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Katherine M. Papastephanou Stephen M. Bollens Anne M. Slaughter 《Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography》2006,53(25-26):3078
Cross-shelf distribution and abundance of copepod nauplii and copepodids were measured during three summer upwelling seasons (2000–2002) in a coastal upwelling zone off northern California. These 3 years varied considerably in the intensity of winds, abundance of chlorophyll, and water temperature. The cruises in 2000 were characterized by relaxation conditions, with generally high levels of chlorophyll and high water temperature. The cruises in 2001 and 2002 were dominated by strong and persistent upwelling events, leading to lower chlorophyll and water temperatures. The copepod assemblage was dominated by Oithona spp., Acartia spp. and Pseudocalanus spp., with Metridia pacifica (lucens), Microsetella rosea, Oncaea spp. and Tortanus discaudatus also common during all 3 years. The cross-shelf distribution of copepods was generally shifted offshore during upwelling and onshore during relaxation events, although some variability between species occurred. Abundance of all life stages generally exhibited a negative correlation with cross-shelf transport averaged over at least 1–4 days and lagged by 0–3 days, indicating lower abundances during and immediately after active upwelling. However, copepod nauplii seemed to respond positively to wind events lasting 1–5 days followed by a period of relaxation lasting 6 or 7 days. These rapid rates of change in abundance are probably too great to be due to in situ growth and reproduction alone; physical processes must also play a role. These results suggest a highly dynamic relationship between copepods and upwelling events off northern California, with species-specific responses to upwelling to be expected. 相似文献
David L. Ruple 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1984,18(2):191-208
Larval fishes were collected from the surf zone of Horn Island, Mississippi between March 1978 and April 1979. A standardized total of 39 435 larvae were taken from 222 collections in the inner and outer surf zone regions, representing fish in 69 taxa. Overall, considerably more larvae were collected in the outer surf zone (78·3%) than in the inner surf zone (21·7%). Engraulids, Chloroscombrus chrysurus and Symphurus spp. were the most abundant larvae taken from the outer surf zone while engraulids, Leiostomus xanthurus, Brevoortia patronus and Trinectes maculatus were the numerically dominant larvae in the inner surf zone. Seasonal peaks in abundance occurred at the outer surf zone stations during May and June and at the inner surf zone stations during December. Larval densities were significantly greater in night collections than in day collections.The occurrence of early larvae, late larvae and juveniles suggests that the surf zone habitat is important to several species of coastal marine fishes. Menticirrhus littoralis, Harengula jaguana and Trachinotus carolinus appear to most readily utilize the surf zone as a nursery area. 相似文献
通过对2011年北部湾北部海域春季和夏季溶解氧(DO)及其他环境要素进行分析讨论,发现DO的季节性差异较大,春季DO含量(平均8.11 mg/L)明显高于夏季(平均6.05 mg/L)。夏季北部湾底层部分区域存在DO低值,该低值区常年存在,并且DO最低值逐渐降低、低值区范围逐渐扩大。利用相关性分析和灰色关联度分析的方法,对夏季底层DO低值的成因进行分析发现:夏季底层水体浮游植物产氧作用较弱,海水层化作用强,阻碍了表底层DO的交换;另外底层有机质分解的耗氧作用明显,出现了氧气的净消耗,由此导致夏季底层水体出现DO的低值。同时,由于2011年之后北部湾北部海域陆源污染排放和赤潮的频发使得该海域低氧状况加剧,潜在低氧区逐渐发展为低氧区。 相似文献
张裂大陆边缘和盆地主要通过岩石圈的伸展作用形成,被动大陆边缘岩石圈的减薄导致了岩浆的减压熔融,最终形成了洋壳和减薄的转换带。处理和分析了2010年中国科学院南海海洋研究所"实验2"号采集的南海北部地球物理调查的多道地震数据(MCS2010-1),总结了南海北部洋陆转换带的地震反射特征。转换带主要由北部裂陷期下沉区段,中部海山或埋藏海山隆起带和靠近海盆一侧的掀斜断块带组成。通过对比以前南海北部采集的反射地震数据和折射地震波速度模型,圈定了洋陆转换带的分布范围,洋陆转换带的宽度在南海东北部是225km,中部是160km,西北部是110km。依据零星的大于6级地震震中分布,揭示了南海北部洋陆转换带目前仍是一个地震构造活跃带。 相似文献
天台斜坡带北部紧邻平湖斜坡带平湖油气田,是西湖凹陷重要的油气勘探接替区。通过西湖凹陷天台斜坡带北部构造特征梳理,解析构造变换带样式、演变,并探讨其油气地质意义。研究结果表明,在结构特征上,天台斜坡带北部构造变换带整体处于NWW向基底舟山-国头断裂带上,是凹陷“南北分块”的重要体现,发育有独特的反向断阶;在构造样式上,天台斜坡带北部扭动变换断裂组合可分为北段缓冲式和南段传递式两个次级变换区,顺NWW向基底断裂的扭动变换作用南强北弱,在断裂组合上分别表现为“网格式”和“马尾式”;在成因演化上,天台斜坡带北部构造变换在早期伸展断陷及后期挤压反转中均有发育,自下而上具有持续递进的演变特征,调节南北两侧NE-NNE向断裂系伸展和挤压强度的差异,并使部分断裂改变原有的延伸方向。天台斜坡带北部与构造变换作用相关的断裂组合不仅利于控制各类扭动圈闭的发育,也利于油气顺扭动相关断裂垂向运移充注,此外,在构造变换带控制背景下该区亦是有利的前平湖组优质砂体富集区带。 相似文献
Yukimasa Ishida Tsutomu Hariu Junichi Yamashiro Skip McKinnell Takeshi Matsuda Hiromasa Kaneko 《Progress in Oceanography》2001,49(1-4)
Archeological evidence of Pacific salmon in Hokkaido is reviewed and compared with results from western North America. Salmon remains have been found at 24 sites in Hokkaido from the Early Jomon Period to the Ainu Period (6000–100 years ago). Fish remains at three archeological sites in the Kushiro River basin indicated that Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) were distributed and utilized from 6000 years ago. The present Kushiro Wetland was formerly covered with seawater and called the Paleo Kushiro Bay 5000–6000 years ago. Based on the molluscan fossil fauna, seawater temperature at Paleo Kushiro Bay was about 5°C warmer than at present. Warmer conditions for salmon in Kushiro 5000–6000 years ago corresponded with the poor conditions for salmon in the Columbia River basin 6000–7000 years ago. If the future global warming is similar to the conditions that prevailed 5000–6000 years ago, the southern limit of salmon distribution will shift northwards and the salmon production will decrease. However, they will not disappear from either Hokkaido or southwestern North America. 相似文献
Recently evidence has been obtained for reproductive impairment in estuarine populations of Atlantic croaker exposed to seasonal hypoxia. However, it is not known whether a similar disruption of reproductive function occurs in croaker inhabiting a much larger hypoxic area, the extensive dead zone in coastal regions of the northern Gulf of Mexico extending from the Mississippi Delta to East Texas. Gonadal development in male Atlantic croaker collected in September 2008 at six sites in the dead zone was compared to that in male fish sampled from three reference sites east of the Mississippi Delta which do not experience persistent hypoxia. Croaker testes collected from the dead zone were at an earlier stage of spermatogenesis than those from the reference sites. Histological examination of the testes collected from the dead zone showed that their tubules had small lumens that contained very little sperm compared to the lumens of the reference fish. Overall, sperm production was 26.2% that of the control fish at the reference sites. This decrease in spermatogenesis at the dead zone sites was accompanied by an approximately 50% decrease in testicular growth compared to that in the reference fish. The results suggest that reproductive impairment can occur over regional scales in marine fish populations exposed to extensive seasonal hypoxia in dead zones with potential long-term impacts on population abundance. 相似文献
The tectonic mechanisms controlling how volcanic arcs migrate through space and geologic time within dynamic subduction environments is a fundamental tectonic process that remains poorly understood. This paper presents an integrated stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of Late Cretaceous to Recent volcanic arcs and associated basins in the southeastern Caribbean Sea using seismic reflection data, wide-angle seismic refraction data, well data, and onland geologic data. We propose a new tectonic model for the opening of the Grenada and Tobago basins and the 50-250-km eastward jump of arc volcanism from the Late Cretaceous Aves Ridge to the Miocene to Recent Lesser Antilles arc in the southeast Caribbean based on the mapping of three seismic megasequences. The striking similarity of the half-graben structure of the Grenada and Tobago basins that flank the Lesser Antilles arc, their similar smooth basement character, their similar deep-marine seismic facies, and their similar Paleogene sediment thickness mapped on a regional grid of seismic data suggest that the two basins formed as a single, saucer-shaped, oceanic crust Paleogene forearc basin adjacent to the now dormant Aves Ridge. This single forearc basin continued to extend and widen through flexural subsidence during the early to middle Eocene probably because of slow rollback of the subducting Atlantic oceanic slab. Rollback may have been accelerated by oblique collision of the southern Aves Ridge and southern Lesser Antilles arc with the South American continent. Uplift and growth of the southern Lesser Antilles arc divided the Grenada and Tobago basins by early to middle Miocene time. Inversion of normal faults and uplift effects along both edges of the Lesser Antilles arc are most pronounced in its southern zone of arc collision with the South American continent. The late Miocene to Recent depositional histories of the Grenada and Tobago basins are distinct because of isolation of the Grenada basin by growth and uplift of the Neogene Lesser Antilles volcanic ridge. 相似文献
This study aims to constrain the base of the hydrates stability field in structurally complexsites using the case of Woolsey Mound, a fault-controlled, transient, thermogenic hydrates system, in Mississippi Canyon Block 118, northern Gulf of Mexico. We have computed the base of the hydrates stability field integrating results from a recent heat-flow survey, designed to investigate geothermal anomalies along fault zones which exhibit different fluid flux regimes. An advanced “compositional” simulator was used to model hydrate formation and dissociation at Woolsey Mound and addresses the following hypotheses:
- 1.Migrating thermogenic fluids alter thermal conditions of the Hydrate Stability Zone (HSZ), so heat-flow reflects fault activity;
- 2.Gas hydrate formation and dissociation vary temporally at active faults, temporarily sealing conduits for migration of thermogenic fluids;
- 3.High salinity and inclusion of thermogenic gases with higher molecular weight than methane produce opposite effects on the depth to the bottom of the hydrate stability zone.
《Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography》2009,56(24):2520-2536
Modeling the coastal Gulf of Alaska (CGOA) is complicated by the highly diverse physical and biological features influencing productivity and energy flow through the region. The GOA consists of the offshore oceanic environment, characterized by iron limitation, high-nutrients and low-chlorophyll. The coastal environment is consistently downwelling, with high iron levels from glacial melt water and runoff, but lower concentrations of macronutrients, and with a spring bloom, nutrient depletion cycle (low-nutrient, high-chlorophyll). Cross-shelf movement of water masses mixes coastal and oceanic ecosystem elements.Simulations and field data indicate that the minimum model complexity necessary to characterize lower trophic-level production and biomass in the offshore and coastal regions includes 10 boxes: iron, nitrate, ammonium, small phytoplankton, large phytoplankton, small microzooplankton, large microzooplankton, small copepods, large oceanic copepods and detritus, with copepod mortality as a model closure term. We present the model structure, equations required (and initial parameters used) to simulate onshore and offshore lower trophic-level production in the Gulf of Alaska, along with the information from field data and simulations used to construct the model. We show the results of simulations with and without iron, and with and without two size classes of phytoplankton. These simulations indicate that our method of inclusion of iron works well to distinguish the coastal and the oceanic ecosystems, and that the inclusion of two size categories of phytoplankton is also necessary to generate the differences between these two ecosystems. 相似文献
J.E. Keister W.T. Peterson S.D. Pierce 《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》2009,56(2):212-231
We conducted a research cruise in late summer (July–August) 2000 to study the effect of mesoscale circulation features on zooplankton distributions in the coastal upwelling ecosystem of the northern California Current. Our study area was in a region of complex coastline and bottom topography between Newport, Oregon (44.7°N), and Crescent City, California (41.9°N). Winds were generally strong and equatorward for >6 weeks prior to the cruise, resulting in the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water along the coast and an alongshore upwelling jet. In the northern part of the study area, the jet followed the bottom topography, creating a broad, retentive area nearshore over a submarine shelf bank (Heceta Bank, 44–44.4°N). In the south, a meander of the jet extended seaward off of Cape Blanco (42.8°N), resulting in the displacement of coastal water and the associated coastal taxa to >100 km off the continental shelf. Zooplankton biomass was high both over the submarine bank and offshore in the meander of the upwelling jet. We used velocities and standing stocks of plankton in the upper 100 m to estimate that 1×106 m3 of water, containing an average zooplankton biomass of ~20 mg carbon m?3, was transported seaward across the 2000-m isobath in the meandering jet each second. That flux equated to offshore transport of >900 metric tons of carbon each day, and 4–5×104 tons over the 6–8 week lifetime of the circulation feature. Thus, mesoscale circulation can create disparate regions in which zooplankton populations are retained over the shelf and biomass can accumulate or, alternatively, in which high biomass is advected offshore to the oligotrophic deep sea. 相似文献
Soto-Jiménez MF Páez-Osuna F Scelfo G Hibdon S Franks R Aggarawl J Flegal AR 《Marine environmental research》2008,66(4):451-458
Lead pollution was investigated in environmental matrices and biological indicators collected from two typical subtropical coastal ecosystems in the southeast Gulf of California, Mexico. Lead concentrations and isotopic compositions ((206)Pb/(207)Pb and (208)Pb/(207)Pb) were measured using high resolution inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), respectively. Lead in surface estuary sediments (10.0-34.2microgg(-1)) and particulate Pb (25.0-128.7microgg(-1), >98% of total Pb) in the water column were significantly higher than levels in natural bedrock soils (15.1+/-8.3microgg(-1)) and river runoff (1.9+/-1.4microgg(-1)). Aquatic plants had Pb concentrations between 2.5 and 7.2microgg(-1), while those in macroalgae ranged from 3 to 5microgg(-1). The ranges of mean Pb concentrations in the aquatic animals studied (ranges in microgg(-1)) were as follows: zooplankton 32+/-3, mussels 2.3-3.9, oysters 1.9-7.9, snail 2.0-7.7, barnacles 0.1-18.5, fish 1.4-8.9, crab 6.3-40.2 and polychaetae 8.5-16.7. Pb values in 20-40% of oyster and fish samples and in all samples of crab exceeded acceptable levels for a food source for human consumption. Pb isotope ratios (206)Pb/(207)Pb, (208)Pb/(207)Pb in biota ranged from 1.188 to 1.206 and 2.448 to 2.470, respectively. A plot of (206)Pb/(207)Pb versus (208)Pb/(207)Pb for the environmental and biological samples collected from two study areas indicates that they contain lead from ores mined in Mexico and used in the past to produce leaded gasoline in use until 1997, natural Pb weathered from the Sierra Madre Occidental mother rock, and the later influence of inputs from a more radiogenic source related to industrial activity in the United States. Statistical software IsoSource results revealed that the Pb contained in environmental matrices and biomonitors is mostly derived from gasoline (20-90%) and US emissions (10-40%). 相似文献
Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs), known as the base of gas hydrate stability zone, have been recognized and mapped using
good quality three-dimensional (3D) pre-stack migration seismic data in Shenhu Area of northern South China Sea. Additionally,
seismic attribute technique has been applied to better constrain on the distribution of gas hydrate. The results demonstrate
that gas hydrate is characterized by “blank” zone (low amplitude) in instantaneous amplitude attribute. The thickness of gas
hydrate stability zone inferred from BSR ranges from 125 to 355 m with an average of 240 m at sea water depth from 950 to
1,600 m in this new gas hydrate province. The volume of gas in-place bound in hydrate is estimated from 1.7 × 109 to 4.8 × 109 m3, with the most likely value of around 3.3 × 109 m3, using Monte Carlo simulation. Furthermore, geothermal gradient and heat flow are derived from the depths of BSRs using a
conductive heat transfer model. The geothermal gradient varies from 35 to 95°C km−1 with an average of 54°C km−1. Corresponding heat flow values range from 43 to 105 mW m−2 with an average of 64 mW m−2. By comparison with geological characteristics, we suggest that the distribution of gas hydrate and heat flow are largely
associated with gas chimneys and faults, which are extensively distributed in Shenhu Area, providing easy pathways for fluids
migrating into the gas hydrate stability zone for the formation of gas hydrate. This study can place useful constraints for
modeling gas hydrate stability zone from measured heat flow data and understanding the mechanism of gas hydrate formation
in Shenhu Area. 相似文献
Silvia Albarracín Javier Alcántara-Carrió Andrés Barranco María José Sánchez García Ángela Fontán Bouzas Jorge Rey Salgado 《Geo-Marine Letters》2013,33(2-3):217-223
The focus of this study is the analysis of coastal sand barriers and associated coastal lagoons on the inner continental shelf of the Gulf of Valencia (western Mediterranean), based on two W–E seismic profiles recorded seaward of the Albufera de Valencia coastal lagoon. Seismic facies identified include a number of coastal sand barriers with landward lagoons draped by contemporary continental shelf deposits. The barrier systems have been grouped into two sedimentary systems tracts, the older one corresponding to a prograding/aggrading highstand systems tract involving at least four paleo-coastal sand barrier/lagoon systems, followed landward by a transgressive systems tract comprising three such systems. All the systems have been allocated a Tyrrhenian age, the formation of individual barrier systems having been associated with successive sea-level stillstands, and their present-day position being explained by the very high regional subsidence rate. In summary, this study demonstrates that the Quaternary stratigraphic record of the Gulf of Valencia inner continental shelf is composed of littoral sand facies, in particular coastal sand barrier and lagoon deposits. These findings are in agreement with corresponding observations on other continental shelves of the western Mediterranean, showing that the formation of coastal sand barriers was a characteristic feature of this region during the Quaternary. 相似文献
Lyne Morissette Martin Castonguay Claude Savenkoff Douglas P. Swain Denis Chabot Hugo Bourdages Mike O. Hammill J. Mark Hanson 《Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography》2009,56(21-22):2117
In order to have a global view of ecosystem changes associated with the collapse of groundfish species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the early 1990s, Ecopath mass-balance models were constructed incorporating uncertainty in the input data. These models covered two ecosystems (northern and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence; NAFO divisions 4RS and 4T), and two time periods (before the collapse, in the mid-1980s, and after it, in the mid-1990s). Our analyses revealed that the ecosystem structure shifted dramatically from one previously dominated by piscivorous groundfish and small-bodied forage species during the mid-1980s to one now dominated only by small-bodied pelagic species during the mid-1990s in both southern and northern Gulf. The species structure in the northern Gulf versus southern Gulf was different, which may explain why these two ecosystems did not recover the same way from the collapse in the early 1990s. Productivity declined in the northern Gulf after the collapse but increased in the southern Gulf. The collapse of groundfish stocks resulted in declines in the mean trophic level of the landings in both the northern and the southern Gulf. Even though fishing mortality was then intentionally reduced, this part of the total mortality was taken up by predation. The temporal changes in the internal structure of both ecosystems are reflected in their overall emergent properties. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2014
Marine fisheries support the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. These fisheries and the communities that depend on them are highly vulnerable to climate change and other interacting anthropogenic threats. The cumulative and interacting effects of these stressors could potentially produce declines in fish production, which would significantly impact artisanal fishers. Assessing relative vulnerability of fishing communities to anthropogenic stressors is an important first step to identifying mitigation or adaptation strategies. This study assessed the vulnerability of 12 coastal communities in the Northern Gulf of California to disruptions in fishing activities from anthropogenic stressors, including climate change. The Northern Gulf is a megadiverse area and a major source of fishery resources. Quantitative indicator indices based on secondary and primary data were developed to assess the three aspects of vulnerability: sensitivity, exposure, and adaptive capacity. The key components of vulnerability varied amongst communities. Vulnerability was higher in communities with higher fishing dependence and lower socioeconomic diversification. The approach presented here provides important insights into the type of policy actions that might be needed in different communities for adaptation and mitigation. 相似文献
Analysis of multi-channel seismic data from the northern East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB) reveals three sub-basins (Socotra, Domi, and Jeju basins), separated by structural highs (Hupijiao Rise) and faulted basement blocks. These sub-basins show a typical rift-basin development: faulted basement and syn-rift and post-rift sedimentation separated by unconformities. Four regional unconformities, including the top of acoustic basement, have been identified and mapped from multi-channel seismic data. Faults in the acoustic basement are generally trending NE, parallel to the regional structural trend of the area. The depths of the acoustic basement range from less than 1000 m in the northwestern part of the Domi Basin to more than 4500 m in the Socotra Basin and 5500 m in the Jeju Basin. The total sediment thicknesses range from less than 500 m to about 1500 m in the northwest where the acoustic basement is shallow and reach about more than 5500 m in the south.Interpretation of seismic reflection data and reconstruction of three depth-converted seismic profiles reveal that the northern ECSSB experienced two phases of rifting, followed by regional subsidence. The initial rifting in the Late Cretaceous was driven by the NW-SE crustal stretching of the Eurasian Plate, caused by the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate. Extension was the greatest during the early phase of basin formation; estimated rates of extension during the initial rifting are 2%, 6.5%, and 3.5% in the Domi, Jeju, and Socotra basins, respectively. A regional uplift terminated the rifting in the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene. Rifting and extension, although mild, resumed in the Early Oligocene; while fluvio-lacustrine deposition continued to prevail. The estimated rates of extension during the second phase of rifting are 0.7%, 0.8%, and 0.5% in the Domi, Jeju, and Socotra basins, respectively. A second phase of uplift in the Early Miocene terminated the rifting, marking the transition to the post-rift phase of regional subsidence. Regional subsidence dominated the study area between the Early Miocene and the Late Miocene. An inversion in the Late Miocene interrupted the post-rift subsidence, resulting in an extensive thrust-fold belt in the eastern part of the area. Uplift and subsequent erosion were followed by regional subsidence. 相似文献
Some of the islets in the eastern Beibu Gulf are covered by Quaternary volcano strata. The rock samples from these islets mainly consist of quartz tholeiites (at Shenjiandao), olivine tholeiites (at Linshidao and Xieyang- dao) and alkali basalts (at Yangpubi and Jianshidao), and basically represent four periods of the Quaternary volcanism of Hainan Island and its adjacent regions. Except for the samples from Shenjiandao, most of the Quaternary volcanics of these islets belong to alkali magma series. The trace element characteristics of all of these samples show they are OIB (oceanic island basalt) -like, which implies that their deep geodynamic setting may be related to a mantle plume. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions show that the mantle source beneath the Quaternary strata can be regarded as a result of binary mixing between a depleted, DMM (de- pleted MORB mantle)-like source and an enriched mantle type 2 (EM2). The EM2 may be originated from the Hainan mantle plume, and has been metasomatized by carbonaceous fluids released from ancient re- cycled oceanic crust at an asthenospheric mantle level. These features, together with typical trace element ratios, reflect that the parent magma was not subjected to crustal contamination during its ascent to the surface. This study provides further petrological and geochemical evidence for the existence of the Hainan mantle plume. 相似文献
This study investigated whether the current lateral boundary for estuaries in South Africa, i.e. the estuarine functional zone (EFZ), includes all estuarine habitats. The EFZ covers 173 930 ha in 304 estuaries/outlets nationally. Field surveys and analysis of available aerial images showed that 82 (12 956.70 ha) of these estuaries (26%) had estuarine habitats occurring outside of this boundary. As a result of mapping scale, the National Vegetation Map does not represent habitats that are associated with small estuaries (approximately 50% of South Africa's estuaries). For estuaries in the Western and Eastern Cape provinces, most habitats have been lost due to urban development, whereas in subtropical areas (northern Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal), cultivation has removed estuarine habitat. Although delineation of boundaries can be complicated by landcover changes, the estuarine lateral boundary in Cape estuaries could be identified based on sediment characteristics (moisture content, organic content, electrical conductivity), groundwater characteristics (salinity, conductivity and depth) and plant species. The delineation of the EFZ needs to be consistent, inclusive of all estuarine physical and biological processes, and cost-effective to identify so that it can protect estuarine habitats. 相似文献