挥了重要的推动作用,最后提出了区域地下水流理论有待解决的科学问题和引导更多青年学生从事该领域研究的建议.  相似文献   

新疆近50a来的气温和蒸发变化   总被引:72,自引:20,他引:72  
苏宏超  魏文寿  韩萍 《冰川冻土》2003,25(2):174-178
根据77处国家水文、气象站点观测资料,分析了新疆不同地区近50a来气温和蒸发两个气候要素的变化.结果表明,新疆近50a来的气温呈上升趋势,平均增长率为0.27℃·10a-1.1987年以后的平均气温较1986年以前有明显升高,尤其是北疆西部、北部和东疆地区增幅较大,达0.6~1.6℃.新疆各季平均气温的变幅以冬季为最大,夏季最小,但各季总体上均呈上升趋势.新疆年蒸发量和干旱指数的变化总体呈下降趋势,反映出气候转湿的信号.  相似文献   

地下水年龄和滞留时间包含了地下水循环和演化的重要信息,被广泛用于盆地地下水循环模式的研究.使用多级次地下水流系统演示仪,实验模拟了三级水流系统模式中地下水年龄及滞留时间分布.研究发现,盆地底部、区域流线的下游、盆地滞留区最晚响应;浅部的局部水流系统稳定后的浓度值相对较低;中间水流系统相对深部的区域水流系统也较低,滞留区...  相似文献   

梁杏  牛宏  张人权  刘彦  靳孟贵 《地球科学》2012,37(2):269-275
Tóth(1963)在复杂盆地给定上边界水头条件下, 推演出多级次地下水流系统.运用此方法探讨水流模式, 改变盆地介质或盆地深度等条件, 盆地水均衡会同步发生变化; 同时, 给定上边界水头也固化了盆地的势源与势汇的位置与数目, 这与实际条件不相符合, 也限制了地下水流模式的转化研究.在总结实验条件下多级水流系统特征的基础上, 提出了通量上边界的地下水流系统模拟方法(简称CUG-GWFS方法), 并进行了水流系统数值模拟.结果表明: (1)在多个可能势汇的盆地中, 可以发育5种地下水流模式, 即: 简单区域水流系统(RS)、局部+区域两级嵌套水流系统(LS+RS)、局部+中间+区域三级嵌套水流系统(LS+MS+RS)、局部+中间两级嵌套水流系统(LS+MS)和简单局部水流系统(LS).(2)盆地地下水流模式受盆地入渗强度、介质条件、盆地长度与深度比值, 以及盆地可能势汇的多少与位置的影响.(3)保持其他条件不变, 单独加大盆地入渗强度比Ric, 或加大盆地长深比Rld, 盆地水流模式按照上述5种模式呈现有序转化.   相似文献   

新疆玛纳斯湖近50年来的变迁   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用近30年来共8期覆盖新疆玛纳斯湖地区的遥感影像(1972MSS、1976MSS、1989TM、1999ETM、2000CBERS、2001CBERS、2003CBERS和2004CBERS),最新实测的精度达到1 m分辨率的地形等高线数据、野外测量数据,结合20世纪50年代野外实地调查资料等前人研究成果,对玛纳斯湖及周围湖泊演化进行了分析。结果表明:①玛纳斯湖并非迁移湖泊而是古玛纳斯湖群的一部分;玛纳斯湖及周围湖泊自第四纪中期以来一直处于萎缩消亡状态,新构造运动使古玛纳斯湖群萎缩分裂后,残留的各小湖泊在近现代也相继萎缩、消亡;②近50年来湖泊演化可分为两个阶段:湖泊萎缩、干涸的逆向演化阶段(1949-1999/2001)和湖泊恢复的正向演化阶段(1999/2001-至今),人类活动与气候变化的叠加是湖泊演化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

泾惠区具2200多年的灌溉历史,灌区人口密度大,地下水不仅是工业和农业的主要水源,也是当地主要饮用水源.为了查明灌区地下水硫酸盐的水文地球化学特征、成因及其演化过程,在分析灌区1982年、1990年和2009年地下水水化学特征、SO4 2-时空分布特征的基础上,通过灌溉试验和Hydrus-1D模拟灌溉对地下水SO4 2-的影响.结果表明,灌区地下水水化学类型由HCO3(1982年)向SO4 2-(2009年)型演化.2009年SO4 2-是地下水中主要阴离子组分,具有西部低,北部、东部和南部高的区域分布特征.虽然地下水中最初的SO42-主要来源于地层中Na2SO4和CaSO4等硫酸盐的溶解,但灌溉试验和模拟计算表明,近年来地下潜水中高硫酸盐主要是由于灌溉水源引起的.  相似文献   

Changes in the hydrologic characters of the Tarim River Basin of Xinjiang Province during the past 50 years were studied to identify the key factors responsible for these changes. Observed hydrologic and socio-economic data provided the basis for this study. The impact of human activities on the decrease in the streamflow and changes in total dissolved solids (TDS) in the watercourse and groundwater of the mainstream were analyzed using the Mann–Kendall test, regression and principal component analysis. The results showed that during the past 50 years the streamflow in the headwater streams has increased slightly while the streamflow in the mainstream has decreased significantly. Human activities along the mainstream are the primary reason for the decreased streamflow, with the impact of human activities on the decrease in the streamflow of the mainstream being 65.61, 74.73 and 77.62% in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, respectively. The key factor that affected the TDS of the watercourse was the decreasing streamflow, which was caused by anthropological activities. However, the TDS of the groundwater was found to be affected significantly by groundwater depth. The degeneration of ecosystems in the lower reaches of the Tarim River was directly related with anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

华北平原是中国三大平原之一,同时也是粮食主产区之一,京津冀协同发展区,雄安新区皆位于区内,地理位置极其重要.地下水是华北平原主要的供水水源,占总供水量70%左右,自20世纪70年代末以来地下水开采强度不断增大,长期处于严重超采状态,形成规模巨大地下水位降落漏斗,进而引发地面沉降、地裂缝、湿地退化、海水入侵等一系列环境地...  相似文献   

Groundwater hydrochemistry could reveal the interaction mechanism between groundwater and the environment, which provides a scientific basis for environmental resources management. In this study, Shukaliefu’s classification method and Piper diagram were adopted to determine the hydrochemical types of groundwater in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, China. The method of “one-vote veto” was applied to evaluate the quality of groundwater. Phreeqc software was used to calculate the saturation indices of calcite and fluorite in groundwater. By comparing groundwater quality data of 2003 and 2011, we characterized the variations in hydrochemical types and water quality types, salinization of groundwater and fluoride geochemistry of the plain area of the Tarim Basin. Results show that the primary anion in phreatic water in the plain area of the Tarim Basin changed from HCO3 ? to SO4 2? or Cl?. On the contrary, the primary anion in confined water changed from SO4 2? or Cl? to HCO3 ?. In 2003, 63.1 % of the sampling points in the study area exceeded the Class III water quality standard of China. In 2011, the proportion increased to 82.5 %. In addition, severe groundwater salinization was found at 19.7 % of the sampling points. Some of the deep groundwater samples were salinized as well. In the Aksu area at the north-west part of the Tarim Basin, F? concentration exceeding the standard limit (1 mg/L) was found to be 55.0 % of the groundwater samples tested. Based on these findings, it is concluded that the phreatic water in the study area was severely influenced by the industrial wastewater and domestic sewage related to human activities, while the confined water was less affected. The general quality of groundwater was in an aggravation trend, and the groundwater salinization was in a severe condition in this area. The Ca2+–Na+ ionic exchange, the unsaturated fluorite and oversaturated calcite in the aquifer of the Aksu area are proposed to cause F? enrichment in groundwater of this area.  相似文献   

In this study, hydrochemical and isotope investigations were conducted in the Yanqi Basin to determine the chemical composition, and to gain insight into the groundwater recharge process in the Yanqi Basin. It mainly used hydrochemistry, environmental isotopes, and a series of comprehensive data interpretation, e.g., statistics, ionic ratios, and Piper diagram to obtain a better understanding of the functioning of the system. The following hydrochemical processes were identified as the main factors controlling the water quality of the groundwater system: weathering of silicate minerals, dissolution, ion exchange, and to a lesser extent, evaporation, which seemed to be more pronounced down gradient of the flow system. As groundwater flows from the recharge to discharge areas, chemical patterns evolve in the order of Ca2+–HCO3 ?, Ca2+/Mg2+–HCO3 ? to Ca2+–Mg2+–Cl?–SO4 2?, Na+–K+–Cl?–SO4 2? and Na+–Cl? according to lithology. The environmental isotope (δ 18O, δ 2H, 3H) measurements further revealed that precipitation was the main recharge source for the groundwater system; some local values indicated high levels of evaporation. Tritium and CFC analysis were used to estimate the ages of the different groundwater; the tritium values of the groundwater samples varied from 2.82 to 29.7 TU. The age of the groundwater at depths of <120 m is about 30–50 years. CFC values obtained for six samples to determine groundwater age; the age of the groundwater is about 20–50 years.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):455-462
The Luanhe River Delta is located in the center of the Circum-Bohai Sea Economic Zone. It enjoys rapid economic and social development while suffering relatively water scarcity. The overexploitation of groundwater in the Luanhe River Delta in recent years has caused the continuous drop of groundwater level and serious environmental and geological problems. This study systematically analyzes the evolution characteristics of the population, economy, and groundwater exploitation in the Luanhe River Delta and summarizes the change patterns of the groundwater flow regime in different aquifers in the Luanhe River Delta according to previous water resource assessment data as well as the latest groundwater survey results. Through comparison of major source/sink terms and groundwater resources, the study reveals the impacts of human activities on the groundwater resources and ecological environment in the study area over the past 30 years from 1990 to 2020. The results are as follows. The average annual drop rate of shallow groundwater and the deep groundwater in the centers of depression cones is 0.4 m and 1.64 m, respectively in the Luanhe River Delta in the past 30 years. The depression cones of shallow and deep groundwater in the study area cover an area of 545.32 km2 and 548.79 km2, respectively, accounting for more than 10% of the total area of the Luanhe River Delta. Overexploitation of groundwater has further aggravated land subsidence. As a result, two large-scale subsidence centers have formed, with a maximum subsidence rate of up to 120 mm/a. The drop of groundwater level has induced some ecological problems in the Luanhe River Delta area, such as the zero flow and water quality deterioration of rivers and continuous shrinkage of natural wetlands and water. Meanwhile, the proportion of natural wetland area to the total wetland area has been decreased from 99% to 8% and the water area from 1776 km2 to 263 km2. These results will provide data for groundwater overexploitation control, land subsidence prevention, and ecological restoration in plains and provide services for water resources management and national land space planning.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

近50年来中国六大流域年际径流变化趋势研究   总被引:52,自引:6,他引:52       下载免费PDF全文
应用1950年以来的中国六大流域19个重点控制水文站年径流观测资料,采用MK检验方法研究了中国六大江河的年径流量变化情况。结果表明,近50年来中国六大江河的实测径流量均呈下降趋势。其中海河、黄河、辽河、松花江实测径流量下降明显,严重影响了我国社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖将加剧水循环,增大洪水风险.阿克苏河流域位于天山南坡,是北半球中纬度典型的高山流域.本流域不仅有暴雨洪水、冰川和积雪融水造成的洪水,而且还有冰川溃决突发洪水.以阿克苏河的两条支流库玛拉克河和托什干河为研究对象,利用块最大值抽样方法(block maximum)和超定量阈值(peak over thresho...  相似文献   

近50a 西北干旱区气候变化趋势研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
西北干旱区位于欧亚大陆腹地,包括新疆全境、甘肃河西走廊、青海柴达木盆地及内蒙古贺兰山以西的地区,地理位置介于东经73°~106°和北纬35°~50°之间,总土地面积约占全国国土面积的24.5%。气候干燥少雨,荒漠广布,植被稀疏,属于典型的干旱生态脆弱区。近期施雅风等提出西北气候由暖干向暖湿转型[1,2],但近50 a西北干旱区气候演变规律如何,极端气候事件与水旱灾害如何变化,区域气候有何差异等问题一直尚未得到解决。本文针对这些问题,利用1951~2000年的阿勒泰、敦煌、哈密、酒泉、喀什、库车、且末、若羌、塔城、吐鲁番、乌鲁木齐、民勤、乌…  相似文献   

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