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Artifacts are commonly buried by approximately 50 cm of sediment at prehistoric archeological sites (early Archaic through Mississippian) on uplands of the Sandhills of the upper Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. Bioturbation, eolian sedimentation, and colluviation are the primary processes that can explain artifact burial because of the upland position of the sites in an erosional landscape setting. Colluvial sedimentation is discounted at most of the sites because they occur on interstream divides and upper hillslope positions. Thus, the focus is on eolian sedimentation versus bioturbation as burial agents. Six sites in the midst of the Sandhills region along the corridor of South Carolina Highway 151 in Chesterfield County provide the data. The Sandhills consist primarily of Cretaceous and Tertiary marine, fluvial, and eolian sediments that are highly dissected and overlie crystalline rocks in the deep subsurface. Two of the sites are on high fluvial terrace remnants that predate 12 ka and serve as controls where bioturbation is the only reasonable burial process. Hillslope positions of the sites are on erosional elements of the landscape (crests, shoulder slopes, and upper backslopes) where sediment transfer operates (colluvial and overland flow), but where deposition is minimal. The sites occur on very sandy soils having a texture of loamy sand to sand. In some instances, a fine textured cover sand, which is about 1.5 m thick, overlies a clayey subsoil or Bt horizon. This cover sand has been interpreted by some as an eolian sand sheet that buries a second parent material and paleosol, but standard particle size and heavy mineral data indicate that it is simply a thick E horizon over a Bt horizon. Standard particle size fractionation at whole phi intervals, and particle size analysis of the heavy mineral fraction, indicate that eolian sedimentation is unlikely at five of the six sites. Heavy minerals were analyzed with respect to the sedimentological principle of hydraulic equivalence, which provides clear separation of eolian versus water-laid sediment. Results of particle size analysis suggest that the cover sands are water-laid (probably fluvial) at five of the six sites, which favors the bioturbation process of artifact burial. Heavy mineral analysis corroborates the standard particle size data, indicating that only one site, 38CT16, possibly is composed of eolian sediment. Soil profile development suggests that the age of the sediment at site 38CT16 probably is older than 12 ka and was in place prior to human occupation. Therefore, possible eolian sedimentation at that site is not relevant to artifact burial, which also suggests bioturbation is the primary process of artifact burial. Additional evidence favoring bioturbation as a vigorous artifact burial process in the Sandhills comes from the two sites on high elevation sandy fluvial terraces (38CT34, 38CT17) where artifacts are also buried. At these terraced sites bioturbation is the only possible burial process. Overall results suggest that bioturbation best explains the occurrence of buried artifacts and that eolian sedimentation processes are not readily apparent, and are not required, in explaining artifact burial. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河谷夏季降水日变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
黄秋霞  赵勇  何清 《冰川冻土》2015,37(2):369-375
基于2007-2011年伊犁河谷4个气象站逐时降水资料, 分析了伊犁河谷夏季降水日变化特征. 结果表明: 降水量最大值出现在北京时间22:00, 最小值出现在13:00, 其中, 降水量高值区主要集中在21:00至次日08:00. 一天中最易发生降水的时间为23:00至次日10:00, 03:00是降水频数最多的时刻, 16:00则发生频数最少. 降水强度最高值出现在16:00, 最低值出现在13:00. 降水主要以短持续时间的降水为主, 持续1 h的次数最多, 持续2 h的降水量最多, 对总降水量的贡献也最大, 贡献率最小的为持续14 h的降水事件. 伊犁河谷夏季的降水主要发生在夜间, 且以短时间的降水为主.  相似文献   

邢博  王英男  殷志强  邵海  和泽康 《地质通报》2023,42(12):2174-2184
森林是地-气之间物质运移和能量传递的高效接口,能够影响局地的气候特性。运用MK趋势检验和突变点识别、小波分析方法,选取塞罕坝地区为研究对象,以围场县和多伦县为参照对象,获取3个气象站的温度和降水资料,分析了各站1961—2020年的年降水、月降水、年均温、年最高温、年最低温、月均温的演变规律,对比得到塞罕坝森林对局地气候特性的影响。结果表明,林地对温度的影响表现在:年际尺度上,林地能够降低局地年均温、最高温、最低温,森林虽然改变不了局地升温的变化趋势,但能推迟升温的起始时间,并加强年均温的短周期变化;季节和月尺度上,林地能够维持春末夏初温度稳定、长时间尺度没有升降趋势、缩小年际间7月平均温的差异,却拉大冬夏季的温差,在冬季林地更易于出现低温。林地对降水的影响表现在:年际尺度上,林地能够减缓降水量的年际间波动,同时使局地降水增加更快;林地的存在打破了降水的周期性,使降水表现出非周期性变化;季节和月尺度上,林地减小了年内降水的集中程度,同时减缓了6—7月降水的变化趋势。  相似文献   

利用青藏高原69个气象台站的降水量资料,采用旋转经验正交函数分析(REOF)、线性趋势分析和累积距平法,系统地研究了1961-2010年青藏高原降水的时空变化规律,揭示了青藏高原不同区域降水变化的差异性.研究表明:近50 a来青藏高原降水量总体呈现增加趋势,增长率为6.7 mm·(10a)-1;青藏高原降水季节分配极不均匀,雨季和旱季非常明显,雨季降水占有主导作用;青藏高原降水由东南向西北递减,而且年际变化具有一定的多元化特征;青藏高原降水量变化空间分布差异显著,采用REOF法将整个高原划分为10个小区,每个小区降水变化都具有不同的特征,除了青海东北部区和青海东南部-川北区降水呈减少趋势外,其他8个小区降水均呈增加趋势.  相似文献   

为了进一步全面理解和探索青藏高原水文水循环过程,采用同位素方法并结合气象资料对青藏高原北麓河区域2011年6~12月降水和河水稳定同位素时空特征进行分析。探讨了北麓河降水同位素与日平均气温、降水量之间的相互关系,同时也对比分析了北麓河降水和河水的同位素变化特征。结果表明:北麓河降水同位素在整个观测期内总体受温度控制,但存在季节变化,其中6~9月降水同位素受到温度和降水量效应的共同控制,9月以后则主要受温度的影响。河水同位素与降水同位素相似的变化特征,体现了降水补给特征,另外降水量也能够影响河水同位素变化:降水量小则降水对其影响较小,反之则大。与北麓河降水线相比,河水δ18O~δD关系的斜率和截距偏大,揭示该区域河水除了受大气降水的补给外,还受到区域水体内循环和蒸发分馏作用的影响。  相似文献   

青藏高原地区云水时空变化特征及其与降水的联系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
伯玥  王艺  李嘉敏  王澄海 《冰川冻土》2016,(6):1679-1690
利用1984-2009年ISCCP的云量、云光学厚度(COT)、云水路径(CWP)资料,分析了青藏高原云水的分布特征、变化趋势,及其与夏秋季降水、冬春季降雪的联系.结果表明:青藏高原地区大气中的云水有着显著的季节变化与水平分布差异;青藏高原春夏季总云量、高云云量高于秋冬季,CWP、COT与总云量的分布特征具有较好的一致性.高原云量高值区位于喀喇昆仑山与高原东南部;可可西里地区由于羌塘高压的下沉作用为云量低值区.青藏高原总云量在1984-2009年间呈现减少趋势;而CWP在高原总体以增加为主,但在各区域上的变化不一致,高原东部CWP增加而西部出现较弱的减小,这与来自孟加拉湾的水汽输送增加有关.青藏高原中东部地区夏秋季降水受云量减少影响较小而与CWP的增加相一致呈增长趋势;该地区冬春季降雪略有减少,与总云量的年际变化具有正相关.  相似文献   

明末清初中国社会动荡加剧, 王朝更迭, 伴随着华北地区较为明显的年代际气候变化。本研究使用CESM-LME(CESM Last Millennium Ensemble)模拟数据, 结合重建证据, 对明末清初华北夏季降水年代际气候变化特征和原因进行了分析。重建证据显示, 1644年华北夏季降水发生由少到多的年代际转变, 中国东部夏季降水呈"南旱北涝"的变化格局。CESM-LME集合试验成员012能够模拟出这样的年代际转变, 但模拟的变化幅度偏弱且转变发生时间略晚。模拟显示, 北太平洋出现类PDO(Pacific Decadal Oscillation, 太平洋年代际振荡)正位相的海温年代际异常, 引起日本海附近低压异常。同时, 热带太平洋呈现类拉尼娜型海温异常, 使得菲律宾以东洋面对流增强、降水增加, 通过北传罗斯贝波激发类东亚-太平洋遥相关, 导致西北太平洋副热带高压增强西伸和日本海附近异常低压的加强。对应于这样的环流异常, 华北有北风异常, 长江以南有南风异常, 华北地区南部水汽辐合增强, 有异常的上升运动, 华北夏季降水年代际增多, 并伴随着东亚副热带西风急流的向南移动。伴随华北夏季降水年代际转变, 华北土地承载力提高, 社会系统逐渐恢复和稳定。  相似文献   

路红亚  杜军  袁雷  廖健 《冰川冻土》2014,36(3):563-572
利用西藏珠穆朗玛峰地区5个气象站点1971-2012年逐日降水量资料,采用滑动平均、线性回归、Mann-Kendall非参数检验和Morlet小波分析等方法,分析了珠穆朗玛峰地区极端降水事件的时空变化特征. 结果表明:1971-2012年42 a来,珠穆朗玛峰地区大部分极端降水指数呈现出自东向西逐渐增大的空间分布格局, 连续干旱日数、连续湿日和降水强度表现为增加趋势,其他极端降水指数趋于减少. 其中,强降水量、极强降水量和年降水总量减幅较大,分别为-5.74 mm·(10a)-1、-1.20 mm·(10a)-1和-5.32 mm·(10a)-1,在喜马拉雅山南坡的聂拉木站表现的最为明显. 大部分极端降水指数在21世纪最初的10 a减幅最大,在30 a际尺度上也表现为减少趋势. 除连续干旱日数外,极端降水与年降水总量关系密切. 各项极端降水指数都存在3~4 a显著周期,也存在10 a、12 a和15 a的周期. 在时间转折上,各项极端降水指数均未发生气候突变.  相似文献   

Quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF) has been attempted over the Narmada Catchment following a statistical approach. The catchment has been divided into five sub-regions for the development of QPF models with a maximum lead-time of 24 hours. For this purpose the data of daily rainfall from 56 raingauge stations, twice daily observations on different surface meteorological parameters from 28 meteorological observatories and upper air data from 11 aerological stations for the nine monsoon seasons of 1972–1980 have been utilized. The horizontal divergence, relative vorticity, vertical velocity and moisture divergence are computed using the kinematic method at different pressure levels and used as independent variables along with the rainfall and surface meteorological parameters. Multiple linear regression equations have been developed using the stepwise procedure separately with actual and square root and log-transformed rainfall using 8-year data (1972–1979). When these equations were verified with an independent data for the monsoon season of 1980, it was found that the transformed rainfall equations fared much better compared to the actual rainfall equations. The performance of the forecasts of QPF model compared to the climatological and persistence forecasts has been assessed by computing the verification scores using the forecasts for the monsoon season of 1980.  相似文献   

北京地区降水极值时空演变特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了科学评估变化环境下城市地区降水结构变化和深入认识特大型城市降水极值演变特征,以北京市为例,采用《北京市暴雨图集》中6种历时(10 min、30 min、1 h、6 h、24 h和72 h)的年最大暴雨统计数据和北京地区45个雨量站点1960-2012年汛期(6-9月)逐日降水观测资料,分别选择年最大值法和百分位阈值法,基于暴雨图集中的6种历时暴雨的统计特征值和两种百分位阈值下(95%和99%)的3种极端降水指标(发生次数、降水量和降水贡献率)分析北京地区降水极值的时空变化特征。研究结果表明:① 北京地区降水极值的空间分布受地形特征和城市化发展等因素影响而呈现出从东向西递减的趋势,且形成了局部区域高值中心;② 近50年来北京地区极端降水发生频次、极端降水量和极端降水的贡献率均表现出显著的下降趋势,在95%(99%)阈值条件下极端降水发生次数、极端降水量和极端降水贡献率的下降速率分别为0.13次/10 a(0.04次/10 a)、11.59 mm/10a(5.28 mm/a)和2%/10 a(1%/10 a);③ 两个阶段(1960-1985年和1986-2012年)的城区与近郊的极端降水指标差异表现不同,1960-1985年在极端降水频次方面郊区占优,而极端降水量和贡献率则是城区较高,1986-2012年3个指标均表现为城区较高。  相似文献   

利用青海玉树国家基本气象观测站1961-2010年的总辐射常规观测资料, 分析了玉树地区总辐射的长期变化趋势. 结果表明: 玉树地区总辐射在1961-2010年期间总体呈现减弱趋势, 其变化经历了增强变"亮"-减弱变"暗"-增强变"亮"-震荡回落4个阶段; 春、夏季的总辐射变化趋势对年际变化趋势有主导作用. 小波分析表明, 玉树地区近50 a的总辐射变化过程中, 存在多时间尺度周期的变化特征; 长期变化趋势和国内其他站点的变化趋势相比均表现出减弱的趋势, 但各站点减弱趋势倾向率不同. 最后, 对比分析了总辐射和同期气象要素、MODIS反演的气溶胶AOD之间的关系.  相似文献   

Data collected by Magsat have been extensively used by Indian scientists in studies of the crust beneath India. Results obtained by various workers have been summarized and the reasons for differences in findings have been discussed. It is concluded that methods that work well for higher latitudes do not give the best estimates of crustal field and magnetization in equatorial regions. A better estimate of the crustal component is obtained when the external current contribution is estimated using the symmetry properties of associatedX and Z-fields. Inversion technique that provides stable crustal magnetization in midlatitudes, becomes unstable near the equator. Why such an instability arises and how it can be circumvented are discussed. That the Peninsular shield, the Ganga basin and the Himalayas are three different geotectonic blocks is clearly reflected in the magnetization distribution. A thick magnetic crust under Aravalli, Singhbum and Dharwar suggest these areas to be comparatively stable. In general, seismic, gravity and heat flow data agree characteristically well with the magnetization estimates.  相似文献   

Estuaries and Coasts - Total biomass of the fiddler crabsUca pugnax andU. minax in fourSpartina marshes in the lower Cape Fear River estuary, North Carolina, declined by 65 to 70% between the...  相似文献   

长江流域降水极值的变化趋势   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
依据1960-2005年长江流域147个气象站逐日降水,ECHAM5/MPI-OM气候模式模拟的长江流域79个格点20世纪实验期(1941-2000年)以及未来3种排放情景(SRES-B1,A1B,A2)下21世纪前50年逐日降水数据,建立年最大强降水和汛期<1.27 mm/d的最长干旱持续天数序列。运用广义极值分布,广义帕雷托分布,广义逻辑分布与韦克比分布等4种分布函数定量拟合了长江流域降水极值的概率分布。研究表明:韦克比分布函数能够较好地拟合长江流域降水极值的概率分布。在3种排放情景下,未来降水极值的重现期呈现不同的空间分布特征。长江流域,尤其是中下游大部地区,1951-2000年间的50年一遇强降水和干旱事件,在2001-2050年间发展成为25年一遇降水极值事件。未来气候变暖条件下,降水极值重现期出现的这种变化趋势,将会对水资源趋势产生重大的影响。  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates of organic alluvium beneath as much as 40 m of dune sand along the Dismal River have led to the suggestion that the Nebraska Sandhills date from the Holocene rather than the last glacial period. On the other hand, the basal layers of lake and marsh deposits in interdune depressions at three localities date in the range of 9000 to 12,000 yr B.P., implying a pre-Holocene age for the sand dunes. A pollen diagram for one of these sites, Swan Lake, indicates prairie vegetation throughout the last 9000 yr, with no suggestion that the landscape was barren enough to permit the shaping of the massive dunes characterizing the area. Sand was not transported across the site during the Holocene, either during the marsh phase, which lasted until 3700 yr B.P., or during the subsequent lake phase. The sand that buries the alluvium along the Dismal River may represent only local eolian activity, or it may indicate that the younger of the two main dune series identified by H. T. U. Smith (1965, Journal of Geology73, 557–578) is Holocene in age, and the older one Late Wisconsin in age.  相似文献   

The growing trend of industrialization has marked impact on the atmospheric chemistry around the globe. Such impacts are also predicted for developing countries like India. Acid precipitation due to secondary pollutants is one of them. The present investigation was conducted with an aim of studying the precipitation chemistry over Asansol city, India during the monsoon season. The rain water samples, collected on event basis during the period of June to September 2006, were analyzed for HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2?, NO3 ?, NH4 +, K+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and pH using standard procedures. The study revealed that the precipitation was alkaline in nature with mean pH value of 6.08. Dominant anion in rain water samples was HCO3 ? (36 %), whereas Ca2+ was highest among the cations (53 %). The observed acidic events, based on pH value, were only 17 %, indicating the alkaline components effectively neutralize rain water over the area. This was also supported by the total alkaline to acid ion ration of 1.05. The ratio of (NO3-?+Cl?) and SO4 2? was >1, indicating that acidic properties were influenced by HNO3 and HCl. In the ratio between (Ca2++NH4 +) and (NO3 ?+SO4 2?), values >1 were obtained, indicating significant alkaline influence, which effectively prevented acid depositions in the area.  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原加热和环流场的日变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘新  吴国雄  李伟平 《地球科学进展》2006,21(12):1273-1282
通过使用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了夏季青藏高原地区非绝热加热场的日变化特征以及高原上空环流场的日变化特点。分析发现青藏高原及其邻近地区上空环流的日变化在欧亚地区大气环流系统中表现最为显著。环流日变化是被非绝热加热的日变化所驱动的,特别是被太阳辐射日变化所驱动。由于高原上空大气柱质量远小于低海拔的平原地区,故太阳辐射日变化引起的加热日变化可在高原地区产生更为显著的环流日变化。通过位涡方程的诊断证实,白天高原加热增强,可在大气上层制造大量负位涡并向周边地区辐散,使高原地区大气高层成为负涡源。而低层则是加热制造正位涡,并使周边地区向高原的辐合增强,摩擦耗散是低层抑制正位涡增长的主要因素。而夜间加热减弱使高原对局地环流的影响作用大为减弱。故而高原及其周边地区的局地环流也具有明显的日变化特征。  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from a coastal region of Andhra Pradesh to assess the possible conditions of the formation of carbonates. The area experiences a semi-arid climate and is underlain by khondalites, over which the Quaternary sediments occur. The study of the geochemistry of groundwater indicates that groundwater is mostly of fresh, with alkaline nature. The study further suggest that the breakdown of feldspars as kaolinite during rock-water interaction, releases Ca2+. Soils/weathered products contribute high CO2 under the open system. The Ca2+ and CO2 are added to the groundwater through the infiltrating recharge water. They subsequently precipitate as fine-grained carbonates in the weathering profile due to evapotranspiration under a freshwater environment.  相似文献   

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