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A first palynostratigraphic scheme of Upper Triassic deposits in northern Switzerland was established based on spore-pollen associations and dinoflagellate cyst records from the upper part of the Upper Triassic Klettgau Formation and the lower part of the Lower Jurassic Staffelegg Formation. Drill cores from the Adlerberg region (Basel Tabular Jura) and from Weiach (northern part of Canton Zurich) as well as from an outcrop at the Chilchzimmersattel (Basel Folded Jura) were studied and five informal palynological associations are distinguished. These palynological associations correlate with palynological association of the Central European Epicontinental Basin and the Tethyan realm and provide a stratigraphic framework for the uppermost Triassic sediments in northern Switzerland. Throughout the uppermost Triassic to Jurassic palynological succession a remarkable prominence of Classopollis spp. is observed. Besides Classopollis spp. the three Rhaetian palynological associations A to C from the Upper Triassic Belchen Member include typical Rhaetian spore-pollen and dinoflagellate taxa (e.g., Rhaetipollis germanicus, Geopollis zwolinskae, Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica, and Dapcodinium priscum). Association B differs from association A in a higher relative abundance of the sporomorph taxa Perinopollenites spp. and the consistent occurrence of Granuloperculatipollis rudis and Ricciisporites tuberculatus. Spore diversity is highest in the late Rhaetian palynological association C and includes Polypodiisporites polymicroforatus. A Rhaetian age for the Belchen Member is confirmed by palynological associations A–C, but there is no record of the latest Rhaetian and the earliest Jurassic. In contrast to the Rhaetian palynological associations the Early Jurassic associations W and D include Pinuspollenites spp., Trachysporites fuscus (in association W), and Ischyosporites variegatus. In the view of the end-Triassic mass extinction and contemporaneous environmental changes the described palynofloral succession represents the pre-extinction phase (associations A and B) including a distinct transgression, the extinction phase (association C) associated with a regression, and the post-extinction phase (association W).  相似文献   

The Triassic–Jurassic boundary is characterized by strong perturbations of the global carbon cycle, triggered by massive volcanic eruptions related to the onset of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. These perturbations are recorded by negative carbon isotope excursions (CIEs) which have been reported worldwide. In this study, Triassic–Jurassic boundary sections from the southern margin of the Central European Basin (CEB) located in northern Switzerland are analyzed for organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes in combination with particulate organic matter (POM) analyses. We reconstruct the evolution of the depositional environment from Late Triassic to Early Jurassic in northern Switzerland and show that observed negative shifts in δ13C of the total organic carbon (δ13CTOC) in the sediment are only subordinately influenced by varying organic matter (OM) composition and primarily reflect global changes in the carbon cycle. Based on palynology and the stratigraphic positions of isotopic shifts, the δ13CTOC record of the studied sections is correlated with the GSSP section at Kuhjoch (Tethyan realm) in Austria and with the St. Audrie’s Bay section (CEB realm) in southwest England. We also show that in contrast to POM analyses the applicability of organic carbon/total nitrogen (OC/TN) atomic ratios and stable isotopes of total nitrogen (δ15NTN) for detecting changes in source of OM is limited in marginal depositional environments with frequent changes in lithology and OM contents.  相似文献   

With many years residence in Kunming and from several geological trips to different parts in Yunnan, we have obtained some information of the Triassic stratigraphy and its distribution. As a whole the Triassic formations are well developed and widely distributed in this province. They consist of both continental and marine  相似文献   

In this paper we present new data for the Tianquan (TQ) and Dabure (DB) ocean islands in the western segment of the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang suture zone, northern Tibet, including the results of major and trace element analyses, zircon U–Pb dating, and Hf isotope analyses. Our aim was to assess the genesis of these ocean islands and to consider the implications for the tectonic evolution of the region as a whole. Both TQ and DB retain an ocean-island-type double-layered structure comprising a volcanic basement (basalt and andesite) and an oceanic sedimentary cover sequence (conglomerate, limestone, and chert). The basalts and andesites in the TQ and DB are enriched in light rare earth elements and high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, and Ti), yielding chondrite-normalized REE patterns and primitive-mantle-normalized trace element patterns that are similar to those of ocean island basalts. Given the small and generally positive εHf(t) values of the TQ andesites (+ 4.25 to + 6.22) and DB andesites (− 0.59 to + 1.97, mostly > 0), we conclude that the basalts were derived from the partial melting of garnet peridotite in the mantle and that the andesites were formed by fractional crystallization of the mafic parent magma derived from the garnet peridotite mantle. The ascending magmas underwent varying degrees of fractional crystallization but were not contaminated by crustal material. These features indicate that both TQ and DB are typical ocean islands that formed in an ocean basin. Geochemical analyses of cherts from TQ and DB show that they contain terrigenous material, indicating the proximity of a continental margin. The andesites of TQ contain zircons that yield two U–Pb ages of 251 Ma. Given that ages of 246, 247, and 254 Ma had been reported previously, we conclude that TQ formed during the late Permian–Early Triassic. The andesites of DB contain zircons that yield U–Pb ages of 242 and 246 Ma. Taking into account the youngest age of 244 Ma from the DB basalt, we conclude that DB formed during the Middle Triassic. These data, combined with the geological history of the region, indicate that the development of the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang Paleo-Tethys Ocean continued after the early Permian and that the closure of this ocean was diachronous from east to west. The eastern segment of the ocean closed during the Early Triassic; however, the western segment remained at least partially open until the Middle Triassic, although the ocean was relatively small at this time. The ocean finally closed in the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

The advent of chemical abrasion-isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (CA-IDTIMS) has revolutionised U–Pb dating of zircon, and the enhanced precision of eruption ages determined on volcanic layers within basin successions permits an improved calibration of biostratigraphic schemes to the numerical time-scale. The Guadalupian and Lopingian (Permian) successions in the Sydney, Gunnedah, Bowen and Canning basins are mostly non-marine and include numerous airfall tuff units, many of which contain zircon. The eastern Australian palynostratigraphic scheme provides the basis for much of the local correlation, but the present calibration of this scheme against the numerical time-scale depends on a correlation to Western Australia, using rare ammonoids and conodonts in that succession to link to the standard global marine biostratigraphic scheme. High-precision U–Pb zircon dating of tuff layers via CA-IDTIMS allows this tenuous correlation to be circumvented—the resulting direct calibration of the palynostratigraphy to the numerical time-scale highlights significant inaccuracies in the previous indirect correlation. The new data show: the top of the Praecolpatites sinuosus Zone (APP3.2) lies in the early Roadian, not the middle Kungurian; the top of the Microbaculispora villosa Zone (APP3.3) lies in the middle Roadian, not the early Roadian; the top of the Dulhuntyispora granulata Zone (APP4.1) lies in the Wordian, not in the latest Roadian; the top of the Didecitriletes ericianus Zone (APP4.2) lies in the first half of the Wuchiapingian, not the latest Wordian; the Dulhuntyispora dulhuntyi Zone (APP4.3) is exceptionally short and lies within the Wuchiapingian, not the early Capitanian; and the top of the Dulhuntyispora parvithola Zone (APP5) lies at or near the Permo-Triassic boundary, not in the latest Wuchiapingian.  相似文献   

Fan  Jian-Jun  Li  Cai  Liu  Jin-Heng  Wang  Ming  Liu  Yi-Ming  Xie  Chao-Ming 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2018,107(5):1755-1775
International Journal of Earth Sciences - In this paper, we present new major and trace element chemical data for the basalts and phonolites of the Nare ocean island fragment (NaOI), as well as...  相似文献   

The closure of the Brisbane River to extractive dredging and the exhaustion or limitation of other sand sources have caused an industry shift to manufactured sand for concrete fine aggregates. Manufactured sand is generated in a purpose‐designed process; it is not recycled waste‐crusher dust. At present it is produced in 12 of the major hardrock quarries in southeast Queensland. To date companies have achieved only partial replacement of natural sands, to around 40% of the fine aggregate component in their concrete mixes. While improved technology and management will further reduce the amount of natural blend sand required, it is unlikely to be fully replaced in the foreseeable future. Although providing a solution to one problem, manufactured sand raises new environmental issues. The management of fine wastes is likely to become an important issue, as will the increased demand for natural fine sands to improve mix grading and workability. Diminishing supply from land‐based sources has resulted in increased applications for dredging of Moreton Bay, where enormous resources occur and low impact extraction may be possible. However, this prospect raises difficult environmental and land‐access issues for government decision makers.  相似文献   

This diagenetic study (including fieldwork, petrographic, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope investigations) deals with the outcrop of Upper Permian–Lower Triassic carbonate rocks, which are equivalent to the Khuff Formation. The studied succession, which outcrops in the Ras Al Khaimah region, northern United Arab Emirates, comprises three formations, including the Bih, the Hagil, and the Ghail formations. The study focuses on unraveling the conditions and fluid compositions encountered during diagenesis of the succession. Emphasize is also made on linking diagenesis to major stratigraphic surfaces and to highlight reservoir property evolution and heterogeneity of the studied rocks. The evolution of fluids and related diagenetic products can be summarized as follows: (1) formation of near-surface to shallow burial, fine-crystalline dolomite (dolomite matrix) through pervasive dolomitization of carbonate sediments by modified marine pore waters; (2) formation of coarse-crystalline dolomite cement by highly evolved marine pore waters (13–23 wt.% NaCl eq.) at elevated temperatures (120–208°C), and (3) calcite cementation by highly saline fluid (20–23 wt.% NaCl eq.) at high temperature (170–212°C). A final calcite cement generation has been formed by the percolation of meteoric fluids during uplift. Fracture- and vug-filling diagenetic minerals are mainly restricted to the mid-Bih breccia marker level, suggesting preferential focused fluid flow through specific stratigraphic surfaces as well as along tectonic-related structures. Reservoir properties have been evolved as result of the interplay of the original sedimentary texture and the diagenetic evolution. Porosity is higher in the Bih Formation, which is dominated by dolomitized packstones and grainstones, than in the Hagil and Ghail formations, consisting mainly of dolomitized mudstones and wackestones. Image analyses were used to quantify the visual porosity in thin sections. The highest porosity values were measured in the Bih Formation, which is characterized by significant amounts of vug- and fracture-filling cements. This feature is attributed to the increase of porosity owing to substantial dissolution of abundant intergranular and vug-filling cements. In contrast, the Hagil and Ghail formations, which consist of finer-grained rock than the Bih Formation, were less cemented, and thus, the porosity enhancement by cement dissolution was insignificant.  相似文献   

K-Ar ages of illite-muscovite and fission track ages of zircon and apatite were determined from various lithotypes of the Bükkium, which forms the innermost segment of the Western Carpathians. The stratigraphic ages of these Dinaric type formations cover a wide range from the Late Ordovician up to the Late Jurassic. The grade of the orogenic dynamo-thermal metamorphism varies from the late diagenetic zone through the anchizone up to the epizone (chlorite, maximally biotite isograd of the greenschist facies). The K-Ar system of the illite-muscovite in the < 2 m grain-size fraction approached equilibrium only in epizonal and high-temperature anchizonal conditions. The orogenic metamorphism culminated between the eo-Hellenic (160-120 Ma) phase connected to the beginning of the subduction in the Dinarides, and the Austrian (100-95 Ma) phase characterized by compressional crustal thickening. No isotope geochronological evidence was found for proving any Hercynian recrystallization. The stability field of fission tracks in zircon was approached using the thermal histories of the different tectonic units. A temperature less than 250°C and effective heating time of 20–30 Ma had only negligible effects on the tracks, whereas total annealing was reached between 250 and 300°C. Apatite fission track ages from the Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations show that the uplift of the Bükk Mountains occurred only in the Tertiary (not earlier than ca. 40 Ma ago). Thermal modeling based on apatite fission track length spectra and preserved Paleogene sediment thickness data proved that the Late Neogene burial of the recently exhumed plateau of the Bükk Mountains exceeded 1 km.  相似文献   

This paper models the physico-chemical conditions of a Neoarchæan to Palæoproterozoic marine basin in which the sedimentary sequence of BIF, Fe and Mn ores of the Lake Superior-type formed. The model is based on Eh-pH diagram stability fields for Fe, silica and Mn solubilities (taken from the literature) and on field observations of the lithological sequences. BIF formation took place in epicontinental marine basins with free access to the ocean. The main Fe source for BIF formation was ocean enriched with about 6–10 ppm ferrous Fe of hydrothermal geochemical affinity. Land-derived Fe influxes into the BIF-forming basins certainly contributed, but the lack of clastic sedimentation precludes estimation of element budgets. The main silica source for formation of chert layers is sea water. If silica was precipitated by evaporation, the silica concentration of the BIF-forming sea must have been close to saturation (15–20 ppm). Biogenic silica concentration from a possible silica undersaturated sea may not be excluded. These inferred BIF-forming conditions fit the global occurrence of Lake Superior-type BIF in general, whereas special sedimentary environments were probably responsible for the formation of highly enriched laminated Fe ore at the Maremane Dome and in the Sishen-Kathu mining district in Griqualand West, and for the FeMn ores in the Kalahari field. Formation of laminated Fe ore in the Maremane Dome and in the Sishen-Kathu areas were restricted to local deeps within the BIF basins, caused by karst collapse in the underlying Campbellrand dolomites. In such deeps, increased pH values relative to the normal BIF-forming sea caused sufficiently increased silica solubility, resulting in the almost exclusive sedimentation of colloidal Fe precipitates.In the Kalahari field, the BIF sedimentation pile became silica-depleted when approaching the Mn layers. This was genetically controlled by the increased pH of sea water and increased silica solubility. Under such increased pH conditions, Mn oxides become stable for precipitation if minimum Mn activity is achieved in the sedimentary basin. The sedimentation sequence of low silica BIF - kutnahoritic BIF - jacobsitic BIF - braunitic Mn ore can be explained, using combined Eh-pH diagrams, as reflecting a precipitation path of increasing redox potential in a pH environment slightly above 9. These conditions were achieved by closing the access of the basin to the open ocean, resulting in the reduction of water level by evaporation and thereby increasing salinity and pH. Precipitation of low silica BIF followed and, in the presence of sufficient Mn activity with increasing Eh in the precipitating water stratum, deposition of the Mn mineral associations occurred.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic section of the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic Whitmore Point Member of the Moenave Formation at Potter Canyon, Arizona, comprises c. 26 m of gray to black shales and red mudstones interbedded with mainly sheet-like siltstones and sandstones. These strata represent deposition from suspension and sheetflow processes in shallow, perennial meromictic to ephemeral lakes, and on dry mudflats of the terminal floodout of the northward-flowing Moenave stream system. The lakes were small, as indicated by the lack of shoreline features and limited evidence for deltas. Changes in base level, likely forced by climate change, drove the variations between mudflat and perennial lacustrine conditions. Lenticular sandstones that occur across the outcrop face in the same stratigraphic interval in the lower part of the sequence represent the bedload fill of channels incised into a coarsening-upward lacustrine sequence following a fall in base level. These sandstones are distinctive for the common presence of over-steepened bedding, dewatering structures, and less commonly, folding. Deformation of these sandstones is interpreted as aseismic due to the lack of features typically associated with seismicity, such as fault-graded bedding, diapirs, brecciated fabrics and clastic dikes. Rapid deposition of the sands on a fluid-rich substrate produced a reverse density gradient that destabilized, and potentially fluidized the underlying, finer-grained sediments. This destabilization allowed synsedimentary subsidence of most of the channel sands, accompanied by longitudinal rotation and/or ductile deformation of the sand bodies.  相似文献   

The boundary separating Maastrichtian Sharwayn Formation from late Paleocene Eocene Umm Er Radhuma (UER) Formation in Dhofar, southern Oman, is characterized by a regionally extensive unconformity. The Jabal Samhan escarpment, north of Marbat-Sadh transect, preserves this unconformable boundary. This paper addresses the lithologic and diagenetic differences of the strata across the boundary and discusses their significance and link to the development of the upper Maastrichtian to lower Paleocene unconformity. The upper part of the Sharwayn Formation is characterized by lower thickly bedded, bioclastic, and peloidal mudstone to wackestone lithofacies overlain by a thick ledge (~5.5 m) of medium to coarse crystalline, (sucrosic) dolostone. Poorly preserved outlines of the framework grains suggest an original peloidal and bioclastic grainstone texture for the dolostone unit. The contact with the overlying UER Formation is sharp. The UER Formation is characterized by thickly bedded, bioclastic mudstone to wackestone overlain by coarse-grained, foraminiferal grainstone. The dolomitization process of the dolomite unit at the top of the Sharwayn Formation is envisaged to a shallow subsurface mixed meteoric and sea water diagenetic realm. This interpretation is supported by an inferred timing of dolomitization of latest Maastrichtian (post-Sharwayn Formation) to early Paleocene (pre-EUR Formation), preservation (although poorly recognizable) of the original depositional texture and diagenetic features that postdate the sucrosic dolomite. Pervasive dolomitization of the dolomite unit was controlled by its original grainstone texture, which permitted efficient percolation of the dolomitizing fluids. Correlation between the reference section of the formation and the section studied in this work raises the thickness of the formation to 28.5 m (relative to a thickness of 22 m at the reference section). Analysis of the new composite section suggests that deposition of the formation took place in a shallowing-upward setting where low-energy subtidal sediments (the lower limestone unit) were succeeded by a high energy sand shoal (upper dolomitized unit).This shallowing-upward succession is attributed to a third-order sea-level drop. The later is also recognized in many parts of the Arabian Peninsula, as well as globally, and interpreted as eustatic sea-level fluctuation.  相似文献   

The post-collisional Yangba granodiorite intruded into the Bikou metasedimentary-volcanic group, southern Mianlue Suture, central China. The host granodiorites contain many mafic microgranular enclaves which have acicular apatite, phenocrysts of host granodiorites, implying that the enclaves have been incorporated as magma globules into host granodioritic magma and undergone rapid cooling. The variation trends of major and trace elements between enclaves and host rocks suggest a mixing and mingling process with respect to their petrogenesis. The mafic microgranular enclaves are characterized by shoshonite with SiO2≤〈63%, σ (4.54-6.18)〉3.3, high K2O content (4.22%-6.04%), K2O/Na2O〉1; in the K2O-SiO2 diagram, all the samples plot in the shoshonite field, which are enriched in LILE and LREE, with obvious Nb, Ta negative anomalies, indicating a subducting fluid-metasomatised mantle source. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of the granodiorites yielded an age of 215.4±8.3 Ma, indicating they were formed during the late-orogenic or post-collisional stage (≤242±21 Ma) of the South Qinling Mountain Belt. The host granodiorites have many close compositional similarities to high-silica adakites from supra-subduction zone setting, but tend to have a higher concentration of K2O (3.22%-3.84%) and Mg^#. Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element patterns are characterized by high ratios of (La/Yb)N, the extreme HREE depletion and a lack of significant Eu anomalies. In conjunction with the high abundances of Ba and Sr as well as the low abundances of Y and HREE, these patterns suggest a feldspar-poor, garnet ± amphibole-rich fractionation mineral assemblage. High Mg^# values demonstrate that the host granodiorites were contaminated by enclave magma. On a whole, integrated geological and geochemical studies suggested the Yangba granodiorites and their mafic microgranular enclaves resulted from mixing of enriched mantle-derived shoshonitic magma and thickened lower crust-derived felsic magma. In combination w  相似文献   

The end-Permian mass extinction (EPE), about 252 Myr ago, eradicated more than 90% of marine species. Following this event, microbial formations colonised the space left vacant after extinction of skeletonised metazoans. These post-extinction microbialites dominated shallow marine environments and were usually considered as devoid of associated fauna. Recently, several fossil groups were discovered together with these deposits and allow discussing the palaeoenvironmental conditions following the EPE. At the very base of the Triassic, abundant Ostracods (Crustacea) are systematically present, only in association with microbialites. Bacterial communities building the microbial mats should have served as an unlimited food supply. Photosynthetic cyanobacteria may also have locally provided oxygen to the supposedly anoxic environment: microbialites would have been refuges in the immediate aftermath of the EPE. Ostracods temporarily disappear together with microbialites during the Griesbachian.  相似文献   

The Early and Middle Triassic primary lower Yangtze sea basin was formed before the Yangtze and Sino. Korean blocks collided and were assembled. showing the characteristics of an open continental shelf.continental margin sea. In order to provide evidence useful for oil and gas exploration in the studied region, this paper centres on the features of the sediments and their facies framework in the basin and the sedimentation parameters such as the deposition rate, palaeotemperature, palaeosatinity, palaeodepth of water and palaeocurrents of the basin.  相似文献   

High-pressure in situ X-ray diffraction experiment of Fe- and Al-bearing phase D (Mg0.89Fe0.14Al0.25Si1.56H2.93O6) has been carried out to 30.5 GPa at room temperature using multianvil apparatus. Fitting a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state to the P–V data yields values of V 0 = 86.10 ± 0.05 Å3; K 0 = 136.5 ± 3.3 GPa and K′ = 6.32 ± 0.30. If K′ is fixed at 4.0 K 0 = 157.0 ± 0.7 GPa, which is 6% smaller than Fe–Al free phase D reported previously. Analysis of axial compressibilities reveals that the c-axis is almost twice as compressible (K c  = 93.6 ± 1.1 GPa) as the a-axis (K a  = 173.8 ± 2.2 GPa). Above 25 GPa the c/a ratio becomes pressure independent. No compressibility anomalies related to the structural transitions of H-atoms were observed in the pressure range to 30 GPa. The density reduction of hydrated subducting slab would be significant if the modal amount of phase D exceeds 10%.  相似文献   

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