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The evidence for positive cosmological constant Λ from Type Ia supernovae is re-examined.
Both high redshift supernova teams are found to underestimate the effects of host galaxy extinction. The evidence for an absolute magnitude–decay time relation is much weakened if supernovae not observed before maximum light are excluded. Inclusion of such objects artificially suppresses the scatter about the mean relation.
With a consistent treatment of host galaxy extinction and elimination of supernovae not observed before maximum, the evidence for a positive lambda is not very significant  (3–4 σ )  . A factor which may contribute to apparent faintness of high- z supernovae is evolution of the host galaxy extinction with z .
The Hubble diagram using all high- z distance estimates, including SZ clusters and gravitational lens time-delay estimates, does not appear inconsistent with an  Ωo=1  model.
Although a positive Λ can provide an (albeit physically unmotivated) resolution of the low curvature implied by cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments and evidence that  Ωo<1  from large-scale structure, the direct evidence from Type Ia supernovae seems at present to be inconclusive.  相似文献   

This paper describes a Monte Carlo simulation of type Ia supernova data. It was shown earlier that the data of SNe Ia might contain a possible correlation between the estimated luminosity distances and internal extinctions. This correlation was shown by different statistical investigations of the data. In order to remove observational biases (for example the effect of the detection limit of the observing instrument) and to test the reality of the effect found earlier we developed a simple routine which simulates extinction values, redshifts and absolute magnitudes for Ia supernovae. We pointed out that the correlation found earlier in the real data between the internal extinction and luminosity distance does not occur in the simulated sample. Furthermore, it became obvious that the detection limit of the observing devices used in supernova projects does not affect the far end of the redshift‐luminosity distance relationship of Ia supernovae. This result strengthens the earlier conclusions of the authors that SN Ia supernovae alone do not support the existence of dark energy. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The absolute luminosities and homogeneity of early-time infrared (IR) light curves of type Ia supernovae are examined. Eight supernovae are considered. These are selected to have accurately known epochs of maximum blue light as well as having reliable distance estimates and/or good light curve coverage. Two approaches to extinction correction are considered. Owing to the low extinction in the IR, the differences in the corrections via the two methods are small. Absolute magnitude light curves in the J , H and K bands are derived. Six of the events, including five established 'branch-normal' supernovae, show similar coeval magnitudes. Two of these, supernovae (SNe) 1989B and 1998bu, were observed near maximum infrared light. This occurs about 5 d before maximum blue light. Absolute peak magnitudes of about −19.0, −18.7 and −18.8 in J , H and K respectively were obtained. The two spectroscopically peculiar supernovae in the sample, SNe 1986G and 1991T, also show atypical IR behaviour. The light curves of the six similar supernovae can be represented fairly consistently with a single light curve in each of the three bands. In all three IR bands the dispersion in absolute magnitude is about 0.15 mag, and this can be accounted for within the uncertainties of the individual light curves. No significant variation of absolute IR magnitude with B -band light curve decline rate, Δ m 15( B ), is seen over the range 0.87<Δ m 15( B )<1.31. However, the data are insufficient to allow us to decide whether or not the decline rate relation is weaker in the IR than in the optical region. IR light curves of type Ia supernovae should eventually provide cosmological distance estimates that are of equal, or even superior, quality to those obtained in optical studies.  相似文献   

The accelerated expansion of the Universe was proposed through the use of Type-Ia supernovae (SNe) as standard candles. The standardization depends on an empirical correlation between the stretch/color and peak luminosity of the light curves. The use of Type-Ia SNe as standard candles rests on the assumption that their properties (and this correlation) do not vary with redshift. We consider the possibility that the majority of Type-Ia SNe are in fact caused by a Quark-Nova detonation in a tight neutron-star-CO-white-dwarf binary system, which forms a Quark-Nova Ia (QN-Ia). The spin-down energy injected by the Quark-Nova remnant (the quark star) contributes to the post-peak light curve and neatly explains the observed correlation between peak luminosity and light curve shape. We demonstrate that the parameters describing QN-Ia are NOT constant in redshift. Simulated QN-Ia light curves provide a test of the stretch/color correlation by comparing the true distance modulus with that determined using SN light curve fitters. We determine a correction between the true and fitted distance moduli, which when applied to Type-Ia SNe in the Hubble diagram recovers the ΩM = 1 cosmology. We conclude that Type-Ia SNe observations do not necessitate the need for an accelerating expansion of the Universe (if the observed SNe Ia are dominated by QNe Ia) and by association the need for dark energy.  相似文献   

A combined sample of 79 high- and low-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is used to set constraints on the degree of anisotropy in the Universe out to z ≃1. First, we derive the global most probable values of matter density ΩM, the cosmological constant ΩΛ and the Hubble constant H 0, and find them to be consistent with the published results from the two data sets of Riess et al. and Perlmutter et al. We then examine the Hubble diagram (HD, i.e., the luminosity–redshift relation) in different directions on the sky by utilizing spherical harmonic expansion. In particular, via the analysis of the dipole anisotropy, we divide the sky into the two hemispheres that yield the most discrepant of the three cosmological parameters, and the scatter χ HD2 in each case. The most discrepant values roughly move along the locus −4ΩM+3ΩΛ=1 (cf. Perlmutter et al.), but by no more than Δ≈2.5 along this line. For a perfect Friedmann–Robertson–Walker universe, Monte Carlo realizations that mimic the current set of SNe yield values higher than the measured Δ in ∼1/5 of the cases (for ΩM). We discuss implications for the validity of the Cosmological Principle, and possible calibration problems in the SNe data sets.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a variable object in the Hubble Deep Field North (HDF-N) which brightened, during the 8.5 d sampled by the data, by more than 0.9 mag in I 814 and about 0.7 mag in V 606, remaining stable in B 450. Subsequent observations of the HDF-N show that two years later this object has dimmed to about its original brightness in I 814. The colours of this object, its brightness, its time behaviour in the various filters and the evolution of its morphology are consistent with it being a Type Ib supernova in a faint galaxy at z .  相似文献   

The use of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as cosmological standard candles is a key to solving the mystery of dark energy. Improving the calibration of SNe Ia increases their power as cosmological standard candles. We find tentative evidence for a correlation between the late-time light-curve slope and the peak luminosity of SNe Ia in the B band; brighter SNe Ia seem to have shallower light-curve slopes between 100 and 150 d from maximum light. Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis in calibrating SNe Ia, we are able to simultaneously take into consideration the effect of dust extinction, the luminosity and light-curve width correlation (parametrized by  Δ m 15  ), and the luminosity and late-time light-curve slope correlation. For the available sample of 11 SNe Ia with well-measured late-time light curves, we find that correcting for the correlation between luminosity and late-time light-curve slope of the SNe Ia leads to an intrinsic dispersion of 0.12 mag in the Hubble diagram. Our results have significant implications for future supernova surveys aimed to illuminate the nature of dark energy.  相似文献   

Cepheid parallaxes and the Hubble constant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Revised Hipparcos parallaxes for classical Cepheids are analysed together with 10 Hubble Space Telescope ( HST )-based parallaxes. In a reddening-free V , I relation we find that the coefficient of log  P is the same within the uncertainties in our Galaxy as in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), contrary to some previous suggestions. Cepheids in the inner region of NGC 4258 with near solar metallicities confirm this result. We obtain a zero-point for the reddening-free relation and apply it to the Cepheids in galaxies used by Sandage et al. to calibrate the absolute magnitudes of Type Ia supernova (SNIa) and to derive the Hubble constant. We revise their result for H 0 from 62 to 70 ± 5 km s−1 Mpc−1. The Freedman et al. value is revised from 72 to 76 ± 8 km s−1 Mpc−1. These results are insensitive to Cepheid metallicity corrections. The Cepheids in the inner region of NGC 4258 yield a modulus of 29.22 ± 0.03 (int.) compared with a maser-based modulus of 29.29 ± 0.15. Distance moduli for the LMC, uncorrected for any metallicity effects, are 18.52 ± 0.03 from a reddening-free relation in V , I ; 18.47 ± 0.03 from a period–luminosity relation at K ; 18.45 ± 0.04 from a period–luminosity–colour relation in J , K . Adopting a metallicity correction in V , I from Macri et al. leads to a true LMC modulus of 18.39 ± 0.05.  相似文献   

1 IN~DUCTIONInterest in take la supernovae (SNe la) has risen dramatically with their application to thecosmological problems since Kowal (1968). Their powerful capabilities as distance indicatorson the cosmic scale have pushed them into the limelight of cosmology. They now provide themain route to the current eXPansion rate and the deceleration of the adverse. (see Branch1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999; mess et al. 1998).SNe la are reversally accepted as the result of thermonuclear eXPlo…  相似文献   

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