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The total solar irradiance measurements obtained by the active-cavity radiometer on board the Solar Maximum Mission have been analyzed for evidence of global oscillations. We find that the most energetic low-degree p-mode oscillations in the five-minute band have amplitudes of a few parts per million of the total irradiance, and we positively detect modes with l = 0, 1, and 2. The distribution in l differs from that of the velocity spectrum, with relatively more power at lower l values. The individual modes have narrow line widths, corresponding to values of Q greater than a few thousand, or lifetimes of at least a week. We do not detect the 160-min oscillation in the power spectrum, and place an upper limit of 5 parts per million (99.9% confidence) on its amplitude.  相似文献   

Pyrheliometry, definition of the radiation scale in the International System of Units and monitoring the variability of solar total irradiance have been a focus of research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory since the mid 1960's. A series of automated, electrically self-calibrating, cavity pyrheliometers known as Active Cavity Radiometers (ACR's) was developed as part of this program. A series of ground based experiments in 1968–69 led to the discovery of a systematic error in the International Pyrheliometric Scale. ACR's were among the instruments used to define the World Radiometric Reference in 1975.ACR flight experiments have been conducted to determine the 1 AU total solar irradiance and monitor its variability in time. A 1969 balloon experiment yielded a 1366 W m-2 result. The value from a 1976 sounding rocket experiment was 1368.1 W m-2. The results for two additional rocket experiments in 1978 and 80, revised in accordance with recent calibrations of ACR response to elevated pressures during these flights are: 1367.6 and 1367.8 W m-2, respectively. An ACR experiment (ACRIM) on the Solar Maximum Mission satellite has shown continuous variability of the total solar flux below the ±0.05% level and two large, temporary decreases of 0.1–0.2% lasting more than a week. The mean 1 AU total flux for ACRIM's first five months' observations was 1367.7 W m-2. Inflight comparison of ACR rocket and satellite measurements in May, 1980 demonstrated agreement to within ±0.05%. The 1 AU total solar irradiance results from ACR rocket and satellite experiments between 1976 and 1980 differ from their mean of 1367.8 W m-2 by no more than ±0.02%. The less precise 1969 balloon result is 0.1% lower. Although no observations were made from 1970–75, if solar behaviour in those five years was similar to that observed since 1976 then the upper limits of long term solar total irradiance variability are ±0.2% for the 1969–1980 period and ±0.1% between 1976 and 1980, based on the set of ACR observations.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

We have extended the proxy relationship between irradiance and microwaves by using the daily solar fluxes from Toyokawa Observatory at 1000, 2000, 3750 and 9400 MHz in addition to the Ottawa 2800 MHz flux for the years 1980–1989. It turns out that the flux at 1000 MHz is better correlated with irradiance than the flux at higher frequencies-an unexpected result. We have also found that the spectrum of the flux shows shape changes that are related to the number and type of active regions. Because of this the five-frequency spectral measurements of microwave flux allow one to separate the sunspot and coronal features, providing an improved proxy of solar variability.  相似文献   

The Extreme Limb Photometer (ELP) has been used to measure the irradiance fluctuation of the Sun due to selected active regions. Forty-five active regions that were completely scanned at various disk positions are included in the analysis. The contribution of these active regions to a global solar irradiance fluctuation has been correlated with photometric sunspot and facular indices (PSI and PFI) using published values of sunspot and calcium plage areas. The measured ELP fluctuations are converted to a global brightness fluctuation, B/B. The sunspot component of B/B correlates with PSI with r = 0.95. The facular component of B/B correlates with PFI with r - 0.72. The expression for PFI is important to the question of energy balance between sunspots and faculae and the results presented here are not incompatible with energy balance between the two phenomena; that is the energy deficit of sunspots may be balanced by the energy excess of faculae.  相似文献   

Total solar irradiance (TSI) is the primary quantity of energy that is provided to the Earth. The properties of the TSI variability are critical for understanding the cause of the irradiation variability and its expected influence on climate variations. A deterministic property of TSI variability can provide information about future irradiation variability and expected long-term climate variation, whereas a non-deterministic variability can only explain the past.This study of solar variability is based on an analysis of two TSI data series, one since 1700 A.D. and one since 1000 A.D.; a sunspot data series since 1610 A.D.; and a solar orbit data series from 1000 A.D. The study is based on a wavelet spectrum analysis. First, the TSI data series are transformed into a wavelet spectrum. Then, the wavelet spectrum is transformed into an autocorrelation spectrum to identify stationary, subharmonic and coincidence periods in the TSI variability.The results indicate that the TSI and sunspot data series have periodic cycles that are correlated with the oscillations of the solar position relative to the barycenter of the solar system, which is controlled by gravity force variations from the large planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. A possible explanation for solar activity variations is forced oscillations between the large planets and the solar dynamo.We find that a stationary component of the solar variability is controlled by the 12-year Jupiter period and the 84-year Uranus period with subharmonics. For TSI and sunspot variations, we find stationary periods related to the 84-year Uranus period. Deterministic models based on the stationary periods confirm the results through a close relation to known long solar minima since 1000 A.D. and suggest a modern maximum period from 1940 to 2015. The model computes a new Dalton-type sunspot minimum from approximately 2025 to 2050 and a new Dalton-type period TSI minimum from approximately 2040 to 2065.  相似文献   

Solar photospheric magnetic field plays a dominant role in the variability of total solar irradiance (TSI). The modulation of magnetic flux at six specific ranges on TSI is characterized for the first time. The daily flux values of magnetic field at four ranges are extracted from MDI/SOHO, together with daily flux of active regions (MF\(_{\text{ar}}\)) and quiet regions (MF\(_{\text{qr}}\)); the first four ranges (MF\(_{1\mbox{--}4}\)) are: 1.5–2.9, 2.9–32.0, 32.0–42.7, and 42.7–380.1 (\(\times 10^{18}\) Mx per element), respectively. Cross-correlograms show that MF4, MF\(_{\text{qr}}\), and MF\(_{ \text{ar}}\) are positively correlated with TSI, while MF2 is negatively correlated with TSI; the correlations between MF1, MF3 and TSI are insignificant. The bootstrapping tests confirm that the impact of MF4 on TSI is more significant than that of MF\(_{\text{ar}}\) and MF\(_{\text{qr}}\), and MF\(_{\text{ar}}\) leads TSI by one rotational period. By extracting the rotational variations in the MFs and TSI, the modulations of the former on the latter at the solar rotational timescale are clearly illustrated and compared during solar maximum and minimum times, respectively. Comparison of the relative amplitudes of the long-term variation show that TSI is in good agreement with the variation of MF4 and MF\(_{\text{ar}}\); besides, MF2 is in antiphase with TSI, and it lags the latter by about 1.5 years.  相似文献   

We have compared total solar irradiance from Nimbus-7 with ground-based photometry from the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) for 109 days between June 1 and December 31, 1988. We have also included in some analyses NOAA-9 SBUV2 data orF10.7 radio flux. The Nimbus-7 data are from orbital samples, averaged to the mean time of observation at SFO. Using the same parameters as in Chapmanet al. (1992), the multiple regression gives anR 2 = 0.9131 and a solar minimum irradiance,S 0, = 1371.76 ± 0.18 W m–2 for the best fit.  相似文献   

Solar variability and stochastic effects on climate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C. Nicolis 《Solar physics》1981,74(2):473-478
The effect of fluctuations on a simple energy balance model is examined. A new, long characteristic time scale referring to the passage between different stable climatic states is identified. It is shown that a weak external forcing whose period is comparable to this scale enables the system to switch between different states with a high probability. The connection with glaciation cycles is pointed out.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

R. Kariyappa  J. M. Pap 《Solar physics》1996,167(1-2):115-123
We have digitized the Ca ii K spectroheliograms, observed at the National Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak, for the period 1980 (maximum of solar cycle 21), 1985 (minimum of solar cycle 21), 1987 (beginning of the ascending phase of solar cycle 22), 1988 and 1989 (ascending phase and maximum of solar cycle 22), and 1992 (declining phase of solar cycle 22). A new method for analyzing the K spectroheliograms has been developed and applied to the K images for the time interval of 1992. Using histograms of intensity, we have segregated and measured the cumulative intensity and area of various chromospheric features like the plages, magnetic network and intranetwork elements. Also, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) derived from the histograms has been introduced as a new index for describing the chromospheric activity in the K-line. The full-disk intensity (spatial K index) has been derived from spatially-resolved K images and compared to the spectral K index derived from the line profiles for the full disk. Both the spatial K index and FWHM have been compared to the UV irradiance measured in the Mg ii h and k lines by the NOAA9 satellite and found that they are highly correlated with the Mg ii h and k c/w ratio.NRC Resident Research Associate, on leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034, India.  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical comparison of the solar total irradiance measured from the Nimbus-7, the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM), the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS), and the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) spacecraft platforms, for the period 1985 –1992. The mean irradiance, standard deviation, and the correlation among the daily irradiance remained high during periods of high solar activity. Linear regression models are established to estimate the irradiance measurements from one platform by the others. The results are consistent with the observations. However, the Nimbus-7 ERB responses show a drift during 1989–1992. The absolute irradiance observed by each instrument varies within the uncertainty associated with the corresponding radiometer.  相似文献   

A numerical technique of time-longitude analysis has been developed by studying the fine structure of temporal variations in total solar irradiance (TSI). This analysis produces maps of large-scale thermal inhomogeneities on the Sun and reveals corresponding patterns of radiative excess and deficit relative to the unperturbed solar photosphere. These patterns are organized in two-and four-sector structures and exhibit the effects of both activity complexes and the active longitudes. Large-scale patterns with radiative excess show a facular macrostructure caused by the relaxation of large-scale thermo-magnetic perturbations and/or energy output due to very large-scale solar convection. These thermal patterns are related to long-lived magnetic fields that are characterized by rigid rotation. The patterns with radiative excess tend to concentrate around the active longitudes and are centered at 103° and 277° in the Carrington system when averaged over the time-longitude distribution of thermal inhomogeneities during activity cycles 21–23.  相似文献   

Shape and structure of the solar corona during the August 1, 2008, total solar eclipse is reported. The August 1, 2008, corona is classified as of near-minimum type with well developed northern and southern polar ray systems over polar coronal holes and several streamers of different brightness at the middle and low heliographic latitude. The flattening index was found to be 0.21.  相似文献   

Solar diameter measurements have been made nearly continuously through different techniques for more than three centuries. They were obtained mainly with ground-based instruments except for some recent estimates deduced from space observations. One of the main problems in such space data analysis is that, up to now, it has been difficult to obtain an absolute value owing to the absence of an internally calibrated system. Eclipse observations provide a unique opportunity to give an absolute angular scale to the measurements, leading to an absolute value of the solar diameter. However, the problem is complicated by the Moon limb, which presents asphericity because of the mountains. We present a determination of the solar diameter derived from the total solar eclipse observation in Turkey and Egypt on 29 March 2006. We found that the solar radius carried back to 1 AU was 959.22±0.04 arcsec at the time of the observations. The inspection of the compiled 19 modern eclipses data, with solar activity, shows that the radius changes are nonhomologous, an effect that may explain the discrepancies found in ground-based measurements and implies the role of the shallow subsurface layers (leptocline) of the Sun.  相似文献   

Although solar ultraviolet (UV) irradiance measurements have been made regularly from satellite instruments for almost 20 years, only one complete solar cycle minimum has been observed during this period. Solar activity is currently moving through the minimum phase between cycles 22 and 23, so it is of interest to compare recent data taken from the NOAA-9 SBUV/2 instrument with data taken by the same instrument during the previous solar minimum in 1985–1986. NOAA-9 SBUV/2 is the first instrument to make continuous solar UV measurements for a complete solar cycle. Direct irradiance measurements (e.g., 205 nm) from NOAA-9 are currently useful for examining short-term variations, but have not been corrected for long-term instrument sensitivity changes. We use the Mgii proxy index to illustrate variability on solar cycle time scales, and to provide complementary information on short-term variability. Comparisons with contemporaneous data from Nimbus-7 SBUV (1985–1986) and UARS SUSIM (1994–1995) are used to validate the results obtained from the NOAA-9 data. Current short-term UV activity differs from the cycle 21–22 minimum. Continuous 13-day periodicity was observed from September 1994 to March 1995, a condition which has only been seen previously for shorter intervals during rising or maximum activity levels. The 205 nm irradiance and Mgii index are expected to track very closely on short time scales, but show differences in behavior during the minimum between cycles 22 and 23.  相似文献   

We report here results from a dynamo model developed on the lines of the Babcock-Leighton idea that the poloidal field is generated at the surface of the Sun from the decay of active regions. In this model magnetic buoyancy is handled with a realistic recipe – wherein toroidal flux is made to erupt from the overshoot layer wherever it exceeds a specified critical field B c (105 G). The erupted toroidal field is then acted upon by the α-effect near the surface to give rise to the poloidal field. In this paper we study the effect of buoyancy on the dynamo generated magnetic fields. Specifically, we show that the mechanism of buoyant eruption and the subsequent depletion of the toroidal field inside the overshoot layer, is capable of constraining the magnitude and distribution of the magnetic field there. We also believe that a critical study of this mechanism may give us new information regarding the solar interior and end with an example, where we propose a method for estimating an upper limit of the difusivity within the overshoot layer. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

伽马暴偏振探测仪(POLAR)是天宫2号实验室上搭载的一个γ射线偏振仪,于2016年9月15日搭载在天宫2号进入低轨运行,主要用于探测在50-500 keV能区的硬X射线辐射的线偏振.POLAR由25个模块组成,每个模块有64个塑料闪烁体棒,总计有1600个塑料闪烁体棒,具有较大的有效探测面积和视场.在轨运行期间探测到多个小耀斑,它们的硬X射线光子能量通常小于50 keV,无法直接使用在轨和地面的高能定标结果来进行能谱分析.结合拉马第太阳高能光谱成像探测器(RHESSI)对耀斑SOL2016112907能谱的观测和蒙特卡洛模拟,对耀斑期间被激活的闪烁体棒进行能量低于50 keV的低能相对定标.虽然定标得到的能量阈值(~10 keV)和转换因子相对稳定,但是和高能定标给出的结果相比有显著差异,并且不同闪烁体棒显示出的差异没有明显的规律性.  相似文献   

Nitrogen dioxide in the altitude range 24–40 km has been observed by the Solar Mesosphere Explorer Satellite during the MAP/GLOBUS campaign in September 1983. Results are presented and compared to other observations. NO2 from the Solar Mesosphere Explorer appears to be in good agreement with daytime in situ balloon measurements in the mid-stratosphere.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Magnetic field plays an important role in solar activity. The stressing and subsequent partialrelaxation of magnetic fields in the active regions are generally accepted to be the energy sourceof solar flares. To quantitatively study the extent of stressed magnetic field as distinct from itspotential field, Hagyard et al. (1984) defined a magnetic shear angle膖he azimuth differencebetween the observed transverse magnetic field vector and the computed potential field vectorth…  相似文献   

In the present work an attempt has been made to investigate statistical association between solar neutrino flux data (both D2O and Salt data) collected from Sudbury Neutrino Observatory and solar irradiance data detected by Earth Radiation Budget Satellite. To serve the present purpose we have used the Multifractal Detrended Cross Correlation Analysis (MF-DCCA) based on Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-X-DFA) method and the Detrending Moving Average Analysis (MF-X-DMA) which explores the long term power-law cross correlations between above two pairs of data sets. Investigation also has been made to find the frequency and time dependent local phase relationship in each pair of data sets using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) based Semblance Analysis. The Semblance Analysis reveals that there exists positive phase correlation as well as negative phase correlation between solar irradiance and D2O data at different time sub-intervals. This type of mixed phase correlation is also experienced between solar irradiance and Salt data at different time sub-intervals. The causal relationship between the D2O and the solar irradiance time series and that between Salt and solar irradiance time series have been revealed using Singular Spectral Analysis (SSA). Calculations indicate that possibly the present solar neutrino flux data (both D2O and Salt data) is supportive to predict the solar irradiance data but may not the vice versa which in turn suggests that the variability of nuclear energy generation process inside the Sun may influence the solar activity.  相似文献   

The solar wind parameters were analyzed using the concept which is being developed by the authors and assumes the existence of several systems of magnetic fields of different scales on the Sun. It was demonstrated that the simplest model with one source surface and a radial expansion does not describe the characteristics of the quiet solar wind adequately. Different magnetic field subsystems on the Sun affect the characteristics of the solar wind plasma in a different way, even changing the sign of correlation. New multiparameter schemes were developed to compute the velocity and the magnetic field components of the solar wind. The radial component of the magnetic field in the solar corona and the tilt of the heliospheric current sheet, which determines the degree of divergence of field lines in the heliosphere, were taken into account when calculating the magnetic field in the solar wind. Both the divergence of field lines in the corona and the strength of the solar magnetic field are allowed for in calculating the solar wind speed. The suggested schemes provide a considerably higher computation accuracy than that given by commonly used one-parameter models.  相似文献   

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