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An investigation is made into the dispersion of oceanic internal Rossby waves at annual and semi-annual frequencies. Turning of the group velocity vector due to latitudinal variations in the radius of deformation cannot be neglected, particularly in basins as large as the Pacific. This turning allows disturbances to propagate from high lattitudes into the equatorial zone and distorts the solutions in the western part of the basin. For no mean flow, and a coastline aligned north-south, an almost exact focus of wave energy is found very close to the equator at a distance of just under πc/4ω from the eastern boundary, where c is the eigenspeed of a high-frequency internal wave mode, and ω is the angular frequency of the low-frequency wave being studied. The focus depends on a long meridional wavelength excited at the coast, and a frequency small compared with c/a, where a is the radius of the Earth. For the lowest baroclinic mode and waves of annual period, this distance is about 12 000 km. Equivalence of the ray theory and the theory of equatorial meridional modes is demonstrated for the simple cases where the latter applies.The effects of mean currents and irregular coastlines are examined. Barotropic mean currents may change the turning latitude and ray shapes, inducing critical layers and enhancing reflection. Baroclinic mean currents are seen to affect the rays by simply changing the speed in proportion to the depth of the thermocline. As long as the mean currents are geostrophically balanced, no “effective beta” term from variations in the thermocline depth appears, in contrast to the topographic Rossby wave problem.  相似文献   

The Oregon State University coupled upper ocean-atmosphere GCM is evaluated in terms of the simulated winds, ocean currents and thermocline depth variations. Although the zonal wind velocities in the model are underestimated by a factor of about three and the zonal current velocities are underestimated by a factor of about five, the model is seen to qualitatively simulate the major features of the gyral scale currents, and the phases of the seasonal variation of the principal equatorial currents are in reasonable agreement with observations. The simulated tropical currents are dominated by Ekman transport and the eastern boundary currents do not penetrate far enough equatorward, while the western boundary currents do not penetrate far enough poleward. The subtropical trade wind belt and the mid-latitude westerlies are displaced equatorward of observations; hence, the mid-latitude eastward currents, principally the Kuroshio-North Pacific Drift and the Gulf Stream-North Atlantic Current are displaced equatorward. In spite of these shortcomings the surface current simulation of this two-layer upper ocean model is comparable with that of other ocean GCMs of coarse resolution. The coupled model successfully simulates the deepening of the thermocline westward across Pacific as a consequence of the prevailing Walker circulation. The region of most intense simulated surface forcing is located in the western Pacific due to a southwestward displacement of the northeast trade winds relative to observations; hence the equatorial Pacific is dominated by eastward propagation of thermocline depth variations. The excessively strong Ekman divergence and upwelling in the western Pacific cools the local warm pool, while incorrectly simulated westerlies in the eastern Pacific suppress upwelling and inhibit cooling from below. These features reduce the simulated trans-Pacific sea-surface temperature gradient, weakening the Walker circulation and the anomalies associated with the simulated Southern Oscillation. Offprint requests to: KR Sperber  相似文献   

Summary In this study, it is demonstrated that the amplitude of the equatorial upper-ocean zonal current anomaly induced by the fast-varying wind forcing (shorter than a year) is much greater than that induced by the slowly varying wind forcing (longer than 2 year), and the center of maximum zonal current anomaly shifts from the central Pacific to the western Pacific with an increase in the timescale of wind forcing. As a result, the zonal advective feedback (the zonal advection of mean sea surface temperature by anomalous current) in a slowly varying climate system becomes weaker and barely induces a low-frequency mode such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation. On the other hand, both amplitude and zonal location of the maximum thermocline anomaly are little changed by the change in the timescale of wind forcing – confined at the strong equatorial upwelling region of the eastern Pacific. Accordingly, the thermocline feedback (the vertical advection of anomalous subsurface temperature by the mean upwelling) is more favorable to generate a low-frequency mode.The relative roles of these two feedbacks are further explored under the coupled-system context. The eigen analysis of the stripped-down version of an intermediate ocean-atmosphere coupled model shows that by altering the regime space from the weakly coupled to the strongly coupled, the dominant process that leads the leading eigen mode changes from the zonal advective feedback to the thermocline feedback, and at the same time the frequency of the leading mode also changes from the high-frequency to the low-frequency. It implies that each feedback tends to favor the different timescale coupled mode.  相似文献   

Summary Tropical ocean thermocline variability is studied using gridded data assimilated by an ocean model in the period 1950–2000. The dominant patterns and variability are identified using EOF analysis applied to E–W depth slices of sea temperatures averaged over the tropics. After removing the annual cycle, an east–west ‘see-saw’ with an interannual to decadal rhythm is the leading mode in each of the tropical basins. In the case of the leading mode in the Pacific, the thermocline oscillation forms a dipole structure, but in the (east) Atlantic and (southwest) Indian Ocean there is a single center of action. The interaction of the ocean thermocline and atmospheric Walker circulations is studied through cross-modulus analysis of wavelet-filtered EOF time scores. Our study demonstrates how tropical ocean thermocline variability contributes to zonal circulation anomalies in the atmosphere. The equatorial Pacific thermocline oscillation explains 62 and 53% of the variability of the Pacific and Atlantic zonal overturning circulations, the latter driving convective polarity between North Africa and South America. The Pacific sea-saw leads the Atlantic zonal circulation by a few months.  相似文献   

周括  冉令坤  蔡仁  屈涛  陈蕾 《大气科学》2022,46(3):745-761
针对2021年6月15~17日发生在昆仑山脉北坡的南疆极端暴雨过程,本文综合考虑地形对暴雨发生、发展的作用后,利用地形追随坐标控制方程并采用Boussinesq近似推导建立了地形追随坐标的非静力平衡广义垂直运动方程。诊断结果表明,经向气压梯度力耦合经向散度项(项一)、垂直气压梯度力耦合纬向散度项(项二)和非绝热加热经向梯度项(项三)是激发暴雨垂直运动发展演变的三个主要强迫项。项一体现了偏北风逐渐增强,在昆仑山脉的阻挡下导致经向辐合增强,触发了垂直上升运动。经向气流辐合始终是对流活动最主要的强迫过程,其次为纬向气流辐合。在地形追随坐标形式下,经向和垂直气压梯度能够增强项一和项二。对流发展阶段,水汽辐合与非绝热加热过程增强了非绝热加热经向梯度,促进了垂直上升运动发展。在地形的影响下,对流层中高层西风过山气流波动特征明显。重力波活动导致的高层辐散进一步促进了山脉迎风坡对流活动。经向和纬向气流辐合、非绝热加热过程以及重力波活动等多个因素共同造成了此次南疆极端暴雨。  相似文献   

In a state of equilibrium, the constraint of a balanced heat budget for the ocean strongly influences the depth of the tropical thermocline because that depth controls the rate at which the ocean absorbs heat from the atmosphere. Thus, an increase in the oceanic heat loss in high latitudes results in a shoaling of the equatorial thermocline so that the heat gain also increases. How does the ocean adjust to such a new equilibrium state after an abrupt change in the heat flux in high latitudes? The adjustment of the wind-driven circulation of the upper ocean is shown to involve two timescales. The first is the familiar adiabatic wave-adjustment time associated with the horizontal redistribution of warm water above the thermocline in shallow water models. (This is essentially the time it takes Rossby and Kelvin waves to propagate from the disturbed extra-equatorial region to the equator.) The second adjustment-time is associated with the diabatic processes that come into play once the waves from higher latitudes modify the thermal structure in low latitudes and hence the flux of heat into the ocean; it is the timescale on which the ocean recovers a balanced heat budget. The identification of this timescale is the main result of this paper.Through a series of simulations of an idealized ocean basin, we identify the diabatic timescale and argue that it is determined by the strength of the upwelling and the intensity of the air–sea heatfluxes. By simulating the formation of a thermocline from isothermal conditions, we are able to relate this timescale to other relevant timescales such as that associated with diffusive processes and the adiabatic timescale invoked by Gu and Philander [Gu, D., Philander, S.G.H., 1997. Interdecadal climate fluctuations that depend on exchanges between the tropics and extra-topics. Science 275, 805–807].  相似文献   

Climatic inferences from the ventilated thermocline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several computed cases of a model of the subtropical gyre with a partially ventilated thermocline (Luytenet al., 1982) are presented to illustrate the sensitivity of the field of density stratification, mean flow and location of unventilated regions to slight changes in surface boundary conditions. The structure of the low latitude thermocline is less sensitive to climatic change in amount of water forced down by convergence of wind-driven surface layers at higher latitudes than might be expected, even allowing for the well-known localness of vertically integrated meridional transport. On the other hand changes in structure at low latitudes do arise from changes in boundary conditions on the surface density at higher latitudes. The main climatic inference for transient tracers injected into a thermocline in steady state is that there are two time-scales in the subtropical thermocline: an advective time scale associated with distance from regions of direct ventilation of a density layer at the surface, and a subsurface diffusive time scale from ventilated to unventilated region.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional model of stationary wind-driven currents in a homogeneous ocean of a variable depth is investigated. The model is linear but includes horizontal and vertical turbulent mixings. Two cases of the behaviour of the isolines of the function ?/H are considered, namely: (1) all isolines ?/H start at one part of the coastline and end in another part of it, and (2) a certain isoline ?/H exists which is tangential to the coastline. Here ? is the Coriolis parameter, and H is the depth of the ocean. The first case is the simplest one; it arises in particular if H = constant and the coasts are meridional. The second case is marked by the boundary current separation from the coast. The paper deals with the boundary layers which arise at the surface, bottom, side boundary and inside the ocean.  相似文献   

When a broad ocean current encounters a large-scale topographic feature, standing Rossby wave patterns can be generated. Short Rossby waves with a scale Li = √ Q/β (Q is the speed of the approaching flow; β is the meridional gradient of f) are generated east of the topography. If the zonal scale of the topography, L, is planetary, long standing Rossby waves can be generated west of the topography, when the current has a meridional component. The long waves focus the disturbance zonally and produce alternating regions of intensified or reduced zonal flow. The meridional scale that characterizes these zonal bands is the intermediate scales, L = Li2/3L1/3. When the meridional topographic scale is comparable to L, the amplitude of the long-wave disturbance is dominant. Using multiple-scale methods to exploit the scale gap between the planetary, intermediate and Rossby wave scales, the topographically induced pressure and velocity fields due to a zonal ridge are obtained. When the planetary-scale flow field is directed poleward, a westward counterflow can occur along the poleward flank of the ridge. The meridional scales of these topographically induced flows are comparable to those observed along the Indian-Antarctic Ridge by Callahan (1971).  相似文献   

The momentum flux of stratospheric gravity waves generated by Typhoon Ewiniar (2006) is examined using a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. In the stratosphere, zonal momentum flux with a positive sign by eastward-propagating waves is significant during the northward moving of the typhoon, while both zonal and meridional momentum fluxes with positive signs are significant during the typhoon decaying stage in which the typhoon moves northeastward. The magnitude of the momentum flux is greater during the mature stage of the typhoon than the decaying stage, and the phase speeds of the dominant momentum flux are less than 30 m s?1 with a peak at 10–16 m s?1. Positive momentum flux decreases with height overall in the stratosphere for both zonal and meridional components. The resultant gravity-wave drag forcing plays a role to decelerate the easterly background wind in the stratosphere. This drag forcing is relatively large above z = 40 km and below z = 20 km, and lower stratospheric wave drag is expected to affect the typhoon dynamics by modifying the background wind shear and inducing the secondary circulation in the troposphere.  相似文献   

We investigate the nature of linear instabilities that can arise on eastward-flowing baroclinic currents similar to those found to serve as sites of strong eddy-mean flow interaction in certain mesoscale-resolution ocean circulation studies. The intent is to deduce the dependence of the linear instability mechanism — thought to be operative in some form in these simulations — on the internal parameters characterizing them. Following conventional practice, we adopt as our physical model the two-level quasigeostrophic potential vorticity equations which, in their linearized form, are solved numerically to yield the properties of the most unstable linear waves under a variety of mean flow and environmental conditions. The kinematic and dynamic features of the growing perturbations — preferred wavelength, growth rate and frequency, eddy-mean field energy transfers and vertical distribution of wave amplitude — are shown to be sensitive functions of our nondimensional parameters: (i) α = (U3U1), the ratio of lower to upper level velocity scale amplitude; (ii) X = (RdL), the ratio of the first baroclinic deformation radius to the meridional width of the jet; (iii) δ = (H1H3), the resting layer depth ratio; and (iv) ? = (βL2U), an (inverse) Rossby number based on the northward gradient of the planetary vorticity (β). Viscous effects, although included in the analysis, are shown to be unimportant for values of frictional coefficients typical of recent eddy-resolving ocean model studies. Despite a strong dependence of the details of the linear instability mechanism on environmental factors, the associated unstable eigenmodes do have important structural similarities which are intimately connected with their ability to extract energy from the mean flow.  相似文献   

We propose a dynamical interpretation of the inverse relationship between the tropical eastern Pacific annual-cycle (AC) amplitude and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) amplitude, based on a pre-industrial simulation of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Couple climate model 2.0 with a fixed concentration of greenhouse gases spanning approximately 500 years. The slowly varying background conditions over more than a decade alternately provided favorable conditions for two opposite regimes, namely the ‘strong AC—weak ENSO regime’ and the ‘weak AC—strong ENSO regime’. For the weak AC—strong ENSO regime, the tropical eastern Pacific shows meridional-asymmetric surface warming with an emphasis on the southern part, leading to weakening of both the zonal trade wind and the cross equatorial southerly wind, as well as deepening of both the thermocline and mixed layer. The deeper mixed layer, weaker southerly wind, and reduced zonal gradient of the mean sea surface temperature due to tropical eastern Pacific warming all acts to reduce the AC. Conversely, the ENSO was intensified by the deeper mixed layer and deeper thermocline depth (thermocline feedback), but suppressed by the deeper thermocline depth (Ekman feedback) and the reduced zonal temperature gradient. We also computed the coupling strengths of the ENSO and AC, defined as the linear regression coefficients of the zonal and meridional wind stresses against the eastern Pacific SST, respectively. The coupling strengths of both the AC and ENSO are larger when they are intensified, and vice versa. All processes for the weak AC—strong ENSO regime operate in the opposite manner for the strong AC—weak ENSO regime.  相似文献   

Using a multivariate model testing procedure that distinguishes between model inadequacies and data uncertainties, we investigate the ability of the LODYC GCM to simulate the evolution of the 20°C isotherm depth during the 1982–1984 FOCAL/SEQUAL experiment in the equatorial Atlantic. Two different versions of the model are considered: the Ri version which has a Richardson number dependent parameterization of vertical mixing and the new TKE version which uses a local estimation of the turbulent kinetic energy to parameterize vertical mixing. Some effects of the forcing uncertainties are considered by forcing the TKE version with three equally plausible wind stress fields whose differences are consistent with the measurement and sampling errors, and the drag coefficient indeterminacy. The resulting uncertainties in the model response are substantial and can be as large as the differences between simulations with the two GCM versions, which stresses the need to take the forcing uncertainties into account. Although only one Ri run is available, it is shown that the TKE parameterization significantly improves the representation of the equatorial upwelling and the simulation of the depth of the thermocline in the eastern Atlantic. However, there remain significant differences with the observations which cannot be explained by the forcing uncertainties that were considered. The two model versions perform better in the equatorial wave guide than in the 12°N-12°S domain, and they are better distinguished over large domains than along sections, which shows that a global multivariate view point must be used in model-reality comparisons. Finally, a comparison with a linear multimode model emphasizes the need for greater model complexity to properly simulate the equatorial upwelling and the thermocline variability in the tropical Atlantic.This paper was presented at the Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Variability, held in Hamburg 7–11 September 1992 under the auspices of the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is L. Dümenil  相似文献   

Oceanic vertical mixing is known to influence the state of the equatorial ocean which affects the climate system, including the amplitude of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Recent measurements of ocean currents at high vertical resolution capture numerous small vertical scale structures (SVSs) within and above the equatorial thermocline that contribute significantly to vertical mixing but which are not sufficiently resolved by coarse resolution ocean models. We investigate the impact of the vertical mixing induced by the SVSs on the mean state and interannual variability in the tropical Pacific by using a coupled general circulation model. The vertical mixing induced by the SVSs is represented as an elevated vertical diffusivity from the surface down to the 20 °C isotherm depth, a proxy for the depth of the thermocline. We investigate different forms for the elevated mixing. It is found that the SVS-induced mixing strongly affect the mean state of the ocean leading to a warming of sea surface temperature (SST) and associated deepening and sharpening of the thermocline in the eastern equatorial Pacific. We find that the SST warming induced by the elevated mixing is further strengthened through the Bjerknes feedback and SST-shortwave flux feedback. We also find a reduction in the number of large amplitude ENSO events and in certain cases an increase in the skewness of ENSO.  相似文献   

Vertical stratification changes at low frequency over the last decades are the largest in the western-central Pacific and have the potential to modify the balance between ENSO feedback processes. Here we show evidence of an increase in thermocline feedback in the western-central equatorial Pacific over the last 50 years, and in particular after the climate shift of 1976. It is demonstrated that the thermocline feedback becomes more effective due to the increased stratification in the vicinity of the mean thermocline. This leads to an increase in vertical advection variability twice as large as the increase resulting from the stronger ENSO amplitude (positive asymmetry) in the eastern Pacific that connects to the thermocline in the western-central Pacific through the basin-scale ‘tilt’ mode. Although the zonal advective feedback is dominant over the western-central equatorial Pacific, the more effective thermocline feedback allows for counteracting its warming (cooling) effect during warm (cold) events, leading to the reduced covariability between SST and thermocline depth anomalies in the NINO4 (160°E–150°W; 5°S–5°N) region after the 1976 climate shift. This counter-intuitive relationship between thermocline feedback strength as derived from the linear relationship between SST and thermocline fluctuations and stratification changes is also investigated in a long-term general circulation coupled model simulation. It is suggested that an increase in ENSO amplitude may lead to the decoupling between eastern and central equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies through its effect on stratification and thermocline feedback in the central-western Pacific.  相似文献   

Associated with the double Inter-tropical convergence zone problem, a dipole SST bias pattern (cold in the equatorial central Pacific and warm in the southeast tropical Pacific) remains a common problem inherent in many contemporary coupled models. Based on a newly-developed coupled model, we performed a control run and two sensitivity runs, one is a coupled run with annual mean SST correction and the other is an ocean forced run. By comparison of these three runs, we demonstrated that a serious consequence of this SST bias is to severely suppress the thermocline feedback in a realistic simulation of the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation. Firstly, the excessive cold tongue extension pushes the anomalous convection far westward from the equatorial central Pacific, prominently diminishing the convection-low level wind feedback and thus the air-sea coupling strength. Secondly, the equatorial surface wind anomaly exhibits a relatively uniform meridional structure with weak gradient, contributing to a weakened wind-thermocline feedback. Thirdly, the equatorial cold SST bias induces a weakened upper-ocean stratification and thus yields the underestimation of the thermocline-subsurface temperature feedback. Finally, the dipole SST bias underestimates the mean upwelling through (a) undermining equatorial mean easterly wind stress, and (b) enhancing convective mixing and thus reducing the upper ocean stratification, which weakens vertical shear of meridional currents and near-surface Ekman-divergence.  相似文献   

—Upper ocean thermal data and surface marine observations are used to describe the three-dimensional, basinwide co-evolution of interannual variability in the tropical Pacific climate system. The phase propagation behavior differs greatly from atmosphere to ocean, and from equatorial to off-equatorial and from sea surface to subsurface depths in the ocean. Variations in surface zonal winds and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) exhibit a standing pattern without obvious zonal phase propagation. A nonequilibrium ocean response at subsurface depths is evident, characterized by coherent zonal and meridional propagating anomalies around the tropical North Pacific: eastward on the equator but westward off the equator. Depending on geographic location, there are clear phase relations among various anomaly fields. Surface zonal winds and SSTs in the equatorial region fluctuate approximately in-phase in time, but have phase differences in space. Along the equator, zonal mean thermocline depth (or heat content) anomalies are in nonequilibrium with the zonal wind stress forcing. Variations in SSTs are not in equilibrium either with subsurface thermocline changes in the central and western equatorial Pacific, with the former lagging the latter and displaced to the east. Due to its phase relations to SST and winds, the basinwide temperature anomaly evolution at thermocline depths on an interannual time scale may determine the slow physics of ENSO, and play a central role in initiating and terminating coupled air-sea interaction. This observed basinwide phase propagation of subsurface anomaly patterns can be understood partially as water discharge processes from the western Pacific to the east and further to high latitudes, and partially by the modified delayed oscillator physics. Received: 17 January 1997 / Accepted: 10 March 1998  相似文献   

This paper studies correlations between the spatial structure character of thermal forcing and deformation and the amplitude of rays of meridional wave train. It is shown that if thermal forcing appears a meridional linear varia-tion the rays of quasi-stationary planetary wave may propagate along oblique lines and if the meridional variability of heat source has second order term the rays show distinct deformation as a great circular route. Additionally, the inhomogeneous distribution may cause lower frequency oscillations in mid- and low- latitudes. The combination of zonal and meridional wave numbers and distributive character of heat source may form an inverse mechanism of variational trend of generized wave energy, reflecting in some degree the physical process of transition between meridional and zonal flow patterns.  相似文献   

Effect of the spatial distributions of chlorophyll-a concentration on upper ocean temperature and currents in the equatorial Pacific is investigated through a set of numerical experiments by using an ocean general circulation model. This study indicates that enhanced meridional gradient of chlorophyll-a between the equator and off-equatorial regions can strengthen zonal circulation and lead to a decrease in equatorial sea surface temperature (SST). However, the circulation changes by themselves are not effective enough to affect SST in the equatorial cold tongue (CT) region. The comparison between the experiments indicates that the CT SST are more sensitive to chlorophyll-a distribution away from the equator. The off-equatorial chlorophyll-a traps more solar radiation in the mixed layer, therefore, the temperature in the thermoeline decreases. The cold water can then be transported to the equator by the meridional circulation within the mixed layer. Furthermore, the relation among CT SST, the surface heat flux, and the equatorial upwelling are discussed. The study implies the simulation biases of temperature on the equator are not only related to the local ocean dynamics but also related to some deficiency in simulating off-equatorial processes.  相似文献   

利用19个CMIP5模式输出资料,评估模式对于拉尼娜事件特殊生命史发展过程的模拟能力。评估结果显示,仅有少数模式可以很好地再现拉尼娜事件缓慢衰减并再次增强的生命史发展过程,而多数模式中拉尼娜事件持续衰减直至消亡。观测分析结果表明,一个可能导致拉尼娜再次增强的原因是风场强迫作用下的海洋赤道波动过程。模拟能力较好的模式可以建立起"SST—对流—风场"正反馈过程,使得拉尼娜事件再次发展。而模拟能力较弱的模式中正反馈过程无法建立,因此拉尼娜事件最终消亡。另一个可能导致拉尼娜事件再次增强的原因是海洋平均经圈环流的作用。模拟能力较好的模式可以很好地模拟出气候态海洋经圈环流强度,因此海洋平均经向冷平流会帮助赤道地区负海温距平再次增强。而模拟能力较弱的模式中海洋经圈环流强度较弱,因此赤道地区负海温距平持续衰减,最终回归到气候态。  相似文献   

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