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20世纪以来,随着全球气候变暖加剧,冰川和积雪普遍退缩,严重影响到人类的生存和社会经济的可持续发展,这一问题在我国西北干旱区的博格达峰地区及其周边地区尤为突出。以博格达峰地区为例,利用1990—2016年Landsat 5与Landsat 8遥感影像,对比分析归一化积雪指数(NDSI)、归一化冰雪指数(NDSII)、归一化主成分雪指数(NDPCSI)和缨帽转换湿度指数(WET)在博格达峰地区监测冰川和积雪的能力,同时结合研究区周边气温、降水数据和研究区地形数据,探讨博格达峰地区冰川和积雪面积变化与区域地形、气候间的响应关系。结果表明:(1) WET相对于NDSIINDSINDPCSI精度值更高,可以替代NDSINDSII监测博格达峰地区冰川和积雪面积。(2) 博格达峰地区冰川和积雪面积呈持续退缩的趋势。1990—2016年,冰川和积雪面积减少率约20.07%,且年退缩率不断增加。(3) 高程、坡度和坡向对冰川和积雪面积变化的影响较显著,山地阴影对其影响较弱,气温的升高是冰雪面积减少的主要因素。  相似文献   

冰川冰储量不仅是冰川的重要属性,而且是核算冰川水资源及预测冰川变化的基础数据,因此准确计算冰川冰储量及其变化具有重要的理论与现实意义。目前冰川储量估算的主要方法有经验公式法、冰厚模型估算法、探地雷达法;冰川储量相对变化计算方法有实地测量法和遥感监测法。通过系统分析和讨论各计算方法的原理、现状及存在的问题,以期为冰川储量估算提供方法参考。研究表明:对于冰川冰储量计算而言,经验公式法适用于区域性或全球性的冰川储量估算;模型估算法适用于个体或小范围冰川储量估算;探地雷达法适用于人类易到达区域冰川储量的估算。对于冰川冰储量相对变化计算,实地测量法适用于对精度要求高且满足实地测量条件的单条或中小型冰川,遥感监测法适用于全球性冰储量变化估算,但需改进算法和提高数据空间分辨率。目前,随着无人机技术的逐步应用,以及冰川流速等理论模型的提出,为冰川冰储量估算方法的发展提供了新契机。  相似文献   

应用天山北坡乌鲁木齐河源区1 号冰川、空冰斗和总控3 个水文断面2011 年5-9 月每10min 实测水位数据、15 min 的气温、降水数据、1 号冰川消融及空冰斗区积雪观测数据,采用排除和不排除降水对冰雪消融产流影响的研究方法,系统分析了不同冰川覆盖率下水文断面冰雪消融特征及产汇流过程。结果表明:(1) 乌鲁木齐河源区3 个水文断面流量昼夜差异明显,1 号冰川水文断面白天径流大于夜晚径流,空冰斗和总控断面则相反;3 个断面流量亦具有显著日变化过程,且流量峰值大小和到来的时间存在差异。(2) 在排除与不排除降水两种天气影响下,1 号冰川最大流量滞后最高气温分别为1~3 h 和0~1 h;空冰斗断面分别为10~16 h和13 h,总控断面分别为5~11 h 和6~7 h,反映了1 号冰川从消融产流到汇流时间最短,空冰斗积雪消融产流时间最长,总控位于二者之间,同时亦反映伴随降水过程冰雪融水汇流迅速,即从产流到汇流时间有一定的缩短。(3) 影响3 个水文断面流量变化的因素不同,冰川区热量条件是影响1 号冰川水文断面的关键,1 号冰川在过去20 余年间,冰内、冰下排水道变得更为单一,对融水的阻滞和贮存作用弱化,融水汇流过程变得更为迅速。(4) 冰川覆盖山区流域水文断面在冰川消融期的流量过程线变化及最大流量与最高气温时滞变化规律在一定程度上对于认识冰川覆盖率有差异背景下的流域下垫面水系演化、冰雪消融过程及水文断面径流补给具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

中亚天山山区冰雪变化及其对区域水资源的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
邓海军  陈亚宁 《地理学报》2018,73(7):1309-1323
冰川和积雪是构成山区固体水库的主体,对区域水资源稳定性具有调节功能,但深受气候变化的影响。以中亚天山为研究区域,基于长时间序列的观测数据,分别从冰川、积雪、水储量、径流等方面进行分析,并选取阿克苏河、开都河及乌鲁木齐河3个典型流域,研究天山山区冰雪变化对流域水资源的影响。结果表明:① 冰川退缩速率与面积的函数关系为fx) = -0.53×x-0.15R2 = 0.42,RMSE = 0.086),说明小型冰川对气候变化的响应更为敏感。同时,中低海拔区域的冰川退缩速率大于高海拔区域;② 2003-2015年天山山区水储量的递减速率为-0.7±1.53 cm/a,天山中部区域的递减速率最大,这一结果与该区域冰川急剧退缩相吻合;③ 近半个多世纪以来,冰雪融水径流增加是这3个典型流域径流量增加的主要原因,其中阿克苏河增幅最大(达0.4×108 m3/a)。但自20世纪90年代中期以来,3个流域的径流量都呈减少趋势,与流域内冰川面积减少、厚度变薄及平衡线海拔升高的关系密切。研究结果揭示了气候变化驱动下的山区固态水体储量变化对流域水资源的影响机制,以期为流域水资源管理提供有价值的决策参考。  相似文献   

Hydrological processes were compared, with and without the influence of precipitation on discharge, to identify the differences between glacierized and non-glacierized catchments in the Urumqi River source region, on the northern slope of the eastern Tianshan Mountains, during the melting season (May-September) in 2011. The study was based on hydrological data observed at 10-min intervals, meteorological data observed at 15-min intervals, and glacier melting and snow observations from the Empty Cirque, Zongkong, and Urumqi Glacier No.1 gauging stations. The results indicated that the discharge differed markedly among the three gauging stations. The daily discharge was more than the nightly discharge at the Glacier No.1 gauging station, which contrasted with the patterns observed at the Zongkong and Empty Cirque gauging stations. There was a clear daily variation in the discharge at the three gauging stations, with differences in the magnitude and duration of the peak discharge. When precipitation was not considered, the time-lags between the maximum discharge and the highest temperature were 1-3 h, 10-16 h, and 5-11 h at the Glacier No.1, Empty Cirque, and Zongkong gauging stations, respectively. When precipitation was taken into consideration, the corresponding time-lags were 0-1 h, 13 h, and 6-7 h, respectively. Therefore, the duration from the generation of discharge to confluence was the shortest in the glacierized catchment and the longest in the catchment where was mainly covered by snow. It was also shown that the hydrological process from the generation of discharge to confluence shortened when precipitation was considered. The factors influencing changes in the discharge among the three gauging stations were different. For Glacier No.1 station, the discharge was mainly controlled by heat conditions in the glacierized region, and the discharge displayed an accelerated growth when the temperature exceeded 5°C in the melt season. It was found that the englacial and subglacial drainage channel of Glacier No.1 had become simpler during the past 20 years. Its weaker retardance and storage of glacier melting water resulted in rapid discharge confluence. It was also shown that the discharge curve and the time-lag between the maximum discharge and the highest temperature could be used to reveal the evolution of the drainage system and the process of glacier and snow melting at different levels of glacier coverage.  相似文献   

利用面向对象分类方法,从Landsat影像中提取了1990年、2000年、2010年、2015年4期布喀达坂峰地区冰川空间分布数据,并利用GIS技术分析研究区最近25 a来冰川变化,探讨了冰川对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:布喀达坂峰冰川总面积退缩了7.28 km2,退缩速率为0.29 km2·a-1,占1990年的1.78%,且1990-2000年、2000-2010年、2010-2015年各个时段内冰川退缩速率呈较快-快-慢的状态,不同朝向的冰川退缩速率略有差异,南坡山谷冰川退缩速率最快,北坡坡面冰川次之,中段平顶冰川退缩速率最慢;冰川表面运动速度沿中流线向冰川侧脊和冰川末端递减,符合冰川运动一般规律,而不同类型的冰川其表面运动速度的时空变化具有差异性。研究发现,夏季均温的显著升高和年降水量的缓慢增加的共同作用是引起布喀达坂峰冰川退缩的主要原因。此外,地势条件和冰川自身结构等因素对冰川变化的作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

利用2010-2014年6~8月MOD10A1、MOD10A2及HJ-1/CCD数据,以天山北坡为研究区,对比分析了积雪持续时间比率法及最大值合成法在雪线高程提取中的精度和适用性。结果表明:当MOD10A1以旬合成,积雪持续时间比率阈值为40%时,提取的雪线高程与"真值"最为接近;基于混淆矩阵法,以目视解译得到的HJ-1/CCD积雪面积为"真值",分析得出,积雪持续时间比率法提取积雪面积的总体精度较高,为98.59%,khat系数为0.90,最大值合成法的总体精度仅为85.29%,khat系数为0.70;基于统计学的方法,计算得出,积雪持续时间比率法提取的雪线高程与"真值"的相关系数较高,为0.77,其平均误差、正、负误差、绝对平均误差以及均方根误差相对较低;最大值合成法提取的雪线高程与"真值"的相关系数较低,仅为0.54,其平均误差、正、负误差、绝对平均误差以及均方根误差相对较高;积雪持续时间比率法提取的雪线高程结果优于最大值合成法。  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of lead, arsenic, and copper(Pb, As, and Cu, respectively) in surface snow along the transect from the Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica, are presented. The mean concentrations of Pb, As, and Cu are1.04±1.56 pg/g, 0.39±0.08 pg/g, and 11.2±14.4 pg/g, respectively. It is estimated that anthropogenic contributions are dominant for Pb, As, and Cu. Spatially, Pb concentrations show an exponentially decreasing trend from the coast inland, while a moderate decreasing trend is observed for Cu concentrations in the coastal area(below 2,000 m above sea level(a.s.l.)).In the intermediate area(2,000–3,000 m a.s.l.), the concentrations and enrichment factors of all these elements show high variability due to the complicated characteristics of climate and environment. On the inland plateau(above 3,000 m a.s.l.),the high concentrations of As and Pb are induced by high deposition efficiency, the existence of polar stratospheric precipitation, and the different fraction deposition to East Antarctica. The extremely high concentrations with maximum values of9.59 pg/g and 69.9 pg/g for Pb and Cu, respectively, are suggested to result mainly from local human activities at the station. Our results suggest that source, transport pathway, and deposition pattern, rather than distance from the coast or altitude, lead to the spatial distributions of Pb, As, and Cu; and it is further confirmed by spatial variations of the three metals deposited over the whole continent of Antarctica.  相似文献   

根据2002年9月至2005年12月在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川积累区采集的表层雪样品,揭示了该区表层雪中δ<'18>O值的季节变化特征,讨论了水汽输送对降水中δ<'18>O值变化的影响.研究表明,天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川表层雪中δ<'18>O值季节变化显著,变幅可达12.59‰左右,其变化趋势和气温的变化趋势基本一致,...  相似文献   

中山站-Dome A断面是表层雪稳定同位素组成分析的理想区域,沿线进行δ18O、δD和d的空间分布及环境影响因素研究对反映东南极地区的气候变化和物质来源具有关键意义。因而,本文基于线性回归及相关性分析方法,详细探究了断面上多种环境因素与表层雪稳定同位素分布的空间关系。结果表明,温度和地理因素与同位素比值之间有显著相关关系,且海拔是地理因素中的主要影响因素,随海拔上升表层雪的δ18O呈线性下降趋势。另外,通过断面上δ-T斜率与南极其他断面对比,发现斜率可能具有冰盖近岸和内陆地区较低的区域性特征,而造成这一现象的原因是水汽源区的改变和低温条件下水汽过饱和时的同位素动力分馏。最后,d的空间分布在沿海区域和内陆区域也有不同,推测主控因素分别是水汽源区条件和温度。  相似文献   

张肃 《西部资源》2019,(2):146-148,150
无人机航空摄影技术在近年来得到了迅速的发展,无人机具有起降方便,分辨率高,响应速度快的特点,在抢险救灾,地质灾害监测等方面发挥了重要作用。无人机航空摄影生成的地形图中的高程点提取是地形图制作的重要步骤,本文提出了一种自适应的地形图高程点提取算法,相对于传统的算法,具有精确度高,计算简单,实用性强等特点。该算法的基础是数学形态学中的图像膨胀算法。本文将此算法用于陕西省丹凤县和紫阳县的无人机航摄生成的地形图中,提取了符合要求的高程点。结果表明,提取的高程点完全满足了地形图的要求,说明了该算法的准确性和实用性。  相似文献   

A method for the extraction of carbonaceous particles from lake sediment   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The methods found in the literature for the extraction of carbonaceous particles from lake sediment are discussed. The technique used by Griffin & Goldberg (1975) on Lake Michigan sediments was improved by modifying the procedure to halve the extraction time and reduce the risk of fragmentation. This method was then applied to a sediment core taken from Loch Tinker in Western Scotland, which had previously been analysed using the Renberg & Wik method. Although the basic trends for both methods are the same, the new method is found to be more sensitive to low particle numbers and more accurate, due to a more efficient extraction and a higher magnification for microscope counting.  相似文献   

张欣欣 《地理科学进展》2015,34(10):1288-1296
活动断层的位置分布及其地表变形变位特征的准确识别是研究和评价活动断层的基础,国内外学者利用数字高程模型(DEM)对断层提取进行了大量研究。本文基于DEM的活动断层位置的提取方法进行综述,总结了DEM提取断层位置的地貌形态特征分析、图像处理以及综合处理提取方法,突出介绍了高分辨率DEM在详细的断层位置分布提取中的优势,DEM在断层地表变形变位及其特征参数提取研究中的最新应用进展。随着高分辨率DEM的快速发展,DEM及其空间分析技术已成为一种常见的地学研究方法,将其与野外调查、遥感、测年等技术结合进行综合分析,能够促进对活动断层的深入研究,并成为断层定量化研究强有力的技术手段。  相似文献   

地表温度作为监测陆地表面与大气变化的重要参数,对于研究地表能量平衡和全球气候变化具有重要作用。可见光红外成像辐射仪套件(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite,VIIRS)是搭载在新一代对地观测卫星NPP上的一个重要传感器。与其他传感器相比,VIIRS拥有更高的空间分辨率。分裂窗算法是反演地表温度最常用的方法,主要是利用两个热红外通道来反演地表温度,经过多年的研究和改进,发展了多种形式的分裂窗算法。由于过去很少有人利用VIIRS数据对多种分裂窗算法进行对比分析,因此利用VIIRS传感器上M15和M16两个热红外通道数据计算辐亮度和星上亮温,采用多种形式的分裂窗算法反演获得多组地表温度数据,再利用海拉尔野外观测站点的实测数据对结果进行验证,对比各算法精度,得到反演精度较高的算法。结果显示PR84算法的反演误差最大达到1.8 K,其余各算法反演地表温度的RMSE都在1.5 K以内,算法中加入二次项和水汽项可以提高算法精度,其中BL95的算法精度最高达到了1.23 K。研究结果表明,BL95算法更适用于VIIRS热红外数据地表温度反演。  相似文献   

半干旱沙地-草甸区水面蒸发模拟及其影响因子辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析半干旱沙地—草甸区的水面蒸发过程及其影响因子的基础上,采用多元逐步回归分析方法,对水面蒸发的众多影响因子进行逐步筛选,找出显著影响因子,建立水面蒸发与其显著影响因子间的多元非线性回归模型,并模拟计算了彭曼蒸发公式、道尔顿水汽运输理论蒸发公式中的风函数,比较分析了彭曼模型、变异道尔顿模型、多元非线性回归模型计算的水面蒸发量。结果表明:彭曼模型、变异道尔顿模型和最终建立的多元非线性逐步回归模型所得结果十分接近,与实测水面蒸发量的趋势也很一致;除变异道尔顿模型稳定性稍差外,其余两者都具有较好的稳定性;多元非线性逐步回归方法可以找到水面蒸发的显著影响因子,剔除掉不显著影响因子,避免因子相关造成的影响,使所建回归模型具有良好的拟合效果,其决定系数达到了0.773,预测结果令人满意。  相似文献   

吴红燕 《干旱区地理》2013,36(5):883-888
在天山北坡以选取的典型区昌吉市和阜康市为例,利用动态相关法、典型流域开采模型法、可开采系数法分析确定地下水可开采量。对这3种方法分别分析了其计算过程中的制约因素,并将计算的结果和以往成果进行了比较。结果表明:动态相关法计算结果准确度较高,成果可靠性高,且在以往的新疆地下水资源评价成果中,至今还未采用过,故推荐动态相关法为新疆天山北坡平原区地下水可开采量确定方法的首选。  相似文献   

Droughts have become widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, including in China, where they have affected farmland resources on the Loess Plateau. Given this background, we proposed a new index, the Normalized Day-Night Surface Temperature Index (NTDI), to estimate moisture availability (ma), defined as the ratio of actual to reference evapotranspiration. The NTDI is defined as the ratio of the difference between the maximum daytime surface temperature and the minimum nighttime surface temperature, to the difference between the maximum and minimum surface temperatures estimated from meteorological data by applying energy balance equations.To calculate the index, we used data of 20 clear-sky meteorological observations made during the 2005 growing season at a natural grassland station in the Liudaogou River basin on the Loess Plateau. The NTDI showed a significant inverse exponential correlation with ma (R2 = 0.97, p < 0.001), whereas the numerator of the index (the maximum daytime surface temperature minus the minimum nighttime surface temperature) was only weakly correlated with ma (R2 = 0.24, p = 0.03). This result indicates that normalization relative to the index denominator (maximum surface temperature − minimum surface temperature) dramatically improved the accuracy of the estimate.  相似文献   

Three approaches, i.e., the harmonic analysis (HA) technique, the thermal diffusion equation and correction (TDEC) method, and the calorimetric method used to estimate ground heat flux, are evaluated by using observations from the Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University (SACOL) in July, 2008. The calorimetric method, which involves soil heat flux measurement with an HFP01SC self-calibrating heat flux plate buried at a depth of 5 cm and heat storage in the soil between the plate and the surface, is here called the ITHP approach. The results show good linear relationships between the soil heat fluxes measured with the HFP01SC heat flux plate and those calculated with the HA technique and the TDEC method, respectively, at a depth of 5 cm. The soil heat fluxes calculated with the latter two methods well follow the phase measured with the HFP01SC heat flux plate. The magnitudes of the soil heat flux calculated with the HA technique and the TDEC method are close to each other, and they are about 2 percent and 6 percent larger than the measured soil heat flux, respectively, which mainly occur during the nighttime. Moreover, the ground heat fluxes calculated with the TDEC method and the HA technique are highly correlated with each other (R2 = 0.97), and their difference is only about 1 percent. The TDEC-calculated ground heat flux also has a good linear relationship with the ITHP-calculated ground heat flux (R2 = 0.99), but their difference is larger (about 9 percent). Furthermore, compared to the HFP01SC direct measurements at a depth of 5 cm, the ground heat flux calculated with the HA technique, the TDEC method, and the ITHP approach can improve the surface energy budget closure by about 6 percent, 7 percent, and 6 percent at SACOL site, respectively. Therefore, the contribution of ground heat flux to the surface energy budget is very important for the semi-arid grassland over the Loess Plateau in China. Using turbulent heat fluxes with common corrections, soil heat storage between the surface and the heat flux plate can improve the surface energy budget closure by about 6 to 7 percent, resulting in a closure of 82 to 83 percent at the SACOL site.  相似文献   

对青藏高原北部世界海拔最高的库木库里沙漠周围冲积扇碎屑及沙漠表层沉积物粒度特征及元素组成研究结果显示:(1)库木库里沙漠表层沉积物以细砂为主,其次为极细砂,粉砂和中砂含量较少,有少量的黏粒,不含粗砂的组分,且粒度组成差异不大。(2)沉积物MZ范围2.70~2.90 φ,σ1范围0.80~1.10 φ,SK1范围0.26~0.44,KG范围2.27~3.62。(3)粒度主要呈近似对称的单峰分布,但细颗粒一侧有较细长的尾部。(4)沙漠表层沉积物元素组成与周围山麓冲洪积碎屑沉积物较为相似,尤其是沙漠西部的阿尔喀山北麓区域。(5)沉积物源判别表明,沙漠表层沉积物来源主要为阿尔喀山北麓及祁漫塔格山南麓碎屑沉积物,其形成环境主要为河流相沉积环境及浅湖相沉积环境。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how the generalisation of topographic surfaces has been formalised by means of graph theory and how this formalised approach has been integrated into an ISO standard that is employed within nanotechnology. By applying concepts from higher-dimensional calculus and topology, it is shown that Morse functions are those mappings that are ideally suited for the formal characterisation of topographic surfaces. Based on this result, a data structure termed weighted surface network is defined that may be applied for both the characterisation and the generalisation of the topological structure of a topographic surface. Hereafter, the focus is laid on specific issues of the standard ISO 25178-2; within this standard change trees, a data structure similar to weighted surface networks, are applied to portray the topological information of topographic surfaces. Furthermore, an approach termed Wolf pruning is used to simplify the change tree, with this pruning method being equivalent to the graph-theoretic contractions by which weighted surface networks can be simplified. Finally, some practical applications of the standard ISO 25178-2 within nanotechnology are discussed.  相似文献   

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