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The Ghana margin displays one of the best-known transform margins. Studies of the margin have provided the framework for a number of conceptual models aimed at understanding transform margin development worldwide. However, the deep structure of the margin is poorly known as knowledge is based only on wide-angle refraction measurements obtained from two separate localities on the margin. Consequently, complexities in the rift–shear margin architecture have been overlooked by current interpretations of margin development. Based on combined analysis of a detailed grid of ∼2710 km multichannel (MCS) lines and potential field data, we provide new insights into the structural architecture and tectonic development of the Ghana margin. In particular, we outline the deep structure of the entire margin using a series of 2D gravity modelled transects constrained by MCS and published wide-angle data. Our study reveals more complex rift–shear margin architecture than previously envisaged. We demonstrate that the main transform boundary representing the continental extension of the Romanche Fracture Zone, is actually composed of two distinct margin segments, i.e., the ENE–WSW trending sheared margin segment of the Cote d’Ivoire-Ghana Ridge and the NE–SW trending rift-influenced sheared margin segment of the Ghana Platform. These segments evolved under varying stress regimes, and during different time intervals. West of the transform margin, divergent rifting during the Early Cretaceous initiated the development of the Deep Ivorian Basin, essentially, as a single major pull-apart structure. However, east of the shear zone, oblique rifting resulted in the development of the Eastern Ghana Slope Basin as a composite of at least two coalescing pull-apart basins displaced along strike-slip faults. Our structural interpretation of the transform boundary geometry shows that the ridge and platform margin segments were each subjected to separate thermal influences from two different migrating spreading centres. Tectonic uplift of the ridge began through transpression during mid-Albian time following a change in relative direction of plate motion from NE–SW to ENE–WSW. However, the ridge uplift was amplified by thermal heating from a previously undocumented spreading centre whose progressive westward migration along the ridge followed closely after the Albian transpressional phase. The structural architecture of the Ghana margin resulted from a combination of factors, notably, pre-existing basement structure, plate boundary geometry, the relative direction of plate motion and thermal heating.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2003,193(1-2):93-127
This study is based on detailed investigation of sediment cores and high resolution seismics. We identified and describe five lithofacies on the Vøring Plateau and eight on the mid-Norwegian continental slope. The various lithofacies are mainly related to the fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet and the varying intensity of bottom currents and inflow of Atlantic water masses. Ocean circulation was highly variable between 40 and 22 14C ka BP, being vigorous during interstadials and sluggish during stadials. Between ca 22 and 15 14C ka BP the sedimentary environment was significantly influenced by fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, repeatedly reaching the outermost shelf. These fluctuations are reflected in the sedimentary record as ice-rafted debris (IRD) accumulation peaks, deposition of stratified diamicton, and glacigenic debris flows on the continental slope. During this period the sediment accumulation rate increased, bottom currents influenced the sedimentary pattern, and surface waters were seasonally ice-free, indicating inflow of Atlantic waters. Subsequent to ca 15 14C ka BP the glacier influence decreased as the margin of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet retreated to reach the coast before 12.5 14C ka BP. The modern sedimentary environment is characterised by relatively strong bottom current action, causing winnowing or non-deposition down to approximately 1000 m water depth.  相似文献   

Climatological, current and particulate flux data were gathered in the Grand-Rhône canyon on the Gulf of Lions continental margin for one year (Jan. 1988–Jan 1989). Time series were analyzed to determine the influence of physical exchange processes on particulate matter at the shelf-edge, with a special emphasis on the Northern Current variability.The synoptic variability of the Northern Current was linked to meanders of 2–5 day period. Its meso-scale activity presented a seasonal signal with maximum values in early spring. Peaks of particulate fluxes in the upper traps were little affected by large river and atmospheric inputs, but rather by enhanced shelf-slope exchanges at the shelf edge due to intense cross-slope fluctuations of the Northern Current. These fluctuations caused cross-isobath flows near the bottom, which appeared to be a potential mechanism in transporting particles off the shelf. At 900 m depth, high-flux events measured by sediment traps were primarily linked to periods of higher cross-slope current oscillations. This correlation suggests that vertical motions caused by these oscillations contribute to the suspended particulate matter transport through the process of bringing higher suspended material concentrations from above to greater depths. Vertical velocity estimates were derived through temperature fluctuations combined with vertical temperature gradient and from the kinematic boundary condition. A simple diffusion model indicates that the vertical turbulent mixing of suspended particulate matter, induced by the cross-slope current oscillations, yields downward fluxes of particles comparable to those collected by sediment traps.  相似文献   

We investigate gas hydrate formation processes in compressional, extensional and un-faulted settings on New Zealand's Hikurangi margin using seismic reflection data. The compressional setting is characterized by a prominent subduction wedge thrust fault that terminates beneath the base of gas hydrate stability, as determined from a bottom-simulating reflection (BSR). The thrust is surrounded by steeply dipping strata that cross the BSR at a high angle. Above the BSR, these strata are associated with a high velocity anomaly that is likely indicative of relatively concentrated, and broadly distributed, gas hydrates. The un-faulted setting—sedimentary infill of a slope basin on the landward side of a prominent thrust ridge—is characterized by a strong BSR, a thick underlying free gas zone, and short positive polarity reflection segments that extend upward from the BSR. We interpret the short reflection segments as the manifestation of gas hydrates within relatively coarse-grained sediments. The extensional setting is a localized, shallow response to flexural bending of strata within an anticline. Gas has accumulated beneath the BSR in the apex of folding. A high-velocity zone directly above the BSR is probably mostly lithologically-derived, and only partly related to gas hydrates. Although each setting shows evidence for focused gas migration into the gas hydrate stability zone, we interpret that the compressional tectonic setting is most likely to contain concentrated gas hydrates over a broad region. Indeed, it is the only setting associated with a deep-reaching fault, meaning it is the most likely of the three settings to have thermogenic gas contributing to hydrate formation. Our results highlight the importance of anisotropic permeability in layered sediments and the role this plays in directing sub-surface fluid flow, and ultimately in the distribution of gas hydrate. Each of the three settings we describe would warrant further investigation in any future consideration of gas hydrates as an energy resource on the Hikurangi margin.  相似文献   

Detailed surveying with an ROV found that a dense and diverse cold-seep community colonises a giant pockmark located at 3200 m depth, 8 km north from the deep Congo channel. Several types of assemblages, either dominated by Mytilidae and Vesicomyidae bivalves or Siboglinidae polychaetes, are distributed on the 800-m diameter active area. The site is characterised by a most active central zone in a depression with abundant carbonate concretions and high methane fluxes where high-density clusters of mussels and siboglinids dominate. In contrast, the peripheral zones display large fields of dead and live vesicomyids on soft sediment, with a lower mean density and lower methane concentration in seawater. The associated megafauna includes Alvinocarididae shrimps, echinoids, holothurians of the family Synaptidae, several species of gastropods, two species of galatheids, and Zoarcidae and Ophidiidae fishes. Multivariate analyses of video transect data show that the distribution of these major megafauna species at the pockmark scale is influenced by the habitat heterogeneity due to fluid or gas emission, occurrence of hydrates, substratum variability and by the presence of large symbiont-bearing species. Several assemblages dominated either by mytilids, vesicomyids, or siboglinids have been sampled for megafauna densities and biomass estimations and stable isotope measurements (δ13C and δ15N) of dominant species and food sources. The highest estimates of megafauna densities have been obtained in mytilid beds. According to their stable isotopes values, non-symbiont-bearing species mainly rely on chemosynthesis-originated carbon, either as primary consumers of chemoautotrophic microorganisms, or at higher trophic level recycling organic matter, or relying on bivalve and tubeworm production. Most of them likely feed on different sources like shrimps, but differences according to habitat have been evidenced. Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of galatheids and benthic or benthopelagic fishes captured by trawls at increasing distances from the pockmark provide evidence of the high variability in the proportion of chemosynthesis-originated carbon in their diet, from 15% to 38%, according to the species captured as far as 4 km to the site.  相似文献   

Samples of diagenetic and hydrothermal minerals from drillcores along the DEKORP 9601 seismic traverse in the North German Basin were investigated for their fluid inclusion and sulphur isotope composition to reconstruct the thermal and chemical evolution of fluid systems during basin evolution. The stages of basin subsidence and subsequent inversion are marked by fluid systems of distinct composition. The basinwide Zechstein evaporite units formed an aquiclude, disconnecting convecting fluids in the underlying Rotliegend volcanics from the overlying units. δ34S ratios of sulphides suggest a sedimentary sulphur source. δ34S ratios of diagenetic and hydrothermal sulphates indicate that sulphur was derived partly from Rotliegend volcanic units and partly from the evaporitic Zechstein.  相似文献   

Kveithola Trough, an E–W trending glacial trough in the NW Barents Sea, was surveyed for the first time during the EGLACOM cruise of R/V OGS-Explora in summer 2008. Swath bathymetry shows that the seafloor is characterized by E–W trending mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGL) that record a fast flowing ice stream draining the Svalbard/Barents Sea Ice Sheet (SBIS) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). MSGL are overprinted by transverse sediment ridges about 15 km apart which give rise to a staircase axial profile of the trough. Such transverse ridges are interpreted to be grounding-zone wedges (GZWs) formed by deposition of subglacial till during episodic ice stream retreat. Sub-bottom (CHIRP) and multi-channel reflection seismic data show that the present-day morphology is largely inherited from the palaeo-seafloor topography at the time of deposition of the transverse ridges, overlain by a draping glaciomarine unit which in places is over 15 m thick. Our data allow the reconstruction of depositional processes which accompanied deglaciation of the Spitsbergen Bank area. The sedimentary drape deposited on top of the GZWs is suggested to have accumulated at a very high rate, (on average in the order of 1–1.5 m ka?1) and therefore may potentially preserve a high-resolution palaeoclimatic record of deglaciation and post-glacial conditions in this sector of the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Artificial hatching and fry culture of Bostrichthys sinensis (Lacepede) has been successful under conditions of enclosed seawater circulation system in the Aquarium Lab, South China Sea Fish. Res. Inst, on the 13th of April, 1984. The development of each stage of the eggs, larvae and juveniles are described, and colour photographs of every development stage were taken. According to their physiological characteristics in each stage, necessary ecological conditions for the developments are preliminarily discussed.  相似文献   

The food-web structure of the epibenthic and infaunal invertebrates on the continental slope of the Catalan Sea (Balearic basin, NW Mediterranean) was investigated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes on a total of 34 species, and HPLC pigment analyses for three key species. Samples were collected close to Barcelona (NE Iberian Peninsula), between 650 and 800 m depth and between February 2007 and February 2008. Mean ??13C values ranged from −21.0‰ (small Calocaris macandreae and Amphipholis squamata) to −14.5‰ (Sipunculus norvegicus). Values of ??15N ranged from 4.0‰ (A. squamata) to 12.1‰ (Molpadia musculus). The stable isotope ratios of benthic fauna displayed a continuum of values (e.g. ??15N range of 8‰), confirming a wide spectrum of feeding strategies (from active suspension feeders to predators) and complex food webs. According to the available information on diets of benthic fauna, the lowest values were found for surface deposit feeders (small C. macandrae and the two ophiuroids A. squamata and Amphiura chiajei) and active suspension feeders (Abra longicallus and Scalpellum scalpellum) feeding on different sizes of particulate organic matter (POM), among which small particles may exhibit lower ??15N. High annual mean ??15N values were found among sub-surface deposit feeders, exploiting refractory or frequently recycled organic matter that is enriched in ??15N. Carnivorous polychaetes (Nephtys spp., Oenonidae and Polynoidae) and large decapods (Geryon longipes and Paromola cuvieri) also displayed high ??15N values. ??13C ranges were particularly wide among surface deposit feeders (ranging from −21.0‰ to −16.4‰), suggesting exploitation of POM of both terrigenous and oceanic origins. Correlation between ??13C and ??15N was generally weak, indicating multiple carbon sources, likely due to the consumption of different kinds of sinking particles (e.g. marine snow, phytodetritus, etc.), sedimented and frequently recycled POM, together with macrophyte remains. The stronger ??13C-??15N correlations found in February and April suggest that during the period of water column homogeneization (winter-spring), the benthic community was sustained by phytodetritus inputs originating from the peak of surface primary production in February. Conversely, weaker ??13C-??15N correlations were observed during the period of water column stratification (beginning in June-July), suggesting that the benthic community in this period was sustained, with a delay of ca. 2/3 months, by multiple carbon sources including continental inputs from river discharge (with the maxima in April-May). Thus both advective and vertical fluxes seem to be food sources for benthos on the Catalonian slope. Pigments in the guts of key species were generally degraded, and only the active suspension feeder A. longicallus ingested fresh chlorophyll during periods of high primary production at the surface (February and April 2007).  相似文献   

In this study, the fossil microfaunal composition of 28 Recent sediment samples from Lake İznik and 19 samples from Lake Sapanca was investigated. The presence of at least ten marine ostracod and 23 foraminifer species in the sediments of Lake İznik, and at least one marine ostracod and two foraminifer species in the sediments of Lake Sapanca confirm that these lakes must have been connected to the world ocean sometime during the late Quaternary. The most obvious former link between these lakes and the Mediterranean Sea would have been via the Marmara Sea with an eastward extension of the Gemlik and İzmit bays. The proximity of Lake Sapanca to the lower course of the Sakarya River, however, also supports earlier suggestions that there may have been a temporary connection with the Black Sea via this river valley. Whatever the case, the findings of this study clearly demonstrate that vertical tectonic movements need to be taken into account when reconstructing the late Quaternary sea-level history of this region.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1987,21(3):249-265
Total organic carbon (TOC), lignin, amino acids, sugars and amino sugars were measured in recent sediments from the continental margin off southern New England. The various organic carbon fractions decreased in concentration with increasing distance from shore. The fraction of the TOC that was accounted for by these major components also decreased with increasing distance from shore. The concentration of lignin indicated that only about 3–5% of the organic carbon in the nearshore sediment was of terrestrial origin. The various fractions were highly correlated, which was consistent with a simple linear mixing model of shelf organic matter with material from the slope and rise and indicated a significant transport of sediment from the continental shelf to the continental slope and rise.  相似文献   

The Congo deep-sea fan is one of the largest fans in the world still affected by presently active turbidity currents. The present activity of deep-sea sedimentary processes is linked to the existence of a direct connection between the Congo River estuary and the Congo canyon head that allows relatively continuous sediment feeding of the deep-sea environment, in spite of a wide continental shelf (150 km). Because of this important activity in terms of sedimentary processes, the deep-sea environment of the Congo–Angola margin presents major interests concerning physical, chemical and biological studies near the seafloor.The main aim of this paper is to present the initial geological context of the BioZaire Program, showing a synthesis of the major results of the ZaïAngo Project including (1) the brief geological setting of the Congo–Angola margin, (2) the structure of the modern Congo deep-sea fan, (3) the sedimentary architecture of the recent Congo turbidite system (from the canyon to the distal lobes) and (4) the recent and present turbidite sedimentation. In order to provide useful information and advice relevant to biological and geochemical studies across the Congo sedimentary system, this article is particularly focused on the present sedimentary processes and the present activity of turbidity current along the Congo canyon and channel.  相似文献   

Settling particles collected at 1550 m water depth off the São Francisco River, Brazil, between January and May 1995 showed peak fluxes of amino acids, hexosamines, and carbohydrates, which formed the onset of a three-week period of high organic matter (OM) flux, coinciding with the high discharge period of the river. Two phases of OM deposition exist: (1) the fluvial input of nutrients triggering a bloom of non biomineralizing plankton, and (2) suspended sediment mainly derived from shelf erosion increasing the fluxes of refractory OM. This indicates the importance of seasonally varying hydrodynamic conditions and nutrient input from the continent for the production and sedimentation of OM to the continental margin of eastern Brazil.  相似文献   

Onshore and offshore seismic and geologic-morphologic evidence from the wider region of the ?anakkale Basin indicates that this area has been widely exposed to transpressional tectonism, which already commenced in the Pliocene. During this transpressional tectonism, the Gelibolu Fault and the Anafartalar Shear Zone on the Gelibolu Peninsula, as well as the Bozcaada-Biga Shear Zone on the Biga Peninsula were activated. As a consequence, the northern part of the Gelibolu Peninsula, and a broad zone between Bozcaada Island and the Karaburun Peninsula were uplifted to form the northern and southern boundaries of the ?anakkale Basin, respectively. This remained a low-elevation intermontane basin between these two highlands. The original morphology of the ?anakkale Basin may have developed as a coastal and shelf section of the large extensional Marmara Sea Basin at the end of the Late Miocene. This tectonic phase was followed in the Pliocene by the transpressional tectonism of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, which destroyed the initial morphology and formed the present V-shaped basin. The activity of the Gelibolu Fault and the Anafartalar Shear Zone along the northern boundary of the ?anakkale Basin ended in the late Pleistocene with the initiation of the northern segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. The tectonism along the northern boundary of the ?anakkale Basin thus shifted from a transpressional to a transtensional regime. Seismic data indicate that the Bozcaada-Biga Shear Zone continues to be active to the present day.  相似文献   

Recent oil discoveries in the L13–L15 sub-sag area in the Pearl River Mouth basin have inspired interest in Paleogene hydrocarbon targets. However, the structures and their control on reservoirs have not been completely studied. The aim of this paper is to address the tectonics and Eocene sedimentation based on 3D seismic data. We documented characteristics from four aspects of the faults in the study area: (a) fault arrangement; (b) fault segmentation; (c) flower structures; and (d) distribution of the depocenters along the faults. Based on the above data, we propose that the structures in the studied area were formed by a right-handed wrench. The principal shear for this model was caused by NNE- to NE-ward motion of the eastern part of the Eurasia plate due to the collision of the Indian–Australian and Eurasian plates starting approximately 49 Ma ago. The L13–L15 sub-sag area underwent early Eocene rifting, a late Eocene rifting-depression transition and an Oligocene-Quaternary thermal depression. The rift phase included three stages: the initial rifting, intensive rifting and late rifting. The deep lake mudstone deposited during the intensive rifting stage is the source rock with the most potential for oil generation. Shallow lake source rocks formed in the late rifting and transition stages are the secondary source rocks. Reservoir sweet spots were formed in the early period of the intensive rifting and late rifting stages. The junction sites between the front of the meandering river delta plain and fault steps are favorable places for good reservoirs. The sediments in the transition stage are rich in sandstone, making them perfect sites for prospecting reservoirs.  相似文献   

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