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通过底部框架砖房模型的振动台试验,分析了底部两层框架结构砖房的动力特性及动力反应,并对其地震作用的计算方法进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

对六层组合墙砌体、底层框剪、底两层框剪和底三层框剪组合墙砌体四种房屋,从加速度、位移和最大基底剪力等方面进行分析比较,结论是在给定刚度比的情况下,组合墙砌体永恒的抗震性能略优于底部框剪组合墙房屋。底部多层框剪组合墙房屋的抗震性能优于底层框剪组合墙房屋。  相似文献   

空斗墙房屋抗震性能及加固的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

郑力畅      齐行军  庄建  许国山      李东军     《世界地震工程》2022,38(2):080-88
在地震作用下,抗震支吊架理应保障建筑机电工程设施和管道系统均具备良好的服役性能。因此,对抗震支吊架的抗震性能进行检测至关重要。本文以某典型地下室抗震支吊架为对象开展了顺管向地震模拟振动台试验,通过多工况试验对比分析了不同支吊架的位移和加速度的地震响应。试验结果表明:抗震支吊架显著降低了管道位移,减振率最高可达到96%,但对于加速度响应的抑制作用较小。易损性分析表明:采用成品支吊架时,管道系统在遭受相当于设防烈度的地震作用时会发生严重损伤,而采用抗震支吊架的管道系统能够保全其功能。  相似文献   

对1/4比例的9层组合砌体房屋模型进行了拟静力试验,得到此类结构的有关抗震性能指标,在此基础上,对试验模型和原型房屋进行了非线性地震反应分析,探讨了此类房屋的动力反应特性,对组合砌体房屋的抗震能力作出了较为客观的评价,并对应采取的抗震措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

广州天誉大厦采用型钢混凝土框架一钢筋混凝土筒体的混合结构体系,地面以上结构采用抗震缝兼伸缩缝分隔为南、北塔两个独立结构体系,南塔高186.5 m,北塔高159.5 m.两塔的核心筒总宽度与核心筒总高的比值均超出了规范限值.为研究这种超限高层混合结构的抗震性能,对其进行了缩尺(1/30)模型的振动台试验,并建立了有限元计...  相似文献   

为研究土钉支护结构体系的抗震性能,设计并完成了土钉支护边坡1:12比尺的振动台试验,研究了土钉支护边坡的动力反应特征和规律。结果表明:土钉支护边坡坡面的最大变形主要发生在边坡坡腹处,坡顶与坡趾的变形相对较小;增大土钉倾角会增大边坡的侧向位移,增加土钉长度以及减小土钉间距则会减小边坡侧向位移;土钉支护最大作用带基本位于土钉支护区的中前部,呈折线形,与计算假设的圆弧形不同,而且该作用带与滑裂面的位置并不相同;边坡土体中部和下部的加速度放大系数较小而且比较接近,边坡上部土体的加速度放大系数则较大。  相似文献   

通过钢框架外挂足尺陶板幕墙模型的振动台实验,研究了陶板幕墙的抗震性能。实验中分别输入El-Centro地震波、人工波及0.5~50Hz的白噪声波。实验结果表明,最大层间位移角为1/237,表明陶板幕墙系统具有良好的抗震性能,符合抗震设计要求。实验过程中,输入同样加速度的El-Centro地震波、人工波后便输入白噪声波,以检测结构自振频率的变化,最后拟合出频率变化曲线,发现当地震加速度达到300Gal以后,结构自振频率基本不再变化。  相似文献   

上海环球金融中心大厦结构模型振动台抗震试验   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17  
上海环球金融中心大厦高101层,结构高度492m,高宽比8.49,拟建成为世界上结构主体最高的建筑物。大厦采用了三重结构体系抵抗水平荷载,它们由巨型框架、钢筋混凝土核心筒及构成核心筒和巨型型钢混凝土柱之间相互作用的伸臂桁架组成;核心筒竖向不连续,由低筒、中筒和上部筒3部分组成;二对角巨型柱在42层以上开始分叉形成倾斜曲面,巨型斜撑只设置在垂直立面上,且采用单向支撑。根据我国《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》(JGJ3—2002),该建筑总高超过了型钢混凝土框架一钢筋混凝土筒体最大高度190m的限值,同时高宽比超过了设防烈度7度地区为7的限值。为研究它在地震作用下的抗震性能,进行了缩尺(1/50)模型的振动台试验。试验结果表明,该结构体系合理,具有足够的水平刚度,在地震作用下位移反应不大,扭转效应比较小,满足我国抗震设防要求。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a large experimental programme carried out on models, scaled 1:2, of two-storey masonry buildings. After suffering damage, the models were repaired and strengthened and tested again. A total of 24 buildings were subjected to 119 shaking-table tests, by ISMES (Italy) and LEE (Greece) facilities. The results allow to assess the efficiency of the various strengthening techniques employed and to describe the change of dynamic properties of the systems at the increase of damage. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess and improve the seismic performance of an existing masonry building with flexible floors, representative of a Portuguese building typology—‘gaioleiro’ buildings. The study involved seismic tests and dynamic identification tests of two models (nonstrengthened and strengthened) in the shaking table. Each model was subjected to several seismic tests with increasing amplitude. Before the first test and after each seismic test, the dynamic identification of the model was carried out, aiming at obtaining their seismic vulnerability curves based on a damage indicator obtained from the decrease of the frequencies of the modes. In the strengthened model, steel elements were used to improve the connection between walls and floors, together with ties in the upper stories. The results show that adopted strengthening technique is effective for reducing the seismic vulnerability of ‘gaioleiro’ buildings, namely for improving the out‐of‐plane behavior of the facades. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

人工质量在砖混结构振动台试验中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过组合墙片的拟静力试验和模型房屋的振动台试验,分析研究了人工质量模拟对砖混结构振动台试验的作用和影响。研究表明,重力对结构的弯曲刚度有较大影响,但不影响结构的剪切刚度。在主拉应力破坏的条件下,结构的破坏荷载随重力的增加而增大。提出了不完全模拟的人工质量模型应满足的相似条件及如何根据模型试验结果估计原型结构的抗震能力。  相似文献   

This paper describes shaking table tests of three eight-story building models: all are masonry structures in the upper stories, with or without frame-shear walls of one- or two- stories at the bottom. The test results of damage characteristics and seismic responses are provided and compared. Then, nonlinear response analyses are conducted to examine the reliability of the dynamic analysis. Finally, many nonlinear response analyses are performed and it is concluded that for relatively hard sites under a certain lateral stiffness ratio (i.e., the ratio of the stiffness of the lowest upper masonry story to that of the frame- shear wall story), the masonry structure with one-story frame-shear wall at the bottom performs better than a structure built entirely of masonry, and a masonry structure with frame-shear wall of two stories performs better than with one-story frame- shear wall. In relatively soft soil conditions, all three structures have similar performane. In addition, some suggestions that could be helpful for design of masonry structures with ground story of frame-shear wall structure in seismic intensity region VII, such as the appropriate lateral stiffness ratio, shear force increase factor of the frame-shear wall story, and permissible maximum height of the building, are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper describes shaking table tests of three eight-story building models: all are masonry structures in the upper stories, with or without frame-shear walls of one- or two- stories at the bottom. The test results of damage characteristics and seismic responses are provided and compared. Then, nonlinear response analyses are conducted to examine the reliability of the dynamic analysis. Finally, many nonlinear response analyses are performed and it is concluded that for relatively hard sites under a certain lateral stiffness ratio (I.e., the ratio of the stiffness of the lowest upper masonry story to that of the frame-shear wall story), the masonry structure with one-story frame-shear wall at the bottom performs better than a structure built entirely of masonry, and a masonry structure with frame-shear wall of two stories performs better than with one-story frame-shear wall. In relatively soft soil conditions, all three structures have similar performane. In addition, some suggestions that could be helpful for design ofmasomy structures with ground story of frame-shear wall structure in seismic intensity region VII, such as the appropriate lateral stiffness ratio, shear force increase factor of the frame-shear wall story, and permissible maximum height of the building, are proposed.  相似文献   

某全钢结构地震模拟振动台试验和理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对体型不规则的全钢结构建筑进行了地震模拟振动台试验研究和理论分析,这种结构体系是由内椭球塔与外框筒连接而成的特殊结构体系。地震模拟试验结果表明这种结构体系仍然以主振型为主,内椭球塔与外框筒连接方式能够满足设计要求。文末采用SAP2000程序对结构模型进行三维受力分析,沿最不利加振方向的理论分析结果与振动台试验结果显示该结构在设计地震作用下,具有足够的安全性。  相似文献   

Several factors influence the behaviour of infilled frames, which have been a subject of research in the past with moderate success. The new generation of European design standards imposes the need to prevent brittle collapse of the infills and makes the structural engineer accountable for this requirement, yet it fails to provide sufficient information for masonry infills design. Therefore, the present work aims at understanding the seismic behaviour of masonry infill walls within reinforced concrete frames, using both unreinforced and reinforced solutions (bed joint reinforcement and reinforced plaster). For this purpose, three reinforced concrete buildings with different infill solutions were constructed at a scale of 1:1.5, all with the same geometry, and were tested on the shaking table of the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Portugal. All solutions performed adequately for the design earthquake, with no visible damage. Still, the experimental tests show that the double‐leaf‐unreinforced infill walls underperformed during a large earthquake, collapsing out of plane by rotating as rigid bodies with multiple configurations. Also the reinforced concrete buildings collapsed, because of the adverse interaction with the infill walls. The infill walls with bed joint reinforcement and reinforced plaster did not collapse out of plane, because of their connection to the concrete frame, which is an essential requirement. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地震作用下隔震简支梁桥碰撞反应的振动台试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由地震引发的碰撞是影响桥梁地震反应以及造成桥梁破坏的重要因素。本文对地震作用下隔震简支梁桥的碰撞反应进行了振动台试验。设计制作1个两跨简支的隔震梁桥模型,试验研究了梁间隙、邻梁质量比、隔震支座类型等参数对桥梁碰撞反应的影响。试验结果表明邻梁间隙、邻梁质量比、隔震支座类型等参数对桥梁的碰撞反应有着显著的影响。邻梁间隙越大,碰撞次数越少;邻梁质量比越大,撞击力越大。铅芯橡胶支座比板式橡胶支座耗能能力更强,可以有效降低邻梁之间的撞击力甚至避免碰撞发生。从而为桥梁防碰撞设计提供了可靠的试验依据。  相似文献   

上海环球金融中心大厦整体结构振动台试验设计   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室对上海环球金融中心大厦进行了整体结构模型的振动台试验.该大厦101层,结构高度492m,拟建成为世界上结构主体最高的建筑物.本文详细介绍了大厦结构体系、振动台试验模型材料的选取、动力相似关系的确定以及试验方案的设计.针对超高层整体结构小比例模型施工困难的特点,提出了模型的简化方法,并利用ANSYS对简化模型进行了计算,计算结果表明模型简化对结构自振特性和地震反应影响很小,验证了简化方法的可行性.本文提供的模型和试验的设计思路对今后有关的试验工作有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

中高层大开间钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构抗震性能研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
对一中高层大开间钢筋混土异形柱框架结构1/6比例模型进行了地震模拟振动台试验。研究结构从弹性,开裂,屈服直至破坏等各地震反应,揭示了结构的动力特性及破坏形态,结果表明,该结构体纱具有良好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

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